.text .intel_syntax noprefix .file "objects.cpp" .globl main # -- Begin function main .p2align 4, 0x90 .type main,@function main: # @main .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 48 mov dword ptr [rbp - 4], 0 mov dword ptr [rbp - 8], edi mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rsi cmp dword ptr [rbp - 8], 3 je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movabs rdi, offset .L.str mov al, 0 call printf mov dword ptr [rbp - 4], 1 jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_2: mov dword ptr [rbp - 20], 0 mov dword ptr [rbp - 24], 0 mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 16] mov rdi, qword ptr [rax + 8] call atoi mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 16] mov rdi, qword ptr [rax + 16] call atoi mov dword ptr [rbp - 32], eax mov dword ptr [rbp - 36], 0 .LBB0_3: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 36] cmp eax, dword ptr [rbp - 32] jge .LBB0_6 # %bb.4: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 mov edi, dword ptr [rbp - 28] mov eax, dword ptr [dummy] add edi, eax call _Z4calci mov dword ptr [rbp - 24], eax mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 24] add eax, dword ptr [rbp - 20] mov dword ptr [rbp - 20], eax # %bb.5: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 36] add eax, 1 mov dword ptr [rbp - 36], eax jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_6: mov esi, dword ptr [rbp - 28] mov edx, dword ptr [rbp - 24] mov ecx, dword ptr [rbp - 20] movabs rdi, offset .L.str.1 mov al, 0 call printf .LBB0_7: mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 4] add rsp, 48 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end0: .size main, .Lfunc_end0-main .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl _Z4calci # -- Begin function _Z4calci .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _Z4calci,@function _Z4calci: # @_Z4calci .Lfunc_begin0: .cfi_startproc .cfi_personality 3, __gxx_personality_v0 .cfi_lsda 3, .Lexception0 # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 80 mov dword ptr [rbp - 4], edi mov edi, 16 mov qword ptr [rbp - 64], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _Znwm mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 64] # 8-byte Reload mov rcx, rax mov qword ptr [rbp - 56], rcx # 8-byte Spill mov qword ptr [rbp - 48], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp0: call _Znwm .Ltmp1: mov qword ptr [rbp - 40], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB1_1 .LBB1_1: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 40] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 72], rax # 8-byte Spill mov esi, dword ptr [rbp - 4] .Ltmp2: call _ZN7IntegerC2Ei .Ltmp3: jmp .LBB1_2 .LBB1_2: .Ltmp5: mov rsi, qword ptr [rbp - 72] # 8-byte Reload mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 48] # 8-byte Reload call _ZN4FiboC2EP3Int .Ltmp6: jmp .LBB1_3 .LBB1_3: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 48] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rax mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 16] mov dword ptr [rbp - 32], eax mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 16] mov qword ptr [rbp - 80], rax # 8-byte Spill cmp rax, 0 je .LBB1_5 # %bb.4: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 80] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 8] .LBB1_5: mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 32] add rsp, 80 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .LBB1_6: .cfi_def_cfa rbp, 16 .Ltmp7: mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax jmp .LBB1_8 .LBB1_7: .Ltmp4: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 40] # 8-byte Reload mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax call _ZdlPv .LBB1_8: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 56] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv # %bb.9: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 24] call _Unwind_Resume@PLT .Lfunc_end1: .size _Z4calci, .Lfunc_end1-_Z4calci .cfi_endproc .section .gcc_except_table,"a",@progbits .p2align 2 GCC_except_table1: .Lexception0: .byte 255 # @LPStart Encoding = omit .byte 255 # @TType Encoding = omit .byte 1 # Call site Encoding = uleb128 .uleb128 .Lcst_end0-.Lcst_begin0 .Lcst_begin0: .uleb128 .Lfunc_begin0-.Lfunc_begin0 # >> Call Site 1 << .uleb128 .Ltmp0-.Lfunc_begin0 # Call between .Lfunc_begin0 and .Ltmp0 .byte 0 # has no landing pad .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp0-.Lfunc_begin0 # >> Call Site 2 << .uleb128 .Ltmp1-.Ltmp0 # Call between .Ltmp0 and .Ltmp1 .uleb128 .Ltmp7-.Lfunc_begin0 # jumps to .Ltmp7 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp2-.Lfunc_begin0 # >> Call Site 3 << .uleb128 .Ltmp3-.Ltmp2 # Call between .Ltmp2 and .Ltmp3 .uleb128 .Ltmp4-.Lfunc_begin0 # jumps to .Ltmp4 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp5-.Lfunc_begin0 # >> Call Site 4 << .uleb128 .Ltmp6-.Ltmp5 # Call between .Ltmp5 and .Ltmp6 .uleb128 .Ltmp7-.Lfunc_begin0 # jumps to .Ltmp7 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp6-.Lfunc_begin0 # >> Call Site 5 << .uleb128 .Lfunc_end1-.Ltmp6 # Call between .Ltmp6 and .Lfunc_end1 .byte 0 # has no landing pad .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .Lcst_end0: .p2align 2 # -- End function .section .text._ZN7IntegerC2Ei,"axG",@progbits,_ZN7IntegerC2Ei,comdat .weak _ZN7IntegerC2Ei # -- Begin function _ZN7IntegerC2Ei .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN7IntegerC2Ei,@function _ZN7IntegerC2Ei: # @_ZN7IntegerC2Ei .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 32 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov dword ptr [rbp - 12], esi mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _ZN3IntC2Ev mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload movabs rcx, offset _ZTV7Integer add rcx, 16 mov qword ptr [rax], rcx mov ecx, dword ptr [rbp - 12] mov dword ptr [rax + 8], ecx add rsp, 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end2: .size _ZN7IntegerC2Ei, .Lfunc_end2-_ZN7IntegerC2Ei .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN4FiboC2EP3Int,"axG",@progbits,_ZN4FiboC2EP3Int,comdat .weak _ZN4FiboC2EP3Int # -- Begin function _ZN4FiboC2EP3Int .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN4FiboC2EP3Int,@function _ZN4FiboC2EP3Int: # @_ZN4FiboC2EP3Int .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 32 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rsi mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _ZN3IntC2Ev mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload movabs rcx, offset _ZTV4Fibo add rcx, 16 mov qword ptr [rax], rcx mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 16] mov qword ptr [rax + 8], rcx add rsp, 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end3: .size _ZN4FiboC2EP3Int, .Lfunc_end3-_ZN4FiboC2EP3Int .