from pymol import cmd, stored def list_unaligned_resi(ref_structure, tgt_structure, cutoff=2.0): """ Author: Xing Wan Date: 2024-03-15 Inspired by rmsdByRes Zhenting Gao on 7/28/2016 and rmsdCA Yufeng Tong 2020-01-29 Workflow Load reference and target protein stuctures 1. Select alpha carbons of the two structures 2. Align those CAs 3. Calculate the atomatic distances 4. Select aligned and unaligned residues """ stored.ca_ref_crd = [] stored.ca_target_crd = [] stored.all_ref_residues = set() stored.all_tgt_residues = set() stored.aligned_residues_ref = set() stored.aligned_residues_tgt = set() # Generate dynamic selection names for alpha carbons in reference and target structures ref_ca = "{}_ca".format(ref_structure) tgt_ca = "{}_ca".format(tgt_structure) # Create selections for alpha carbons, "({}) and name CA".format(ref_structure)), "({}) and name CA".format(tgt_structure)) # Perform alignment based on alpha carbon selections, set cutoff the same as global cutoff alignment = cmd.align(tgt_ca, ref_ca, cutoff = 2) print("Alignment result:", alignment) # Get coordinates of alpha carbons post-alignment cmd.iterate_state(1, ref_ca, "stored.ca_ref_crd.append((resi, resn, (x,y,z))); stored.all_ref_residues.add(resi)") cmd.iterate_state(1, tgt_ca, "stored.ca_target_crd.append((resi, resn, (x,y,z))); stored.all_tgt_residues.add(resi)") def distance(coord1, coord2): """Calculate the Euclidean distance between two points.""" return ((coord1[0] - coord2[0])**2 + (coord1[1] - coord2[1])**2 + (coord1[2] - coord2[2])**2)**0.5 aligned_pairs = [] for ref in stored.ca_ref_crd: closest_distance = None closest_target = None for tgt in stored.ca_target_crd: dist = distance(ref[2], tgt[2]) if closest_distance is None or dist < closest_distance: closest_distance = dist closest_target = tgt if closest_distance < cutoff: print("Aligned: Ref {}{} - Target {}{} (Distance: {:.2f} Å)".format(ref[1], ref[0], closest_target[1], closest_target[0], closest_distance)) aligned_pairs.append((ref[0], closest_target[0])) stored.aligned_residues_ref.add(ref[0]) stored.aligned_residues_tgt.add(closest_target[0]) # Identifying unaligned residues unaligned_ref = stored.all_ref_residues - stored.aligned_residues_ref unaligned_tgt = stored.all_tgt_residues - stored.aligned_residues_tgt aligned_ref = stored.aligned_residues_ref aligned_tgt = stored.aligned_residues_tgt # Creating selections for unaligned residues if unaligned_ref:"unaligned_ref", " or ".join(["{} and resi {}".format(ref_structure, resi) for resi in unaligned_ref]))"surface", "unaligned_ref") cmd.color("red", "unaligned_ref") if unaligned_tgt:"unaligned_tgt", " or ".join(["{} and resi {}".format(tgt_structure, resi) for resi in unaligned_tgt])) #"surface", "unaligned_tgt") cmd.color("blue", "unaligned_tgt") # Creating selections for aligned residues if aligned_ref:"aligned_ref", " or ".join(["{} and resi {}".format(ref_structure, resi) for resi in aligned_ref])) #"surface", "aligned_ref") cmd.color("grey80", "aligned_ref") if aligned_tgt:"aligned_tgt", " or ".join(["{} and resi {}".format(tgt_structure, resi) for resi in aligned_tgt])) #"surface", "aligned_tgt") cmd.color("grey80", "aligned_tgt") # print("Unaligned Reference Residues:", unaligned_ref) # print("Unaligned Target Residues:", unaligned_tgt) # Example usage: # list_unaligned_resi('/ref_structure//A', '/tgt_structure//A', 1.0) print("""Example usage: list_unaligned_resi('/ref_structure//A', '/tgt_structure//A', 1.0)""")