#!/bin/bash echo 'Run app install on homeberw' # brew bundle config_path="$DOTDIR"/.config echo 'Paste symbolic link to home directory' ln -f -s "${PWD}"/zsh/.zshenv "${HOME}"/.zshenv ln -f -s "${PWD}"/.gitconfig "${HOME}"/.gitconfig ln -f -s "${PWD}"/.gitignore_global "${HOME}"/.gitignore_global ln -f -s "${PWD}"/asdf/.asdfrc "${HOME}"/.asdfrc ln -f -s "$config_path"/neofetch/config.conf "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/neofetch/config.conf echo 'starship' ln -f -s "$PWD"/.config/starship.toml "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/starship.toml echo 'neovim' if [[ ! -e "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/nvim ]]; then mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/nvim fi ln -f -s "$config_path"/nvim/init.lua "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/nvim/init.lua if [[ ! -e "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/nvim/lua ]]; then ln -f -s "$config_path"/nvim/lua "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/nvim/lua fi ln -f -s "$config_path"/nvim/lazy-lock.json "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/nvim/lazy-lock.json echo 'tmux' ln -f -s "$PWD"/tmux/tmux.conf "$HOME"/.tmux.conf sh tmux/installer.sh echo 'zellij' if [[ ! -d "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/zellij ]]; then mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/zellij fi ln -f -s "$config_path"/zellij/config.kdl "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/zellij/config.kdl echo 'atuin' if [[ ! -d "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/atuin ]]; then mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/atuin fi ln -f -s "$config_path"/atuin/config.toml "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/atuin/config.toml echo 'hammerspoon' if [[ ! -d "$HOME"/.hammerspoon ]]; then mkdir "$HOME"/.hammerspoon fi ln -f -s "$PWD"/hammerspoon/init.lua "$HOME"/.hammerspoon/init.lua ln -f -s "$PWD"/hammerspoon/alacritty.lua "$HOME"/.hammerspoon/alacritty.lua echo 'sheldon' if [[ ! -d "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/sheldon ]]; then mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/sheldon fi ln -f -s "$config_path"/sheldon/plugins.toml "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/sheldon/plugins.toml if [[ ! -d "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/zsh-abbr ]]; then mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/zsh-abbr fi ln -f -s "$config_path"/zsh-abbr/user-abbreviations "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/zsh-abbr/user-abbreviations echo 'alacritty' if [[ ! -e "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/alacritty ]]; then mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/alacritty fi ln -f -s "$config_path"/alacritty/alacritty.toml "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/alacritty/alacritty.toml echo 'nix' if [[ ! -e "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/nix ]]; then mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/nix fi ln -f -s "$config_path"/nix/nix.conf "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/nix/nix.conf echo 'ghostty' if [[ ! -e "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/ghostty ]]; then mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/ghostty fi ln -f -s "$config_path"/ghostty/config "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/ghostty/config ln -f -s "$config_path"/ghostty/themes "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/ghostty/themes echo 'mise' find "${PWD}"/mise -type f -name ".default-*" | while read file; do filename=$(basename "$file") ln -sf "$file" "$HOME/$filename" done echo 'yabai' if [[ ! -e "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/yabai ]]; then mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/yabai fi ln -f -s "$config_path"/yabai/yabairc "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/yabai/yabairc echo 'vscode' rm -f "${HOME}"/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json ln -f -s "${PWD}"/vscode/settings.json "$HOME"/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User rm -f "${HOME}"/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/keybindings.json ln -f -s "${PWD}"/vscode/keybindings.json "$HOME"/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User echo 'wallpaper' wallpaper set "${PWD}"/images/wallpaper.jpeg echo 'screenshot' if [[ ! -e "$HOME"/Pictures/screenshot ]]; then mkdir -p "$HOME"/Pictures/screenshot fi defaults write com.apple.screencapture location "$HOME"/Pictures/screenshot echo "dock" defaults write com.apple.dock autohide -bool true defaults write com.apple.dock orientation -string "left" defaults write com.apple.dock tilesize -int 45 defaults write com.apple.dock magnification -bool false killall Dock yes | rm .config/vim/lua/lua echo '🎉Finish' echo 'Please restart the terminal'