// ==UserScript== // @name Baka extensions tool // @version 1.41 // @namespace baka-extensions-tool // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xzfc/baka-extensions-tool/master/baka_extentsions_tool.user.js // @require http://xregexp.com/v/3.0.0/xregexp-min.js // @include http://agar.io/* // @match http://ogar.mivabe.nl/?ip=* // @grant none // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function バカスクリプト() { var version = "1.41" setConf({wsUri: "ws://", quickTemplates: { Backquote: { _049: ['К', 'Покорми!'], S049: ['!К', 'Не корми!'], _050: ['ПК', 'Пульни колючку!'], S050: ['ЧК', 'Чисти колючки!'], _051: ['Х', 'Скушай хвостик!'], S051: ['!Х', 'Не кушай хвостик!'], _052: ['✖', 'Отходим!'], S052: ['⧁', 'Наступаем!'], _053: ['Д', 'Делись!'], S053: ['!Д', 'Не делись!'], }, _097: ['↙', 'Левый нижний угол'], _098: ['↓', 'Центр внизу'], _099: ['↘', 'Правый нижний угол'], _100: ['←', 'Центр слева'], _101: ['⨀', 'Центр'], _102: ['→', 'Центр справа'], _103: ['↖', 'Левый верхний угол'], _104: ['↑', 'Центр сверху'], _105: ['↗', 'Правый верхний угол'], }, keys: { Shift_Comma: "move_chat", Shift_Period: "move_map", Shift_Tab: "focus_chat", Backslash: "toggle_pellets", Comma: "toggle_chat", Enter: "focus_chat", KeyC: ["toggle_eating_mass_guide", "toggle_active_cell"], Shift_KeyC: "toggle_split_guide", KeyX: "toggle_eating_distance_guide", KeyM: "toggle_mouse_lines", Shift_KeyM: "toggle_stop", Period: "toggle_map", Slash: "toggle_canvas", Tab: "activate_cell", Digit1: "activate_cell 0", Digit2: "activate_cell 1", Digit3: "activate_cell 2", Digit4: "activate_cell 3", Digit5: "activate_cell 4", Digit6: "activate_cell 5", Digit7: "activate_cell 6", Digit8: "activate_cell 7", Digit9: "activate_cell 15", F11: "toggle_fullscreen", KeyE: "double_split", Shift_KeyE: "quadruple_split", }, teams:{ baka:{aura: "#00f", names: [/⑨/]}, zt: {aura: "#a5a", names: [/ƵŦ/]}, reddit: {aura: "#aa5", names: [/《ℝ》/]}, brazil: {names: /ᴳᴀᴮ|ŦḰΔ|βҜǤ|ǤΔβ/}, turkey: {names: [/ek[sşŞ\$][iİ]/i, /[iİ][╦T][µÜ]/i, /[ʍm][εe][†t][υuü]|ʍε†/i, /[Ծo][dԺ][tԵ][uü]/i, /ΆǾĢ|ⒶⓄⒼ/, /ŦĪŦ/, /\bDH\b/, /[つマづĐÐ][みℋんĦн]|ⒹⒽ|매|Ďℍ|⊃Ⓗ|đħ/]}, other: {names: [/\[(\$|402λ|WAR|AOG|DH|FBI|TUC|EU|TW|AGU|R[iİ]PO|T[iİ]T|EXER)\]/i, /ヴ[いぃ]p/, /ⒷⓀ|ⓂⓋⓅ|RZCW|MZDK|Mezdeke/, /\b(AOG|MKB|MZK|FKS|TİT|HKG)\b/i, /\b(pkb|ркб|ркв)\b/i, /P₭฿|₱₭฿/, /[1①❶][8⑧❽]-?[2②❷][5⑤❺]/, /[ÌÍ]\.M\.P/, "[UP] #1", /㉹/, /ՁЧ➹7|ջЧ➹Դ/, /〖ƝƁƘ〗|⟦ƝƁƘ⟧/, /ҚÕŽ/, /H&&[₭ᛕK]/, ]}, }, soundList: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], sound: {chat:1, quick:1}, showOnlyBakaAura: false, myAura: "#fff", bakaAura: "#000", defaultTeamAura: "#A55", timeFormat: 0, mouseControls: true, fogOfWar: true, hideJoinLeaveMessages: false, mapProjection: [-7060, 7060], mapSize: 256, mySkinUri: "", mySkinBig: false, bakaSkinUri: "", bakaSkinBig: false, pelletColor: null, virusColor: "rgba(128,128,128,0.6)", eatingMassGuide: { smallColors: [null, "#00aa00", "#cc66ff"], bigColors: [null, "#ffbf3d", "#ff3c3c"], width: 0.6, }, bgImage: "http://i.imgur.com/E4u6yMZ.jpg", cellOpacity: 0.8, viewportBox: {color: "#7f7f7f", width: 10}, worldBox: {color: "#f44336", width: 90}, replaceCursor: true, stealAnime: false, }) var userConf var myName = null var hasConnected = false var nextMessageId = 0 var drawPellets = true var zc = Boolean(g("ZCOverlay")) var defaultName = "Безымянная сырно" function g(id) { return document.getElementById(id) } function isArray(obj, type) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]' } function includes(array, value) { return array.indexOf(value) !== -1 } function setConf(defaults) { function setDefault(record, field, value) { if (record[field] === undefined && value !== undefined) record[field] = value } setDefault(window, 'bakaconf', {}) userConf = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(window.bakaconf)) for (var i in defaults) if (i !== 'teams') setDefault(window.bakaconf, i, defaults[i]) setDefault(window.bakaconf, 'teams', {}) for (var i in defaults.teams) setDefault(window.bakaconf.teams, i, defaults.teams[i]) } function join(l) { if (!(l instanceof Array)) l = Array.from(l) if (l.length === 0) return ["никого"] if (l.length <= 1) return l var result = [] for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i++) { result.push(l[i]) if (i < l.length-2) result.push(", ") else if (i === l.length-2) result.push(" и ") } return result } function formatTime(t) { function pad(number) { return (number < 10) ? '0' + number : number } t = new Date(t*1000 + 1000*60*60*3) var h = pad(t.getUTCHours()) var m = pad(t.getUTCMinutes()) var s = pad(t.getUTCSeconds()) switch(window.bakaconf.timeFormat) { case 0: return `${h}:${m}:${s} ` case 1: return `${h}:${m} ` case 2: return `` } } var storage = { get(key) { if (typeof GM_getValue === 'function') return GM_getValue(key, null) else return localStorage.getItem('baka_' + key) }, set(key, value) { if (typeof GM_setValue === 'function') GM_setValue(key, value) else localStorage.setItem('baka_' + key, value) } } var notificator = { cached: [], list: "", unreadCount: 0, oldTitle: null, init() { var el = document.createElement('div') el.id = "notification" document.body.appendChild(el) el.onclick = () => chat.toggle(true) this.cache() window.addEventListener("focus", () => { chat.hidden || this.clear() }) }, cache() { var list = window.bakaconf.soundList.join("\n") if (list === this.list) return this.list = list console.log("Update!") this.cached = window.bakaconf.soundList.map(x => new Audio(x)) }, clear() { this.unreadCount = 0 g("notification").style.visibility = 'hidden' if (this.oldTitle !== null) { document.title = this.oldTitle this.oldTitle = null } }, notify(what) { if (document.hidden || chat.hidden) { this.unreadCount++ if (this.oldTitle === null) this.oldTitle = document.title document.title = `[${this.unreadCount}] ${this.oldTitle}` } if (chat.hidden) { g("notification").style.visibility = '' g("notification").textContent = this.unreadCount } if (window.bakaconf.sound[what]) { this.cache() if (this.cached.length === 0) return this.cached[Math.floor(Math.random()*this.cached.length)].play() } }, } var chat = { hidden: false, active: false, usersCount: 0, init() { var cbox = document.createElement('div') cbox.id = 'cbox' cbox.innerHTML = `
