#!/usr/bin/perl # (The MIT License) # # Copyright (c) 2022-2025 Yegor Bugayenko # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # 0000/00/00 0.0.0 package bibcop; use warnings; use strict; use POSIX; use File::Basename; # Hash of incoming command line arguments. my %args = map { $_ => 1 } @ARGV; # If you want to add an extra check, just create a new procedure # named as "check_*". # Only these tags are allowed and only these types of entries. my %blessed = ( 'article' => ['doi', 'year', 'title', 'author', 'journal', 'volume', 'number', 'month?', 'pages?'], 'inproceedings' => ['doi', 'booktitle', 'title', 'author', 'year', 'pages?', 'month?', 'organization?', 'volume?'], 'incollection' => ['doi', 'booktitle', 'title', 'author', 'year', 'editor', 'pages?', 'month?', 'volume?', 'publisher?'], 'book' => ['title', 'author', 'year', 'publisher', 'doi?', 'edition?'], 'phdthesis' => ['title', 'author', 'year', 'school', 'doi?'], 'misc' => ['title', 'author', 'year', 'eprint?', 'archiveprefix?', 'primaryclass?', 'month?', 'organization?', 'doi?', 'howpublished?', 'note?'], ); # See https://research.arizona.edu/faq/what-do-you-mean-when-you-say-use-title-case-proposalproject-titles my %minors = map { $_ => 1 } qw/in of at to by the a an and or as if up via yet nor but off on for into vs versus/; # Check the presence of mandatory tags. sub check_mandatory_tags { if (exists $args{'--no:tags'}) { return; } my (%entry) = @_; my $type = $entry{':type'}; if (not exists $blessed{$type}) { return "The type of entry is not allowed: '$type'" } my $mandatory = $blessed{$type}; foreach my $tag (@$mandatory) { if ($tag =~ /^.*\?$/) { next; } if (not(exists $entry{$tag})) { my $listed = listed_tags(%entry); if ($tag eq 'doi' and exists $args{'--no:doi'}) { next; } return "A mandatory '$tag' tag for '\@$type' is missing among $listed" } } if (exists $blessed{$type}) { my %required = map { $_ => 1 } @$mandatory; foreach my $tag (keys %entry) { if ($tag =~ /^:/) { next; } if (not(exists $required{$tag}) && not(exists $required{$tag . '?'})) { return "The '$tag' tag is not suitable for '$type', use only these: (@$mandatory)" } } } } # Check that all major words are capitalized. sub check_capitalization { if (exists $args{'--no:caps'}) { return; } my (%entry) = @_; my %tags = map { $_ => 1 } qw/title booktitle journal publisher organization/; foreach my $tag (keys %entry) { if (not exists $tags{$tag}) { next; } my @ends = qw/ ; ? . --- : ! /; my $value = $entry{$tag}; my @words = only_words($value); my $pos = 0; foreach my $word (@words) { $word =~ s/\.$//g; $pos = $pos + 1; if (not $word =~ /^[A-Za-z]/) { next; } if ($word =~ /^\{.*|.*\}$/) { next; } if (exists $minors{$word}) { if ($pos eq 1) { return "The minor word '$word' in the '$tag' must be upper-cased since it is the first one" } my $before = $words[$pos - 2]; if (grep(/^\Q$before\E$/, @ends)) { return "The minor word '$word' in the '$tag' must be upper-cased, because it follows the '$before'" } next; } if (exists $minors{lc($word)}) { if ($pos eq 1) { next; } my $before = $words[$pos - 2]; if (grep(/^\Q$before\E$/, @ends)) { next; } return "All minor words in the '$tag' must be lower-cased, while @{[as_position($pos)]} word '$word' is not" } if ($word =~ /^[a-z].*/) { return "All major words in the '$tag' must be capitalized, while @{[as_position($pos)]} word '$word' is not" } } } } # Check that the 'author' is formatted correctly. sub check_author { my (%entry) = @_; my @tags = qw/author editor/; foreach my $tag (@tags) { if (not exists $entry{$tag}) { next; } if ($entry{$tag} =~ /^\{.