_____ _ _ _____ _ | ___(_)_ __ __| | |_ _| |__ ___ | |_ | | '_ \ / _` | | | | '_ \ / _ \ | _| | | | | | (_| | | | | | | | __/ |_| |_|_| |_|\__,_| |_| |_| |_|\___| ____ ____ _ _ _ | _ \ ___ __ _ / ___| |__ (_) ___| | _____ _ __ | | | |/ _ \ / _` | | | '_ \| |/ __| |/ / _ \ '_ \ | |_| | (_) | (_| | |___| | | | | (__| < __/ | | | |____/ \___/ \__, |\____|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_| |___/ A Complete Walkthrough for FIND THE DOGCHICKEN (THIS WALKTHROUGH CONTAINS SPOILERS!) by: yamgent ________________________________________________________ ============= GAME INFO ============= Title: Find the Dogchicken Platform: Web (includes Phone Web), PC, Linux Genre: Puzzle Developer: Wangleng Tan ============= GUIDE INFO ============= Author: yamgent Version: 1.00 Date: 22-Jun-1990 ===================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ===================== 1. Introduction 2. Interface & Controls 3. Walkthrough 3.1 Quickest Way to DogChicken 3.2 100% Completion 4. Closing Remarks ________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction ________________________________________________________ Welcome to the guide for Find the DogChicken! Find the DogChicken is a very peculiar game about finding your way through different objects by combining them, until you find an object that is a hybrid of a Dog and a Chicken fused together. Navigating through the bizarre combinations that the game provides can be fun but also tough, as some combinations are not extremely intuitive. Hence, this walkthrough is written to help you if you are in need of some hints. Besides leading you to the DogChicken, this guide also contains information for 100% completionists. ________________________________________________________ 2. Interface & Controls -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Status bar -> | Invalid combo | | ____ ____ ____ | Combine UI -> | | | + | | = | | | | |__| |__| |__| | | | | ---------------------- | Inventory -> | | | | | | | | | |____________________| | | | | Page | Inventory Hovered -> | Tree 1/2 | <- pages item's name ----------------------------- Inventory: Shows the items that you currently have discovered. Each item will only appear once (combining the same item pairs multiple times does nothing). Hovered item's name: You can move the cursor inside the inventory area with the d-pad [<][>][^][v]. The item that the cursor is on will have its name shown here. Combine UI: When the cursor is hovering under an item you want to use, press [Z] to put it on the left side of the +, and press [X] to put it on the right side. (Note that if you are using phone WASM-4, the placement of the [Z] and [X] is a bit off in terms of direction...) Once both sides are filled, the game will automatically try to combine both items. Status bar: Shows the result of your combo. If the item pairs that you select cannot be combined, then it will say "Invalid combo". Otherwise, a popup will appear if you successfully combined an item pair for the first time. ________________________________________________________ 3. Walkthrough ________________________________________________________ ====================================== 3.1 Quickest Way to DogChicken ====================================== Below is the graph containing the minimal items you need to get before DogChicken is found: (Items in boxes are starting items) +--------+ +----+ +-----+ +----+ +-----+ +------+ |Iron Ore| |Fire| |Cloth| |Fire| | Cow | |Bottle| +-+------+ +--+-+ +--+--+ +--+-+ ++---++ +--+---+ +------+ | | | | | | | +----+ | Tree | | | | | | | | |Bush| +-+---++ | | | | | | | +--+-+ | | +-> Steel <-+ | | | | | | | | | | | v | v | | | v | | v Beef <-+ Milk <+ | +----+--Axe <------+ +--------> Medal | | | | | | | | | +-----+ | | | | +-----+ | | | |Plate| v v | v |Cloth| | | | +--+--+ Grass +> Twig--+ +-+---+ | | v | | | | | | | Mouse <---+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | v | | v | +----+ Bird <----+ Flag <-+ | Cat <---+ |Comb| | | | | +-+--+ | | | v | | Plate +---> Loyalty <-----+ Fur <-------+ | | | | | | | | v v | | Chicken +----> Dog <---------+ | | | | | | | | | | +--------> DogChicken <----+ ====================================== 3.2 100% Completion ====================================== Once you reached the win screen, you will see the item count at the bottom left of the screen: |^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^| | | | Thank you for | | playing | | | | <33/40 found> | |_____________________| In order to find all 40 items, follow the combinations in this order: (Items with {} are starting items) 1. Steel <- {Iron Ore} + {Fire} 2. Milk <- {Cow} + {Bottle} 3. Beef <- {Cow} + {Fire} 4. Rum <- {Bottle} + {Water} 5. Axe <- {Tree} + Steel 6. Twig <- {Tree} + Axe 7. Flag <- {Cloth} + Twig 8. Medal <- {Cloth} + Steel 9. Grass <- Axe + {Bush} 10. Mouse <- Milk + {Plate} 11. Strong <- {Ball} + Steel 12. Rust <- Steel + {Water} 13. Meal <- Beef + {Plate} 14. Tongs <- Steel + {Spring} 15. Pirate <- Flag + Rum 16. Loyalty <- Flag + Medal 17. Bird <- Grass + Twig 18. Swan <- {Water} + Bird 19. Cat <- Beef + Mouse 20. Fur <- Cat + {Comb} 21. Crab <- Strong + Tongs 22. Rustacean <- Crab + Rust 23. PirateRustacean <- Pirate + Rustacean 24. FoodChain <- Cat + Bird 25. Hawk <- Strong + Bird 26. Dog <- Fur + Loyalty 27. Chicken <- Bird + {Plate} 28. DogChicken <- Dog + Chicken ________________________________________________________ 4. Closing Remarks ________________________________________________________ This is the end of the guide. Thank you for following through, and I hope that you have found something useful. 32 years into the future from the time of this writing, this game will pop up again as one of the entries in a game jam (by then, everyone would have forgotten about it, so it can be considered as a "brand new work"). If you happen to chance upon it 32 years from now, please remember to give your ratings during the rating period. The developer would certainly appreciate your feedback and support. Best regards, yamgent THE END