from vapoursynth import core import vapoursynth as vs import mvsfunc as mvf import havsfunc as haf import re,math,functools,sys,os import muvsfunc as muf try: import znedi3_resample as nnrs except: import nnedi3_resample as nnrs #main function def STPresso(clip=None, limit=3, bias=24, RGmode=4, tthr=12, tlimit=3, tbias=49, back=1): """ STPresso #################### orginal script by Didée #################### The goal of STPresso (Spatio-Temporal Pressdown) is to "dampen the grain just a little, to keep the original look, and make it fast". In other words it makes a video more compressible without losing detail and original grain structure. #################### cllp = Input clip. limit = 3 Spatial limit: the spatial part won't change a pixel more than this. bias = 24 The percentage of the spatial filter that will apply. RGmode = 4 The spatial filter is RemoveGrain, this is its mode. tthr = 12 Temporal threshold for FluxSmooth; Can be set "a good bit bigger" than usually. tlimit = 3 The temporal filter won't change a pixel more than this. tbias = 49 The percentage of the temporal filter that will apply. back = 1 After all changes have been calculated, reduce all pixel changes by this value. (Shift "back" towards original value) #################### STPresso is recommended for content up to 720p because "the spatial part might be a bit too narrow for 1080p encoding (since it's only a 3x3 kernel)". #################### Differences: high depth support automatically adjust parameters to fit into different depth you have less choice in RGmode """ depth = clip.format.bits_per_sample LIM1= round(limit*100.0/bias-1.0) if limit>0 else round(100.0/bias) LIM1 = scale(LIM1,depth) #(limit>0) ? round(limit*100.0/bias-1.0) : round(100.0/bias) LIM2 =1 if limit<0 else limit LIM2 = scale(LIM2,depth) #(limit<0) ? 1 : limit BIA = bias BK = scale(back,depth) TBIA = bias TLIM1 = round(tlimit*100.0/tbias-1.0) if tlimit>0 else round(100.0/tbias) TLIM1 = scale(TLIM1,depth) #(tlimit>0) ? string( round(tlimit*100.0/tbias-1.0) ) : string( round(100.0/tbias) ) TLIM2 = 1 if tlimit<0 else tlimit TLIM2 = scale(TLIM2,depth) #(tlimit<0) ? "1" : string(tlimit) bzz = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(clip,RGmode) #### if limit < 0: expr = "x y - abs "+str(LIM1)+" < x x " +str(scale(1,depth))+ " x y - x y - abs / * - ?" texpr = "x y - abs "+str(TLIM1)+" < x x " +str(scale(1,depth))+ " x y - x y - abs / * - ?" else: expr = "x y - abs " +str(scale(1,depth))+ " < x x "+str(LIM1)+" + y < x "+str(LIM2)+" + x "+str(LIM1)+" - y > x "+str(LIM2)+" - " + "x " +str(scale(100,depth))+" "+str(BIA)+" - * y "+str(BIA)+" * + "+str(scale(100,depth))+" / ? ? ?" texpr = "x y - abs " +str(scale(1,depth))+ " < x x "+str(TLIM1)+" + y < x "+str(TLIM2)+" + x "+str(TLIM1)+" - y > x "+str(TLIM2)+" - " + "x " +str(scale(100,depth))+" "+str(TBIA)+" - * y "+str(TBIA)+" * + "+str(scale(100,depth))+" / ? ? ?" L=[] for i in range(0,3): C = core.std.ShufflePlanes(clip, i, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) B = core.std.ShufflePlanes(bzz, i, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) O = core.std.Expr([C,B],expr) L.append(O) if tthr!=0: st=core.flux.SmoothT(bzz, temporal_threshold=tthr, planes=[0, 1, 2]) diff = core.std.MakeDiff(bzz,st,[0,1,2]) last = core.std.ShufflePlanes(L, [0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV) diff2 = core.std.MakeDiff(last,diff,[0,1,2]) for i in range(0,3): c=L[i] b=core.std.ShufflePlanes(diff2, i, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) L[i] = core.std.Expr([c,b],texpr) if back!=0: bexpr="x "+str(BK)+" + y < x "+str(BK)+" + x "+str(BK)+" - y > x "+str(BK)+" - y ? ?" Y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(clip, 0, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) L[0] = core.std.Expr([L[0],Y],bexpr) output=core.std.ShufflePlanes(L, [0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV) return output def SPresso(clip=None, limit=2, bias=25, RGmode=4, limitC=4, biasC=50, RGmodeC=0): """ SPresso ######################### orginal script by Didée ######################### SPresso (Spatial Pressdown) is a purely spatial script designed to achieve better compressibility without doing too much harm to the original detail. SPresso was not designed for 1080p processing/encoding; due to its 3x3 kernel it works better on standard definition (SD) content like DVDs and possibly on 720p. On noisy DVD/SD sources, compression gain usually is from 2% to 3% (light settings -> changes almost invisible) up to 10 to 12% (stronger settings -> slight, gentle softening, not very obvious). ######################## clip= Input clip. limit = 2 Limit the maximum change for any given pixel. bias = 25 Something like "aggessivity": '20' is a very light setting, '33' is already quite strong. RGmode = 4 RemoveGrain mode for the luma (Y) channel. The default of "4" is the best in most cases. Mode 19 and 20 might work better in other cases; if set to 0, luma will be copied from the input clip. limitC = 4 Same as limit but for chroma. biasC = 50 Same as bias but for chroma. RGmodeC = 0 RemoveGrain mode for the chroma channels (UV) channels; by default the chroma is simply copied from the input clip. To process chroma, set RGmodeC=4 (or 19, 20, or any other compatible mode). ######################## Differences: high depth support automatically adjust parameters to fit into different depth you have less choice in RGmode """ depth = clip.format.bits_per_sample LIM1= round(limit*100.0/bias-1.0) if limit>0 else round(100.0/bias) LIM1 = scale(LIM1,depth) LIM2 =1 if limit<0 else limit LIM2 = scale(LIM2,depth) BIA = bias LIM1c= round(limitC*100.0/biasC-1.0) if limit>0 else round(100.0/biasC) LIM1c = scale(LIM1c,depth) LIM2c =1 if limit<0 else limit LIM2c = scale(LIM2c,depth) BIAc = biasC ### if limit < 0: expr = "x y - abs "+str(LIM1)+" < x x " +str(scale(1,depth))+ " x y - x y - abs / * - ?" else: expr = "x y - abs " +str(scale(0,depth))+ " <= x x "+str(LIM1)+" + y < x "+str(LIM2)+" + x "+str(LIM1)+" - y > x "+str(LIM2)+" - " + "x " +str(scale(100,depth))+" "+str(BIA)+" - * y "+str(BIA)+" * + "+str(scale(100,depth))+" / ? ? ?" if limitC < 0: exprC = "x y - abs "+str(LIM1c)+" < x x " +str(scale(1,depth))+ " x y - x y - abs / * - ?" else: exprC = "x y - abs " +str(scale(0,depth))+ " <= x x "+str(LIM1c)+" + y < x "+str(LIM2c)+" + x "+str(LIM1c)+" - y > x "+str(LIM2c)+" - " + "x " +str(scale(100,depth))+" "+str(BIAc)+" - * y "+str(BIAc)+" * + "+str(scale(100,depth))+" / ? ? ?" ### rg = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(clip,[RGmode,RGmodeC]) Y = core.std.Expr([getplane(clip,0),getplane(rg,0)],expr) U = getplane(clip,1) if RGmodeC==0 else core.std.Expr([getplane(clip,1),getplane(rg,1)],exprC) V = getplane(clip,2) if RGmodeC==0 else core.std.Expr([getplane(clip,2),getplane(rg,2)],exprC) last = core.std.ShufflePlanes([Y,U,V],[0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV) return last def STPressoMC(clip=None, limit=3, bias=24, RGmode=4, tthr=12, tlimit=3, tbias=49, back=1,s_p={},a_p={},c_p={}): """ STPressoMC """ depth = clip.format.bits_per_sample LIM1= round(limit*100.0/bias-1.0) if limit>0 else round(100.0/bias) LIM1 = scale(LIM1,depth) #(limit>0) ? round(limit*100.0/bias-1.0) : round(100.0/bias) LIM2 =1 if limit<0 else limit LIM2 = scale(LIM2,depth) #(limit<0) ? 1 : limit BIA = bias BK = scale(back,depth) TBIA = bias TLIM1 = round(tlimit*100.0/tbias-1.0) if tlimit>0 else round(100.0/tbias) TLIM1 = scale(TLIM1,depth) #(tlimit>0) ? string( round(tlimit*100.0/tbias-1.0) ) : string( round(100.0/tbias) ) TLIM2 = 1 if tlimit<0 else tlimit TLIM2 = scale(TLIM2,depth) #(tlimit<0) ? "1" : string(tlimit) bzz = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(clip,RGmode) #### if limit < 0: expr = "x y - abs "+str(LIM1)+" < x x " +str(scale(1,depth))+ " x y - x y - abs / * - ?" texpr = "x y - abs "+str(TLIM1)+" < x x " +str(scale(1,depth))+ " x y - x y - abs / * - ?" else: expr = "x y - abs " +str(scale(1,depth))+ " < x x "+str(LIM1)+" + y < x "+str(LIM2)+" + x "+str(LIM1)+" - y > x "+str(LIM2)+" - " + "x " +str(scale(100,depth))+" "+str(BIA)+" - * y "+str(BIA)+" * + "+str(scale(100,depth))+" / ? ? ?" texpr = "x y - abs " +str(scale(1,depth))+ " < x x "+str(TLIM1)+" + y < x "+str(TLIM2)+" + x "+str(TLIM1)+" - y > x "+str(TLIM2)+" - " + "x " +str(scale(100,depth))+" "+str(TBIA)+" - * y "+str(TBIA)+" * + "+str(scale(100,depth))+" / ? ? ?" L=[] for i in range(0,3): C = core.std.ShufflePlanes(clip, i, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) B = core.std.ShufflePlanes(bzz, i, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) O = core.std.Expr([C,B],expr) L.append(O) if tthr!=0: st=FluxsmoothTMC(bzz,tthr,s_p,a_p,c_p,[0,1,2]) diff = core.std.MakeDiff(bzz,st,[0,1,2]) last = core.std.ShufflePlanes(L, [0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV) diff2 = core.std.MakeDiff(last,diff,[0,1,2]) for i in range(0,3): c=L[i] b=core.std.ShufflePlanes(diff2, i, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) L[i] = core.std.Expr([c,b],texpr) if back!