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN3IntC2Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN3IntC2Ev,comdat .weak _ZN3IntC2Ev # -- Begin function _ZN3IntC2Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN3IntC2Ev,@function _ZN3IntC2Ev: # @_ZN3IntC2Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 8] movabs rcx, offset _ZTV3Int add rcx, 16 mov qword ptr [rax], rcx pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end4: .size _ZN3IntC2Ev, .Lfunc_end4-_ZN3IntC2Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN7IntegerD2Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN7IntegerD2Ev,comdat .weak _ZN7IntegerD2Ev # -- Begin function _ZN7IntegerD2Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN7IntegerD2Ev,@function _ZN7IntegerD2Ev: # @_ZN7IntegerD2Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 16 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] call _ZN3IntD2Ev add rsp, 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end5: .size _ZN7IntegerD2Ev, .Lfunc_end5-_ZN7IntegerD2Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN7IntegerD0Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN7IntegerD0Ev,comdat .weak _ZN7IntegerD0Ev # -- Begin function _ZN7IntegerD0Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN7IntegerD0Ev,@function _ZN7IntegerD0Ev: # @_ZN7IntegerD0Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 16 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _ZN7IntegerD2Ev mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv add rsp, 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end6: .size _ZN7IntegerD0Ev, .Lfunc_end6-_ZN7IntegerD0Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN7Integer3getEv,"axG",@progbits,_ZN7Integer3getEv,comdat .weak _ZN7Integer3getEv # -- Begin function _ZN7Integer3getEv .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN7Integer3getEv,@function _ZN7Integer3getEv: # @_ZN7Integer3getEv .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov eax, dword ptr [rax + 8] pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end7: .size _ZN7Integer3getEv, .Lfunc_end7-_ZN7Integer3getEv .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN3IntD2Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN3IntD2Ev,comdat .weak _ZN3IntD2Ev # -- Begin function _ZN3IntD2Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN3IntD2Ev,@function _ZN3IntD2Ev: # @_ZN3IntD2Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end8: .size _ZN3IntD2Ev, .Lfunc_end8-_ZN3IntD2Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN3IntD0Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN3IntD0Ev,comdat .weak _ZN3IntD0Ev # -- Begin function _ZN3IntD0Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN3IntD0Ev,@function _ZN3IntD0Ev: # @_ZN3IntD0Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi ud2 .Lfunc_end9: .size _ZN3IntD0Ev, .Lfunc_end9-_ZN3IntD0Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN4FiboD2Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN4FiboD2Ev,comdat .weak _ZN4FiboD2Ev # -- Begin function _ZN4FiboD2Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN4FiboD2Ev,@function _ZN4FiboD2Ev: # @_ZN4FiboD2Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 32 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rax # 8-byte Spill movabs rcx, offset _ZTV4Fibo add rcx, 16 mov qword ptr [rax], rcx mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rax # 8-byte Spill cmp rax, 0 je .LBB10_2 # %bb.1: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 8] .LBB10_2: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload call _ZN3IntD2Ev add rsp, 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end10: .size _ZN4FiboD2Ev, .Lfunc_end10-_ZN4FiboD2Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN4FiboD0Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN4FiboD0Ev,comdat .weak _ZN4FiboD0Ev # -- Begin function _ZN4FiboD0Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN4FiboD0Ev,@function _ZN4FiboD0Ev: # @_ZN4FiboD0Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 16 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _ZN4FiboD2Ev mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv add rsp, 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end11: .size _ZN4FiboD0Ev, .Lfunc_end11-_ZN4FiboD0Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN4Fibo3getEv,"axG",@progbits,_ZN4Fibo3getEv,comdat .weak _ZN4Fibo3getEv # -- Begin function _ZN4Fibo3getEv .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN4Fibo3getEv,@function _ZN4Fibo3getEv: # @_ZN4Fibo3getEv .Lfunc_begin1: .cfi_startproc .cfi_personality 3, __gxx_personality_v0 .cfi_lsda 3, .Lexception1 # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 320 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 64], rax # 8-byte Spill mov edi, 32 call _Znwm mov rcx, rax mov qword ptr [rbp - 56], rcx # 8-byte Spill mov qword ptr [rbp - 48], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp8: mov edi, 24 call _Znwm .Ltmp9: mov qword ptr [rbp - 40], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB12_1 .LBB12_1: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 40] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 80], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp10: mov edi, 16 call _Znwm .Ltmp11: mov qword ptr [rbp - 72], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB12_2 .LBB12_2: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 72] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 64] # 8-byte Reload mov rcx, rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 88], rcx # 8-byte Spill mov rsi, qword ptr [rax + 8] .Ltmp12: call _ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int .Ltmp13: jmp .LBB12_3 .LBB12_3: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 88] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 104], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp15: mov edi, 16 call _Znwm .Ltmp16: mov qword ptr [rbp - 96], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB12_4 .LBB12_4: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 96] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 112], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp17: mov esi, 2 call _ZN7IntegerC2Ei .Ltmp18: jmp .LBB12_5 .LBB12_5: .Ltmp20: mov rdx, qword ptr [rbp - 112] # 8-byte Reload mov rsi, qword ptr [rbp - 104] # 8-byte Reload mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 80] # 8-byte Reload call _ZN4LessC2EP3IntS1_ .Ltmp21: jmp .LBB12_6 .LBB12_6: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 80] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 128], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp23: mov edi, 16 call _Znwm .Ltmp24: mov qword ptr [rbp - 120], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB12_7 .LBB12_7: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 120] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 136], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp25: mov esi, 1 call _ZN7IntegerC2Ei .Ltmp26: jmp .LBB12_8 .LBB12_8: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 136] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 152], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp28: mov edi, 24 call _Znwm .Ltmp29: mov qword ptr [rbp - 144], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB12_9 .LBB12_9: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 144] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 168], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp30: mov edi, 16 call _Znwm .Ltmp31: mov qword ptr [rbp - 160], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB12_10 .LBB12_10: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 160] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 184], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp32: mov edi, 24 call _Znwm .Ltmp33: mov qword ptr [rbp - 176], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB12_11 .LBB12_11: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 176] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 200], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp34: mov edi, 16 call _Znwm .Ltmp35: mov qword ptr [rbp - 192], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB12_12 .LBB12_12: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 192] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 64] # 8-byte Reload mov rcx, rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 208], rcx # 8-byte Spill mov rsi, qword ptr [rax + 8] .Ltmp36: call _ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int .Ltmp37: jmp .LBB12_13 .LBB12_13: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 208] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 224], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp39: mov edi, 16 call _Znwm .Ltmp40: mov qword ptr [rbp - 216], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB12_14 .LBB12_14: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 216] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 232], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp41: mov esi, 1 call _ZN7IntegerC2Ei .Ltmp42: jmp .LBB12_15 .LBB12_15: .Ltmp44: mov rdx, qword ptr [rbp - 232] # 8-byte Reload mov rsi, qword ptr [rbp - 224] # 8-byte Reload mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 200] # 8-byte Reload call _ZN3SubC2EP3IntS1_ .Ltmp45: jmp .LBB12_16 .LBB12_16: .Ltmp47: mov rsi, qword ptr [rbp - 200] # 8-byte Reload mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 184] # 8-byte Reload call _ZN4FiboC2EP3Int .Ltmp48: jmp .LBB12_17 .LBB12_17: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 184] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 248], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp50: mov edi, 16 call _Znwm .Ltmp51: mov qword ptr [rbp - 240], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB12_18 .LBB12_18: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 240] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 264], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp52: mov edi, 24 call _Znwm .Ltmp53: mov qword ptr [rbp - 256], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB12_19 .LBB12_19: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 256] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 280], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp54: mov edi, 16 call _Znwm .Ltmp55: mov qword ptr [rbp - 272], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB12_20 .LBB12_20: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 272] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 64] # 8-byte Reload mov rcx, rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 288], rcx # 8-byte Spill mov rsi, qword ptr [rax + 8] .Ltmp56: call _ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int .Ltmp57: jmp .LBB12_21 .LBB12_21: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 288] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 304], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp59: mov edi, 16 call _Znwm .Ltmp60: mov qword ptr [rbp - 296], rax # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB12_22 .LBB12_22: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 296] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 312], rax # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp61: mov esi, 2 call _ZN7IntegerC2Ei .Ltmp62: jmp .LBB12_23 .LBB12_23: .Ltmp64: mov rdx, qword ptr [rbp - 312] # 8-byte Reload mov rsi, qword ptr [rbp - 304] # 8-byte Reload mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 280] # 8-byte Reload call _ZN3SubC2EP3IntS1_ .Ltmp65: jmp .LBB12_24 .LBB12_24: .Ltmp67: mov rsi, qword ptr [rbp - 280] # 8-byte Reload mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 264] # 8-byte Reload call _ZN4FiboC2EP3Int .Ltmp68: jmp .LBB12_25 .LBB12_25: .Ltmp70: mov rdx, qword ptr [rbp - 264] # 8-byte Reload mov rsi, qword ptr [rbp - 248] # 8-byte Reload mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 168] # 8-byte Reload call _ZN3AddC2EP3IntS1_ .Ltmp71: jmp .LBB12_26 .LBB12_26: .Ltmp73: mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 168] # 8-byte Reload mov rdx, qword ptr [rbp - 152] # 8-byte Reload mov rsi, qword ptr [rbp - 128] # 8-byte Reload mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 48] # 8-byte Reload call _ZN2IfC2EP4BoolP3IntS3_ .Ltmp74: jmp .LBB12_27 .LBB12_27: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 48] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rax mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 16] mov dword ptr [rbp - 32], eax mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 16] mov qword ptr [rbp - 320], rax # 8-byte Spill cmp rax, 0 je .LBB12_29 # %bb.28: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 320] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 8] .LBB12_29: mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 32] add rsp, 320 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .LBB12_30: .cfi_def_cfa rbp, 16 .Ltmp75: mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax jmp .LBB12_50 .LBB12_31: .Ltmp22: mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax jmp .LBB12_34 .LBB12_32: .Ltmp14: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 72] # 8-byte Reload mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax call _ZdlPv jmp .LBB12_34 .LBB12_33: .Ltmp19: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 96] # 8-byte Reload mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax call _ZdlPv .LBB12_34: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 40] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv jmp .LBB12_50 .LBB12_35: .Ltmp27: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 120] # 8-byte Reload mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax call _ZdlPv jmp .LBB12_50 .LBB12_36: .Ltmp72: mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax jmp .LBB12_49 .LBB12_37: .Ltmp49: mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax jmp .LBB12_42 .LBB12_38: .Ltmp46: mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax jmp .LBB12_41 .LBB12_39: .Ltmp38: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 192] # 8-byte Reload mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax call _ZdlPv jmp .LBB12_41 .LBB12_40: .Ltmp43: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 216] # 8-byte Reload mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax call _ZdlPv .LBB12_41: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 176] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv .LBB12_42: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 160] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv jmp .LBB12_49 .LBB12_43: .Ltmp69: mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax jmp .LBB12_48 .LBB12_44: .Ltmp66: mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax jmp .LBB12_47 .LBB12_45: .Ltmp58: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 272] # 8-byte Reload mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax call _ZdlPv jmp .LBB12_47 .LBB12_46: .Ltmp63: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 296] # 8-byte Reload mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax call _ZdlPv .LBB12_47: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 256] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv .LBB12_48: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 240] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv .LBB12_49: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 144] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv .LBB12_50: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 56] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv # %bb.51: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 24] call _Unwind_Resume@PLT .Lfunc_end12: .size _ZN4Fibo3getEv, .Lfunc_end12-_ZN4Fibo3getEv .cfi_endproc .section .gcc_except_table._ZN4Fibo3getEv,"aG",@progbits,_ZN4Fibo3getEv,comdat .p2align 2 GCC_except_table12: .Lexception1: .byte 255 # @LPStart Encoding = omit .byte 255 # @TType Encoding = omit .byte 1 # Call site Encoding = uleb128 .uleb128 .Lcst_end1-.Lcst_begin1 .Lcst_begin1: .uleb128 .Lfunc_begin1-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 1 << .uleb128 .Ltmp8-.Lfunc_begin1 # Call between .Lfunc_begin1 and .Ltmp8 .byte 0 # has no landing pad .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp8-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 2 << .uleb128 .Ltmp9-.Ltmp8 # Call between .Ltmp8 and .Ltmp9 .uleb128 .Ltmp75-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp75 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp10-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 3 << .uleb128 .Ltmp11-.Ltmp10 # Call between .Ltmp10 and .Ltmp11 .uleb128 .Ltmp22-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp22 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp12-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 4 << .uleb128 .Ltmp13-.Ltmp12 # Call between .Ltmp12 and .Ltmp13 .uleb128 .Ltmp14-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp14 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp15-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 5 << .uleb128 .Ltmp16-.Ltmp15 # Call between .Ltmp15 and .Ltmp16 .uleb128 .Ltmp22-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp22 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp17-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 6 << .uleb128 .Ltmp18-.Ltmp17 # Call between .Ltmp17 and .Ltmp18 .uleb128 .Ltmp19-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp19 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp20-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 7 << .uleb128 .Ltmp21-.Ltmp20 # Call between .Ltmp20 and .Ltmp21 .uleb128 .Ltmp22-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp22 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp23-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 8 << .uleb128 .Ltmp24-.Ltmp23 # Call between .Ltmp23 and .Ltmp24 .uleb128 .Ltmp75-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp75 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp25-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 9 << .uleb128 .Ltmp26-.Ltmp25 # Call between .Ltmp25 and .Ltmp26 .uleb128 .Ltmp27-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp27 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp28-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 10 << .uleb128 .Ltmp29-.Ltmp28 # Call between .Ltmp28 and .Ltmp29 .uleb128 .Ltmp75-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp75 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp30-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 11 << .uleb128 .Ltmp31-.Ltmp30 # Call between .Ltmp30 and .Ltmp31 .uleb128 .Ltmp72-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp72 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp32-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 12 << .uleb128 .Ltmp33-.Ltmp32 # Call between .Ltmp32 and .Ltmp33 .uleb128 .Ltmp49-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp49 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp34-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 13 << .uleb128 .Ltmp35-.Ltmp34 # Call between .Ltmp34 and .Ltmp35 .uleb128 .Ltmp46-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp46 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp36-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 14 << .uleb128 .Ltmp37-.Ltmp36 # Call between .Ltmp36 and .Ltmp37 .uleb128 .Ltmp38-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp38 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp39-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 15 << .uleb128 .Ltmp40-.Ltmp39 # Call between .Ltmp39 and .Ltmp40 .uleb128 .Ltmp46-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp46 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp41-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 16 << .uleb128 .Ltmp42-.Ltmp41 # Call between .Ltmp41 and .Ltmp42 .uleb128 .Ltmp43-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp43 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp44-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 17 << .uleb128 .Ltmp45-.Ltmp44 # Call between .Ltmp44 and .Ltmp45 .uleb128 .Ltmp46-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp46 