import argparse from Bio import AlignIO import csv def extract_specified_amino_acids(alignment_file, positions): # Read the alignment alignment =, "fasta") # Dictionary to store the extracted amino acids for each sequence extracted_amino_acids = {} # For each record in the alignment for record in alignment: residues = "".join([record.seq[pos] for pos in positions]) extracted_amino_acids[] = residues return extracted_amino_acids def save_to_fasta(data_dict, output_filename): with open(output_filename, 'w') as out_file: # Write the data for key, value in data_dict.items(): out_file.write(f">{key}\n") out_file.write(f"{value}\n") if __name__ == "__main__": # Parse command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Extract specified amino acids from a multi FASTA alignment(MSA) and save to CSV") parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", required=True, help="Path to the input FASTA alignment file") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", required=True, help="Path to the output CSV file") args = parser.parse_args() def input_sbs_positions(): positions = [] print("Enter the SBS positions (0-based indexing). Type 'end' to finish:") while True: position = input("Position (or type 'end' to finish): ") if position.isdigit(): positions.append(int(position)) elif position.lower() == 'end': break else: print("Invalid input. Please enter a numeric position or type 'end' to finish.") return positions def input_multiple_sbs_positions(): positions = [] print("Enter the SBS positions (0-based indexing). Separate multiple positions with commas. End with 'x' or 'end' to finish:") while True: position_input = input("Positions (e.g., '162, 311, 481, 487x' where x to end current input or type 'end' to finish): ") if 'end' in position_input.lower(): break # Split the positions based on commas individual_positions = position_input.strip('x').split(',') for pos in individual_positions: if pos.strip().isdigit(): positions.append(int(pos.strip())) else: print(f"Invalid input '{pos.strip()}'. Please enter only numeric positions.") if position_input.endswith('x'): break return sorted(list(set(positions))) # Ask the user if they want to manually input the positions choice = input("Do you want to manually input SBS positions? (yes/no): ") if choice.lower() == 'yes' or choice.lower() == 'y': positions = input_multiple_sbs_positions() print(f"Using positions '{positions}'") if not positions: # Check if positions is empty print("No valid positions were inputted. Using default positions.") positions = [685,691,694,708,840,841,856,1157,1173,1180,1998,2063,2065,2083,2090,2207,2210,2273,2550,2618,2619,2629,2630,26$ else: # Use default positions positions = [685,691,694,708,840,841,856,1157,1173,1180,1998,2063,2065,2083,2090,2207,2210,2273,2550,2618,2619,2629,2630,2639,2$ # Extract amino acids amino_acids_dict = extract_specified_amino_acids(args.input, positions) # Save to fasta save_to_fasta(amino_acids_dict, args.output)