# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this software; if not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the new XWiki configuration file. In the future it'll replace the old # xwiki.cfg file. However right now it's only used by some XWiki components. # As time progresses more and more component will get their configurations from # this file. # # This file come from one of those locations (in this order): # * [since 9.3] /etc/xwiki/xwiki.properties # * /WEB-INF/xwiki.properties in the web application resources #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Core #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 1.8RC2] #-# Specifies the default syntax to use when creating new documents. #-# Default value is xwiki/2.1. # core.defaultDocumentSyntax = xwiki/2.1 #-# [Since 2.4M1] #-# Indicate if the rendering cache is enabled. #-# Default value is false. # core.renderingcache.enabled = true #-# [Since 2.4M1] #-# A list of Java regex patterns matching full documents reference. # core.renderingcache.documents = wiki:Space\.Page # core.renderingcache.documents = wiki:Space\..* # core.renderingcache.documents = Space\.PageOnWhateverWiki #-# [Since 2.4M1] #-# The time (in seconds) after which data should be removed from the cache when not used. #-# Default value is 300 (5 min). # core.renderingcache.duration = 300 #-# [Since 2.4M1] #-# The size of the rendering cache. Not that it's not the number of cached documents but the number of cached results. #-# (For a single document several cache entries are created, because each action, language and request query string #-# produces a unique rendering result) #-# Default value is 100. # core.renderingcache.size = 100 #-# [Since 7.2M2] #-# Define which hierarchy is used between pages (for example inside the breadcrumb). #-# Possible values are "reference" (default) or "parentchild". #-# If "parentchild" is used, the hierachy is based on the parent/child relationship, which means that any document #-# could be defined as the parent of an other document. #-# If "reference" is used, then the children of a document must be placed inside this document. It's less flexible but #-# more clear. # core.hierarchyMode = reference #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Environment #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 3.5M1, replaces the container.persistentDirectory property] #-# The directory used to store persistent data (data that should persist across server restarts). This is an #-# important directory containing important data and thus it should never be deleted (it should be backed-up along #-# with the database). #-# For example this is where the Extension Manager stores downloaded extensions (unless extension.localRepository #-# property is configured to a different location). #-# #-# You can set: #-# * an absolute path (recommended) #-# * a relative path (not recommended at all)but in this case the directory will be relative to where the XWiki server #-# is started and thus the user under which XWiki is started will need write permissions for the current directory #-# #-# Note if the system property xwiki.data.dir is set then this property is not used. #-# If neither the system property nor this configuration value here are set then the Servlet container's temporary #-# directory is used; This is absolutely not recommended since that directory could be wiped out at any time and you #-# should specify a value. #if ($xwikiPropertiesEnvironmentPermanentDirectory) environment.permanentDirectory = $xwikiPropertiesEnvironmentPermanentDirectory #else # environment.permanentDirectory = /var/lib/xwiki/data/ #end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rendering #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 1.8RC2] #-# Specifies how links labels are displayed when the user doesn't specify the label explicitly. #-# Valid values: #-# %w: wiki name #-# %s: full space name (e.g. space1.space2) #-# Note: Prior to 7.4.2/8.0M2 this was only displaying the last space name #-# %ls: last space name. New in 7.4.2/8.0M2 #-# %p: page name #-# %np: nested page name (i.e. will display the space name for Nested Pages). New in 7.4.2/8.0M2 #-# %P: page name with spaces between camel case words, i.e. "My Page" if the page name is "MyPage" #-# %NP: nested page name with spaces between camel case words, i.e. "My Page" if the page name is "MyPage". #-# New in 7.4.2/8.0M2 #-# %t: page title #-# #-# Note that if the page title is empty or not defined then it defaults to %np. This is also the case #-# if the title cannot be retrieved for the document. #-# #-# The default is "%np". Some examples: "%s.%p", "%w:%s.%p". # rendering.linkLabelFormat = %np #-# [Since 2.0M3] #-# Overrides default macro categories (Each macro has default categories already defined, for example #-# "Navigation" for the Table of Contents Macro). #-# Note: the categories are case sensitive. #-# #-# Ex: To redefine the macro categories for the TOC macro so that it'd be in the "My Category" and "Deprecated" #-# categories + redefine the category for the Script Macro to be "My Other Category", you'd use: # rendering.transformation.macro.categories = toc = My Category\,Deprecated # rendering.transformation.macro.categories = script = My Other Category #-# [Since 14.8RC1] #-# Override the default hidden macro categories. #-# Note: the categories are case sensitive. #-# #-# The default value is: # rendering.transformation.macro.hiddenCategories = Internal,Deprecated #-# #-# For instance, to make the "Development" category hidden by default, in addition to the "Internal" and #-# "Deprecated" categories, you'd use: # rendering.transformation.macro.hiddenCategories = Development,Internal,Deprecated #-# [Since 2.5M2] #-# Specify whether the image dimensions should be extracted from the image parameters and included in the image URL #-# or not. When image dimensions are included in the image URL the image can be resized on the server side before being #-# downloaded, improving thus the page loading speed. #-# #-# Default value is true. # rendering.imageDimensionsIncludedInImageURL = true #-# [Since 2.5M2] #-# One way to improve page load speed is to resize images on the server side just before rendering the page. The #-# rendering module can use the image width provided by the user to scale the image (See #-# rendering.includeImageDimensionsInImageURL configuration parameter). When the user doesn't specify the image width #-# the rendering module can limit the width of the image based on this configuration parameter. #-# #-# The default value is -1 which means image width is not limited by default. Use a value greater than 0 to limit the #-# image width (pixels). Note that the aspect ratio is kept even when both the width and the height of the image are #-# limited. # rendering.imageWidthLimit = 1024 # rendering.imageWidthLimit = -1 #-# [Since 2.5M2] #-# See rendering.imageWidthLimit # rendering.imageHeightLimit = 768 # rendering.imageHeightLimit = -1 #-# [Since 2.5M2] #-# InterWiki definitions in the format alias = URL #-# See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interwiki_links for a definition of an InterWiki link # Some examples: # rendering.interWikiDefinitions = wikipedia = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ # rendering.interWikiDefinitions = definition = http://www.yourdictionary.com/ #-# [Since 2.4M1] #-# Change the Pygments style used in the code macro (see http://pygments.org/docs/styles/) #-# If not set "default" style is used. # rendering.macro.code.pygments.style = vs #-# [Since 15.0RC1] #-# [Since 14.10.2] #-# The maximum size (in bytes) of attachment to allow as code macro source. #-# #-# The default is: # rendering.macro.code.source.attachmentMaximumSize = 1000000 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rendering Transformations #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 2.6RC1] #-# Controls what transformations will be executed when rendering content. #-# A transformation modifies the parsed content. For example the Icon transformation replaces some characters with #-# icons, a WikiWord transformation will automatically create links when it finds wiki words, etc. #-# Note that the Macro transformation is a special transformation that replaces macro markers by the result of the #-# macro execution. If you don't list it, macros won't get executed. #-# The default value is: macro, icon #if ($xwikiRenderingTransformations) rendering.transformations = $xwikiRenderingTransformations #else # rendering.transformations = macro, icon #end #-# [Since 2.6RC1] #-# Icon Transformation Configuration #-# Defines mappings between suite of characters and the icon to display when those characters are found. #-# The format is: rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = = #-# The following mappings are already predefined and you don't need to redefine them unless you wish to override them #-# [Since 9.3RC1/8.4.5] To disable a default mapping, define it with an empty value. For example: #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = (n) = #-# #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = :) = emoticon_smile #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = :( = emoticon_unhappy #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = :P = emoticon_tongue #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = :D = emoticon_grin #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = ;) = emoticon_wink #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = (y) = thumb_up #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = (n) = thumb_down #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = (i) = information #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = (/) = accept #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = (x) = cancel #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = (!) = error #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = (+) = add #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = (-) = delete #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = (?) = help #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = (on) = lightbulb #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = (off) = lightbulb_off #-# rendering.transformation.icon.mappings = (*) = star #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LinkChecker Transformation #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 3.3M2] #-# Defines the time (in ms) after which an external link should be checked again for validity. #-# the default configuration is: # rendering.transformation.linkchecker.timeout = 3600000 #-# [Since 5.3RC1] #-# List of document references that are excluded from link checking, specified using regexes. #-# the default configuration is: # rendering.transformation.linkchecker.excludedReferencePatterns = .*:XWiki\.ExternalLinksJSON #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rendering Macros #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# Velocity Macro #-# [Since 2.0M1] #-# Defines which Velocity Filter to use by default. This offers the possibility to filter the Velocity macro content #-# before and after the Velocity Engine execution. #-# The following filters are available: #-# - indent (the default): Remove all first whites spaces of lines to support source code indentation without #-# generating whitespaces in the resulting XDOM. #-# - none: Doesn't change the content #-# - html: Removes all leading and trailing white spaces and new lines. If you need a space you'll need to use #-# \$sp and if you need a new line you'll need to use \$nl #-# rendering.macro.velocity.filter = indent #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HTML Sanitization #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 14.6RC1] #-# The HTML sanitization strategy to use for user-generated content to avoid JavaScript injection. The following #-# strategies are available by default: #-# - secure (default): Only allows known elements and attributes that are considered safe. The following options #-# allow customizing its behavior. #-# - insecure: Allows everything including JavaScript. Use this only if you absolutely trust everybody who can #-# write wiki syntax (in particular, all users, but also anonymous users commenting when enabled). # xml.htmlElementSanitizer = secure #-# [Since 14.6RC1] #-# Comma-separated list of additional tags that should be allowed by the HTML sanitizer. These tags will be allowed #-# in addition to the already extensive built-in list of tags that are considered safe. Use with care to avoid #-# introducing security issues. By default, the following tags are allowed: #-# HTML tags: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-commons/blob/99484d48e899a68a1b6e33d457825b776c6fe8c3/xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-xml/src/main/java/org/xwiki/xml/internal/html/HTMLDefinitions.java#L63-L74 #-# SVG tags: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-commons/blob/b11eae9d82cb53f32962056b5faa73f3720c6182/xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-xml/src/main/java/org/xwiki/xml/internal/html/SVGDefinitions.java#L91-L102 #-# MathML tags: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-commons/blob/b11eae9d82cb53f32962056b5faa73f3720c6182/xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-xml/src/main/java/org/xwiki/xml/internal/html/MathMLDefinitions.java#L62-L64 # xml.htmlElementSanitizer.extraAllowedTags = #-# [Since 14.6RC1] #-# Comma-separated list of additional attributes that should be allowed by the HTML sanitizer. These attributes will #-# be allowed in addition to the already extensive built-in list of attributes that are considered safe. This option #-# is useful if your content uses attributes that are invalid in HTML. Use with care to avoid introducing security #-# issues. By default, the following attributes are allowed: #-# HTML attributes: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-commons/blob/99484d48e899a68a1b6e33d457825b776c6fe8c3/xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-xml/src/main/java/org/xwiki/xml/internal/html/HTMLDefinitions.java#L76-L91 #-# SVG attributes: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-commons/blob/b11eae9d82cb53f32962056b5faa73f3720c6182/xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-xml/src/main/java/org/xwiki/xml/internal/html/SVGDefinitions.java#L66-L89 #-# MathML attributes: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-commons/blob/b11eae9d82cb53f32962056b5faa73f3720c6182/xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-xml/src/main/java/org/xwiki/xml/internal/html/MathMLDefinitions.java#L73-L79 #-# XML attributes: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-commons/blob/b11eae9d82cb53f32962056b5faa73f3720c6182/xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-xml/src/main/java/org/xwiki/xml/internal/html/SecureHTMLElementSanitizer.java#L135 # xml.htmlElementSanitizer.extraAllowedAttributes = #-# [Since 14.6RC1] #-# Comma-separated list of tags that should be forbidden. This takes precedence over any tags allowed by default or #-# configured above. This can be used, for example, to forbid video or audio elements. # xml.htmlElementSanitizer.forbidTags = #-# [Since 14.6RC1] #-# Comma-separated list of attributes that should be forbidden. This takes precedence over any attributes allowed by #-# default or configured above. This can be used, for example, to forbid inline styles by forbidding the "style" #-# attribute. # xml.htmlElementSanitizer.forbidAttributes = #-# [Since 14.6RC1] #-# If unknown protocols shall be allowed. This means all protocols like "xwiki:" will be allowed in links, however, #-# script and data-URIs will still be forbidden (for data-URIs see also below). By default, unknown protocols are #-# allowed. # xml.htmlElementSanitizer.allowUnknownProtocols = true #-# [Since 14.6RC1] #-# If unknown protocols are disallowed (see above), the (Java) regular expression URIs are matched against. #-# The default values is ^(?:(?:f|ht)tps?|mailto|tel|callto|cid|xmpp): # xml.htmlElementSanitizer.allowedUriRegexp = ^(?:(?:f|ht)tps?|mailto|tel|callto|cid|xmpp): #-# [Since 14.6RC1] #-# Comma-separated list of additional tags on which data-URIs should be allowed in "src", "xlink:href" or "href". #-# Adding "a" here, for example, would allow linking to data-URIs which is disabled by default due to the potential of #-# security issues. Modern browsers should mitigate them, though, see for example #-# https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2017/11/27/blocking-top-level-navigations-data-urls-firefox-59/ so you could #-# use this to allow defining images, PDF files or files to be downloaded inline as data-URIs in links. # xml.htmlElementSanitizer.extraDataUriTags = #-# [Since 14.6RC1] #-# Comma-separated list of additional attributes that are considered safe for arbitrary content including #-# script-URIs, on these attributes the above-mentioned URI-checks aren't used. Use with care to avoid introducing #-# security issues. # xml.htmlElementSanitizer.extraURISafeAttributes = #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cache #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 1.7M1] #-# The standard cache component implementation to use (can be local or distributed depending on the implementation). #-# The default standard cache implementation is Infinispan. # cache.defaultCache = infinispan #-# [Since 1.7M1] #-# The local cache implementation to use. #-# The default local cache implementation is Infinispan. # cache.defaultLocalCache = infinispan/local #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Settings for the OpenOffice server instance consumed by the OfficeImporter component #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 1.9M2] #-# Type of the openoffice server instance used by officeimporter component. #-# 0 - Internally managed server instance. (Default) #-# 1 - Externally managed (local) server instance. # openoffice.serverType = 0 #-# [Since 12.1RC1] #-# Port numbers used for connecting to the openoffice server instance. #-# For an internally managed server instance, it will create the process for all ports. #-# For an externally managed server instance, only the first server port is taken into account. # openoffice.serverPorts = 8100,8101 #-# [Since 1.9M2] #-# If the openoffice server should be started / connected upon XE start. #-# Default value is false # openoffice.autoStart = false #-# [Since 1.8RC3] #-# Path