+\}$/) { next; } my $author = clean_tex($entry{$tag}); my @authors = split(/\s+and\s+/, $author); my $pos = 0; for my $a (@authors) { $pos += 1; if ($a eq 'others') { next; } if (index($a, ' ') != -1 and index($a, ',') == -1) { return "The last name should go first, all other names must follow, after a comma in @{[as_position($pos)]} '$tag', as in 'Knuth, Donald E.'"; } my $npos = 0; for my $name (split(/[ ,]+/, $a)) { $npos += 1; if (index($name, '{') != -1) { next; } if ($name =~ /^[A-Z]\.$/) { next; } if ($name =~ /^[A-Z][^.]+$/) { next } if ($name =~ /^(van|de|der|dos)$/) { next } if ($name =~ /^[A-Z]$/) { return "A shortened name must have a tailing dot in @{[as_position($pos)]} '$tag', as in 'Knuth, Donald E.'"; } return "In @{[as_position($pos)]} '$tag' @{[as_position($npos)]} name looks suspicious ($name), use something like 'Knuth, Donald E. and Duane, Bibby'"; } } } } # Check that titles don't have shortened words with a tailing dot. sub check_shortenings { my (%entry) = @_; my %tags = map { $_ => 1 } qw/title booktitle journal/; foreach my $tag (keys %entry) { if (not exists $tags{$tag}) { next; } my $value = $entry{$tag}; my @words = split(/ /, clean_tex($value)); foreach my $word (@words) { if (not $word =~ /^[A-Za-z]/) { next; } if ($word eq 'vs.') { next; } if ($word =~ /\.\.\.$/) { next; } if ($word =~ /^.*\.$/) { return "Do not shorten the words in the '$tag', such as '$word'" } } } } # Check the right format of the 'title' and 'booktitle.' sub check_wrapping { if (exists $args{'--no:wraps'}) { return; } my (%entry) = @_; my @tags = qw/title booktitle/; foreach my $tag (@tags) { if (not exists($entry{$tag})) { next; } my $title = $entry{$tag}; if (not $title =~ /^\{.+\}$/) { return "The '$tag' must be wrapped in double curled brackets" } } } # Check the right format of the tags for arXiv. # See https://arxiv.org/help/arxiv_identifier sub check_arXiv { my (%entry) = @_; if (exists($entry{'archiveprefix'})) { if (not exists $entry{'eprint'}) { return "The 'eprint' is mandatory when 'archiveprefix' is there" } if (not $entry{'eprint'} =~ /^[0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{4,5}(v[0-9]+)?$/) { return "The 'eprint' must have two integers separated by a dot" } my $eprint = $entry{'eprint'}; my ($head, $tail) = split(/\./, $eprint); my $year = substr($head, 0, 2); my $month = substr($head, 2); if ($month > 12) { return "The month '$month' of the 'eprint' is wrong, it can't be bigger than 12" } if (not exists $entry{'primaryclass'}) { return "The 'primaryclass' is mandatory when 'archiveprefix' is there" } if (not $entry{'primaryclass'} =~ /^[a-z]{2,}\.[A-Z]{2}$/) { return "The 'primaryclass' must have two parts, like 'cs.PL'" } } } # Check that organization is not mentioned in the booktitle. sub check_org_in_booktitle { if (exists $args{'--no:org'}) { return; } my (%entry) = @_; my @orgs = qw/ACM IEEE/; if (exists($entry{'booktitle'})) { my $title = $entry{'booktitle'}; foreach my $o (@orgs) { if ($title =~ /^.*\Q$o\E.*$/) { return "The '$o' organization must not be mentioned in the booktitle, use 'publisher' tag instead" } } if ($title =~ /^.*(ACM|IEEE).