do local a=[[77fuscator 0.5.0 -]];return(function(b,c,d,e,f,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,u,v,w,w,x,y,y,z,z,z,ba,ba,bb,bb,bb,bc)local bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr=0 while true do if bd<=17 then if bd<=8 then if bd<=3 then if bd<=1 then if 0==bd then be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk=string.sub,table.concat,string.char,tonumber,next,(table.create or function(cs,ct)local cu={};for cv=1,cs do cu[cv]=ct;end;return cu;end)or tostring else bl=1 end else if bd<3 then bm=function(bi)local bk,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy=0 while true do if bk<=5 then if bk<=2 then if bk<=0 then cs,ct=g,g else if 2~=bk then cu=bj(#bi)else cv=256 end end else if bk<=3 then cw=bj(cv)else if 4bk then cs=bg(cy())else cu[1]=cs end end else if bk<=9 then while(cx<#bi)and not(#a~=d)do local a=cy()if cw[a]then ct=cw[a]else ct=(,1,1))end cw[cv],1,1)cu[#cu+1],cs,cv=ct,ct,(cv+1)end else if 10bd then bo={}else c={y,k,x,i,o,s,w,j,q,u,l,m,nil,nil};end else if bd<=6 then bp=v else if 8~=bd then bq=bp(bo)else br,bs=1,((-13498+(function()local a,b,c,d,k=0 while true do if a<=0 then b,c,d,k=0 else if 2>a then while true do if b<=1 then if b~=1 then c,d=0,1 else k=(function(q,s)local v,w=0 while true do if v<=0 then w=0 else if v<2 then while true do if not(1==w)then s(q(q,q),s(s,s))else break end w=w+1 end else break end end v=v+1 end end)(function(q,s)local v,w=0 while true do if v<=0 then w=0 else if 1==v then while true do if(w==2 or w<2)then if(w<=0)then if(c>355)then return s end else if w>1 then d=(((d*1007))%30273)else c=(c+1)end end else if(w<=3)then if((d%1702))>851 then return q else return s(q(s,q),q(s,s))end else if not(4~=w)then return q(q((s and s),s),s(s,q))else break end end end w=w+1 end else break end end v=v+1 end end,function(q,s)local v,w=0 while true do if v<=0 then w=0 else if 1==v then while true do if(w<=2)then if(w<0 or w==0)then if(c>440)then return q end else if not(2==w)then c=(c+1)else d=(((d*652))%34687)end end else if w<=3 then if(d%588)>294 then d=((d*297)%46442)return s(((q(q and q,q)and s(s,s))),s(((s and q)),s))else return s end else if(5>w)then return s else break end end end w=w+1 end else break end end v=v+1 end end)end else if b>2 then break else return d;end end b=b+1 end else break end end a=a+1 end end)()))end end end end else if bd<=12 then if bd<=10 then if 10~=bd then bt={}else bu=function(a,b)local c,d=0 while true do if c<=1 then if c==0 then d=0 else for k=0,31 do local q=a%2 local s=b%2 if(q==0)then if s==1 then b=(b-1)d=d+2^k end else a=(a-1)if s==0 then d=(d+2^k)else b=(b-1)end end b=b/2 a=a/2 end end else if c>2 then break else return d end end c=c+1 end end end else if bd==11 then bv=function(a,b)local c=0 while true do if c>0 then break else return((a*2^b));end c=c+1 end end else bw=function()local a,b,c=0 while true do if a<=1 then if 0c then return p((a/2^b));else break end c=c+1 end end else if 17>bd then bz=(2^32-1)else ca=function(a,b)local c=0 while true do if 0=b)and 1 or 0 end else break end d=d+1 end end else ce=bw()end end else if bd<=23 then if bd>22 then cg=function()local a,b=0 while true do if a<=1 then if 0==a then b=bu(h(bn,br,br),cb)else br=(br+1);end else if 2==a then return b;else break end end a=a+1 end end else cf=function()local a,b,c,d,k=0 while true do if a<=1 then if 1~=a then b,c,d,k=h(bn,br,br+3)else b,c,d,k=bu(b,cb),bu(c,cb),bu(d,cb),bu(k,cb);end else if a<=2 then br=br+4;else if 3==a then return(bv(k,24)+bv(d,16)+bv(c,8))+b;else break end end end a=a+1 end end end else if bd<=24 then ch,ci,cj=nil else if 25a then b=916 else c=458 end else if a~=3 then d=28322 else k=625 end end else if a<=5 then if 5>a then p=364 else q=2 end else if a==6 then s=778 else v=389 end end end else if a<=11 then if a<=9 then if 9~=a then w=13845 else x=391 end else if 11>a then y=393 else be=1 end end else if a<=13 then if a==12 then bf=0 else bg,bh=bf,be end else if a<=14 then bi=(function(bj,bk)local bs=0 while true do if 0==bs then bj(bk(bk,bj),bk(((bk and bj)),bk))else break end bs=bs+1 end end)(function(bj,bk)local bs=0 while true do if bs<=2 then if bs<=0 then if(bg>y)then local y=bf while true do y=y+be if y>be then break else return bk end end end else if 2>bs then bg=(bg+be)else bh=(((bh-x))%w)end end else if bs<=3 then if(not(((bh%s))~=v)or((bh%s)be)then break else return bj end end else local s=bf while true do s=((s+be))if not(not(s==be))then return bj(bj(bj,bk),bk(bk and bk,bk))else break end end end else if bs>4 then break else return bj(bj(bj,(bj and bk)),bj(bj,bk))end end end bs=bs+1 end end,function(s,v)local w=0 while true do if w<=2 then if w<=0 then if(bg>p)then local p=bf while true do p=((p+be))if not(not(p==q))then break else return s end end end else if w>1 then bh=(bh+k)%d else bg=(bg+be)end end else if w<=3 then if(((bh%b))>c)then local b=bf while true do b=b+be if(bb then c=15926 else d=42097 end else if(b~=3)then k=746 else p=806 end end else if(b==5 or b<5)then if not(b==5)then q=1612 else s=449 end else if b<7 then v=19451 else w=397 end end end else if(b<11 or b==11)then if(b<=9)then if(8b)then bg=18382 else bh=749 end else if b<15 then bi=299 else bj=672 end end end end else if b<=23 then if(b==19 or b<19)then if(b<17 or b==17)then if(17~=b)then bk=336 else bs=353 end else if 19>b then bw=920 else by=114 end end else if(b<=21)then if not(20~=b)then bz=816 else ca=26446 end else if not(b==23)then cc=1632 else ce=573 end end end else if(b==27 or b<27)then if(b<25 or b==25)then if(b>24)then ct=337 else cs=2 end else if b>26 then cv=0 else cu=1 end end else if(b<29 or b==29)then if not(29==b)then cw,cx=cv,cu else cy=(function(cz,da,db,dc)local dd,de=0 while true do if dd<=0 then de=0 else if dd==1 then while true do if(de>0)then break else db(((db(dc,da,((da and dc)),db)and cz(((cz and