[![Star on GitHub][img-stars]][stars] # OpenAI Sublime Text Plugin ## tldr; OpenAI Completion is a Sublime Text plugin that uses LLM models to provide first class code assistant support within the editor. It's not locked with just OpenAI anymore. [llama.cpp](https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp) server and [ollama](https://ollama.com) supported as well. ![](static/media/ai_chat_left.png) ## Features - Code manipulation (append, insert and edit) selected code with OpenAI models. - **Chat mode** powered by whatever model you'd like. - **GPT-4 support**. - **[llama.cpp](https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp)**'s server, **[Ollama](https://ollama.com)** and all the rest OpenAI'ish API compatible. - **Dedicated chats histories** and assistant settings for a projects. - **Ability to send whole files** or their parts as a context expanding. - Markdown syntax with code languages syntax highlight (Chat mode only). - Server Side Streaming (SSE) (i.e. you don't have to wait for ages till GPT-4 print out something). - Status bar various info: model name, mode, sent/received tokens. - Proxy support. ### ChatGPT completion demo https://github.com/yaroslavyaroslav/OpenAI-sublime-text/assets/16612247/37b98cc2-e9cd-46a6-ac5d-03845313096b > video sped up to 1.7x --- https://github.com/yaroslavyaroslav/OpenAI-sublime-text/assets/16612247/69f609f3-336d-48e8-a574-3cb7fda5822c > video sped up to 1.7x ## Requirements - Sublime Text 4 - **llama.cpp**, **ollama** installed _OR_ - Remote llm service provider API key, e.g. [OpenAI](https://platform.openai.com) ## Installation 1. Install the Sublime Text [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) plugin if you haven't done this before. 2. Open the command palette and type `Package Control: Install Package`. 3. Type `OpenAI` and press `Enter`. ## Usage ### AI Assistance use case ChatGPT mode works the following way: 0. Select some text or even the whole tabs to include them in request 1. Run either `OpenAI: Chat Model Select` or `OpenAI: Chat Model Select With Tabs` commands. 2. Input a request in input window if any. 3. The model will print a response in output panel by default, but you can switch that to a separate tab with `OpenAI: Open in Tab`. 4. To get an existing chat in a new window run `OpenAI: Refresh Chat`. 5. To reset history `OpenAI: Reset Chat History` command to rescue. > [!NOTE] > You suggested to bind at least `OpenAI: New Message`, `OpenAI: Chat Model Select` and `OpenAI: Show output panel` in sake for convenience, you can do that in plugin settings. ### Chat history management You can separate a chat history and assistant settings for a given project by appending the following snippet to its settings: ```json { "settings": { "ai_assistant": { "cache_prefix": "your_name_project" } } } ``` ### Additional request context management You can add a few things to your request: - multi-line selection within a single file - multiple files within a single View Group To perform the former just select something within an active view and initiate the request this way without switching to another tab, selection would be added to a request as a preceding message (each selection chunk would be split by a new line). To send the whole file(s) in advance to request you should `super+button1` on them to make all tabs of them to become visible in a **single view group** and then run `[New Message|Chat Model] with Sheets` command as shown on the screen below. Pay attention, that in given example only `README.md` and `4.0.0.md` will be sent to a server, but not a content of the `AI chat`. ![](static/media/file_selection_example.png) > [!NOTE] > It's also doesn't matter whether the file persists on a disc or it's just a virtual buffer with a text in it, if they're selected, their content will be send either way. ### In buffer llm use case 1. You can pick one of the following modes: `append`, `replace`, `insert`. They're quite self-descriptive. They should be set up in assistant settings to take effect. 2. Select some text (they're useless otherwise) to manipulate with and hit `OpenAI: New Message`. 4. The plugin will response accordingly with **appending**, **replacing** or **inserting** some text. > [!IMPORTANT] > Yet this is a standalone mode, i.e. an existing chat history won't be sent to a server on a run. > [!NOTE] > A more detailed manual, including various assistant configuration examples, can be found within the plugin settings. ### Other features ### Open Source models support (llama.cpp, ollama) 1. Replace `"url"` setting of a given model to point to whatever host you're server running on (e.g.`"http://localhost:8080"`). 2. [Optional] Provide a `"token"` if your provider required one. 3. Tweak `"chat_model"` to a model of your choice and you're set. > [!NOTE] > You can set both `url` and `token` either global or on per assistant instance basis, thus being capable to freely switching between closed source and open sourced models within a single session. ## Settings The OpenAI Completion plugin has a settings file where you can set your OpenAI API key. This is required for the most of providers to work. To set your API key, open the settings within `Preferences` -> `Package Settings` -> `OpenAI` -> `Settings` and paste your API key in the token property, as follows: ```JSON { "token": "sk-your-token", } ``` ## Key bindings You can bind keys for a given plugin command in `Preferences` -> `Package Settings` -> `OpenAI` -> `Key Bindings`. For example you can bind "New Message" command like this: ```json { "keys": [ "super+k", "super+'" ], "command": "openai", "args": { "mode": "chat_completion" } }, ``` ### [Multi]Markdown syntax with syntax highlight support It just works. > [!IMPORTANT] > It's highly recommended to install the [`MultimarkdownEditing`](https://sublimetext-markdown.github.io/MarkdownEditing/) to apply broader set of languages with syntax highlighting. ### Proxy support You can setup it up by overriding the proxy property in the `OpenAI completion` settings like follow: ```json "proxy": { "address": "", // required "port": 9898, // required "username": "account", "password": "sOmEpAsSwOrD" } ``` ## Disclaimers > [!WARNING] > All selected code will be sent to the OpenAI servers (if not using custom API provider) for processing, so make sure you have all necessary permissions to do so. > [!NOTE] > This one was initially written at 80% written by a GPT3.5 back then. I was here mostly for debugging purposes, rather than digging ST API. This is a pure magic, I swear! [stars]: https://github.com/yaroslavyaroslav/OpenAI-sublime-text/stargazers [img-stars]: static/media/star-on-github.svg