*$/) { return "Don't mention the" } } } # Check that no values have tailing dots. # Check that there are no spaces before commans. sub check_typography { my (%entry) = @_; my %symbols = ( '...' => 'ellipses', '.' => 'dot', ',' => 'comma', ';' => 'semi-colon', ':' => 'colon', '!' => 'exclamation mark', '?' => 'question mark', '-' => 'dash', '--' => 'double dash', '---' => 'triple dash', '(' => 'opening bracket', ')' => 'closing bracket', '[' => 'opening square bracket', ']' => 'closing square bracket', ); my @need_spaces_around = ( '---', '...' ); my @no_spaces_around = ( '--', '-' ); my @no_space_before = ( '.', ',', ';', ':', '?', '!', ')', ']' ); my @no_space_after = ( '(', '[' ); my @need_space_before = ( '(', '[' ); my @need_space_after = ( ')', ']', ',' ); my @good_tails = ( 'Inc.', 'Ltd.' ); my @bad_tails = ( '.', ',', ';', ':', '-' ); foreach my $tag (keys %entry) { if ($tag =~ /^:.*/) { next; } if ($tag eq 'doi') { next; } my $value = $entry{$tag}; foreach my $s (@bad_tails) { if ($s eq '.' and ($tag eq 'author' or $tag eq 'editor')) { next; } my $good = 0; foreach my $s (@good_tails) { if ($value =~ /^.*\Q$s\E$/) { $good = 1; } } if (not $good) { if ($value =~ /^.*\Q$s\E$/) { return "The '$tag' must not end with a $symbols{$s}" } } } foreach my $s (@no_space_before) { if ($value =~ /^.*\s\Q$s\E(?!\Q$s\E).*$/) { return "In the '$tag', do not put a space before the $symbols{$s}" } } foreach my $s (@no_space_after) { if ($value =~ /^.*\Q$s\E\s.*$/) { return "In the '$tag', do not put a space after the $symbols{$s}" } } foreach my $s (@need_space_before) { if ($value =~ /^.*[^\{\s\\]\Q$s\E.*$/) { return "In the '$tag', put a space before the $symbols{$s}" } } foreach my $s (@need_space_after) { my $p = join('', @no_space_before); if ($value =~ /^.*[^\\]\Q$s\E[^\}\s\Q$p\E].*$/) { return "In the '$tag', put a space after the $symbols{$s}" } } foreach my $s (@need_spaces_around) { if ($value =~ /^.*[^\s]\Q$s\E.*$/ or $value =~ /^.*\Q$s\E[^\s].*$/) { return "In the '$tag', put spaces around the $symbols{$s}" } } foreach my $s (@no_spaces_around) { if ($value =~ /^.*\s\Q$s\E\s.*$/) { return "In the '$tag', don't put spaces around the $symbols{$s}" } } } } # Check that the type is small letters. sub check_type_capitalization { my (%entry) = @_; my $type = $entry{':type'}; if (not $type =~ /^[a-z]+$/) { return "The type '$type' must be lower-cased" } } # Check that no values have non-ASCII symbols. sub check_ascii { my (%entry) = @_; foreach my $tag (keys %entry) { if ($tag =~ /^:.*/) { next; } my $value = $entry{$tag}; for my $pos (0..length($value)-1) { my $char = substr($value, $pos, 1); my $ord = ord($char); if ($ord == 9 || $ord == 10 || $ord == 13) { next; } if ($ord < 20) { return "In the '$tag', don't use control symbol '0x" . (sprintf '%04x', $ord) . "'" } if ($ord > 0x7f) { return "In the '$tag', don't use Unicode symbol '0x" . (sprintf '%04x', $ord) . "'" } } } } # Check the year is not mentioned in titles. sub check_year_in_titles { my (%entry) = @_; my @tags = qw/title booktitle journal/; foreach my $tag (@tags) { if (not exists($entry{$tag})) { next; } my @words = only_words($entry{$tag}); foreach my $word (@words) { if ($word =~ /^[1-9][0-9]{3}$/) { return "The '$tag' must not contain the year $word, it is enough to have the 'year' tag" } } } } # Check the right format of the 'booktitle' in the 'inproceedings' entry. sub check_booktile_of_inproceedings { if (exists $args{'--no:inproc'}) { return; } my (%entry) = @_; my $tag = 'inproceedings'; if ($entry{':type'} eq $tag) { if (exists $entry{'booktitle'}) { my @words = only_words($entry{'booktitle'}); if (lc($words[0]) ne 'proceedings' or lc($words[1]) ne 'of' or lc($words[2]) ne 'the') { return "The '$tag' must start with 'Proceedings of the ...'" } } } } # Check the right format of the 'doi.' sub check_doi { if (exists $args{'--no:doi'}) { return; } my (%entry) = @_; if (exists $entry{'doi'}) { my $doi = $entry{'doi'}; if (not $doi =~ /^[0-9a-zA-Z.]