#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This script updates the YaST files in the inst-sys with the files from # a GitHub repository or a running tarball web server. # # See the help text below for the details or see the documentation in # the doc/yupdate.md file. # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength Do not split example shell # Note: The reason why all classes are in a single file is that # it allows to easy update the script to the latest version # or add it to an older (not supported) installer with: # # curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yast/yast-installation/master/bin/yupdate > /usr/bin/yupdate # chmod +x /usr/bin/yupdate # yupdate ... # # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength require "fileutils" require "find" require "json" require "net/http" require "open-uri" require "pathname" require "shellwords" require "singleton" require "socket" require "tmpdir" require "uri" # for logging to y2log require "yast" module YUpdate # version of the script class Version MAJOR = 0 MINOR = 2 PATCH = 1 STRING = "#{MAJOR}.#{MINOR}.#{PATCH}".freeze end # handle the "help" command line option class HelpCommand def run name = File.basename(__FILE__) puts <<~HELP This is a helper script for updating the YaST installer in the installation system. Usage: #{name} Commands: patch Patch the installer with the sources from GitHub, is a repository name (including the organization or the user name, if missing "yast" is used by default), is the Git branch to use patch Patch the installer with the sources provided by a generic HTTP server patch Patch the installer with the sources provided by a "rake server" task (for details see https://github.com/yast/yast-rake/#server), the default port is 8000 servers List the rake servers running on the remote machine, ask the specified server to report all `rake server` instances overlay create [] Create a new writable overlay for directory , if no directory is specified it creates overlays for the default YaST directories overlay list Print the created writable overlays overlay reset Remove all overlays, restore the system to the original state overlay files Print the changed files (removed files are not listed) overlay diff Print the diff of the changed overlay files version Print the script version help Print this help WARNING: This script is intended only for testing and development purposes, using this tool makes the installation not supported! See more details in https://github.com/yast/yast-installation/blob/master/doc/yupdate.md HELP end end # a helper module for printing and logging module Logger include Yast::Logger # print the message on STDOUT and also write it to the y2log # @param message [String] the message def msg(message) puts message log.info(message) end end # a simple /etc/install.inf parser/writer, # we need to disable the YaST self-update feature to avoid conflicts class InstallInf PATH = "/etc/install.inf".freeze attr_reader :path def self.exist?(path = PATH) File.exist?(path) end # read the file def initialize(path = PATH) @path = path @values = File.read(path).lines.map(&:chomp) end # get value for the key def [](key) line = find_line(key) return nil unless line line.match(/^#{Regexp.escape(key)}:\s*(.*)/)[1] end # set value for the key def []=(key, val) line = find_line(key) if line # update the existing key line.replace("#{key}: #{val}") else # add a new key values << "#{key}: #{val}" end end # write the file back def write # ensure there is a trailing newline so the new values # can be properly added to the file File.write(path, values.join("\n") + "\n") end private attr_reader :values def find_line(key) values.find { |l| l.start_with?(key + ":") } end end # Class for managing the OverlayFS mounts # # Each OverlayFS mount these directories: # - upper and lower directories - the files in the upper directory # shadow the files in the lower directory, the result can mounted # at another 3rd place # - working directory - for storing additional metadata # (e.g. removed files) # # See more details in # https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/overlayfs.txt # # The yupdate script uses /var/lib/YaST2/overlayfs for managing the OverlayFS, # specifically: # # - /var/lib/YaST2/overlayfs/original - contains the original state # - /var/lib/YaST2/overlayfs/upper - contains the new/changed files # - /var/lib/YaST2/overlayfs/workdir - temporary metadata # # To avoid conflicts the original path names are converted to use the # underscore (_) instead of slash (/) in the name, moreover the underscores # are double-escaped to support underscores in the original names. E.g. # /usr/lib/YaST2 (for which the real path is /mounts/mp_0001/usr/lib/YaST2 # is mounted to /var/lib/YaST2/overlayfs/original/_mounts_mp__0001_usr_lib_YaST2. class OverlayFS include YUpdate::Logger OVERLAY_PREFIX = "/var/lib/YaST2/overlayfs".freeze YAST_OVERLAYS = [ "/usr/lib/YaST2", "/usr/lib64/YaST2", "/usr/share/autoinstall", "/usr/share/applications/YaST2", "/usr/share/icons" ].freeze # @return [String] the original requested directory attr_reader :orig_dir # @return [String] expanded requested directory (i.e. symlink target) attr_reader :dir # manage the OverlayFS for this directory # @param directory [String] the directory def initialize(directory) @orig_dir = directory # expand symlinks @dir = File.realpath(directory) raise "Path is not a directory: #{dir}" unless File.directory?