# Diffable This is a file comparison plugin for Sublime Text 3/4, it relies on its internal [Incremental Diff](http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/incremental_diff.html) feature. Enjoy! ## Features 1. To present inline diff of content of two opened tabs to one another. 2. To pass the content of two opened tabs to [Kaleidoscope](https://kaleidoscope.app) diff app. 3. To clear inline diff. ## Installation Please install Sublime [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation) first. Then inside *Package Control: Install Package*, type *Diffable* and then click to confirm. ## Usage It's as easy as just: 1. Install the plugin. 2. Open two tabs in a row either way. 3. Hit bindings bellow or run it by Sublime Text Command Pallet by typing `Diffable`. 4. Bonus: By hitting `super+k` followed by `super+/`, you'll get inline diff view provided by Sublime Text. ## Screenshots
Click to see screens ![](static/image_one_pane.png) ![](static/image_one_pane_expanded.png) ![](static/image_two_panes.png) ![](static/image_two_panes_expanded.png)
## Bindings 1. To compare and show the diffs, press `super + k` followed by `super + d`. 2. To clear the marked lines, press `super + k` followed by `super + c`. 3. To pass presented content into Kaleidoscope app press `super + k` followed by `super + o`. ## Settings ### The default key binding for Mac is ``` { "keys": ["super+k", "super+d"], "command": "diffable", "args": {"action": "inline"} } { "keys": ["super+k", "super+c"], "command": "diffable", "args": {"action": "clear"} } { "keys": ["super+k", "super+o"], "command": "diffable", "args": {"action": "kaleidoscope"} } ``` ### The default key binding for Windows / Linux is ``` { "keys": ["ctrl+k", "ctrl+d"], "command": "diffable", "args": {"action": "inline"} } { "keys": ["ctrl+k", "ctrl+c"], "command": "diffable", "args": {"action": "clear"} } ``` > **Warning** > There's no version of Kaleidoscope app for both Windows and Linux. ## Known issues Inline diffs looks corrupted on git repos uncommited changes, to fix that please commit or reset your local changes. ## Disclaimer > **Note** > This plugin is a refactored and updated verion of an ammazing plugin https://github.com/zsong/diffy which is seems depricated long ago. > **Note** > None of the team stand behind Kaleidoscope app have paid me any amount for being a part of this plugin behind the scene. Though they were so kind to provide me a code snippet that let me integrate with their tool in a smooth way. > **Note** > Therefore any other diffing tool are more than welcome to become integrated on the same terms as they were — by PR to that repo.