! A quick way to add color to manual pages viewed on xterm/uxterm or rxvt-unicode is to modify ~/.Xresources. 
*VT100.colorBDMode:     true
*VT100.colorBD:         red
*VT100.colorULMode:     true
*VT100.colorUL:         cyan

! which replaces the decorations with the colors. Also add: 
*VT100.veryBoldColors:  6
! if you want colors and decorations (bold or underline) at the same time. See xterm(1) for a description of the veryBoldColors resource. 

! Does not work, see hack in .zshrc
URxvt.iconFile:  /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/scalable/apps/utilities-terminal-symbolic.svg
URxvt*scrollBar:    true
URxvt*scrollBar_right:  true
URxvt*thickness:    5
URxvt.copyCommand:  xclip -i -selection clipboard
URxvt.iso14755: false
URxvt.keysym.Control-Down:  \033[1;5B
URxvt.keysym.Control-Left:  \033[1;5D
URxvt.keysym.Control-Right: \033[1;5C
URxvt.keysym.Control-Up:    \033[1;5A

!! Fonts

Xft.dpi:           96
Xft.antialias:     true
Xft.hinting:       true
Xft.rgba:          rgb
Xft.autohint:      true
Xft.hintstyle:     hintfull
Xft.lcdfilter:     lcdfilter

URxvt.font:           xft:RobotoMono Nerd Font Mono:size=8
URxvt.boldFont:       xft:RobotoMono Nerd Font Mono:bold:size=8
URxvt.italicFont:     xft:RobotoMono Nerd Font Mono:italic:size=8
URxvt.boldItalicFont: xft:RobotoMono Nerd Font Mono:bold:italic:size=8

!! Scrolling

! do not scroll with output
URxvt*scrollTtyOutput: false

! scroll in relation to buffer (with mouse scroll or Shift+Page Up)
URxvt*scrollWithBuffer: true

! scroll back to the bottom on keypress
URxvt*scrollTtyKeypress: true

! Scrolling in secondary screen (like less without -X)
URxvt.secondaryScreen: 1
URxvt.secondaryScroll: 0
URxvt.secondaryWheel: 1

! When there are many messages scroll window 60 times a second or when it is full
URxvt*jumpScroll: true
URxvt*skipScroll: true

! Mouse scrolls the whole page
Rxvt*mouseWheelScrollPage: false

! Border and wndow position
URxvt*borderLess: false
URxvt*geometry: 147x39+100+207

! Cursor and mouse pointer
URxvt*cursorUnderline: true
URxvt*cursorBlink: true

! Number of remembered lines
URxvt*saveLines: 10200

! Turn off iso14755 mo1de.tu allow using LShift/LCttr
URxvt*iso14755: false
URxvt*iso14755_52: false

! Remove spaces between lines
URxvt*lineSpace: 0

! Do not use spacing between letters
URxvt*letterSpace: -1

! From https://incenp.org/notes/2013/urxvt-keyboard-problems.html
urxvt.keysym.Control-l: clear\n

!  From me
URxvt*depth: 32
URxvt*shading: 0
URxvt.transparent: false
*internalBorder: 8
URxvt*fading: 0
URxvt*tintColor: #ffffff
URxvt*inheritPixmap: False
URxvt*imLocale: en_US.UTF-8
URxvt*termName: rxvt-unicode-256color
!URxvt*termName: rxvt
URxvt*buffered: true
URxvt.intensityStyles: true

!! Extensions

! Perl extensions
URxvt.perl-ext-common:  default,selection-to-clipboard,clipboard,keyboard-select

! urxvt-resize-font-git (install from AUR)

URxvt.keysym.C-minus: resize-font:smaller
URxvt.keysym.C-equal: resize-font:bigger

!! Copy and Paste
URxvt.clipboard.autocopy: true
URxvt.keysym.Control-u: perl:url-select:select_next
URxvt.keysym.M-C-v: perl:clipboard:paste_escaped
URxvt.keysym.M-Escape:  perl:keyboard-select:activate
URxvt.keysym.M-c:   perl:clipboard:copy
URxvt.keysym.M-s:   perl:keyboard-select:search
URxvt.keysym.M-u:   perl:url-select:select_next
URxvt.keysym.M-v:   perl:clipboard:paste
URxvt.clipboard.copycmd:  xsel -ib
URxvt.clipboard.pastecmd: xsel -ob