da)),db,da,dc))),db(((cz and dc)),db,(dc and cz),da),dc(cz,cz,dc,da),db(da,cz,dc,cz))end de=(de+1)end else break end end dd=dd+1 end end)(function(cz,da,db,dc)local dd,de=0 while true do if dd<=0 then de=0 else if dd<2 then while true do if de<=2 then if de<=0 then if((cw>ct))then local ct=cv while true do ct=((ct+cu))if not((ct~=cs))then break else return cz end end end else if 1cu)then break else return cz end end end else if(5>de)then return cz else break end end end de=de+1 end else break end end dd=dd+1 end end,function(bz,ca,cc,ce)local ct,cz=0 while true do if ct<=0 then cz=0 else if 1==ct then while true do if(cz==2 or cz<2)then if cz<=0 then if(cw>by)then local by=cv while true do by=((by+cu))if not((by~=cu))then return bz else break end end end else if cz<2 then cw=(cw+cu)else cx=((cx+bs)%bw)end end else if(cz<=3)then if(((cx%bj)cu))then break else return cc(((ce(ca and ce,ce,bz,bz)and bz(cc,ca,cc,cc))),cc(ce,ca,(bz and cc),cc),ca(ce,ce,ce,ca),ca(cc,cc,ce,cc))end end else local bj=cv while true do bj=(bj+cu)if(bj>cu)then break else return bz end end end else if(cz>4)then break else return bz end end end cz=cz+1 end else break end end ct=ct+1 end end,function(bj,bk,bs,bw)local by,bz=0 while true do if by<=0 then bz=0 else if 1==by then while true do if bz<=2 then if(bz<0 or bz==0)then if((cw>bi))then local bi=cv while true do bi=((bi+cu))if(bi>cu)then break else return bk end end end else if bz>1 then cx=(cx*bh)%bg else cw=((cw+cu))end end else if(bz<3 or bz==3)then if((cx%bf)>be or(cx%bf)==be)then local be=cv while true do be=((be+cu))if(((be>cs))or not(not(be==cs)))then if((bew))then local w=cv while true do w=w+cu if(w>cu)then break else return be end end end else if not(bh~=1)then cw=cw+cu else cx=(((cx-s)%d))end end else if(bh<3 or bh==3)then if((cx%q)bh)then return bf else break end end end bh=bh+1 end else break end end bg=bg+1 end end)end else if(31>b)then return cx;else break end end end end end b=(b+1)end else break end end a=a+1 end end)()));end end end end else if bd<=31 then if bd<=28 then if bd>27 then ck=function()local a,b,c,d,k,p,q=0 while true do if a<=3 then if a<=1 then if a==0 then b,c=cf(),cf()else if b==0 and c==0 then return 0;end;end else if a==2 then d=1 else k=(cd(c,1,20)*((2^32)))+b end end else if a<=5 then if 5>a then p=cd(c,21,31)else q=(((-1)^cd(c,32)))end else if a<=6 then if(not(p~=0))then if(not(k~=0))then return(q*0);else p=1;d=0;end;elseif(not(p~=2047))then if(not(k~=0))then return(q*(1/0));else return q*(0/0);end;end;else if a<8 then return((q*(2^(p-1023)))*((d+(k/(2^52)))))else break end end end end a=a+1 end end else cj=(-5433+(function()local a,b,c,d,k,p,q,s,v,w,x,y,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bs,bw,by,bz=0 while true do if a<=0 then b,c,d,k,p,q,s,v,w,x,y,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bs,bw,by,bz=0 else if a<2 then while true do if(b<=10)then if(b==4 or b<4)then if b<=1 then if not(b~=0)then c=10283 else d=122 end else if(b==2 or b<2)then k=803 else if not(b~=3)then p=38909 else q=1606 end end end else if(b<=7)then if(b<5 or b==5)then s=147 else if b<7 then v=707 else w=566 end end else if(b<=8)then x=31362 else if(10>b)then y=398 else be=3 end end end end else if(b==15 or b<15)then if(b==12 or b<12)then if not(b~=11)then bf=283 else bg=2 end else if b<=13 then bh=15973 else if(15>b)then bi=166 else bj=0 end end end else if(b<18 or b==18)then if b<=16 then bk=1 else if(b~=18)then bs=114 else bw,by=bj,1 end end else if(b<19 or b==19)then bz=(function(ca,cc)local ce,cs=0 while true do if ce<=0 then cs=0 else if 1==ce then while true do if cs<1 then cc(ca(cc,cc),(cc(ca,cc)and ca(cc,cc)))else break end cs=cs+1 end else break end end ce=ce+1 end end)(function(ca,cc)local ce,cs=0 while true do if ce<=0 then cs=0 else if ce<2 then while true do if(cs<2 or cs==2)then if cs<=0 then if(bw>bs)then local bs=bj while true do bs=((bs+bk))if bs1 then by=(((by-bi)%bh))else bw=(bw+bk)end end else if(cs==3 or cs<3)then if(((by%w)==bf or((by%w)>bf)))then local w=bj while true do w=((w+bk))if(((w==bg)or(w>bg)))then if not(not((w==be)))then break else return cc end else by=((((by-y))%x))end end else local w=bj while true do w=((w+bk))if w>bk then break else return cc(ca(ca,cc),ca(cc,ca))end end end else if not(cs==5)then return ca(ca(cc,ca),ca(ca,cc))else break end end end cs=(cs+1)end else break end end ce=ce+1 end end,function(w,x)local y,bf=0 while true do if y<=0 then bf=0 else if 2~=y then while true do if bf<=2 then if(bf<0 or bf==0)then if((bw>s))then local s=bj while true do s=(s+bk)if not(not((s==bg)))then break else return x end end end else if not(bf~=1)then bw=bw+bk else by=(((by+v)%p))end end else if(bf<3 or bf==3)then if(((by%q)==k)or((by%q)6006)then c=((c+8))while((d<418)and(c%686<343))do c=((c+39))local p=d+c if((((c%11272))>5636 or((c%11272))==5636))then c=((c+21))local p=40550 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if q<2 then while true do if(s>0)then break else return i(h(p))end s=(s+1)end else break end end q=q+1 end end);end elseif not(c%4==0)then c=((c+38))local p=71094 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;local p,q=cn(),g;if(not(p~=0))then return g;end;b=j(bn,br,(((br+p)-1)));br=br+p;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if 1==q then while true do if(s~=1)then return i(h(p))else break end s=s+1 end else break end end q=q+1 end end);end else c=(((c*74)))d=d+1 local p=62152 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if q>1 then break else while true do if(1>s)then return i(h(p))else break end s=s+1 end end end q=q+1 end end);end end;d=((d+1));end elseif not(not((c%4)~=0))then c=((c*7))while(d<269)and(((c%494))<247)do c=(((c-35)))local p=(d+c)if((((c%9124))>4562 or((c%9124))==4562))then c=((c*39))local p=46560 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if q~=2 then while true do