#!/bin/bash # File : codius-install.sh # Author : N3TC4T # Date : 16.06.2018 # Last Modified Date: 08.08.2018 # Last Modified By : N3TC4T # Copyright (c) 2018 N3TC4T # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. set -e ########## Variable ########## SUDO="" BASH_C="bash -c" SLEEP_SEC=10 LOG_OUTPUT="/tmp/${0##*/}$(date +%Y-%m-%d.%H-%M)" CURRENT_USER="$(id -un 2>/dev/null || true)" BASE_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd); cd ${BASE_DIR} INSTALLER_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/N3TC4T/codius-install/master/codius-install.sh" ########## Hyperd ########## HYPERD_URL="https://codius-hyper-install.s3.amazonaws.com/hyper-bootstrap.sh" ########## Nodejs ########## NODEJS_RPM_URL="https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_10.x" NODEJS_DEB_URL="https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x" ########## Certbot ########## CERTBOT_AUTO_URL="https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto" ########## Constant ########## SUPPORT_DISTRO=(debian ubuntu fedora centos) UBUNTU_CODE=(trusty utopic vivid wily xenial) DEBIAN_CODE=(jessie wheezy) CENTOS_VER=(6 7) FEDORA_VER=(20 21 22 23 24 25) #Color Constant RED=`tput setaf 1` GREEN=`tput setaf 2` YELLOW=`tput setaf 3` BLUE=`tput setaf 4` WHITE=`tput setaf 7` LIGHT=`tput bold ` RESET=`tput sgr0` #Error Message#Error Message ERR_ROOT_PRIVILEGE_REQUIRED=(10 "This install script need root privilege, please retry use 'sudo' or root user!") ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_PLATFORM=(20 "Sorry, Hyperd only support x86_64 platform!") ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_DISTRO=(21 "Sorry, The installer only support centos/ubuntu/debian/fedora now.") ERR_NOT_PUBLIC_IP=(11 "You need an public IP to run Codius!") ERR_MONEYD_CONFIGURE=(12 "There is an error on configuring moneyd , please check you entered correct secret and your account have at least 36 XRP. If you meet these requirements, please restart the script and try again.") ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_DISTRO_VERSION=(22) ERR_SCRIPT_NO_NEW_VERSION=(80 "You are using the newest codius installer\n") ERR_NO_CERTBOT_INSTALLED=(81 "Certbot is not installed!\n") ERR_UNKNOWN_MSG_TYPE=98 ERR_UNKNOWN=99 # Helpers ============================================== display_header() { cat <<"EOF" ____ _ _ ___ _ _ _ / ___|___ __| (_)_ _ ___ |_ _|_ __ ___| |_ __ _| | | ___ _ __ | | / _ \ / _` | | | | / __| | || '_ \/ __| __/ _` | | |/ _ \ '__| | |__| (_) | (_| | | |_| \__ \ | || | | \__ \ || (_| | | | __/ | \____\___/ \__,_|_|\__,_|___/ |___|_| |_|___/\__\__,_|_|_|\___|_| This script will let you setup your own Codius host in no more than two minutes, even if you haven't used codius before. It has been designed to be as unobtrusive and universal as possible. EOF } _box () { str="$@" len=$((${#str}+4)) for i in $(seq $len); do echo -n '.'; done; echo; echo ". "$str" ."; for i in $(seq $len); do echo -n '.'; done; echo } function spin_wait() { local -r SPIN_DELAY="0.1" local spinstr="⠏⠛⠹⠼⠶⠧" printf " " while kill -0 $1 2>/dev/random; do local tmp=${spinstr#?} if [ -z "$2" ]; then printf " \b\b\b${tmp:0:1} " else printf "${cl} ${tmp:0:1} ${2}" fi local spinstr=$tmp${spinstr%"$tmp"} sleep ${SPIN_DELAY} done printf "\033[3D\033[K ${LIGHT}${GREEN}Done${RESET}" # printf "\r\033[K" } function _exec() { local -i PID= local COMMAND=$1 shift ## Clip the first value of the $@, the rest are the options. local COMMAND_OPTIONS="$@" local COMMAND_OUTPUT="" echo -e "\n==================================" >> "${LOG_OUTPUT}" echo "${COMMAND} $COMMAND_OPTIONS" >> "${LOG_OUTPUT}" echo -e "==================================\n" >> "${LOG_OUTPUT}" exec 3>$(tty) eval "time ${SUDO} bash -c '${COMMAND} ${COMMAND_OPTIONS}'" >>"${LOG_OUTPUT}" 2>&1 & PID=$! # Set global PGID to process id of the command we just ran. spin_wait "${PID}" exec 3>&- } function program_is_installed { # set to 1 initially local return_=1 # set to 0 if not found type $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { local return_=0; } # return