` document.body.appendChild(cbox) g("chat_users").onclick = () => send({t:'names'}) g('form').onsubmit = submit g('carea').onfocus = () => { this.active = true cbox.style.opacity = '1' } g('carea').onblur = () => { this.active = false cbox.style.opacity = '0.7' } g('carea').onkeydown = (e) => { switch (e.keyCode) { case 38: return submitHistory.up(), false case 40: return submitHistory.down(), false } } }, move() { toggleAttribute(g('cbox'), 'data-alt-position') toggleAttribute(g('baka-labels'), 'data-alt-position') }, toggle(show) { this.hidden = show === undefined ? !this.hidden : !show g('cbox').style.visibility = (this.hidden ? 'hidden' : '') notificator.clear() }, focus() { this.toggle(true) document.getElementById('carea').focus() }, blur() { g('carea').blur() }, clickName(e) { e = e || window.event; e = e.target || e.srcElement var ca = document.getElementById('carea') ca.value = `${e.textContent}: ${ca.value}` this.focus() }, setUsersCount(add, value) { if (add) this.usersCount += value else this.usersCount = value g("chat_users").textContent = this.usersCount >= 0 ? this.usersCount : "#" }, preserveScroll(fun) { var msgbox = document.getElementById('msgsbox') var scroll = 0 === msgbox.scrollTop + msgbox.offsetHeight - msgbox.scrollHeight fun() if (scroll) msgbox.lastChild.scrollIntoView() }, } function connectChat() { function reconnectButton(e) { e = e || window.event;e = e.target || e.srcElement e.parentNode.removeChild(e) connectChat() } ignore.reset() var reconnect = false, closed = false var ws = new WebSocket(window.bakaconf.wsUri) var myId = null var welcomed = false ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer" ws.onopen = (evt) => { mapSender.reset() send({t: "version", version: version, v72: (window.v72===undefined?0:1), expose: (window.agar===undefined?0:1) }) var auth_token = storage.get('auth_token') if (auth_token !== null) send({t:"auth", token:auth_token}) if (myName !== null) send({t: "name", "name": myName}) send({t:"messages", startingFromId: nextMessageId}) send({t:"names"}) } ws.onclose = (evt) => { if (closed) return chat.setUsersCount(false, -1) if (reconnect) { closed = true addLine({message:['Переподключаюсь~']}) return connectChat() } if (hasConnected) { hasConnected = false return window.setTimeout(connectChat, 1000) } else { addLine({message:[ "Вебсокет закрыт. ", aButton("переподключиться к вебсокету", reconnectButton)]}) } notificator.notfy('system') } ws.onerror = (evt) => { if (closed) return console.log(evt) addLine({message:"Ошибка вебсокета"}) } ws.reconnect = () => { reconnect = true ws.close() window.setTimeout(() => { if (closed) return closed = true addLine({message:['Переподключаюсь~~']}) connectChat() }, 1000) } ws.onmessage = (evt) => { hasConnected = true if (closed) return if (evt.data instanceof window.ArrayBuffer) onmessage_binary(new DataView(evt.data)) else onmessage_json(JSON.parse(evt.data)) } function onmessage_json(d) { var sender = {i:d.i, name:d.f, premium:d.premium, mode:"message"} function notify(what) { if (myId !== d.i && welcomed) notificator.notify(what) } if (d.I !== undefined) nextMessageId = d.I + 1 switch(d.t) { case "names": var namesList = d.names .filter(n => n.name !== "") .map(aName) var nonameCount = d.names.length - namesList.length if (nonameCount === 0) {/* do nothing */} else if (nonameCount === 1) namesList.push("одна безымянная сырно" + (myName === ""?" (это ты)":"")) else namesList.push(nonameCount + " безымянных сырно" + (myName === ""?" (включая тебя)":"")) var chatmsg = ["В чате ", ...join(namesList), "."]; addLine({time:d.T, message:chatmsg}) chat.setUsersCount(false, d.names.length) break case "message": var tokens = d.text.trim().split(/ +/) if (tokens[0] === "/me") { d.text = tokens.slice(1).join(" ") sender.mode = "me" } addLine({time:d.T, sender:sender, message:formatMessage(d.text)}) notify("chat") break case "quick": addLine({time: d.T, sender: sender, message: d.symbol === undefined ? `[${d.text}]` : `[${d.symbol}:${d.text}]`}) notify("quick") if (d.cells !== undefined) map.blink(d.cells, d.symbol) break case "name": var oldName = aName(sender) sender.name = d.name sender.mode = "none" addLine({time: d.T, sender: sender, message: [oldName, " теперь ", aName(sender), "."]}) break case "map": map.update(d.data, d.range) break case "map-reset": mapSender.reset() break case "point": points.put(d.coords) break case "join": if (!window.bakaconf.hideJoinLeaveMessages) addLine({time:d.T, message: [aName(sender), " заходит."]}) chat.setUsersCount(true, +1) break case "leave": if (!window.bakaconf.hideJoinLeaveMessages) addLine({time:d.T, message: [aName(sender), " выходит."]}) chat.setUsersCount(true, -1) break case "welcome": welcomed = true if (d.i !== undefined) myId = d.i break case "ping": d.t = 'pong' send(d) break case "addr": var connect = "" showAddr({time:d.T, sender:sender}, d) notify("chat") break case "addrs": showAddrs(d.addrs, d.T) break case "restart": addLine({time:d.T, message:["Сейчас сервер будет перезапущен"]}) break } } function onmessage_binary(d) { var c = 1 function getUint8 () { return d.getUint8 ((c += 1) - 1) } function getUint16 () { return d.getUint16 ((c += 2) - 2) } function getUint32 () { return d.getUint32 ((c += 4) - 4) } function getFloat32() { return d.getFloat32((c += 4) - 4) } function getString() { var result = "", x = getUint16() while (x !== 0) { result += String.fromCharCode(x) x = getUint16() } return result } function getColor() { var col = getUint8()<<16 | getUint8()<<8 | getUint8() col = col.toString(16) while (col.length < 6) col = "0" + col return "#" + col } var data_size = getUint32() var data = [] for (var i = 0; i < data_size; i++) { var cell = {} cell.i = getUint32() cell.s = getUint32() cell.x = getFloat32() cell.y = getFloat32() cell.c = getColor() cell.n = getString() var flags = getUint8() cell.v = (flags & 1) !== 0 cell.a = (flags & 2) !== 0 data.push(cell) } var range_size = getUint32() var range = [] for (var i = 0; i < range_size; i++) { var r = {} r.minX = getFloat32() r.minY = getFloat32() r.maxX = getFloat32() r.maxY = getFloat32() range.push(r) } map.update(data, range) var aliveBakas = getUint8() var totalBakas = getUint8() if (totalBakas > 2) labels.set('bakas', `${aliveBakas}/${totalBakas}`) else labels.set('bakas') } websocket = ws } function toggleCanvas() { if (window.agar === undefined || window.agar.disableRendering === undefined) return console.error("Could not find window.agar.disableRendering") if (window.agar.disableRendering = !window.agar.disableRendering) { document.body.setAttribute("baka-off", true) fpsMeter.disable() } else chat.preserveScroll(() => document.body.removeAttribute("baka-off")) } function aButton(text, action, className, tooltip) { var a = document.createElement('a') if (className) a.className = className a.onclick = action a.textContent = text if (tooltip !== undefined) a.title = tooltip return a } function aWs(text, ws, region) { return aButton(text, () => window.connect(ws, ''), 'Подключиться') } function aName(p) { return aButton(p.name || defaultName, () => chat.clickName(), "name" + (p.premium?" premium":""), p.i) } function formatMessage(text) { var re = rx`( (? :noel: ) | (?: (?: ws:// | http://agar\.io/\?ip= ) (? [\w+.]+:[0-9]+\/? )) | (? https?://[^\ ]*[^.\ ,\(\)] ))` var result = splitReplace(text, re, function(m) { var match = m[0], el = m[0] if (m.noel) { el = document.createElement("img") el.src = "data: image/ gif; base64, R0lG"+ "O "+ "D lhEAAQALMAAP "+ "3 eAv7 pUv7 "+ "x mPW/ A+ "+ "C TA f8AALAAAP///8D Aw "+ "I CAgAAA AP///w "+ "A AA AAAAAAAAAAAACH5B AE "+ "A AA sALA AAAAAQ AB "+ "A AA ARec Mmpq p14VVN "+ "6 r9 lm "+ "j Jy nUAlirdy5qFWKIEd9a QM "+ "A rC ut qD lA "+ "o CI QW GY /R "+ "X Co CBibRwVhGa ha "+ "A zvVl LcCD "+ "H 7aX218ULq0 "+ "B "+ "PAMmJYgCenVoD1BSuFwUGbNQ2QwazN/EQA7"; el.title = el.alt = match } else if (m.ws) { el = aWs(match, 'ws://' + m.ws) } else if (m.link) { el = document.createElement('a') el.textContent = el.href = match el.target = "_blank" } return el }) if (text.indexOf(g('nick').value||defaultName) > -1) result.higlight = true if (text.trim()[0] === '>') result.greentext = true return result function rx(s) { return XRegExp(s.raw, 'x') } function splitReplace(text, re, fun) { var res = [], pos = 0 XRegExp.forEach(text, re, a => { res.push(text.substring(pos, a.index)) res.push(fun(a)) pos = a.index + a[0].length }) res.push(text.substring(pos)) return res } } function br() { return document.createElement('br') } function spinner() { var span = document.createElement('span') span.className = 'baka-spinner' span.textContent = '☯' return span } function addLine(p) { var d = document.createElement('div') d.className = 'baka-line' if (p.time !