Sublime-XSnippet ================ **Sublime-XSnippet** is an [XSnippet] plugin for the [Sublime Text 2] editor. XSnippet is the most useful pastebin service, and this plugin allows easily to paste code snippets directly from the editor. [XSnippet]: [Sublime Text 2]: ## Usage Select some text and hit `Alt + x + s` ( **A**lt **X**Snippet **S**end ). A link to the snippet is copied to the clipboard and displays in status bar. If text isn't selected the all text will be paste. ## Installation Just clone this repo into your SublimeText's `Packages` folder. Example: ```bash git clone git:// /tmp/XSnippet cp -r /tmp/XSnippet/ ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/ ``` ## Info * Author: Igor Kalnitsky * Version: 0.1