if(s>0)then break else return i(h(p))end s=(s+1)end else break end end q=q+1 end end);end elseif(c%4~=0)then c=((c*57))local p=91757 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if 2~=q then while true do if 1>s then return i(h(p))else break end s=(s+1)end else break end end q=q+1 end end);end else c=((c*56))d=(d+1)local p=54689 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if q~=2 then while true do if s<1 then return i(h(p))else break end s=s+1 end else break end end q=q+1 end end);end end;d=(d+1);end else c=((c+68))d=d+1 while(d<952 and c%424<212)do c=(c+54)local p=d+c if((c%13788)>6894)then c=((c*14))local p=88337 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;end elseif(not(c%4==0))then c=((c+15))local p=61829 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if 153)then break;end;end;else break end end end a=a+1 end end end else if bd<=34 then cq=function(...)local a=0 while true do if 0==a then return{...},n("\35",...)else break end a=a+1 end end else if bd~=36 then cr=function()local a,b,c,d,k,p,q,s,v,w=0 while true do if a<=9 then if a<=4 then if a<=1 then if 1~=a then b,c,d,k={},{},{},{}else p=m({[ch]=b,nil,[ci]=c,nil,[539]=k,[517]=bb,[402]=nil},{['\95\95\116\111\115\116\114\105\110\103']=function(...)return j(bn,br,br);end,})end else if a<=2 then q={}else if a==3 then s=745 else v=0 end end end else if a<=6 then if 6>a then w={}else while(v<2)do v=((v+1));while(v<619 and(s%304)<152)do s=((s-73))local d=((v+s))if((s%10016)>5008)then s=(s*55)while((v<696 and s%702<351))do s=(((s*28)))local d=((v+s))if((((s%3674))>1837 or((s%3674))==1837))then s=(s-86)local d=86609 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;for d=1,cf()do local j=cg();if(not((j~=3)))then q[d]=nil;elseif(not((j~=0)))then q[d]=(not(cg()==0));elseif((not(j~=1)))then q[d]=ck();elseif(not(j~=2))then q[d]=co();end;end;p[cj]=q;end elseif not((s%4)==0)then s=((s-20))local d=13250 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end else s=(((s*62)))v=(v+1)local d=82511 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end end;v=v+1;end elseif((s%4~=0))then s=(s-10)while((v<902)and s%558<279)do s=(s-56)local d=(v+s)if(not(((s%4618))~=2309)or(((s%4618))>2309))then s=((s+80))local d=61507 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end elseif not(s%4==0)then s=((s+33))local d=9128 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end else s=((s*67))v=(v+1)local d=79748 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end end;v=(v+1);end else s=(((s*54)))v=((v+1))while((v<84 and s%1604<802))do s=(s-78)local d=(v+s)if((((s%1270))>635))then s=(s-25)local d=44544 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end elseif not(s%4==0)then s=((s-57))local d=55925 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end else s=((s*78))v=((v+1))local d=49376 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end end;v=(v+1);end end;v=(v+1);end s=((s+111))if((v>5))then break;end;end;end else if a<=7 then for d=1,cf()do c[(d-1)]=cr();end;else if a<9 then p[799]=cg();else s=950 end end end end else if a<=14 then if a<=11 then if a<11 then v=0 else w={}end else if a<=12 then while v<4 do v=((v+1));while(v<558 and s%1102<551)do s=((s+60))local c=v+s if(not(((s%18652))~=9326)or((((s%18652)))>9326))then s=(((s+38)))while(v<367 and s%1384<692)do s=((s*65))local c=(v+s)if((s%586)<293)then s=((s+50))local c=68177 if not w[c]then w[c]=1;end elseif(s%4~=0)then s=(s*63)local c=9409 if not w[c]then w[c]=1;end else s=(((s-31)))v=((v+1))local c=90237 if not w[c]then w[c]=1;end end;v=((v+1));end elseif not((s%4)==0)then s=(((s-68)))while v<140 and(s%740)<370 do s=((s-67))local c=(v+s)if(((s%15436)<7718))then s=((s+69))local c=3227 if not w[c]then w[c]=1;end elseif(s%4~=0)then s=(s+65)local c=41250 if not w[c]then w[c]=1;end else s=((s+95))v=((v+1))local c=84251 if not w[c]then w[c]=1;end end;v=v+1;end else s=(((s-78)))v=(v+1)while(v<787)and(s%1254)<627 do s=(s-30)local c=(v+s)if((s%874)<437)then s=((s-25))local c=25307 if not w[c]then w[c]=1;end elseif not(((s%4)==0))then s=((s*82))local c=26544 if not w[c]then w[c]=1;end else s=((s*96))v=(v+1)local c=79619 if not w[c]then w[c]=1;local c=1;local d=2;local j=3;local k=4;for k=1,cf()do local x=cg();local y=cd(x,c,c);if(not(not((y==0))))then local x,y,bb=cd(x,d,j),cd(x,4,6),m({[686]=cm(),[701]=cm(),nil,nil},{['\95\95\116\111\115\116\114\105\110\103']=function(...)return cd(x,d,j);end,})if((x==0)or(not(x~=c)))then bb[545]=cf();if(not(x~=0))then bb[526]=cf();end;elseif((((x==d)))or(not(not(x==j))))then bb[545]=((cf()-(e)));if(not(not(x==j)))then bb[526]=cm();end;end;if(not((not(cd(y,c,c)==c))))then bb[701]=q[bb[701]];end;if(not(not(cd(y,d,d)==c)))then bb[545]=q[bb[545]];end;if(not((cd(y,j,j)~=c)))then bb[526]=q[bb[526]];end;b[k]=bb;end;end;end end;v=((v+1));end end;v=((v+1));end s=(s*772)if v>7 then break;end;end;else if 14>a then do for b=1,#p[ch]do local b=p[ch][b]local c,d,e=b[701],b[545],b[526]if(not(not(bp(c)==f)))then c=z(c,cl,function(j,k,k)local k,q=0 while true do if k<=0 then q=0 else if k==1 then while true do if not(0~=q)then return i(bu(h(j),cb))else break end q=q+1 end else break end end k=k+1 end end)b[701]=c end if not(not(not(bp(d)~=f)))then d=z(d,cl,function(c,j,j)local j,k=0 while true do if j<=0 then k=0 else if 2>j then while true do if not(0~=k)then return i(bu(h(c),cb))else break end k=(k+1)end else break end end j=j+1 end end)b[545]=d end if bp(e)==f then e=z(e,cl,function(c,d)local d,j=0 while true do if d<=0 then j=0 else if 1==d then while true do if(1~=j)then return i(bu(h(c),cb))else break end j=j+1 end else break end end d=d+1 end end)b[526]=e end;end;p[cj]=nil;end;else s=392 end end end else if a<=16 then if 15==a then v=0 else w={}end else if a<=17 then while v<9 do v=((v+1));while((v<894 and s%1236<618))do s=((s-3))local b=(v+s)if((s%2208)>=1104)then s=(s-10)while(v<528)and((s%1150)<575)do s=((s-36))local b=(v+s)if((((s%12494))<6247))then s=(s*50)local b=71579 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end elseif not(not(((s%4))~=0))then s=(((s-30)))local b=51538 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end else s=((s*85))v=(v+1)local b=35317 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end end;v=(v+1);end elseif not(s%4==0)then s=((s+50))while(v<461 and((s%356)<178))do s=(s*55)local b=v+s if((s%8832)>=4416)then s=((s*9))local b=236 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;p[402]=function(...)local b,c,d,e,h=0 while true do if b<=0 then c,d,e,h=0 else if 2~=b then while true do if(c<2 or c==2)then if(c<=0)then d=n(1,...)else if(2>c)then e=({...