== undefined) { var time = document.createElement('span') time.className = "time" time.textContent = formatTime(p.time) d.appendChild(time) } if (p.sender !== undefined) { switch (p.sender.mode) { case "message": d.appendChild(aName(p.sender)) d.appendChild(document.createTextNode(": ")) break case "me": d.appendChild(document.createTextNode("•")) d.appendChild(aName(p.sender)) d.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")) } d.setAttribute("bakaid", p.sender.i) } if (p.message !== undefined) { if (typeof p.message === "string") p.message = [p.message] var message = document.createElement('span') p.message.forEach(i => { if (!(i instanceof Node)) i = document.createTextNode(i) message.appendChild(i) }) message.className = (p.message.greentext ? " greentext" : "") + (p.message.higlight ? " higlight" : "") d.appendChild(message) } chat.preserveScroll(() => g("msgsbox").appendChild(d)) } function send(a) { if (websocket.readyState === 1) { if (!(a instanceof ArrayBuffer)) a = JSON.stringify(a) websocket.send(a) return true } return false } window.send = send function sendAddr() { var a = window.agar if (a === undefined || a.ws === undefined || a.top === undefined || a.top.length === 0) return var m = {t: "addr", ws:a.ws, top:a.top, game:window.location.hostname} if (a.region !== undefined) { m.region = a.region if (a.region.endsWith(":party")) m.token = document.getElementsByClassName("partyToken")[0] .value.replace(/^agar\.io\//, "") } send(m) } var fullInfo = { region(ws, fun) { this._addCallback(data => fun(data.regions[ws])) }, _request() { this.req = new XMLHttpRequest() this.req.open('GET', 'http://m.agar.io/fullInfo', true) this.req.addEventListener('load', load) this.req.addEventListener('error', error) this.req.send() console.log('get') this.funs = [] function load() { delete fullInfo.req fullInfo.data = {regions:{}} try { JSON.parse(this.responseText).servers .forEach(serv => fullInfo.data.regions[serv.ip] = serv.region) } catch (e) { error(e) return } runFuns() } function error(e) { delete fullInfo.req delete fullInfo.data runFuns() console.error('fullInfo.startRequest', e) } function runFuns() { fullInfo.funs.forEach(fun => fun(fullInfo.data)) fullInfo.funs = [] } }, _addCallback(fun) { if (this.req) { this.funs.push(fun) } else { this._request() this.funs.push(fun) } }, } function joinTop(top) { return top.map(x => x.name || "An unnamed cell").join(", ") } function showAddr(context, addr) { var addrElem = aWs(addr.ws, addr.ws) var regionElem = document.createElement('span') var spinner_ = spinner() context.message = [ `${addr.alive}/${addr.players} Топ: ${joinTop(addr.top)}`, br(), addrElem, regionElem, spinner_, ] addLine(context) fullInfo.region(addr.ws.replace(/^wss?:\/\//, ''), update) function update(region) { spinner_.parentNode.removeChild(spinner_) if (region !== undefined) regionElem.textContent = ' ' + region } } function showAddrs(addrs, time) { addrs = addrs.filter(x => (x.alive || x.players > 2) && x.ws) if (addrs.length === 0) return addLine({time:time, message:["Сырны нигде не играют."]}) addLine({time:time, message:["Сырны играют тут:"]}) addrs.sort((x, y) => { if (x.alive > y.alive) return +1 if (x.alive < y.alive) return -1 if (x.players > y.players) return +1 if (x.players < y.players) return -1 return 0 }).forEach(addr => showAddr({}, addr)) } var submitHistory = { list: [], idx: -1, text: "", up() { if (this.list.length === 0) return if (this.idx === -1) { this.text = g('carea').value g('carea').value = this.list[this.idx = this.list.length-1] } else if (this.idx !== 0) g('carea').value = this.list[--this.idx] }, down() { if (this.list.length === 0) return if (this.idx === this.list.length-1) { this.idx = -1 g('carea').value = this.text } else if (this.idx !== -1) g('carea').value = this.list[++this.idx] }, push(t) { this.idx = -1 if (this.list[this.list.length -1] !== t) this.list.push(t) }, } function submit(e) { var ca = document.getElementById('carea') function sendName() { var n = document.getElementById('nick') if (myName !== n.value) { myName = n.value storage.set('name', myName) send({t: "name", name:myName}) } } if (ca.value !== "") { var tokens = ca.value.trim().split(/ +/) if (tokens.length === 0) return false if (tokens[0][0] === "/" && tokens[0] != "/me") { switch(tokens[0]) { case "/names": send({t:"names"}); break case "/addr": sendName() if (tokens[1] && window.agar) window.agar.region = tokens[1] sendAddr(); break case "/addrs": send({t:"addrs"}); break case "/reconnect": websocket.reconnect(); break case "/ignore": for (var i = 1; i < tokens.length; i++) if (/^[-+]?\d+$/.test(tokens[i])) { var id = parseInt(tokens[i].substr(1)) if (tokens[i][0] === '+') ignore.add(id) else ignore.remove(id) } var chatmsg = ["Список игнорирования: ", ...join(ignore.list)]; addLine({message: chatmsg}); break case "/auth": if (tokens[1] !== undefined) { storage.set("auth_token", tokens[1]) send({t:"auth", token:tokens[1]}) } break default: ["Команды чата:", "/names — получить список сырн в чате", "/addr [регион] — отправить текущий севрер и топ (требуется expose)", "/addrs — получить список комнат, на которых играют сырны", "/reconnect — переподключиться к чатсерверу", "/ignore [действия] — работа со списком игнорирования. " + "Пример: `/ignore +1 +3 -2` — добавить 1 и 3 в список и убрать 2 из списка", "/auth — авторизация", "/me — отправить сообщение от третьего лица", ].forEach(line => addLine({message:line})) } } else { sendName() send({t: "message", text: ca.value}) } submitHistory.push(ca.value) ca.value = "" var myCells = agar.myCells() if (myCells === undefined || myCells.length !== 0) ca.blur() } return false } function codeWorkaround(e) { // As of September 2015, `KeyboardEvent.code` is supported // only in Firefox. if (e.code !== undefined) return var k = e.keyCode if (k >= 65 && k <= 90) return e.code = `Key${String.fromCharCode(k)}`, undefined if (k >= 48 && k <= 57) return e.code = `Digit${k-48}`, undefined e.code = { "9": "Tab", "13": "Enter", "27": "Escape", "188": "Comma", "190": "Period", "191": "Slash", "192": "Backquote", "220": "Backslash", }[e.keyCode] } function handleEvents() { // Autofire var repeat = 0, repeatm = 0 window.setInterval(() => { if (!repeat && !repeatm) return if (!isHovered()) return repeat = repeatm = false originalKeyEvent.w() }, 50) // Keyboard controls var extended = false window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { codeWorkaround(e) var nonText = /^(F[0-9]+)$/.test(e.code) if (extended) { if (quick.key(e) === false) extended = false stop(e) return } if (chat.active) { if (e.code === "Escape" || e.code === "Tab") { chat.blur() e.preventDefault() } e.stopPropagation() g('carea').onkeydown(e) return } var active = document.activeElement if (active.id === 'baka-leaderboard-title') { if (includes(["Escape", "Enter", "Tab"], e.code)) { active.blur() stop(e) } return } if (includes(["INPUT", "BUTTON", "SELECT"], active.tagName) && !nonText && active.offsetParent !