// ==UserScript== // @name Mouse Gestures // @author xiaoxiaoflood // @include main // @startup UC.MGest.exec(win); // @shutdown UC.MGest.destroy(); // @onlyonce // ==/UserScript== // initially forked from https://web.archive.org/web/20131025160814/http://www.cnblogs.com/ziyunfei/archive/2011/12/15/2289504.html const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import('resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm'); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, 'SelectionUtils', function() { let { SelectionUtils } = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/SelectionUtils.jsm'); return SelectionUtils; }); UC.MGest = { // 0, 1, 2: mouse buttons // -, +: mousewheel direction // U, D, L, R: up, down, left, right / gesture direction // F, B: forward, back / for mouses with extra buttons // note: extra buttons must be the last part of the gesture because they are only triggered on 'click' (button release), there's no 'mousedown' for them GESTURES: { '1-': { name: 'Zoom in', cmd: function (win) { win.FullZoom.enlarge(); } }, '1+': { name: 'Zoom out', cmd: function (win) { win.FullZoom.reduce(); } }, '10': { name: 'Zoom reset', cmd: function (win) { win.FullZoom.reset(); } }, '2+': { name: 'Next tab', cmd: function (win) { win.gBrowser.tabContainer.advanceSelectedTab(1, true); } }, '2-': { name: 'Previous tab', cmd: function (win) { win.gBrowser.tabContainer.advanceSelectedTab(-1, true); } }, '2R': { name: 'Open URL in new tab', cmd: function (win) { UC.MGest.actor.cmd({ action: 'newTab' }); } }, '2L': { name: 'Copy URL from element', cmd: function (win) { UC.MGest.actor.cmd({ action: 'copyURL' }); } }, '1R': { name: 'Paste', cmd: function (win) { win.goDoCommand('cmd_paste'); } }, '1L': { name: 'Copy text / Image', cmd: function (win) { let selection = SelectionUtils.getSelectionDetails(win).text; if (selection) Cc['@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1'].getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper).copyString(selection); else UC.MGest.actor.cmd({ action: 'copySelection', fallback: 'copyImage' }); } }, '2U': { name: 'Go to top of page (strict)', cmd: function (win) { UC.MGest.actor.cmd({ action: 'scroll', direction: 'up' }); } }, '2D': { name: 'Go to bottom of page (strict) / Image search', cmd: function (win) { UC.MGest.actor.cmd({ action: 'newTab', type: 'image', templateURL: 'https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?sbisrc=cr_1_5_2&image_url=%s', encode: true, fallback: 'scroll', direction: 'down' }); } }, '20': { name: 'Switch to last selected tab', cmd: function (win) { const { gBrowser } = win; let previousTab = gBrowser.selectedTab; let lastAccessed = 0; for (let tab of gBrowser.tabs) { if (tab.everSelected && tab._lastAccessed > lastAccessed && tab != gBrowser.selectedTab && !tab.hasAttribute('pending')) { lastAccessed = tab._lastAccessed; previousTab = tab; } } gBrowser.selectedTab = previousTab; } }, '01': { name: 'Duplicate tab', cmd: function (win) { const { gBrowser } = win; gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.duplicateTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); } }, '02': { name: 'Reload current tab', cmd: function (win) { const { gBrowser, openLinkIn } = win; openLinkIn(gBrowser.currentURI.spec, 'current', { allowThirdPartyFixup: true, targetBrowser: gBrowser.selectedBrowser, indicateErrorPageLoad: true, allowPinnedTabHostChange: true, triggeringPrincipal: gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentPrincipal }); } }, '21': { name: 'Close current tab', cmd: function (win) { win.gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); } }, '0F': { name: 'Switch to next group', cmd: function (win) { UC.webExts.get(UC.MGest.webExts.get('SDB')).messageManager.sendAsyncMessage('UCJS:MGest', 'next_panel'); } }, '0B': { name: 'Switch to previous group', cmd: function (win) { UC.webExts.get(UC.MGest.webExts.get('SDB')).messageManager.sendAsyncMessage('UCJS:MGest', 'prev_panel'); } }, '1F': { name: 'Video 2× speed', cmd: function () { function speedUpVideo (win) { let video = win.document.querySelector('html > div video[src]'); if (video) video.playbackRate = video.playbackRate == video.defaultPlaybackRate ? 