=0: bexpr="x "+str(BK)+" + y < x "+str(BK)+" + x "+str(BK)+" - y > x "+str(BK)+" - y ? ?" Y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(clip, 0, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) L[0] = core.std.Expr([L[0],Y],bexpr) output=core.std.ShufflePlanes(L, [0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV) return output def splicev1(clip=[],num=[],den=[],tc_out="tc v1.txt"): """ splice clips with different fps and output timecodes v1 """ clip_len = len(clip) num_len = len(num) den_len = len(den) if clip_len > num_len: for i in range(num_len,clip_len): num.append(None) if clip_len > den_len: for i in range(den_len,clip_len): den.append(None) for i in range(0,clip_len): if num[i] is None: num[i] = clip[i].fps_num den[i] = clip[i].fps_den elif den[i] is None: if num[i] > 10000: den[i] = 1001 else: den[i]=1 fps=[] for i in range(0,clip_len): fps.append(float(num[i])/den[i]) fnum=[i.num_frames for i in clip] for i in range(1,clip_len): fnum[i]+=fnum[i-1] tc = open(tc_out,"w") tc.write("# timecode format v1\nassume "+str(fps[0])+"\n") for i in range(1,clip_len): tc.write(str(fnum[i-1])+","+str(fnum[i]-1)+","+str(fps[i])+"\n") tc.close() last = clip[0] for i in range(1,clip_len): last+=clip[i] last=core.std.AssumeFPS(last,fpsnum=num[0],fpsden=den[0]) return last def FluxsmoothTMC(src,tthr=12,s_p={},a_p={},c_p={},planes=[0,1,2]): """ port from allow setting parameters for mvtools """ super_p={"pel":2,"sharp":1,} analyse_p={"truemotion":False,"delta":1,"blksize":16,"overlap":8,} s = {**super_p, **s_p} a = {**analyse_p, **a_p} sup =,**s) bv =, isb=True, **a) fv =, isb=False, **a) bc =,sup,bv,**c_p) fc =,sup,fv,**c_p) il = core.std.Interleave([fc,src,bc]) fs = core.flux.SmoothT(il, temporal_threshold=tthr, planes=planes) return core.std.SelectEvery(fs,3,1) ######################### #mvfrc ######################### # ######################### def mvfrc(input,it=140,scp=15,num=60000,den=1001,preset='fast', pel=2,block=True,flow_mask=None,block_mode=None, blksize = 8,blksizev=8,search=None,truemotion=True,searchparam=2,overlap=0,overlapv=None, dct=0,blend=True,badSAD=10000,badrange=24,divide=0,ml=100,Mblur=15): """ change fps by mvtools with motion interpolation it = thscd1 ; scp=thscd2/255*100 """ funcName = 'mvfrc' if not isinstance(input, vs.VideoNode): raise TypeError(funcName + ': This is not a clip!') ############# if preset == 'fast': pnum=0 elif preset == 'medium': pnum=1 elif preset == 'slow': pnum=2 else: raise TypeError(funcName + r":preset should be fast\ medium\slow'") overlapv = overlap ############# if search is None : search = [0,3,3][pnum] if block_mode is None : block_mode = [0,0,3][pnum] if flow_mask is None : flow_mask = [0,0,2][pnum] ############# analParams = { 'overlap' : overlap, 'overlapv':overlapv, 'search' : search, 'dct':dct, 'truemotion' : truemotion, 'blksize' : blksize, 'blksizev':blksizev, 'searchparam':searchparam, 'badsad':badSAD, 'badrange':badrange, 'divide':divide } ############ #block or flow Params bofp = { 'thscd1':it, 'thscd2':int(scp*255/100), 'blend':blend, 'num':num, 'den':den } ############ sup =, pel=pel,sharp=2, rfilter=4) bvec =, isb=True, **analParams) fvec =, isb=False, **analParams) if input.fps_num/input.fps_den > num/den: input =, sup, bvec, fvec, blur=Mblur) if block == True: clip =, sup, bvec, fvec,**bofp,mode=block_mode) else: clip =, sup, bvec, fvec,**bofp,mask=flow_mask) return clip def xsUSM(src=None,blur=11,limit=1,elast=4,maskclip=None,plane=[0]): """ xsUSM: xyx98's simple unsharp mask ----------------------------------------------- blur: way to get blurclip,default is 11,means RemoveGrain(mode=11) you can also use a list like [1,2,1,2,4,2,1,2,1],means Convolution(matrix=[1,2,1,2,4,2,1,2,1]) or you can input a blur clip made by yourself limit: way to limit the sharp resault,default is 3 =0 no limit >0 use limitfilter thr=limit <0 use repair(mode=-limit) elast: elast in LimitFilter,only for limit>0 maskclip: you can input your own mask to merge resault and source if needed,default is None,means skip this step plane: setting which plane or planes to be processed,default is [0],means only process Y """ isGray = src.format.color_family == vs.GRAY def usm(clip=None,blur=11,limit=1,elast=4,maskclip=None): if isinstance(blur,int): blurclip=core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(clip,blur) elif isinstance(blur,list): blurclip=core.std.Convolution(clip,matrix=blur,planes=0) else: blurclip=blur diff=core.std.MakeDiff(clip,blurclip,planes=0) sharp = core.std.MergeDiff(clip,diff,planes=0) ### if limit==0: lt=sharp elif limit>0: lt = mvf.LimitFilter(sharp,clip,thr=limit,elast=elast) elif limit<0: lt = core.rgvs.Repair(sharp,clip,-limit) if isinstance(maskclip,vs.VideoNode): m = core.std.MaskedMerge(lt,clip,maskclip,planes=0) else: m = lt return m if isGray: return usm(src,blur,limit,elast,maskclip) else: li=[] for i in range(3): if i in plane: a=usm(getplane(src,i),blur,limit,elast,None if maskclip is None else getplane(maskclip,i)) else: a=getplane(src,i) li.append(a) return core.std.ShufflePlanes(li,[0,0,0], vs.YUV) def SharpenDetail(src=None,limit=4,thr=32): """ SharpenDetail ------------------------------------ ideas comes from : but it's not a port,because their is no asharp in vapoursynth,so I adjust sharpener """ cFormat=src.format.color_family depth=src.format.bits_per_sample if cFormat==vs.YUV: clip=getplane(src,0) elif cFormat==vs.GRAY: clip=src else: raise TypeError("") thr = thr*depth/8 bia = 128*depth/8 blur = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(clip,19) mask = core.std.Expr([clip,blur],"x y - "+str(thr)+" * "+str(bia)+" +") mask = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(mask,2) mask = inpand(mask,mode="both") mask = core.std.Deflate(mask) sharp = xsUSM(clip,blur=[1]*25,limit=limit,maskclip=None) last = core.std.MaskedMerge(sharp,clip,mask,planes=0) if cFormat==vs.YUV: last = core.std.ShufflePlanes([last,src],[0,1,2], vs.YUV) return last def textsub(input,file,charset=None,fps=None,vfr=None, mod=False,Matrix=None): """ --------------------------- textsub --------------------------- Can support high bit and yuv444&yuv422,but not rgb Not recommended for yuv420p8 It's a port from avs script—textsub16 by mawen1250,but have some differences --------------------------- input,file,charset,fps,vfr: same in vsfilter mod: Choose whether to use(vsfiler or vsfiltermod),deflaut is False,means use vsfilter """ def M(a,b): if a <= 1024 and b <= 576: return "601" elif a <= 2048 and b <= 1536: return "709" else : return "2020" funcName = "textsub16" width = input.width height = input.height bit = input.format.bits_per_sample U = core.std.ShufflePlanes(input, 1, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) c_w = U.width c_h = U.height w = width/c_w h = height/c_h if w==1 and h==1: f = vs.YUV444P16 s = 0 elif w==2 and h==1: f = vs.YUV422P16 s = 0.5 elif w==2 and h==2: f = vs.YUV420P16 s = 0.25 else: TypeError(funcName + ': Only support YUV420、YUV422、YUV444') if Matrix is None: Matrix = M(width,height) ############## def vsmode(clip,file,charset,fps,vfr,mod): core = vs.get_core() if mod == False: last = core.vsf.TextSub(clip,file,charset,fps,vfr) else: last = core.vsfm.TextSubMod(clip,file,charset,fps,vfr) return core.std.Cache(last, make_linear=True) def mskE(a,b,depth): core=vs.get_core() expr="x y - abs 1 < 0 255 ?" last = core.std.Expr([a,b], [expr]*3) return core.fmtc.bitdepth(last,bits=depth) ############## src8 = core.resize.Bilinear(input,format=vs.YUV420P8) sub8 = vsmode(src8,file,charset,fps,vfr,mod) mask = mskE(src8,sub8,bit) maskY = core.std.ShufflePlanes(mask, 0, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) maskU = core.std.ShufflePlanes(mask, 1, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) maskU = core.resize.Bilinear(maskU,width,height,src_left=s) maskV = core.std.ShufflePlanes(mask, 2, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) maskV = core.resize.Bilinear(maskV,width,height,src_left=s) mask = mvf.Max(mvf.Max(maskY,maskU),maskV) mask = core.std.Inflate(mask) maskC = core.resize.Bilinear(mask,c_w,c_h,src_left=-s)#,src_width=c_w,src_height=c_h if w==1 and h==1: mask = core.std.ShufflePlanes(mask,[0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV) else: mask = core.std.ShufflePlanes([mask,maskC],[0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV) ################ rgb = core.resize.Bilinear(input,format=vs.RGB24,matrix_in_s=Matrix) sub = vsmode(rgb,file,charset,fps,vfr,mod) sub = core.resize.Bilinear(sub,format=f,matrix_s=Matrix) sub = mvf.Depth(sub,depth=bit) last = core.std.MaskedMerge(input, sub, mask=mask, planes=[0,1,2]) return last def LazyDering(src,depth=32,diff=8,thr=32): """ LazyDering ----------------------------- port from avs script by Leak&RazorbladeByte LazyDering tries to clean up slight ringing around edges by applying aWarpSharp2 only to areas where the difference is small enough so detail isn't destroyed. LazyDering it's a modified version of aWarpSharpDering. """ bit = src.format.bits_per_sample Y = getplane(src,0) sharped = core.warp.AWarpSharp2(Y,depth=depth) diff_mask = core.std.Expr([Y,sharped], "x y - x y > *").std.Levels(0,scale(diff,bit),0.5,scale(255,bit),0) luma_mask = core.std.Deflate(Y).std.Levels(scale(16,bit),scale(16+thr,bit),0.5,0,scale(255,bit)) masks = core.std.Expr([luma_mask,diff_mask], "x y * {} /".format(scale(255,bit))).std.Deflate() merge = core.std.MaskedMerge(Y,sharped, mask=masks) return core.std.ShufflePlanes([merge,src],[0,1,2], colorfamily=vs.YUV) def SADering(src,ring_r=2,warp_arg={},warpclip=None,edge_r=2,show_mode=0): """ Simple Awarpsharp2 Dering --------------------------------------- ring_r: (int)range of ring,higher means more area around edge be set as ring in ringmask,deflaut is 2.Sugest use the smallest value which can dering well warp_arg: (dict)set your own args for AWarpSharp2,should be dict. e.g. warpclip: (clip)aim to allow you input a own warped clip instead internal warped clip,but I think a rightly blurred clip may also useful edge_r: (int)if the non-ring area between nearly edge can't be preserved well,try increase it's value show_mode: 0 :output the result 1: edgemask 2: ringmask 3: warped clip """ arg={'depth':16,'type':0} w_a = {**arg,**warp_arg} isGray = src.format.color_family == vs.GRAY clip = src if isGray else getplane(src,0) ####warp warp = core.warp.AWarpSharp2(clip,**w_a) if warpclip is None else warpclip ####mask edgemask = core.tcanny.TCanny(clip,mode=0, op=1) edgemask = expand(edgemask,cycle=edge_r) edgemask = core.std.Deflate(edgemask) edgemask = inpand(edgemask,cycle=edge_r) # mask = expand(edgemask,cycle=ring_r+1) mask = inpand(mask,cycle=1) # ringmask = core.std.Expr([edgemask,mask], ["y x -"]) #### merge = core.std.MaskedMerge(clip, warp, ringmask) last = merge if isGray else core.std.ShufflePlanes([merge,src],[0,1,2], colorfamily=vs.YUV) #### if show_mode not in [0,1,2,3]: raise ValueError("") if show_mode==0: return last elif show_mode==1: return edgemask elif show_mode==2: return ringmask elif show_mode==3: return warp else: raise ValueError("") def NonlinUSM(src,z=6.0,pow=1.6,str=1.0,rad=9,ldmp=0.001): """ NonlinUSM -------------------------------- port from avs script writen by Didée Non-linear Unsharp Masking, uses a wide-range Gaussian instead of a small-range kernel. Like most sharpeners, this script only processes luma, chroma channels are simply copied from the input clip. -------------------------------- Parameters: z = 6.0 (float) zero point pow = 1.6 (float) power str = 1.0 (float) strength rad = 9.0 (float) radius for "gauss" ldmp = 0.001 (float) damping for very small differences --------------------------------- Examples: NonlinUSM(src,pow=4) ## enhance: for low bitrate sources NonlinUSM(src,z=3, pow=4.0, str=1, rad=6) ## enhance less NonlinUSM(src,z=3, str=0.5, rad=9, pow=1) ## enhance less NonlinUSM(src,z=3, str=2.5, rad=0.6) ## sharpen: less noise NonlinUSM(src,z=6, pow=1.0, str=1, rad=6) ## unsharp NonlinUSM(src,pow=1.0, rad=2, str=0.7) ## "smoothen" for noisy sources NonlinUSM(src,pow=1.0, rad=18, str=0.5) ## smear: soft glow NonlinUSM(src,z=6, pow=4.0, str=1, rad=36) ## local contrast NonlinUSM(src,z=6, pow=1.0, str=1, rad=36) ## local contrast NonlinUSM(src,z=16, pow=4.0, str=18, rad=6) ## B+W psychedelic NonlinUSM(src,z=16, pow=2.0, str=2, rad=36) ## solarized NonlinUSM(src,z=16, pow=4.0, str=3, rad=6) ## sepia/artistic """ bit = src.format.bits_per_sample width = src.width height = src.height isGray = src.format.color_family == vs.GRAY clip = src if isGray else getplane(src,0) g=core.resize.Bicubic(clip,haf.m4(width/rad),haf.m4(height/rad),filter_param_a=1/3, filter_param_b=1/3).resize.Bicubic(width,height,filter_param_a=1, filter_param_b=0) expr="x x y - abs {bs} / {z} / 1 {pow} / pow {z} * {str} * x y - {bs} / dup * * x y - {bs} / dup * {ldmp} + / x y - * {bs} / x y - abs {bs} / 0.001 + / {bs} * +".format(bs=2**(bit-8),z=z,pow=pow,str=str,ldmp=ldmp) Ylast = core.std.Expr([clip,g], [expr]) last = Ylast if isGray else core.std.ShufflePlanes([Ylast,src],[0,1,2], colorfamily=vs.YUV) return last def SAdeband(src,thr=128,f3kdb_arg={},smoothmask=0,Sdbclip=None,Smask=None,tvrange=True): """ Simple Adaptive Debanding ------------------------------------- thr: only pixel less then will be processed(only affect luma),default is 128 and vaule is based on 8bit f3kdb_arg:use a dict to set parameters of f3kdb smoothmask: -1: don't smooth the mask; 0: use removegrain mode11; 1: use removegrain mode20; 2: use removegrain mode19 a list :use Convolution,and this list will be the matrix default is 0 Sdbclip: input and use your own debanded clip,must be 16bit Smask:input and use your own mask clip,must be 16bit,and 0 means don't process tvrange: set false if your clip is pcrange """ clip = src if src.format.bits_per_sample==16 else core.fmtc.bitdepth(src,bits=16) db = core.f3kdb.Deband(clip,output_depth=16,**f3kdb_arg) if Sdbclip is None else Sdbclip expr = "x {thr} > 0 65535 x {low} - 65535 * {thr} {low} - / - ?".format(thr=scale(thr),low=scale(16) if tvrange else 0) mask = core.std.Expr(clip,[expr,'','']) if smoothmask==-1: mask = mask elif smoothmask==0: mask = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(mask,[11,0,0]) elif smoothmask==1: mask = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(mask,[20,0,0]) elif smoothmask==2: mask = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(mask,[19,0,0]) elif isinstance(smoothmask,list): mask = core.std.Convolution(mask,matrix=smoothmask,planes=[0]) else: raise TypeError("") merge = core.std.MaskedMerge(clip, db, mask, planes=0) return core.std.ShufflePlanes([merge,db],[0,1,2], colorfamily=vs.YUV) def vfrtocfr(clip=None,tc=None,num=None,den=1,blend=False): """ vfrtocfr -------------------------------- clip: input clip tc: input timecodes,only support tcv2 num,den: output fps=num/den blend: True means blend the frames instead of delete or copy , default is False """ def tclist(f): A=open(f,"r") B=re.sub(r'(.\n)*# timecode format v2(.|\n)*\n0',r'0',,count=1) A.close() C=B.split() T=[] for i in C: T.append(int(float(i))) return T ################# vn = clip.num_frames vtc = tclist(tc) cn = int(vtc[-1]*num/den/1000) ctc = [int(1000*den/num)*i for i in range(0,cn+1)] cc = clip[0] for i in range(1,cn+1): for j in range(1,vn+1): if ctc[i]=vtc[j] and ctc[i](vtc[j+1]-ctc[i]) else clip[j] else: cl=core.std.Merge(clip[j-1],clip[j],weight=(ctc[i]-vtc[j])/(vtc[j+1]-vtc[j])) cc += cl last = core.std.AssumeFPS(cc,fpsnum=num,fpsden=den) return core.std.Cache(last, make_linear=True) def getPictType(clip,txt=None,show=True): """ getPictType """ sclip=core.std.PlaneStats(clip, plane=0) log = txt is not None if log: t = open(txt,'w') def __type(n, f, clip, core): ptype = str(f.props._PictType)[2] if log: t.write(str(n)+","+ptype) t.write('\n') if show: return core.text.Text(clip, "PictType:"+ptype) else: return clip if log: t.close() last = core.std.FrameEval(clip, functools.partial(__type, clip=clip,core=core),prop_src=sclip) return last def FIFP(src,mode=0,tff=True,mi=40,blockx=16,blocky=16,cthresh=8,chroma=False,metric=1,tc=True,_pass=1,opencl=False,device=-1): """ Fix Interlanced Frames in Progressive video --------------------------------------- analyze setting: vfm_mode: set the mode of vfm,default:5 mi: set the mi of vfm,default:40 cthresh: set the cthresh of vfm,default:8 blockx,blocky:set the blockx/blocky of vfm,default:16 --------------------------------------- deinterlace args: opencl: if True,use nnedi3cl;else use znedi3 device: set device for nnedi3cl tff: true means Top field first,False means Bottom field first,default:True --------------------------------------- mode args: mode = 0: interlaced frames will be deinterlaced in the same fps mode = 1: interlaced frames will be deinterlaced in double fps,and output timecodes to create a vfr video need 2 pass _pass: 1:analyze pass 2:encode pass,can output timecodes tc:if True,will output timecodes,suggest set True only when finally encode,default:True --------------------------------------- notice: analyze.csv will be created when mode=1,_pass=1,you can check and revise it,then use in pass 2 """ clip = src if src.format.bits_per_sample==8 else core.fmtc.bitdepth(src,bits=8,dmode=8) order = 1 if tff else 0 dect = core.tdm.IsCombed(clip,cthresh=cthresh,blockx=blockx,blocky=blocky,chroma=chroma,mi=mi,metric=metric) if mode==0: deinterlace = core.nnedi3cl.NNEDI3CL(src, field=order,device=device) if opencl else core.znedi3.nnedi3(src, field=order) ### def postprocess(n, f, clip, de): if f.props['_Combed'] == 1: return de else: return clip ### last=core.std.FrameEval(src, functools.partial(postprocess, clip=src, de=deinterlace), prop_src=dect) last=core.std.Cache(last, make_linear=True) return last elif mode==1: if _pass==1: t = open("analyze.csv",'w') t.write("frame,combed\n") def analyze(n, f, clip): t.write(str(n)+","+str(f.props['_Combed'])+"\n") return clip t.close() last=core.std.FrameEval(dect, functools.partial(analyze, clip=dect),prop_src=dect) last=core.std.Cache(last, make_linear=True) return last elif _pass==2: lenlst=len(src) num=src.fps_num den=src.fps_den c=open("analyze.csv","r")"\n")[1:lenlst] lst=[None]*len(tmp) for i in tmp: i=i.split(",") lst[int(i[0])]=int(i[1]) c.close() lenlst=len(lst) #tc if tc: c=open("timecodes.txt","w") c.write("# timecode format v2\n0\n") b=1000/num*den for i in range(lenlst): if lst[i]==0: c.write(str(int((i+1)*b))+"\n") elif