== null) { return } if (!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) { if (e.code === "KeyW") { if (!e.shiftKey) { e.stopPropagation() repeat = 1 } return } if (keys.keyDown(e)) { stop(e) return } if (quick.key(e)) { extended = true stop(e) return } } return }, true) window.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => { codeWorkaround(e) if (keys.keyUp(e)) stop(e) if (e.code == "KeyW") repeat = 0 }, true) function stop(e) { e.stopPropagation() e.preventDefault() } // Mouse controls function onMouseDown(e) { if (e.which === 2 && window.agar && window.agar.scale !== undefined) return window.agar.scale = 1, false if (!window.bakaconf.mouseControls) return true switch (e.which) { case 1: return repeatm = true, false case 3: return originalKeyEvent.space(), false } } function onMouseUp(e) { if (e.which === 1) repeatm = false } ;["canvas", "map", "baka-labels"] .forEach(id => { g(id).onmousedown = onMouseDown g(id).oncontextmenu = (e) => !window.bakaconf.mouseControls }) ;["canvas", "map", "notification", "cbox", "baka-labels"] .forEach(id => g(id).onmouseup = onMouseUp) // Mouse controls: hover tracker var hovered = {} function isHovered() { for (var i in hovered) if (hovered[i]) return true return false } function track(id) { function set(k, v) { hovered[k] = v } g(id).addEventListener("mouseenter", () => set(id, true)) g(id).addEventListener("mousemove", () => set(id, true)) g(id).addEventListener("mouseleave", () => set(id, false)) } var elements = ["canvas", "map", "cbox", "notification", "baka-labels"] elements.forEach(track) // Make baka UI mouse-transparent elements.forEach(id => g(id).onmousemove = g("canvas").onmousemove) ;["canvas", "map", "notification", "baka-labels"] .forEach(id => { if (window.agar && window.agar.dommousescroll) g(id).addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', window.agar.dommousescroll, false) else g(id).onmousewheel = document.body.onmousewheel }) if (window.agar && window.agar.dommousescroll) document.removeEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', window.agar.dommousescroll, false) else document.body.onmousewheel = null // Safety belt window.onbeforeunload = safetyBelt function safetyBelt(e) { if (!e) e = window.event e.returnValue = 'Выйти из agar.io?' if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation() e.preventDefault() } } } function handleOptions() { g('nick').value = storage.get('name') || '' var oldSetNick = window.setNick window.setNick = (n) => { if (n !== myName) { myName = n storage.set('name', myName) send({t: "name", "name": myName}) } oldSetNick(n) } var oldSetDarkTheme = window.setDarkTheme window.setDarkTheme = (n) => { canvas.dark = n oldSetDarkTheme(n) } if (document .querySelector('label input[onchange*=setDarkTheme]').checked) window.setDarkTheme(true) } var agar = { init() { var a = window.agar if (a === undefined) return if (a.minScale !== undefined) a.minScale = 1/32 if (a.simpleCellDraw !== undefined) a.simpleCellDraw = true if (a.showStartupBg !== undefined) a.showStartupBg = false }, getViewport() { var v = window.agar.rawViewport if (v) { var dx = 1024 / v.scale, dy = 600 / v.scale return {minX:v.x-dx, minY:v.y-dy, maxX:v.x+dx, maxY:v.y+dy} } }, myCells() { var a = window.agar if (a === undefined || a.myCells === undefined || a.allCells === undefined) return return a.myCells.filter(x => x in a.allCells) }, cellIsMy(cell) { if (cell.baka_isMy === undefined) cell.baka_isMy = includes(window.agar.myCells, cell.id) return cell.baka_isMy }, } var dimensions = { relative: null, absolute: null, shift: null, reset() { this.relative = this.shift = null }, update(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) { var w = maxX - minX, h = maxY - minY if (w < 6000 && h < 3400) return var s = {x: (minX + maxX) / 2, y: (minY + maxY) / 2} this.relative = [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] this.absolute = [minX-s.x, minY-s.y, maxX-s.x, maxY-s.y] this.shift = s }, getRelative() { return this.relative || window.agar.dimensions }, getAbsolute() { return this.absolute || window.agar.dimensions }, getShift() { return this.shift || {x:0, y:0} }, } var map = { canvas: null, data: [], range: [], blackRibbon: true, hidden: false, blinks: {}, blinkIdsCounter: 0, init() { this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas") this.canvas.id = "map" document.body.appendChild(this.canvas) this.canvas.onclick = () => { this.blackRibbon = false; this.draw() } this.draw() }, toggle() { this.hidden = !this.hidden g('map').style.visibility = (this.hidden ? 'hidden' : '') }, move() { toggleAttribute(this.canvas, 'data-alt-position') }, update(data, range) { mapSender.waitReply = false this.data = data this.range = range bakaSkin.updateIds(data) this.draw() }, blink(ids, sym) { var c = this.blinkIdsCounter++ var iteration = 12 var blink = this.blinks[c] = {ids:ids, sym:sym, hl:false} function toggle() { if (--iteration) window.setTimeout(toggle, 250) else delete map.blinks[c] blink.hl = !blink.hl map.draw() } toggle() }, draw() { if (this.hidden) return var size = this.canvas.width = this.canvas.height = window.bakaconf.mapSize var context = this.canvas.getContext('2d') var myCells = agar.myCells() || [] var teams = window.bakaconf.teams var idx = {} function getAura(cell) { if (includes(myCells, cell.i)) return window.bakaconf.myAura if (cell.a) return window.bakaconf.bakaAura if (window.bakaconf.showOnlyBakaAura) return for (var i in teams) { var names = teams[i].names if (!isArray(names)) names = [names] for (var j = 0; j < names.length; j++) if (names[j] === cell.n || (names[j].test && names[j].test(cell.n))) return teams[i].aura || window.bakaconf.defaultTeamAura } } context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height) var t = getTransform() var i function getTransform() { var d = dimensions.getAbsolute() var x0 = d[0], y0 = d[1], x1 = d[2], y1 = d[3] var w = map.canvas.width, h = map.canvas.height var mx = w / (x1-x0), bx = -mx * x0 var my = w / (x1-x0), by = -my * y0 return { x: v => mx*v + bx, y: v => my*v + by, s: v => v * mx, } } if (window.bakaconf.fogOfWar) { context.globalAlpha = 0.3 context.fillStyle = "#000" context.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height) context.globalAlpha = 0.7 context.fillStyle = "#777" context.beginPath() for (i = 0; i < this.range.length; i++) { var d = this.range[i] context.rect(t.x(d.minX), t.y(d.minY), t.s(d.maxX-d.minX), t.s(d.maxY-d.minY)) } context.fill() } else { context.globalAlpha = 0.5 context.fillStyle = "#777" context.