! Matcher
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Down:    command:\033]721;1\007
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Up:  command:\033]720;1\007
URxvt.matcher.button:   1
URxvt.matcher.rend.0:   Uline Bold fg5
URxvt.pasteCommand: xclip -o -selection clipboard
URxvt.scrollstyle:  plain
URxvt.underlineURLs:    true
URxvt.urgentOnBell: true

! URL lauincher
URxvt.url-launcher: /usr/bin/firefox
URxvt.url-select.launcher:  /usr/bin/xdg-open
URxvt.url-select.underline: true
URxvt.urlButton:    1
URxvt.urlLauncher:  firefox

!! From https://pastebin.com/R7PW6Tj5

#define t_bg_floor     #010000
#define t_bg_dip       #2B2B28
#define t_background   #32312E
#define t_bg_bump      #3F3E3B
#define t_fg_comment   #7F7F83
#define t_foreground   #A6A7AA
#define t_fg_highlight #B6B7BB
#define t_fg_ceiling   #FEFFFF

URxvt.background: t_background
URxvt.foreground: t_foreground

! The original forground color

URxvt.colorBD: t_fg_highlight
URxvt.colorIT: t_fg_highlight
URxvt.colorUL: t_fg_highlight

//bash: obinoin            #f8f6f2
#define   snow             #ffffff
#define   coal             #000000

#define   brightgravel     #d9cec3
#define   lightgravel      #998f84
#define   gravel           #857f78
#define   mediumgravel     #666462
#define   deepgravel       #45413b
#define   deepergravel     #35322d
#define   darkgravel       #242321
#define   blackgravel      #1c1b1a
#define   blackestgravel   #141413

#define   dalespale        #fade3e
#define   dirtyblonde      #f4cf86
#define   taffy            #ff2c4b
#define   saltwatertaffy   #8cffba
#define   tardis           #0a9dff
#define   orange           #ffa724
#define   lime             #aeee00
#define   dress            #ff9eb8
#define   toffee           #b88853
#define   coffee           #c7915b
#define   darkroast        #88633f
! }}}

!Jellybean Color Scheme
! Resourses {{{
!*background:  blackgravel
!*foreground:  plain
*cursorColor: lime
!*scrollColor: deepgravel
!*fadeColor:   snow
!*fading:      20

!        black
!*color0:      blackestgravel
!*color8:      coal
!        red
!*color1:      taffy
!*color9:      taffy
!        green
!*color2:      lime
!*color10:     lime
!        yellow
!*color3:      dalespale
!*color11:     orange
!        blue
!*color4:      tardis
!*color12:     tardis
!        magenta
!*color5:      dress
!*color13:     dress
!        cyan
!*color6:      saltwatertaffy
!*color14:     saltwatertaffy
!        white
!*color7:      brightgravel
!*color15:     snow
! }}}lors: command not found

! Jean color scheme
!*.foreground:   #d0dada
!*.background:   #0a0d0d
!*.cursorColor:  #d0dada
!*.color0:       #081a1a
!*.color8:       #182a2a
!*.color1:       #905050
!*.color9:       #c26d6d
!*.color2:       #507050
!*.color10:      #74a374
!*.color3:       #a08050
!*.color11:      #d4a96a
!*.color4:       #506070
!*.color12:      #748ca3
!*.color5:       #605070
!*.color13:      #a286bd
!*.color6:       #706050
!*.color14:      #a38c74
!*.color7:       #d0dada
!*.color15:      #dae0e0

!Rezza color scheme
!*foreground:     rgb:dd/dd/dd
!*background:     rgb:22/22/22
!*color0:         rgb:19/19/19
!*color8:         rgb:25/25/25
!*color1:         rgb:80/32/32
!*color9:         rgb:98/2b/2b
!*color2:         rgb:5b/76/2f
!*color10:        rgb:89/b8/3f
!*color3:         rgb:aa/99/43
!*color11:        rgb:ef/ef/60
!*color4:         rgb:32/4c/80
!*color12:        rgb:2b/4f/98
!*color5:         rgb:70/6c/9a
!*color13:        rgb:82/6a/b1
!*color6:         rgb:92/b1/9e
!*color14:        rgb:a1/cd/cd
!*color7:         rgb:ff/ff/ff
!*color15:        rgb:dd/dd/dd