3 : video.defaultPlaybackRate; }; UC.MGest.actor.cmd({ action: 'eval', code: speedUpVideo.toString(), name: this.name }); } }, '2F': { name: 'Video advance 5 seconds', cmd: function () { function advanceVideo (win) { let video = win.document.querySelector('html > div video[src]'); if (video) video.currentTime += 5; }; UC.MGest.actor.cmd({ action: 'eval', code: advanceVideo.toString(), name: this.name }); } }, '2B': { name: 'Video rewind 5 seconds', cmd: function () { function rewindVideo (win) { let video = win.document.querySelector('html > div video[src]'); if (video) video.currentTime -= 5; }; UC.MGest.actor.cmd({ action: 'eval', code: rewindVideo.toString(), name: this.name }); } }, }, webExts: new Map([ ['SDB', '{3c078156-979c-498b-8990-85f7987dd929}'] // Sidebery ]), exec: function (win) { const { customElements, document, gBrowser } = win; ['contextmenu', 'mousedown', 'mouseup'].forEach(type => { document.addEventListener(type, this, true); }); win._HandleAppCommandEvent = win.HandleAppCommandEvent; win.removeEventListener('AppCommand', win.HandleAppCommandEvent, true); win.orig_selected = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(customElements.get('tabbrowser-tab').prototype, '_selected').set; Object.defineProperty(customElements.get('tabbrowser-tab').prototype, '_selected', { set: function (val) { if (val && !this.everSelected) this.everSelected = true; return win.orig_selected.call(this, val); } }); win.HandleAppCommandEvent = (evt) => { if (UC.MGest.directionChain) { let executed; switch (evt.command) { case 'Forward': executed = this.checkAndRunGest('F', win); break; case 'Back': executed = this.checkAndRunGest('B', win); } if (executed) return; } return win._HandleAppCommandEvent.call(win, evt); }; win.addEventListener('AppCommand', win.HandleAppCommandEvent, true); }, init: function () { ChromeUtils.registerWindowActor('MGest', { parent: { esModuleURI: 'resource://userchromejs/mouseGestures/MGestParent.sys.mjs', }, child: { esModuleURI: 'resource://userchromejs/mouseGestures/MGestChild.sys.mjs', events: { mousedown: { mozSystemGroup: true }, }, }, allFrames: true, }); xPref.lock('ui.context_menus.after_mouseup', true); this.webExts.forEach(id => { if (UC.webExts.get(id)?.messageManager) this.addListener(id); }); Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'UCJS:WebExtLoaded'); }, addListener: function (id) { switch (id) { case this.webExts.get('SDB'): UC.webExts.get(id).messageManager.loadFrameScript('data:application/javascript;charset=UTF-8,' + encodeURIComponent('(' + (function (id) { let { browser } = content.wrappedJSObject; let contentListener = async function (msg) { switch (msg.data) { case 'next_panel': browser.runtime.sendMessage(id, 'next_panel'); break; case 'prev_panel': browser.runtime.sendMessage(id, 'prev_panel'); break; case 'destroy': removeMessageListener('UCJS:MGest', contentListener); delete contentListener; } } addMessageListener('UCJS:MGest', contentListener); }).toString() + ')(\'' + id + '\');'), false); break; } }, observe: function (subject, topic, data) { for (let id of this.webExts.values()) { if (id == data) { this.addListener(data); break; } } }, directionChain: '', firstButton: undefined, stoppedOutside: async function (win) { return new Promise(resolve => { let start = undefined; const step = function (timestamp) { if (start === undefined && timestamp) start = timestamp; if (timestamp - start < 20 && !this.cancel) // Stop the animation after 20ms win.requestAnimationFrame(step); else resolve(); } win.requestAnimationFrame(step); }); }, stopGesture: async function (gst, win) { if (this.GESTURES[gst]) { let topWin = win.windowRoot.ownerGlobal; this.prevent = true; this.hideAutoScroll(topWin.gBrowser); if (/[UDLR]/.test(gst)) await this.stoppedOutside(win); win.document.documentElement.