Menu MenuTranslations en 0 MenuClass xwiki:XWiki.Admin xwiki:XWiki.Admin xwiki:XWiki.Admin 1.1 <comment/> <minorEdit>false</minorEdit> <syntaxId>plain/1.0</syntaxId> <hidden>true</hidden> <content># Class fields Menu.MenuClass_content1=Menu Structure # Live table generic keys menu.livetable.doc.title=Page title name menu.livetable.doc.location=Location menu.livetable.doc.fullname=Page full name Author menu.livetable.doc.creator=Creator date menu.livetable.doc.creationDate=Creation date menu.livetable._avatar=Avatar menu.livetable._images=Images menu.livetable._attachments=Attachments menu.livetable._actions=Actions menu.livetable._actions.edit=Edit menu.livetable._actions.delete=Delete menu.livetable.emptyvalue=- # Live table specific keys menu.livetable.content1=Menu Structure # Administration keys # UIX keys menu.uix.extensionPoint.label=Menu Display Location menu.uix.extensionPoint.hint=Specifies where to display the menu. The menu is displayed either horizontally or vertically, based on the chosen location. menu.uix.extensionPoint.value.nowhere=Nowhere menu.uix.extensionPoint.value.template.header.after=After the Page Header menu.uix.extensionPoint.value.panels.rightPanels=Inside a Right Panel menu.uix.extensionPoint.value.panels.leftPanels=Inside a Left Panel menu.uix.content.label=UI Extension Content menu.uix.content.hint=If you can see this then it probably means you have JavaScript disabled. You should select the same value as for the menu display location. menu.uix.scope.label=Menu Visibility Scope menu.uix.scope.hint=Specifies in which context the menu is visible. # Menu Macro a menu created using simple wiki syntax (nested lists and links). menu identifier that will be set on the HTML element that wraps the menu. You can use this identifier in JavaScript code to access the menu DOM or in functional tests to assert the menu items. menu label used to describe the content of the menu. Especially important for assistive technologies and accessibility of the menu. optional menu type determines the menu appearance and behaviour. The supported values are: horizontal (default value) and vertical. the menu structure using wiki syntax. Each menu item should be a list item and should contain the menu item label or link. You can use nested lists for sub-menu items. # Menu UI menu.ui.openSubMenu=Open the submenu. menu.ui.closeSubMenu=Close the submenu. menu.ui.horizontal.toggler.description=Toggle the horizontal menu. # Menu WebHome menu.description=This is a simple application that helps you create navigation menus to be displayed either horizontally as a top bar after the page header or vertically in a side panel.</content> <object> <name>Menu.MenuTranslations</name> <number>0</number> <className>XWiki.TranslationDocumentClass</className> <guid>e813781b-336d-4127-9260-f20fc39aff45</guid> <class> <name>XWiki.TranslationDocumentClass</name> <customClass/> <customMapping/> <defaultViewSheet/> <defaultEditSheet/> <defaultWeb/> <nameField/> <validationScript/> <scope> <cache>0</cache> <disabled>0</disabled> <displayType>select</displayType> <multiSelect>0</multiSelect> <name>scope</name> <number>1</number> <prettyName>Scope</prettyName> <relationalStorage>0</relationalStorage> <separator> </separator> <separators>|, </separators> <size>1</size> <unmodifiable>0</unmodifiable> <values>GLOBAL|WIKI|USER|ON_DEMAND</values> <classType>com.xpn.xwiki.objects.classes.StaticListClass</classType> </scope> </class> <property> <scope>GLOBAL</scope> </property> </object> </xwikidoc>