version: "3.8" services: redis: image: redis:7.2.2-alpine restart: on-failure mongodb: image: mongo:7.0.2 restart: on-failure healthcheck: test: echo 'db.state().ok' | mongosh localhost:27017/test --quiet interval: 10s timeout: 10s retries: 5 frontend: build: ./frontend image: openagents-frontend ports: - 3000:3000 depends_on: - redis - mongodb - backend # Necessary if you want the code executed in sandbox # code_interpreter: # image: xlanglab/xlang-code-interpreter-python # env_file: # - ./real_agents/data_agent/.code_interpreter_docker_env # volumes: # - backend-data:/home # cap_add: # - SYS_RESOURCE # - SYS_PTRACE # - NET_ADMIN backend: build: ./ image: openagents-backend ports: - 8000:8000 depends_on: - redis - mongodb volumes: - "backend-data:/app/backend/data" environment: - OPENAI_API_KEY= #need your key here # - OPENAI_API_BASE= - REDIS_SERVER=redis - MONGO_SERVER=mongodb - CODE_INTER_SERVER=code_interpreter - CODE_EXECUTION_MODE=local #if code_interpreter running set docker,else local # if you want to use gpu, uncomment the following lines # deploy: # resources: # reservations: # devices: # - driver: nvidia # device_ids: ['0'] # capabilities: [gpu] volumes: backend-data: driver: local