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp47-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 18 << .uleb128 .Ltmp48-.Ltmp47 # Call between .Ltmp47 and .Ltmp48 .uleb128 .Ltmp49-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp49 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp50-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 19 << .uleb128 .Ltmp51-.Ltmp50 # Call between .Ltmp50 and .Ltmp51 .uleb128 .Ltmp72-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp72 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp52-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 20 << .uleb128 .Ltmp53-.Ltmp52 # Call between .Ltmp52 and .Ltmp53 .uleb128 .Ltmp69-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp69 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp54-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 21 << .uleb128 .Ltmp55-.Ltmp54 # Call between .Ltmp54 and .Ltmp55 .uleb128 .Ltmp66-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp66 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp56-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 22 << .uleb128 .Ltmp57-.Ltmp56 # Call between .Ltmp56 and .Ltmp57 .uleb128 .Ltmp58-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp58 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp59-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 23 << .uleb128 .Ltmp60-.Ltmp59 # Call between .Ltmp59 and .Ltmp60 .uleb128 .Ltmp66-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp66 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp61-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 24 << .uleb128 .Ltmp62-.Ltmp61 # Call between .Ltmp61 and .Ltmp62 .uleb128 .Ltmp63-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp63 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp64-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 25 << .uleb128 .Ltmp65-.Ltmp64 # Call between .Ltmp64 and .Ltmp65 .uleb128 .Ltmp66-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp66 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp67-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 26 << .uleb128 .Ltmp68-.Ltmp67 # Call between .Ltmp67 and .Ltmp68 .uleb128 .Ltmp69-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp69 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp70-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 27 << .uleb128 .Ltmp71-.Ltmp70 # Call between .Ltmp70 and .Ltmp71 .uleb128 .Ltmp72-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp72 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp73-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 28 << .uleb128 .Ltmp74-.Ltmp73 # Call between .Ltmp73 and .Ltmp74 .uleb128 .Ltmp75-.Lfunc_begin1 # jumps to .Ltmp75 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp74-.Lfunc_begin1 # >> Call Site 29 << .uleb128 .Lfunc_end12-.Ltmp74 # Call between .Ltmp74 and .Lfunc_end12 .byte 0 # has no landing pad .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .Lcst_end1: .p2align 2 # -- End function .section .text._ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int,"axG",@progbits,_ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int,comdat .weak _ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int # -- Begin function _ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int,@function _ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int: # @_ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int .Lfunc_begin2: .cfi_startproc .cfi_personality 3, __gxx_personality_v0 .cfi_lsda 3, .Lexception2 # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 48 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rsi mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 48], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _ZN3IntC2Ev mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 48] # 8-byte Reload mov qword ptr [rax], offset _ZTV7Integer+16 add rax, 8 mov qword ptr [rbp - 40], rax # 8-byte Spill mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 16] .Ltmp76: call rax .Ltmp77: mov dword ptr [rbp - 32], eax # 4-byte Spill jmp .LBB13_1 .LBB13_1: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 40] # 8-byte Reload mov ecx, dword ptr [rbp - 32] # 4-byte Reload mov dword ptr [rax], ecx add rsp, 48 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .LBB13_2: .cfi_def_cfa rbp, 16 .Ltmp78: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 48] # 8-byte Reload mov rcx, rax mov eax, edx mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rcx mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax call _ZN3IntD2Ev # %bb.3: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 24] call _Unwind_Resume@PLT .Lfunc_end13: .size _ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int, .Lfunc_end13-_ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int .cfi_endproc .section .gcc_except_table._ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int,"aG",@progbits,_ZN7IntegerC2EP3Int,comdat .p2align 2 GCC_except_table13: .Lexception2: .byte 255 # @LPStart Encoding = omit .byte 255 # @TType Encoding = omit .byte 1 # Call site Encoding = uleb128 .uleb128 .Lcst_end2-.Lcst_begin2 .Lcst_begin2: .uleb128 .Ltmp76-.Lfunc_begin2 # >> Call Site 1 << .uleb128 .Ltmp77-.Ltmp76 # Call between .Ltmp76 and .Ltmp77 .uleb128 .Ltmp78-.Lfunc_begin2 # jumps to .Ltmp78 .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .uleb128 .Ltmp77-.Lfunc_begin2 # >> Call Site 2 << .uleb128 .Lfunc_end13-.Ltmp77 # Call between .Ltmp77 and .Lfunc_end13 .byte 0 # has no landing pad .byte 0 # On action: cleanup .Lcst_end2: .p2align 2 # -- End function .section .text._ZN4LessC2EP3IntS1_,"axG",@progbits,_ZN4LessC2EP3IntS1_,comdat .weak _ZN4LessC2EP3IntS1_ # -- Begin function _ZN4LessC2EP3IntS1_ .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN4LessC2EP3IntS1_,@function _ZN4LessC2EP3IntS1_: # @_ZN4LessC2EP3IntS1_ .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 32 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rsi mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rdx mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 32], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _ZN4BoolC2Ev mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 32] # 8-byte Reload movabs rcx, offset _ZTV4Less add rcx, 16 mov qword ptr [rax], rcx mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 16] mov qword ptr [rax + 8], rcx mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 24] mov qword ptr [rax + 16], rcx add rsp, 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end14: .size _ZN4LessC2EP3IntS1_, .Lfunc_end14-_ZN4LessC2EP3IntS1_ .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN3SubC2EP3IntS1_,"axG",@progbits,_ZN3SubC2EP3IntS1_,comdat .weak _ZN3SubC2EP3IntS1_ # -- Begin function _ZN3SubC2EP3IntS1_ .