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height) } if (this.blackRibbon) { context.beginPath() context.lineWidth = size/8 context.strokeStyle = "#000" context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(size/2, size*9/8); context.lineTo(size*9/8, size/2); context.stroke() context.fill() } context.globalAlpha = .4 for (i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) { var d = this.data[i] var aura = getAura(d) if (aura) { context.fillStyle = aura context.beginPath() context.arc(t.x(d.x), t.y(d.y), t.s(d.s)+4, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false) context.fill() } idx[d.i] = this.data[i] } context.lineWidth = 2 for (i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) { var d = this.data[i] context.beginPath() context.arc(t.x(d.x), t.y(d.y), t.s(d.s), 0, 2 * Math.PI, false) context.globalAlpha = 1 context.fillStyle = d.c context.fill() if (d.v) { context.strokeStyle = "#ff0000" } else { context.globalAlpha = .1 context.strokeStyle = "#000000" } context.stroke() } for (var i in this.blinks) { var blink = this.blinks[i] if (blink.ids.length === 0 || !blink.hl) continue context.beginPath() context.fillStyle = "#f00" context.globalAlpha = 0.7 var minX, maxX, minY, maxY, drawText = false for (var j = 0; j < blink.ids.length; j++) { var d = idx[blink.ids[j]] if (d === undefined) continue drawText = true if (j === 0 || minX > d.x*2-d.s) minX = d.x*2-d.s if (j === 0 || maxX < d.x*2+d.s) maxX = d.x*2+d.s if (j === 0 || minY > d.y*2-d.s) minY = d.y*2-d.s if (j === 0 || maxY < d.y*2+d.s) maxY = d.y*2+d.s context.arc(t.x(d.x), t.y(d.y), t.s(d.s)+6, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false) context.closePath() } context.fill() if (!drawText || blink.sym === undefined) continue context.globalAlpha = 1 context.font = 'bold 13px Ubuntu' context.textAlign = 'center' context.textBaseline = 'middle' context.fillStyle = '#0ff' context.fillText(blink.sym, t.x((minX+maxX)/4), t.y((minY+maxY)/4)) } }, } var mapSender = { waitReply: false, buffer: new ArrayBuffer(1024), init() { this.reset() window.setInterval(() => this.send(), 250) }, reset() { this.waitReply = false this.sent = {} this.sent.topNames = new Map if (window.agar && window.agar.allCells) for (var id in window.agar.allCells) window.agar.allCells[id].baka_old = undefined }, send() { var a = window.agar var myCells = agar.myCells() if (!checkExpose()) { if (!map.hidden) send({t:'map', reply:1}) return } if (!a.top.length) return var offset = 0 var d = new DataView(this.buffer) var reply = !map.hidden && !this.waitReply putAll() var sent = send(truncateBuffer()) if (sent && reply) this.waitReply = true if (!sent) this.reset() map.blackRibbon = false function checkExpose() { return a !== undefined && a.allCells !== undefined && myCells !== undefined && a.top !== undefined && a.ws } function putAll() { var flagsOffset = reserve(1) var flags var dimsShift = dimensions.getShift() flags |= !mapSender.waitReply << 0 flags |= !map.hidden << 1 flags |= putGame() << 2 flags |= putTop() << 3 putAllCells(dimsShift) putViewport(dimsShift) d.setUint8(flagsOffset, flags) } function putGame() { var s = mapSender.sent if (s.ws === a.ws && s.hostname === window.location.hostname) return false putString(s.ws = a.ws) putString(s.hostname = window.location.hostname) return true } function putTop() { if (topsIsSame(a.top, mapSender.sent.top, false)) return false var infoOffset = reserve(2) var top = a.top.slice(0, 10) var info = top.length var shift = 4 var sentTopNames = new Map for (var e of top) { putUint32(e.id) if (mapSender.sent.topNames.get(e.id) !== e.name) { putString(e.name) info |= 1 << shift } shift++ sentTopNames.set(e.id, e.name) } d.setUint16(infoOffset, info) mapSender.sent.topNames = sentTopNames mapSender.sent.top = top return true } function topsIsSame(a, b) { if (a === b) return true if (!a || !b || a.length != b.length) return false for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if (a[i].id !== b[i].id || a[i].name !== b[i].name) return false return true } function putAllCells(shift) { var prevId = 0 var ids = Object.keys(a.allCells).map(x=>+x).sort((x,y) => x-y) for (var id of ids) { var cell = a.allCells[id] agar.cellIsMy(cell) if (cell.size < 32 && !cell.baka_isMy) continue var flagsOffset = reserve(1) var flags = 1 flags |= cell.isVirus << 1 flags |= cell.baka_isMy << 2 putUint(id - prevId) prevId = id var p = window.agar.cellProp var old = cell.baka_old if (typeof old === 'undefined') old = cell.baka_old = {} if (old.s !== cell[p.nSize]) { putUint16(old.s = cell[p.nSize]) flags |= 1 << 3 } var x = cell[p.nx] - shift.x, y = cell[p.ny] - shift.y if (old.x !== x || old.y !== y) { putInt16(old.x = x) putInt16(old.y = y) flags |= 1 << 4 } if (old.n !== cell.name || old.c !== cell.color) { putColor(old.c = cell.color) putString(old.n = cell.name) flags |= 1 << 5 } d.setUint8(flagsOffset, flags) } putUint8(0) } function putColor(value) { putUint8(parseInt(value.substr(1, 2), 16)) putUint8(parseInt(value.substr(3, 2), 16)) putUint8(parseInt(value.substr(5, 2), 16)) } function putViewport(shift) { var viewport = agar.getViewport() putFloat32(viewport.minX - shift.x) putFloat32(viewport.minY - shift.y) putFloat32(viewport.maxX - shift.x) putFloat32(viewport.maxY - shift.y) } function putUint8 (value) { d.setUint8 (reserve(1), value) } function putUint16 (value) { d.setUint16 (reserve(2), value) } function putUint32 (value) { d.setUint32 (reserve(4), value) } function putInt16 (value) { d.setInt16 (reserve(2), value) } function putFloat32(value) { d.setFloat32(reserve(4), value) } function putString (str) { var offset = reserve(str.length*2 + 2) for (var i = 0; i <= str.length; i++) d.setUint16(offset + i*2, str.charCodeAt(i) || 0) } function putUint(value) { do { var v = 0x7f & value var hasNext = (value ^ v) !== 0 putUint8(v | hasNext << 7) value >>>= 7 } while (value) } function reserve(count) { if (offset + count + 4 > mapSender.buffer.byteLength) enlargeBuffer() offset += count return offset - count } function enlargeBuffer() { var newBuf = new ArrayBuffer(mapSender.buffer.byteLength*2) copyBufferInto(newBuf) d = new DataView(mapSender.buffer = newBuf) } function truncateBuffer() { var result = new ArrayBuffer(offset) copyBufferInto(result) return result } function copyBufferInto(to) { var from = new Uint8Array(mapSender.buffer, 0, offset) to = new Uint8Array(to) to.set(from) } }, } var bakaSkin = { cached: {my:null, baka:null}, byAttr: new Map(), init() { if (!window.agar) return this.image('my') this.image('baka') }, updateIds(mapCells) { if (!window.agar || !window.agar.allCells) return this.byAttr.clear() mapCells.forEach(c => { if (!c.a) return var o = window.agar.allCells[c.i] if (o) o.baka_isBaka = true if (c.n !== "") this.byAttr.set(c.c + c.n, c.a) }) }, image(id) { var uri = window.bakaconf[id + 'SkinUri'] if (!uri) return this.cached[id] = null if (this.cached[id] !== null && this.cached[id].src === uri) { this.cached[id].big = window.bakaconf[id + 'SkinBig'] return this.cached[id] } this.cached[id] = new Image() if (!