lst[i]==1: c.write(str(int((i+0.5)*b))+"\n"+str(int((i+1)*b))+"\n") else: raise ValueError("") c.close() #deinterlace deinterlace = core.nnedi3cl.NNEDI3CL(src, field=order+2,device=device) if opencl else core.znedi3.nnedi3(src, field=order+2) src= core.std.Interleave([src,src]) def postprocess(n,clip, de): if lst[n//2]==0: return clip else: return de dl=core.std.FrameEval(src, functools.partial(postprocess, clip=src, de=deinterlace)) dl=core.std.Cache(dl, make_linear=True) tlist=[] for i in range(lenlst): if lst[i]==0: tlist.append(2*i) else: tlist.append(2*i) tlist.append(2*i+1) last = core.std.SelectEvery(dl,lenlst*2,tlist) return last#core.std.AssumeFPS(last,src) else: ValueError("pass must be 1 or 2") else: raise ValueError("mode must be 0 or 1") def Overlaymod(clipa, clipb, x=0, y=0, alpha=None,aa=False): """ Overlaymod ------------------------- modified overlay by xyx98, orginal Overlay by holy in havsfunc ------------------------- difference: mask->alpha,please input the alpha clip read by imwri if needed aa: if is True,use daa in clipb and alpha clip """ if not (isinstance(clipa, vs.VideoNode) and isinstance(clipb, vs.VideoNode)): raise TypeError('Overlaymod: This is not a clip') if clipa.format.subsampling_w > 0 or clipa.format.subsampling_h > 0: clipa_src = clipa clipa = core.resize.Point(clipa, format=core.register_format(clipa.format.color_family, clipa.format.sample_type, clipa.format.bits_per_sample, 0, 0).id) else: clipa_src = None if != clipb = core.resize.Point(clipb, mask = core.std.BlankClip(clipb, color=[(1 << clipb.format.bits_per_sample) - 1] * clipb.format.num_planes) if not isinstance(alpha, vs.VideoNode): raise TypeError("Overlaymod: 'alpha' is not a clip") if mask.width != clipb.width or mask.height != clipb.height: raise TypeError("Overlaymod: 'alpha' must be the same dimension as 'clipb'") if aa: clipb = haf.daa(clipb) # Calculate padding sizes l, r = x, clipa.width - clipb.width - x t, b = y, clipa.height - clipb.height - y # Split into crop and padding values cl, pl = min(l, 0) * -1, max(l, 0) cr, pr = min(r, 0) * -1, max(r, 0) ct, pt = min(t, 0) * -1, max(t, 0) cb, pb = min(b, 0) * -1, max(b, 0) # Crop and padding def cap(clip): mask = mvf.GetPlane(clip, 0) mask = core.std.CropRel(mask, cl, cr, ct, cb) mask = core.std.AddBorders(mask, pl, pr, pt, pb) return mask clipb = core.std.CropRel(clipb, cl, cr, ct, cb) clipb = core.std.AddBorders(clipb, pl, pr, pt, pb) # Return padded clip mask = cap(mask) last = core.std.MaskedMerge(clipa, clipb, mask) if alpha is not None: alpha=core.fmtc.bitdepth(alpha,bits=clipb.format.bits_per_sample) m = 1<src.width or height > src.height: raise ValueError("") isRGB=src.format.color_family==vs.RGB if transfer is None: transfer=transfer_in if matrix is None: matrix=M(width,height) if isRGB: matrix_in="rgb" if css is not None: css=str(css).lower() if css == "444" or css == "4:4:4": css = "11" elif css == "440" or css == "4:4:0": css = "12" elif css == "422" or css == "4:2:2": css = "21" elif css == "420" or css == "4:2:0": css = "22" elif css == "411" or css == "4:1:1": css = "41" elif css == "410" or css == "4:1:0": css = "42" if css not in ["11","12","21","22","41","42","rgb"]: raise ValueError("") if range_in is None: range_in="full" if isRGB else "limited" if range_out is None: if css is None: range_out=range_in elif isRGB and css=="rgb": range_out=range_in elif not isRGB and css!="rgb": range_out=range_in elif isRGB and css!="rgb": range_out="limited" else: range_out="full" range_in=range_in.lower() range_out=range_out.lower() if range_in=="tv": range_in="limited" if range_in=="pc": range_in="full" if range_in not in ["limited","full"]: raise ValueError("") if range_out=="tv": range_out="limited" if range_out=="pc": range_out="full" if range_out not in ["limited","full"]: raise ValueError("") rgb=core.resize.Bicubic(src,format=vs.RGBS,matrix_in_s=matrix_in,transfer_in_s=transfer_in,primaries_in_s=primaries_in,primaries_s=primaries,range_in_s=range_in) lin=core.resize.Bicubic(rgb,format=vs.RGB48,transfer_in_s=transfer_in,transfer_s="linear") res=core.dpid.Dpid(lin,width,height,Lambda) res=core.resize.Bicubic(res,format=vs.RGBS,transfer_in_s="linear",transfer_s=transfer) if not isRGB and css!="rgb": st=vs.FLOAT if depth==32 else vs.INTEGER if css is None: sh=src.format.subsampling_h sw=src.format.subsampling_w else: sh=int(css[0])//2 sw=int(css[1])//2 outformat=core.register_format(vs.YUV,st,depth,sh,sw) last=core.resize.Bicubic(res,format=vs.YUV444PS,matrix_s=matrix,range_s=range_out) last=core.resize.Bicubic(last,,dither_type=dither_type) else: if css is None or css=="rgb": last=core.resize.Bicubic(res,range_s=range_out) else: sh=int(css[0])//2 sw=int(css[1])//2 st=vs.FLOAT if depth==32 else vs.INTEGER outformat=core.register_format(vs.YUV,st,depth,sh,sw) last=core.resize.Bicubic(res,format=vs.YUV444PS,matrix_s=matrix,range_s=range_out) last=core.resize.Bicubic(last,,dither_type=dither_type) return last def xTonemap(clip,nominal_luminance=400,exposure=4.5): """ The way I convert hdr to sdr when I rip 'Kimi No Na Wa'(UHDBD HK ver.). I'm not sure It suit for other UHDBD ### nominal_luminance: nominal_luminance when convert to linear RGBS exposure: exposure in Mobius,which do the tonemap """ clip=core.resize.Spline36(clip=clip, format=vs.RGBS,range_in_s="limited", matrix_in_s="2020ncl", primaries_in_s="2020", primaries_s="2020", transfer_in_s="st2084", transfer_s="linear",dither_type="none", nominal_luminance=nominal_luminance) clip=core.tonemap.Mobius(clip,exposure=exposure) clip=core.resize.Spline36(clip, format=fid,matrix_s="709", primaries_in_s="2020", primaries_s="709", transfer_in_s="linear", transfer_s="709",dither_type="none") clip=core.std.Expr(clip,["x 4096 - 219 * 235 / 4096 +",""]) return clip def statsinfo2csv(clip,plane=None,Max=True,Min=True,Avg=False,bits=8,namebase=None): """ write PlaneStats(Max,Min,Avg) to csv """ cbits=clip.format.bits_per_sample cfamily=clip.format.color_family ######### def info(clip,t,p): statsclip=core.std.PlaneStats(clip, plane=p) txt = open(t,'w') ############# head="n" head+=",Max" if Max else "" head+=",Min" if Min else "" head+=",Avg" if Avg else "" head+="\n" txt.write(head) ############# def write(n, f, clip, core,Max,Min,Avg,bits): ma = int(round(f.props.PlaneStatsMax*(1<=720 else True elif aamode in (0,1): enlarge = bool(aamode) else: raise ValueError("") nk="nnedi3cl" if opencl else "znedi3" if src.format.color_family==vs.RGB: raise TypeError("RGB is unsupported") isYUV=src.format.color_family==vs.YUV Yclip = getY(src) if preaa in (1,2): horizontal = core.std.Convolution(Yclip, matrix=[1, 2, 7, 2, 1],mode='h') vertical = core.std.Convolution(Yclip, matrix=[1, 2, 7, 2, 1],mode='v') clip = muf.LDMerge(horizontal, vertical, Yclip, mrad=1) elif preaa ==0: clip=Yclip else: raise ValueError("") if enlarge: if nsize is None: nsize = 1 if qual is None: qual = 2 aa=nnedi3(clip,dh=True,field=1,nsize=nsize,nns=nns,qual=qual,device=device,mode=nk) last=aa.resize.Spline36(w,h) t=last else: if nsize is None: nsize = 3 if qual is None: qual = 1 aa=nnedi3(clip,dh=False,field=3,nsize=nsize,nns=nns,qual=qual,device=device,mode=nk) last=core.std.Merge(aa[0::2], aa[1::2]) if linedarken: last = haf.FastLineDarkenMOD(last, strength=48, protection=5, luma_cap=191, threshold=5, thinning=0) if maskmode==1: mask=clip.tcanny.TCanny(sigma=1.5, t_h=20.0, t_l=8.0) mask=haf.mt_expand_multi(mask, 'losange', planes=[0], sw=1, sh=1) if preaa==1: clip=Yclip last=core.std.MaskedMerge(clip, last, mask) elif maskmode==2: mask=last.tcanny.TCanny(sigma=1.5, t_h=20.0, t_l=8.0) mask=haf.mt_expand_multi(mask, 'losange', planes=[0], sw=1, sh=1) if preaa==1: clip=Yclip last=core.std.MaskedMerge(clip, last, mask) elif isinstance(maskmode,vs.VideoNode): if preaa==1: clip=Yclip last=core.std.MaskedMerge(clip, last, maskmode) if isYUV: last = core.std.ShufflePlanes([last,src],[0,1,2], colorfamily=vs.YUV) return last def creditmask(clip,nclip,mode=0): """ use non-credit clip to create mask for credit area 255(8bit) means credit output will be 16bit #### mode: 0: only use Y to create mask ; 1: use all planes to create mask only affect the yuv input """ clip = core.fmtc.bitdepth(clip,bits=16) nclip = core.fmtc.bitdepth(nclip,bits=16) def Graymask(src,nc): dif = core.std.Expr([src,nc],["x y - abs 2560 > 65535 0 ?",'','']).rgvs.RemoveGrain(4) mask= core.std.Inflate(dif).rgvs.RemoveGrain(11).rgvs.RemoveGrain(11) return mask if clip.format.color_family==vs.RGB: raise TypeError("RGB is unsupported") isYUV=clip.format.color_family==vs.YUV if not isYUV: mask = Graymask(clip,nclip) return mask else: if mode==0: mask=Graymask(getY(clip),getY(nclip)) mask=core.std.ShufflePlanes(mask,[0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV) elif mode==1: clip=clip.resize.Bicubic(format=vs.YUV444P16) nclip=nclip.resize.Bicubic(format=vs.YUV444P16) maskY=Graymask(getY(clip),getY(nclip)) maskU=Graymask(getU(clip),getU(nclip)) maskV=Graymask(getV(clip),getV(nclip)) mask=core.std.Expr([maskY,maskU,maskV],"x y max z max") mask=core.std.ShufflePlanes(mask,[0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV) else: raise ValueError("mode must be 0 or 