from tkinter import filedialog from tkinter import messagebox import tkinter as tk import os.path class PianoRoll(tk.Canvas): def __init__(self, master): #layout constants self.key_width = 16 self.key_length = 50 self.step_length = 20 self.note_range = 125 #microbrute allows for 125 note values #proportions self.width = self.key_length + 64*self.step_length + 16 #+16 for scrollbar default width self.height = self.note_range*self.key_width tk.Canvas.__init__( self, master, width=self.width/2, height=400 + 16, #+16 for scrollbar default width scrollregion=(0,0,self.width,self.height) ) #scrollbars vertical_scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(self, command=self.yview) vertical_scrollbar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT,fill=tk.Y) horizontal_scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, command=self.xview) horizontal_scrollbar.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.X) #setting up scrollbars self.config(xscrollcommand=horizontal_scrollbar.set, yscrollcommand=vertical_scrollbar.set) self._draw_piano() self._draw_lines() self._draw_stipple() def _draw_piano(self): count = 7 #highest possible note is f octave = 8 for a in range(0,self.height, self.key_width): if count > 12: count = 1 if count in [2,4,6,9,11]: color = "#000000" else: color = "#ffffff" self.create_rectangle(0,a,self.key_length, a + self.key_width, fill = color) if count == 12: self.create_text(2*self.key_length/3,a+8,text="C"+str(octave)) octave -= 1 count += 1 def _draw_lines(self): self.delete("line") count = 0 for a in range(self.key_length+self.step_length,self.width,self.step_length): #vertical lines count += 1 if count == 4: self.create_line(a,0,a,self.height,width=4, tag="line") count = 0 else: self.create_line(a,0,a,self.height, tag="line") for a in range(0,self.height,self.key_width): #horizontal lines self.create_line(self.key_length, a, self.width, a, tag="line") def _draw_stipple(self, sequence_length=0): self.delete("stipple") left = self.key_length + self.step_length*sequence_length self.create_rectangle(left,0,self.width, self.height, stipple="gray50", fill="black", width=0, tag="stipple") def scroll(self, event): #Windows will send event, Linux will send and events if self.yview_scroll(,"units") elif event.num == 4: self.yview_scroll(-3,"units") elif event.num == 5: self.yview_scroll(3,"units") def jump_scroll(self, first_note): if first_note is not None: self.yview_moveto(1-(first_note+(self.winfo_height()/self.key_width)/2)/self.note_range) def update(self, stipple=None): self._draw_lines() if stipple is not None: self._draw_stipple(stipple) def set_note(self, step, value): if step < 0 or step > 63: print("Invalid step: ", step) topx=step*self.step_length+self.key_length lowx=topx+self.step_length #self.delete("step"+str(step)) if value == 'x': #break in the sequencer self.create_rectangle(topx,0,lowx,self.height, fill="skyblue", tag="step") elif value < 1 or value > self.note_range: print("Found invalid value: ", value, "@step ", step) else: topy=self.height-self.key_width*value lowy=topy+self.key_width self.create_rectangle(topx, topy, lowx, lowy, fill="limegreen", tag="step") def get_clicked_note(self, event): x = self.canvasx(event.x) y = self.canvasy(event.y) step = int((x-self.key_length)//self.step_length) note = self.note_range-int(y//self.key_width) return (step, note) class GUI: def __init__(self, master, editor): self.editor = editor self.master = master self.master.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_closing) master.title("MicroBrute Sequence Editor - New File") master.minsize(500,400) self.piano_roll = PianoRoll(master) self.piano_roll.bind("", self.process_lmb) self.piano_roll.bind("", self.process_rmb) self.piano_roll.bind("", self.piano_roll.scroll) #Windows only! self.piano_roll.bind("", self.piano_roll.scroll) #Linux Mouse Wheel self.piano_roll.bind("", self.piano_roll.scroll) #Linux Mouse Wheel self.piano_roll.yview_moveto(0.4) self.list = tk.Listbox(master, selectmode=tk.SINGLE, height=8, width=10, activestyle="none") self.list.bind("<>", self.list_callback) for a in range(1,9): self.list.insert(tk.END, "Sequence "+str(a)) self.list.selection_set(0) self.save_button = tk.Button(master, text="Save", command=self.save_file) self.load_button = tk.Button(master, text="Load", command=self.load_file) self.master.columnconfigure(1, weight=3) self.master.rowconfigure(5, weight=3) self.piano_roll.grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=6, columnspan=3, sticky=tk.N+tk.E+tk.S+tk.W) self.list.