+\/[0-9a-zA-Z._\-)(><:;\/]+$/) { return "The format of the 'doi' is wrong" } } } # Check the right format of the 'howpublished.' sub check_howpublished { my (%entry) = @_; if (exists $entry{'howpublished'}) { my $how = $entry{'howpublished'}; if (not $how =~ /^\\url\{.+\}$/) { return "The format of the 'howpublished' is wrong, use \\url{} inside" } my $url = substr($how, 5, -1); if (not $url =~ /^https?:\/\/.+$/) { return "The format of the URL in 'howpublished' is wrong, doesn't start with https://: '$url'" } my $max = 64; my $len = length($url); if ($len gt $max) { return "The length of the URL in 'howpublished' is too big ($len > $max), use URL shoftener: '$url'" } } } # Check the right format of the 'year.' sub check_year { my (%entry) = @_; if (exists $entry{'year'}) { my $year = $entry{'year'}; if ($year =~ /^\{.+\}$/) { return; } if (not $year =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { return "The format of the 'year' is wrong, may only contain numbers or must be wrapped in curly braces" } if (not $year =~ /^[0-9]{4}$/) { return "Exactly four digits must be present in the 'year', or it must be wrapped in curly braces" } } } # Check the right format of the 'month.' sub check_month { my (%entry) = @_; if (exists $entry{'month'}) { my $month = $entry{'month'}; if (not $month =~ /^[1-9]|10|11|12|jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec$/) { return "The format of the 'month' is wrong" } } } # Check the right format of the 'volume.' sub check_volume { my (%entry) = @_; if (exists $entry{'volume'}) { my $volume = $entry{'volume'}; if (not $volume =~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/) { return "The format of the 'volume' is wrong" } } } # Check the right format of the 'number.' sub check_number { my (%entry) = @_; if (exists $entry{'number'}) { my $number = $entry{'number'}; if (not $number =~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/) { return "The format of the 'number' is wrong" } } } # Check the right format of the 'pages.' sub check_pages { my (%entry) = @_; if (exists $entry{'pages'}) { my $pages = $entry{'pages'}; if (not $pages =~ /^([1-9][0-9]*--[1-9][0-9]*|[1-9][0-9]*)$/) { return "The format of the 'pages' is wrong" } my @parts = split(/--/, $pages); if (@parts+0 eq 2) { if ($parts[0] eq $parts[1]) { return "The 'pages' mentions the same page twice, just use it once" } if ($parts[0] > $parts[1]) { return "The 'pages' are in the wrong order, since $parts[0] is greater than $parts[1]" } } } } # Check unescaped symbols. sub check_unescaped_symbols { my (%entry) = @_; my @symbols = ( '&' ); foreach my $tag (keys %entry) { if ($tag =~ /^:.*/) { next; } my $value = $entry{$tag}; foreach my $s (@symbols) { if ($value =~ /^(.*[^\\{]|)\Q$s\E.