(dir) end # create an OverlayFS overlay for this directory if it is not writable def create # skip non-existing or already writable directories return if !File.directory?(dir) || File.writable?(dir) msg "Adding overlay for #{orig_dir}..." FileUtils.mkdir_p(upperdir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(workdir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(origdir) # make the original content available in a separate directory system("mount", "--bind", dir, origdir) # mark the mount as a private otherwise the overlay would propagate # through the bind mount and we would see the changed content here system("mount", "--make-private", origdir) system("mount", "-t", "overlay", "overlay", "-o", "lowerdir=#{dir},upperdir=#{upperdir},workdir=#{workdir}", dir) end # delete the OverlayFS for this directory, all changes will be reverted back def delete system("umount", dir) system("umount", origdir) FileUtils.rm_rf([upperdir, workdir, origdir]) end # print the modified files in this directory def print_files iterate_files { |f, _modif, _orig| puts f } end # print the diff for the changed files in this directory def print_diff iterate_files do |f, _modif, orig| next unless File.exist?(f) && File.exist?(orig) system("diff", "-u", orig, f) end end # find all OverlayFS mounts in the system def self.find_all mounts = `mount` mounts.lines.each_with_object([]) do |line, arr| arr << new(Regexp.last_match[1]) if line =~ /^overlay on (.*) type overlay / end end # return the default set of YaST overlays def self.default_overlays yast_overlays.map { |o| new(o) } end def upperdir OverlayFS.escape_path("upper", dir) end def workdir OverlayFS.escape_path("workdir", dir) end # path pointing to the original directory content def origdir OverlayFS.escape_path("original", dir) end def self.escape_path(subdir, path) # escape (double) underscores for correct reverse conversion File.join(OVERLAY_PREFIX, subdir, path.gsub("_", "__").tr("/", "_")) end def self.unescape_path(path) Pathname.new(path).basename.to_s.gsub(/([^_])_([^_])/, "\\1/\\2") .sub(/\A_/, "/").gsub("__", "_").gsub("//", "/") end private # find the files in this directory # the block is called with three parameters: # - the path to the new file in the overlay directory # - the original path in / # - the path to the original file in the overlay directory def iterate_files(&block) return unless block_given? Find.find(upperdir) do |f| next unless File.file?(f) upperdir_path = Pathname.new(upperdir) relative_path = Pathname.new(f).relative_path_from(upperdir_path) original_path = File.join(origdir, relative_path) # unescape the path pth = OverlayFS.unescape_path(upperdir_path) block.call(File.join(pth, relative_path), f, original_path) end end def self.yast_overlays # /usr/share/YaST2/ needs to be handled specially, it is writable # but contains symlinks to read-only subdirectories, so let's make # the subdirectories writable YAST_OVERLAYS + Dir["/usr/share/YaST2/*"].each_with_object([]) do |f, arr| arr << f if File.directory?(f) && !File.writable?(f) end end private_class_method :yast_overlays end # a generic HTTP downloader class Downloader include YUpdate::Logger attr_reader :url # Create the downloader for the specified URL (only HTTP/HTTPS is supported) # @param url [String] the URL for downloading def initialize(url) @url = url end # download the file, returns the response body or if a block is # given it passes the response to it, handles HTTP redirection automatically def download(&block) msg "Downloading #{url}" if block_given? URI.parse(url).open { |f| block.call(f) } else URI.parse(url).open(&:read) end end end # specialized tarball downloader, it can extract the downloaded # tarball on the fly (without saving the actual tarball) to the target directory class TarballDownloader < Downloader # start the downloading, extract the tarball to the specified directory def extract_to(dir) download do |input| if input.content_type !~ /application\/(x-|)gzip/ raise "Unknown MIME type: #{input.content_type}" end # pipe the response body directly to the tar process IO.popen(["tar", "-C", dir, "--warning=no-timestamp", "-xz"], "wb") do |io| while (buffer = input.read(4096)) io.write(buffer) end end end end end # specialized tarball downloader which can download the sources # from GitHub (the "git" tool is missing in the inst-sys), # instead of "git clone" we download the archive tarball class GithubDownloader < TarballDownloader attr_reader :repo, :branch def initialize(repo, branch) super("https://github.com/#{repo}/archive/#{branch}.tar.gz") @repo = repo @branch = branch end end # installing Ruby gems using the "gem" tool class GemInstaller # we need this gem for running the "rake install" command NEEDED_GEM = "yast-rake".freeze # install the YaST required gems def install_required_gems install_gems(required_gems) end private # is the gem installed? def gem_installed?