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=2, padx=5, pady=5) self.save_button.grid(row=3, column=0, pady=5) self.load_button.grid(row=4, column=0, pady=5) def process_lmb(self, event): #add note to the sequence step, note = self.piano_roll.get_clicked_note(event) self.editor.change_sequence(step, note) self.sequence_to_display() def process_rmb(self, event):#setting the sequence length step = self.piano_roll.get_clicked_note(event)[0] self.editor.shorten_sequence(step) self.sequence_to_display() def save_file(self): filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".mbseq", filetypes=[("MicroBrute sequences",".mbseq")]) self.master.title("MicroBrute Sequence Editor - "+ os.path.split(filename)[1]) self.editor.save_file(filename) def load_file(self): if self.editor.save_pending: if not messagebox.askokcancel("Discard Changes", "Do you want to load without saving changes?"): return filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(defaultextension=".mbseq", filetypes=[("MicroBrute sequences",".mbseq")]) if os.path.isfile(filename): self.master.title("MicroBrute Sequence Editor - "+ os.path.split(filename)[1]) self.editor.load_file(filename) self.piano_roll.jump_scroll(self.editor.get_first_note()) self.sequence_to_display() def list_callback(self, event): self.editor.selected_sequence = event.widget.curselection()[0] self.piano_roll.jump_scroll(self.editor.get_first_note()) self.sequence_to_display() def sequence_to_display(self): self.piano_roll.delete("step") for step, note in enumerate(self.editor.sequences[self.editor.selected_sequence]): self.piano_roll.set_note(step, note) self.piano_roll.update(len(self.editor.sequences[self.editor.selected_sequence])) def on_closing(self): if self.editor.save_pending: if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit without saving?"): self.master.destroy() else: self.master.destroy() class Editor: def __init__(self): self.sequences = [[] for _ in range(8)] self.selected_sequence = 0 self.save_pending = False def change_sequence(self, step, note): #sanity check if step < 0 or step > 63: raise ValueError('Step of illegal value: '+str(step)) if (note < 1 or note > 125) and note is not 'x': raise ValueError('Note of illegal value: '+str(step)) current = self.sequences[self.selected_sequence] length = len(current) if step >= length: #step has been added which lies beyond sequence end for pos in range(length, step): current.append('x')# fill with breaks until you reach step current.append(note) elif current[step] == note: #clicked on already existing note current[step] = 'x' else: current[step] = note #overwrite existing note self.save_pending = True def shorten_sequence(self, step): #sanity check if step < 0 or step > 63: raise ValueError('Step of illegal value: '+str(step)) self.sequences[self.selected_sequence] = self.sequences[self.selected_sequence][0:step] self.save_pending = True def save_file(self, filename): with open(filename,'w') as f: for num, seq in enumerate(self.sequences, 1): f.write(str(num) + ':') if seq: for entry in seq[0:-1]: f.write(str(entry) + ' ') f.write(str(seq[-1]) + '\r\n') self.save_pending = False def load_file(self, filename): self.sequences = [] with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: #read the 8 lists of numbers and x's value_list = line.split(' ') value_list[0] = value_list[0][2:] #strip the colon and sequence number value_list[-1] = value_list[-1].strip('\r\n') #strip the final line feed temp_list = [] for val in value_list: try: temp_list.append(int(val)) except(ValueError): temp_list.append('x') self.sequences.append(temp_list) self.save_pending = False def get_first_note(self): for note in self.sequences[self.selected_sequence]: if note is not 'x': return note return None def main(): root = tk.Tk() editor = Editor() gui = GUI(root, editor) root.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()