value echo "$return_" } function service_is_running { # set to 1 initially local return_=0 # set to 0 if not found if (( $(ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep $1 | wc -l) > 0 )) ;then local return_=1 fi # return value echo "$return_" } function echo_if { if [ $1 == 1 ]; then echo -e "${LIGHT}${GREEN}✔ ${RESET}" else echo -e "${RED}✘${RESET}" fi } new_line() { printf "\n"; } show_message() { case "$1" in debug) echo -e "\n[${BLUE}DEBUG${RESET}] : $2";; info) echo -e -n "\n${WHITE}$2${RESET}" ;; warn) echo -e "\n[${YELLOW}WARN${RESET}] : $2" ;; done|success) echo -e "${LIGHT}${GREEN}$2${RESET}" ;; error|failed) echo -e "\n[${RED}ERROR${RESET}] : $2" ;; esac } command_exist() { type "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 } get_curl() { CURL_C=""; USE_WGET="false" if (command_exist curl);then CURL_C='curl -SL -o ' elif (command_exist wget);then USE_WGET="true" CURL_C='wget -O ' fi echo "${USE_WGET}|${CURL_C}" } check_os_platform() { ARCH="$(uname -m)" if [[ "${ARCH}" != "x86_64" ]];then show_message error "${ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_PLATFORM[1]}" && exit ${ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_PLATFORM[0]} fi } check_deps_initsystem() { if [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "ubuntu" ]] && [[ "${LSB_CODE}" == "utopic" ]];then INIT_SYSTEM="sysvinit" elif (command_exist systemctl);then INIT_SYSTEM="systemd" else INIT_SYSTEM="sysvinit" fi } check_os_distro() { LSB_DISTRO=""; LSB_VER=""; LSB_CODE="" if (command_exist lsb_release);then LSB_DISTRO="$(lsb_release -si)" LSB_VER="$(lsb_release -sr)" LSB_CODE="$(lsb_release -sc)" fi if [[ -z "${LSB_DISTRO}" ]];then if [[ -r /etc/lsb-release ]];then LSB_DISTRO="$(. /etc/lsb-release && echo "${DISTRIB_ID}")" LSB_VER="$(. /etc/lsb-release && echo "${DISTRIB_RELEASE}")" LSB_CODE="$(. /etc/lsb-release && echo "${DISTRIB_CODENAME}")" elif [[ -r /etc/os-release ]];then LSB_DISTRO="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$ID")" LSB_VER="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_ID")" elif [[ -r /etc/fedora-release ]];then LSB_DISTRO="fedora" elif [[ -r /etc/debian_version ]];then LSB_DISTRO="Debian" LSB_VER="$(cat /etc/debian_version)" elif [[ -r /etc/centos-release ]];then LSB_DISTRO="CentOS" LSB_VER="$(cat /etc/centos-release | cut -d' ' -f3)" fi fi LSB_DISTRO=$(echo "${LSB_DISTRO}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "debian" ]];then case ${LSB_VER} in 8) LSB_CODE="jessie";; 7) LSB_CODE="wheezy";; esac fi case "${LSB_DISTRO}" in ubuntu|debian) if [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "ubuntu" ]] then SUPPORT_CODE_LIST="${UBUNTU_CODE[@]}"; else SUPPORT_CODE_LIST="${DEBIAN_CODE[@]}"; fi if (echo "${SUPPORT_CODE_LIST}" | grep -vqw "${LSB_CODE}");then show_message error "Hyper support ${LSB_DISTRO}( ${SUPPORT_CODE_LIST} ), but current is ${LSB_CODE}(${LSB_VER})" exit ${ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_DISTRO_VERSION[0]} fi ;; centos|fedora) CMAJOR=$( echo ${LSB_VER} | cut -d"." -f1 ) if [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "centos" ]] then SUPPORT_VER_LIST="${CENTOS_VER[@]}"; else SUPPORT_VER_LIST="${FEDORA_VER[@]}"; fi if (echo "${SUPPORT_VER_LIST}" | grep -qvw "${CMAJOR}");then show_message error "Hyper support ${LSB_DISTRO}( ${SUPPORT_VER_LIST} ), but current is ${LSB_VER}" exit ${ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_DISTRO_VERSION[0]} fi ;; *) if [[ ! -z ${LSB_DISTRO} ]];then echo -e -n "\nCurrent OS is '${LSB_DISTRO} ${LSB_VER}(${LSB_CODE})'"; else echo -e -n "\nCan not detect OS type"; fi show_message error "${ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_DISTRO[1]}" exit ${ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_DISTRO[0]} ;; esac } check_user() { if [[ "${CURRENT_USER}" != "root" ]];then if (command_exist sudo);then SUDO='sudo' else show_message error "${ERR_ROOT_PRIVILEGE_REQUIRED[1]}" && exit ${ERR_ROOT_PRIVILEGE_REQUIRED[0]} fi show_message info "${WHITE}Hint: This installer needs root privilege\n" ${SUDO} echo -e "\n" fi } # ============================================== Helpers ################### INSTALL ########################### install() { local USE_WGET=$( echo $(get_curl) | awk -F"|" '{print $1}' ) local CURL_C=$( echo $(get_curl) | awk -F"|" '{print $2}' ) new_line show_message info "[-] I need to ask you a few questions before starting the setup." show_message info "[-] You can leave the default options and just press enter if you are ok with them." new_line new_line # checks for script check_user check_os_platform check_os_distro check_deps_initsystem # Server Ip Address echo "[+] First, provide the IPv4 address of the network interface" # Autodetect IP address and pre-fill for the user IP=$(ip addr | grep 'inet' | grep -v inet6 | grep -vE '127\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | grep -oE '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | head -1) read -p "IP address: " -e -i $IP IP # If $IP is a private IP address, the server must be behind NAT if echo "$IP" | grep -qE '^(10\.|172\.1[6789]\.|172\.2[0-9]\.|172\.3[01]\.|192\.168)'; then show_message error "${ERR_NOT_PUBLIC_IP[1]}" exit "${ERR_NOT_PUBLIC_IP[0]}" fi # Hostname echo "[+] What is your Codius hostname?" read -p "Hostname: " -e -i codius.example.com HOSTNAME if [[ -z "$HOSTNAME" ]]; then show_message error "No Hostname entered, exiting..." exit 0 fi # Wallet secret for Moneyd echo "[+] What is your XRP wallet secret? This is required for you to receive XRP via Moneyd." while true; do read -p "Wallet Secret: " -e SECRET if [[ -z "$SECRET" ]] || ! [[ "$SECRET" =~ ^s[a-zA-Z0-9]{28,}+$ ]] ; then show_message error "Invalid wallet secret entered, try again..." else break fi done # Email for certbot echo "[+] What is your email address?" while true; do read -p "Email: " -e EMAIL if [[ -z "$EMAIL" ]] || ! [[ "$EMAIL" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$ ]]; then show_message error "Invalid email entered, try again..." else break fi done show_message debug "Setting hostname using 'hostnamectl'" # Set hostname ${SUDO} hostnamectl set-hostname $HOSTNAME # Repositories and required packages ==================================== show_message info "[+] Installing required packages..." if [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "centos" ]] && [[ "${CMAJOR}" == "7" ]];then _exec "rpm -ivh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm ; yum install -y gcc-c++ make epel-release git" elif [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "centos" ]] && [[ "${CMAJOR}" == "6" ]];then _exec "rpm -ivh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm ; yum install -y gcc-c++ make epel-release git" elif [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "ubuntu" ]];then _exec "apt-get install -y software-properties-common ; add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot ; apt-get install -y build-essential git qemu-kvm libvirt0 aufs-tools" elif [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "debian" ]];then _exec "apt-get update ; apt-get install -y build-essential git qemu-kvm libvirt0 aufs-tools" fi # Hyperd ============================================== show_message info "[+] Installing Hyperd... " ${SUDO} ${CURL_C} /tmp/hyper-bootstrap.sh ${HYPERD_URL} >>"${LOG_OUTPUT}" 2>&1 && ${SUDO} chmod a+x /tmp/hyper-bootstrap.sh _exec bash /tmp/hyper-bootstrap.sh show_message info "[*] Starting Hyperd... " if [[ "${INIT_SYSTEM}" == "systemd" ]];then _exec "systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl enable hyperd; systemctl restart hyperd" else _exec "service hyperd enable; service hyperd restart" fi # ============================================== Hyperd # Nodejs ============================================== show_message info "[+] Installing Nodejs... " if [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "centos" ]] || [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "fedora" ]] ;then ${SUDO} ${CURL_C} /tmp/nodejs_10.sh ${NODEJS_RPM_URL} >>"${LOG_OUTPUT}" 2>&1 && ${SUDO} chmod a+x /tmp/nodejs_10.sh _exec "bash /tmp/nodejs_10.sh && yum install -y nodejs" elif [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "ubuntu" ]] || [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "debian" ]] ;then ${SUDO} ${CURL_C} /tmp/nodejs_10.sh ${NODEJS_DEB_URL} >>"${LOG_OUTPUT}" 2>&1 && ${SUDO} chmod a+x /tmp/nodejs_10.sh _exec "bash /tmp/nodejs_10.sh && apt-get install -y nodejs" fi # ============================================== Nodejs # Moneyd ============================================== show_message info "[+] Installing Moneyd... " # _exec yum install -y https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/codius-bucket/moneyd-xrp-4.