1") return mask.resize.Bicubic(format=fid) def lbdeband(clip:vs.VideoNode,dbit=6): """ low bitdepth deband deband for flat area with heavy details through round to low bitdepth,limitfilter and f3kdb only procress luma when YUV,no direct support for RGB. You need use trim,mask or other way you can to protect the area without heavy banding. """ if clip.format.color_family==vs.RGB: raise TypeError("RGB is unsupported") isGary=clip.format.color_family==vs.GRAY clip=mvf.Depth(clip,16) luma=clip if isGary else getY(clip) down=mvf.Depth(luma,dbit,dither=1).f3kdb.Deband(31, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, output_depth=16) deband=mvf.LimitFilter(down, luma, thr=0.2, elast=8.0).f3kdb.Deband(31, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, output_depth=16).f3kdb.Deband(15, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, output_depth=16) if isGary: return deband else: return core.std.ShufflePlanes([deband,clip], [0,1,2], vs.YUV) def ssim2csv(clip1,clip2,file="ssim.csv",planes=None, downsample=True, k1=0.01, k2=0.03, fun=None, dynamic_range=1, **depth_args): """ Warp function for ssim in muvsfunc Calculate SSIM and write to a csv Args: clip1: The distorted clip, will be copied to output. clip2: Reference clip, must be of the same format and dimension as the "clip1". file: output file name plane: (int/list) Specify which planes to be processed. Default is None. downsample: (bool) Whether to average the clips over local 2x2 window and downsample by a factor of 2 before calculation. Default is True. k1, k2: (int) Constants in the SSIM index formula. According to the paper, the performance of the SSIM index algorithm is fairly insensitive to variations of these values. Default are 0.01 and 0.03. fun: (function or float) The function of how the clips are filtered. If it is None, it will be set to a gaussian filter whose standard deviation is 1.5. Note that the size of gaussian kernel is different from the one in MATLAB. If it is a float, it specifies the standard deviation of the gaussian filter. (sigma in core.tcanny.TCanny) According to the paper, the quality map calculated from gaussian filter exhibits a locally isotropic property, which prevents the present of undesirable “blocking” artifacts in the resulting SSIM index map. Default is None. dynamic_range: (float) Dynamic range of the internal float point clip. Default is 1. depth_args: (dict) Additional arguments passed to mvf.Depth() in the form of keyword arguments. Default is {}. """ isYUV=clip1.format.color_family==vs.YUV isRGB=clip1.format.color_family==vs.RGB isGRAY=clip1.format.color_family==vs.GRAY if isinstance(planes,int): planes=[planes] if isGRAY: clip=muf.SSIM(clip1, clip2, plane=0, downsample=downsample, k1=k1, k2=k2, fun=fun, dynamic_range=dynamic_range, show_map=False, **depth_args) txt = open(file,'w') txt.write("n,gary\n") def tocsv(n, f, clip ,core): txt.write(str(n)+","+str(f.props.PlaneSSIM)+"\n") return clip txt.close() last=core.std.FrameEval(clip,functools.partial(tocsv, clip=clip,core=core),prop_src=clip) elif isYUV: if planes is None: planes=[0,1,2] Y=muf.SSIM(getY(clip1),getY(clip2),plane=0, downsample=downsample, k1=k1, k2=k2, fun=fun, dynamic_range=dynamic_range, show_map=False, **depth_args) if 0 in planes else getY(clip1) U=muf.SSIM(getU(clip1),getU(clip2),plane=0, downsample=downsample, k1=k1, k2=k2, fun=fun, dynamic_range=dynamic_range, show_map=False, **depth_args) if 1 in planes else getU(clip1) V=muf.SSIM(getV(clip1),getV(clip2),plane=0, downsample=downsample, k1=k1, k2=k2, fun=fun, dynamic_range=dynamic_range, show_map=False, **depth_args) if 2 in planes else getV(clip1) txt = open(file,'w') head="n" head+=",Y" if 0 in planes else "" head+=",U" if 1 in planes else "" head+=",V" if 2 in planes else "" txt.write(head+"\n") def tocsv(n,f,clip,core): line=str(n) line+=(","+str(f[0].props.PlaneSSIM)) if 0 in planes else "" line+=(","+str(f[1].props.PlaneSSIM)) if 1 in planes else "" line+=(","+str(f[2].props.PlaneSSIM)) if 2 in planes else "" txt.write(line+"\n") return clip txt.close() last=core.std.FrameEval(clip1,functools.partial(tocsv, clip=clip1,core=core),prop_src=[Y,U,V]) elif isRGB: if planes is None: planes=[0,1,2] R=muf.SSIM(getY(clip1),getY(clip2),plane=0, downsample=downsample, k1=k1, k2=k2, fun=fun, dynamic_range=dynamic_range, show_map=False, **depth_args) if 0 in planes else getY(clip1) G=muf.SSIM(getU(clip1),getU(clip2),plane=0, downsample=downsample, k1=k1, k2=k2, fun=fun, dynamic_range=dynamic_range, show_map=False, **depth_args) if 1 in planes else getU(clip1) B=muf.SSIM(getV(clip1),getV(clip2),plane=0, downsample=downsample, k1=k1, k2=k2, fun=fun, dynamic_range=dynamic_range, show_map=False, **depth_args) if 2 in planes else getV(clip1) txt = open(file,'w') head="n" head+=",R" if 0 in planes else "" head+=",G" if 1 in planes else "" head+=",B" if 2 in planes else "" txt.write(head+"\n") def tocsv(n,f,clip,core): line=str(n) line+=(","+str(f[0].props.PlaneSSIM)) if 0 in planes else "" line+=(","+str(f[1].props.PlaneSSIM)) if 1 in planes else "" line+=(","+str(f[2].props.PlaneSSIM)) if 2 in planes else "" txt.write(line+"\n") return clip txt.close() last=core.std.FrameEval(clip1,functools.partial(tocsv, clip=clip1,core=core),prop_src=[R,G,B]) else: raise TypeError("unsupport format") return last def GMSD2csv(clip1,clip2,file="GMSD.csv",planes=None, downsample=True,c=0.0026,**depth_args): """ Warp function for GMSD in muvsfunc Calculate GMSD and write to a csv GMSD is a new effective and efficient image quality assessment (IQA) model, which utilizes the pixel-wise gradient magnitude similarity (GMS) between the reference and distorted images combined with standard deviation of the GMS map to predict perceptual image quality. The distortion degree of the distorted image will be stored as frame property 'PlaneGMSD' in the output clip. The value of GMSD reflects the range of distortion severities in an image. The lowerer the GMSD score, the higher the image perceptual quality. If "clip1" == "clip2", GMSD = 0. Args: clip1: The distorted clip, will be copied to output. clip2: Reference clip, must be of the same format and dimension as the "clip1". file: output file name plane: (int/list) Specify which planes to be processed. Default is None. downsample: (bool) Whether to average the clips over local 2x2 window and downsample by a factor of 2 before calculation. Default is True. c: (float) A positive constant that supplies numerical stability. According to the paper, for all the test databases, GMSD shows similar preference to the value of c. Default is 0.0026. depth_args: (dict) Additional arguments passed to mvf.Depth() in the form of keyword arguments. Default is {}. """ isYUV=clip1.format.color_family==vs.YUV isRGB=clip1.format.color_family==vs.RGB isGRAY=clip1.format.color_family==vs.GRAY if isinstance(planes,int): planes=[planes] if isGRAY: clip=muf.GMSD(clip1, clip2, plane=0, downsample=downsample, c=c,show_map=False, **depth_args) txt = open(file,'w') txt.write("n,gary\n") def tocsv(n, f, clip ,core): txt.write(str(n)+","+str(f.props.PlaneGMSD)+"\n") return clip txt.close() last=core.std.FrameEval(clip,functools.partial(tocsv, clip=clip,core=core),prop_src=clip) elif isYUV: if planes is None: planes=[0,1,2] Y=muf.GMSD(getY(clip1),getY(clip2),plane=0, downsample=downsample, c=c, show_map=False, **depth_args) if 0 in planes else getY(clip1) U=muf.GMSD(getU(clip1),getU(clip2),plane=0, downsample=downsample, c=c, show_map=False, **depth_args) if 1 in planes else getU(clip1) V=muf.GMSD(getV(clip1),getV(clip2),plane=0, downsample=downsample, c=c, show_map=False, **depth_args) if 2 in planes else getV(clip1) txt = open(file,'w') head="n" head+=",Y" if 0 in planes else "" head+=",U" if 1 in planes else "" head+=",V" if 2 in planes else "" txt.write(head+"\n") def tocsv(n,f,clip,core): line=str(n) line+=(","+str(f[0].props.PlaneGMSD)) if 0 in planes else "" line+=(","+str(f[1].props.PlaneGMSD)) if 1 in planes else "" line+=(","+str(f[2].props.PlaneGMSD)) if 2 in planes else "" txt.write(line+"\n") return clip txt.close() last=core.std.FrameEval(clip1,functools.partial(tocsv, clip=clip1,core=core),prop_src=[Y,U,V]) elif isRGB: if planes is None: planes=[0,1,2] R=muf.GMSD(getY(clip1),getY(clip2),plane=0, downsample=downsample, c=c, show_map=False, **depth_args) if 0 in planes else getY(clip1) G=muf.GMSD(getU(clip1),getU(clip2),plane=0, downsample=downsample, c=c, show_map=False, **depth_args) if 1 in planes else getU(clip1) B=muf.GMSD(getV(clip1),getV(clip2),plane=0, downsample=downsample, c=c, show_map=False, **depth_args) if 2 in planes else getV(clip1) txt = open(file,'w') head="n" head+=",R" if 0 in planes else "" head+=",G" if 1 in planes else "" head+=",B" if 2 in planes else "" txt.write(head+"\n") def tocsv(n,f,clip,core): line=str(n) line+=(","+str(f[0].props.PlaneGMSD)) if 0 in planes else "" line+=(","+str(f[1].props.PlaneGMSD)) if 1 in planes else "" line+=(","+str(f[2].props.PlaneGMSD)) if 2 in planes else "" txt.write(line+"\n") return clip txt.close() last=core.std.FrameEval(clip1,functools.partial(tocsv, clip=clip1,core=core),prop_src=[R,G,B]) else: raise TypeError("unsupport