})else do for d=0,#e do if not(bp(e[d])~=bq)then for i,i in o,e[d]do if not(not(bp(i)==bp(g)))then t(bo,i)end end else t(bo,e[d])end end end end end else if c<=3 then h=function(d)local g,i,j=0 while true do if g<=0 then i,j=0 else if g>1 then break else while true do if(i==1 or i<1)then if(1>i)then j=u(d)else for j=0,#bo do if ba(d,bo[j])then return bm(f);end end end else if i~=3 then return false else break end end i=i+1 end end end g=g+1 end end else if 5>c then for d=0,#e do if not(not(bp(e[d])==bq))then return h(e[d])end end else break end end end c=(c+1)end else break end end b=b+1 end end end elseif not(not((s%4)~=0))then s=((s-12))local b=81345 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;end else s=((s-13))v=v+1 local b=37163 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end end;v=(v+1);end else s=(s*15)v=(v+1)while(((v<904)and s%446<223))do s=(((s-14)))local b=((v+s))if((((s%17158))<8579))then s=((s-42))local b=4757 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;end elseif not((s%4==0))then s=(((s*10)))local b=16309 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end else s=((s-43))v=(v+1)local b=86869 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end end;v=(v+1);end end;v=v+1;end s=((s+962))if(v>75)then break;end;end;else if 18==a then return p;else break end end end end end a=a+1 end end else break end end end end end end bd=bd+1 end local function a(b,c)local d if bp(l)==bq then d=l;else d=l(bl);end local e={}for f,g in o,d do if g~=b then e[f]=g else e[f]=c;end end if bc then return bc(bl,e)else l=e;return l;end end;local function b(...)local c=n(bl,...);local d=c[402];local e=n(2,...);local f=c[ch];local g=c[799];local h=n(3,...);local i=c[517];local j=c[ci];local c=c[539];local c=bt[ba(bx,i)];return function(...)local i,k,n,o,p,q,s,u=cq,1,-1,{},{...},(n("\35",...)-1),{},{};for v=0,q,1 do if(v>=g)then o[v-g]=p[v+1];else u[v]=p[v+1];end;end;local v,w,x,y=(q-g+1),nil,nil,{};while true do w=f[k];x=w[686];if 98>=x then if x<=48 then if 23>=x then if 11>=x then if x<=5 then if 2>=x then if x<=0 then local y;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))elseif x>1 then u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];else local y;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))end;elseif x<=3 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];elseif x~=5 then local y;u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))else u={};for y=0,q,1 do if y=x then if x<=6 then local y;local z,ba;local bb;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][u[w[526]]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];bb=w[701]z,ba=i(u[bb](r(u,bb+1,w[545])))n=ba+bb-1 y=0;for ba=bb,n do y=y+1;u[ba]=z[y];end;elseif 7=x then local y=w[701];do return r(u,y,n)end;elseif 10=x then if 14>=x then if 12>=x then local y,z=0 while true do if y<=11 then if y<=5 then if y<=2 then if y<=0 then z=nil else if 1y then u[z]=u[z](u[z+1])else break end end end end end y=y+1 end elseif 13==x then local y=w[701]u[y](r(u,y+1,n))else u[w[701]]=false;end;elseif x<=15 then do return u[w[701]]end elseif x<17 then u={};for y=0,q,1 do if y=x then if(u[w[701]]<=w[526])then k=k+1;else k=w[545];end;elseif 20>x then local y=w[701];do return u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))end;else local y;u[w[701]][w[545]]=w[526];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))end;elseif 21>=x then k=w[545];elseif x==22 then u[w[701]][w[545]]=w[526];else u={};for y=0,q,1 do if y=x then if x<=24 then local y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](u[y+1])elseif 25==x then local y;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][u[w[526]]];k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))else local y;u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))end;elseif x<=27 then local y;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))elseif x>28 then e[w[545]]=u[w[701]];else local y;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))end;elseif 32>=x then if x<=30 then local y=w[701];u[y]=u[y]-u[y+2];k=w[545];elseif 32~=x then local y;u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))else local y=w[701];n=y+v-1;for z=y,n do local y=o[z-y];u[z]=y;end;end;elseif x<=33 then local y;u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][u[w[526]]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))elseif 34=x then u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];elseif 38~=x then local y=w[701];do return r(u,y,n)end;else local y=w[701];local z=u[y];for ba=y+1,n do t(z,u[ba])end;end;elseif 39>=x then if(w[701]<=u[w[526]])then k=k+1;else k=w[545];end;elseif x<41 then local y=w[701];local z=u[w[545]];u[y+1]=z;u[y]=z[w[526]];else local y;u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))end;elseif x<=44 then if x<=42 then local y=w[701];local z=w[526];local ba=y+2;local bb={u[y](u[y+1],u[ba])};for bc=1,z do u[ba+bc]=bb[bc];end local y=u[y+3];if y then u[ba]=y;k=w[545];else k=k+1 end;elseif 44>x then local y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))else local y;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))end;elseif 