to openoffice installation (serverType:0 only). #-# If no path is provided, a default value will be calculated based on the operating environment. # openoffice.homePath = /opt/openoffice.org3/ #-# [Since 1.8RC3] #-# Path to openoffice execution profile (serverType:0 only). #-# If no path is provided, a default value will be calculated based on the operating environment. # openoffice.profilePath = /home/user/.openoffice.org/3 #-# [Since 1.8RC3] #-# Maximum number of simultaneous conversion tasks to be handled by a single openoffice process (serverType:0 only). #-# Default value is 50 # openoffice.maxTasksPerProcess = 50 #-# [Since 1.8RC3] #-# Timeout for conversion tasks (in milliseconds) (serverType:0 only). #-# Default value is 60 seconds # openoffice.taskExecutionTimeout = 60000 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Velocity #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 2.0M1] #-# Velocity Tools that will be available from your scripts. The format is #-# velocity.tools = = #-# Default values (no need to add them) #-# velocity.tools = numbertool = org.xwiki.velocity.internal.XWikiNumberTool #-# velocity.tools = datetool = org.xwiki.velocity.internal.XWikiDateTool #-# velocity.tools = mathtool = org.xwiki.velocity.internal.XWikiMathTool #-# velocity.tools = escapetool = org.apache.velocity.tools.generic.EscapeTool #-# velocity.tools = regextool = org.xwiki.velocity.tools.RegexTool #-# velocity.tools = collectiontool = org.xwiki.velocity.tools.CollectionTool #-# velocity.tools = stringtool = org.xwiki.text.StringUtils #-# velocity.tools = jsontool = org.xwiki.velocity.tools.JSONTool #-# velocity.tools = urltool = org.xwiki.velocity.tools.URLTool #-# velocity.tools = exceptiontool = org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils #-# velocity.tools = niotool = org.xwiki.velocity.tools.nio.NIOTool #-# velocity.tools = logtool = org.apache.velocity.tools.generic.LogTool #-# velocity.tools = objecttool = org.xwiki.velocity.tools.ObjectTool #-# velocity.tools = listtool = org.apache.velocity.tools.generic.ListTool (deprecated) #-# velocity.tools = sorttool = org.apache.velocity.tools.generic.SortTool (deprecated) #-# velocity.tools = collectionstool = org.xwiki.velocity.tools.CollectionsTool (deprecated) #-# [Since 2.0M1] #-# Velocity configuration properties. The format is #-# velocity.properties = = #-# Default values (no need to add them) #-# velocity.properties = resource.loader = xwiki #-# velocity.properties = xwiki.resource.loader.class = org.xwiki.velocity.XWikiWebappResourceLoader #-# velocity.properties = velocimacro.library = "/templates/macros.vm" #-# velocity.properties = velocimacro.max_depth = 100 #-# velocity.properties = resource.manager.log_when_found = false #-# velocity.properties = velocimacro.inline.local_scope = true #-# velocity.properties = velocimacro.inline.replace_global = true #-# velocity.properties = directive.if.empty_check = false #-# velocity.properties = parser.space_gobbling = bc #-# velocity.properties = parser.allow_hyphen_in_identifiers = true #-# velocity.properties = velocimacro.enable_bc_mode = true #-# velocity.properties = context.scope_control.template = true #-# velocity.properties = context.scope_control.macro = true #-# velocity.properties = event_handler.include.class = org.xwiki.velocity.internal.util.RestrictParseLocationEventHandler #-# velocity.properties = runtime.introspection.uberspect = org.xwiki.velocity.introspection.SecureUberspector\,org.apache.velocity.util.introspection.DeprecatedCheckUberspector\,org.xwiki.velocity.introspection.MethodArgumentsUberspector\,org.xwiki.velocity.introspection.MethodOverrideUberspector #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Groovy #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 4.1M1] #-# Allows to specify Compiler customization for the Groovy execution engine. #-# There's no customizers defined by default. Available customizer ids: #-# - timedinterrupt: interrupt script execution if it takes longer than a given time (default to 1 minute) #-# - secure: runs Groovy in a security sandbox #-# groovy.compilationCustomizers = #-# Timed Interrupt Customizer #-# [Since 4.1M1] #-# Default execution time for a script before a timeout occurs, in seconds. #-# groovy.customizer.timedInterrupt.timeout = 60 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Events distribution #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 2.0M3] #-# Indicate if the network distribution module is enabled or not. #-# By default remote events are disabled. # observation.remote.enabled = false #-# [Since 2.0M3] #-# The list of events communication channels to start when the application starts. #-# By default no channel is configured. #-# #-# The default remote event distribution implementation is using JGroups and you'll need to either use embedded #-# JGroups configuration files or drop your custom configuration in the WEB-INF/observation/remote/jgroups/ directory. #-# There's a README file in that directory with more information. #-# Example: observation.remote.channels = public, cluster #-# [Since 2.0M4] #-# The implementation of network adapter to use. #-# The default is jgroups. #-# #-# By default only jgroups is provided. To add one implements NetworkAdaptor component interface. The identifier #-# provided in the configuration is matched with the component role hint. #-# Example: observation.remote.networkadapter = jgroups #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CSRF token component #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 2.5M2] #-# Controls whether secret token validation mechanism should be used (to prevent CSRF attacks). #-# #-# If enabled, all actions requiring "comment", "edit", "delete", "admin" or "programming" rights #-# will check that the parameter "form_token" with the value of a random secret token is present #-# in the request. #-# #-# Valid values: #-# true : Enabled #-# false: Disabled #-# #-# Default value is true # csrf.enabled = true #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Jobs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 4.0M1] #-# The folder containing job executing status. #-# The default is {environment.permanentDirectory}/jobs/ # job.statusFolder = /var/lib/xwiki/data/jobs/ #-# [Since 7.2M2] #-# The maximum number of entries to put in the job status cache. #-# The default is 50. # job.statusCacheSize = 50 #-# [Since 12.5RC1] #-# The maximum number of entries to put in cache for the GroupedJobInitializer components. #-# The default is 100. # job.groupedJobInitializerCacheSize = 100 #-# [Since 12.5RC1] #-# The thread keep-alive time in milliseconds for the single job executor. #-# This value defines how long a thread can be idle before being terminated by the executor. #-# The default value is 60000 for 60 000ms. # job.singleJobThreadKeepAliveTime = 60000 #-# [Since 12.5RC1] #-# The thread keep-alive time in milliseconds for the grouped job executors. #-# This value defines how long a thread can be idle before being terminated by an executor. #-# The default value is 60000 for 60 000ms. # job.groupedJobThreadKeepAliveTime = 60000 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension Manager #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 2.5] #-# Repositories to use when searching and downloading extensions. #-# Repositories will be checked in the same order they have in this configuration file. #-# #-# The format is :: where #-# * id can be anything as long as there is only one #-# * type is the type of the repository (maven, xwiki, etc.) #-# * url is the URL or the root of the repository #-# #-# [Since 4.3] It's also possible to associate various properties to each repository. #-# Here are the standard properties: #-# * user: the user to use to authenticate to the repository #-# * password: the password to use to authenticate to the repository #-# #-# And here those for "maven" repositories: #-# * [Since 10.7RC1] checksumPolicy: what to do when checksum validation fail. Possible values are "fail", "warn" #-# (the default) and "ignore" #-# * [Since 13.0RC1] http.headers: Custom HTTP headers to be used when connecting to the maven repository. #-# #-# Here is an example: # extension.repositories = privatemavenid:maven:http://host.com/private/maven/ # extension.repositories.privatemavenid.auth.user = someuser # extension.repositories.privatemavenid.auth.password = thepassword # extension.repositories.privatemavenid.http.headers.headername = headervalue #-# #-# Here's an example to add your local Maven Repository ## Note: Since this file is parsed by Velocity in the Maven Remote Resource plugin we need to escape the ## Apache Commons Configuration syntax for specifying the user.home system property! #set ($userHome = '${sys:user.home}') # extension.repositories = maven-local:maven:file://${userHome}/.m2/repository #-# #-# And an example to add the XWiki Maven Snapshot Repository # extension.repositories = maven-xwiki-snapshot:maven:https://nexus-snapshots.xwiki.org/repository/snapshots/ #-# #-# When not set the following is taken (in this order): # extension.repositories = maven-xwiki:maven:https://nexus.xwiki.org/nexus/content/groups/public # extension.repositories = store.xwiki.com:xwiki:https://store.xwiki.com/xwiki/rest/ # extension.repositories = extensions.xwiki.org:xwiki:https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/rest/ #-# #-# To not have any repository enabled (including disabling default repositories) you can explicitly make this list #-# empty: # extension.repositories= #if ($xwikiExtensionRepositories) #foreach ($extensionRepository in $xwikiExtensionRepositories.split(',')) extension.repositories = $extensionRepository #end #end #-# [Since 2.5] #-# The directory where extensions are stored after being downloaded. #-# #-# The default is {environment.permanentDirectory}/extension/repository. # extension.localRepository=/var/lib/xwiki/data/extension/repository #-# [Since 3.4] #-# The user agent to use when communication with external services (generally repositories). #-# #-# The default is: # extension.userAgent=XWikiExtensionManager #-# [Since 7.1RC1] #-# Some extensions considered now as flavor but released before the category exists #-# #if ($xwikiPropertiesExtensionOldFlavors) #foreach($oldFlavor in $xwikiPropertiesExtensionOldFlavors.split(',')) extension.oldflavors=$oldFlavor.trim() #end #else # extension.oldflavors= #end #-# [Since 8.3] #-# Indicate if XWiki should try to find more informations about the core extension in the repositories. #-# #-# The default is: # extension.core.resolve=true #-# [Since 9.6] #-# Indicate a list of pattern extension ids and the corresponding recommended version. #-# This version will be used for dependencies matching the pattern and fallback on the version declared by the #-# extension in case of failure. #-# #-# Here is an example: # extension.recommendedVersions=org.xwiki.commons:.*/[9.6] # extension.recommendedVersions=org.xwiki.rendering:.*/[9.6] # extension.recommendedVersions=org.xwiki.platform:.*/[9.6] # extension.recommendedVersions=com.mygroupid:.*/[1.9] #-# [Since 9.9] #-# Indicate whether the server should automatically check for new available environment versions. #-# #if ($xwikiPropertiesEnvironmentVersionCheck) extension.versioncheck.environment.enabled=$xwikiPropertiesEnvironmentVersionCheck #else #-# The default is: # extension.versioncheck.environment.enabled=false #end #-# #-# If the version check is enabled (through extension.versioncheck.environment.enabled), the following properties #-# can be used to customize how the version check is performed. #-# #-# Indicate the number of seconds between each check for a new version of the server. #-# The default is: # extension.versioncheck.environment.interval=3600 #-# #-# Indicate a pattern that will be used to filter which version should be considered as a new version. #-# By default, no pattern is given an the pattern is not applied. #-# Example: # extension.versioncheck.environment.allowedVersions=9.* #-# [Since 10.5RC1] #-# Indicate how extension documents are protected. #-# #-# The possible choices are: #-# * none: no protection at all #-# * warning (the default): everyone get a warning when trying to edit a protected document #-# * deny = EDIT/DELETE right is denied for everyone except for admins who just get a warning #-# * forcedDeny = EDIT/DELETE right is denied for everyone, admins can't force edit/delete #-# * denySimple = EDIT/DELETE right is denied for simple users except for simple admins who just get a warning #-# * forcedDenySimple = EDIT/DELETE right is denied for all simple users, simple admins can't force edit/delete # extension.xar.protection=warning #-# [Since 12.2RC and 11.10.4] #-# Indicate a list of extension dependencies to ignore #-# #-# The default list is: # extension.ignoredDependencies=stax:stax # extension.ignoredDependencies=javax.xml.stream:stax-api # extension.ignoredDependencies=stax:stax-api # extension.ignoredDependencies=xalan:xalan # extension.ignoredDependencies=xalan:serializer # extension.ignoredDependencies=xml-apis:xml-apis # extension.ignoredDependencies=xerces:xmlParserAPIs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension Manager - Security #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 15.5RC1] #-# When true, the security scan is enabled. This is the default; set to false to disable the scan. #-# # extension.security.scan.enabled = true #-# [Since 15.5RC1] #-# Specifies the delay before starting a new security scan after the last one has finished. #-# The default value is 24 hours. #-# # extension.security.scan.delay = 24 #-# [Since 15.5RC1] #-# Specifies the url to use as the endpoint for the security scan rest queries. #-# The url must conform to the API documented here: https://google.github.io/osv.dev/post-v1-query/ #-# The default value is https://api.osv.dev/v1/query. #-# # extension.security.scan.url = https://api.osv.dev/v1/query #-# [Since 15.6RC1] #-# Specifies the url to use as the endpoint for the security scan false-positive fetching rest queries. #-# The url must conform to the API documented here: http://e.x.o.doc... #-# The default value is https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Extension/Security/Code/Reviews #-# # extension.security.reviews.url = https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Extension/Security/Code/Reviews #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Distribution Wizard #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 7.1RC1] Enable or disable the automatic start of Distribution Wizard on empty/outdated wiki. #-# #-# The default is: # distribution.automaticStartOnMainWiki=true # distribution.automaticStartOnWiki=true #if ($xwikiPropertiesAutomaticStartOnMainWiki) distribution.automaticStartOnMainWiki=$xwikiPropertiesAutomaticStartOnMainWiki #end #if ($xwikiPropertiesAutomaticStartOnWiki) distribution.automaticStartOnWiki=$xwikiPropertiesAutomaticStartOnWiki #end #-# [Since 10.2RC1] Control if the Distribution Wizard should be automatic or interactive (the default) #-# #-# On the main wiki # distribution.job.interactive=true #-# On the subwikis # distribution.job.interactive.wiki=true #-# [Since 10.2RC1] Override the default UI indicated in the "environment extension" (usually means the WAR). #-# It usually make more sense to set that at the WAR level (since it's usually synchronized with it). #-# If this is set it also means the Distribution Wizard will switch to default UI mode in which you cannot choose the #-# flavor. #-# #-# The id[/version] of the default UI for the main wiki. If the version is not indicated it will be the version of the #-# environment extension. # distribution.defaultUI=org.my.groupid:artifactid-mainwiki/1.5 #-# The id[/version] default UI for the subwikis. If the version is not indicated it will be the version of the #-# environment extension. # distribution.defaultWikiUI=org.my.groupid:artifactid-wiki/1.5 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Solr Search #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 4.5M1] #-# The Solr server type. Currently accepted values are "embedded" (default) and "remote". # solr.type=embedded #-# [Since 4.5M1] #-# The location where the embedded Solr instance home folder is located. #-# The default is the subfolder "store/solr" inside folder defined by the property "environment.permanentDirectory". # solr.embedded.home=/var/local/xwiki/store/solr #-# [Since 12.2] #-# The URL of the Solr server (the root server and not the URL of a core). #-# The default value assumes that the remote Solr server is started in a different process on the same machine, #-# using the default port. # solr.remote.baseURL=http://localhost:8983/solr #-# [Since 12.6] #-# The prefix to add in front on each remote core name to avoid collisions with non-XWiki cores. #-# The default is "xwiki" which will produce names likes "xwiki_events" for example. # solr.remote.corePrefix=xwiki #-# [Since 5.1M1] #-# Elements to index are not sent to the Solr server one by one but in batch to improve performances. #-# It's possible to configure this behavior with the following properties: #-# #-# The maximum number of elements sent at the same time to the Solr server #-# The default is 50. # solr.indexer.batch.size=50 #-# The maximum number of characters in the batch of elements to send to the Solr server. #-# The default is 10000. # solr.indexer.batch.maxLength=10000 #-# [Since 5.1M1] #-# The maximum number of elements in the background queue of elements to index/delete #-# The default is 10000. # solr.indexer.queue.capacity=100000 #-# [Since 6.1M2] #-# Indicates if a synchronization between SOLR index and XWiki database should be performed at startup. #-# Synchronization can be started from the search administration UI. #-# The default is true. # solr.synchronizeAtStartup=false #-# [Since 12.5RC1] #-# Indicates which wiki synchronization to perform when the "solr.synchronizeAtStartup" property is set to true. #-# Two modes are available: #-# - WIKI: indicate that the synchronization is performed when each wiki is accessed for the first time. #-# - FARM: indicate that the synchronization is performed once for the full farm when XWiki is started. #-# For large farms and in order to spread the machine's indexing load, the WIKI value is recommended, especially if #-# some wikis are not used. #-# The default is: # solr.synchronizeAtStartupMode=FARM #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Security #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 5.0M2] #-# Define the authorization policies by choosing another implementation of the AuthorizationSettler. This component #-# is solely responsible for settling access decisions based on user, target entity and available security rules. #-# The identifier provided here is matched with the component role hint. #-# #-# The default is: # security.authorization.settler = default #-# [Since 13.0] #-# Control if document save API should also check the right of the script author when saving a document. #-# When false only the current user right is checked. #-# #-# The default is: # security.script.save.checkAuthor = true #-# [Since 13.10] #-# Prevent against DOS attacks by limiting the number of entries returned by DB queries, for guest users. #-# #-# The default is: # security.queryItemsLimit = 100 #-# [Since 13.10.1] #-# [Since 14.0RC1] #-# Define the lifetime of the token used for resetting passwords in minutes. #-# Default value is 60 meaning that users have 1 hour to access the link sent by email for performing password reset. #-# Once the password is reset using the link, the token is revoked. #-# Using 0 here means that the token has no expiration date, however it will be revoked at first wrong access. #-# #-# The value is in minutes. The default is: # security.authentication.resetPasswordTokenLifetime = 60 #-# [Since 14.6RC1] #-# [Since 14.4.3] #-# [Since 13.10.8] #-# This option is only used when performing a migration from a wiki before the versions mentioned above. #-# #-# This parameter defines if as part of the migration R140600000XWIKI19869 the passwords of impacted user should be #-# reset or not. It's advised to keep this value as true, now for some usecases advertised administrators might want #-# their users to keep their passwords nevertheless, then enable the configuration and set it to false before the #-# migration is executed. # security.migration.R140600000XWIKI19869.resetPassword = true #-# [Since 14.6RC1] #-# [Since 14.4.3] #-# [Since 13.10.8] #-# This option is only used when performing a migration from a wiki before the versions mentioned above. #-# #-# This parameter defines if reset password emails should be sent as part of the migration R140600000XWIKI19869. #-# By default this value is set to true, so emails will be automatically produced. Now it's possible for admin to set #-# this option to false: note that in such case a file containing the list of users for whom a reset password email #-# should be sent will still be created in the permanent directory (named 140600000XWIKI19869DataMigration-users.txt). #-# If this file exists and this property is set back to true after the migration, the file will still be consumed to #-# send the emails, so it's possible to perform the migration and send the emails only later if needed. # security.migration.R140600000XWIKI19869.sendResetPasswordEmail = true #-# [Since 14.6RC1] #-# [Since 14.4.3] #-# [Since 13.10.8] #-# This option is only used when performing a migration from a wiki before the versions mentioned above. #-# #-# This parameter defines if a security email information should be sent as part of the migration R140600000XWIKI19869. #-# By default this value is set to true, so emails will be automatically produced. Now it's possible for admin to set #-# this option to false: note that in such case a file containing the list of users for whom a reset password email #-# should be sent will still be created in the permanent directory (named 140600000XWIKI19869DataMigration-users.txt). #-# If this file exists and this property is set back to true after the migration, the file will still be consumed to #-# send the emails, so it's possible to perform the migration and send the emails only later if needed. # security.migration.R140600000XWIKI19869.sendSecurityEmail = true #-# [Since 15.9RC1] #-# Indicates how documents are protected by required rights. #-# #-# The possible choices are: #-# * none: no required rights check #-# * warning (the default): a warning is presented to the user when trying to edit a document with required rights #-# issues # security.requiredRights.protection=warning #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # URL #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# IMPORTANT: The URL module is a feature still in development and as such should be considered experimental at the #-# moment. The configuration parameters below are used only in some part of the code at the moment. The idea is to #-# progressively refactor more and more till only the new properties are used. For the moment you should continue to #-# use the following old properties located in xwiki.cfg: #-# xwiki.virtual.usepath #-# xwiki.virtual.usepath.servletpath #-# [Since 5.1M1] #-# The id of the URL format to use. This allows to plug in different implementations and thus allows to completely #-# control the format of XWiki URLs. #-# #-# The default is: # url.format=standard #-# [Since 5.1M1] #-# Defines where the wiki part is defined in a URL pointing to a subwiki #-# If true then the wiki part is located in the URL path (a.k.a path-based), for example: #-# http://server/xwiki/wiki/mywiki/view/Space/Page #-# If false then the wiki part is located in the URL host domain (a.k.a domain-based), for example: #-# http://mywiki.domain/xwiki/bin/view/Space/Page #-# #-# The default is: # url.standard.multiwiki.isPathBased=true #-# [Since 5.1M1] #-# For path-based setups, this property defines the path segment before the one identifying the subwiki in the URL. #-# For example if set to "thewiki", then the following URL will point to a subwiki named "mywiki": #-# http://server/xwiki/thewiki/mywiki/view/Space/Page #-# Note that the mapping in web.xml has to be modified accordingly if you don't use the default value: #-# #-# action #-# /wiki/* #-# #-# #-# The default is: # url.standard.multiwiki.wikiPathPrefix=wiki #-# [Since 5.2M1] #-# Defines the URL path prefix used for Entity URLs, i.e. URLs pointing to a Document, Space, Object, etc. #-# For example this is the "bin" part in the following URL: #-# http://server/xwiki/bin/view/space/page #-# Note that this replaces the old xwiki.defaultservletpath property in the xwiki.cfg file. #-# #-# The default is: # url.standard.entityPathPrefix=bin #-# [Since 5.3M1] #-# The action to take when a subwiki is not found (ie there's no wiki descriptor for it). Valid values are: #-# - redirect_to_main_wiki: default to displaying the main wiki #-# - display_error: redirect to a vm to display an error #-# #-# The default is: # url.standard.multiwiki.notFoundBehavior=redirect_to_main_wiki #-# [Since 7.2M1] #-# Whether the "view" action is omitted in URLs (in order to have shorter URLs). #-# Note that this replaces the old xwiki.showviewaction property in the xwiki.cfg file. #-# #-# The default is: # url.standard.hideViewAction=false #-# [Since 11.1RC1] #-# Whether a the last modified date of the file to be loaded should be checked and put in the URL query parameter. #-# Disabling this might improve a bit the performance on some old hard drives, or custom filesystem, however #-# it might imply the need to force-reload some resources in the browser, when migrating. #-# #-# The default is: # url.useResourceLastModificationDate=true #-# [Since 13.3RC1] #-# [Since 12.10.7] #-# Define a list of trusted domains that can be used in the wiki for performing requests or redirections even if #-# the wiki does not use it. Domains are listed without http and separated with a comma in the list. Subdomains can be #-# specified. #-# Example of accepted value: foo.acme.org,enterprise.org #-# #-# By default the list of trusted domains is empty: # url.trustedDomains= #-# [Since 13.3RC1] #-# [Since 12.10.7] #-# Allow to enable or disable checks performed on domains by taking into account the list of trusted domains. #-# Disable this property only if you experienced some issues on your wiki: some security check won't be performed when #-# this property is set to false. #-# #-# By default this property is set to true: # url.trustedDomainsEnabled=true #-# [Since 15.0] #-# [Since 14.10.4] #-# Define the list of schemes that are allowed for trusted URIs. Those schemes are checked whenever an absolute URI #-# needs to be checked (e.g. before performing a redirect). Any URI whose scheme doesn't belong to that list will not #-# be considered trustful, even if the domain of the URI is trusted. #-# Also note that even if a protocol is added here to be trusted, it might need a custom protocol handler. By default, #-# only http,https,ftp and file protocols are handled. #-# #-# The default is: # url.trustedSchemes=http,https,ftp #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Attachment #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 5.2M2] #-# Define the kind of attachment that can be displayed inline. You can either choose to do it through a whitelist #-# (only the mimetypes defined in this list would be displayed inline) or a blacklist (every mimetype that is not in #-# this list would be displayed inline if possible). #-# Note that only one configuration is used between the whitelist and the blacklist, and the whitelist always have #-# the priority over the blacklist. Also note that these configurations