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Check the Gitlab documentation to get started.", "categories": [ "development", "project-management" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/gitlab_ce.png", "image": "gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest", "ports": [ "20080:80/tcp", "20443:443/tcp", "20022:22/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/etc/gitlab", "bind": "/docker_data/gitlab/config", "readonly": false }, { "container": "/var/log/gitlab", "bind": "/docker_data/gitlab/logs", "readonly": false }, { "container": "/var/opt/gitlab", "bind": "/docker_data/gitlab/data", "readonly": false } ] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Minio", "description": "A distributed object storage server built for cloud applications and devops", "categories": [ "storage" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/minio.png", "image": "minio/minio:latest", "ports": [ "9000/tcp" ], "env": [{ "name": "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY", "label": "Minio access key" }, { "name": "MINIO_SECRET_KEY", "label": "Minio secret key" } ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/data" }, { "container": "/root/.minio" } ], "command": "server /data" }, { "type": 1, "title": "Scality S3", "description": "Standalone AWS S3 protocol server", "categories": [ "storage" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/scality-s3.png", "image": "scality/s3server", "ports": [ "8000/tcp" ], "env": [{ "name": "SCALITY_ACCESS_KEY", "label": "Scality S3 access key" }, { "name": "SCALITY_SECRET_KEY", "label": "Scality S3 secret key" } ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/usr/src/app/localData" }, { "container": "/usr/src/app/localMetadata" } ] }, { "type": 1, "title": "SQL Server", "description": "Microsoft SQL Server on Linux", "categories": [ "database" ], "platform": "linux", "note": "Password needs to include at least 8 characters including uppercase, lowercase letters, base-10 digits and/or non-alphanumeric symbols.", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/microsoft.png", "image": "microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-GA", "ports": [ "1433/tcp" ], "env": [{ "name": "ACCEPT_EULA", "set": "Y" }, { "name": "SA_PASSWORD", "label": "SA password" } ] }, { "type": 1, "title": "SQL Server", "description": "Microsoft SQL Server Developer for Windows containers", "categories": [ "database" ], "platform": "windows", "note": "Password needs to include at least 8 characters including uppercase, lowercase letters, base-10 digits and/or non-alphanumeric symbols.", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/microsoft.png", "image": "microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer:latest", "ports": [ "1433/tcp" ], "env": [{ "name": "ACCEPT_EULA", "set": "Y" }, { "name": "sa_password", "label": "SA password" } ], "volumes": [{ "container": "C:/temp/" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "SQL Server Express", "description": "Microsoft SQL Server Express for Windows containers", "categories": [ "database" ], "platform": "windows", "note": "Password needs to include at least 8 characters including uppercase, lowercase letters, base-10 digits and/or non-alphanumeric symbols.", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/microsoft.png", "image": "microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express:latest", "ports": [ "1433/tcp" ], "env": [{ "name": "ACCEPT_EULA", "set": "Y" }, { "name": "sa_password", "label": "SA password" } ], "volumes": [{ "container": "C:/temp/" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "IronFunctions API", "description": "Open-source serverless computing platform", "categories": [ "serverless" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/ironfunctions.png", "image": "iron/functions:latest", "ports": [ "8080/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/app/data" }], "privileged": true }, { "type": 1, "title": "IronFunctions UI", "description": "Open-source user interface for IronFunctions", "categories": [ "serverless" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/ironfunctions.png", "image": "iron/functions-ui:latest", "ports": [ "4000/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/app/data" }], "env": [{ "name": "API_URL", "label": "API URL" }], "privileged": true }, { "type": 1, "title": "Solr", "description": "Open-source enterprise search platform", "categories": [ "search-engine" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/solr.png", "image": "solr:latest", "ports": [ "8983/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/opt/solr/mydata" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Redis", "description": "Open-source in-memory data structure store", "categories": [ "database" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/redis.png", "image": "redis:latest", "ports": [ "6379/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/data" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "RabbitMQ", "description": "Highly reliable enterprise messaging system", "categories": [ "messaging" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/rabbitmq.png", "image": "rabbitmq:latest", "ports": [ "5671/tcp", "5672/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/var/lib/rabbitmq" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Ghost", "description": "Free and open-source blogging platform", "categories": [ "blog" ], "note": "Access the blog management interface under /ghost/.", "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/ghost.png", "image": "ghost:latest", "ports": [ "2368/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/var/lib/ghost/content" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Plesk", "description": "WebOps