/* * Home Assistant to Hubitat Integration * * Description: * Allow control of HA devices. * * Required Information: * Home Asisstant IP and Port number * Home Assistant long term Access Token * * Features List: * * Licensing: * Copyright 2021 Yves Mercier. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Version Control: * 0.1.0 2021-02-05 Yves Mercier Orinal version * 0.1.1 2021-02-06 Dan Ogorchock Added basic support for simple "Light" devices from Home Assistant using Hubitat Generic Component Dimmer driver * 0.1.2 2021-02-06 tomw Added handling for some binary_sensor subtypes based on device_class * 0.1.3 2021-02-06 Dan Ogorchock Bug Fixes * 0.1.4 2021-02-06 Yves Mercier Added version number and import URL * 0.1.5 2021-02-06 Dan Ogorchock Added support for Temperature and Humidity Sensors * 0.1.6 2021-02-06 Dan Ogorchock Corrected open/closed for HA door events * 0.1.7 2021-02-07 Dan Ogorchock Corrected open/closed for HA window, garage_door, and opening per @smarthomeprimer * 0.1.8 2021-02-07 Dan Ogorchock Removed temperature and humidity workaround for missing device_class on some HA sensors. * This can be corrected on the HA side via the Customize entity feature to add the missing device_class. * 0.1.9 2021-02-07 tomw More generic handling for "sensor" device_classes. Added voltage device_class to "sensor". * 0.1.10 2021-02-07 Dan Ogorchock Refactored the translation from HA to HE to simplify the overall design * 0.1.11 2021-02-07 Dan Ogorchock Completed refactoring of Dimmer Switch support * 0.1.12 2021-02-08 Dan Ogorchock Fixed typo in log.info statement * 0.1.13 2021-02-08 tomw Added "community" namespace support for component drivers. Added Pressure and Illuminance. * 0.1.14 2021-02-10 Dan Ogorchock Added support for Fan devices (used Lutron Fan Controller as test device.) * 0.1.15 2021-02-13 tomw Adjust websocket status handling to reconnect on both close and error conditions. * 0.1.16 2021-02-14 tomw Revert 0.1.15 * 0.1.17 2021-02-14 Dan Ogorchock Improved webSocket reconnect logic * 0.1.18 2021-02-14 tomw Avoid reconnect loop on initialize * 0.1.19 2021-02-16 Yves Mercier Added Refresh handler * 0.1.20 2021-02-16 Yves mercier Refactored webSocketStatus * 0.1.21 2021-02-22 Yves mercier Reinstated CloseConnection command. Added connection status on device page. * 0.1.22 2021-02-24 tomw Changes to support optional device filtering. For use with haDeviceBridgeConfiguration.groovy. * 0.1.23 2021-02-25 Dan Ogorchock Switched from Exclude List to Include List * 0.1.24 2021-03-07 Yves Mercier Added device label in event description * 0.1.25 2021-03-18 Dan Ogorchock Updated for recent Hass Fan handling changes (use percentages to set speeds instead of deprecated speed names) * 0.1.26 2021-04-02 DongHwan Suh Added partial support for Color temperature, RGB, RGBW lights * (Manually updating the device type to the corresponding one is required in Hubitat. Only statuses of level and switch are shown in Hubitat.) * 0.1.27 2021-04-11 Yves Mercier Added option for secure connection * 0.1.28 2021-04-14 Dan Ogorchock Improved Fan Device handling * 0.1.29 2021-04-17 Dan Ogorchock Added support for Smoke Detector Binary Sensor * 0.1.30 2021-08-10 tomw Added support for device_tracker as Presence Sensor * 0.1.31 2021-09-23 tomw Added support for Power sensor * 0.1.33 2021-09-28 tomw Added support for cover as Garage Door Opener * 0.1.34 2021-11-24 Yves Mercier Added event type: digital or physical (in that case, from Hubitat or from Home Assistant). * 0.1.35 2021-12-01 draperw Added support for locks * 0.1.36 2021-12-14 Yves Mercier Improved event type * 0.1.37 2021-12-26 gabriel_kpk Added support for Climate domain * 0.1.38 2021-12-29 Improved Climate support, Code cleanup, Minor decription fixes * 0.1.39 2022-01-19 BrenenP Added support for additional sensors * 0.1.40 2022-02-23 tomw Added support for Energy sensor * 0.1.41 2022-03-08 Yves Mercier Validate Fan speed * 0.1.42 2022-04-02 tomw Added support for input_boolean * 0.1.43 2022-05-10 tomw Added support for Curtain device_class * 0.1.44 2022-05-15 tomw Added support for Shade device_class * 0.1.46 2022-07-04 tomw Advanced configuration - manual add/remove of devices; option to