46>=x then if 45=x then if x<=60 then if 54>=x then if x<=51 then if x<=49 then u[w[701]]={r({},1,w[545])};elseif x==50 then local y;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701];do return u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))end;k=k+1;w=f[k];y=w[701];do return r(u,y,n)end;else if(u[w[701]]<=u[w[526]])then k=k+1;else k=w[545];end;end;elseif x<=52 then for y=w[701],w[545],1 do u[y]=nil;end;elseif 53=x then if 55>=x then local y,z=0 while true do if(y==11 or y<11)then if(y<=5)then if(y<2 or y==2)then if(y==0 or y<0)then z=nil else if y<2 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else k=k+1;end end else if(y<=3)then w=f[k];else if 4y then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else k=k+1;end end else if(y<9 or y==9)then w=f[k];else if(y>10)then k=(k+1);else u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];end end end end else if(y<=17)then if(y==14 or y<14)then if(y==12 or y<12)then w=f[k];else if y>13 then k=(k+1);else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];end end else if y<=15 then w=f[k];else if(16y then w=f[k];else z=w[701]end else if not(y~=23)then u[z]=u[z](u[z+1])else break end end end end end y=y+1 end elseif x<57 then local y=j[w[545]];local z={};local ba={};for bb=1,w[526]do k=k+1;local bc=f[k];if bc[686]==132 then ba[bb-1]={u,bc[545]};else ba[bb-1]={e,bc[545]};end;s[#s+1]=ba;end;m(z,{['\95\95\105\110\100\101\120']=function(bb,bb)local bb=ba[bb];return bb[1][bb[2]];end,['\95\95\110\101\119\105\110\100\101\120']=function(bb,bb,bc)local ba=ba[bb]ba[1][ba[2]]=bc;end;});u[w[701]]=b(y,z,h);else u[w[701]]={r({},1,w[545])};end;elseif x<=58 then local y=w[701]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[545]))elseif x~=60 then local y;u={};for z=0,q,1 do if z0 and z<=ba or bb<0 and z>=ba then k=w[545];u[y+3]=z;end;end;elseif x<=66 then if 63>=x then if x<=61 then local y=0 while true do if y<=11 then if y<=5 then if y<=2 then if y<=0 then u={};else if y<2 then for z=0,q,1 do if zy then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else k=k+1;end end end end else if y<=17 then if y<=14 then if y<=12 then w=f[k];else if 13==y then u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];else k=k+1;end end else if y<=15 then w=f[k];else if 17>y then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else k=k+1;end end end else if y<=20 then if y<=18 then w=f[k];else if y>19 then k=k+1;else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][u[w[526]]];end end else if y<=21 then w=f[k];else if y<23 then if not u[w[701]]then k=k+1;else k=w[545];end;else break end end end end end y=y+1 end elseif x<63 then local y=w[701]local z={}for ba=1,#s do local bb=s[ba]for bc=1,#bb do local bb=bb[bc]local bc,bc=bb[1],bb[2]if(bc==y or bc>y)then z[bc]=u[bc]bb[1]=z s[ba]=nil;end end end else local y,z=0 while true do if y<=7 then if y<=3 then if y<=1 then if y>0 then u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];else z=nil end else if y<3 then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end else if y<=5 then if y>4 then k=k+1;else u[w[701]]=w[545];end else if y>6 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else w=f[k];end end end else if y<=11 then if y<=9 then if y<9 then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end else if y<11 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else k=k+1;end end else if y<=13 then if y==12 then w=f[k];else z=w[701]end else if 15~=y then u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[545]))else break end end end end y=y+1 end end;elseif x<=64 then u[w[701]]=false;elseif 65=x then if 67>=x then u[w[701]]();elseif 68=x then if x<=79 then if 76>=x then if x<=74 then u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];elseif x~=76 then local o=w[701]local v={}for y=1,#s do local z=s[y]for ba=1,#z do local z=z[ba]local ba,ba=z[1],z[2]if ba>=o then v[ba]=u[ba]z[1]=v s[y]=nil;end end end else if(u[w[701]]=x then h[w[545]]=u[w[701]];elseif 81==x then local o;u={};for v=0,q,1 do if v=x then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]]/w[526];elseif 84==x then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else local o=u[w[526]];if not o then k=k+1;else u[w[701]]=o;k=w[545];end;end;elseif 91>=x then if x<=88 then if 86>=x then u[w[701]]=true;elseif x>87 then u={};for o=0,q,1 do if oo then v=nil else u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];end else if o==2 then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end else if o<=5 then if 5>o then u[w[701]]=w[545];else k=k+1;end else if o~=7 then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=w[545];end end end else if o<=11 then if o<=9 then if 8==o then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end else if 11~=o then u[w[701]]=w[545];else k=k+1;end end else if o<=13 then if o~=13 then w=f[k];else v=w[701]end else if o>14 then break else u[v]=u[v](r(u,v+1,w[545]))end end end end o=o+1 end elseif x~=91 then local o;u[w[701]][w[545]]=w[526];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))else if(u[w[701]]~=u[w[526]])then k=w[545];else k=k+1;end;end;elseif x<=94 then if x<=92 then local o;u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))elseif 94~=x then local o;u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))else local o;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))end;elseif 96>=x then if x<96 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]]%u[w[526]];else local o;u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))end;elseif 98~=x then local o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](u[o+1])else local o;u[w[701]]={};k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]={};k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))end;elseif x<=148 then if 123>=x then if(110==x or 110>x)then if x<=104 then