*$/) { return "The '$tag' contains a dangerous unescaped symbol (wrap it in curled brackets if you really need it)" } } } } # Check one entry. sub process_entry { my (%entry) = @_; my @checks; foreach my $entry (keys %bibcop::) { if ($entry =~ /^check_/) { push(@checks, $entry); } } my @sorted = sort @checks; my @errors; foreach my $check (@sorted) { no strict 'refs'; my $err = $check->(%entry); if (defined $err and $err ne '') { push(@errors, $err); } } return @errors; } # Fix one entry. sub entry_fix { my (%entry) = @_; if (not exists $entry{':type'}) { error("I don't know what to do with an entry without a type"); } my $type = $entry{':type'}; if (not exists $blessed{$type}) { error("I don't know what to do with \@$type type of BibTeX entry"); } if (not exists $entry{':name'}) { error("I don't know what to do with an entry without a name"); } my $tags = $blessed{$type}; my %allowed = map { $_ => 1 } @$tags; my @lines; if (exists $entry{'booktitle'} and $entry{':type'} eq 'article') { $entry{'journal'} = $entry{'booktitle'}; } if (exists $entry{'journal'} and $entry{':type'} eq 'inproceedings') { $entry{'booktitle'} = $entry{'journal'}; } foreach my $tag (keys %entry) { if ($tag =~ /^:/) { next; } my $value = clean_tex($entry{$tag}); if ($tag eq 'url') { my $today = strftime('%d-%m-%Y', localtime(time)); push(@lines, " howpublished = {\\url{$value}},"); push(@lines, " note = {[Online; accessed $today]},"); next; } if (not exists $allowed{$tag} and not exists $allowed{$tag . '?'}) { next; } my $fixer = "fix_$tag"; my $fixed = $value; if (defined &{$fixer}) { no strict 'refs'; $value = $fixer->($value); } $value = fix_unicode($value); if ($tag =~ /title|booktitle|journal/) { $value = '{' . $value . '}'; } if (not $value eq '') { push(@lines, " $tag = {$value},"); } } my $fixed = "\@$type\{$entry{':name'},\n"; my @sorted = sort @lines; foreach my $line (@sorted) { $fixed = $fixed . $line . "\n"; } $fixed = $fixed . "}\n\n"; return $fixed; } sub fix_author { my ($value) = @_; $value =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g; my @authors = split(/\s+and\s+/, $value); foreach my $author (@authors) { $author =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; if (index($author, ' {') != -1 or index($author, '} ') != -1) { next; } $author =~ s/ ([A-Z])($| )/ $1.$2/g; if (index($author, ',') == -1) { my @words = split(/\s+/, $author); my $total = @words+0; if ($total > 1) { $author = $words[$total - 1] . ', ' . join(' ', @words[0 .. $total - 2]); } } $author =~ s/([A-Z])\.(?![ ,])/$1. /g; $author =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } return join(' and ', @authors); } sub fix_number { my ($value) = @_; $value =~ s/^0+//g; return $value; } sub fix_month { my ($value) = @_; my %months = ( '1' => 'jan', '2' => 'feb', '3' => 'mar', '4' => 'apr', '5' => 'may', '6' => 'jun', '7' => 'jul', '8' => 'aug', '9' => 'sep', '10' => 'oct', '11' => 'nov', '12' => 'dec', ); $value =~ s/^0+//g; if ($value =~ /^11|12|[0-9]$/) { $value = $months{$value}; } else { my %rev = reverse %months; my $lc = substr(lc($value), 0, 3); if (exists $rev{$lc}) { $value = $lc; } } return $value; } sub fix_capitalization { my ($value) = @_; my @words = split(/\s+/, $value); my $pos = 0; foreach my $word (@words) { $pos += 1; if (not $word =~ /^[A-Za-z]/) { next; } my $start = 1; if ($pos > 1) { my $before = $words[$pos - 2]; if (not $before =~ /(:|\?|!|;|-)$/) { $start = 0; } } my @parts = split(/-/, $word, -1); my $p = 0; foreach my $part (@parts) { $p += 1; my $lcp = lc($part); my $head = $lcp; $head =~ s/[,\.!