disable filtering; unused child cleanup * 0.1.47 2022-11-03 mboisson Added support for Carbon Dioxide, Radon, and Volatile Organic Compounds sensors * 0.1.48 2022-11-14 Yves Mercier Added minimal RGB light support (no CT) * 0.1.49 2022-11-16 mboisson Sensor units and support for "unknown" sensor types * 0.1.50 2022-12-06 Yves Mercier Improved support for lights and added option to ignore unavailable state * 0.1.51 2023-01-30 Yves Mercier Added support for "unknown" binary sensor and timestamp sensor * 0.1.53 2023-02-19 Yves Mercier Fix a typo and refine support for lights (CT) * 0.1.54 2023-03-02 Yves Mercier Added support for light effects * 0.1.55 2023-05-27 Yves Mercier Added support for pm2.5 * 0.1.56 2023-06-12 Yves Mercier Modified various sensor units handling * 0.1.57 2023-07-18 Yves Mercier By default map unsuported sensors to unknown * 0.1.58 2023-07-27 Yves Mercier Add support for number entity * 0.1.59 2023-08-13 Yves Mercier Remove unsupported states and change how health status is reported. * 0.1.60 2013-12-31 mboisson Added support for air quality parts * 0.1.61 2024-01-02 Yves Mercier Add alternate RGBW implementation + add handling of unknown state. * 0.1.62 2024-01-10 Yves Mercier Add input_number support * 2.0 2024-01-20 Yves Mercier Introduce entity subscription model * 2.1 2024-01-30 Yves Mercier Improve climate support * 2.2 2024-02-01 Yves Mercier Add support for door types, blind types and moisture * 2.3 2024-03-26 Yves Mercier Add call service command and support for buttons * 2.4 2024-04-27 Yves Mercier Add humidity to climate entity * 2.5 2024-05-24 Yves Mercier Add support for valve entity and add supported fan modes for climate entity * 2.6 2024-06-11 Yves Mercier Add support for humidifier entity */ import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.json.JsonOutput metadata { definition (name: "HomeAssistant Hub Parent", namespace: "ymerj", author: "Yves Mercier", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ymerj/HE-HA-control/main/HA%20parent.groovy") { capability "Initialize" capability "Actuator" command "closeConnection" command "callService", [[name:"entity", type:"STRING", description:"domain.entity"],[name:"service", type:"STRING"],[name:"data", type:"STRING", description:"key:value,key:value... etc"]] attribute "Connection", "string" } preferences { input ("ip", "text", title: "IP", description: "HomeAssistant IP Address", required: true) input ("port", "text", title: "Port", description: "HomeAssistant Port Number", required: true, defaultValue: "8123") input ("token", "text", title: "Token", description: "HomeAssistant Long-Lived Access Token", required: true) input ("secure", "bool", title: "Require secure connection (https)", defaultValue: false) input ("logEnable", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: true) input ("txtEnable", "bool", title: "Enable description text logging", defaultValue: true) } } def removeChild(entity){ String thisId = device.id def ch = getChildDevice("${thisId}-${entity}") if (ch) {deleteChildDevice("${thisId}-${entity}")} } def logsOff(){ log.warn("debug logging disabled...") device.updateSetting("logEnable",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) } def updated(){ log.info("updated...") log.warn("debug logging is: ${logEnable == true}") log.warn("description logging is: ${txtEnable == true}") unschedule() if (logEnable) runIn(1800,logsOff) initialize() } def initialize() { log.info("initializing...") closeConnection() state.id = 2 def connectionType = "ws" if (secure) connectionType = "wss" auth = '{"type":"auth","access_token":"' + "${token}" + '"}' def subscriptionsList = device.getDataValue("filterList") if(subscriptionsList == null) return evenements = '{"id":1,"type":"subscribe_trigger","trigger":{"platform":"state","entity_id":"' + subscriptionsList + '"}}' try { interfaces.webSocket.connect("${connectionType}://${ip}:${port}/api/websocket", ignoreSSLIssues: true) interfaces.webSocket.sendMessage("${auth}") interfaces.webSocket.sendMessage("${evenements}") } catch(e) { log.error("initialize error: ${e.message}") } } def uninstalled() { log.info("uninstalled...") closeConnection() unschedule() deleteAllChildDevices() } def