#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import argparse import avahi import codecs import dbus import errno import gettext from gi.repository import GObject import ipaddress import logging import os import shutil import signal import socket import sys import time import telnetlib from configparser import ConfigParser from functools import partial from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop # Look for nfs shares NFS_TYPE = '_nfs._tcp' # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # From https://github.com/senufo/xbmc-vdrclient/blob/master/test_svdrp.py # Copyright (C) Kenneth Falck 2011. # edited by Alexander Grothe 2013-2016 # Distribution allowed under the Simplified BSD License. class SVDRPClient(object): def __init__(self, host, port): self.telnet = telnetlib.Telnet() self.host = host self.port = port self.encoding = 'ascii' self.changed_encoding = False def __enter__(self): self.telnet.open(self.host, self.port) logging.debug(self.read_response()) return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.send_command('QUIT') self.telnet.close() def send_command(self, line): logging.debug("encoding: %s", self.encoding) self.telnet.write((line + '\n').encode(self.encoding)) def read_line(self): line = self.telnet.read_until(b'\n', 10).decode(self.encoding) line = line.rstrip('\r\n') if not self.changed_encoding: self.encoding = line.rsplit(';', 1)[-1].strip().lower() self.changed_encoding = True if len(line) < 4: return None return int(line[0:3]), line[3] == '-', line[4:] def read_response(self): response = [] line = self.read_line() if line: response.append(line) while line and line[1]: line = self.read_line() if line: response.append(line) return response # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class BaseClass: unsafe_chars = ("<", ">", "?", "&", '"', ":", "|", "\\", "*") def replace_unsafe_chars(self, string): if self.fat_safe_names: for char in self.unsafe_chars: string = string.replace( char, "#{0:x}".format(ord(char))) return string def mkdir_p(self, path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise def translate_path(self, path, use_i18n=False): elsub = [] path = path.lstrip(os.path.sep) # remove leading path separator if use_i18n: for element in path.split('/'): elsub.append(_("%s" % element)) path = "/".join(elsub) return path def create_link(self, origin, target): if not os.path.exists(target) and not os.path.islink(target): try: self.mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(target)) logging.debug("creating directory {}".format(target)) except OSError as e: logging.error(e) try: os.symlink(origin, target) logging.debug("creating symlink from {} to {}".format(target, origin)) except OSError as e: logging.error(e) def unlink(self, target): if os.path.islink(target): logging.debug("remove link %s" % target) try: os.unlink(target) except OSError as e: logging.error(e) class SVDRPConnection: def __init__(self, host, port): self.host = host self.port = port def __enter__(self): return self def sendCommand(self, command=None, expected=250): if command: try: with SVDRPClient(self.host, self.port) as svdrp: svdrp.send_command(command) success = False answer = [] for num, flag, message in svdrp.read_response(): if num == expected: success = True answer.append((num, flag, message)) return success, answer except OSError as e: logging.warn("could not connect to vdr: %s", e.strerror) return False, None except Exception as error: logging.exception(error) logging.debug("could not connect to VDR via SVDRP") return False, None def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): pass class checkDBus4VDR: def __init__(self, bus, config, avahi): self.config = config self.avahi = avahi if self.config.dbus2vdr is True: self.bus = bus self.bus.add_signal_receiver( self.signal_handler, interface_keyword='interface', member_keyword='member' ) try: self.config.vdr_running = self.check_dbus2vdr() except: logging.debug("VDR not reachable") self.config.vdr_running = False def signal_handler(self, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs['interface'] == 'de.tvdr.vdr.vdr': if kwargs['member'] == "Stop": logging.info("VDR stopped") self.config.vdr_running = False elif kwargs['member'] == "Start": logging.info("VDR started") elif kwargs['member'] == "Ready": self.config.vdr_running = True update_recdir() def check_dbus2vdr(self): self.vdr = self.bus.get_object('de.tvdr.vdr', '/vdr') status = self.vdr.Status(dbus_interface='de.tvdr.vdr.vdr') if status == "Ready": return True class Config(BaseClass): def __init__(self, options): self.vdr_running = False self.options = options self.updateJob = None self.parser = self.read_config_files() self.set_up_logger() self.mediadir = self.get_setting('targetdirs', 'media', '/tmp') self.vdrdir = self.get_setting('targetdirs', 'vdr', "/tmp") self.autofsdir = self.get_setting('options', 'autofsdir', "/net") self.use_i18n = self.get_settingb('options', 'use_i18n', False) self.nfs_prefix = self.get_setting('options', 'nfs_prefix', "") self.nfs_suffix = self.get_setting('options', 'nfs_suffix', "") self.use_hostname = self.get_settingb('options', 'use_hostname', False) self.static_suffix = self.get_setting('options', 'static_suffix', "") self.fat_safe_names = self.get_settingb('options', 'fat_safe_names', False) self.nfs_prefix = self.replace_unsafe_chars(self.nfs_prefix) self.nfs_suffix = self.replace_unsafe_chars(self.nfs_suffix) self.dbus2vdr = self.get_settingb('options', 'dbus2vdr', False) self.svdrp_port = int(self.get_setting('options', 'svdrp_port', 6419)) self.ip_whitelist = self.set_up_netlist( 'ip_whitelist', default=[ ipaddress.ip_network(''), ipaddress.ip_network('0::0/0') ] ) self.ip_blacklist = self.set_up_netlist('ip_blacklist') self.localdirs = {} self.mediastaticmounts = {} if self.parser.has_section('localdirs'): for subtype, directory in self.parser.items('localdirs'): self.localdirs[subtype] = directory if self.parser.has_section('media_static_mount'): for subtype, directory in self.parser.items('media_static_mount'): self.mediastaticmounts[subtype] = directory self.vdrstaticmounts = {} if self.parser.has_section("vdr_static_mount"): for subtype, directory in self.parser.items('vdr_static_mount'): self.vdrstaticmounts[subtype] = directory logging.info("Started avahi-linker") logging.debug(""" Current Config: --------------------------------------------------------- media directory: {mediadir} VDR recordings: {vdrdir} autofs directory: {autofsdir} Local directories: {localdirs} VDR Static remote directories: {vdrstaticmounts} Media Static remote directories: {mediastaticmounts} use translations: {use_il8n} use fat_safe_names: {fat_safe_names} Prefix for NFS mounts: {nfs_prefix} Suffix for NFS mounts: {nfs_suffix} use dbus2vdr: {dbus2vdr} SVDRP-Port: {svdrp_port} IP whitelist: {ip_whitelist} IP blacklist: {ip_blacklist} Hostname: {hostname} Log to file: {log2file} Logfile: {logfile} Loglevel: {loglevel} """.format(mediadir=self.mediadir, vdrdir=self.vdrdir, autofsdir=self.autofsdir, use_il8n=self.use_i18n, nfs_prefix=self.nfs_prefix, nfs_suffix=self.nfs_suffix, fat_safe_names=self.fat_safe_names, dbus2vdr=self.dbus2vdr, svdrp_port=self.svdrp_port, ip_whitelist=self.ip_whitelist, ip_blacklist=self.ip_blacklist, hostname=self.hostname, loglevel=self.loglevel, logfile=self.logfile, log2file=self.log2file, vdrstaticmounts=self.vdrstaticmounts, mediastaticmounts=self.mediastaticmounts, localdirs=self.localdirs ) ) def read_config_files(self): """read all config files for avahi-linker from configdir. DO NOT USE logging calls until logging is set up!""" parser = ConfigParser() try: with codecs.open(self.options['config'], 'r', encoding='utf-8' ) as f: parser.readfp(f) except OSError as e: logging.exception("could not read config file %s: %s", self.options['config'], e.strerror) sys.exit("could not read config file {}".format( self.options['config'])) configdir = os.path.dirname(self.options['config']) for opt_config in [os.path.join(configdir, u'staticmount.cfg'), os.path.join(configdir, u'localdirs.cfg'), os.path.join(configdir, u'wfe-static.cfg')]: try: with codecs.open(opt_config, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: parser.readfp(f) except OSError as e: pass except Exception as e: print(e) else: print("read config file {}".format(opt_config)) return parser def set_up_netlist(self, netlist_name, default=[]): if self.parser.has_option('options', netlist_name): ip_list = self.parser.get('options', netlist_name).split() netlist = [] for ip in ip_list: try: netlist.append(ipaddress.ip_network(ip)) except ValueError: logging.error("malformed ip range/address: {0}".format(ip)) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) else: netlist = default return netlist def set_up_logger(self): self.log2file = self.get_settingb('Logging', 'use_file', False) self.logfile = self.get_setting('Logging', 