exist for security reason so they are only #-# impacting attachments added by users who do not have programming rights. #-# If you want to force downloading some attachments types please check the configuration below. #-# #-# By default we use the following whitelist (coma separated list of values). # attachment.download.whitelist=audio/basic,audio/L24,audio/mp4,audio/mpeg,audio/ogg,audio/vorbis,audio/vnd.rn-realaudio,audio/vnd.wave,audio/webm,image/gif,image/jpeg,image/pjpeg,image/png,image/tiff,text/csv,text/plain,text/xml,text/rtf,video/mpeg,video/ogg,video/quicktime,video/webm,video/x-matroska,video/x-ms-wmv,video/x-flv #-# #-# If you prefer to use a blacklist instead, you can define the forbidden types here, as a coma separated list of #-# values. We advise you to forbid at least the following mimetypes : text/html, text/javascript # attachment.download.blacklist=text/html,text/javascript #-# [Since 12.10] #-# Define the kind of attachment that you always want to be downloaded and never displayed inline. #-# By default this list is empty, but you can specify a list of mime-types (coma separated list of values) which #-# should be always downloaded no matter who attached them or what is the whitelist/blacklist configuration. #-# #-# The distinction with the blacklist configuration above is that the blacklist won't affect file attached by a user #-# with programming rights, while this configuration affect any attachment. # attachment.download.forceDownload= #-# [Since 14.10] #-# Define the list of allowed attachment mimetypes. By default, this list is empty, but you can specify a #-# comma-separated list of allowed mimetypes. Note that a single star character (*) can be used in the defined allowed #-# mimetype and in this case the allowed mimetype value will need to start with the text before the star and end with #-# the text after it. #-# Once this list is not empty, any attachment with an unlisted mimetype will be rejected. #-# For instance, if you want to only accept plain text and any kind of images, you can set the list to: #-# text/plain,image/* # attachment.upload.allowList= #-# [Since 14.10] #-# Define the list of blocked attachment mimetypes. By default, this list is empty, but you can specify a #-# comma-separated list of blocked mimetypes. Note that a single star character (*) can be used in the defined blocked #-# mimetype and in this case the blocked mimetype value will need to start with the text before the star and end with #-# the text after it. #-# Once this list is not empty, any attachment matching one of the listed mimetype will be rejected. #-# For instance, if you want to reject plain text and any kind of images, you can set the list to: #-# text/plain,image/* #-# # attachment.upload.blockList= #-# [Since 16.3.0RC1] #-# Indicate whether or not comments for attachment uploads should be settable from UI, and displayed whenever the #-# attachment revisions are listed. The default is false. # attachment.upload.enableComments=false #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Active Installs 2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 14.5] #-# The URL of where the Active Installs 2 module should connect to, in order to send a ping of activity. This feature #-# regularly sends anonymous information to xwiki.org about the current instance. #-# The goal is to count the number of active installs of XWiki out there and provide statistics on xwiki.org #-# #-# The default is: # activeinstalls2.pingURL = https://extensions.xwiki.org/activeinstalls2 #-# [Since 14.5] #-# Default user agent used when sending pings. #-# The default is: # activeinstalls2.userAgent = XWikiActiveInstalls2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Wikis #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 5.4.4] #-# Add a default suffix to the alias of a new wiki in the wiki creation wizard, only when the path mode is not used #-# (i.e. domain-based, see url.standard.multiwiki.isPathBased). If this value is empty, XWiki will try to compute it #-# automatically from the request URL. #-# #-# eg: if wiki.alias.suffix is "xwiki.org" and the wiki name is "playground" #-# then the computed alias will be: "playground.xwiki.org". #-# #-# The default is: # wiki.alias.suffix= #-# [Since 14.9RC1] #-# Allows delegating the database/schema/user creation (depends on the database) for a new wiki to an infra admin. #-# Said differently, if the following property is false then XWiki will not create any database/schema/user when #-# creating a wiki. It's assumed that it will exist prior to using the Wiki creation wizard. #-# #-# The default is: # wiki.createDatabase = true #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Store #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 6.1M2] #-# If active, the Filesystem Attachment Store will automatically clear empty directories on startup, #-# in some cases this may create undue load on the server and may need to be disabled. To do that, #-# set the following to false. #-# Note that if you disable this feature, empty directories will accumulate and you are responsible #-# for cleaning them up. # store.fsattach.cleanOnStartup=true #-# [Since 11.4RC1] #-# The root directory used by the various "file" stores implementation (attachment, deleted document, etc.). #-# #-# The default is ${environment.permanentDirectory}/store/file. #if ($xwikiPropertiesStoreFileDirectory) store.file.directory=$xwikiPropertiesStoreFileDirectory #else # store.file.directory=/var/lib/xwiki/data/store/file/ #end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mail #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 6.1M2] #-# SMTP host when sending emails, defaults to "localhost". #-# This configuration property can be overridden in XWikiPreferences objects, by using the "smtp_server" property name. # mail.sender.host = localhost #-# [Since 6.1M2] #-# SMTP port when sending emails, defaults to 25. #-# This configuration property can be overridden in XWikiPreferences objects, by using the "smtp_port" property name. # mail.sender.port = 25 #-# [Since 6.1M2] #-# From email address to use. Not defined by default and needs to be set up when calling the mail API. #-# This configuration property can be overridden in XWikiPreferences objects, by using the "admin_email" property name. # mail.sender.from = john@doe.com #-# [Since 6.1M2] #-# Username to authenticate on the SMTP server, if needed. By default no authentication is performed. #-# This configuration property can be overridden in XWikiPreferences objects, by using the "smtp_server_username" #-# property name. # mail.sender.username = someuser #-# [Since 6.1M2] #-# Password to authenticate on the SMTP server, if needed. By default no authentication is performed. #-# This configuration property can be overridden in XWikiPreferences objects, by using the "smtp_server_password" #-# property name. # mail.sender.password = somepassword #-# [Since 6.1M2] #-# Extra Java Mail options (see https://javamail.java.net/nonav/docs/api/). #-# This configuration property can be overridden in XWikiPreferences objects, by using the "javamail_extra_props" #-# property name. #-# By default the following properties are set automatically: #-# mail.transport.protocol = smtp #-# mail.smtp.host = #-# mail.smtp.port = #-# mail.smtp.user = #-# mail.smtp.from = #-# Example: # mail.sender.properties = mail.smtp.starttls.enable = true # mail.sender.properties = mail.smtp.socks.host = someserver #-# [Since 6.4M2] #-# Defines which authorization checks are done when sending mails using the Mail Sender Script Service. #-# Example of valid values: #-# - "programmingrights": the current document must have Programming Rights #-# - "alwaysallow": no check is performed. This is useful when running XWiki in a secure environment where we #-# want to allow all users to be able to send emails through the Script Service. #-# The default is: # mail.sender.scriptServiceCheckerHint = programmingrights #-# [Since 6.4M2] #-# optional default email addresses to add to the BCC mail header when sending email. # mail.sender.bcc = john@doe.com,mary@doe.com #-# [Since 6.4RC1] #-# The delay to wait between each mail being sent, in milliseconds. This is done to support mail throttling and not #-# be considered a spammer by mail servers. #-# The default is 8 seconds: # mail.sender.sendWaitTime = 8000 #-# [Since 6.4.1, 7.0M1] #-# When using the Database Mail Listener, whether mail statuses for mails that have been sent successfully must be #-# discarded or not. They could be kept for tracability purpose for example. #-# The default is: # mail.sender.database.discardSuccessStatuses = true #-# [Since 11.6RC1] #-# Max queue size for the prepare mail thread. When the max size is reached, asynchronously sending a mail will block #-# till the first mail item in the prepare queue has been processed. # mail.sender.prepareQueueCapacity = 1000 #-# [Since 11.6RC1] #-# Max queue size for the send mail thread. When the max size is reached, the prepare queue will block till the first # mail item in the send queue has been sent. # mail.sender.sendQueueCapacity = 1000 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Debug #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 7.0RC1] #-# Indicate if web resources should be loaded minified by default. #-# It's enabled by default which can make js/css hard to read. # debug.minify=false #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LESS CSS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 7.4.2, 8.0M2] #-# The number of LESS compilations that can be performed simultaneously. Put a little number if your resources are #-# limited. #-# #-# The default is: # lesscss.maximumSimultaneousCompilations = 4 #-# [Since 8.0RC1] #-# Generate sourcemaps inline in the CSS files. #-# #-# The default is: # lesscss.generateInlineSourceMaps = false #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Edit #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 8.2RC1] #-# Indicate the default editor to use for a specific data type. #-# The editors are components so they are specified using their role hints. #-# Some data types can be edited in multiple ways, by different types of editors. #-# Thus you can also indicate the default editor to use from a specific category (editor type). #-# #-# The format is this: #-# edit.defaultEditor.