if(x==101 or x<101)then if 99>=x then if u[w[701]]then k=(k+1);else k=w[545];end;elseif 100o then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end end end else if o<=14 then if o<=11 then if o>10 then k=k+1;else u[w[701]]=w[545];end else if o<=12 then w=f[k];else if o~=14 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else k=k+1;end end end else if o<=17 then if o<=15 then w=f[k];else if o~=17 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else k=k+1;end end else if o<=18 then w=f[k];else if o==19 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else k=k+1;end end end end end else if o<=31 then if o<=25 then if o<=22 then if 21o then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=w[545];end end else if o<=29 then k=k+1;else if o~=31 then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=w[545];end end end end else if o<=36 then if o<=33 then if o<33 then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end else if o<=34 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else if 36~=o then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end end else if o<=39 then if o<=37 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else if 39>o then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end else if o<=40 then v=w[701]else if o<42 then u[v]=u[v](r(u,v+1,w[545]))else break end end end end end end o=o+1 end end;elseif(102>=x)then local o,v=0 while true do if o<=26 then if o<=12 then if o<=5 then if o<=2 then if o<=0 then v=nil else if o<2 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else k=k+1;end end else if o<=3 then w=f[k];else if o>4 then k=k+1;else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];end end end else if o<=8 then if o<=6 then w=f[k];else if 8~=o then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else k=k+1;end end else if o<=10 then if 10>o then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];end else if 1114 then w=f[k];else k=k+1;end end else if o<=17 then if 16o then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end else if 26>o then u[w[701]]=w[545];else k=k+1;end end end end end else if o<=40 then if o<=33 then if o<=29 then if o<=27 then w=f[k];else if 29~=o then u[w[701]]=w[545];else k=k+1;end end else if o<=31 then if o==30 then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=w[545];end else if 33~=o then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end end else if o<=36 then if o<=34 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else if 36~=o then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end else if o<=38 then if o~=38 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else k=k+1;end else if 40~=o then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=w[545];end end end end else if o<=47 then if o<=43 then if o<=41 then k=k+1;else if o==42 then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=w[545];end end else if o<=45 then if 4449 then k=k+1;else u[w[701]]=w[545];end end else if o<=52 then if 52>o then w=f[k];else v=w[701]end else if 5318 then w=f[k];else k=k+1;end end else if o<=20 then v=w[701]else if 21==o then u[v](u[v+1])else break end end end end end o=o+1 end end;elseif(x<107 or x==107)then if(105>=x)then local o,v=0 while true do if(o<=17)then if(o==8 or o<8)then if o<=3 then if(o<=1)then if(o>0)then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else v=nil end else if o<3 then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end else if(o<5 or o==5)then if(o>4)then k=(k+1);else u[w[701]]={};end else if(o==6 or o<6)then w=f[k];else if(o<8)then u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];else k=k+1;end end end end else if(o<12 or o==12)then if(o==10 or o<10)then if(o~=10)then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];end else if(12~=o)then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end else if o<=14 then if(14~=o)then u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];else k=(k+1);end else if(o<15 or o==15)then w=f[k];else if o>16 then k=(k+1);else u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];end end end end end else if(o==26 or o<26)then if(o<=21)then if(o==19 or o<19)then if not(19==o)then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];end else if(o<21)then k=(k+1);else w=f[k];end end else if(o==23 or o<23)then if(22==o)then u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];else k=(k+1);end else if o<=24 then w=f[k];else if 25o)then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];end else if(o<29 or o==29)then k=k+1;else if 3035)then break else u[v](r(u,v+1,w[545]))end end end end end end o=(o+1)end elseif not(107==x)then local o=w[701];do return u[o](r(u,(o+1),w[545]))end;else if(not(u[w[701]]==u[w[526]]))then k=(k+1);else k=w[545];end;end;elseif(108>=x)then u={};for o=0,q,1 do if(o0 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else v=nil end else if o>2 then w=f[k];else k=k+1;end end else if o<=5 then if o==4 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else k=k+1;end else if 7~=o then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];end end end else if o<=11 then if o<=9 then if o>8 then w=f[k];else k=k+1;end else if 11>o then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else k=k+1;end end else if o<=13 then if 13~=o then w=f[k];else v=w[701]end else if o~=15 then u[v]=u[v](r(u,v+1,w[545]))else break end end end end o=o+1 end end;elseif(116>x or 116==x)then if(x<=113)then if 111>=x then local o,v=0 while true do if o<=7 then if o<=3 then if o<=1 then if 0o then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end else if o<11 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else k=k+1;end end else if o<=13 then if o>12 then v=w[701]else w=f[k];end else if o==14 then u[v]=u[v](r(u,v+1,w[545]))else break end end end end o=o+1 end elseif(x>112)then local o=w[701]local