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm _exec npm install -g moneyd moneyd-uplink-xrp --unsafe-perm ${SUDO} ${BASH_C} 'echo "[Unit] Description=ILP provider using XRP payment channels After=network.target nss-lookup.target [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/moneyd xrp:start Environment="DEBUG=*" Restart=always StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog SyslogIdentifier=moneyd User=root Group=root [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target" > /etc/systemd/system/moneyd-xrp.service' # Configuring Moneyd and starting service if [ -f ~/.moneyd.json ]; then show_message warn "old ~/.moneyd.json config file found , backup to ~/.moneyd.json.back" ${SUDO} mv ~/.moneyd.json ~/.moneyd.json.back fi # Todo: need to check # https://github.com/N3TC4T/codius-install/issues/4 echo -ne "$SECRET\n" | ${SUDO} $(which moneyd) xrp:configure > /dev/null 2>&1 || { show_message error "${ERR_MONEYD_CONFIGURE[1]}" ; exit "${ERR_MONEYD_CONFIGURE[0]}" ; } # this will generate an random channel name #UUID_CHANNEL=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1) #sed -i "s/btp+wss:\/\//&${UUID_CHANNEL}/g" ~/.moneyd.json show_message info "[*] Starting Moneyd... " if [[ "${INIT_SYSTEM}" == "systemd" ]];then _exec "systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl enable moneyd-xrp ; systemctl restart moneyd-xrp" else _exec "service moneyd-xrp enable; service moneyd-xrp restart" fi # ============================================== Moneyd # Codius ============================================== show_message info "[+] Installing Codius... " _exec npm install -g codiusd --unsafe-perm ${SUDO} ${BASH_C} 'echo "[Unit] Description=Codiusd After=network.target nss-lookup.target [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/codiusd Environment="DEBUG=*" Environment="CODIUS_PUBLIC_URI=https://$HOSTNAME" Environment="CODIUS_XRP_PER_MONTH=10" Restart=always StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog SyslogIdentifier=codiusd User=root Group=root [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target" > /etc/systemd/system/codiusd.service' show_message info "[*] Starting Codius..." if [[ "${INIT_SYSTEM}" == "systemd" ]];then _exec "systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl enable codiusd ; systemctl restart codiusd" else _exec "service codiusd enable ; service codiusd restart" fi # ============================================== Codius # Subdomain DNS ============================================== new_line show_message info "[+] Please create two A records within your domain DNS like the examples below:" new_line cat < /dev/null; then break else show_message warn "It looks like the $HOSTNAME cannot be resolved yet, waiting 30s... " fi sleep 30 #check again in SLEEP seconds done # ============================================== Subdomain DNS # CertBOt ============================================== show_message info "[+] Generating certificate for ${HOSTNAME}" # certbot stuff show_message info "[+] Installing CertBot... " if [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "centos" ]] || [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "fedora" ]] ;then _exec "yum -y install certbot" elif [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "ubuntu" ]];then _exec "apt-get install -y certbot" elif [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "debian" ]];then ${SUDO} ${CURL_C} /usr/bin/certbot ${CERTBOT_AUTO_URL} >>"${LOG_OUTPUT}" 2>&1 && ${SUDO} chmod a+x /usr/bin/certbot _exec "/usr/bin/certbot" fi new_line show_message warn "In the next step you need to create two TXT records on your DNS as part of the DNS challenge \nPlease wait some time after creating these records before continuing." read -n1 -r -p "Press any key to continue..." # if [[ "${USE_WGET}" == "true" ]];then # ${CURL_C} -O /usr/sbin/certbot-auto ${CERTBOT_URL} >>"${LOG_OUTPUT}" 2>&1 && chmod a+x /usr/sbin/certbot-auto # else # ${CURL_C} /usr/sbin/certbot-auto ${NODEJS_URL} >>"${LOG_OUTPUT}" 2>&1 && chmod a+x /usr/sbin/certbot-auto # fi # certbot-auto --noninteractive --os-packages-only ${SUDO} certbot certonly --manual -d "${HOSTNAME}" -d "*.${HOSTNAME}" --agree-tos --email "${EMAIL}" --preferred-challenges dns-01 --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory # ============================================== CertBOt # Nginx ============================================== show_message info "[!] Installing Nginx... " if [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "centos" ]] || [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "fedora" ]] ;then # Install Package # Selinux allow nginx # Enable access for port 443 in firewalld _exec "yum -y install nginx ; setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1 ; firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp --permanent ; firewall-cmd --reload" elif [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "ubuntu" ]] || [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "debian" ]] ;then # Install Package # Adjust the Firewall _exec "apt-get install -y nginx ; ufw allow 'Nginx HTTP'" fi # show_message done "[!] Success installed Nginx" if [[ ! -e /etc/nginx/default.d ]]; then ${SUDO} mkdir /etc/nginx/default.d fi ${SUDO} echo 'return 301 https://$host$request_uri;' | ${SUDO} tee /etc/nginx/default.d/ssl-redirect.conf >> "${LOG_OUTPUT}" 2>&1 show_message info "[!] Generating SSL file... It takes a while, don't panic." _exec openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/dhparam.pem 2048 if [[ ! -e /etc/nginx/conf.d ]]; then ${SUDO} mkdir /etc/nginx/conf.d fi ${SUDO} ${BASH_C} 'echo " map \$http_upgrade \$connection_upgrade { default upgrade; '\'''\'' \$http_connection; } server { listen 443 ssl; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/$HOSTNAME/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/$HOSTNAME/privkey.pem; ssl_protocols TLSv1.2; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; ssl_dhparam /etc/nginx/dhparam.pem; ssl_ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA512:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA512:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384; ssl_ecdh_curve secp384r1; ssl_session_timeout 10m; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m; ssl_session_tickets off; ssl_stapling on; ssl_stapling_verify on; resolver valid=300s; resolver_timeout 5s; add_header Strict-Transport-Security '\''max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload'\''; add_header X-Frame-Options DENY; add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff; add_header X-XSS-Protection '\''1; mode=block'\''; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection \$connection_upgrade; proxy_buffering off; proxy_set_header Host \$host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$remote_addr; proxy_connect_timeout 300; proxy_send_timeout 300; proxy_read_timeout 300; send_timeout 300; } }" > /etc/nginx/conf.d/codius.conf' show_message info "[*] Starting Nginx... " if [[ "${INIT_SYSTEM}" == "systemd" ]];then _exec "systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl enable nginx ; systemctl restart nginx" else _exec "service nginx enable ; service nginx restart" fi # ============================================== Nginx # ============================================== Finishing new_line printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' = new_line show_message done "[!] Congratulations, it looks like you installed Codius successfully!" new_line show_message done "[-] You can check your Codius by opening https://$HOSTNAME