format") return last def ssharp(clip,chroma=True,mask=False,compare=False): """ slightly sharp through bicubic """ isGRAY=clip.format.color_family==vs.GRAY src=clip.fmtc.bitdepth(bits=16) w=src.width h=src.height if chroma and not isGRAY: sha = core.fmtc.resample(src,w*2,h*2,kernel='bicubic',a1=-1,a2=6).resize.Lanczos(w,h) last=core.rgvs.Repair(sha, src, 13) last=mvf.LimitFilter(src, last, thr=1, thrc=0.5, elast=6, brighten_thr=0.5, planes=[0,1,2]) if mask: mask1=src.tcanny.TCanny(sigma=0.5, t_h=20.0, t_l=8.0,mode=1).std.Expr("x 30000 < 0 x ?").rgvs.RemoveGrain(4) mask1=inpand(expand(mask1,cycle=1),cycle=1) mask2=core.std.Expr([last,src],"x y - abs 96 *").rgvs.RemoveGrain(4) mask2=core.std.Expr(mask2,"x 30000 < 0 x ?") mask=core.std.Expr([mask1,mask2],"x y min") last=core.std.MaskedMerge(last, src, mask,[0,1,2]) elif not chroma: srcy=getY(src) sha = core.fmtc.resample(srcy,w*2,h*2,kernel='bicubic',a1=-1,a2=6).resize.Lanczos(w, h) last=core.rgvs.Repair(sha, srcy, 13) last=mvf.LimitFilter(srcy, last, thr=1,elast=6, brighten_thr=0.5, planes=0) if mask: mask1=srcy.tcanny.TCanny(sigma=0.5, t_h=20.0, t_l=8.0,mode=1).std.Expr("x 30000 < 0 x ?").rgvs.RemoveGrain(4) mask1=inpand(expand(mask1,cycle=1),cycle=1) mask2=core.std.Expr([last,srcy],"x y - abs 96 *").rgvs.RemoveGrain(4) mask2=core.std.Expr(mask2,"x 30000 < 0 x ?") mask=core.std.Expr([mask1,mask2],"x y min") last=core.std.MaskedMerge(last, srcy, mask,0) last=core.std.ShufflePlanes([last,src], [0,1,2],colorfamily=vs.YUV) elif isGRAY: sha = core.fmtc.resample(src,w*2,h*2,kernel='bicubic',a1=-1,a2=6).resize.Lanczos(w,h) last=core.rgvs.Repair(sha, src, 13) last=mvf.LimitFilter(src, last, thr=1, thrc=0.5, elast=6, brighten_thr=0.5) if mask: mask1=src.tcanny.TCanny(sigma=0.5, t_h=20.0, t_l=8.0,mode=1).std.Expr("x 30000 < 0 x ?").rgvs.RemoveGrain(4) mask1=inpand(expand(mask1,cycle=1),cycle=1) mask2=core.std.Expr([last,src],"x y - abs 96 *").rgvs.RemoveGrain(4) mask2=core.std.Expr(mask2,"x 30000 < 0 x ?") mask=core.std.Expr([mask1,mask2],"x y min") last=core.std.MaskedMerge(last, src, mask) if not compare: return last else: return core.std.Interleave([src.text.Text("src"),last.text.Text("sharp")]) def readmpls(path:str,sfilter='ffms2',cache=None): mpls = core.mpls.Read(path) if sfilter in ["ffms2","ffms","ff","f","ffvideosource"]: if cache is None or cache==0: cache=os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'cache') elif isinstance(cache,str): pass elif cache==-1: cache=False else: raise ValueError('unknown cache setting') if cache: clips=[] for i in range(mpls['count']): clips.append(core.ffms2.Source(source=mpls['clip'][i], cachefile=os.path.join(cache,mpls['filename'][i].decode()+'.ffindex'))) else: clips=[core.ffms2.Source(mpls['clip'][i]) for i in range(mpls['count'])] elif sfilter in ['lwi','l','lsmash','l-smash','lsmas','LWLibavSource']: clips=[core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(mpls['clip'][i]) for i in range(mpls['count'])] else: raise ValueError("unknown source filter") return core.std.Splice(clips) def mwaa(clip, aa_y=True, aa_c=False, cs_h=0, cs_v=0, aa_cmask=True, kernel_y=2, kernel_c=1, show=False,opencl=False,device=0): """ Anti-Aliasing function Steal from other one's script. Most likely written by mawen1250. add opencl support for nnedi3,use znedi3 replace nnedi3 """ if clip.format.bits_per_sample != 16: raise vs.Error('mwaa: Only 16bit supported') ## internal functions mode="nnedi3cl" if opencl else "znedi3" def aa_kernel_vertical(clip): clip_blk = clip.std.BlankClip(height=clip.height * 2) clip_y = mvf.GetPlane(clip, 0) if kernel_y == 2: clip_y = clip_y.eedi2.EEDI2(field=1) else: clip_y = nnedi3(clip_y,field=1, dh=True,device=device) clip_u = mvf.GetPlane(clip, 1) clip_v = mvf.GetPlane(clip, 2) if kernel_c == 2: clip_u = clip_u.eedi2.EEDI2(field=1) clip_v = clip_v.eedi2.EEDI2(field=1) else: clip_u = nnedi3(clip_u,field=1, dh=True,device=device) clip_v = nnedi3(clip_v,field=1, dh=True,device=device) return core.std.ShufflePlanes([clip_y if aa_y else clip_blk, clip_u if aa_c else clip_blk, clip_v if aa_c else clip_blk], [0,0,0] if aa_c else [0,1,2], vs.YUV) def aa_resample_vercial(clip, height, chroma_shift=0): return clip.fmtc.resample(h=height, sx=0, sy=[-0.5, -0.5 * (1 << clip.format.subsampling_h) - chroma_shift * 2], kernel=["spline36", "bicubic"], a1=0, a2=0.5, planes=[3 if aa_y else 1,3 if aa_c else 1,3 if aa_c else 1]) ## parameters aa_cmask = aa_c and aa_cmask ## kernel aa = aa_resample_vercial(aa_kernel_vertical(clip.std.Transpose()), clip.width, cs_h) aa = aa_resample_vercial(aa_kernel_vertical(aa.std.Transpose()), clip.height, cs_v) ## mask aamask = clip.tcanny.TCanny(sigma=1.5, t_h=20.0, t_l=8.0, planes=[0]) aamask = haf.mt_expand_multi(aamask, 'losange', planes=[0], sw=1, sh=1) ## merge if aa_y: if aa_c: if aa_cmask: aa_merge = core.std.MaskedMerge(clip, aa, aamask, [0,1,2], True) else: aa_merge = core.std.MaskedMerge(clip, aa, aamask, [0], False) aa_merge = core.std.ShufflePlanes([aa_merge, aa], [0,1,2], vs.YUV) else: aa_merge = core.std.MaskedMerge(clip, aa, aamask, [0], False) else: if aa_c: if aa_cmask: aa_merge = core.std.MaskedMerge(clip, aa, aamask, [1,2], True) else: aa_merge = core.std.ShufflePlanes([clip, aa], [0,1,2], vs.YUV) else: aa_merge = clip ## output return aamask if show else aa_merge def mwcfix(clip, kernel=1, restore=5, a=2, grad=2, warp=6, thresh=96, blur=3, repair=1, cs_h=0, cs_v=0, device_type="gpu", device_id=0): """ chroma restoration Steal from other one's script. Most likely written by mawen1250. repalce nnedi3 with znedi3 """ if clip.format.bits_per_sample != 16: raise vs.Error('mwcfix: Only 16bit supported') clip_y = mvf.GetPlane(clip, 0) clip_u = mvf.GetPlane(clip, 1) clip_v = mvf.GetPlane(clip, 2) cssw = clip.format.subsampling_w cssh = clip.format.subsampling_h if cs_h != 0 or cssw > 0: if cssw > 0 and kernel == 1: clip_u = mvf.Depth(clip_u, 8) clip_v = mvf.Depth(clip_v, 8) clip_u = clip_u.std.Transpose() clip_v = clip_v.std.Transpose() field = 1 for i in range(cssw): if kernel >= 2: clip_u = clip_u.eedi2.EEDI2(field=field) clip_v = clip_v.eedi2.EEDI2(field=field) elif kernel == 1: clip_u = clip_u.znedi3.nnedi3(field=field, dh=True) clip_v = clip_v.znedi3.nnedi3(field=field, dh=True) sy = -cs_h clip_u = clip_u.fmtc.resample(h=clip_y.width, sy=sy, center=False, kernel="bicubic", a1=0, a2=0.5) clip_v = clip_v.fmtc.resample(h=clip_y.width, sy=sy, center=False, kernel="bicubic", a1=0, a2=0.5) clip_u = clip_u.std.Transpose() clip_v = clip_v.std.Transpose() if cs_v != 0 or cssh > 0: if cssh > 0 and kernel == 1: clip_u = mvf.Depth(clip_u, 8) clip_v = mvf.Depth(clip_v, 8) field = 1 for i in range(clip.format.subsampling_w): if kernel >= 2: clip_u = clip_u.eedi2.EEDI2(field=field) clip_v = clip_v.eedi2.EEDI2(field=field) elif kernel == 1: clip_u = clip_u.znedi3.nnedi3(field=field, dh=True) clip_v = clip_v.znedi3.nnedi3(field=field, dh=True) field = 0 sy = (-0.5 if cssh > 0 and kernel > 0 else 0) - cs_v clip_u = clip_u.fmtc.resample(h=clip_y.height, sy=sy, center=True, kernel="bicubic", a1=0, a2=0.5) clip_v = clip_v.fmtc.resample(h=clip_y.height, sy=sy, center=True, kernel="bicubic", a1=0, a2=0.5) pp_u = clip_u pp_v = clip_v if restore > 0: rst_u = pp_u.knlm.KNLMeansCL(d=0, a=a, s=1, h=restore, rclip=clip_y, device_type=device_type, device_id=device_id).rgvs.Repair(pp_u, 13) rst_v = pp_v.knlm.KNLMeansCL(d=0, a=a, s=1, h=restore, rclip=clip_y, device_type=device_type, device_id=device_id).rgvs.Repair(pp_v, 13) low_u = rst_u low_v = rst_v for i in range(grad): low_u = low_u.rgvs.RemoveGrain(20) low_v = low_v.rgvs.RemoveGrain(20) pp_u = core.std.Expr([pp_u, rst_u, low_u], 'y z - x +') pp_v = core.std.Expr([pp_v, rst_v, low_v], 'y z - x +') if warp > 0: awarp_mask = mvf.Depth(clip_y, 8).warp.ASobel(thresh).warp.ABlur(blur, 1) pp_u8 = mvf.Depth(mvf.Depth(pp_u, 8).warp.AWarp(awarp_mask, warp), 16) pp_v8 = mvf.Depth(mvf.Depth(pp_v, 8).warp.AWarp(awarp_mask, warp), 16) pp_u = mvf.LimitFilter(pp_u, pp_u8, thr=1.0, elast=2.0) pp_v = mvf.LimitFilter(pp_v, pp_v8, thr=1.0, elast=2.0) if repair > 0: pp_u = pp_u.rgvs.Repair(clip_u, repair) pp_v = pp_v.rgvs.Repair(clip_v, repair) elif repair < 0: pp_u = clip_u.rgvs.Repair(pp_u, -repair) pp_v = clip_v.rgvs.Repair(pp_v, -repair) final = core.std.ShufflePlanes([clip_y, pp_u, pp_v], [0,0,0], vs.YUV) final = final.fmtc.resample(, kernel="bicubic", a1=0, a2=0.5) return final def mwlmask(clip, l1=80, h1=96, h2=None, l2=None): """ luma mask Steal from other one's script. Most likely written by mawen1250. """ sbitPS = clip.format.bits_per_sample black = 0 white = (1 << sbitPS) - 1 l1 = l1 << (sbitPS - 8) h1 = h1 << (sbitPS - 8) if h2 is None: h2 = white else: h2 = h2 << (sbitPS - 8) if l2 is None: l2 = white else: l2 = l2 << (sbitPS - 8) if h2 >= white: expr = '{white}'.format(white=white) else: expr = 'x {h2} <= {white} x {l2} < x {l2} - {slope2} * {black} ? ?'