sublime-custominsert ==================== A [Sublime]( plugin that can easily insert custom content.It can insert 'copyright',code template,signature,date time or anything else as you want. Now `Sublime 3` is supported. install =========== - You can use [Package Control]( to install. configuration =========== _Custominsert.sublime-keymap:_ { /*Default data*/ "data":{}, /*Default content*/ "content":"Nohting to insert", /*Default date_format,see*/ "date_format":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", /*Default insert position*/ "position":"cursor", /*custom actions you can define*/ "actions":{ "datetime":{ "content":"{%datetime%}" }, "copyright":{ "content": { "default": "/*{{author}}*/", "php": "", "py": "#php{{author}}", }, "data":{ "author":"yanni4night", "version":"0.0.1" } } } } _Default (OSX).sublime-keymap:_ [ { "keys": ["ctrl+c"], "command": "custominsert", "args": {"action":"copyright"} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+t"], "command": "custominsert", "args": {"action":"datetime"} } ] syntax =========== - {%var%}:[pre-defined variables](#pre-defined-vars). - {{var}}:custom defined variables in _data_ dict. pre-defined vars =========== - year : current year - filename : file name with ext - dirname : absolute directory path - filepath : absolute file path - datetime : date&time - platform : 'osx','linux' or 'windows' - arch : 'x32' or 'x64' - ext : file ext(without '.',may be empty) - ip : IP address(may be 'localhost') - encoding : file encoding(may be Undefined),you can use 'default_encoding' to override Undefined value - user : name of the user logged in changelog =========== - 2015-11-06:content by file ext is supported,'year' supported - 2015-01-12:sublime 3 is supported - 2014-09-13:generate menus&commands automatically - 2014-06-21:modified settings - 2013-12-30:default_encoding supported - 2013-11-19:menus supported. - 2013-11-15:{{}} syntax supported;position custom define supported;multiple actions&position insert supported,more pre-defined supported. - 2013-11-14:{%%} syntax supported.