!Leather color scheme

*.foreground:   #e6d4c3
*.background:   #282222
*.cursorColor:  #e6d4c3
*.color0:       #222222
*.color8:       #331c1c
*.color1:       #997373
*.color9:       #995454
*.color2:       #999973
*.color10:      #999954
*.color3:       #997e63
*.color11:      #cc9e70
*.color4:       #738099
*.color12:      #7090cc
*.color5:       #857399
*.color13:      #a685cc
*.color6:       #7a9998
*.color14:      #8fccca
*.color7:       #b3b3b3
*.color15:      #cccccc

!Paperko color scheme
!*.foreground:   #c0c0c0
!*.background:   #1d2325
!*.cursorColor:  #c0c0c0
!*.color0:       #252525
!*.color8:       #434343
!*.color1:       #7c4d72
!*.color9:       #c758af
!*.color2:       #727c4d
!*.color10:      #afc758
!*.color3:       #7c724d
!*.color11:      #c7af58
!*.color4:       #4d727c
!*.color12:      #58afc7
!*.color5:       #7d4d5b
!*.color13:      #c75877
!*.color6:       #4d5b7d
!*.color14:      #5877c7
!*.color7:       #c0c0c0
!*.color15:      #f3f3f3

URxvt.celor62: #D09B74
URxvt.color63: #CF9B73
URxvt.color64: #CE9C73
URxvt.color65: #CD9C72
URxvt.color66: #CB9D71
URxvt.color67: #CA9D70
URxvt.color68: #C99E6F
URxvt.color69: #C89E6F
URxvt.color70: #C79F6E
URxvt.color71: #C59F6E
URxvt.color72: #C4A06D
URxvt.color73: #C3A16D
URxvt.color74: #C1A16C
URxvt.color75: #C0A26C
URxvt.color76: #BFA26B
URxvt.color77: #BDA36B
URxvt.color78: #BCA36B
URxvt.color79: #BAA46B
URxvt.color80: #B9A46A
URxvt.color81: #B8A56A
URxvt.color82: #B6A56A
URxvt.color83: #B5A66A
URxvt.color84: #B3A66A
URxvt.color85: #B1A76A
URxvt.color86: #B0A86A
URxvt.color87: #AEA86A
URxvt.color88: #ADA96B
URxvt.color89: #ABA96B
URxvt.color90: #AAAA6B
URxvt.color91: #A8AA6B
URxvt.color92: #A6AA6C
URxvt.color93: #A5AB6C
URxvt.color94: #A3AB6D
URxvt.color95: #A1AC6D
URxvt.color96: #A0AC6E
URxvt.color97: #9EAD6E
URxvt.color98: #9CAD6F
URxvt.color99: #9BAE70
URxvt.color100: #99AE70
URxvt.color101: #97AE71
URxvt.color102: #96AF72
URxvt.color103: #94AF73
URxvt.color104: #92B074
URxvt.color105: #90B075
URxvt.color106: #8FB076
URxvt.color107: #8DB176
URxvt.color108: #8BB178
URxvt.color109: #89B179
URxvt.color110: #88B27A
URxvt.color111: #86B27B
URxvt.color112: #84B27C
URxvt.color113: #82B37D
URxvt.color114: #81B37E
URxvt.color115: #7FB380
URxvt.color116: #7DB381
URxvt.color117: #7CB482
URxvt.color118: #7AB484
URxvt.color119: #78B485
URxvt.color120: #76B486
URxvt.color121: #75B588
URxvt.color122: #73B589
URxvt.color123: #71B58B
URxvt.color124: #70B58C
URxvt.color125: #6EB68E
URxvt.color126: #6CB68F
URxvt.color127: #6BB691
URxvt.color128: #69B692
URxvt.color129: #67B694
URxvt.color130: #66B695
URxvt.color131: #64B697
URxvt.color132: #63B798
URxvt.color133: #61B79A
URxvt.color134: #60B79C
URxvt.color135: #5EB79D
URxvt.color136: #5DB79F
URxvt.color137: #5BB7A0
URxvt.color138: #5AB7A2
URxvt.color139: #59B7A4
URxvt.color140: #57B7A5
URxvt.color141: #56B7A7
URxvt.color142: #55B7A9
