# Contributing Guide First of all, thanks for reading this guide, as any contribution to this project is deeply appreciated. ## Code guidelines ### Coding conventions Start reading our code and you'll get the hang of it. We use `KtLint` to ensure we use a common syntax, and follow standard Kotlin conventions; This is open source software. Consider the people who will read your code, and make it look nice for them. ### Check The whole project is tested, and covered by static analysis tools to ensure reliability and maintainability. You can run all the local checks with the `./gradlew check` task. - Detekt - KtLint - Unit tests ### Submitting a PR Any Pull Request is welcome. Before submitting a Pull Request, please verify you comply with the following checklist : - [x] All public classes, methods and fields must be documented - [x] All code must be unit tested (duh…) - [x] All code should be usable with and without the Android SDK, from Java and Kotlin ### Publishing (for maintainers) To be able to publish on Maven Central, you need to create a `local.properties` file at the root of the project with the following properties: ``` # Maven OSSRH credentials ossrhUsername= ossrhPassword= # GPG Signing key info signing.keyId=… signing.secretKeyRingFile=… signing.password=… ```