-- Active: 1663635897256@@ CREATE TABLE health_data( group_num SMALLINT, ID BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, outcome SMALLINT, age SMALLINT, gender SMALLINT NOT NULL, BMI NUMERIC(15,10), hypertensive NUMERIC(15,10), atrialfibrillation NUMERIC(15,10), CHD_with_no_MI NUMERIC(15,10), diabetes SMALLINT, deficiencyanemias SMALLINT, depression NUMERIC(15,10), Hyperlipemia SMALLINT, Renal_failure SMALLINT, COPD NUMERIC(15,10), heart_rate NUMERIC(15,10), Systolic_blood_pressure NUMERIC(15,10), Diastolic_blood_pressure NUMERIC(15,10), Respiratory_rate NUMERIC(15,10), temperature NUMERIC(15,10), SP_O2 NUMERIC(15,10), Urine_output NUMERIC(15,10), hematocrit NUMERIC(15,10), RBC NUMERIC(15,10), MCH NUMERIC(15,10), MCHC NUMERIC(15,10), MCV NUMERIC(15,10), RDW NUMERIC(15,10), Leucocyte NUMERIC(15,10), Platelets NUMERIC(15,10), Neutrophils NUMERIC(15,10), Basophils NUMERIC(15,10), Lymphocyte NUMERIC(15,10), PT NUMERIC(15,10), INR NUMERIC(15,10), NT_proBNP NUMERIC(10,2), Creatine_kinase NUMERIC(15,10), Creatinine NUMERIC(15,10), Urea_nitrogen NUMERIC(15,10), glucose NUMERIC(15,10), Blood_potassium NUMERIC(15,10), Blood_sodium NUMERIC(15,10), Blood_calcium NUMERIC(15,10), Chloride NUMERIC(15,10), Anion_gap NUMERIC(15,10), Magnesium_ion NUMERIC(15,10), PH NUMERIC(4,2), Bicarbonate NUMERIC(15,10), Lactic_acid NUMERIC(15,10), PCO2 NUMERIC(15,10), EF SMALLINT ); --importing data from local directory-- COPY health_data FROM 'C:\Users\aduol\Downloads\SQL DATA SET\Data\Health_data.csv' WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER, DELIMITER '|'); --Previewing data-- SELECT * FROM health_data; --a data from outcome is having null and we'll remove that row -- Finding data with null value SELECT id, age, outcome, COUNT(*) FROM health_data WHERE outcome IS NULL GROUP BY id, age, outcome; /*the NULL data is attached to the age 83, since a person can either be dead or alive, this row will be deleted. The id '162338' has been identified as neither dead or alive and will be deleted from the table */ DELETE FROM health_data WHERE id = 162338; -- running the query to find the null value again should return empty spaces now. /*next we'll be converting data types of select variables with true/false values into integer type */ ALTER TABLE health_data ALTER COLUMN hypertensive TYPE INTEGER; ALTER TABLE health_data ALTER COLUMN chd_with_no_mi TYPE INTEGER; ALTER TABLE health_data ALTER COLUMN atrialfibrillation TYPE INTEGER; ALTER TABLE health_data ALTER COLUMN depression TYPE INTEGER; ALTER TABLE health_data ALTER COLUMN copd TYPE INTEGER; ALTER TABLE health_data ALTER COLUMN outcome TYPE INTEGER; --SOlUTION TO QUESTIONS --Which age group is the most in the hospital SELECT DISTINCT(age), count(*) AS num_of_patient FROM health_data GROUP BY DISTINCT(age) ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 1; --which age group of patients dies more in the hospital? -- where 0 = alive and 1 = dead SELECT DISTINCT(age), outcome, count(*) FROM health_data GROUP BY DISTINCT(age),outcome ORDER BY age; --- which genders is the most prevalent in the hospital? --WHERE 1 = Male and 2 = Female SELECT gender, count(*) AS count FROM health_data GROUP BY gender ORDER BY count; --which gender group is having the highest number of death? -- WHERE outcome code 1 = dead, Gender 1 = Male and 2 = Female SELECT gender, count(*) AS number_of_patient FROM health_data GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2; -- The female gender have the higher number of patients with 618 individuals --which gender group is having the highest number of death? -- WHERE outcome code 1 = dead, Gender 1 = Male and 2 = Female SELECT gender, count(*) AS number_of_patient FROM health_data WHERE outcome = 1 GROUP BY gender, outcome ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 1; -- Male is having the highest number of deaths with 80 male patients dead --how many patients died in the hospital with atrial fibrillation -- outcome code 1 = dead and atrialfibrillation code 0 = having and 1 = not having SELECT atrialfibrillation, outcome, count(*) AS number_of_patient FROM health_data WHERE outcome = 1 AND atrialfibrillation = 0 GROUP BY 1, 2 ORDER BY 3; -- 67 patients died of atritalfibrillation --how many male and female died in the hospital having atrial fibrillation -- outcome code 1 = dead and atrialfibrillation code 0 = having and 1 = not having SELECT gender, atrialfibrillation, outcome, count(*) AS number_of_patient FROM health_data WHERE outcome = 1 AND atrialfibrillation = 0 GROUP BY 1, 2, 3 ORDER BY 4; -- 28 Male and 39 Female --how many patients in the hospital have depression? -- 0 = depressed and 1 = not depressed SELECT depression, count(*) AS depressed_patient FROM health_data WHERE depression = 0 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2; -- 