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN3SubC2EP3IntS1_,@function _ZN3SubC2EP3IntS1_: # @_ZN3SubC2EP3IntS1_ .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 32 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rsi mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rdx mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 32], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _ZN3IntC2Ev mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 32] # 8-byte Reload movabs rcx, offset _ZTV3Sub add rcx, 16 mov qword ptr [rax], rcx mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 16] mov qword ptr [rax + 8], rcx mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 24] mov qword ptr [rax + 16], rcx add rsp, 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end15: .size _ZN3SubC2EP3IntS1_, .Lfunc_end15-_ZN3SubC2EP3IntS1_ .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN3AddC2EP3IntS1_,"axG",@progbits,_ZN3AddC2EP3IntS1_,comdat .weak _ZN3AddC2EP3IntS1_ # -- Begin function _ZN3AddC2EP3IntS1_ .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN3AddC2EP3IntS1_,@function _ZN3AddC2EP3IntS1_: # @_ZN3AddC2EP3IntS1_ .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 32 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rsi mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rdx mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 32], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _ZN3IntC2Ev mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 32] # 8-byte Reload movabs rcx, offset _ZTV3Add add rcx, 16 mov qword ptr [rax], rcx mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 16] mov qword ptr [rax + 8], rcx mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 24] mov qword ptr [rax + 16], rcx add rsp, 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end16: .size _ZN3AddC2EP3IntS1_, .Lfunc_end16-_ZN3AddC2EP3IntS1_ .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN2IfC2EP4BoolP3IntS3_,"axG",@progbits,_ZN2IfC2EP4BoolP3IntS3_,comdat .weak _ZN2IfC2EP4BoolP3IntS3_ # -- Begin function _ZN2IfC2EP4BoolP3IntS3_ .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN2IfC2EP4BoolP3IntS3_,@function _ZN2IfC2EP4BoolP3IntS3_: # @_ZN2IfC2EP4BoolP3IntS3_ .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 48 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rsi mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rdx mov qword ptr [rbp - 32], rcx mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 40], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _ZN3IntC2Ev mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 40] # 8-byte Reload movabs rcx, offset _ZTV2If add rcx, 16 mov qword ptr [rax], rcx mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 16] mov qword ptr [rax + 8], rcx mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 24] mov qword ptr [rax + 16], rcx mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 32] mov qword ptr [rax + 24], rcx add rsp, 48 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end17: .size _ZN2IfC2EP4BoolP3IntS3_, .Lfunc_end17-_ZN2IfC2EP4BoolP3IntS3_ .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN4BoolC2Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN4BoolC2Ev,comdat .weak _ZN4BoolC2Ev # -- Begin function _ZN4BoolC2Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN4BoolC2Ev,@function _ZN4BoolC2Ev: # @_ZN4BoolC2Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 8] movabs rcx, offset _ZTV4Bool add rcx, 16 mov qword ptr [rax], rcx pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end18: .size _ZN4BoolC2Ev, .Lfunc_end18-_ZN4BoolC2Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN4LessD2Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN4LessD2Ev,comdat .weak _ZN4LessD2Ev # -- Begin function _ZN4LessD2Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN4LessD2Ev,@function _ZN4LessD2Ev: # @_ZN4LessD2Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 32 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rax # 8-byte Spill movabs rcx, offset _ZTV4Less add rcx, 16 mov qword ptr [rax], rcx mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rax # 8-byte Spill cmp rax, 0 je .LBB19_2 # %bb.1: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 8] .LBB19_2: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 16] mov qword ptr [rbp - 32], rax # 8-byte Spill cmp rax, 0 je .LBB19_4 # %bb.3: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 32] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 8] .LBB19_4: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload call _ZN4BoolD2Ev add rsp, 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end19: .size _ZN4LessD2Ev, .Lfunc_end19-_ZN4LessD2Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN4LessD0Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN4LessD0Ev,comdat .weak _ZN4LessD0Ev # -- Begin function _ZN4LessD0Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN4LessD0Ev,@function _ZN4LessD0Ev: # @_ZN4LessD0Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 16 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _ZN4LessD2Ev mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv add rsp, 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end20: .size _ZN4LessD0Ev, .Lfunc_end20-_ZN4LessD0Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN4Less3getEv,"axG",@progbits,_ZN4Less3getEv,comdat .weak _ZN4Less3getEv # -- Begin function _ZN4Less3getEv .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN4Less3getEv,@function _ZN4Less3getEv: # @_ZN4Less3getEv .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 32 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rax # 8-byte Spill mov rdi, qword ptr [rax + 8] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 16] mov ecx, eax mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload mov dword ptr [rbp - 12], ecx # 4-byte Spill mov rdi, qword ptr [rax + 16] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 16] mov ecx, eax mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 12] # 4-byte Reload cmp eax, ecx setl al and al, 1 movzx eax, al add rsp, 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end21: .size _ZN4Less3getEv, .Lfunc_end21-_ZN4Less3getEv .