.format(black=black, white=white, h2=h2, l2=l2, slope2=white / (h2 - l2)) expr = 'x {l1} <= {black} x {h1} < x {l1} - {slope1} * ' + expr + ' ? ?' expr = expr.format(black=black, l1=l1, h1=h1, slope1=white / (h1 - l1)) clip = mvf.GetPlane(clip, 0) clip = clip.rgvs.RemoveGrain(4) clip = clip.std.Expr(expr) return clip def mwdbmask(clip, chroma=True, sigma=2.5, t_h=1.0, t_l=0.5, yuv444=None, cs_h=0, cs_v=0, lmask=None, sigma2=2.5, t_h2=3.0, t_l2=1.5): """ deband mask Steal from other one's script. Most likely written by mawen1250. """ ## clip properties yuv420 = clip.format.subsampling_w == 1 and clip.format.subsampling_h == 1 sw = clip.width sh = clip.height if yuv444 is None: yuv444 = not yuv420 ## Canny edge detector emask = clip.tcanny.TCanny(sigma=sigma, t_h=t_h, t_l=t_l, planes=[0,1,2] if chroma else [0]) if lmask is not None: emask2 = clip.tcanny.TCanny(sigma2=sigma2,t_h=t_h2, t_l=t_l2, planes=[0,1,2] if chroma else [0]) emask = core.std.MaskedMerge(emask, emask2, lmask, [0,1,2] if chroma else [0], True) ## apply morphologic filters and merge mask planes emaskY = mvf.GetPlane(emask, 0) if chroma: emaskC = mvf.Max(mvf.GetPlane(emask, 1), mvf.GetPlane(emask, 2)) if yuv420: emaskC = haf.mt_inpand_multi(haf.mt_expand_multi(emaskC, 'losange', sw=3, sh=3), 'rectangle', sw=3, sh=3) emaskC = emaskC.fmtc.resample(sw, sh, 0.25 - cs_h / 2, 0 - cs_v / 2, kernel='bilinear', fulls=True) else: emaskY = mvf.Max(emaskY, emaskC) emaskY = haf.mt_inpand_multi(haf.mt_expand_multi(emaskY, 'losange', sw=5, sh=5), 'rectangle', sw=2, sh=2) if chroma and yuv420: dbmask = mvf.Max(emaskY, emaskC) else: dbmask = emaskY ## convert to final mask, all the planes of which are the same if yuv444: dbmask = haf.mt_inflate_multi(dbmask, radius=2) dbmaskC = dbmask else: dbmaskC = dbmask.fmtc.resample(sw // 2, sh // 2, -0.5, 0, kernel='bilinear') dbmask = haf.mt_inflate_multi(dbmask, radius=2) dbmask = core.std.ShufflePlanes([dbmask, dbmaskC, dbmaskC], [0,0,0], vs.YUV) return dbmask def mwenhance(diffClip, chroma=False, Strength=2.0, Szrp8=8, Spwr=4, SdmpLo=4, SdmpHi=48, Soft=0, useExpr=False): """ high frequency enhance Steal from other one's script. Most likely written by mawen1250. use it on your high frequency layer. add useExpr for using Expr instead of lut """ # constant values for sharpening LUT if Strength<=0: return diffClip sbitPS = diffClip.format.bits_per_sample bpsMul8 = 1 << (sbitPS - 8) floor = 0 ceil = (1 << sbitPS) - 1 neutral = 1 << (sbitPS - 1) miSpwr = 1 / Spwr Szrp = Szrp8 * bpsMul8 Szrp8Sqr = Szrp8 * Szrp8 SzrpMulStrength = Szrp * Strength Szrp8SqrPlusSdmpLo = Szrp8Sqr + SdmpLo SdmpHiEqual0 = SdmpHi == 0 Szrp8DivSdmpHiPower4Plus1 = 1 if SdmpHiEqual0 else (Szrp8 / SdmpHi) ** 4 + 1 if useExpr: #generate expr diff=' x {neutral} - '.format(neutral=neutral) absDiff=' {diff} abs '.format(diff=diff) diff8=' {diff} {bpsMul8} / '.format(diff=diff,bpsMul8=bpsMul8) absDiff8=' {diff8} abs '.format(diff8=diff8) diff8Sqr = ' {diff8} {diff8} * '.format(diff8=diff8) signMul=' {diff} 0 >= 1 -1 ? '.format(diff=diff) res1=' {absDiff} {Szrp} / {miSpwr} pow {SzrpMulStrength} * {signMul} * '.format(absDiff=absDiff,Szrp=Szrp,miSpwr=miSpwr,SzrpMulStrength=SzrpMulStrength,signMul=signMul) res2=' {diff8Sqr} {Szrp8SqrPlusSdmpLo} * {diff8Sqr} {SdmpLo} + {Szrp8Sqr} * / '.format(diff8Sqr=diff8Sqr,Szrp8SqrPlusSdmpLo=Szrp8SqrPlusSdmpLo,SdmpLo=SdmpLo,Szrp8Sqr=Szrp8Sqr) res3=' 0 ' if SdmpHiEqual0 else ' {absDiff8} {SdmpHi} / 4 pow '.format(absDiff8=absDiff8,SdmpHi=SdmpHi) enhanced=' {res1} {res2} * {Szrp8DivSdmpHiPower4Plus1} * 1 {res3} + /'.format(res1=res1,res2=res2,res3=res3,Szrp8DivSdmpHiPower4Plus1=Szrp8DivSdmpHiPower4Plus1) enhanced=' {ceil} {floor} {neutral} {enhanced} + max min '.format(ceil=ceil,floor=floor,neutral=neutral,enhanced=enhanced) expr=' x {neutral} = x {enhanced} ? '.format(neutral=neutral,enhanced=enhanced) #apply expr diffClip=diffClip.std.Expr([expr,expr if chroma else '']) else: # function to generate sharpening LUT def diffEhFunc(x): if x == neutral: return x diff = x - neutral absDiff = abs(diff) diff8 = diff / bpsMul8 absDiff8 = abs(diff8) diff8Sqr = diff8 * diff8 signMul = 1 if diff >= 0 else -1 res1 = (absDiff / Szrp) ** miSpwr * SzrpMulStrength * signMul res2 = diff8Sqr * Szrp8SqrPlusSdmpLo / ((diff8Sqr + SdmpLo) * Szrp8Sqr) res3 = 0 if SdmpHiEqual0 else (absDiff8 / SdmpHi) ** 4 enhanced = res1 * res2 * Szrp8DivSdmpHiPower4Plus1 / (1 + res3) return min(ceil, max(floor, round(neutral + enhanced))) # apply sharpening LUT diffClip = diffClip.std.Lut([0,1,2] if chroma else [0], function=diffEhFunc) #soften the result if Soft > 0: diffClipEhSoft = diffClip.rgvs.RemoveGrain([19, 19 if chroma else 0]) diffClipEhSoft = diffClipEhSoft if Soft >= 1 else core.std.Merge(diffClip, diffClipEhSoft, [1 - Soft, Soft]) limitDiffExpr=' x {neutral} - abs y {neutral} - abs <= x y ? '.format(neutral=neutral) diffClip = core.std.Expr([diffClip, diffClipEhSoft], [limitDiffExpr, limitDiffExpr if chroma else '']) # output return diffClip def drAA(src,drf=0.5,lraa=True,opencl=False,device=-1,pp=True): """ down resolution Anti-Aliasing for anime with heavy Aliasing only process luma ####### drf:set down resolution factor,default is 0.5,range:0.5-1 lraa:enable XSAA after down resolution,default is True opencl:use nnedi3cl and TcannyCL,default is False,means using znedi3 and Tcanny device:select device for opencl pp:enable post-process,sharpen、linedarken、dering,default is True """ src=src.fmtc.bitdepth(bits=16) w=src.width h=src.height if src.format.color_family==vs.RGB: raise TypeError("RGB is unsupported") isYUV=src.format.color_family==vs.YUV Y = getY(src) if not 0.5<=drf<=1: raise ValueError("down resolution factor(drf) must between 0.5 and 1") ##aa aaY=core.resize.Bicubic(Y,int(w*drf),int(h*drf)) if lraa: aaY=XSAA(aaY,aamode=0,preaa=2,maskmode=0,nsize=3,opencl=opencl,device=device) if opencl: aaY=nnedi3(aaY,field=1,dh=True,dw=True,nsize=3,nns=1,device=device,mode="nnedi3cl") else: aaY=nnedi3(aaY,field=1,dh=True,nsize=3,nns=1,device=device,mode="znedi3").std.Transpose() aaY=nnedi3(aaY,field=1,dh=True,nsize=3,nns=1,device=device,mode="znedi3").std.Transpose() if int(w*drf)*2!=w or int(h*drf)*2!=h: aaY=core.resize.Spline36(aaY,w,h) ##mask mask1=core.std.Expr([aaY,Y],["x y - abs 16 * 12288 < 0 65535 ?"]).rgvs.RemoveGrain(3).rgvs.RemoveGrain(11) mask2=core.tcanny.TCannyCL(Y, sigma=0, mode=1,op=1,gmmax=30,device=device) if opencl else core.tcanny.TCanny(Y, sigma=0, mode=1,op=1,gmmax=30) mask2=core.std.Expr(mask2,"x 14000 < 0 65535 ?").rgvs.RemoveGrain(3).rgvs.RemoveGrain(11) mask=core.std.Expr([mask1,mask2],"x y min 256 < 0 65535 ?").rgvs.RemoveGrain(11) #pp if pp: aaY=haf.FastLineDarkenMOD(aaY,strength=96, protection=3, luma_cap=200, threshold=5, thinning=24) aaY=xsUSM(aaY) aaY=muf.abcxyz(aaY) #aaY=SADring(aaY) low=core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(aaY,11) hi=core.std.MakeDiff(aaY, low) en=mwenhance(hi,chroma=False,Strength=2.5) hi=mvf.LimitFilter(en,hi, thr=0.3, elast=8, brighten_thr=0.15) aaY=core.std.MergeDiff(aaY, hi) #merge Ylast=core.std.MaskedMerge(Y, aaY, mask) if isYUV: last= core.std.ShufflePlanes([Ylast,src], [0,1,2], vs.YUV) else: last= Ylast return last def rescale(src:vs.VideoNode,kernel:str,w=None,h=None,mask=True,mask_dif_pix=2,show="result",**args): if src.format.color_family not in [vs.YUV,vs.GRAY]: raise ValueError("input clip should be YUV or GRAY!") src_h,src_w=src.height,src.width if w is None and h is None: w,h=1280,720 elif w is None: w=int(h*src_w/src_h) else: h=int(w*src_h/src_w) if w>=src_w or h>=src_h: raise ValueError("w,h should less than input resolution") kernel=kernel.strip().capitalize() if kernel not in ["Debilinear","Debicubic","Delanczos","Despline16","Despline36"]: raise ValueError("unsupport kernel") src=core.fmtc.bitdepth(src,bits=16) luma=getY(src) #### if kernel in ["Debilinear","Despline16","Despline36"]: luma_de=eval("core.descale.{k}(luma.fmtc.bitdepth(bits=32),w,h)".format(k=kernel)) luma_up=eval("core.resize.{k}(luma_de,src_w,src_h)".format(k=kernel[2:].capitalize())).fmtc.bitdepth(bits=16,dmode=1) elif kernel=="Debicubic": luma_de=core.descale.Debicubic(luma.fmtc.bitdepth(bits=32),w,h,b=args.get("b"),c=args.get("c")) luma_up=core.resize.Bicubic(luma_de,src_w,src_h,filter_param_a=args.get("b"),filter_param_b=args.get("c")).fmtc.bitdepth(bits=16,dmode=1) else: luma_de=core.descale.Delanczos(luma.fmtc.bitdepth(bits=32),w,h,taps=args.get("taps")) luma_up=core.resize.Lanczos(luma_de,src_w,src_h,filter_param_a=args.get("taps")).fmtc.bitdepth(bits=16,dmode=1) luma_rescale=nnrs.nnedi3_resample(luma_de,src_w,src_h,qual=2,nsize=3).fmtc.bitdepth(bits=16) if mask: mask=core.std.Expr([luma,luma_up],"x y - abs").std.Binarize(mask_dif_pix*256) mask=expand(mask,cycle=2) mask=inpand(mask,cycle=2) luma_rescale=core.std.MaskedMerge(luma_rescale,luma,mask) if show=="descale": return luma_de elif show=="mask": return mask elif show=="both": return luma_de,mask if src.format.color_family==vs.GRAY: return luma_rescale else: return core.std.ShufflePlanes([luma_rescale,src],[0,1,2],vs.YUV) def ivtc(src:vs.VideoNode,order=1,field=2,mode=1,mchroma=True,cthresh=9,mi=80,vfm_chroma=True,vfm_block=(16,16),y0=16,y1=16,micmatch=1,cycle=5,vd_chroma=True,dupthresh=1.1,scthresh=15,vd_block=(32,32),pp=True,nsize=0,nns=1,qual=1,etype=0,pscrn=2,opencl=False,device=-1): """ warp function for vivtc with a simple post-process use nnedi3 """ src8=core.fmtc.bitdepth(src,bits=8) src16=core.fmtc.bitdepth(src,bits=16) def selector(n,f,match,di): if f.props["_Combed"]>0: return di else: return match match=core.vivtc.VFM(src8,order=order,field=field,mode=mode,mchroma=mchroma,cthresh=cthresh,mi=mi,chroma=vfm_chroma,blockx=vfm_block[0],blocky=vfm_block[1],y0=y0,y1=y1,scthresh=scthresh,micmatch=micmatch,clip2=src16) if pp: di=nnedi3(match,field=order,nsize=nsize,nns=nns,qual=qual,etype=etype,pscrn=2,mode="nnedi3cl" if opencl else "znedi3") match=core.std.FrameEval(match,functools.partial(selector,match=match,di=di),prop_src=match) return core.vivtc.VDecimate(match,cycle=cycle,chroma=vd_chroma,dupthresh=dupthresh,scthresh=scthresh,blockx=vd_block[0],blocky=vd_block[1]) def bm3d(clip:vs.VideoNode,sigma=[3,3,3],sigma2=None,preset="fast",preset2=None,mode="cpu",radius=0,chroma=False,fast=True, block_step1=None,bm_range1=None, ps_num1=None, ps_range1=None, block_step2=None,bm_range2=None, ps_num2=None, ps_range2=None, extractor_exp=0,device_id=0,bm_error_s="SSD",transform_2d_s="DCT",transform_1d_s="DCT", refine=1,dmode=0): bits=clip.format.bits_per_sample clip=core.fmtc.bitdepth(clip,bits=32) if chroma is True and !