'logfile', '/tmp/avahi-mounter.log') self.loglevel = self.get_setting('Logging', 'loglevel', 'DEBUG') self.hostname = socket.gethostname() if self.log2file: logging.basicConfig( filename=self.logfile, level=getattr(logging, self.loglevel), format='%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-6s %(message)s', ) else: logging.basicConfig( level=getattr(logging, self.loglevel), format='%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-6s %(message)s', ) def get_setting(self, category, setting, default=None): if self.parser.has_option(category, setting): return self.parser.get(category, setting) else: return default def get_settingb(self, category, setting, default=False): if self.parser.has_option(category, setting): return self.parser.getboolean(category, setting) else: return default def update_recdir(self): if self.updateJob is not None: try: logging.debug("prevent double update") try: GObject.source_remove(self.updateJob) except: pass self.updateJob = GObject.timeout_add(250, update_recdir) except: logging.warn("could not inhibit vdr rec updte") self.updateJob = GObject.timeout_add(250, update_recdir) else: self.updateJob = GObject.timeout_add(250, update_recdir) class LocalLinker(BaseClass): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self._translate_path = partial( self.translate_path, use_i18n=self.config.use_i18n) for subtype, localdir in config.localdirs.items(): subtype = self._translate_path(subtype) self.create_link(localdir, os.path.join(config.mediadir, subtype, "local")) for subtype, netdir in config.mediastaticmounts.items(): subtype, localdir, host = self.prepare(subtype, netdir) self.create_link(localdir, os.path.join(self.config.mediadir, subtype )+self.config.static_suffix ) for subtype, netdir in config.vdrstaticmounts.items(): subtype, localdir, host = self.prepare(subtype, netdir) logging.debug('static vdr dir: %s' % netdir) logging.debug("path is '%s'" % subtype) # basedir = os.path.join(self.config.mediadir, subtype) target = self.get_target("vdr", subtype, host) vdr_target = self.get_vdr_target(subtype, host) self.create_link(localdir, target) self.create_link(target, vdr_target) self.config.update_recdir() def prepare(self, subtype, netdir): subtype = self._translate_path(subtype) logging.debug("subtype : %s" % subtype) localdir = os.path.join(self.config.autofsdir, netdir) host = netdir.split('/')[0] logging.debug("Host: {0} type {1}".format(host, type(host))) return subtype, localdir, host def get_target(self, vdr, subtype, host): return os.path.join( self.config.mediadir, vdr, subtype, host, )+"(for static {0})".format(self.config.hostname) def get_vdr_target(self, subtype, host): target = os.path.join(self.config.vdrdir, subtype)+self.config.static_suffix logging.debug("vdr target: %s" % target) return target def unlink_all(self): for subtype, localdir in self.config.localdirs.items(): logging.debug("unlink %s" % os.path.join(self.config.mediadir, subtype, "local") ) subtype = self._translate_path(subtype) self.unlink(os.path.join(self.config.mediadir, subtype, "local")) for subtype, netdir in config.mediastaticmounts.items(): subtype, localdir, host = self.prepare(subtype, netdir) self.unlink(os.path.join( self.config.mediadir, subtype)+self.config.static_suffix) for subtype, netdir in config.vdrstaticmounts.items(): subtype, localdir, host = self.prepare(subtype, netdir) self.unlink(self.get_target("vdr", subtype, host)) self.unlink(self.get_vdr_target(subtype, host)) if self.config.job is None: self.config.job = GObject.timeout_add(500, update_recdir) class AvahiService: def __init__(self, config): self.linked = {} self.config = config self.update_recdir = self.config.update_recdir def print_error(self, *args): logging.error(u'Avahi error_handler:\n{0}'.format(args[0])) def read_payload(self, array): attributes = {} for attribute in array: key, value = attribute.decode().split("=") attributes[key] = value return attributes def service_added(self, interface, protocol, name, stype, domain, flags): logging.debug("Detected service '%s' type '%s' domain '%s' " % ( name, stype, domain)) if flags & avahi.LOOKUP_RESULT_LOCAL: logging.info( "skip local service '%s' type '%s' domain '%s' " % (name, stype, domain) ) pass else: logging.debug( "Checking service '%s' type '%s' domain '%s' " % (name, stype, domain) ) server.ResolveService( interface, protocol, name, stype, domain, avahi.PROTO_UNSPEC, dbus.UInt32(0), reply_handler=self.service_resolved, error_handler=self.print_error, byte_arrays=True # Note: avahi.PROTO_UNSPEC: IPv4 (PROTO_INET) and IPV6 # (PROTO_IPTV6) ) def service_resolved(self, interface, protocol, name, stype, domain, host, aprotocol, address, port, raw_payload, flags): sharename = "{share} on {host}".format(share=name, host=host) attributes = { 'interface': interface, 'protocol': protocol, 'name': name, 'stype': stype, 'domain': domain, 'host': host, 'aprotocol': aprotocol, 'address': address, 'port': port, 'payload': self.read_payload(raw_payload), 'flags': flags, 'sharename': sharename, } _sharename = "{share} on {host}: {txt}".format(share=name, host=host, txt=attributes['payload'] ) logging.debug("avahi-service resolved: %s", _sharename) ip = ipaddress.ip_address(address) if any( [ip_range for ip_range in self.config.ip_whitelist if ip in ip_range] ) and not any( [ip_range for ip_range in self.config.ip_blacklist if ip in ip_range] ): if _sharename not in self.linked: share = nfsService(attributes, self.config) self.linked[_sharename] = share else: logging.debug( "skipped share {0} on {1}: already used".format(name, host) ) else: logging.debug( "skipped share {0} on {1}: IP {2} is set to be ignored".format( name, host, address) ) def service_removed(self, interface, protocol, name, typ, domain, flags): logging.info("service removed: %s %s %s %s %s %s" % ( interface, protocol, name, typ, domain, flags)) if flags & avahi.LOOKUP_RESULT_LOCAL: # local service, skip pass else: sharename = next((sharename for sharename, share in self.linked.items() if share.name == name), None) logging.debug("removing %s" % sharename) if sharename is not None: self.linked[sharename].unlink() self.linked.pop(sharename, None) def unlink_all(self): for share in self.linked: self.linked[share].unlink() class nfsService(BaseClass): """this class holds all attributes of a detected avahi service and the methods to handle it""" def __init__(self, attributes, config): self.config = config self._translate_path = partial( self.translate_path, use_i18n=self.config.use_i18n) self.__dict__.update(attributes) if "path" in self.payload: self.path = self.payload['path'] else: raise AttributeError("missing path for share") if "subtype" in self.payload: self.subtype = self.payload['subtype'] original = self.subtype self.subtype = self._translate_path(self.subtype) logging.debug( "translated {0} to {1}".format(original, self.subtype)) else: raise AttributeError("missing subtype for share") if "category" in self.payload: self.category = self._translate_path(self.payload['category']) if self.subtype: self.basedir = os.path.join(self.config.mediadir, self.subtype) else: raise AttributeError( "missing subtype for share {}\nattributes: {}".format( self.name, self.payload) ) self.update_recdir = self.config.update_recdir self.counter = 0 self.job = None self.origin = self.get_origin() if not self.origin: return if self.config.use_hostname: self.sharename = (lambda host: host.split('.')[0])( self.host) else: self.sharename = self.name self.target = self.get_target() if self.subtype == "vdr": # sanitize name for windows clients (vdr with # --dirnames=,,1 # or --fat option can display them properly) self.sharename = self.replace_unsafe_chars( self.sharename) # "/" is not allowed (would create a subdirectory) # " " would hinder the vdr to access a path self.sharename = self.sharename.replace( "/", "-").replace(" ", "_") self.sharename = "".join( (self.config.nfs_prefix, self.sharename, self.config.nfs_suffix) ) self.vdr_target = self.get_vdr_target() if self.vdr_target: self.create_link() self.create_extralink(self.vdr_target) self.update_recdir() else: self.sharename = self.safe_sharename self.create_link() def __getattr__(self, attr): # return None if attribute is undefined return self.__dict__.get(attr, None) def get_origin(self): return os.path.join( self.config.autofsdir, (lambda host: host.split('.')