/* * Home Assistant to Hubitat Integration * * Description: * Allow control of HA devices. * * Required Information: * Home Asisstant IP and Port number * Home Assistant long term Access Token * * Features List: * * Licensing: * Copyright 2021 Yves Mercier. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Version Control: * 0.1.0 2021-02-05 Yves Mercier Orinal version * 0.1.1 2021-02-06 Dan Ogorchock Added basic support for simple "Light" devices from Home Assistant using Hubitat Generic Component Dimmer driver * 0.1.2 2021-02-06 tomw Added handling for some binary_sensor subtypes based on device_class * 0.1.3 2021-02-06 Dan Ogorchock Bug Fixes * 0.1.4 2021-02-06 Yves Mercier Added version number and import URL * 0.1.5 2021-02-06 Dan Ogorchock Added support for Temperature and Humidity Sensors * 0.1.6 2021-02-06 Dan Ogorchock Corrected open/closed for HA door events * 0.1.7 2021-02-07 Dan Ogorchock Corrected open/closed for HA window, garage_door, and opening per @smarthomeprimer * 0.1.8 2021-02-07 Dan Ogorchock Removed temperature and humidity workaround for missing device_class on some HA sensors. * This can be corrected on the HA side via the Customize entity feature to add the missing device_class. * 0.1.9 2021-02-07 tomw More generic handling for "sensor" device_classes. Added voltage device_class to "sensor". * 0.1.10 2021-02-07 Dan Ogorchock Refactored the translation from HA to HE to simplify the overall design * 0.1.11 2021-02-07 Dan Ogorchock Completed refactoring of Dimmer Switch support * 0.1.12 2021-02-08 Dan Ogorchock Fixed typo in log.info statement * 0.1.13 2021-02-08 tomw Added "community" namespace support for component drivers. Added Pressure and Illuminance. * 0.1.14 2021-02-10 Dan Ogorchock Added support for Fan devices (used Lutron Fan Controller as test device.) * 0.1.15 2021-02-13 tomw Adjust websocket status handling to reconnect on both close and error conditions. * 0.1.16 2021-02-14 tomw Revert 0.1.15 * 0.1.17 2021-02-14 Dan Ogorchock Improved webSocket reconnect logic * 0.1.18 2021-02-14 tomw Avoid reconnect loop on initialize * 0.1.19 2021-02-16 Yves Mercier Added Refresh handler * 0.1.20 2021-02-16 Yves mercier Refactored webSocketStatus * 0.1.21 2021-02-22 Yves mercier Reinstated CloseConnection command. Added connection status on device page. * 0.1.22 2021-02-24 tomw Changes to support optional device filtering. For use with haDeviceBridgeConfiguration.groovy. * 0.1.23 2021-02-25 Dan Ogorchock Switched from Exclude List to Include List * 0.1.24 2021-03-07 Yves Mercier Added device label in event description * 0.1.25 2021-03-18 Dan Ogorchock Updated for recent Hass Fan handling changes (use percentages to set speeds instead of deprecated speed names) * 0.1.26 2021-04-02 DongHwan Suh Added partial support for Color temperature, RGB, RGBW lights * (Manually updating the device type to the corresponding one is required in Hubitat. Only statuses of level and switch are shown in Hubitat.) * 0.1.27 2021-04-11 Yves Mercier Added option for secure connection * 0.1.28 2021-04-14 Dan Ogorchock Improved Fan Device handling * 0.1.29 2021-04-17 Dan Ogorchock Added support for Smoke Detector Binary Sensor * 0.1.30 2021-08-10 tomw Added support for device_tracker as Presence Sensor * 0.1.31 2021-09-23 tomw Added support for Power sensor * 0.1.33 2021-09-28 tomw Added support for cover as Garage Door Opener * 0.1.34 2021-11-24 Yves Mercier Added event type: digital or physical (in that case, from Hubitat or from Home Assistant). * 0.1.35 2021-12-01 draperw Added support for locks * 0.1.36 2021-12-14 Yves Mercier Improved event type * 0.1.37 2021-12-26 gabriel_kpk Added support for Climate domain * 0.1.38 2021-12-29 Improved Climate support, Code cleanup, Minor decription fixes * 0.1.39 2022-01-19 BrenenP Added support for additional sensors * 0.1.40 2022-02-23 tomw Added support for Energy sensor * 0.1.41 2022-03-08 Yves Mercier Validate Fan speed * 0.1.42 2022-04-02 tomw Added support for input_boolean * 0.1.43 2022-05-10 tomw Added support for Curtain device_class * 0.1.44 2022-05-15 tomw Added support for Shade device_class * 0.1.46 2022-07-04 tomw Advanced configuration - manual add/remove of devices; option to disable filtering; unused child cleanup * 0.1.47 2022-11-03 mboisson Added support for Carbon Dioxide, Radon, and Volatile Organic Compounds sensors * 0.1.48 2022-11-14 Yves Mercier Added minimal RGB light support (no CT) * 0.1.49 2022-11-16 mboisson Sensor units and support for "unknown" sensor types * 0.1.50 2022-12-06 Yves Mercier Improved support for lights and added option to ignore unavailable state * 0.1.51 2023-01-30 Yves Mercier Added support for "unknown" binary sensor and timestamp sensor * 0.1.53 2023-02-19 Yves Mercier Fix a typo and refine support for lights (CT) * 0.1.54 2023-03-02 Yves Mercier Added support for light effects * 0.1.55 2023-05-27 Yves Mercier Added support for pm2.5 * 0.1.56 2023-06-12 Yves Mercier Modified various sensor units handling * 0.1.57 2023-07-18 Yves Mercier By default map unsuported sensors to unknown * 0.1.58 2023-07-27 Yves Mercier Add support for number entity * 0.1.59 2023-08-13 Yves Mercier Remove unsupported states and change how health status is reported. * 0.1.60 2013-12-31 mboisson Added support for air quality parts * 0.1.61 2024-01-02 Yves Mercier Add alternate RGBW implementation + add handling of unknown state. * 0.1.62 2024-01-10 Yves Mercier Add input_number support * 2.0 2024-01-20 Yves Mercier Introduce entity subscription model * 2.1 2024-01-30 Yves Mercier Improve climate support * 2.2 2024-02-01 Yves Mercier Add support for door types, blind types and moisture * 2.3 2024-03-26 Yves Mercier Add call service command and support for buttons * 2.4 2024-04-27 Yves Mercier Add humidity to climate entity * 2.5 2024-05-24 Yves Mercier Add support for valve entity and add supported fan modes for climate entity * 2.6 2024-06-11 Yves Mercier Add support for humidifier entity * 2.7 2024-08-15 Yves Mercier Add support for events, change fan error handling, remap fan percentage to accomodate for missing named speed, forgo thermostat mode translation, add thermostat presets, use device ID instead of device name for service call. * 2.8 2024-09-03 Yves Mercier Fix custom call sevice to allow colons in data, fix thermostat set_preset calls. * 2.9 2024-10-29 Yves Mercier Add windowsShade attribute to blinds, add attributes to unknown sensor, add support for espresense. * 2.10 2024-11-24 Yves Mercier Add support for text and vacuum entities. Add extra blind commands. * 2.11 2024-11-30 Yves Mercier Add limited support for media_player entity. * 2.12 2024-12-15 Yves Mercier Add support for select entity. Clean code. Add item selection by name. Fix button event. * 2.13 2024-12-25 Yves Mercier Fix fan setSpeed. * 2.14 2025-01-10 Yves Mercier Add humidity support to climate entity. */ import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.json.JsonOutput metadata { definition (name: "HomeAssistant Hub Parent", namespace: "ymerj", author: "Yves Mercier", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ymerj/HE-HA-control/main/HA%20parent.groovy") { capability "Initialize" capability "Actuator" command "closeConnection" command "callService", [[name:"entity", type:"STRING", description:"domain.entity"],[name:"service", type:"STRING"],[name:"data", type:"STRING", description:"key:value,key:value... etc"]] attribute "Connection", "string" } preferences { input ("ip", "text", title: "IP", description: "HomeAssistant IP Address", required: true) input ("port", "text", title: "Port", description: "HomeAssistant Port Number", required: true, defaultValue: "8123") input ("token", "text", title: "Token", description: "HomeAssistant Long-Lived Access Token", required: true) input ("secure", "bool", title: "Require secure connection (https)", defaultValue: false) input ("logEnable", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: true) input ("txtEnable", "bool", title: "Enable description text logging", defaultValue: true) } } def removeChild(entity){ String thisId = device.id def ch = getChildDevice("${thisId}-${entity}") if (ch) {deleteChildDevice("${thisId}-${entity}")} } def logsOff(){ log.warn("debug logging disabled...") device.updateSetting("logEnable",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) } def updated(){ log.info("updated...") log.warn("debug logging is: ${logEnable == true}") log.warn("description logging is: ${txtEnable == true}") unschedule() if (logEnable) runIn(1800,logsOff) initialize() } def initialize() { log.info("initializing...") closeConnection() state.id = 2 def connectionType = "ws" if (secure) connectionType = "wss" auth = '{"type":"auth","access_token":"' + "${token}" + '"}' def subscriptionsList = device.getDataValue("filterList") if(subscriptionsList == null) return evenements = '{"id":1,"type":"subscribe_trigger","trigger":{"platform":"state","entity_id":"' + subscriptionsList + '"}}' try { interfaces.webSocket.connect("${connectionType}://${ip}:${port}/api/websocket", ignoreSSLIssues: true) interfaces.webSocket.sendMessage("${auth}") interfaces.webSocket.sendMessage("${evenements}") } catch(e) { log.error("initialize error: ${e.message}") } } def uninstalled() { log.info("uninstalled...") closeConnection() unschedule() deleteAllChildDevices() } def webSocketStatus(String status){ if (logEnable) log.debug("webSocket ${status}") if ((status == "status: closing") && (state.wasExpectedClose)) { state.wasExpectedClose = false sendEvent(name: "Connection", value: "Closed") return } else if(status == 'status: open') { log.info("websocket is open") // success! reset reconnect delay pauseExecution(1000) state.reconnectDelay = 1 state.wasExpectedClose = false sendEvent(name: "Connection", value: "Open") } else { log.warn("WebSocket error, reconnecting.") sendEvent(name: "Connection", value: "Reconnecting") reconnectWebSocket() } } def reconnectWebSocket() { // first delay is 2 seconds, doubles every time state.reconnectDelay = (state.reconnectDelay ?: 1) * 2 // don't let delay get too crazy, max it out at 10 minutes if(state.reconnectDelay > 600) state.reconnectDelay = 600 //If the Home Assistant Hub is offline, give it some time before trying to reconnect runIn(state.reconnectDelay, initialize) } def parse(String description) { if (logEnable) log.debug("parse(): description = ${description}") def response = null; try { response = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(description) if (response.type != "event") return def newState = response?.event?.variables?.trigger?.to_state if (newState?.state?.toLowerCase() == "unknown") return def origin = "physical" if (newState?.context?.user_id) origin = "digital" def newVals = [] def entity = response?.event?.variables?.trigger?.entity_id def domain = entity?.tokenize(".")?.getAt(0) def device_class = newState?.attributes?.device_class def friendly = newState?.attributes?.friendly_name newVals << newState?.state def mapping = null if (logEnable) log.debug("parse: domain: ${domain}, device_class: ${device_class}, entity: ${entity}, newVals: ${newVals}, friendly: ${friendly}") switch (domain) { case "fan": def speed = newState?.attributes?.speed?.toLowerCase() choices = ["off","low","medium-low","medium","medium-high","high","auto"] if (speed) { if (!(choices.contains(speed))) { if (logEnable) log.info("Invalid fan speed received - ${speed}") speed = null } } def percentage = newState?.attributes?.percentage if (percentage) { switch (percentage.toInteger()) { case 0: speed = "off"; break case 1..30: speed = "low"; break case 31..50: speed = "medium-low"; break case 51..70: speed = "medium"; break case 71..90: speed = "medium-high"; break case 91..100: speed = "high"; break default: if (logEnable) log.info("Invalid fan percentage received - ${percentage}") } } newVals += speed newVals += percentage mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (!percentage) mapping.event.remove(2) if (!speed) mapping.event.remove(1) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "cover": def pos = newState?.attributes?.current_position?.toInteger() newVals += pos def tilt = newState?.attributes?.current_tilt_position?.toInteger() newVals += tilt switch (device_class) { case {it in ["blind","shutter","window"]}: device_class = "blind"; break case {it in ["curtain","shade"]}: device_class = "shade"; break case "garage": break default: device_class = "door" } mapping = translateCovers(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "event": def eventType = newState?.attributes?.event_type switch (eventType) { case {it.contains("double")}: eventType = "doubleTapped"; break case {it.contains("hold")}: eventType = "held"; break case {it.contains("release")}: eventType = "released"; break default: eventType = "pushed" } newVals += eventType mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "input_text": case "text": case "lock": case "device_tracker": case "valve": case "switch": case "input_boolean": mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "light": def level = newState?.attributes?.brightness if (level) level = Math.round((level.toInteger() * 100 / 255)) newVals += level def hue = newState?.attributes?.hs_color?.getAt(0) if (hue) hue = Math.round(hue.toInteger() * 100 / 360) def sat = newState?.attributes?.hs_color?.getAt(1) if (sat) sat = Math.round(sat.toInteger()) def ct = newState?.attributes?.color_temp if (ct) ct = Math.round(1000000/ct) def effectsList = [] effectsList = newState?.attributes?.effect_list?.indexed(1) def effectName = newState?.attributes?.effect def lightType = [] lightType = newState?.attributes?.supported_color_modes if ((lightType.intersect(["hs", "rgb"])) && (lightType.contains("color_temp"))) lightType += "rgbw" if (effectsList) lightType += "rgbwe" switch (lightType) { case {it.intersect(["rgbwe"])}: device_class = "rgbwe" newVals += ["RGB", hue, sat, ct, effectsList, effectName] break case {it.intersect(["rgbww", "rgbw"])}: device_class = "rgbw" newVals += ["RGB", hue, sat, ct] break case {it.intersect(["hs", "rgb"])}: device_class = "rgb" newVals += ["RGB", hue, sat] break case {it.intersect(["color_temp"])}: device_class = "ct" newVals += ["white", ct] break default: device_class = "dimmer" } mapping = translateLight(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) if (newVals[0] == "off") mapping.event = [mapping.event[0]] // remove updates not provided with the HA 'off' event json data if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "binary_sensor": mapping = translateBinarySensors(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "input_number": case "number": def minimum = newState?.attributes?.min def maximum = newState?.attributes?.max def step = newState?.attributes?.step def unit = newState?.attributes?.unit_of_measurement newVals += [unit, minimum, maximum, step] mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "sensor": def attributes = newState?.attributes def unit = attributes?.unit_of_measurement newVals += unit if ((!device_class) && (unit in ["Bq/m³","pCi/L"])) { device_class = "radon" // if there is no device_class, we need to infer from the units } else if ((!device_class) && (attributes.containsKey("distance"))) { device_class = "occupancy" def distance = attributes.distance newVals = [newVals[0]] + distance } newVals += attributes mapping = translateSensors(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "climate": def thermostat_mode = newState?.state def current_temperature = newState?.attributes?.current_temperature def maxHumidity = newState?.attributes?.max_humidity def minHumidity = newState?.attributes?.min_humidity def currentHumidity = newState?.attributes?.current_humidity def targetHumidity = newState?.attributes?.humidity def hvac_action = newState?.attributes?.hvac_action def fan_mode = newState?.attributes?.fan_mode def target_temperature = newState?.attributes?.temperature def target_temp_high = newState?.attributes?.target_temp_high def target_temp_low = newState?.attributes?.target_temp_low def supportedPmodes = [] supportedPmodes = newState?.attributes?.preset_modes?.indexed(1) def currentPreset = newState?.attributes?.preset_mode def hvac_modes = newState?.attributes?.hvac_modes if (!hvac_modes) hvac_modes = ["heat"] def supportedTmodes = JsonOutput.toJson(hvac_modes) def fan_modes = newState?.attributes?.fan_modes if (!fan_modes) fan_modes = ["on"] def supportedFmodes = JsonOutput.toJson(fan_modes) newVals = [thermostat_mode, current_temperature, hvac_action, fan_mode, target_temperature, target_temp_high, target_temp_low, supportedTmodes, supportedFmodes, supportedPmodes, currentPreset, maxHumidity, minHumidity, currentHumidity, targetHumidity] mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (!currentHumidity) mapping.event = mapping.event[0..10] // some thermostats don't provide humidity control if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "button": case "input_button": newVals = [1] mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "humidifier": humidifierMode = newState?.attributes?.mode def supportedModes = [] supportedModes = newState?.attributes?.available_modes?.indexed(1) def maxHumidity = newState?.attributes?.max_humidity def minHumidity = newState?.attributes?.min_humidity def currentHumidity = newState?.attributes?.current_humidity def targetHumidity = newState?.attributes?.humidity newVals += [humidifierMode, supportedModes, maxHumidity, minHumidity, currentHumidity, targetHumidity] mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (!targetHumidity) mapping.event.remove(6) if (!currentHumidity) mapping.event.remove(5) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "vacuum": def speed = newState?.attributes?.fan_speed def fanSpeedList = [] fanSpeedList = newState?.attributes?.fan_speed_list newVals += [speed, fanSpeedList] mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "select": case "input_select": def options = [] options = newState?.attributes?.options?.indexed(1) newVals += options mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "media_player": def status = newVals[0] if (newVals[0] == "off") status = "unknown" def volume = newState?.attributes?.volume_level if (volume) volume = Math.round((volume * 100).toInteger()) def mute = newState?.attributes?.is_volume_muted def mediaType = newState?.attributes?.media_content_type def duration = newState?.attributes?.media_duration def position = newState?.attributes?.media_position def trackData = newState?.attributes?.media_content_id def title = newState?.attributes?.media_title ?: '---' def trackDescription = "Title: " + title def artist = newState?.attributes?.media_artist ?: '---' def album = newState?.attributes?.media_album_name ?: '---' def playlist = newState?.attributes?.media_playlist ?: '---' def channel = newState?.attributes?.media_channel ?: '---' def episode = newState?.attributes?.media_episode ?: '---' def season = newState?.attributes?.media_season ?: '---' def seriesTitle = newState?.attributes?.media_series_title ?: '---' switch (mediaType) { case "music": trackDescription += ", Artist: " + artist + ", Album: " + album + ", Playlist: " + playlist; break case "episode": trackDescription += ", Serie: " + seriesTitle + ", Season: " + season + ", Episode: " + episode; break case "channel": trackDescription = "Channel: " + channel; break } def mediaInputSource = newState?.attributes?.source def supportedInputs = newState?.attributes?.source_list?.indexed(1) newVals += [status, mute, volume, mediaType, duration, position, trackData, trackDescription, mediaInputSource, supportedInputs] mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (!supportedInputs) mapping.event.remove(10) if (!mediaInputSource) mapping.event.remove(9) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break default: if (logEnable) log.info("No mapping exists for domain: ${domain}, device_class: ${device_class}. Please contact devs to have this added.") } return } catch(e) { log.error("Parsing error: ${e}") return } } def translateBinarySensors(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) { def mapping = [ door: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText: "${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'open':'closed'}"]]], garage_door: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'open':'closed'}"]]], lock: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'unlocked':'locked'}"]]], moisture: [type: "Generic Component Water Sensor", event: [[name: "water", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "wet":"dry", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'wet':'dry'}"]]], motion: [type: "Generic Component Motion Sensor", event: [[name: "motion", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? """active""":"""inactive""", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'active':'inactive'}"]]], occupancy: [type: "Generic Component Motion Sensor", event: [[name: "motion", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? """active""":"""inactive""", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'active':'inactive'}"]]], moving: [type: "Generic Component Acceleration Sensor", event: [[name: "acceleration", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? """active""":"""inactive""", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'active':'inactive'}"]]], opening: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'open':'closed'}"]]], presence: [type: "Generic Component Presence Sensor", event: [[name: "presence", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "present":"not present", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'present':'not present'}"]], namespace: "community"], smoke: [type: "Generic Component Smoke Detector", event: [[name: "smoke", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "detected":"clear", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'detected':'clear'}"]]], vibration: [type: "Generic Component Acceleration Sensor", event: [[name: "acceleration", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? """active""":"""inactive""", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'active':'inactive'}"]]], unknown: [type: "Generic Component Unknown Sensor", event: [[name: "unknown", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0]}"]], namespace: "community"], window: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'open':'closed'}"]]], ] if (!mapping[device_class]) device_class = "unknown" return mapping[device_class] } def translateSensors(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) { def mapping = [ humidity: [type: "Generic Component Humidity Sensor", event: [[name: "humidity", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} humidity is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: '%'}"]]], moisture: [type: "Generic Component Humidity Sensor", event: [[name: "humidity", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} humidity is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: '%'}"]]], illuminance: [type: "Generic Component Illuminance Sensor", event: [[name: "illuminance", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "lx", descriptionText:"${friendly} illuminance is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'lx'}"]], namespace: "community"], battery: [type: "Generic Component Battery", event: [[name: "battery", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} battery is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: '%'}"]], namespace: "community"], power: [type: "Generic Component Power Meter", event: [[name: "power", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "W", descriptionText:"${friendly} power is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'W'}"]]], pressure: [type: "Generic Component Pressure Sensor", event: [[name: "pressure", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "", descriptionText:"${friendly} pressure is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: ''}"]], namespace: "community"], carbon_dioxide: [type: "Generic Component Carbon Dioxide Sensor", event: [[name: "carbonDioxide", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "ppm", descriptionText:"${friendly} carbon_dioxide is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'ppm'}"]], namespace: "community"], volatile_organic_compounds_parts: [type: "Generic Component Volatile Organic Compounds Sensor", event: [[name: "voc", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "ppb", descriptionText:"${friendly} volatile_organic_compounds_parts is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'ppb'}"]], namespace: "community"], volatile_organic_compounds: [type: "Generic Component Volatile Organic Compounds Sensor", event: [[name: "voc", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "µg/m³", descriptionText:"${friendly} volatile_organic_compounds is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'µg/m³'}"]], namespace: "community"], radon: [type: "Generic Component Radon Sensor", event: [[name: "radon", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1], descriptionText:"${friendly} radon is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1]}"]], namespace: "community"], temperature: [type: "Generic Component Temperature Sensor", event: [[name: "temperature", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "°", descriptionText:"${friendly} temperature is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: '°'}"]]], voltage: [type: "Generic Component Voltage Sensor", event: [[name: "voltage", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "V", descriptionText:"${friendly} voltage is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'V'}"]]], energy: [type: "Generic Component Energy Meter", event: [[name: "energy", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "kWh", descriptionText:"${friendly} energy is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'kWh'}"]]], unknown: [type: "Generic Component Unknown Sensor", event: [[name: "unknown", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "", descriptionText:"${friendly} value is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: ''}"],[name: "attributes", value: newVals[2]]], namespace: "community"], occupancy: [type: "HADB Generic Component Occupancy Sensor", event: [[name: "room", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} room is ${newVals[0]} "],[name: "distance", value: newVals[1], unit: "m", descriptionText:"${friendly} distance is ${newVals[1]} m"],[name: "attributes", value: newVals[2]]], namespace: "community"], timestamp: [type: "Generic Component TimeStamp Sensor", event: [[name: "timestamp", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} time is ${newVals[0]}"]], namespace: "community"], pm25: [type: "Generic Component pm25 Sensor", event: [[name: "pm25", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "µg/m³", descriptionText:"${friendly} pm2.5 is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'µg/m³'}"]], namespace: "community"], ] if (!mapping[device_class]) device_class = "unknown" return mapping[device_class] } def translateCovers(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) { def mapping = [ shade: [type: "Generic Component Window Shade", event: [[name: "windowShade", value: newVals[0] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "position", value: (null != newVals?.getAt(1)) ? newVals[1] : "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[1]} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], garage: [type: "Generic Component Garage Door Control", event: [[name: "door", value: newVals[0] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], door: [type: "Generic Component Door Control", event: [[name: "door", value: newVals[0] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], blind: [type: "Generic Component Window Blind", event: [[name: "windowBlind", value: newVals[0] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "windowShade", value: newVals[0] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "position", value: newVals[1] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} position was set to ${newVals[1] ?: "unknown"} [${origin}]"],[name: "tilt", value: newVals[2] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} tilt was set to ${newVals[2] ?: "unknown"} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], ] return mapping[device_class] } def translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) { def mapping = [ button: [type: "Generic Component Pushable Button", event: [[name: "pushed", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} button ${newVals[0]} was pushed [${origin}]", isStateChange: true]], namespace: "community"], input_button: [type: "Generic Component Pushable Button", event: [[name: "pushed", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} button ${newVals[0]} was pushed [${origin}]", isStateChange: true]], namespace: "community"], fan: [type: "Generic Component Fan Control", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "speed", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} speed was set to ${newVals[1]} [${origin}]"],[name: "level", value: newVals[2], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[2]} [${origin}]"]]], switch: [type: "Generic Component Switch", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]]], device_tracker: [type: "Generic Component Presence Sensor", event: [[name: "presence", value: newVals[0] == "home" ? "present":"not present", descriptionText:"${friendly} is updated"]], namespace: "community"], lock: [type: "Generic Component Lock", event: [[name: "lock", value: newVals[0] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]]], climate: [type: "HADB Generic Component Thermostat", event: [[name: "thermostatMode", value: newVals[0], descriptionText: "${friendly} is set to ${newVals[0]}"],[name: "temperature", value: newVals[1], descriptionText: "${friendly} current temperature is ${newVals[1]} degree"],[name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: newVals[2], descriptionText: "${friendly} mode is ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "thermostatFanMode", value: newVals[3] ?: "on", descriptionText: "${friendly} fan is set to ${newVals[3] ?: 'on'}"],[name: "thermostatSetpoint", value: newVals[4], descriptionText: "${friendly} temperature is set to ${newVals[4]} degree"],[name: "coolingSetpoint", value: newVals[5] ?: newVals[4], descriptionText: "${friendly} cooling temperature is set to ${newVals[5] ?: newVals[4]} degrees"],[name: "heatingSetpoint", value: newVals[6] ?: newVals[4], descriptionText: "${friendly} heating temperature is set to ${newVals[6] ?: newVals[4]} degrees"],[name: "supportedThermostatModes", value: newVals[7], descriptionText: "${friendly} supportedThermostatModes were set to ${newVals[7]}"],[name: "supportedThermostatFanModes", value: newVals[8], descriptionText: "${friendly} supportedThermostatFanModes were set to ${newVals[8]}"],[name: "supportedPresets", value: newVals[9] ?: "none", descriptionText: "${friendly} supportedPresets were set to ${newVals[9] ?: 'none'}"],[name: "currentPreset", value: newVals[10] ?: "none", descriptionText: "${friendly} currentPreset was set to ${newVals[10] ?: 'none'}"],[name: "maxHumidity", value: newVals[11] ?: 100, unit: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} maximum humidity is ${newVals[11] ?: 100}%"],[name: "minHumidity", value: newVals[12] ?: 0, unit: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} minimum humidity is ${newVals[12] ?: 0}%"],[name: "humidity", value: newVals[13], unit: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} current humidity is ${newVals[13]}%"],[name: "humiditySetpoint", value: newVals[14], unit: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} humidity setpoint is set to ${newVals[14]}%"]], namespace: "community"], input_boolean: [type: "Generic Component Switch", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]]], humidifier: [type: "HADB Generic Component Humidifier", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "humidifierMode", value: newVals[1] ?: "none", descriptionText: "${friendly}'s humidifier mode is set to ${newVals[1] ?: 'none'}"],[name: "supportedModes", value: newVals[2] ?: "none", descriptionText: "${friendly} supportedModes were set to ${newVals[2] ?: 'none'}"],[name: "maxHumidity", value: newVals[3] ?: 100, unit: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} max humidity is ${newVals[3] ?: 100}%"],[name: "minHumidity", value: newVals[4] ?: 0, unit: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} min humidity is ${newVals[4] ?: 0}%"],[name: "humidity", value: newVals[5], unit: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} current humidity is ${newVals[5]}%"],[name: "targetHumidity", value: newVals[6], unit: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} target humidity is set to ${newVals[6]}%"]], namespace: "community"], valve: [type: "HADB Generic Component Valve", event: [[name: "valve", value: newVals[0] == "closed" ? "closed":"open", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], event: [type: "HADB Generic Component Event", event: [[name: "timestamp", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} event received at ${newVals[0]}"],[name: newVals[1], value: 1, descriptionText: "${friendly} was ${newVals[1]}", isStateChange: true]], namespace: "community"], input_text: [type: "HADB Generic Component Text", event: [[name: "variable", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was set to ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], text: [type: "HADB Generic Component Text", event: [[name: "variable", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was set to ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], input_number: [type: "Generic Component Number", event: [[name: "number", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was set to ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: ''} [${origin}]"],[name: "minimum", value: newVals[2], descriptionText:"${friendly} minimum value is ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "maximum", value: newVals[3], descriptionText:"${friendly} maximum value is ${newVals[3]}"],[name: "step", value: newVals[4], descriptionText:"${friendly} step is ${newVals[4]}"]], namespace: "community"], number: [type: "Generic Component Number", event: [[name: "number", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was set to ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: ''} [${origin}]"],[name: "minimum", value: newVals[2], descriptionText:"${friendly} minimum value is ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "maximum", value: newVals[3], descriptionText:"${friendly} maximum value is ${newVals[3]}"],[name: "step", value: newVals[4], descriptionText:"${friendly} step is ${newVals[4]}"]], namespace: "community"], vacuum: [type: "HADB Generic Component Vacuum", event: [[name: "vacuum", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "speed", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} speed was set to ${newVals[1]} [${origin}]"],[name: "fanSeedList", value: newVals[2], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} speed list is ${newVals[2]} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], media_player: [type: "HADB Generic Component Media Player", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0] == "off" ? "off":"on", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0] == 'off' ? 'off':'on'} [${origin}]"],[name: "status", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} status was set to ${newVals[1]} [${origin}]"],[name: "mute", value: newVals[2] ? "muted":"unmuted", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} volume was ${newVals[2] ? 