v={u[o](r(u,o+1,n))};local y=0;for z=o,w[526]do y=(y+1);u[z]=v[y];end else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][u[w[526]]];end;elseif x<=114 then local o,v=0 while true do if(o<7 or o==7)then if(o<3 or o==3)then if o<=1 then if not(o~=0)then v=nil else u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];end else if not(o==3)then k=(k+1);else w=f[k];end end else if o<=5 then if not(4~=o)then u[w[701]]=w[545];else k=k+1;end else if not(7==o)then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=w[545];end end end else if o<=11 then if o<=9 then if(9~=o)then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end else if o>10 then k=k+1;else u[w[701]]=w[545];end end else if(o<=13)then if 127 then k=k+1;else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];end end else if o<=10 then if o~=10 then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];end else if o>11 then w=f[k];else k=k+1;end end end end else if o<=19 then if o<=15 then if o<=13 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else if 15~=o then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end else if o<=17 then if o<17 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else k=k+1;end else if o<19 then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];end end end else if o<=22 then if o<=20 then k=k+1;else if o>21 then u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];else w=f[k];end end else if o<=24 then if 23o then do return end;else break end end end end end o=o+1 end else local o=w[701]local v={u[o](u[o+1])};local y=0;for z=o,w[526]do y=(y+1);u[z]=v[y];end end;elseif 119>=x then if(117>x or 117==x)then local o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,n))elseif not(x~=118)then local o,v,y,z,ba=0 while true do if o<=11 then if o<=5 then if o<=2 then if o<=0 then v=nil else if o<2 then y,z=nil else ba=nil end end else if o<=3 then u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];else if o<5 then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end end else if o<=8 then if o<=6 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];else if o~=8 then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end else if o<=9 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else if 11>o then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end end end else if o<=17 then if o<=14 then if o<=12 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else if o==13 then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end else if o<=15 then u[w[701]]=w[545];else if 17~=o then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end end else if o<=20 then if o<=18 then ba=w[701]else if o>19 then n=z+ba-1 else y,z=i(u[ba](r(u,ba+1,w[545])))end end else if o<=21 then v=0;else if 23>o then for z=ba,n do v=v+1;u[z]=y[v];end;else break end end end end end o=o+1 end else local o=w[701];u[o]=(u[o]-u[o+2]);k=w[545];end;elseif(x==121 or x<121)then if(x~=121)then u[w[701]]=true;else local o=w[701]u[o]=u[o]()end;elseif(122=x then if x<=129 then if x<=126 then if x<=124 then local o=w[701]u[o](u[o+1])elseif x>125 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]]+u[w[526]];else local o;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))end;elseif 127>=x then u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];elseif 129>x then u[w[701]]();else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]]+u[w[526]];end;elseif x<=132 then if x<=130 then local o;u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))elseif x==131 then local o=w[701];local v=u[o];for y=o+1,w[545]do t(v,u[y])end;else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];end;elseif x<=133 then for o=w[701],w[545],1 do u[o]=nil;end;elseif x<135 then u[w[701]]=#u[w[545]];else if(u[w[701]]<=u[w[526]])then k=k+1;else k=w[545];end;end;elseif x<=141 then if 138>=x then if x<=136 then if(w[701]<=u[w[526]])then k=k+1;else k=w[545];end;elseif x~=138 then k=w[545];else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]]-u[w[526]];end;elseif x<=139 then u[w[701]]=(u[w[545]]%w[526]);elseif 140==x then local o;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))else local o;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))end;elseif x<=144 then if 142>=x then u[w[701]]=b(j[w[545]],nil,h);elseif 144~=x then local o;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]][w[545]]=w[526];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))else local o;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][u[w[526]]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))end;elseif x<=146 then if x==145 then local o=w[701]u[o](r(u,o+1,n))else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]]*w[526];end;elseif x==147 then if(u[w[701]]=x then if 160>=x then if 154>=x then if 151>=x then if x<=149 then local o;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][u[w[526]]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))elseif x==150 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]]-u[w[526]];else local o;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]={};k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];o=w[701]u[o](r(u,o+1,w[545]))end;elseif 152>=x then u[w[701]][u[w[545]]]=u[w[526]];elseif x<154 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else local o=u[w[701]]+w[526];u[w[701]]=o;if(o<=u[w[701]+1])then k=w[545];end;end;elseif x<=157 then if x<=155 then if u[w[701]]then k=(k+1);else k=w[545];end;elseif 157~=x then h[w[545]]=u[w[701]];else u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]={};k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];if not u[w[701]]then k=k+1;else k=w[545];end;end;elseif x<=158 then local o=0 while true do if(o<=9)then if(o==4 or o<4)then if(o<1 or o==1)then if(o~=1)then u[w[701]]=(u[w[545]]/w[526]);else k=k+1;end else if(o==2 or o<2)then w=f[k];else if(310)then w=f[k];else