= #-# edit.defaultEditor.#= #-# #-# The default bindings are: # edit.defaultEditor.org.xwiki.rendering.syntax.SyntaxContent=text # edit.defaultEditor.org.xwiki.rendering.syntax.SyntaxContent#text=text # edit.defaultEditor.org.xwiki.rendering.block.XDOM=text # edit.defaultEditor.org.xwiki.rendering.block.XDOM#text=text #if ($xwikiPropertiesDefaultWysiwygEditor) edit.defaultEditor.org.xwiki.rendering.syntax.SyntaxContent#wysiwyg=$xwikiPropertiesDefaultWysiwygEditor edit.defaultEditor.org.xwiki.rendering.block.XDOM#wysiwyg=$xwikiPropertiesDefaultWysiwygEditor #end #-# [Since 11.3.2, 11.6RC1] #-# Indicate if the mechanism to detect and handle edition conflicts should be enabled or not. #-# If disabled, it means that in case of edition conflicts, the latest save will be always take into account, and #-# erase previous data (which can always be recovered in the history of the document). #-# This option is provided because the feature is still experimental and it could be useful is some specific usecases #-# to switch it off. However it is not recommended to do so. #-# #-# The default is: # edit.conflictChecking.enabled = true #-# [Since 12.5] #-# Indicate if the XWiki documents should be edited in-place, without leaving the view mode, whenever possible (e.g. if #-# the default edit mode for that document and the preferred editor both support in-place editing). When enabled, #-# clicking on the document Edit button makes the document title and content editable in-place, without leaving the #-# view mode. When disabled, clicking on the document Edit button loads the default (stand-alone) edit mode for that #-# document. #-# #-# The default is: # edit.document.inPlaceEditing.enabled = true #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Notifications #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 9.4RC1] #-# Indicates if the notifications module should be enabled on the platform. #-# #-# The default is : # notifications.enabled = true #-# [Since 9.5C1] #-# Indicates if the notifications module can send emails. #-# #-# The default is : # notifications.emails.enabled = true #-# [Since 9.6RC1] #-# Indicate the grace time used when sending live email notifications. #-# When an event is triggered in the wiki (for example, a document update), the platform will wait X minutes #-# before sending live notifications emails. During this time, if events of the same kind are recieved, they will #-# be grouped in the same email. #-# #-# The grace time define the period (in minutes) for which the platform should wait before sending a notification #-# mail after an event. #-# #-# The default is : # notifications.emails.live.graceTime = 10 #-# [Since 9.8RC1] #-# Indicate if the "watched entities" feature is enabled on the platform. #-# This feature mimics what the "Watchlist Application" does so it may not be a good idea to have both on the platform. #-# #-# The default is : # notifications.watchedEntities.enabled = true #-# [Since 9.11.8] #-# [Since 10.6RC1] #-# The automatic watch mode used by default. The value can be changed by an administrator in the wiki's administration #-# or by any user in their own settings. #-# #-# Possible values: #-# #-# - none: no page is added to the list of watched pages automatically. #-# - all: everytime a user makes a change on a page, it is automatically added to her list of watched pages. #-# - major: everytime a user makes a major change on a page, it is automatically added to her list of watched pages. #-# - new: only pages created by a user are added to her list of watched pages. #-# #-# The default is : # notifications.watchedEntities.autoWatch = major #-# [Since 10.11.4] #-# [Since 11.2] #-# The search for notifications in the REST API is done trough a thread pool to limit the impact on the rest of the #-# XWiki instance. #-# This properties controls the size of this pool. Any number lower than 1 disable the thread pool system. #-# #-# The default is : # notifications.rest.poolSize = 2 #-# [Since 10.11.8] #-# [Since 11.3] #-# Enable or disable caching of notification search result in the REST or async API. #-# #-# The default is : # notifications.rest.cache = true #-# [Since 12.5RC1] #-# The async notifications renderer is using a dedicated thread pool to limit the impact on the rest of the XWiki #-# instance. #-# This properties controls the size of this pool. #-# #-# The default is : # notifications.async.poolSize = 2 #-# [Since 15.5RC1] #-# The hint of the strategy component to use for email grouping notifications. Default strategy is to group all #-# notifications in a single email, but other strategies can be provided, e.g. to send as many emails as there was #-# type of notifications. Check online documentation related to notification to see the list of available strategies. #-# #-# The default is : # notifications.emailGroupingStrategyHint = "default" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mentions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 12.6] #-# The detection and notification for the user mentions in created or edited content is done asynchronously #-# by a pool of consumers. #-# This properties controls the size of this pool. #-# #-# The default is : # mentions.poolSize = 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Event Stream #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 11.1RC1] #-# Number of days the events should be kept (0 or any negative value: infinite duration) #-# Note: if this value is greater than 0 a scheduler job will be created, this job will then be fired every week to #-# delete events older than the configured value. #-# The default is : # eventstream.daystokeepevents = 0 #-# [Since 12.4] #-# Indicate if the new no-SQL oriented event store is enabled. Once enabled the Solr implementation is #-# used by default but other implementations (like a MongoDB based implementation for example) might come later. #-# It's enabled by default since 12.6. # eventstream.store.enabled = true #-# Indicate which event store implementation to use. The default implementation is based on Solr. # eventstream.store = solr #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logging #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 12.0RC1] #-# Indicate of logging about the use of deprecated APIs/feature should be enabled. #-# #-# The default is: # logging.deprecated.enabled = true #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # User #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 12.2] #-# Indicate where users are stored. #-# #-# The default (and currently the only supported option) is: # user.store.hint = document #-# [Since 12.2] #-# Define preferences for the SuperAdmin user. #-# #-# The format is: #-# user.preferences.superadmin. = #-# #-# Values set by default for the SuperAdmin user: #-# user.preferences.superadmin.displayHiddenDocuments = 1 #-# user.preferences.superadmin.active = 1 #-# user.preferences.superadmin.first_name = SuperAdmin #-# user.preferences.superadmin.email_checked = 1 #-# user.preferences.superadmin.usertype = Advanced #-# #-# Examples: #-# user.preferences.superadmin.displayHiddenDocuments = 0 #-# user.preferences.superadmin.editor = Text #-# [Since 12.2] #-# Define preferences for the Guest user. #-# #-# The format is: #-# user.preferences.guest. = #-# #-# Values set by default for the Guest user: #-# user.preferences.guest.displayHiddenDocuments = 0 #-# user.preferences.guest.active = 0 #-# user.preferences.guest.first_name = Guest #-# user.preferences.guest.email_checked = 0 #-# #-# Examples: #-# user.preferences.guest.displayHiddenDocuments = 1 #-# user.preferences.guest.editor = Text #-# [Since 14.10.12] #-# [Since 15.5RC1] #-# When displaying an user in a compact mode we usually rely only on the user avatar and their full name. If this is #-# not enough to properly identify the user then this configuration can be used to display additional information. #-# #-# The name of the user property to be used as qualifier (hint) when displaying the user in a compact mode. This #-# configuration is not set by default, which means no additional information is displayed: # user.display.qualifierProperty = #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Refactoring #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 12.9RC1] #-# Indicates whether skipping the recycle bin when deleting pages is allowed for Advanced users. #-# It is disabled by default. #-# This setting is only used if the wiki has a recycle bin activated (xwiki.recyclebin=1 in xwiki.cfg). #-# This setting can be overloaded: #-# * By the main wiki in the Refactoring.Code.RefactoringConfigurationClass class of the #-# Refactoring.Code.RefactoringConfiguration document of the main wiki. #-# * By sub-wikis in the Refactoring.Code.RefactoringConfigurationClass class of the #-# Refactoring.Code.RefactoringConfiguration document of the sub-wikis (itself overloading the main wiki's #-# configuration). #-# #-# The default value is: # refactoring.isRecycleBinSkippingActivated = false #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Skin Extensions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 12.7.1, 12.8RC1] #-# Indicate whether the JavaScript skin extensions should be parsed and minified using strict mode. When strict mode is #-# enabled: #-# * the JavaScript minification may fail if the code is poorly written. See #-# https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/wiki/Warnings for a list of errors that may occur. When this happens #-# XWiki uses the original (unminified) JavaScript source as a fall-back and logs some error messages that indicate #-# how the bad code can be fixed. #-# * the minified JavaScript includes the "use strict;" statement which means the code may fail at runtime if it doesn't #-# follow the ECMAScript strict rules. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Strict_mode #-# #-# The default value is: # skinx.jsStrictModeEnabled = false #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Localization #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 14.10.2, 15.0RC1] #-# Indicate whether translations with user scope that are only applied for the user who created them shall be #-# restricted to users with script right. The default value is true. Disable this option only when you absolutely #-# trust all users on the wiki. # localization.wiki.restrictUserTranslations = true #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PDF Export #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 14.4.3] #-# [Since 14.6RC1] #-# Whether the PDF export should be performed server-side, e.g. using a headless Chrome web browser running inside a #-# Docker container, or client-side, using the user's web browser instead. Defaults to client-side PDF generation #-# starting with 14.8 # export.pdf.serverSide = false #-# The host running the headless Chrome web browser, specified either by its name or by its IP address. This allows you #-# to use a remote Chrome instance, running on a separate machine, rather than a Chrome instance running in a Docker #-# container on the same machine. Defaults to empty value, meaning that by default the PDF export is done using the #-# Chrome instance running in the specified Docker container. # export.pdf.chromeHost = #-# The port number used for communicating with the headless Chrome web browser. # export.pdf.chromeRemoteDebuggingPort = 9222 #-# [Since 14.10.15] #-# [Since 15.5.2] #-# [Since 15.7RC1] #-# The base URI that the headless Chrome browser should use to access the XWiki instance (i.e. the print preview page). #-# The host (domain or IP address) is mandatory but the scheme and port number are optional (they default on the scheme #-# and port number used when triggering the PDF export). Defaults to "host.xwiki.internal" which means the host running #-# the Docker daemon; if XWiki runs itself inside a Docker container then you should use the assigned network alias, #-# provided both containers (XWiki and Chrome) are in the same Docker network. #-# #-# Note that this configuration replaces the old "export.pdf.xwikiHost" configuration which is currently still taken #-# into account as a fall back in case this configuration is not set. # export.pdf.xwikiURI = host.xwiki.internal #-# The Docker image used to create the Docker container running the headless Chrome web browser. # export.pdf.chromeDockerImage = zenika/alpine-chrome:latest #-# The name of the Docker container running the headless Chrome web browser. This is especially useful when reusing an #-# existing container. # export.pdf.chromeDockerContainerName = headless-chrome-pdf-printer #-# The name or id of the Docker network to add the Chrome Docker container to. This is useful when XWiki itself runs #-# inside a Docker container and you want to have the Chrome container in the same network in order for them to #-# communicate. The default value "bridge" represents the default Docker network. # export.pdf.dockerNetwork = bridge #-# [Since 14.9] #-# The number of seconds to wait for the web page to be ready (for print) before timing out. # export.pdf.pageReadyTimeout = 60 #-# [Since 14.10] #-# The maximum content size, in kilobytes (KB), an user is allowed to export to PDF. In order to compute the content #-# size we sum the size of the HTML rendering for each of the XWiki documents included in the export. The size of #-# external resources, such as images, style sheets, JavaScript code is not taken into account. 0 means no limit. # export.pdf.maxContentSize = 5000 #-# [Since 14.10] #-# The maximum number of PDF exports that can be executed in parallel (each PDF export needs a separate thread). # export.pdf.threadPoolSize = 3 #-# [Since 14.10] #-# Whether to replace or not the old PDF export based on Apache Formatting Objects Processor (FOP). # export.pdf.replaceFOP = true #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tags #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 14.4.8, 14.10.4, 15.0RC1] #-# Configure the tag selection algorithm to use. #-# The default algorithm is "exhaustive", which check all elements (documents and tags) for view right before returning #-# them. This exhaustive check can lead to tag clouds and tag lists being slow to compute on instances with very large #-# amounts of tags or tagged documents (more than 5000 of elements). #-# Note that it is advised to keep using the default implementation as much as possible, and to switch to the "unsafe" #-# option only when all performance improvements options have been exhausted #-# (see https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Performances/) #-# The "unsafe" algorithm does not perform any right checks. It is approximately 10 times faster than "exhaustive" #-# but does not provide any guarantee that the current user won't be able to view a tag he/she is not allowed to. #-# Therefore, we cannot recommend to use it unless tags performance is critical AND tags and document references are #-# not considered as critical information. # tag.rightCheckStrategy.hint=exhaustive # tag.rightCheckStrategy.hint=unsafe #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # What's New #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 15.2RC1] #-# Defines the list of News sources from which to get news items displayed by the What's New UI #-# Source format: #-# whatsnew.sources = = #-# Where: #-# - : a user-chosen id that represents the source. It's used to define the parameters for the source, #-# see below #-# - : for example use "xwikiblog" for using the XWiki Blog Application as a news source. #-# Source parameters format: #-# whatsnew.source.. = #-# Where: #-# - : this is the unique id mentioned above #-# - : a source-dependent parameter name (e.g for the "xwikiblog" source, the "rssURL" key is used to point to #-# the URL that generates the RSS feed) #-# - : a source-dependent parameter value for the specified key #-# #-# To disable the feature, use an empty source list, as in: # whatsnew.sources = #-# #-# When not defined, the default list of sources and their configuration is: # whatsnew.sources = xwikiorg = xwikiblog # whatsnew.source.xwikiorg.rssURL = https://extensions.xwiki.org/news # whatsnew.sources = xwikisas = xwikiblog # whatsnew.sources.xwikisas.rssURL = https://xwiki.com/news #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # XML Diff #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-# [Since 14.10.15, 15.5.1, 15.6] #-# If the compared documents contain images, they can be embedded as data URI to compare the images themselves #-# instead of their URLs. For this, images are downloaded via HTTP and embedded as data URI. Images are only #-# downloaded from trusted domains when enabled above. Still, this can be a security and stability risk as #-# downloading images can easily increase the server load. If this option is set to "false", no images are #-# downloaded by the diff and images are compared by URL instead. #-# Default is "true". # diff.xml.dataURI.enabled = true #-# [Since 14.10.15, 15.5.1, 15.6] #-# Configure the maximum size in bytes of an image to be embedded into the XML diff output as data URI. #-# Default is 1MB. # diff.xml.dataURI.maximumContentSize = 1048576 #-# [Since 14.10.15, 15.5.1, 15.6] #-# Configure the timeout in seconds for downloading an image via HTTP to embed it into the XML diff output as data URI. #-# Default is 10 seconds. # diff.xml.dataURI.httpTimeout = 10 $!xwikiPropertiesAdditionalProperties