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN4BoolD2Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN4BoolD2Ev,comdat .weak _ZN4BoolD2Ev # -- Begin function _ZN4BoolD2Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN4BoolD2Ev,@function _ZN4BoolD2Ev: # @_ZN4BoolD2Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end22: .size _ZN4BoolD2Ev, .Lfunc_end22-_ZN4BoolD2Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN4BoolD0Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN4BoolD0Ev,comdat .weak _ZN4BoolD0Ev # -- Begin function _ZN4BoolD0Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN4BoolD0Ev,@function _ZN4BoolD0Ev: # @_ZN4BoolD0Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi ud2 .Lfunc_end23: .size _ZN4BoolD0Ev, .Lfunc_end23-_ZN4BoolD0Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN3SubD2Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN3SubD2Ev,comdat .weak _ZN3SubD2Ev # -- Begin function _ZN3SubD2Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN3SubD2Ev,@function _ZN3SubD2Ev: # @_ZN3SubD2Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 32 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rax # 8-byte Spill movabs rcx, offset _ZTV3Sub add rcx, 16 mov qword ptr [rax], rcx mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rax # 8-byte Spill cmp rax, 0 je .LBB24_2 # %bb.1: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 8] .LBB24_2: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 16] mov qword ptr [rbp - 32], rax # 8-byte Spill cmp rax, 0 je .LBB24_4 # %bb.3: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 32] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 8] .LBB24_4: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload call _ZN3IntD2Ev add rsp, 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end24: .size _ZN3SubD2Ev, .Lfunc_end24-_ZN3SubD2Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN3SubD0Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN3SubD0Ev,comdat .weak _ZN3SubD0Ev # -- Begin function _ZN3SubD0Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN3SubD0Ev,@function _ZN3SubD0Ev: # @_ZN3SubD0Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 16 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _ZN3SubD2Ev mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv add rsp, 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end25: .size _ZN3SubD0Ev, .Lfunc_end25-_ZN3SubD0Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN3Sub3getEv,"axG",@progbits,_ZN3Sub3getEv,comdat .weak _ZN3Sub3getEv # -- Begin function _ZN3Sub3getEv .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN3Sub3getEv,@function _ZN3Sub3getEv: # @_ZN3Sub3getEv .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 32 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rax # 8-byte Spill mov rdi, qword ptr [rax + 8] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 16] mov ecx, eax mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload mov dword ptr [rbp - 12], ecx # 4-byte Spill mov rdi, qword ptr [rax + 16] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 16] mov ecx, eax mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 12] # 4-byte Reload sub eax, ecx add rsp, 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end26: .size _ZN3Sub3getEv, .Lfunc_end26-_ZN3Sub3getEv .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN3AddD2Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN3AddD2Ev,comdat .weak _ZN3AddD2Ev # -- Begin function _ZN3AddD2Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN3AddD2Ev,@function _ZN3AddD2Ev: # @_ZN3AddD2Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 32 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rax # 8-byte Spill movabs rcx, offset _ZTV3Add add rcx, 16 mov qword ptr [rax], rcx mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rax # 8-byte Spill cmp rax, 0 je .LBB27_2 # %bb.1: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 8] .LBB27_2: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 16] mov qword ptr [rbp - 32], rax # 8-byte Spill cmp rax, 0 je .LBB27_4 # %bb.3: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 32] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 8] .LBB27_4: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload call _ZN3IntD2Ev add rsp, 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end27: .size _ZN3AddD2Ev, .Lfunc_end27-_ZN3AddD2Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN3AddD0Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN3AddD0Ev,comdat .weak _ZN3AddD0Ev # -- Begin function _ZN3AddD0Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN3AddD0Ev,@function _ZN3AddD0Ev: # @_ZN3AddD0Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 16 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _ZN3AddD2Ev mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv add rsp, 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end28: .size _ZN3AddD0Ev, .Lfunc_end28-_ZN3AddD0Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN3Add3getEv,"axG",@progbits,_ZN3Add3getEv,comdat .weak _ZN3Add3getEv # -- Begin function _ZN3Add3getEv .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN3Add3getEv,@function _ZN3Add3getEv: # @_ZN3Add3getEv .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 32 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rax # 8-byte Spill mov rdi, qword ptr [rax + 8] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 16] mov ecx, eax mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload mov dword ptr [rbp - 12], ecx # 4-byte Spill mov rdi, qword ptr [rax + 16] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 16] mov ecx, eax mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 12] # 4-byte Reload add eax, ecx add rsp, 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end29: .size _ZN3Add3getEv, .Lfunc_end29-_ZN3Add3getEv .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN2IfD2Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN2IfD2Ev,comdat .weak _ZN2IfD2Ev # -- Begin function _ZN2IfD2Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN2IfD2Ev,@function _ZN2IfD2Ev: # @_ZN2IfD2Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 48 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rax # 8-byte Spill movabs rcx, offset _ZTV2If add rcx, 16 mov qword ptr [rax], rcx mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rax # 8-byte Spill cmp rax, 0 je .LBB30_2 # %bb.1: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 8] .LBB30_2: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 16] mov qword ptr [rbp - 32], rax # 8-byte Spill cmp rax, 0 je .LBB30_4 # %bb.3: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 32] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 8] .LBB30_4: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 24] mov qword ptr [rbp - 40], rax # 8-byte Spill cmp rax, 0 je .LBB30_6 # %bb.5: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 40] # 8-byte Reload mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 8] .LBB30_6: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload call _ZN3IntD2Ev add rsp, 48 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end30: .size _ZN2IfD2Ev, .Lfunc_end30-_ZN2IfD2Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN2IfD0Ev,"axG",@progbits,_ZN2IfD0Ev,comdat .weak _ZN2IfD0Ev # -- Begin function _ZN2IfD0Ev .