# RemoveDuplicateCharacters # Sublime Text 3删除重复字符 remove duplicate characters in sublime text 3 ## Screenshots ![screenshots](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xianghongai/RemoveDuplicateCharacters/master/screenshots/remove-duplicate-characters-demo.gif) ## How to Install #### Package Control If you already have `Package Control` installed in Sublime Text: - Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl+Shift+P, - Search for “RemoveDuplicateCharacters” and enter. #### Manual installing the theme manually. - Download the latest release .zip - Unzip and rename folder to RemoveDuplicateCharacters. - Move RemoveDuplicateCharacters folder inside the Packages directory (Preferences > Browse packages...) ## Keymaps #### Windows ``` ctrl+shift+alt+r ``` ## Thanks to - [r-stein](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36884079/how-to-remove-duplicate-characters-in-sublime) - Keith Hall