or by searching for your host at https://codiushosts.com" show_message done "[-] For installation log visit $LOG_OUTPUT" new_line printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' = new_line show_message warn "If you have problems opening Codius we recommend rebooting your system to complete the installation." new_line read -p "Reboot now? [y/N]: " -e REBOOT if [[ "$REBOOT" = 'y' || "$REBOOT" = 'Y' ]]; then echo "Rebooting ..." ${SUDO} reboot else exit fi } ################### UPDATE ########################### update() { check_deps_initsystem check_user # We need to check if Moneyd installed with NPM or Yarn local PACKAGES=(moneyd codiusd moneyd-uplink-xrp) local PACKAGE_MANAGER= show_message info "[-] Checking packages availability..." for package in "${PACKAGES[@]}" do local FOUND_IN_YARN=0 local FOUND_IN_NPM=0 # check if Moneyd installed with NPM npm list --depth 0 --global "$package" > /dev/null 2>&1 && { local FOUND_IN_NPM=1; } # check in Yarn yarn global list --depth=0 2>&1 | grep -q "$package" && { local FOUND_IN_YARN=1; } if [ $FOUND_IN_YARN == 0 ] && [ $FOUND_IN_NPM == 0 ]; then show_message error "$package is not installed with YARN or NPM !" PACKAGES=( "${PACKAGES[@]/$package}" ) fi if ! [[ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" ]]; then if [ $FOUND_IN_YARN == 1 ]; then PACKAGE_MANAGER='yarn' elif [ $FOUND_IN_NPM == 1 ]; then PACKAGE_MANAGER='npm' fi fi done if [ -z "$PACKAGES" ]; then show_message error "No package to update!" && exit 0 fi if [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "npm" ]; then new_line show_message debug "Checking $(echo "${PACKAGES[@]}") version using NPM ..." for package in ${PACKAGES[@]} do output=$(npm -g outdated --parseable --depth=0 | grep "$package" || :) if [[ $output ]] ; then local from_version=$( echo $output | cut -d: -f3) local to_version=$( echo $output | cut -d: -f2) show_message info "[+] Updating ${package} from ${from_version} to ${to_version}... " _exec npm update -g $package --unsafe-perm else show_message info "[+] ${package} already installed latest version." fi done else show_message debug "Updating $(echo "${PACKAGES[@]}") using YARN ..." new_line show_message info "[!] please press SPACE on your keyboard to activate the packages needed to upgrade." new_line ${SUDO} yarn global add moneyd@latest codiusd@latest moneyd-uplink-xrp@latest --force fi printf "\n\n" read -p "[?] Restarting Moneyd and Codiusd services? [y/N]: " -e RESTART_SERVICE if [[ "$RESTART_SERVICE" = 'y' || "$RESTART_SERVICE" = 'Y' ]]; then for service in moneyd-xrp codiusd do show_message info "[-] Restarting ${service} ..." if [[ "${INIT_SYSTEM}" == "systemd" ]];then ${SUDO} systemctl restart $service else ${SUDO} service $service restart fi done fi printf "\n\n" show_message done "[!] Everything done!" printf "\n\n" exit } ################### CLEANUP ########################### clean(){ check_user check_os_platform check_os_distro check_deps_initsystem local services=( hyperd moneyd-xrp codiusd nginx ) show_message warn "This action will remove packages listed below and all configuration files belonging to them: \n* Codiusd\n* Moneyd\n* Hyperd\n* Certbot\n* Nginx\n* Nodejs (npm & yarn)" new_line read -p "Continue Anyway? [y/N]: " -e CONTINUE if ! [[ "$CONTINUE" = 'y' || "$CONTINUE" = 'Y' ]]; then exit 0 fi show_message info "[!] Stoping services... " for i in "${services[@]}" do if [[ "${INIT_SYSTEM}" == "systemd" ]];then ${SUDO} systemctl stop $i || true else ${SUDO} service $i stop || true fi done # umount hyperd running pods for mount in `cat /proc/mounts | grep /run/hyper | awk '{ print $2 }'`; do umount $mount || true; done for mount in `cat /proc/mounts | grep /var/lib/hyper/hosts | awk '{ print $2 }'`; do umount $mount || true; done # remove packages from yarn if (command_exist yarn);then ${SUDO} yarn global remove moneyd codiusd moneyd-uplink-xrp || true fi # npm uninstall -g ${SUDO} npm uninstall -g moneyd codiusd moneyd-uplink-xrp --unsafe-perm if [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "centos" ]] || [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "fedora" ]] ;then ${SUDO} yum remove -y nodejs hyperd nginx qemu-hyper hyperstart hyper-container certbot elif [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "ubuntu" ]] || [[ "${LSB_DISTRO}" == "debian" ]] ;then for i in nodejs hyperd nginx qemu-kvm libvirt0 hyperstart hypercontainer certbot aufs-tools; do ${SUDO} apt-get -y remove $i || true ;done ${SUDO} apt -y autoremove || true fi files_to_remove=("$HOME/.moneyd.json" "$HOME/.moneyd.json.back" "/etc/systemd/system/moneyd-xrp.service" "/etc/systemd/system/codiusd.service" , "/usr/bin/certbot", "/etc/nginx/conf.d/codius.conf") dirs_to_remove=("$HOME/.yarn" "/etc/letsencrypt" "/var/lib/hyper" "/run/hyper" "/var/log/hyper") for f in "${files_to_remove[@]}" do if [[ -f $f ]]; then ${SUDO} rm -rf $f fi done for d in "${dirs_to_remove[@]}" do if [ -d "$d" ]; then ${SUDO} rm -rf $d fi done if [[ "${INIT_SYSTEM}" == "systemd" ]];then ${SUDO} systemctl daemon-reload fi printf "\n\n" show_message done "[*] Everything cleaned successfully!" printf "\n\n" exit 0 } ################### RENEW ########################### renew() { show_message info "[*] Checking for certificate status..." new_line new_line local HOSTNAME=$(hostname) local canRenew=false local notBefore=`echo | /usr/bin/openssl s_client -connect ${HOSTNAME}:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates | grep notBefore | cut -d'=' -f2` local notAfter=`echo | /usr/bin/openssl s_client -connect ${HOSTNAME}:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates | grep notAfter | cut -d'=' -f2` local notBeforeUnix=`date --date="${notBefore}" +"%s"` local today=`date` local todayUnix=`date --date="${today}" +"%s"` local eightyfivedays="7344000" local renewDateUnix=$((notBeforeUnix + eightyfivedays)) local renewDate=`date -d @$renewDateUnix` if [ $renewDateUnix -gt $todayUnix ]; then show_message success "You still have time. \nToday is ${today}. \nWaiting until ${renewDate} to renew. \n${notAfter} is when your SSL certificate expires." new_line exit 0 else show_message warn "Time to renew your certificate. Today is ${today} and your certificate expires ${notAfter}." fi #check for certbot command CERTBOT=$(which certbot-auto certbot|head -n1) if [ -z "$CERTBOT" ]; then show_message error "${ERR_NO_CERTBOT_INSTALLED[1]}" && exit ${ERR_NO_CERTBOT_INSTALLED[0]} fi # ask if user wants to renew read -p "Do you want to renew? [y/N]: " -e RENEW if [[ "$RENEW" = 'y' || "$RENEW" = 'Y' ]]; then new_line show_message warn "If the challenge TXT dosn't exist in your DNS please create them. \nAnd Please don't forget to wait some time after creating records!" read -n1 -r -p "Press any key to continue ..." ${SUDO} ${CERTBOT} certonly --manual -d "${HOSTNAME}" -d "*.${HOSTNAME}" --agree-tos --preferred-challenges dns-01 --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory show_message info "[!] Regenerating SSL file. It takes a while, don't panic." _exec openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/dhparam.pem 2048 show_message info "[*] Restarting Nginx... " if [[ "${INIT_SYSTEM}" == "systemd" ]];then _exec "systemctl restart nginx" else _exec "service nginx restart" fi show_message done "[*] Everything done!" new_line fi exit 0 } ################### DEBUG ########################### debug(){ check_deps_initsystem # active debug for commands export DEBUG=* # get hostname local HOSTNAME=$(hostname) # some env variables export CODIUS_PUBLIC_URI=https://$HOSTNAME local services=( hyperd moneyd codiusd nginx ) local commands=( node npm hyperd hyperctl moneyd codiusd certbot ) local debug_commands=('node -v ; npm -v ; yarn -v' 'hyperd run -t test /bin/sh' 'hyperctl info' 'hyperctl list' 'moneyd xrp:start' 'moneyd xrp:info' 'codiusd' 'netstat -tulpn' ) new_line # check for codius avaiblity throught URL status="$(curl -Is https://${HOSTNAME}/version | head -1)" if [[ $status ]]; then validate=( $status ) if [ ${validate[-2]} == "200" ]; then show_message success "[*] It looks likes Codius is running properly in your host." new_line read -p "Continue Anyway ? [y/N]: " -e CONTINUE if ! [[ "$CONTINUE" = 'y' || "$CONTINUE" = 'Y' ]]; then exit 0 fi else show_message warn "It looks like Codius is not running as expected ..." fi else show_message warn "It looks like Codius is not running as expected..." fi show_message info "[+] Start Debuging ..." printf "\n\n" _box "Checking required installed packages" new_line echo "------------------------------------------" printf "%-20s %-5s\n" "PACKAGE" "STATUS" echo "------------------------------------------" for i in "${commands[@]}" do printf "%-20s %-5s" $i $(echo_if $(program_is_installed $i)) printf "\n" done new_line _box "Checking required running services" new_line echo "------------------------------------------" printf "%-20s %-5s\n" "SERVICE" "STATUS" echo "------------------------------------------" for i in "${services[@]}" do printf "%-20s %-5s" $i $(echo_if $(service_is_running $i)) printf "\n" done show_message info "[?] Creating full services log file?" show_message warn "With this action all Codius services will restart for debuging." new_line read -p "Do you want to continue ? [y/N]: " -e DEBUG if ! [[ "$DEBUG" = 'y' || "$DEBUG" = 'Y' ]]; then exit 0 fi local TMPFILE="/tmp/codius_debug-$(date +%Y-%m-%d.%H-%M)" show_message info "[!] Stoping services... " for i in "${services[@]}" do if [ "$i" = moneyd ]; then i='moneyd-xrp'; fi if [[ "${INIT_SYSTEM}" == "systemd" ]];then ${SUDO} systemctl stop $i >>"${TMPFILE}" 2>&1 else ${SUDO} service $i stop >>"${TMPFILE}" 2>&1 fi done show_message info "[!] Execute services and commands in debug mode ... " show_message info "[*] This will take some time..." for c in "${debug_commands[@]}" do echo -e "\n==================================" >> "${TMPFILE}" echo "${c}" >> "${TMPFILE}" echo -e "==================================\n" >> "${TMPFILE}" exec 3>$(tty) exec 3>&- eval "${SUDO} bash -c '${c}'" >>"${TMPFILE}" 2>&1 & sleep 20 exec 3>&- done show_message info "[!] Killing debug proccess..." commands_to_kill=(moneyd codiusd hyperd) for p in "${commands_to_kill[@]}" do ${SUDO} kill -9 $(ps -ef|grep $p |grep -v "grep"|awk '{print $2}') || true done show_message info "[+] Starting services... " for i in "${services[@]}" do if [[ $i = moneyd ]]; then i='moneyd-xrp'; fi if [[ "${INIT_SYSTEM}" == "systemd" ]];then ${SUDO} systemctl restart $i >>"${TMPFILE}" 2>&1 || true else ${SUDO} service $i restart >>"${TMPFILE}" 2>&1 || true fi done new_line printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' = show_message done "[!] The debuging proccess is done." new_line show_message done "[-] Please check $TMPFILE for full log output ." printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' = exit } ################### CHECK FOR SCRIPT UPDATES ########################### check_script_update() { LATEST_FILE=$(curl "$INSTALLER_URL" 2>/dev/null) || { printf '%s\n' 'Unable to check for updates.'; curlFailed=1; } THIS_MOD=$(grep -m1 '# Last Modified Date: ' $0) LASTED_MOD=$(grep -m1 '# Last Modified Date: ' <<<"$LATEST_FILE") if [[ "$THIS_MOD" != "$LASTED_MOD" ]] && [[ ! -n "$curlFailed" ]]; then show_message info "[!] An update is available For the script... " read -p "Update Now ? [y/N]: " -e UPDATE if [[ "$UPDATE" = 'y' || "$UPDATE" = 'Y' ]]; then show_message info "[+] Updating now.\n" tmpfile=$(mktemp) chmod +x "$tmpfile" cat <<<"$LATEST_FILE" > "$tmpfile" mv "$tmpfile" "$0" show_message done "\n[-] Installer successfully updated to the latest version. Please restart the script to continue.\n" exit fi fi new_line } ################### MAIN ########################### while : do clear display_header # check for script Update at startup check_script_update echo "What do you want to do?" echo " 1) Install and run Codius in your system" echo " 2) Check your system for Codius errors" echo " 3) Check for certificate status and renew" echo " 4) Cleanup the codius from the server" echo " 5) Update Codiusd & Moneyd to the lastest version" echo " 6) Exit" read -p "Select an option [1-6]: " option case $option in 1)install;; 2)debug;; 3)renew;; 4)clean;; 5)update;; 6)exit;; esac done