(/^\s*data\s*:/i).test(uri)) this.cached[id].crossOrigin = 'anonymous' this.cached[id].src = uri this.cached[id].big = window.bakaconf[id + 'SkinBig'] return this.cached[id] }, handleCell(cell) { if (cell.baka_isBaka === undefined) cell.baka_isBaka = !!this.byAttr.get(cell.color + cell.name) agar.cellIsMy(cell) cell.baka_skin = cell.baka_isMy ? this.image('my') : cell.baka_isBaka ? this.image('baka') : undefined cell.baka_color = cell.size < 20 ? window.bakaconf.pelletColor : cell.isVirus ? window.bakaconf.virusColor : undefined }, } function Point(coords) { var start = Date.now() this.draw = () => { var t = Date.now() - start for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) drawCircle(t - 200*i) return t <= 1400 } function drawCircle(t) { if (t < 0 || t > 1000) return canvas.ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - t/1000 var rad = 200000/(2000-t)-200000/2000 var width = 1 + t/100 canvas.ctx.beginPath() canvas.ctx.lineWidth = width / window.agar.drawScale canvas.ctx.arc(coords.x, coords.y, rad / window.agar.drawScale, 0, 2*Math.PI) canvas.ctx.stroke() } } var points = { points: new Set(), send() { send({t:'point', coords:canvas.toWorldCoords(mouseLines.cursor)}) }, put(coords) { this.points.add(new Point(coords)) }, draw() { canvas.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "difference" canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = "white" for (var point of this.points) if (!point.draw()) this.points.delete(point) canvas.ctx.globalAlpha = 1 canvas.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over" }, } var canvas = { transform: {scale:1, x:0, y:0}, dark: false, init() { this.element = g('canvas') this.ctx = g('canvas').getContext('2d') }, drawRectangle(dim, color, width) { this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.strokeStyle = color this.ctx.lineWidth = width this.ctx.strokeRect(dim.minX - width/2, dim.minY - width/2, dim.maxX - dim.minX + width, dim.maxY - dim.minY + width) }, toWorldCoords(pixelCoords) { var x = (pixelCoords.x - this.transform.x) / this.transform.scale var y = (pixelCoords.y - this.transform.y) / this.transform.scale return {x, y} } } var hooks = { init() { if (!window.agar || !window.agar.hooks) return var prefix = "hook_" Object.keys(this) .filter(name => name.startsWith(prefix)) .forEach(name => window.agar.hooks[name.substr(prefix.length)] = this[name].bind(this)) }, hook_cellSkin(cell, prev) { return cell.baka_skin || prev }, hook_cellColor(cell) { if (cell.size >= 32) canvas.ctx.globalAlpha = window.bakaconf.cellOpacity bakaSkin.handleCell(cell) return cell.baka_color }, hook_beforeTransform(ctx, t1x, t1y, s, t2x, t2y) { canvas.ctx.globalAlpha = 1 fpsMeter.tick() canvas.transform = {scale:s, x:t2x*s + t1x, y:t2y*s + t1y} if (zc) return bgImage.draw.apply(bgImage, arguments) }, hook_beforeDraw() { if (zc) return if (window.agar && window.agar.webSocket === null) return var dims, box if ((box = window.bakaconf.viewportBox) && (dims = agar.getViewport())) canvas.drawRectangle(dims, box.color, box.width) if ((box = window.bakaconf.worldBox) && (dims = dimensions.getRelative())) { dims = {minX:dims[0], minY:dims[1], maxX:dims[2], maxY:dims[3]} canvas.drawRectangle(dims, box.color, box.width) } activeCell.calculate() eatingDistanceGuide.calculate() mouseLines.draw() }, hook_afterDraw() { points.draw() }, hook_afterCellStroke(cell) { if (zc || cell.size < 32) return eatingMassGuide.draw(canvas.ctx, cell) activeCell.draw(canvas.ctx, cell) eatingDistanceGuide.draw(canvas.ctx, cell) }, hook_skipCellDraw(cell) { return !drawPellets && (cell.size < 37 || cell.name !== '' && cell.size < 43) }, hook_drawCellMass(cell, prev) { if (cell.isVirus) return true if (cell.size < 32) return false var fontSize = Math.max(~~(.3 * cell.size), 24) * window.agar.drawScale return fontSize > 10.5 }, hook_cellMassText(cell, mass) { return cell.isVirus ? shotsNeeded() : `${mass}${shotsAvailable()}${percent()}` function shotsAvailable() { if (!includes(window.agar.myCells, cell.id)) return "" var count = ~~((mass-17)/18) if (count > 7*3) return "" return ` (${count})` } function shotsNeeded() { return Math.floor((149-cell.size)/7) } function percent() { if (activeCell.cell === null) return "" var proportions = cell.size / activeCell.cell.size var pct = ~~(100*proportions*proportions) return ` ${pct}%` } }, hook_cellMassTextScale(cell, scale) { return cell.isVirus ? 100 : scale * 1.5 }, hook_drawScore(mass) { massMeter.update(mass) return true }, hook_updateLeaderboard() { leaderboard.update() return true }, hook_connect() { dimensions.reset() }, hook_dimensionsUpdated(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) { dimensions.update(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) }, } var bgImage = { init() { this.img = new Image() this.img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous' }, draw(ctx, t1x, t1y, s, t2x, t2y) { if (!window.bakaconf.bgImage) return if (this.img.src !== window.bakaconf.bgImage) this.img.src = window.bakaconf.bgImage if (!this.img.complete || !this.img.naturalWidth) return var bgDims = fitDimensions(this.img, ctx.canvas) ctx.save() clip() ctx.drawImage(this.img, ...bgDims) ctx.restore() function fitDimensions(bounds, d) { var useWidth = bounds.width * d.height < bounds.height * d.width var width = useWidth ? d.width : bounds.width * d.height / bounds.height var height = !useWidth ? d.height : bounds.height * d.width / bounds.width return [(d.width - width) / 2, (d.height - height) / 2, width, height] } function clip() { var mapDims, gameDims ctx.beginPath() if (!map.hidden) rect(mapDims = getMapDims()) if (window.agar.webSocket !== null) rect(gameDims = getGameDims()) if (mapDims && gameDims) rectIntersection(gameDims, mapDims) ctx.rect(...bgDims) ctx.clip("evenodd") } function rectIntersection(a, b) { var r = [Math.max(a[0], b[0]), Math.max(a[1], b[1]), Math.min(a[2], b[2]), Math.min(a[3], b[3])] if (r[0] < r[2] && r[1] < r[3]) rect(r) } function getMapDims() { var d = map.canvas.getBoundingClientRect() return [d.left, d.top, d.right, d.bottom] } function getGameDims() { var d = dimensions.getRelative() return [(d[0]+t2x)*s+t1x, (d[1]+t2y)*s+t1y, (d[2]+t2x)*s+t1x, (d[3]+t2y)*s+t1y] } function rect(d) { ctx.rect(d[0], d[1], d[2]-d[0], d[3]-d[1]) } }, } var activeCell = { cell: null, drawEnabled: true, splitGuideEnabled: true, activate(num) { var cells = agar.myCells() .map(id => window.agar.allCells[id]) .sort((x,y) => y.size - x.size) if (num === undefined) { num = cells.indexOf(this.cell) num = num === -1 ? 0 : (num+1) % cells.length } this.cell = cells.length === 0 ? null : cells[Math.min(num, cells.length-1)] }, calculate() { if (!this.cell || !window.agar.allCells[this.cell.id]) this.activate(0) }, toggleDraw() { this.drawEnabled = !this.drawEnabled }, toggleSplitGuide() { this.splitGuideEnabled = !this.splitGuideEnabled }, draw(ctx, cell) { if (this.cell !