1) What does the current roadmap look like, and what do you see as requirements to complete before releasing alpha to the testers? 2) What happened to “balloon ships” from the lore and early devblog? Are there still plans to have them? 3) Will we be able to build under water? 4) Will there be weather in Dual Universe? Will weather affect players or constructs in some way? 5) What are some ways you may attempt to tackle the issue of air inside of ships and the lack of air outside of them? Will we be able to walk in our ships without wearing masks? 6) Will Novaquark provide an API for developers to build third party applications using live game data? Might our LUA be able to provide information through that API? 7) Will there be items in the game so rare that perhaps only one or a handful of people have them? i.e., discovered items and/or rewards for sponsored events? 8) Will there be in game holidays, similar to how WoW celebrates Halloween/Christmas/Etc in game? 9) What is the smallest level of detail we can craft? Will we be able to make smooth surfaces, i.e. a large rounded/smooth wing, or will everything be blocks and spheres? 10) What are some of the narrative influences for dual universe? i.e. books and movies and other media? 11) There was mention of fan fiction guidelines being released, when might we see some of those surface? 12) Will we unlock new element “blueprints” by simply acquiring the right skills, or will element blueprints be “discovered” by some other yet to be discussed means? 13) How will a trespasser will be treated, can you stop someone from entering your territory, or are they just flagged, how will the system work and still allow for people to take over territories? 14) Will there be a limited amount of money in the game, or will there be a steady flow of new currency through the npc’s on the market? 15) Will players have their names above them, or will you have to interact with them in some way to identify them? 16) Will there be player-run banks where players can store their money in a physical location? Or is money purely digital? 17) Will there be territory in space? Perhaps borders or beacons that act like borders notifying when someone or something crosses? 18) Has Novaquark considered something similar to the CSM (The Council of Stellar Management) from Eve Online? 19) How will a large ship benefit from having a crew of players versus flying solo? Will players be able to script away the need for other players with AI? 20) Will we be able to have lit/animated billboards? 21) Will be able to broadcast to other players perhaps through a global audio stream (radio station) or in game video stream? 22) Will we be able to “hail” other players on ships similar to Star Trek? 23) What will a blueprint look like? Will it tell us details about the resources needed? Is it a physical item that we store and can be stolen? Will there be a way to protect our blueprints from being stolen? 24) Are there going to be stellar anomalies like solar flares and wormholes? 25) What are going to be some of the different types of weapons systems ingame laser, autocannon, other? 26) How are you going to work shielding systems, will it be modular based or a single construct? 27) How are the stargates made, are they a single construct or something made with voxels? 28) What are some of the ways power can be generated and stored? 29) Will we have a way to mark players as a hostile so turrets will engage on sight? 30) Will there be a wayto automate turrets for security, and area denial? 31) Will there be a way for us to pump water out of an area, construct? 32) What are the resorces going to be, will they be real resource types or fictional, or combination of both? 33) How will blueprints be made and how will the blueprint interface with shipyards for automated production? 34) Will we be able to automate ship production? 35) What are some of the technologies in the tech tree? 36) What features will we have with market terminals, if we own them will we be able to set taxes on transactions? 37) Can we claim land around the arkship within the safe zone? Will there be a land rush at launch for that territory?