k=(k+1);end else if(o<12 or o==12)then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];else if(o==13)then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end end else if(o<16 or o==16)then if 16>o then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];else k=(k+1);end else if(o<17 or o==17)then w=f[k];else if o<19 then k=w[545];else break end end end end end o=o+1 end elseif 160>x then do return end;else u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];end;elseif x<=166 then if x<=163 then if(161>=x)then local o=0 while true do if o<=14 then if o<=6 then if o<=2 then if o<=0 then u={};else if o~=2 then for v=0,q,1 do if v5 then w=f[k];else k=k+1;end end end else if o<=10 then if o<=8 then if o>7 then k=k+1;else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];end else if o>9 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else w=f[k];end end else if o<=12 then if 11==o then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end else if o<14 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else k=k+1;end end end end else if o<=21 then if o<=17 then if o<=15 then w=f[k];else if 17~=o then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else k=k+1;end end else if o<=19 then if o~=19 then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];end else if 21~=o then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end end else if o<=25 then if o<=23 then if o<23 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else k=k+1;end else if 25>o then w=f[k];else u[w[701]][w[545]]=w[526];end end else if o<=27 then if o<27 then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end else if 28==o then do return end;else break end end end end end o=o+1 end elseif not(x==163)then local o=w[701]local v,y=i(u[o](u[(o+1)]))n=((y+o)-1)local y=0;for z=o,n do y=(y+1);u[z]=v[y];end;else u[w[701]]=(u[w[545]]*w[526]);end;elseif x<=164 then if(w[701]=x then local a=w[701];local c,d,i=u[a],u[(a+1)],u[a+2];local c=c+i;u[a]=c;if(i>0 and c<=d or i<0 and c>=d)then k=w[545];u[(a+3)]=c;end;elseif 168==x then local a;local c;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];c=w[701];a=u[c];for d=c+1,w[545]do t(a,u[d])end;else local a;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];k=k+1;w=f[k];a=w[701]u[a]=u[a](r(u,a+1,w[545]))end;elseif x<=171 then if 171~=x then if not u[w[701]]then k=k+1;else k=w[545];end;else local a=j[w[545]];local c={};local d={};for i=1,w[526]do k=k+1;local j=f[k];if j[686]==132 then d[i-1]={u,j[545]};else d[i-1]={e,j[545]};end;s[#s+1]=d;end;m(c,{['\95\95\105\110\100\101\120']=function(i,i)local i=d[i];return i[1][i[2]];end,['\95\95\110\101\119\105\110\100\101\120']=function(i,i,j)local d=d[i]d[1][d[2]]=j;end;});u[w[701]]=b(a,c,h);end;elseif x==172 then if(u[w[701]]~=u[w[526]])then k=k+1;else k=w[545];end;else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]]%u[w[526]];end;elseif 185>=x then if x<=179 then if x<=176 then if x<=174 then local a;u[w[701]]=u[w[545]];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];u[w[701]]=w[545];k=k+1;w=f[k];a=w[701]u[a]=u[a](r(u,a+1,w[545]))elseif x~=176 then local a=w[701]u[a]=u[a](r(u,a+1,n))else do return u[w[701]]end end;elseif 177>=x then local a;u={};for c=0,q,1 do if c13 then w=f[k];else k=k+1;end end end else if(a<=16)then if 15=x then if(188>=x)then if(186>=x)then u[w[701]]=w[545];elseif(x<188)then local a=0 while true do if a<=8 then if a<=3 then if a<=1 then if a<1 then u={};else for c=0,q,1 do if ca then u[w[701]]=h[w[545]];else k=k+1;end end end end else if a<=12 then if a<=10 then if 9==a then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];end else if a~=12 then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end else if a<=14 then if a>13 then k=k+1;else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];end else if a<=15 then w=f[k];else if a~=17 then if(u[w[701]]~=u[w[526]])then k=w[545];else k=k+1;end;else break end end end end end a=a+1 end else u[w[701]]=(u[w[545]]-w[526]);end;elseif 189>=x then local a=0 while true do if a<=9 then if a<=4 then if a<=1 then if 1~=a then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else k=k+1;end else if a<=2 then w=f[k];else if 4>a then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];else k=k+1;end end end else if a<=6 then if a<6 then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];end else if a<=7 then k=k+1;else if 8==a then w=f[k];else u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][w[526]];end end end end else if a<=14 then if a<=11 then if a>10 then w=f[k];else k=k+1;end else if a<=12 then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]][u[w[526]]];else if 13==a then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end end else if a<=16 then if a==15 then u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];else k=k+1;end else if a<=17 then w=f[k];else if 19~=a then u[w[701]][w[545]]=u[w[526]];else break end end end end end a=a+1 end elseif not(x==191)then if(u[w[701]]~=u[w[526]])then k=w[545];else k=k+1;end;else local a=0 while true do if a<=8 then if a<=3 then if a<=1 then if 1>a then u={};else for c=0,q,1 do if ca then k=k+1;else w=f[k];end end else if a<=5 then if a==4 then u[w[701]]=e[w[545]];else k=k+1;end else if a<=6 then w=f[k];else if 8>a then u[w[701]]=u[w[545]]+w[526];else k=k+1;end end end end else if a<=12 then if a<=10 then if 10~=a then w=f[k];else e[w[545]]=u[w[701]];end else if a>11 then w=f[k];else k=k+1;end end else if a<=14 then if a~=14 then do return end;else k=k+1;end else if a<=15 then w=f[k];else if a~=17 then do return end;else break end end end end end a=a+1 end end;elseif x<=194 then if 192>=x then local a=w[701];local c=u[a];for d=a+1,w[545]do t(c,u[d])end;elseif 193==x then local a=w[701]u[a](r(u,a+1,w[545]))else local a;u={};for c=0,q,1 do if c=x then if 196~=x then local a;u={};for c=0,q,1 do if c