[0])(self.host), (lambda path: path if not path.startswith( os.path.sep) else path[1:])(self.path) ) def get_vdr_target(self): vdr_target = os.path.join( self.config.vdrdir, (lambda category: category if category is not None else "")( self.category), self.sharename ) if os.path.abspath(vdr_target).startswith(self.config.vdrdir): return vdr_target else: logging.error("Path %s is outside of vdrdir - ignoring" % vdr_target) return None def get_target(self): category = (lambda category: category if category is not None else "")( self.category) target = os.path.join( self.basedir, category, self.sharename ) if os.path.abspath(target).startswith(self.basedir): return target else: logging.error("Path %s is outside of basedir - ignoring" % target) return None def create_link(self): if (self.target and not os.path.islink(self.target) and not os.path.exists(self.target)): self.mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(self.target)) if self.subtype == "vdr": self.target = "%s for %s" % (self.target, self.config.hostname) elif self.config.use_hostname: self.target = self.target try: super().create_link(self.origin, self.target) logging.debug( "created symlink from {} to {} for {}".format( origin=self.origin, target=self.target, share=self.sharename ) ) except: logging.debug( "symlink from '{}' to '{}' for '{}' already exists".format( self.origin, self.target, self.sharename ) ) def create_extralink(self, target): if target and not os.path.islink(target) and not os.path.exists(target): self.mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(target)) os.symlink(self.target, target) logging.info("created additional symlink for remote VDR dir") def wait_for_path(self, path): timeout = 0 while True: if os.path.exists(self.origin): logging.debug("autofs-path exists: %s" % (self.origin)) return True logging.debug("autofs-path does not exist, try again in 1s") time.sleep(1) timeout += 1 if timeout > 120: logging.debug( "autofs-path was not available within 120s, giving up") return False def unlink(self): logging.debug("unlinking %s" % self.target) super().unlink(self.target) if self.vdr_target and self.subtype == "vdr": super().unlink(self.vdr_target) self.update_recdir() def update_recdir(): try: if config.dbus2vdr is True: bus = dbus.SystemBus() dbus2vdr = bus.get_object('de.tvdr.vdr', '/Recordings') answer = dbus.Int32(0) anwer, message = dbus2vdr.Update( dbus_interface='de.tvdr.vdr.recording') logging.info("Update recdir via dbus: %s %s", answer, message) else: with SVDRPConnection('', config.svdrp_port) as svdrp_con: success, message = svdrp_con.sendCommand("UPDR") if success: logging.info( "Update recdir via SVDRP: %s %s", success, message) else: raise OSError.ConnectionError success = True except (OSError, dbus.exceptions.DBusException): success = touch_update() finally: config.job = None config.updateJob = None "we need to return false, so GObject won't run it again after timeout" return False def touch_update(): updatepath = os.path.join(config.vdrdir, ".update") logging.info("fallback to updating %s" % updatepath) try: os.utime(updatepath, None) except OSError as e: logging.error(e) logging.info("Create %s" % updatepath) try: open(updatepath, 'a').close() shutil.chown(updatepath, 'vdr', 'vdr') except OSError as e: logging.error(e) return True else: logging.info("set access time for .update") def sigint(*args, **kwargs): logging.info("got %s" % signal) locallinker.unlink_all() avahiservice.unlink_all() logging.debug('shutting down, vdr is running: %s' % config.vdr_running) if config.vdr_running: update_recdir() GObject.MainLoop().quit() sys.exit(0) class Options(): def __init__(self): self.argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='link avahi announced nfs shares') self.argparser.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest="config", action='store', help='config file(s)', default='/etc/avahi-linker/default.cfg', metavar="CONFIG_FILE" ) def get_options(self): options = vars(self.argparser.parse_args()) return options if __name__ == "__main__": loop = DBusGMainLoop() options = Options() bus = dbus.SystemBus(mainloop=loop) gettext.install('avahi-linker', '/usr/share/locale') config = Config(options.get_options()) locallinker = LocalLinker(config) server = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(avahi.DBUS_NAME, '/'), 'org.freedesktop.Avahi.Server') sbrowser = dbus.Interface( bus.get_object(avahi.DBUS_NAME, server.ServiceBrowserNew( avahi.IF_UNSPEC, avahi.PROTO_UNSPEC, NFS_TYPE, 'local', dbus.UInt32(0), byte_arrays=True ), ), avahi.DBUS_INTERFACE_SERVICE_BROWSER, ) avahiservice = AvahiService(config) sbrowser.connect_to_signal("ItemNew", avahiservice.service_added, byte_arrays=True) sbrowser.connect_to_signal("ItemRemove", avahiservice.service_removed, byte_arrays=True) vdr_watchdog = checkDBus4VDR(bus, config, avahiservice) mainloop = GObject.MainLoop() try: mainloop.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: sigint("KeyboardInterrup") except Exception as e: sigint(e)