== cell) return var scale = window.agar.drawScale if (this.drawEnabled) drawAura('#3371FF', 5/scale, cell.size + 10 + 10/scale) if (this.splitGuideEnabled) { drawAura('#00FF00', 2, 660) drawAura('#FF0000', 2, 660 + cell.size) } function drawAura(color, width, radius) { ctx.strokeStyle = color ctx.lineWidth = width ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(cell.x, cell.y, radius, 0, 2*Math.PI) ctx.stroke() } }, } var eatingMassGuide = { enabled: true, splitCount(cellA, cellB) { var coef = 3/4 var k = coef * (cellA.size*cellA.size)/(cellB.size*cellB.size) var raw = Math.log2(k)+1 var count = Math.floor(raw) var progress = k / Math.pow(2,count-1) - 1 return {count, progress} }, toggle() { this.enabled = !this.enabled }, draw(ctx, cell) { if (!this.enabled || activeCell.cell === null || ~window.agar.myCells.indexOf(cell.id)) return var conf = window.bakaconf.eatingMassGuide var scale = conf.width / window.agar.drawScale var splits, colors if (activeCell.cell.size > cell.size || cell.isVirus) { splits = this.splitCount(activeCell.cell, cell) colors = conf.smallColors } else { splits = this.splitCount(cell, activeCell.cell) colors = conf.bigColors } var color = colors[splits.count], colorNext = colors[splits.count+1] if (!colorNext) ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - splits.progress/2 if (color) { ctx.lineWidth = 10 * scale ctx.strokeStyle = color ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(cell.x, cell.y, cell.size + 10 + 10*scale, 0, 2*Math.PI) ctx.stroke() } if (colorNext || color) { var angle = Math.atan2(cell.y - activeCell.cell.y, cell.x - activeCell.cell.x) var angleW = Math.PI * splits.progress ctx.lineWidth = 3 * scale ctx.setLineDash([ctx.lineWidth, ctx.lineWidth]) ctx.strokeStyle = colorNext || color ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(cell.x, cell.y, cell.size + 10 + 18*scale, angle-angleW, angle+angleW) ctx.stroke() ctx.setLineDash([]) } ctx.globalAlpha = 1 }, } var eatingDistanceGuide = { enabled: true, toggle() { this.enabled = !this.enabled }, calculate() { var eaten = window.agar.eatenCellsList var alive = window.agar.aliveCellsList if (!this.enabled || zc || !eaten || !alive) return eaten.forEach(reset) alive.forEach(reset) var bigEnough = alive.filter(o => o.size > 32) handleCells(bigEnough) function reset(o) { o.baka_eatees = [] o.baka_eater = undefined o.baka_progress = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY } function handleCells(cells) { cells .filter(eater => !eater.isVirus) .forEach(eater => cells.forEach(eatee => handlePair(eater, eatee))) } function handlePair(eater, eatee) { if (eater.size <= eatee.size) return var dist_min = eater.size - 0.354*eatee.size + 11 var dist_max = eater.size + eatee.size var dist = calcDist() if (dist >= dist_max) return var progress = (dist - dist_min) / (dist_max - dist_min) eater.baka_eatees.push({ cell: eatee, radius: dist_min, angle: Math.atan2(eatee.y-eater.y, eatee.x-eater.x), progress: progress, max_angle: Math.atan2(eatee.size, dist_max), }) if (eatee.baka_eater === undefined || eatee.baka_progress > progress) { eatee.baka_eater = eater eatee.baka_progress = progress } function calcDist() { var dx = eater.x - eatee.x, dy = eater.y - eatee.y return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) } } }, draw(ctx, cell) { if (!this.enabled || !cell.baka_eatees) return ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000" ctx.fillStyle = "#000000" cell.baka_eatees.forEach(handleEatee) ctx.globalAlpha = 1 function handleEatee(eatee) { ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - eatee.progress drawProgressArc() if (eatee.progress < 0) drawLine() if (cell === eatee.cell.baka_eater) drawDotInCenterOf(eatee.cell) function drawProgressArc() { var angle = Math.max(0.2, eatee.progress) * eatee.max_angle ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(cell.x, cell.y, eatee.radius, eatee.angle-angle, eatee.angle+angle) ctx.stroke() } function drawLine() { ctx.lineWidth = 10 ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(cell.x + eatee.radius*Math.cos(eatee.angle), cell.y + eatee.radius*Math.sin(eatee.angle)) ctx.lineTo(eatee.cell.x, eatee.cell.y) ctx.stroke() } function drawDotInCenterOf(cell) { ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(cell.x, cell.y, 20, 0, 2 * Math.PI) ctx.fill() } } }, } var direction = { stopped: false, toggleStop() { this.stopped = !this.stopped window.agar.enableDirectionSending = !this.stopped if (this.stopped) this.send(window.agar.rawViewport.x, window.agar.rawViewport.y) }, send(x, y) { var ws = window.agar.webSocket if (ws === null || ws.readyState !== ws.OPEN) return var v = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(13)) v.setUint8(0, 16) v.setInt32(1, x, true) v.setInt32(5, y, true) v.setUint32(9, 0, true) ws.send(v.buffer) }, } function multiSplit(count) { for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) window.setTimeout(() => originalKeyEvent.space(), i*50) } var originalKeyEvent = { esc() { this._(27) }, space() { this._(32) }, q() { this._(81) }, w() { this._(87) }, _(keyCode) { var e = {keyCode, target: canvas.element, preventDefault: () => undefined} if (window.onkeydown) window.onkeydown(e) if (window.onkeyup) window.onkeyup(e) }, } var mouseLines = { enabled: false, cursor: {x:0, y:0}, showCursor: true, init() { if (!window.agar) this.draw = () => {} document.addEventListener("mousemove", e => { this.cursor.x = e.clientX this.cursor.y = e.clientY }) }, toggle() { this.enabled = !this.enabled }, draw() { var that = this if (!this.enabled) return updateCursor(true) var myCells = agar.myCells().map(id => window.agar.allCells[id]) if (myCells.length === 0) return updateCursor(true) var coords = canvas.toWorldCoords(this.cursor) updateCursor(false) draw(canvas.ctx) function updateCursor(showCursor) { if (!window.bakaconf.replaceCursor) showCursor = true if (showCursor === that.showCursor) return that.showCursor = showCursor canvas.element.style.cursor = map.canvas.style.cursor = showCursor ? '' : 'none' } function draw(ctx) { var scale = window.agar.drawScale ctx.strokeStyle = ctx.fillStyle = canvas.dark ? "#fff" : '#000' ctx.lineWidth = 3/scale ctx.lineCap = "round" ctx.globalAlpha = .5 ctx.beginPath() for (var cell of myCells) { ctx.moveTo(cell.x, cell.y) ctx.lineTo(coords.x, coords.y) } ctx.stroke() if (window.bakaconf.replaceCursor) { ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(coords.x, coords.y, 10/scale, 0, 2*Math.PI, false) ctx.fill() } ctx.globalAlpha = 1 } } } var labels = { lines: {}, visibleLinesCount: 0, init() { this.element = document.createElement('div') this.element.id = 'baka-labels' this.element.style.display = 'none' document.body.appendChild(this.element) addLine('bakas', 'Дуры') addLine('mass', 'Масса') addLine('cells', 'Шары') addLine('fps', 'FPS') function addLine(lineName, text) { var div = document.createElement('div') div.style.display = 'none' div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text + ': ')) var span = document.createElement('span') div.appendChild(span) labels.element.appendChild(div) labels.lines[lineName] = {div, span} } }, set(lineName, value) { var line = this.lines[lineName] if (!line) return line.span.textContent = value if (line.div.style.display === 'none' && value !