\?;:]$//g; if (exists $minors{$head}) { if ($p > 1) { my $pre = $parts[$p - 2]; if (not $pre eq '') { $part = $lcp; next; } } elsif (@parts+0 == 1) { if (not $start) { $part = $lcp; next; } } } $part =~ s/^([a-z])/\U$1/g; } $word = join('-', @parts); } return join(' ', @words); } sub fix_title { my ($value) = @_; $value = fix_capitalization($value); $value =~ s/([^ ])---/$1 ---/g; $value =~ s/---([^ ])/--- $1/g; return $value; } sub fix_pages { my ($value) = @_; if ($value =~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/) { return $value; } if ($value eq '') { return $value; } my ($left, $right) = split(/---|--|-|–|—|\s/, $value); $left //= $right; if ($left eq '') { $left = $right; } $right //= $left; if ($right eq '') { $right = $left; } $left =~ s/^0+//g; $right =~ s/^0+//g; if ($left !~ /^[0-9]*$/ or $right !~ /^[0-9]*$/) { return $value; } $left = $left + 0; $right = $right + 0; if ($left > $right) { my $tmp = $left; $left = $right; $right = $tmp; } if ($left eq $right) { return $left; } return $left . '--' . $right; } sub fix_booktitle { my ($value) = @_; $value = fix_capitalization($value); if (index($value, 'Proceedings ') != 0) { $value = 'Proceedings of the ' . $value; } $value =~ s/ (19|20)[0-9]{2} / /g; my @orgs = qw/ACM IEEE ACM\/IEEE IEEE\/ACM/; foreach my $org (@orgs) { $value =~ s/ \Q$org\E / /g; } my %numbers = ( 'First' => '1st', 'Second' => '2nd', 'Third' => '3rd', 'Fourth' => '4th', 'Fifth' => '5th', 'Sixth' => '6th', 'Seventh' => '7th', 'Eighth' => '8th', 'Nineth' => '9th', 'Tenth' => '10th' ); keys %numbers; while(my($left, $right) = each %numbers) { $value =~ s/^Proceedings of the \Q$left\E /Proceedings of the $right /g; } return $value; } sub fix_journal { my ($value) = @_; $value = fix_capitalization($value); return $value; } sub fix_org_name { my ($value) = @_; my @orgs = qw/ACM IEEE/; foreach my $org (@orgs) { $value =~ s/^\Q$org\E($|[^A-Z0-9a-z].*$)/$org/g; } return $value; } sub fix_publisher { my ($value) = @_; $value = fix_capitalization($value); $value = fix_org_name($value); return $value; } sub fix_organization { my ($value) = @_; $value = fix_capitalization($value); $value = fix_org_name($value); return $value; } sub fix_unicode { my ($value) = @_; my %literals = ( 'ò' => '\`{o}', 'ó' => '\\\'{o}', 'ô' => '\^{o}', 'ö' => '\"{o}', 'ő' => '\H{o}', 'ǒ' => '\v{o}', 'õ' => '\~{o}', 'à' => '\`{a}', 'á' => '\\\'{a}', 'â' => '\^{a}', 'ä' => '\"{a}', 'å' => '\r{a}', 'ą' => '\k{a}', 'ǎ' => '\v{a}', 'ã' => '\~{a}', 'ù' => '\`{u}', 'ú' => '\\\'{u}', 'û' => '\^{u}', 'ü' => '\"{u}', 'ů' => '\r{u}', 'ǔ' => '\v{u}', 'ũ' => '\~{u}', 'ì' => '\`{i}', 'í' => '\\\'{i}', 'î' => '\^{i}', 'ï' => '\"{i}', 'ǐ' => '\v{i}', 'ĩ' => '\~{i}', 'ń' => '\\\'{n}', 'ň' => '\v{n}', 'ñ' => '\~{n}', 'ç' => '\c{c}', 'ł' => '\l{}', 'ı' => '{\i}', 'ø' => '\o{}', '–' => '--', '—' => '---', '’' => '\'' ); keys %literals; while(my($k, $v) = each %literals) { $value =~ s/\Q$k\E/$v/g; } return $value; } # Parse the incoming .bib file and return an array # of hash-maps, where each one is a bibentry. sub entries { my ($bib) = @_; my @entries; my $s = 'top'; my %entry; my $acc = ''; my $tag = ''; my $interrupted = ''; # where the comment interrupted the proceeding (state name) my $lineno = 0; my $nest = 0; my $escape = 0; for my $pos (0..length($bib)-1) { my $char = substr($bib, $pos, 1); if ($char eq ' ') { # ignore the white space } elsif ($char eq '%' and not($s eq 'quote')) { if ($pos eq 0 or substr($bib, $pos - 1, 1) ne '\\') { $interrupted = $s; $s = 'comment'; } } elsif ($char eq "\n") { # ignore the EOL $lineno = $lineno + 1; if ($s eq 'comment') { $s = $interrupted; } } elsif ($s eq 'comment') { # ignore the comment } elsif ($s eq 'top') { if ($char eq '@') { %entry = (); $s = 'start'; $acc = ''; } else { warning("Each BibTeX entry must start with '\@', what is '$char' at line no.