1036 patients are depressed. -- Is there a correlation between depression and aging? SELECT corr(depression, age) AS depression_age_r -- r denotes the Pearson correlation coefficient FROM health_data; -- The results shows a very weak negative correlation between age and depression. -- Rate of gender with hypertension SELECT round( ((SELECT count(hypertensive):: decimal FROM health_data WHERE hypertensive = 0 AND gender = 1) / (SELECT count(hypertensive) FROM health_data)) * 100, 2) AS hypertensive_male, round( ((SELECT count(hypertensive):: decimal FROM health_data WHERE hypertensive = 0 AND gender = 2) / (SELECT count(hypertensive) FROM health_data)) * 100, 2) AS hypertensive_female FROM health_data GROUP BY 1, 2; -- what is the rate of non-survived patients with hypertension? SELECT hypertensive, outcome, round( ((SELECT count(outcome):: decimal FROM health_data WHERE hypertensive = 0 AND outcome = 1) / (SELECT count(outcome) FROM health_data WHERE hypertensive = 0)) * 100, 2) AS per_dead_hypertensive_patient FROM health_data WHERE outcome IS NOT NULL AND outcome = 1 AND hypertensive = 0 GROUP BY 1,2,3; -- How many patients with renal failure are alive in the hospital? SELECT renal_failure, outcome, count(*) AS patient_with_renal_failure_alive FROM health_data WHERE outcome IS NOT NULL AND outcome = 0 AND Renal_failure = 1 GROUP BY 1, 2 -- how many patients in the hospital with Hperlipemia are dead? SELECT outcome, hyperlipemia, count(*) AS dead_patient_with_Hperlipemia FROM health_data WHERE outcome IS NOT NULL AND outcome = 1 AND hyperlipemia = 0 GROUP BY 1, 2 -- how many patients in the hospital with Anemia are dead? SELECT outcome, deficiencyanemias, count(*) AS dead_patient_with_deficiencyanemias FROM health_data WHERE outcome IS NOT NULL AND outcome = 1 AND deficiencyanemias = 0 GROUP BY 1, 2 -- What is the proportion of survival and non-survival between depressed and non-depressed patients -- (a) What is the proportion of depressed and non-depressed that survived SELECT round( alive.depressed :: NUMERIC(4,1) / (alive.depressed + alive.non_depressed) * 100, 2) AS pct_alive_depressed, round( alive.non_depressed :: NUMERIC(4,1) / (alive.depressed + alive.non_depressed) * 100, 2) AS pct_alive_non_depressed FROM (SELECT (SELECT count(depression) FROM health_data WHERE depression = 0 AND outcome = 0) AS depressed, (SELECT count(depression) FROM health_data WHERE depression = 1 AND outcome = 0) AS non_depressed FROM health_data GROUP BY 1,2) AS alive; -- (b) What is the proportion of depressed and non-depressed that did not survive SELECT round( dead.depressed :: NUMERIC(4,1) / (dead.depressed + dead.non_depressed) * 100, 2) AS pct_dead_depressed, round( dead.non_depressed :: NUMERIC(4,1) / (dead.depressed + dead.non_depressed) * 100, 2) AS pct_dead_non_depressed FROM (SELECT (SELECT count(depression) FROM health_data WHERE depression = 0 AND outcome = 1) AS depressed, (SELECT count(depression) FROM health_data WHERE depression = 1 AND outcome = 1) AS non_depressed FROM health_data GROUP BY 1,2) AS dead; -- what is the proportion of survival and non-survival between diabetic and non diabetic patients --- to answer this question, we divide the question into two parts --- first part, we answer the proportion of diabetic and non diabetic patients that died --- for the second part, we query the proportion of diabetic that survived -- percentage of diabetic patients SELECT round( (SELECT count(diabetes) FROM health_data WHERE diabetes = 0) :: NUMERIC(4,1)/ count(diabetes) * 100, 1) FROM health_data; -- 57.9% of all the patients are diabetic -- percentage of dead diabetic and non_diabetic patients SELECT round( dead.diabetic :: NUMERIC(4,1) / (dead.diabetic + dead.non_diabetic) * 100, 2) pct_dead_diabetic, round( dead.non_diabetic :: NUMERIC(4,1) / (dead.diabetic + dead.non_diabetic) * 100, 2) pct_dead_non_diabetic FROM (SELECT (SELECT count(diabetes) FROM health_data WHERE diabetes = 1 AND outcome = 1) AS non_diabetic, (SELECT count(diabetes) FROM health_data WHERE diabetes = 0 AND outcome = 1) AS diabetic FROM health_data GROUP BY 1,2) AS dead; -- 64.15 of all the dead patients have diabetes -- percentage of diabetic and non-diabetic patients that survived SELECT round( survived.diabetic :: NUMERIC(4,1) / (survived.diabetic + survived.non_diabetic) * 100, 2) AS pct_survive_diabetic, round( survived.non_diabetic :: NUMERIC(4,1) / (survived.diabetic + survived.non_diabetic) * 100, 2) AS pct_survived_non_diabetic FROM (SELECT (SELECT count(diabetes) FROM health_data WHERE diabetes = 1 AND outcome = 0) AS non_diabetic, (SELECT count(diabetes) FROM health_data WHERE diabetes = 0 AND outcome = 0) AS diabetic FROM health_data GROUP BY 1,2) AS survived; -- 56.93 percent of the patients that are still alive have diabetes