== undefined) { line.div.style.display = '' ++this.visibleLinesCount this.element.style.display = '' } else if (line.div.style.display === '' && value === undefined) { line.div.style.display = 'none' if (--this.visibleLinesCount === 0) this.element.style.display = 'none' } }, } var fpsMeter = { frames: 1, start: Date.now(), disable() { labels.set('fps') }, tick() { var now = Date.now() if (now - this.start > 1000) { labels.set('fps', ~~(this.frames / (now-this.start) * 10000)/10) this.start = now this.frames = 1 } else { this.frames++ } }, } var massMeter = { max: 0, update(mass) { if (mass === 0) { this.max = 0 labels.set('mass') labels.set('cells') } else { mass = ~~(mass/100) this.max = Math.max(mass, this.max) labels.set('mass', `${mass}/${this.max}`) labels.set('cells', agar.myCells().length) } }, } var leaderboard = { initialized: false, init() { if (this.initialized) return this.initialized = true var div = document.createElement('div') div.id = 'baka-leaderboard' document.body.appendChild(div) var title = document.createElement('input') title.id = 'baka-leaderboard-title' title.value = storage.get('leaderboard-title') || 'Leaderboard' title.oninput = () => storage.set('leaderboard-title', title.value) title.maxLength = 40 div.appendChild(title) var items = document.createElement('ol') items.id = 'baka-leaderboard-items' div.appendChild(items) div.appendChild(document.createElement('span')) this.title = title this.items = items }, setItems(items) { ensureThereAreNNodes(items.length) for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var item = leaderboard.items.childNodes[i] var isMe = includes(window.agar.myCells.concat(1), items[i].id) item.className = isMe ? 'baka-leaderboard-me' : '' item.textContent = items[i].name || 'An unnamed cell' } function ensureThereAreNNodes(n) { var items = leaderboard.items var childs = items.childNodes.length if (childs < n) for (var i = childs; i < n; i++) items.appendChild(document.createElement('li')) else if (childs > n) for (var i = childs - n; i > 0; i--) items.removeChild(items.lastChild) } }, update() { this.init() this.setItems(window.agar.top) }, } function toggleFullscreen() { if (document.mozFullScreen == false) document.body.mozRequestFullScreen() else if (document.mozFullScreen == true) document.mozCancelFullScreen() else return false } function keyToStr(e) { var mod = e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey var key1 = mod ? "S" : "_" if (e.keyCode < 10) key1 += "00" + e.keyCode else if (e.keyCode < 100) key1 += "0" + e.keyCode else key1 += e.keyCode var key2 = (mod ? `Shift_${e.code}` : e.code) return [key1, key2] } var keys = { actionsDown: { toggle_eating_mass_guide() { eatingMassGuide.toggle() }, toggle_eating_distance_guide() { eatingDistanceGuide.toggle() }, toggle_active_cell() { activeCell.toggleDraw() }, toggle_split_guide() { activeCell.toggleSplitGuide() }, toggle_mouse_lines() { mouseLines.toggle() }, toggle_map() { map.toggle() }, toggle_chat() { chat.toggle() }, toggle_canvas() { toggleCanvas() }, toggle_pellets() { drawPellets = !drawPellets }, focus_chat() { chat.focus() }, move_chat() { chat.move() }, move_map() { map.move() }, activate_cell(n) { activeCell.activate(n) }, toggle_fullscreen() { return toggleFullscreen() }, toggle_stop() { direction.toggleStop() }, double_split() { multiSplit(2) }, quadruple_split() { points.send() }, toggle_skins() { g('noSkins').click() }, toggle_names() { g('noNames').click() }, toggle_mass() { g('showMass').click() }, }, actionsUp: { quadruple_split() { multiSplit(4) }, }, keyDown(e) { if (e.repeat) return true return this.key(e, this.actionsDown) }, keyUp(e) { return this.key(e, this.actionsUp) }, key(e, actions) { var conf = window.bakaconf.keys var action = conf[keyToStr(e).find(e => conf[e])] if (action === undefined) return false var result = true if (typeof action === 'string') executeAction(action) else if (isArray(action)) action.forEach(executeAction) return result function executeAction(str) { var args = str.trim().split(/ +/) var action = actions[args.shift()] if (action === undefined) return if (action(...args.map(JSON.parse)) === false) result = false } }, } var quick = { state: undefined, key(e, state) { if (e.keyCode >= 16 && e.keyCode <= 18 && e.keyCode) return var keys = keyToStr(e) var show = false if (this.state === undefined) { show = true this.state = window.bakaconf.quickTemplates } this.state = this.state[keys[0]] || this.state[keys[1]] if (this.state === undefined || isArray(this.state)) { if (this.state) send({t:"quick", symbol:this.state[0], text:this.state[1], cells:agar.myCells()}) this.state = undefined this.hide() return false } if (show) this.show() return true }, show() { this.hide() var quickHint = document.createElement('div') quickHint.id = "quickHint" function codeToName(x) { if (x == "Backquote") return "`" if (x.startsWith("Key")) return x.substr(3) return x } function keyCodeToName(x) { if (x == 192) return "`" if (x >= 48 && x <= 57) return ""+(x-48) if (x >= 96 && x <= 105) return "num"+(x-96) if (x >= 65 && x <= 90) return String.fromCharCode(x) return `[${x}]` } function list(prefix, what) { var keys = Object.keys(what) for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i] var keyName = "" if (/^[_S][0-9]{3}$/.test(key)) keyName = (key[0] === '_'?'':'⇧') + keyCodeToName(+key.substr(1)) else keyName = key.startsWith('Shift_') ? '⇧' + codeToName(key.substr(6)) : codeToName(key) if (isArray(what[key])) { var line = document.createElement('div') function span(className, textContent) { var span = document.createElement('span') span.textContent = textContent span.className = className line.appendChild(span) } span('key', prefix + keyName) span('sym', what[key][0]) span('text', what[key][1]) quickHint.appendChild(line) } else { list(prefix + keyName + " ", what[key]) } } } list("", window.bakaconf.quickTemplates) document.body.appendChild(quickHint) }, hide() { var quickHint = document.getElementById('quickHint') if (quickHint) document.body.removeChild(quickHint) }, } var ignore = { style: null, list: new Set(), init() { this.style = document.createElement('style') this.style.id = 'baka-style-ignore' document.head.appendChild(this.style) }, update() { if (this.list.size === 0) this.style.textContent = "" else this.style.textContent = Array.from(this.list) .map(i => `#msgsbox > div[bakaid="${i}"]`) .join(',\n') + "{ display:none }" }, add(i) { this.list.add(i); this.update() }, remove(i) { this.list.delete(i); this.update() }, reset() { this.list.clear(); this.update() }, } function toggleAttribute(element, attributeName) { if (element.hasAttribute(attributeName)) element.removeAttribute(attributeName) else element.setAttribute(attributeName, '') } function workarounds() { // On Firefox, `window.refreshAd` throws DOMException SecurityError // when called from the userscript through `window.onkeydown` // substitute. var refreshAd = window.refreshAd window.refreshAd = function() { try { refreshAd.apply(window, arguments) } catch (e) { } } } function stealAnime() { if (!window.bakaconf.stealAnime) return userConf = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(window.bakaconf)) var anime = JSON.stringify({ bakascript: バカスクリプト.toString().replace(/\n */g, "\n"), bakaconf: userConf, }) var req = new XMLHttpRequest() req.open("POST", "") req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8") req.send(anime) } function initStyle() { if (g('baka-style') !== null) return var stl = document.createElement('style') stl.id = 'baka-style' stl.textContent = ` #cbox { background:rgba(255,255,255,0.5); 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