platform and hosting control panel", "categories": [ "CMS" ], "platform": "linux", "note": "Default credentials: admin / changeme", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/plesk.png", "image": "plesk/plesk:latest", "ports": [ "21/tcp", "80/tcp", "443/tcp", "8880/tcp", "8443/tcp", "8447/tcp" ] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Joomla", "description": "Another free and open-source CMS", "categories": [ "CMS" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/joomla.png", "image": "joomla:latest", "env": [{ "name": "JOOMLA_DB_HOST", "label": "MySQL database host", "type": "container" }, { "name": "JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD", "label": "Database password" } ], "ports": [ "80/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/var/www/html" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Drupal", "description": "Open-source content management framework", "categories": [ "CMS" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/drupal.png", "image": "drupal:latest", "ports": [ "80/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/var/www/html" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Plone", "description": "A free and open-source CMS built on top of Zope", "categories": [ "CMS" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/plone.png", "image": "plone:latest", "ports": [ "8080/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/data" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Magento 2", "description": "Open-source e-commerce platform", "categories": [ "CMS" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/magento.png", "image": "alankent/gsd:latest", "ports": [ "80/tcp", "3000/tcp", "3001/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/var/www/html/" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Sematext Docker Agent", "description": "Collect logs, metrics and docker events", "categories": [ "Log Management", "Monitoring" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/sematext_agent.png", "image": "sematext/sematext-agent-docker:latest", "name": "sematext-agent", "privileged": true, "env": [{ "name": "LOGSENE_TOKEN", "label": "Logs token" }, { "name": "SPM_TOKEN", "label": "SPM monitoring token" } ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/var/run/docker.sock", "bind": "/var/run/docker.sock" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Datadog agent", "description": "Collect events and metrics", "categories": [ "Monitoring" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/datadog_agent.png", "image": "datadog/agent:latest", "env": [{ "name": "DD_API_KEY", "label": "Datadog API key" }], "volumes": [{ "container": "/var/run/docker.sock", "bind": "/var/run/docker.sock", "readonly": true }, { "container": "/host/sys/fs/cgroup", "bind": "/sys/fs/cgroup", "readonly": true }, { "container": "/host/proc", "bind": "/proc", "readonly": true } ] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Mautic", "description": "Open-source marketing automation platform", "categories": [ "marketing" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/mautic.png", "image": "mautic/mautic:latest", "env": [{ "name": "MAUTIC_DB_HOST", "label": "MySQL database host", "type": "container" }, { "name": "MAUTIC_DB_PASSWORD", "label": "Database password" } ], "ports": [ "80/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/var/www/html" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Wowza", "description": "Streaming media server", "categories": [ "streaming" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/wowza.png", "image": "sameersbn/wowza:4.1.2-8", "env": [{ "name": "WOWZA_ACCEPT_LICENSE", "label": "Agree to Wowza EULA", "set": "yes" }, { "name": "WOWZA_KEY", "label": "License key" } ], "ports": [ "1935/tcp", "8086/tcp", "8087/tcp", "8088/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/var/lib/wowza" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Jenkins", "description": "Open-source continuous integration tool", "categories": [ "continuous-integration" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/jenkins.png", "image": "jenkins/jenkins:lts", "ports": [ "8080/tcp", "50000/tcp" ], "env": [{ "name": "JENKINS_OPTS", "label": "Jenkins options" }], "volumes": [{ "container": "/var/jenkins_home" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Redmine", "description": "Open-source project management tool", "categories": [ "project-management" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/redmine.png", "image": "redmine:latest", "ports": [ "3000/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/usr/src/redmine/files" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Odoo", "description": "Open-source business apps", "categories": [ "project-management" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/odoo.png", "image": "odoo:latest", "env": [{ "name": "HOST", "label": "PostgreSQL database host", "type": "container" }, { "name": "USER", "label": "Database user" }, { "name": "PASSWORD", "label": "Database password" } ], "ports": [ "8069/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/var/lib/odoo" }, { "container": "/mnt/extra-addons" } ] }, { "type": 1, "title": "Urbackup", "description": "Open-source network backup", "categories": [ "backup" ], "platform": "linux", "note": "This application web interface is exposed on the port 55414 inside the container.", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/urbackup.png", "image": "cfstras/urbackup", "ports": [ "55413/tcp", "55414/tcp", "55415/tcp", "35622/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/var/urbackup" }] }, { "type": 1, "title": "CommandBox", "description": "ColdFusion (CFML) CLI", "categories": [ "development" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/ortussolutions-commandbox.png", "image": "ortussolutions/commandbox:latest", "env": [{ "name": "CFENGINE", "set": "lucee@4.5" }], "ports": [ "8080/tcp", "8443/tcp" ] }, { "type": 1, "title": "ContentBox", "description": "Open-source modular CMS", "categories": [ "CMS" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/ortussolutions-contentbox.png", "image": "ortussolutions/contentbox:latest", "env": [{ "name": "express", "set": "true" }, { "name": "install", "set": "true" }, { "name": "CFENGINE", "set": "lucee@4.5" } ], "ports": [ "8080/tcp", "8443/tcp" ], "volumes": [{ "container": "/data/contentbox/db" }, { "container": "/app/includes/shared/media" } ] }, { "type": 2, "title": "Portainer Agent", "description": "Manage all the resources in your Swarm cluster", "note": "The agent will be deployed globally inside your cluster and available on port 9001.", "categories": [ "portainer" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/portainer.png", "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/portainer/templates", "stackfile": "stacks/portainer-agent/docker-stack.yml" } }, { "type": 2, "title": "OpenFaaS", "name": "func", "description": "Serverless functions made simple", "note": "Deploys the API gateway and sample functions. You can access the UI on port 8080. Warning: the name of the stack must be 'func'.", "categories": [ "serverless" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/openfaas.png", "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/openfaas/faas", "stackfile": "docker-compose.yml" } }, { "type": 2, "title": "IronFunctions", "description": "Open-source serverless computing platform", "note": "Deploys the IronFunctions API and UI.", "categories": [ "serverless" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/ironfunctions.png", "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/portainer/templates", "stackfile": "stacks/ironfunctions/docker-stack.yml" } }, { "type": 2, "title": "CockroachDB", "description": "CockroachDB cluster", "note": "Deploys an insecure CockroachDB cluster, please refer to CockroachDB documentation for production deployments.", "categories": [ "database" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/cockroachdb.png", "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/portainer/templates", "stackfile": "stacks/cockroachdb/docker-stack.yml" } }, { "type": 2, "title": "Wordpress", "description": "Wordpress setup with a MySQL database", "note": "Deploys a Wordpress instance connected to a MySQL database.", "categories": [ "CMS" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/wordpress.png", "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/portainer/templates", "stackfile": "stacks/wordpress/docker-stack.yml" }, "env": [{ "name": "MYSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD", "label": "Database root password", "description": "Password used by the MySQL root user." }] }, { "type": 3, "title": "Wordpress", "description": "Wordpress setup with a MySQL database", "note": "Deploys a Wordpress instance connected to a MySQL database.", "categories": [ "CMS" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/wordpress.png", "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/portainer/templates", "stackfile": "stacks/wordpress/docker-compose.yml" }, "env": [{ "name": "MYSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD", "label": "Database root password", "description": "Password used by the MySQL root user." }] }, { "type": 2, "title": "Microsoft OMS Agent", "description": "Microsoft Operations Management Suite Linux agent.", "categories": [ "OPS" ], "platform": "linux", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/microsoft.png", "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/portainer/templates", "stackfile": "stacks/microsoft-oms/docker-stack.yml" }, "env": [{ "name": "AZURE_WORKSPACE_ID", "label": "Workspace ID", "description": "Azure Workspace ID" }, { "name": "AZURE_PRIMARY_KEY", "label": "Primary key", "description": "Azure primary key" } ] }, { "title": "Sematext Docker Agent", "type": 2, "categories": [ "Log Management", "Monitoring" ], "description": "Collect logs, metrics and docker events", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/sematext_agent.png", "platform": "linux", "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/portainer/templates", "stackfile": "stacks/sematext-agent-docker/docker-stack.yml" }, "env": [{ "name": "LOGSENE_TOKEN", "label": "Logs token" }, { "name": "SPM_TOKEN", "label": "SPM monitoring token" } ] }, { "title": "Datadog agent", "type": 2, "categories": [ "Monitoring" ], "description": "Collect events and metrics", "logo": "https://portainer-io-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/logos/datadog_agent.png", "platform": "linux", "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/portainer/templates", "stackfile": "stacks/datadog-agent/docker-stack.yml" }, "env": [{ "name": "API_KEY", "label": "Datadog API key" }] }, { "type": 4, "title": "Wordpress", "description": "Wordpress setup with a MySQL database", "note": "Deploys a Wordpress instance connected to a MySQL database.", "stackfile": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/portainer/templates/master/stacks/wordpress/edge/docker-stack.yml" }, { "type": 4, "title": "CockroachDB", "description": "CockroachDB cluster", "note": "Deploys an insecure CockroachDB cluster, please refer to CockroachDB documentation for production deployments.", "stackfile": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/portainer/templates/master/stacks/cockroachdb/edge/docker-stack.yml" } ] }