import urllib.request import hashlib import os #Provider URL to download M3U file url = 'http://providerURL' #File path where to save the newly create M3U file. filePath = 'updatedm3ufile.m3u' #Headers VLC Standard, Change to what you like.... headers = {'User-Agent': 'VLC'} #Combine URL and Headers into one req = urllib.request.Request(url,headers=headers) # Get M3U file from provider response = urllib.request.urlopen(req) data = providerM3uFile = data.decode('utf-8') #Open and overwrites the file if it exist, if it doesnt exist it creates a new one fo = open(filePath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') #Addes CUID to every line. CUID = MD5 hash of the channel URL m3uLines = providerM3uFile.split('#EXTINF:-1') #Delete #EXTM3U line del m3uLines[0] newM3uFile = '#EXTM3U' + '\n' for m3uLine in m3uLines: #Filter channels that you want to ***include*** by group title. #This assumes that your provider uses the group-title= property to identify groups, if not change it if ('group-title="NETWORK TV"' in m3uLine) or ('group-title="REGIONAL LOCALS"' in m3uLine) or ('group-title="SPORTS NETWORKS"' in m3uLine) or ('group-title="NFL/NCAAF"' in m3uLine) or ('group-title="PPV / EVENTS"' in m3uLine) or ('group-title="NBA"' in m3uLine) or ('group-title="24/7 TV"' in m3uLine): channelInfo = m3uLine.splitlines()[0].strip() channelUrl = m3uLine.splitlines()[1].strip() hash = hashlib.md5(channelUrl.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() newM3uLine = f"#EXTINF:-1 CUID=\"{hash}\" {channelInfo.strip()}\n{channelUrl.strip()}\n" newM3uFile = newM3uFile + newM3uLine #Write newly create file to a file in the OS fo.write(newM3uFile) fo.close