========================== ForgeryNet Benchmark ========================== Directory Information ------------ - Train - images The images organized in subdirectories based on both video methods and image methods. See IMAGES AND CLASS LABELS section below for more info. - videos The images organized in subdirectories based on video methods. See VIDEO AND LOCATE LABELS section below for more info. - spatial_localize Forgery locations per image. ========================= IMAGES AND LOCATE LABELS: ========================= Images are contained in the directory images*, with 15 "fake" subdirectories (one for each methods) and 4 "real" subdirectories. ------- List of image files ------ The list of image file names is contained in the file, with each line corresponding to one image: <16cls_label> ------------------------------------------ ========================= VIDEO AND CLASS LABELS: ========================= Videos are contained in the directory video*/, with 8 "fake" subdirectories (one for each methods) and 4 "real" subdirectories. ------- List of image files ------ The list of image file names is contained in the file, with each line corresponding to one image: [segmentation info]*segmentation length <16cls_label> ------- segmentation info ------ ------------------------------------------ ========================= MD5 file: ========================= 750e34521e61f81486a678d5b76a5ef3 Training.tar c6fd18252b5e0ae04a5b163297b5cb28 Validation_with_real.tar 7d2c0cf50bdc77890ace1ba4461e1893 Test_with_real.tar 8558b99366ccb93cd9da56f600f0901f test_list.tar 8bda9b0a6dc7721e5f1d0b6b3793ce2a train_list.tar a280bb501166a01b8d376df2b5b9ae13 val_list.tar