'muted':'unmuted'} [${origin}]"],[name: "volume", value: newVals[3], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} volume was set to ${newVals[3]} [${origin}]"],[name: "mediaType", value: newVals[4], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} mediaType was set to ${newVals[4]} [${origin}]"],[name: "duration", value: newVals[5], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} duration was set to ${newVals[5]} [${origin}]"],[name: "position", value: newVals[6], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} position was set to ${newVals[6]} [${origin}]"],[name: "trackData", value: newVals[7], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} track was set to ${newVals[7]} [${origin}]"],[name: "trackDescription", value: newVals[8], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} trackDescription was set to ${newVals[8]} [${origin}]"],[name: "mediaInputSource", value: newVals[9], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} mediaInputSource was set to ${newVals[9]} [${origin}]"],[name: "supportedInputs", value: newVals[10], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} supportedInputs was set to ${newVals[10]} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], select: [type: "HADB Generic Component Select", event: [[name: "currentOption", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was set to ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "options", value: newVals[1], descriptionText: "${friendly} options were set to ${newVals[1]}"]], namespace: "community"], input_select: [type: "HADB Generic Component Select", event: [[name: "currentOption", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was set to ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "options", value: newVals[1], descriptionText: "${friendly} options were set to ${newVals[1]}"]], namespace: "community"], ] return mapping[domain] } def translateLight(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) { def mapping = [ rgbwe: [type: "Generic Component RGBW Light Effects", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "level", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[1]}"],[name: "colorMode", value: newVals[2], descriptionText:"${friendly} color mode was set to ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "hue", value: newVals[3], descriptionText:"${friendly} hue was set to ${newVals[3]}"],[name: "saturation", value: newVals[4], descriptionText:"${friendly} saturation was set to ${newVals[4]}"],[name: "colorTemperature", value: newVals[5] ?: 'emulated', descriptionText:"${friendly} color temperature was set to ${newVals[5] ?: 'emulated'}°K"],[name: "lightEffects", value: newVals[6]],[name: "effectName", value: newVals[7] ?: "none", descriptionText:"${friendly} effect was set to ${newVals[7] ?: 'none'}"]]], rgbw: [type: "Generic Component RGBW", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "level", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[1]}"],[name: "colorMode", value: newVals[2], descriptionText:"${friendly} color mode was set to ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "hue", value: newVals[3], descriptionText:"${friendly} hue was set to ${newVals[3]}"],[name: "saturation", value: newVals[4], descriptionText:"${friendly} saturation was set to ${newVals[4]}"],[name: "colorTemperature", value: newVals[5], descriptionText:"${friendly} color temperature was set to ${newVals[5]}°K"]]], rgb: [type: "Generic Component RGB", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "level", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[1]}"],[name: "colorMode", value: newVals[2], descriptionText:"${friendly} color mode was set to ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "hue", value: newVals[3], descriptionText:"${friendly} hue was set to ${newVals[3]}"],[name: "saturation", value: newVals[4], descriptionText:"${friendly} saturation was set to ${newVals[4]}"]]], ct: [type: "Generic Component CT", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "level", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[1]}"],[name: "colorName", value: newVals[2], descriptionText:"${friendly} color name was set to ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "colorTemperature", value: newVals[3], descriptionText:"${friendly} color temperature was set to ${newVals[3]}°K"]]], dimmer: [type: "Generic Component Dimmer", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "level", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[1]} [${origin}]"]]], ] return mapping[device_class] } def updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) { def ch = createChild(mapping.type, entity, friendly, mapping.namespace) if (!ch) { log.warn("Child type: ${mapping.type} not created for entity: ${entity}") return } else { if (mapping.event[0].value == "unavailable") mapping.event = [[name: "healthStatus", value: "offline", descriptionText:"${friendly} is offline"]] else mapping.event += [name: "healthStatus", value: "online", descriptionText:"${friendly} is online"] ch.parse(mapping.event) } } def createChild(deviceType, entity, friendly, namespace = null) { def ch = getChildDevice("${device.id}-${entity}") if (!ch) ch = addChildDevice(namespace ?: "hubitat", deviceType, "${device.id}-${entity}", [name: "${entity}", label: "${friendly}", isComponent: false]) return ch } def componentOn(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received on request from ${ch.label}") if (!ch.currentValue("level") || ch.hasCapability("LightEffects")) { data = [:] } else { data = [brightness_pct: "${ch.currentValue("level")}"] } executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } def componentOff(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received off request from ${ch.label}") if(ch.getSupportedAttributes().contains("thermostatMode")) { // since componentOff() is not unique across Hubitat device types, catch this special case componentOffTStat(ch) return } executeCommand(ch, "turn_off") } def componentSetLevel(ch, level, transition=1) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setLevel request from ${ch.label}") if (level > 100) level = 100 if (level < 0) level = 0 // if a Fan device, special handling: if (ch.currentValue("speed")) { switch (level.toInteger()) { case 0: componentSetSpeed(ch, "off"); break case 1..30: componentSetSpeed(ch, "low"); break case 31..50: componentSetSpeed(ch, "medium-low"); break case 51..70: componentSetSpeed(ch, "medium"); break case 71..90: componentSetSpeed(ch, "medium-high"); break case 91..100: componentSetSpeed(ch, "high"); break default: if (logEnable) log.info("No case defined for Fan setLevel(${level})") } } else { data = [brightness_pct: "${level}", transition: "${transition}"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } } def componentSetColor(ch, color, transition=1) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setColor request from ${ch.label}") convertedHue = Math.round(color.hue * 360/100) data = [brightness_pct: "${color.level}", hs_color: ["${convertedHue}", "${color.saturation}"], transition: "${transition}"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } def componentSetColorTemperature(ch, colortemperature, level, transition=1) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setColorTemperature request from ${ch.label}") if (!level) level = ch.currentValue("level") if (!transition) transition = 1 data = [brightness_pct: "${level}", color_temp_kelvin: "${colortemperature}", transition: "${transition}"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } def componentSetHue(ch, hue, transition=1) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setHue request from ${ch.label}") convertedHue = Math.round(hue * 360/100) data = [brightness_pct: "${ch.currentValue("level")}", hs_color: ["${convertedHue}", "${ch.currentValue("saturation")}"], transition: "${transition}"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } def componentSetSaturation(ch, saturation, transition=1) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setSaturation request from ${ch.label}") convertedHue = Math.round(ch.currentValue("hue") * 360/100) data = [brightness_pct: "${ch.currentValue("level")}", hs_color: ["${convertedHue}", "${saturation}"], transition: "${transition}"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } def componentSetEffect(ch, effectNumber) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setEffect request from ${ch.label}") def effectsList = ch.currentValue("lightEffects")?.tokenize(',=[]') def max = effectsList.size() / 2 max = max.toInteger() effectNumber = effectNumber.toInteger() effectNumber = (effectNumber < 1) ? 1 : ((effectNumber > max) ? max : effectNumber) data = [effect: effectsList[(effectNumber * 2) - 1].trim().replaceAll("}","")] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } def componentSetNextEffect(ch) { log.warn("setNextEffect not implemented") } def componentSetPreviousEffect(ch) { log.warn("setPreviousEffect not implemented") } def componentSetSpeed(ch, speed) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setSpeed request from ${ch.label}, with speed = ${speed}") if (speed == "off") { executeCommand(ch, "turn_off"); return } switch (speed) { case "on": data = [:]; break case "low": data = [percentage: "20"]; break case "medium-low": data = [percentage: "40"]; break case "auto": case "medium": data = [percentage: "60"]; break case "medium-high": data = [percentage: "80"]; break case "high": data = [percentage: "100"]; break default: data = [:] } executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } def componentCycleSpeed(ch) { def newSpeed = "" switch (ch.currentValue("speed")) { case "off": speed = "low"; break case "low": speed = "medium-low"; break case "medium-low": speed = "medium"; break case "medium": speed = "medium-high"; break case "medium-high": speed = "high"; break case "high": speed = "off"; break } componentSetSpeed(ch, speed) } void componentClose(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received close request from ${ch.label}") service = ch.hasCapability("Valve") ? "close_valve":"close_cover" executeCommand(ch, service) } void componentOpen(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received open request from ${ch.label}") service = ch.hasCapability("Valve") ? "open_valve":"open_cover" executeCommand(ch, service) } void componentSetPosition(ch, pos) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set position request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "set_cover_position", [position: pos]) } void componentCloseTilt(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received close tilt request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "close_cover_tilt") } void componentOpenTilt(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received open tilt request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "open_cover_tilt") } void componentSetTiltLevel(ch, tilt) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set tilt request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "set_cover_tilt_position", [position: tilt]) } void componentStartPositionChange(ch, dir) { if(["open", "close"].contains(dir)) { if (logEnable) log.info("received ${dir} request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, dir + "_cover") } } void componentStopPositionChange(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received stop request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "stop_cover") } void componentStartTiltChange(ch, dir) { if(["open", "close"].contains(dir)) { if (logEnable) log.info("received ${dir} tilt request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, dir + "_cover_tilt") } } void componentStopTiltChange(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received stop tilt request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "stop_cover_tilt") } void componentLock(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received lock request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "lock") } void componentUnlock(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received unlock request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "unlock") } def componentPush(ch, nb) { if (logEnable) log.info("received push button ${nb} request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "press") } def componentSetNumber(ch, newValue) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set number to ${newValue} request from ${ch.label}") newValue = Math.round(newValue / ch.currentValue("step")) * ch.currentValue("step") if (newValue < ch.currentValue("minimum")) newValue = ch.currentValue("minimum") if (newValue > ch.currentValue("maximum")) newValue = ch.currentValue("maximum") executeCommand(ch, "set_value", [value: newValue]) } def componentSetVariable(ch, newValue) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set variable to ${newValue} request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "set_value", [value: newValue]) } def componentRefresh(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received refresh request from ${ch.label}") // special handling since domain is fixed entity = ch.name messUpd = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "homeassistant", service: "update_entity", service_data: [entity_id: entity]]) state.id = state.id + 1 if (logEnable) log.debug("messUpd = ${messUpd}") interfaces.webSocket.sendMessage("${messUpd}") } def componentSetThermostatMode(ch, thermostatmode) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setThermostatMode request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "set_hvac_mode", [hvac_mode: thermostatmode]) } def componentSetCoolingSetpoint(ch, temperature) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setCoolingSetpoint request from ${ch.label}") if (ch.currentValue("thermostatMode") == "heat_cool") data = [target_temp_high: temperature, target_temp_low: ch.currentValue("heatingSetpoint")] else data = [temperature: temperature] executeCommand(ch, "set_temperature", data) } def componentSetHeatingSetpoint(ch, temperature) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setHeatingSetpoint request from ${ch.label}") if (ch.currentValue("thermostatMode") == "heat_cool") data = [target_temp_high: ch.currentValue("coolingSetpoint"), target_temp_low: temperature] else data = [temperature: temperature] executeCommand(ch, "set_temperature", data) } def componentSetThermostatFanMode(ch, fanmode) { if (logEnable) log.info("received ${fanmode} request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "set_fan_mode", [fan_mode: fanmode]) } def componentSetPreset(ch, preset) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set preset number request from ${ch.label}") if (preset.toString().isNumber()) { def presetsList = ch.currentValue("supportedPresets")?.tokenize(',=[]') def max = presetsList.size() / 2 max = max.toInteger() preset = preset.toInteger() preset = (preset < 1) ? 1 : ((preset > max) ? max : preset) data = [preset_mode: presetsList[(preset * 2) - 1].trim().replaceAll("}","")] } else data = [preset_mode: preset] executeCommand(ch, "set_preset_mode", data) } def componentSetHumidifierMode(ch, mode) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set mode number request from ${ch.label}") if (mode.toString().isNumber()) { def modesList = ch.currentValue("supportedModes")?.tokenize(',=[]') def max = modesList.size() / 2 max = max.toInteger() mode = mode.toInteger() mode = (mode < 1) ? 