(gem_name) gem(gem_name) true rescue Gem::LoadError false end # find the needed gems for running "rake install" def required_gems gems = [] gems << NEEDED_GEM if !gem_installed?(NEEDED_GEM) # handle the rake gem specifically, it is present in the system, but # the /usr/bin/rake file is missing gems << "rake" if !File.exist?("/usr/bin/rake") gems end # install the specified gems def install_gems(gem_names) return if gem_names.empty? add_gem_overlay # explicitly set the bindir, the /mounts/mp_0001/usr/.... prefix # confuses gem and it does not create the bin file system("gem", "install", "--bindir", "/usr/bin", "--no-document", "--no-format-exec", *gem_names) end # make sure that the gem directory is writable def add_gem_overlay overlay = OverlayFS.new(Gem.dir) overlay.create end end # install the YaST sources using the "rake install" call class Installer include YUpdate::Logger attr_reader :src_dir # @param src_dir [String] the source directory with unpacked sources def initialize(src_dir) @src_dir = src_dir end # install the sources to the inst-sys def install Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp| # first install the files into a temporary location # using "rake install DESTDIR=..." install_sources(tmp) # then find the changed files and update them in the inst-sys copy_to_system(tmp) end end private # globs for ignored some files SKIP_FILES = [ # vim temporary files "*/.*swp", # backup files "*/*.bak", # skip documentation "/usr/share/doc/*", # skip manual pages "/usr/share/man/*", # skip sysconfig templates "/usr/share/fillup-templates/*" ].freeze # install the sources to the specified (temporary) directory def install_sources(target) raise "/usr/bin/rake does not exist!" unless File.exist?("/usr/bin/rake") msg "Preparing files..." # check for Makefile.cvs, we cannot install packages using autotools makefile_cvs = Dir["#{src_dir}/**/Makefile.cvs"].first raise "Found Makefile.cvs, autotools based packages cannot be installed!" if makefile_cvs rakefile = Dir["#{src_dir}/**/Rakefile"].first raise "Rakefile not found, cannot install the package" unless rakefile src_dir = File.dirname(rakefile) Dir.chdir(src_dir) do redir = ENV["VERBOSE"] == "1" ? "" : " > /dev/null 2>&1" unless system("rake install DESTDIR=#{target.shellescape} #{redir}") raise "rake install failed" end end end # should be the file skipped? def skip_file?(file) SKIP_FILES.any? { |glob| File.fnmatch?(glob, file) } end # copy the changed files to the ins-sys def copy_to_system(src) msg "Copying to system..." src_path = Pathname.new(src) cnt = 0 Find.find(src) do |path| # TODO: what about symlinks or empty directories? next unless File.file?(path) relative_path = Pathname.new(path).relative_path_from(src_path).to_s system_file = File.absolute_path(relative_path, "/") system_dir = File.dirname(system_file) next if skip_file?(system_file) if File.exist?(system_file) next if FileUtils.identical?(system_file, path) add_overlay(system_dir) # replace a symlink (likely pointing to a read-only location) FileUtils.rm_f(system_file) if File.symlink?(system_file) FileUtils.cp(path, system_file) msg "Updated: #{system_file}" else # ensure the directory is writable if File.exist?(system_dir) add_overlay(system_dir) else # FIXME: maybe an overlay is needed for the upper directory... FileUtils.mkdir_p(system_dir) end FileUtils.cp(path, system_file) msg "Added: #{system_file}" end cnt += 1 end msg "Number of modified files: #{cnt}" end # ensure that the target directory is writable def add_overlay(dir) o = OverlayFS.new(dir) o.create end end # handler for the "overlay" command option class OverlayCommand def initialize(argv) @argv = argv end def run command = @argv.shift case command when "list" puts OverlayFS.find_all.map(&:dir) when "create" dir = @argv.shift if dir ovfs = OverlayFS.new(dir) ovfs.create else OverlayFS.default_overlays.map(&:create) end when "reset" OverlayFS.find_all.map(&:delete) when "files" OverlayFS.find_all.map(&:print_files) when "diff" OverlayFS.find_all.map(&:print_diff) else InvalidCommand.new(command) end end end # inst-sys, live medium or container test class System # check if the script is running in the inst-sys, live medium or in a container # the script might not work as expected in an installed system # and using OverlayFS is potentially dangerous def self.check! # the inst-sys contains the /.packages.initrd file with a list of packages return if File.exist?("/.packages.initrd") mount_out = `mount` # live medium uses overlay FS or device mapper for the root if mount_out.match?(/^\w+ on \/ type overlay/) || mount_out.match?(/^\/dev\/mapper\/live-rw on \/ /) return end return if in_container? # exit immediately if running in an installed system warn "ERROR: This script can only work in the installation system (inst-sys), " \ "live medium or in a container!" warn "If you are sure it is OK to use the script add the --force option." exit 1 end # Check whether running in a container. # @return [Boolean] `true` if running inside a container, `false` otherwise def self.in_container? # use the systemd-detect-virt tool for container detection detected = `systemd-detect-virt --container`.chomp # the variable contains the detected system, like "docker" or "podman" # see "man systemd-detect-virt" for details !detected.empty? && detected != "none" # systemd-detect-virt tool not present rescue Errno::ENOENT # fallback to detection by special files, this is less reliable # (the files might be removed in the future) and does not # support all container virtualizations # docker or podman environment File.exist?