=vs.YUV444PS: raise ValueError("chroma=True only works on yuv444") isvbm3d=radius>0 if sigma2 is None: sigma2=sigma if preset2 is None: preset2=preset if preset not in ["fast","lc","np","high"] or preset2 not in ["fast","lc","np","high"]: raise ValueError("preset and preset2 must be 'fast','lc','np',or'high'") parmas1={ #block_step,bm_range, ps_num, ps_range "fast":[8,9,2,4], "lc" :[6,9,2,4], "np" :[4,16,2,5], "high":[3,16,2,7], } vparmas1={ #block_step,bm_range, ps_num, ps_range "fast":[8,7,2,4], "lc" :[6,9,2,4], "np" :[4,12,2,5], "high":[3,16,2,7], } parmas2={ #block_step,bm_range, ps_num, ps_range "fast":[7,9,2,5], "lc" :[6,9,2,5], "np" :[3,16,2,6], "high":[2,16,2,8], } vparmas2={ #block_step,bm_range, ps_num, ps_range "fast":[7,7,2,5], "lc" :[6,9,2,5], "np" :[3,12,2,6], "high":[2,16,2,8], } if isvbm3d: p1,p2=vparmas1,vparmas2 else: p1,p2=parmas1,parmas2 block_step1=p1[preset][0] if block_step1 is None else block_step1 bm_range1=p1[preset][1] if bm_range1 is None else bm_range1 ps_num1=p1[preset][2] if ps_num1 is None else ps_num1 ps_range1=p1[preset][3] if ps_range1 is None else ps_range1 block_step2=p1[preset2][0] if block_step2 is None else block_step2 bm_range2=p1[preset2][1] if bm_range2 is None else bm_range2 ps_num2=p1[preset2][2] if ps_num2 is None else ps_num2 ps_range2=p1[preset2][3] if ps_range2 is None else ps_range2 if isvbm3d: flt=bm3d_core(clip,mode=mode,sigma=sigma,radius=radius,block_step=block_step1,bm_range=bm_range1,ps_num=ps_num1,ps_range=ps_range1,chroma=chroma,fast=fast,extractor_exp=extractor_exp,device_id=device_id,bm_error_s=bm_error_s,transform_2d_s=transform_2d_s,transform_1d_s=transform_1d_s) flt=core.bm3d.VAggregate(flt,radius=radius,sample=1) for i in range(refine): flt=bm3d_core(clip,ref=flt,mode=mode,sigma=sigma2,radius=radius,block_step=block_step2,bm_range=bm_range2,ps_num=ps_num2,ps_range=ps_range2,chroma=chroma,fast=fast,extractor_exp=extractor_exp,device_id=device_id,bm_error_s=bm_error_s,transform_2d_s=transform_2d_s,transform_1d_s=transform_1d_s) flt=core.bm3d.VAggregate(flt,radius=radius,sample=1) else: flt=bm3d_core(clip,mode=mode,sigma=sigma,radius=radius,block_step=block_step1,bm_range=bm_range1,ps_num=ps_num1,ps_range=ps_range1,chroma=chroma,fast=fast,extractor_exp=extractor_exp,device_id=device_id,bm_error_s=bm_error_s,transform_2d_s=transform_2d_s,transform_1d_s=transform_1d_s) for i in range(refine): flt=bm3d_core(clip,ref=flt,mode=mode,sigma=sigma2,radius=radius,block_step=block_step2,bm_range=bm_range2,ps_num=ps_num2,ps_range=ps_range2,chroma=chroma,fast=fast,extractor_exp=extractor_exp,device_id=device_id,bm_error_s=bm_error_s,transform_2d_s=transform_2d_s,transform_1d_s=transform_1d_s) return core.fmtc.bitdepth(flt,bits=bits,dmode=dmode) #helper function: #converting the values in one depth to another def scale(i,depth_out=16,depth_in=8): return i*2**(depth_out-depth_in) #getplane in YUV def getplane(clip,i): return clip.std.ShufflePlanes(i, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) def getY(clip): return clip.std.ShufflePlanes(0, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) def getU(clip): return clip.std.ShufflePlanes(1, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) def getV(clip): return clip.std.ShufflePlanes(2, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) #extract all planes def extractPlanes(clip): return tuple(clip.std.ShufflePlanes(x, colorfamily=vs.GRAY) for x in range(clip.format.num_planes)) #show plane in YUV(interger only) def showY(clip): return clip.std.Expr(["",str(scale(128,clip.format.bits_per_sample))]) def showU(clip): return clip.std.Expr(["0","",str(scale(128,clip.format.bits_per_sample))]) def showV(clip): return clip.std.Expr(["0",str(scale(128,clip.format.bits_per_sample)),""]) def showUV(clip): return clip.std.Expr(["0",""]) #inpand/expand def inpand(clip=None,planes=0,thr=None,mode="square",cycle=1): if mode=="square": cd=[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] elif mode=="horizontal": cd=[0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0] elif mode=="vertical": cd=[0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0] elif mode=="both": cd=[0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0] else: raise TypeError("") last = core.std.Minimum(clip,planes,thr,cd) if cycle<=1: return last else: return inpand(last,planes,thr,mode,cycle-1) def expand(clip=None,planes=0,thr=None,mode="square",cycle=1): if mode=="square": cd=[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] elif mode=="horizontal": cd=[0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0] elif mode=="vertical": cd=[0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0] elif mode=="both": cd=[0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0] else: raise TypeError("") last = core.std.Maximum(clip,planes,thr,cd) if cycle<=1: return last else: return expand(last,planes,thr,mode,cycle-1) def getCSS(w,h): css={ (1,1):"420", (1,0):"422", (0,0):"444", (2,2):"410", (2,0):"411", (0,1):"440"} sub=(w,h) if css.get(sub) is None: raise ValueError('Unknown subsampling') else: return css[sub] def clip2css(clip): return getCSS(clip.format.subsampling_w,clip.format.subsampling_h) def nnedi3(clip,field,dh=False,dw=False,planes=None,nsize=6,nns=1,qual=1,etype=0,pscrn=2,exp=0, mode="znedi3",device=-1,list_device=False,info=False): mode=mode.lower() if mode=="nnedi3": return clip.nnedi3.nnedi3(field=field, dh=dh, planes=planes, nsize=nsize, nns=nns, qual=qual, etype=etype, pscrn=pscrn,exp=exp) elif mode=="znedi3": return clip.znedi3.nnedi3(field=field, dh=dh, planes=planes, nsize=nsize, nns=nns, qual=qual, etype=etype, pscrn=pscrn,exp=exp) elif mode=="nnedi3cl": return clip.nnedi3cl.NNEDI3CL(field=field, dh=dh, dw=dw, planes=planes, nsize=nsize, nns=nns, qual=qual, etype=etype, pscrn=pscrn,device=device,list_device=list_device,info=info) else: raise ValueError("Unknown mode,mode must in ['nnedi3','nnedi3cl','znedi3']") def eedi3(clip, field, dh=None, planes=None, alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=None, nrad=None, mdis=None, hp=None, ucubic=None, cost3=None, vcheck=None, vthresh0=None, vthresh1=None, vthresh2=None, sclip=None, mode="eedi3m",device=None,list_device=None,info=None,opt=None): mode=mode.lower() if mode=="eedi3m": return clip.eedi3m.EEDI3(field, dh, planes, alpha, beta, gamma, nrad, mdis, hp, ucubic, cost3, vcheck, vthresh0, vthresh1, vthresh2, sclip, opt) elif mode=="eedi3cl": return clip.eedi3m.EEDI3CL(field, dh, planes, alpha, beta, gamma, nrad, mdis, hp, ucubic, cost3, vcheck, vthresh0, vthresh1, vthresh2, sclip, opt, device, list_device, info) elif mode=="eedi3": return clip.eedi3.eedi3(field, dh, planes, alpha, beta, gamma, nrad, mdis, hp, ucubic, cost3, vcheck, vthresh0, vthresh1, vthresh2, sclip) else: raise ValueError("Unknown mode,mode must in ['eedi3m,eedi3,eedi3cl']") def preview(*args): if len(args)==1: return mvf.Preview(args[0]) else: plist=[] for i in range(len(args)): t=core.sub.Subtitle(args[i],"clip"+str(i)) t=mvf.Preview(t) plist.append(t) return core.std.Interleave(plist) def bm3d_core(clip,ref=None,mode="cpu",sigma=3.0,block_step=8,bm_range=9,radius=0,ps_num=2,ps_range=4,chroma=False,fast=True,extractor_exp=0,device_id=0,bm_error_s="SSD",transform_2d_s="DCT",transform_1d_s="DCT"): if mode not in ["cpu","cuda","cuda_rtc"]: raise ValueError("mode must be cpu,or cuda,or cuda_rtc") elif mode=="cpu": return core.bm3dcpu.BM3D(clip,ref=ref,sigma=sigma,block_step=block_step,bm_range=bm_range,radius=radius,ps_num=ps_num,ps_range=ps_range,chroma=chroma) elif mode=="cuda": return core.bm3dcuda.BM3D(clip,ref=ref,sigma=sigma,block_step=block_step,bm_range=bm_range,radius=radius,ps_num=ps_num,ps_range=ps_range,chroma=chroma,fast=fast,extractor_exp=extractor_exp,device_id=device_id) else: return core.bm3dcuda_rtc.BM3D(clip,ref=ref,sigma=sigma,block_step=block_step,bm_range=bm_range,radius=radius,ps_num=ps_num,ps_range=ps_range,chroma=chroma,fast=fast,extractor_exp=extractor_exp,device_id=device_id,bm_error_s=bm_error_s,transform_2d_s=transform_2d_s,transform_1d_s=transform_1d_s)