1 : ((mode > max) ? max : mode) data = [mode: modesList[(mode * 2) - 1].trim().replaceAll("}","")] } else data = [mode: mode] executeCommand(ch, "set_mode", data) } def componentSelectOption(ch, option) { if (logEnable) log.info("received select option number request from ${ch.label}") if (option.toString().isNumber()) { def optionsList = ch.currentValue("options")?.tokenize(',=[]') def max = optionsList.size() / 2 max = max.toInteger() option = option.toInteger() option = (option < 1) ? 1 : ((option > max) ? max : option) data = [option: optionsList[(option * 2) - 1].trim().replaceAll("}","")] } else data = [option: option] executeCommand(ch, "select_option", data) } def componentSetHumidity(ch, target) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set humidity request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "set_humidity", [humidity: target]) } def componentAuto(ch) { componentSetThermostatMode(ch, "auto") } def componentCool(ch) { componentSetThermostatMode(ch, "cool") } def componentEmergencyHeat(ch) { componentSetThermostatMode(ch, "emergencyHeat") } def componentFanAuto(ch) { componentSetThermostatMode(ch, "auto") } def componentFanCirculate(ch) { componentSetThermostatFanMode(ch, "circulate") } def componentFanOn(ch) { componentSetThermostatFanMode(ch, "on") } def componentHeat(ch) { componentSetThermostatMode(ch, "heat") } def componentOffTStat(ch) { componentSetThermostatMode(ch, "off") } def componentStartLevelChange(ch) { log.warn("Start level change not supported") } def componentStopLevelChange(ch) { log.warn("Stop level change not supported") } void componentCleanSpot(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received clean spot request from ${ch.label}") //executeCommand(ch, "clean_spot", [:]) } void componentLocate(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received locate request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "locate") } void componentPause(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received pause request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "pause") } void componentReturnToBase(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received return to base request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "return_to_base") } void componentSetFanSpeed(ch, speed) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set fan speed request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "set_fan_speed", [value: speed]) } void componentStart(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received start request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "start") } void componentStop(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received stop request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "stop") } void componentMute(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received mute request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "volume_mute", [is_volume_muted: "true"]) } void componentUnmute(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received unmute request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "volume_mute", [is_volume_muted: "false"]) } void componentVolumeUp(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received volume up request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "volume_up") } void componentVolumeDown(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received volume down request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "volume_down") } void componentSetVolume(ch, volume) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set volume level request from ${ch.label}") volume = volume / 100 executeCommand(ch, "volume_set", [volume_level: volume]) } void componentSetInputSource(ch, source) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set input source from ${ch.label}") if (source.toString().isNumber()) { def sourcesList = ch.currentValue("supportedInputs")?.tokenize(',=[]') def max = sourcesList.size() / 2 max = max.toInteger() source = source.toInteger() source = (source < 1) ? 1 : ((source > max) ? max : source) data = [source: sourcesList[(source * 2) - 1].trim().replaceAll("}","")] } else data = [source: source] executeCommand(ch, "select_source", data) } void componentPauseMedia(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received pause from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "media_pause") } void componentPlay(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received play from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "media_play") } void componentStopMedia(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received stop from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "media_stop") } void componentPlayText(ch, text) { } void componentPlayTrack(ch, mediaType, trackUri) { if (logEnable) log.info("received play track from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "play_media", [media_content_type: mediaType, media_content_id: trackUri]) } void componentPreviousTrack(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received previous from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "media_previous_track") } void componentNextTrack(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received next from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "media_next_track") } void componentShuffle(ch, value) { if (logEnable) log.info("received shuffle from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "suffle_set", [suffle: value]) } void componentRepeat(ch, value) { if (logEnable) log.info("received repeat from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "repeat_set", [repeat: value]) } void componentRestoreTrack(ch, trackUri) { } void componentResumeTrack(ch, trackUri) { } void componentSetTrack(ch, trackUri){ } def closeConnection() { if (logEnable) log.debug("Closing connection...") state.wasExpectedClose = true interfaces.webSocket.close() } def callService(entity, service, data = "") { def cvData = [:] cvData = data.tokenize(",").collectEntries{it.tokenize(":").with{[(it[0]):it[1..(it.size()-1)].join(":")]}} domain = entity?.tokenize(".")[0] messUpd = [id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: domain, service: service, service_data : [entity_id: entity] + cvData] state.id = state.id + 1 messUpdStr = JsonOutput.toJson(messUpd) if (logEnable) log.debug("messUpdStr = ${messUpdStr}") interfaces.webSocket.sendMessage(messUpdStr) } def executeCommand(ch, service, data = [:]) { entity = ch?.getDeviceNetworkId().split("-")[1] domain = entity?.tokenize(".")[0] messUpd = [id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: domain, service: service, service_data : [entity_id: entity] + data] state.id = state.id + 1 messUpdStr = JsonOutput.toJson(messUpd) if (logEnable) log.debug("messUpdStr = ${messUpdStr}") interfaces.webSocket.sendMessage(messUpdStr) } def deleteAllChildDevices() { log.info("Uninstalling all Child Devices") getChildDevices().each { deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) } }