$lineno?"); last; } } elsif ($char =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ and $s eq 'start') { # @article } elsif ($char eq '{' and $s eq 'start') { $entry{':type'} = substr($acc, 1); $acc = ''; $s = 'body'; } elsif ($char =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]/ and $s eq 'body') { $acc = ''; $s = 'tag'; } elsif ($char =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-\/:]/ and $s eq 'tag') { # reading the tag } elsif ($char =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]/ and $s eq 'value') { # reading the value without quotes or brackets } elsif ($char eq ',' and $s eq 'tag') { $entry{':name'} = $acc; $s = 'body'; } elsif ($char eq '=' and $s eq 'tag') { my $t = lc($acc); if (exists $entry{$t}) { warning("The tag '$t' is seen more than once at line no.$lineno"); } $tag = $t; $s = 'value'; $acc = ''; } elsif ($char eq ',' and $s eq 'value') { if (not exists $entry{$tag}) { my $tex = substr($acc, 1); $tex =~ s/\s//g; $entry{$tag} = $tex; } $s = 'body'; } elsif ($char eq '}' and $s eq 'body') { push(@entries, { %entry }); $s = 'top'; } elsif ($char eq '}' and $s eq 'value') { if (not exists $entry{$tag}) { my $tex = substr($acc, 1); $tex =~ s/\s//g; $entry{$tag} = $tex; } push(@entries, { %entry }); $s = 'top'; } elsif ($char eq '}' and $s eq 'tag') { $entry{':name'} = $acc; push(@entries, { %entry }); $s = 'top'; } elsif ($char eq '"' and $s eq 'value') { $s = 'quote'; $acc = ''; } elsif ($char eq '"' and $s eq 'quote') { $entry{$tag} = substr($acc, 1); $s = 'value'; } elsif ($s eq 'quote') { # nothing } elsif ($char eq '{' and $s eq 'value') { $nest = 1; $s = 'brackets'; $acc = ''; } elsif ($s eq 'brackets') { if ($char eq '\\') { $escape = 1; } elsif ($char eq '{' and $escape ne 1) { $nest = $nest + 1; } elsif ($char eq '}' and $escape ne 1) { $nest = $nest - 1; if ($nest eq 0) { $entry{$tag} = substr($acc, 1); $s = 'value'; } } $escape = 0; } else { warning("It is impossible to parse the .bib file, because I do not know what to do with '$char' at line no.$lineno (s=$s)"); last; } if ($char eq ' ' and not($s =~ /quote|brackets/)) { next; } $acc = $acc . $char; } return @entries; } # Takes the text and returns only list of words seen there. sub only_words { my ($tex) = @_; my $t = clean_tex($tex); $t =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9\\'])/ $1 /g; $t =~ s/- +- +-/---/g; $t =~ s/{ /{/g; $t =~ s/ }/}/g; return split(/ +/, $t); } # Take a TeX string and return a cleaner one, without redundant spaces, brackets, etc. sub clean_tex { my ($tex) = @_; $tex =~ s/\s+/ /g; $tex =~ s/^\s+//g; $tex =~ s/\s+$//g; while ($tex =~ s/^\{(.+)\}$/$1/g) {}; return $tex; } # Turn a number into a position, like 1 -> 1st, 2 -> 2nd, 3 -> 3rd, 4 -> 4th, and so on. sub as_position { my ($i) = @_; my $txt; if ($i == 1) { $txt = '1st'; } elsif ($i == 2) { $txt = '2nd'; } elsif ($i == 3) { $txt = '3rd'; } else { $txt = "${i}th"; } return "the $txt"; } # Take a bibentry and print all its tags as a comma-separated string. sub listed_tags { my (%entry) = @_; my @list; foreach my $tag (keys %entry) { if ($tag =~ /^:.*/) { next; } push(@list, $tag); } my @sorted = sort @list; return '(' . join(', ', @sorted) . ')'; } # Make sure the text can safely be rendered in TeX. sub escape_tex { my ($tex) = @_; $tex =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9-.,+)(:;@ '"]/?