URxvt.color143: #54B7AA
URxvt.color144: #53B7AC
URxvt.color145: #52B7AD
URxvt.color146: #51B7AF
URxvt.color147: #50B7B1
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URxvt.color149: #4EB7B4
URxvt.color150: #4EB7B5
URxvt.color151: #4DB7B7
URxvt.color152: #4DB7B8
URxvt.color153: #4CB7BA
URxvt.color154: #4CB7BC
URxvt.color155: #4CB7BD
URxvt.color156: #4CB6BF
URxvt.color157: #4CB6C0
URxvt.color158: #4CB6C1
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URxvt.color160: #4CB6C4
URxvt.color161: #4DB6C6
URxvt.color162: #4DB5C7
URxvt.color163: #4EB5C8
URxvt.color164: #4EB5CA
URxvt.color165: #4FB5CB
URxvt.color166: #50B5CC
URxvt.color167: #51B4CE
URxvt.color168: #52B4CF
URxvt.color169: #53B4D0
URxvt.color170: #55B4D1
URxvt.color171: #56B3D2
URxvt.color172: #57B3D3
URxvt.color173: #59B3D4
URxvt.color174: #5AB2D5
URxvt.color175: #5CB2D6
URxvt.color176: #5DB2D7
URxvt.color177: #5FB1D8
URxvt.color178: #61B1D9
URxvt.color179: #63B1DA
URxvt.color180: #64B0DB
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URxvt.color182: #68B0DC
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URxvt.color184: #6CAFDE
URxvt.color185: #6EAEDE
URxvt.color186: #70AEDF
URxvt.color187: #72AEDF
URxvt.color188: #74ADE0
URxvt.color189: #76ADE0
URxvt.color190: #79ACE1
URxvt.color191: #7BACE1
URxvt.color192: #7DABE1
URxvt.color193: #7FABE1
URxvt.color194: #81AAE2
URxvt.color195: #83AAE2
URxvt.color196: #85A9E2
URxvt.color197: #87A9E2
URxvt.color198: #8AA8E2
URxvt.color199: #8CA8E2
URxvt.color200: #8EA7E2
URxvt.color201: #90A7E2
URxvt.color202: #92A6E2
URxvt.color203: #94A6E2
URxvt.color204: #96A5E1
URxvt.color205: #98A5E1
URxvt.color206: #9BA4E1
URxvt.color207: #9DA3E1
URxvt.color208: #9FA3E0
URxvt.color209: #A1A2E0
URxvt.color210: #A3A2DF
URxvt.color211: #A5A1DF
URxvt.color212: #A7A1DE
URxvt.color213: #A9A0DE
URxvt.color214: #ABA0DD
URxvt.color215: #AC9FDC
URxvt.color216: #AE9EDC
URxvt.color217: #B09EDB
URxvt.color218: #B29DDA
URxvt.color219: #B49DD9
URxvt.color220: #B69CD8
URxvt.color221: #B79CD8
URxvt.color222: #B99BD7
URxvt.color223: #BB9AD6
URxvt.color224: #BC9AD5
URxvt.color225: #BE99D4
URxvt.color226: #C099D3
URxvt.color227: #C198D1
URxvt.color228: #C398D0
URxvt.color229: #C497CF
URxvt.color230: #C697CE
URxvt.color231: #C796CD
URxvt.color232: #C996CB
URxvt.color233: #CA95CA
URxvt.color234: #CB95C9
URxvt.color235: #CD95C8
URxvt.color236: #CE94C6
URxvt.color237: #CF94C5
URxvt.color238: #D093C3
URxvt.color239: #D193C2
URxvt.color240: #D293C1
URxvt.color241: #D392BF
URxvt.color242: #D492BE
URxvt.color243: #D592BC
URxvt.color244: #D691BB
URxvt.color245: #D791B9
URxvt.color246: #D891B8
URxvt.color247: #D991B6
URxvt.color248: #D990B5
URxvt.color249: #DA90B3
URxvt.color250: #DB90B2
URxvt.color251: #DB90B0
URxvt.color252: #DC90AE
URxvt.color253: #DD90AD
URxvt.color254: #DD90AB
URxvt.color255: #DE8FAA

!URxvt.font: 9x15

URxvt.scrollBar: false

! vim: set ft=xdefaults: