@echo off set prefix=%USERPROFILE%\xraylarch set condaurl=https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download set condafile=Miniforge3-Windows-x86_64.exe if not exist %~dp0%condafile% ( echo ## Downloading Miniconda from https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/, please wait... bitsadmin /transfer getmamba /download /priority normal %condaurl%/%condafile% %~dp0%condafile% ) echo ## Installing miniconda environment to %prefix%, please wait... %~dp0%condafile% /InstallationType=JustMe /RegisterPython=0 /S /D=%prefix% echo ## basic mamba installed, running updates set PATH=%prefix%;%prefix%\bin;%prefix%\condabin;%prefix%\Scripts;%PATH% echo ## Installing basic python scipy packages call %prefix%\Scripts\mamba install -yc conda-forge python==3.11.5 numpy scipy matplotlib h5py scikit-image scikit-learn pycifrw pandas jupyter plotly wxpython fabio pyfai pymatgen mkl_fft tomopy echo ## Installing xraylarch and dependencies from PyPI call %prefix%\Scripts\pip install xraylarch[larix] echo ## Creating desktop shortcuts call %prefix%\Scripts\larch -m echo ## Installation to %prefix% done! echo ## Applications can be run from the Larch folder on your Desktop. echo ## echo ## To use from a terminal or command-line, you may want to add echo ## %prefix%;%prefix%\bin;%prefix%\condabin;%prefix%\Scripts echo ## to your PATH environment, such as echo ## set PATH=%prefix%;%prefix%\bin;%prefix%\condabin;%prefix%\Scripts;%PATH%