/g; return $tex; } # Print ERROR message to the console and die. sub error { my ($txt) = @_; if (exists $args{'--latex'}) { print "\\PackageError{bibcop}{" . escape_tex($txt). "}{}\n"; } else { print STDERR $txt . "\n"; } fail(); } # Print DEBUG message to the console. sub debug { my ($txt) = @_; if (exists $args{'--verbose'}) { if (exists $args{'--latex'}) { print "\\message{bibcop: " . escape_tex($txt) . "^^J}\n"; } else { print $txt . "\n"; } } } # Print INFO message to the console. sub info { my ($txt) = @_; if (exists $args{'--latex'}) { print '% '; } print $txt . "\n"; } # Print INFO message to the console. sub warning { my ($txt) = @_; if (exists $args{'--latex'}) { print "\\PackageWarningNoLine{bibcop}{" . escape_tex($txt) . "}\n"; } else { print $txt . "\n"; } } sub fail { if (exists $args{'--latex'}) { exit(0); } else { exit(1); } } my $script = basename($0); $script =~ s/\.pl$//g; if (not $script eq 'bibcop') { goto END; } if (@ARGV+0 eq 0 or exists $args{'--help'} or exists $args{'-?'}) { info("Bibcop is a style checker of BibTeX files (.bib)\n\n" . "Usage:\n" . " bibcop [] <.bib file path>\n\n" . "Options:\n" . " -v, --version Print the current version of Bibcop and exit\n" . " -?, --help Print this help screen\n" . " --fix Fix the errors and print a new version of the .bib file to the console\n" . " -i, --in-place When used together with the --fix, modifies the file in place, doesn't print it to the console\n" . " --verbose Print supplementary debugging information\n" . " --no:XXX Disable one of the following checks (e.g. --no:wraps):\n" . " tags Only some tags are allowed, while some of them are mandatory\n" . " caps All major words in titles and booktitles must be capitalized\n" . " wraps Double curly braces are required around titles and booktitles\n" . " doi The presence of the 'doi' tag is mandatory in all entries\n" . " inproc The booktitle of \@inproceedings must start with 'Proceedings of the'\n" . " org The booktitle may not mention ACM or IEEE\n" . " --latex Report errors in LaTeX format using the \\PackageWarningNoLine command\n\n" . "If any issues, please, report to GitHub: https://github.com/yegor256/bibcop"); } elsif (exists $args{'--version'} or exists $args{'-v'}) { info('0.0.0 0000/00/00'); } else { my ($file) = grep { not($_ =~ /^-.*$/) } @ARGV; if (not $file) { error('File name must be specified'); } open(my $fh, '<', $file) or error('Cannot open file: ' . $file); my $bib; { local $/; $bib = <$fh>; } my @entries = entries($bib); if (exists $args{'--fix'}) { my $fixed = ''; my %seen; for my $i (0..(@entries+0 - 1)) { my %entry = %{ $entries[$i] }; my $name = $entry{':name'}; if (exists $seen{$name}) { next; } $fixed = $fixed . entry_fix(%entry); $seen{$name} = 1; } if (exists $args{'-i'} or exists $args{'--in-place'}) { open(my $out, '>', $file) or error('Cannot open file for writing: ' . $file); print $out $fixed; close($out); } else { info($fixed); } } else { debug((@entries+0) . ' entries found in ' . $file); my $found = 0; for my $i (0..(@entries+0 - 1)) { my %entry = %{ $entries[$i] }; debug("Checking $entry{':name'} (no.$i)..."); foreach my $err (process_entry(%entry)) { warning("$err, in the '$entry{':name'}' entry"); $found += 1; } } if ($found > 0) { debug("$found problem(s) found"); fail(); } } } END: # In order to finish it with success: 1;