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this, false); if (!this.cancel) this.GESTURES[gst].cmd(topWin); } }, handleEvent: function (event) { const { button, composedTarget, screenX, screenY } = event; const win = event.view.windowRoot.ownerGlobal; const { document: doc } = win; let delX, delY, absDX, absDY, direction; switch (event.type) { case 'mousedown': if (event.ctrlKey) return; if (this.directionChain) { delX = screenX - this.lastX; delY = screenY - this.lastY; if (Math.abs(delX) > 30 || Math.abs(delY) > 30) { return; } else { this.stopGesture(this.directionChain + button, win); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } else { this.lastX = screenX; this.lastY = screenY; this.firstButton = button; this.directionChain += button; this.cancel = false; this.prevent = false; doc.addEventListener('mousemove', this, false); doc.addEventListener('wheel', this, { capture: true, passive: false }); doc.addEventListener('dragend', this, { capture: true, once: true }); doc.documentElement.addEventListener('mouseleave', this, false); } break; case 'mousemove': delX = screenX - this.lastX; delY = screenY - this.lastY; absDX = Math.abs(delX); absDY = Math.abs(delY); direction; if (absDX < 10 && absDY < 10) return; if (absDX > absDY) direction = delX < 0 ? 'L' : 'R'; else direction = delY < 0 ? 'U' : 'D'; if (direction != this.directionChain[this.directionChain.length - 1]) this.directionChain += direction; this.lastX = screenX; this.lastY = screenY; break; case 'dragend': case 'mouseup': if (this.directionChain) { this.stopGesture(this.directionChain, win); if (this.firstButton == button) { this.directionChain = ''; doc.removeEventListener('mousemove', this, false); ['dragend', 'wheel'].forEach(type => doc.removeEventListener(type, this, true)); } if (this.prevent && button != 2) { if (composedTarget.isRemoteBrowser) { doc.documentElement.focus(); win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.focus(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } else { win.addEventListener('click', this, { capture: true, once: true }); } } } break; case 'click': event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); break; case 'contextmenu': if (this.prevent) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } break; case 'wheel': if (this.directionChain) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.stopGesture(this.directionChain + (event.deltaY > 0 ? '+' : '-'), win); } break; case 'mouseleave': this.cancel = true; } }, checkAndRunGest: function (command, win) { if (this.GESTURES[this.directionChain + command]) { this.prevent = true; this.hideAutoScroll(win.gBrowser); this.GESTURES[this.directionChain + command].cmd(win.windowRoot.ownerGlobal); return true; } else { return false; } }, hideAutoScroll: function (gBrowser) { if (this.directionChain[0] == '1' && gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(gBrowser._selectedTab)._autoScrollPopup?.state == 'open') gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(gBrowser._selectedTab)._autoScrollPopup.hidePopup(); }, destroy: function () { xPref.unlock('ui.context_menus.after_mouseup'); ChromeUtils.unregisterWindowActor('MGest'); _uc.windows((doc, win) => { const { customElements } = win; ['contextmenu', 'dragend', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'wheel'].forEach(type => { doc.removeEventListener(type, this, true); }); doc.removeEventListener('mousemove', this, false); doc.documentElement.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this, false); Object.defineProperty(customElements.get('tabbrowser-tab').prototype, '_selected', { set: win.orig_selected, configurable: true }); win.removeEventListener('AppCommand', win.HandleAppCommandEvent, true); win.HandleAppCommandEvent = win._HandleAppCommandEvent; delete win._HandleAppCommandEvent; win.addEventListener('AppCommand', win.HandleAppCommandEvent, true); delete win.orig_selected; }); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'UCJS:WebExtLoaded'); this.webExts.forEach(id => { UC.webExts.get(id)?.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage('UCJS:MGest', 'destroy'); }); delete UC.MGest; }, }; UC.MGest.init();