#!/bin/bash # Set the owner and repo variables OWNER="radkesvat" REPO="WaterWall" # Determine the architecture and set the ASSET_NAME accordingly ARCH=$(uname -m) if [ "$ARCH" == "aarch64" ]; then ASSET_NAME="Waterwall-linux-arm64.zip" elif [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]; then ASSET_NAME="Waterwall-linux-64.zip" else echo "Unsupported architecture: $ARCH" exit 1 fi # Function to download and unzip the release download_and_unzip() { local url="$1" local dest="$2" echo "Downloading $dest from $url..." wget -q -O "$dest" "$url" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: Unable to download file." return 1 fi echo "Unzipping $dest..." unzip -o "$dest" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: Unable to unzip file." return 1 fi sleep 0.5 chmod +x Waterwall rm "$dest" echo "Download and unzip completed successfully." } # Function to get download URL for the latest release get_latest_release_url() { local api_url="https://api.github.com/repos/$OWNER/$REPO/releases/latest" echo "Fetching latest release data..." >&2 local response=$(curl -s "$api_url") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: Unable to fetch release data." >&2 return 1 fi local asset_url=$(echo "$response" | jq -r ".assets[] | select(.name == \"$ASSET_NAME\") | .browser_download_url") if [ -z "$asset_url" ]; then echo "Error: Asset not found." >&2 return 1 fi echo "$asset_url" } # Function to get download URL for a specific release version get_specific_release_url() { local version=$1 local api_url="https://api.github.com/repos/$OWNER/$REPO/releases/tags/$version" echo "Fetching release data for version $version..." >&2 response=$(curl -s $api_url) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: Unable to fetch release data for version $version." >&2 exit 1 fi local asset_url=$(echo $response | jq -r ".assets[] | select(.name == \"$ASSET_NAME\") | .browser_download_url") if [ -z "$asset_url" ]; then echo "Error: Asset not found for version $version." >&2 exit 1 fi echo $asset_url } setup_waterwall_service() { cat > /etc/systemd/system/waterwall.service << EOF [Unit] Description=Waterwall Service After=network.target [Service] ExecStart=/root/RRT/Waterwall WorkingDirectory=/root/RRT Restart=always RestartSec=5 User=root StandardOutput=null StandardError=null [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable waterwall systemctl start waterwall } while true; do echo "Please choose Number:" echo "1) Iran " echo "2) Kharej " echo "3) Uninstall" echo "9) Back" read -p "Enter your choice: " choice if [[ "$choice" -eq 1 || "$choice" -eq 2 ]]; then SSHD_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/ssh/sshd_config" CURRENT_PORT=$(grep -E '^(#Port |Port )' "$SSHD_CONFIG_FILE") if [[ "$CURRENT_PORT" != "Port 22" && "$CURRENT_PORT" != "#Port 22" ]]; then sudo sed -i -E 's/^(#Port |Port )[0-9]+/Port 22/' "$SSHD_CONFIG_FILE" echo "SSH Port has been updated to Port 22." sudo systemctl restart sshd sudo service ssh restart fi sleep 0.5 mkdir /root/RRT cd /root/RRT apt install unzip -y apt install jq -y read -p "Do you want to install the latest version? (y/n): " answer if [[ "$answer" == [Yy]* ]]; then # Get the latest release URL url=$(get_latest_release_url) if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$url" ]; then echo "Failed to retrieve the latest release URL." exit 1 fi echo "Latest Release URL: $url" download_and_unzip "$url" "$ASSET_NAME" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to download or unzip the file." exit 1 fi elif [[ "$answer" == [Nn]* ]]; then read -p "Enter the version you want to install (e.g., v1.18): " version # Get the specific release URL url=$(get_specific_release_url "$version") if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$url" ]; then echo "Failed to retrieve the latest release URL." exit 1 fi echo "Specific Version URL: $url" download_and_unzip "$url" "$ASSET_NAME" else echo "Please answer yes (y) or no (n)." break fi cat > core.json << EOF { "log": { "path": "log/", "core": { "loglevel": "DEBUG", "file": "core.log", "console": true }, "network": { "loglevel": "DEBUG", "file": "network.log", "console": true }, "dns": { "loglevel": "SILENT", "file": "dns.log", "console": false } }, "dns": {}, "misc": { "workers": 0, "ram-profile": "server", "libs-path": "libs/" }, "configs": [ "config.json" ] } EOF fi if [ "$choice" -eq 1 ]; then public_ip=$(wget -qO- https://api.ipify.org) echo "Iran IPv4 is: $public_ip" read -p "enter Kharej Ipv4: " ip_remote read -p "Enter the SNI (default: sahab.ir): " input_sni HOSTNAME=${input_sni:-sahab.ir} cat > config.json << EOF { "name": "reverse_reality_grpc_hd_multiport_server", "nodes": [ { "name": "users_inbound", "type": "TcpListener", "settings": { "address": "", "port": [23,65535], "nodelay": true }, "next": "header" }, { "name": "header", "type": "HeaderClient", "settings": { "data": "src_context->port" }, "next": "bridge2" }, { "name": "bridge2", "type": "Bridge", "settings": { "pair": "bridge1" } }, { "name": "bridge1", "type": "Bridge", "settings": { "pair": "bridge2" } }, { "name": "reverse_server", "type": "ReverseServer", "settings": {}, "next": "bridge1" }, { "name": "pbserver", "type": "ProtoBufServer", "settings": {}, "next": "reverse_server" }, { "name": "h2server", "type": "Http2Server", "settings": {}, "next": "pbserver" }, { "name": "halfs", "type": "HalfDuplexServer", "settings": {}, "next": "h2server" }, { "name": "reality_server", "type": "RealityServer", "settings": { "destination": "reality_dest", "password": "passwd" }, "next": "halfs" }, { "name": "kharej_inbound", "type": "TcpListener", "settings": { "address": "", "port": 443, "nodelay": true, "whitelist": [ "$ip_remote/32" ] }, "next": "reality_server" }, { "name": "reality_dest", "type": "TcpConnector", "settings": { "nodelay": true, "address": "$HOSTNAME", "port": 443 } } ] } EOF sleep 0.5 setup_waterwall_service sleep 0.5 echo "Iran IPv4 is: $public_ip" echo "Kharej IPv4 is: $ip_remote" echo "SNI $HOSTNAME" echo "Iran Setup Successfully Created " read -p "Press Enter to continue" elif [ "$choice" -eq 2 ]; then public_ip=$(wget -qO- https://api.ipify.org) echo "Kharej IPv4 is: $public_ip" read -p "enter Iran Ip: " ip_remote read -p "Enter the SNI (default: sahab.ir): " input_sni HOSTNAME=${input_sni:-sahab.ir} cat > config.json << EOF { "name": "reverse_reality_grpc_client_hd_multiport_client", "nodes": [ { "name": "outbound_to_core", "type": "TcpConnector", "settings": { "nodelay": true, "address": "", "port": "dest_context->port" } }, { "name": "header", "type": "HeaderServer", "settings": { "override": "dest_context->port" }, "next": "outbound_to_core" }, { "name": "bridge1", "type": "Bridge", "settings": { "pair": "bridge2" }, "next": "header" }, { "name": "bridge2", "type": "Bridge", "settings": { "pair": "bridge1" }, "next": "reverse_client" }, { "name": "reverse_client", "type": "ReverseClient", "settings": { "minimum-unused": 16 }, "next": "pbclient" }, { "name": "pbclient", "type": "ProtoBufClient", "settings": {}, "next": "h2client" }, { "name": "h2client", "type": "Http2Client", "settings": { "host": "$HOSTNAME", "port": 443, "path": "/", "contenttype": "application/grpc", "concurrency": 64 }, "next": "halfc" }, { "name": "halfc", "type": "HalfDuplexClient", "next": "reality_client" }, { "name": "reality_client", "type": "RealityClient", "settings": { "sni": "$HOSTNAME", "password": "passwd" }, "next": "outbound_to_iran" }, { "name": "outbound_to_iran", "type": "TcpConnector", "settings": { "nodelay": true, "address": "$ip_remote", "port": 443 } } ] } EOF sleep 0.5 setup_waterwall_service sleep 0.5 echo "Kharej IPv4 is: $public_ip" echo "Iran IPv4 is: $ip_remote" echo "SNI $HOSTNAME" echo "Kharej Setup Successfully Created " read -p "Press Enter to continue" elif [ "$choice" -eq 3 ]; then sudo systemctl stop waterwall sudo systemctl disable waterwall rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/waterwall.service pkill -f Waterwall rm -rf /root/RRT echo "Removed" read -p "Press Enter to continue" elif [ "$choice" -eq 9 ]; then echo "Going back..." break else echo "Invalid choice. Please try again." fi done