YACReaderLibraryServer xthursdayx/yacreaderlibrary-server-docker https://hub.docker.com/r/xthursdayx/yacreaderlibrary-server-docker/ lastest YACReaderLibraryServer compiled with unarr decompression - default p7zip YACReaderLibraryServer compiled with p7zip - see Docker Support for more information bridge bash false https://forums.unraid.net/topic/110003-support-xthursdayx-yacreaderlibraryserver/ https://www.yacreader.com Headless version of the YACReaderLibraryServer. YACReader is the best comic reader and comic manager available, with support for cbr, cbz, zip, and rar comic files. YACReaderLibraryServer makes it easy to run a home comics server to serve your comics to any device running a YACReader client (including Windows, MacOS, Linux, and iOS). MediaServer:Other http://[IP]:[PORT:8080] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xthursdayx/docker-templates/master/xthursdayx/yacserver.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xthursdayx/docker-templates/master/xthursdayx/images/yacreader-icon.png --restart unless-stopped ​ If you appreciate my work please consider buying me a coffee, cheers! 😁   ​ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/xthursdayx Headless version of the YACReaderLibraryServer. YACReader is the best comic reader and comic manager available, with support for cbr, cbz, zip, and rar comic files. YACReaderLibraryServer makes it easy to run a home comics server to serve your comics to any device running a YACReader client (including Windows, MacOS, Linux, and iOS). bridge 8080 8080 tcp /comics rw /config rw 99 PUID 100 PGID America/New_York TZ