("/.dockerenv") || File.exist?("/run/.containerenv") end private_class_method :in_container? end # parse the command line options class Options def self.parse(argv) force = argv.include?("--force") if force argv.delete("--force") # pass the force option to the executed scripts ENV["YUPDATE_FORCE"] = "1" end command = argv.shift case command when "version" VersionCommand.new when "overlay" System.check! unless force OverlayCommand.new(argv) when "patch" System.check! unless force PatchCommand.new(argv) when "servers" ServersCommand.new(argv) when "help", "--help", nil HelpCommand.new else InvalidCommand.new(command) end end end # handle the "version" command line option class VersionCommand def run puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)} #{Version::STRING}" end end # handle the "servers" command line option class ServersCommand def initialize(argv) @argv = argv end def run host = @argv.shift raise "Missing server name argument" unless host servers = RemoteServer.find(host) servers.each do |s| puts "URL: #{s.url}, directory: #{s.dir}" end end end # handle the "patch" command line option class PatchCommand include YUpdate::Logger def initialize(argv) @argv = argv end def run arg1 = @argv.shift arg2 = @argv.shift return 1 unless arg1 prepare_system if arg1 && arg2 # update from github install_from_github(arg1, arg2) elsif arg1.start_with?("http") && arg1.end_with?(".tar.gz") # upgrade from URL install_from_tar(arg1) elsif !arg2 # otherwise treat it as a hostname providing a tarball server install_from_servers(arg1) else raise "Invalid arguments" end # TODO: only when something has been updated? disable_self_update end private def install_from_github(repo, branch) # add the default "yast" GitHub organization if missing repo = "yast/#{repo}" unless repo.include?("/") downloader = GithubDownloader.new(repo, branch) # the GitHub tarballs have all content in a "-" subdirectory dir = repo.split("/", 2).last + "-" + branch install_tar(downloader, dir) end def install_from_tar(url) downloader = TarballDownloader.new(url) install_tar(downloader) end def install_from_servers(hostname) servers = RemoteServer.find(hostname) servers.each do |s| msg "Installing from #{s.url}..." url = "#{s.url}/archive/current.tar.gz" install_from_tar(url) end end def install_sources(src_dir) i = Installer.new(src_dir) i.install end # prepare the inst-sys for installation: # - make the YaST directories writable # - install the needed Ruby gems (yast-rake) def prepare_system OverlayFS.default_overlays.map(&:create) g = GemInstaller.new g.install_required_gems end def run_pre_script(download_dir) script = File.join(download_dir, ".yupdate.pre") run_script(script) end def run_post_script(download_dir) script = File.join(download_dir, ".yupdate.post") run_script(script) end def run_script(script) return unless File.exist?(script) puts "Running script #{File.basename(script)}..." raise "Script #{File.basename(script)} failed" unless system(script) end # extract the tarball into a temporary directory and install it # @param downloader the downloader to use # @param subdir subdirectory in the source tarball def install_tar(downloader, subdir = "") Dir.mktmpdir do |download_dir| downloader.extract_to(download_dir) run_pre_script(File.join(download_dir, subdir)) install_sources(download_dir) run_post_script(File.join(download_dir, subdir)) end end # /etc/install.inf key SELF_UPDATE_KEY = "SelfUpdate".freeze # disable the self update in the install.inf file def disable_self_update return unless InstallInf.exist? inf = InstallInf.new return if inf[SELF_UPDATE_KEY] == "0" msg "Disabling the YaST SelfUpdate feature in install.inf!" inf[SELF_UPDATE_KEY] = "0" inf.write end end # handle invalid command line options class InvalidCommand def initialize(cmd) @cmd = cmd end def run raise "Invalid command: #{cmd}" end private attr_reader :cmd end # Query the remote server for the running servers class RemoteServer attr_reader :url, :dir def initialize(url, dir) @url = url @dir = dir end def self.find(host) host += ":8000" unless host.include?(":") url = "http://#{host}/servers/index.json" u = URI(url) u.path = "" downloader = Downloader.new(url) JSON.parse(downloader.download).map do |server| u.port = server["port"] new(u.to_s, server["dir"]) end end end # the main script application class Application include YUpdate::Logger def run(argv = ARGV) cmd = Options.parse(argv) cmd.run rescue StandardError => e # the global exception handler msg("ERROR: #{e.message}") exit 1 end end end # do not execute the script when the file is loaded by some other script # e.g. by a test, allow testing parts of the code without executing it as a whole if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME # main app = YUpdate::Application.new app.run end