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN2IfD0Ev,@function _ZN2IfD0Ev: # @_ZN2IfD0Ev .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 16 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rdi mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 8] mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rdi # 8-byte Spill call _ZN2IfD2Ev mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 16] # 8-byte Reload call _ZdlPv add rsp, 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end31: .size _ZN2IfD0Ev, .Lfunc_end31-_ZN2IfD0Ev .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .text._ZN2If3getEv,"axG",@progbits,_ZN2If3getEv,comdat .weak _ZN2If3getEv # -- Begin function _ZN2If3getEv .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _ZN2If3getEv,@function _ZN2If3getEv: # @_ZN2If3getEv .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset rbp, -16 mov rbp, rsp .cfi_def_cfa_register rbp sub rsp, 32 mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rdi mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 16] mov qword ptr [rbp - 24], rax # 8-byte Spill mov rdi, qword ptr [rax + 8] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 16] test al, 1 jne .LBB32_1 jmp .LBB32_2 .LBB32_1: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload mov rdi, qword ptr [rax + 16] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 16] mov dword ptr [rbp - 4], eax jmp .LBB32_3 .LBB32_2: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 24] # 8-byte Reload mov rdi, qword ptr [rax + 24] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] call qword ptr [rax + 16] mov dword ptr [rbp - 4], eax .LBB32_3: mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 4] add rsp, 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8 ret .Lfunc_end32: .size _ZN2If3getEv, .Lfunc_end32-_ZN2If3getEv .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type dummy,@object # @dummy .bss .globl dummy .p2align 2 dummy: .long 0 # 0x0 .size dummy, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "Two args required: INPUT and CYCLES\n" .size .L.str, 37 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "%d-th Fibonacci number is %d\nTotal is %d\n" .size .L.str.1, 42 .type _ZTV7Integer,@object # @_ZTV7Integer .section .rodata._ZTV7Integer,"aG",@progbits,_ZTV7Integer,comdat .weak _ZTV7Integer .p2align 3 _ZTV7Integer: .quad 0 .quad _ZTI7Integer .quad _ZN7IntegerD2Ev .quad _ZN7IntegerD0Ev .quad _ZN7Integer3getEv .size _ZTV7Integer, 40 .type _ZTS7Integer,@object # @_ZTS7Integer .section .rodata._ZTS7Integer,"aG",@progbits,_ZTS7Integer,comdat .weak _ZTS7Integer _ZTS7Integer: .asciz "7Integer" .size _ZTS7Integer, 9 .type _ZTS3Int,@object # @_ZTS3Int .section .rodata._ZTS3Int,"aG",@progbits,_ZTS3Int,comdat .weak _ZTS3Int _ZTS3Int: .asciz "3Int" .size _ZTS3Int, 5 .type _ZTI3Int,@object # @_ZTI3Int .section .rodata._ZTI3Int,"aG",@progbits,_ZTI3Int,comdat .weak _ZTI3Int .p2align 3 _ZTI3Int: .quad _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE+16 .quad _ZTS3Int .size _ZTI3Int, 16 .type _ZTI7Integer,@object # @_ZTI7Integer .section .rodata._ZTI7Integer,"aG",@progbits,_ZTI7Integer,comdat .weak _ZTI7Integer .p2align 3 _ZTI7Integer: .quad _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE+16 .quad _ZTS7Integer .quad _ZTI3Int .size _ZTI7Integer, 24 .type _ZTV3Int,@object # @_ZTV3Int .section .rodata._ZTV3Int,"aG",@progbits,_ZTV3Int,comdat .weak _ZTV3Int .p2align 3 _ZTV3Int: .quad 0 .quad _ZTI3Int .quad _ZN3IntD2Ev .quad _ZN3IntD0Ev .quad __cxa_pure_virtual .size _ZTV3Int, 40 .type _ZTV4Fibo,@object # @_ZTV4Fibo .section .rodata._ZTV4Fibo,"aG",@progbits,_ZTV4Fibo,comdat .weak _ZTV4Fibo .p2align 3 _ZTV4Fibo: .quad 0 .quad _ZTI4Fibo .quad _ZN4FiboD2Ev .quad _ZN4FiboD0Ev .quad _ZN4Fibo3getEv .size _ZTV4Fibo, 40 .type _ZTS4Fibo,@object # @_ZTS4Fibo .section .rodata._ZTS4Fibo,"aG",@progbits,_ZTS4Fibo,comdat .weak _ZTS4Fibo _ZTS4Fibo: .asciz "4Fibo" .size _ZTS4Fibo, 6 .type _ZTI4Fibo,@object # @_ZTI4Fibo .section .rodata._ZTI4Fibo,"aG",@progbits,_ZTI4Fibo,comdat .weak _ZTI4Fibo .p2align 3 _ZTI4Fibo: .quad _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE+16 .quad _ZTS4Fibo .quad _ZTI3Int .size _ZTI4Fibo, 24 .type _ZTV4Less,@object # @_ZTV4Less .section .rodata._ZTV4Less,"aG",@progbits,_ZTV4Less,comdat .weak _ZTV4Less .p2align 3 _ZTV4Less: .quad 0 .quad _ZTI4Less .quad _ZN4LessD2Ev .quad _ZN4LessD0Ev .quad _ZN4Less3getEv .size _ZTV4Less, 40 .type _ZTS4Less,@object # @_ZTS4Less .section .rodata._ZTS4Less,"aG",@progbits,_ZTS4Less,comdat .weak _ZTS4Less _ZTS4Less: .asciz "4Less" .size _ZTS4Less, 6 .type _ZTS4Bool,@object # @_ZTS4Bool .section .rodata._ZTS4Bool,"aG",@progbits,_ZTS4Bool,comdat .weak _ZTS4Bool _ZTS4Bool: .asciz "4Bool" .size _ZTS4Bool, 6 .type _ZTI4Bool,@object # @_ZTI4Bool .section .rodata._ZTI4Bool,"aG",@progbits,_ZTI4Bool,comdat .weak _ZTI4Bool .p2align 3 _ZTI4Bool: .quad _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE+16 .quad _ZTS4Bool .size _ZTI4Bool, 16 .type _ZTI4Less,@object # @_ZTI4Less .section .rodata._ZTI4Less,"aG",@progbits,_ZTI4Less,comdat .weak _ZTI4Less .p2align 3 _ZTI4Less: .quad _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE+16 .quad _ZTS4Less .quad _ZTI4Bool .size _ZTI4Less, 24 .type _ZTV4Bool,@object # @_ZTV4Bool .section .rodata._ZTV4Bool,"aG",@progbits,_ZTV4Bool,comdat .weak _ZTV4Bool .p2align 3 _ZTV4Bool: .quad 0 .quad _ZTI4Bool .quad _ZN4BoolD2Ev .quad _ZN4BoolD0Ev .quad __cxa_pure_virtual .size _ZTV4Bool, 40 .type _ZTV3Sub,@object # @_ZTV3Sub .section .rodata._ZTV3Sub,"aG",@progbits,_ZTV3Sub,comdat .weak _ZTV3Sub .p2align 3 _ZTV3Sub: .quad 0 .quad _ZTI3Sub .quad _ZN3SubD2Ev .quad _ZN3SubD0Ev .quad _ZN3Sub3getEv .size _ZTV3Sub, 40 .type _ZTS3Sub,@object # @_ZTS3Sub .section .rodata._ZTS3Sub,"aG",@progbits,_ZTS3Sub,comdat .weak _ZTS3Sub _ZTS3Sub: .asciz "3Sub" .size _ZTS3Sub, 5 .type _ZTI3Sub,@object # @_ZTI3Sub .section .rodata._ZTI3Sub,"aG",@progbits,_ZTI3Sub,comdat .weak _ZTI3Sub .p2align 3 _ZTI3Sub: .quad _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE+16 .quad _ZTS3Sub .quad _ZTI3Int .size _ZTI3Sub, 24 .type _ZTV3Add,@object # @_ZTV3Add .section .rodata._ZTV3Add,"aG",@progbits,_ZTV3Add,comdat .weak _ZTV3Add .p2align 3 _ZTV3Add: .quad 0 .quad _ZTI3Add .quad _ZN3AddD2Ev .quad _ZN3AddD0Ev .quad _ZN3Add3getEv .size _ZTV3Add, 40 .type _ZTS3Add,@object # @_ZTS3Add .section .rodata._ZTS3Add,"aG",@progbits,_ZTS3Add,comdat .weak _ZTS3Add _ZTS3Add: .asciz "3Add" .size _ZTS3Add, 5 .type _ZTI3Add,@object # @_ZTI3Add .section .rodata._ZTI3Add,"aG",@progbits,_ZTI3Add,comdat .weak _ZTI3Add .p2align 3 _ZTI3Add: .quad _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE+16 .quad _ZTS3Add .quad _ZTI3Int .size _ZTI3Add, 24 .type _ZTV2If,@object # 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