webSocketStatus(String status){ if (logEnable) log.debug("webSocket ${status}") if ((status == "status: closing") && (state.wasExpectedClose)) { state.wasExpectedClose = false sendEvent(name: "Connection", value: "Closed") return } else if(status == 'status: open') { log.info("websocket is open") // success! reset reconnect delay pauseExecution(1000) state.reconnectDelay = 1 state.wasExpectedClose = false sendEvent(name: "Connection", value: "Open") } else { log.warn("WebSocket error, reconnecting.") sendEvent(name: "Connection", value: "Reconnecting") reconnectWebSocket() } } def reconnectWebSocket() { // first delay is 2 seconds, doubles every time state.reconnectDelay = (state.reconnectDelay ?: 1) * 2 // don't let delay get too crazy, max it out at 10 minutes if(state.reconnectDelay > 600) state.reconnectDelay = 600 //If the Home Assistant Hub is offline, give it some time before trying to reconnect runIn(state.reconnectDelay, initialize) } def parse(String description) { if (logEnable) log.debug("parse(): description = ${description}") def response = null; try{ response = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(description) if (response.type != "event") return def newState = response?.event?.variables?.trigger?.to_state if (newState?.state?.toLowerCase() == "unknown") return def origin = "physical" if (newState?.context?.user_id) origin = "digital" def newVals = [] def entity = response?.event?.variables?.trigger?.entity_id def domain = entity?.tokenize(".")?.getAt(0) def device_class = newState?.attributes?.device_class def friendly = newState?.attributes?.friendly_name newVals << newState?.state def mapping = null if (logEnable) log.debug("parse: domain: ${domain}, device_class: ${device_class}, entity: ${entity}, newVals: ${newVals}, friendly: ${friendly}") switch (domain) { case "fan": def speed = newState?.attributes?.speed?.toLowerCase() choices = ["low","medium-low","medium","medium-high","high","auto"] if (!(choices.contains(speed))) { if (logEnable) log.info("Invalid fan speed received - ${speed}") speed = null } def percentage = newState?.attributes?.percentage switch (percentage.toInteger()) { case 0: speed = "off" break case 25: speed = "low" break case 50: speed = "medium" break case 75: speed = "medium-high" break case 100: speed = "high" default: if (logEnable) log.info("Invalid fan percentage received - ${percentage}") } newVals += speed newVals += percentage mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (!speed) mapping.event.remove(1) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "cover": def pos = newState?.attributes?.current_position?.toInteger() newVals += pos def tilt = newState?.attributes?.current_tilt_position?.toInteger() // or perhaps newState?.attributes?.current_cover_tilt_position?.toInteger(). Ambiguity in the docs. newVals += tilt switch (device_class) { case {it in ["blind","shutter","window"]}: device_class = "blind" break case {it in ["curtain","shade"]}: device_class = "shade" break case "garage": break default: device_class = "door" } mapping = translateCovers(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "lock": case "device_tracker": case "valve": case "switch": case "input_boolean": mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "light": def level = newState?.attributes?.brightness if (level) level = Math.round((level.toInteger() * 100 / 255)) newVals += level def hue = newState?.attributes?.hs_color?.getAt(0) if (hue) hue = Math.round(hue.toInteger() * 100 / 360) def sat = newState?.attributes?.hs_color?.getAt(1) if (sat) sat = Math.round(sat.toInteger()) def ct = newState?.attributes?.color_temp if (ct) ct = Math.round(1000000/ct) def effectsList = [] effectsList = newState?.attributes?.effect_list?.indexed(1) def effectName = newState?.attributes?.effect def lightType = [] lightType = newState?.attributes?.supported_color_modes if ((lightType.intersect(["hs", "rgb"])) && (lightType.contains("color_temp"))) lightType += "rgbw" if (effectsList) lightType += "rgbwe" switch (lightType) { case {it.intersect(["rgbwe"])}: device_class = "rgbwe" newVals += ["RGB", hue, sat, ct, effectsList, effectName] break case {it.intersect(["rgbww", "rgbw"])}: device_class = "rgbw" newVals += ["RGB", hue, sat, ct] break case {it.intersect(["hs", "rgb"])}: device_class = "rgb" newVals += ["RGB", hue, sat] break case {it.intersect(["color_temp"])}: device_class = "ct" newVals += ["white", ct] break default: device_class = "dimmer" } mapping = translateLight(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) if (newVals[0] == "off") { // remove updates not provided with the HA 'off' event json data for(int i in (mapping.event.size - 1)..1) { mapping.event.remove(i) } } if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "binary_sensor": mapping = translateBinarySensors(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "input_number": case "number": def minimum = newState?.attributes?.min def maximum = newState?.attributes?.max def step = newState?.attributes?.step def unit = newState?.attributes?.unit_of_measurement newVals += [unit, minimum, maximum, step] mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "sensor": def unit_of_measurement = newState?.attributes?.unit_of_measurement if ((!device_class) && (unit_of_measurement in ["Bq/m³","pCi/L"])) device_class = "radon" // if there is no device_class, we need to infer from the units newVals << unit_of_measurement mapping = translateSensors(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "climate": def thermostat_mode = newState?.state def current_temperature = newState?.attributes?.current_temperature def current_humidity = newState?.attributes?.current_humidity def hvac_action = newState?.attributes?.hvac_action def fan_mode = newState?.attributes?.fan_mode def target_temperature = newState?.attributes?.temperature def target_temp_high = newState?.attributes?.target_temp_high def target_temp_low = newState?.attributes?.target_temp_low def hvac_modes = newState?.attributes?.hvac_modes if (hvac_modes) { hvac_modes = hvac_modes.minus(["auto"]) if (hvac_modes.contains("heat_cool")) hvac_modes = hvac_modes - "heat_cool" + "auto" hvac_modes = hvac_modes.intersect(["auto", "off", "heat", "emergency heat", "cool"]) } else { hvac_modes = ["heat"] } def supportedTmodes = JsonOutput.toJson(hvac_modes) def fan_modes = newState?.attributes?.fan_modes if (fan_modes) { if (fan_modes.minus(["auto", "on"])) fan_modes = fan_modes + "circulate" fan_modes = fan_modes.intersect(["auto", "on", "circulate"]) } else { fan_modes = ["on"] } def supportedFmodes = JsonOutput.toJson(fan_modes) switch (fan_mode) { case "off": thermostat_mode = "off" break case "auto": break default: fan_mode = "on" } switch (thermostat_mode) { case "dry": case "auto": return break case "fan_only": fan_mode = "circulate" break case "heat_cool": thermostat_mode = "auto" break } switch (hvac_action) { case "drying": return break case "off": hvac_action = "idle" break case "fan": hvac_action = "fan only" break case "preheating": hvac_action = "pending heat" break } newVals = [thermostat_mode, current_temperature, hvac_action, fan_mode, target_temperature, target_temp_high, target_temp_low, supportedTmodes, supportedFmodes, current_humidity] mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (!current_humidity) mapping.event.remove(9) // some thermostats don't provide humidity reading if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "button": case "input_button": newVals = [1] mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break case "humidifier": humidifierMode = newState?.attributes?.mode def supportedModes = [] supportedModes = newState?.attributes?.available_modes?.indexed(1) def maxHumidity = newState?.attributes?.max_humidity def minHumidity = newState?.attributes?.min_humidity def currentHumidity = newState?.attributes?.current_humidity def targetHumidity = newState?.attributes?.target_humidity newVals += [humidifierMode, supportedModes, maxHumidity, minHumidity, currentHumidity, targetHumidity] mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) if (!targetHumidity) mapping.event.remove(6) if (!currentHumidity) mapping.event.remove(5) if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) break default: if (logEnable) log.info("No mapping exists for domain: ${domain}, device_class: ${device_class}. Please contact devs to have this added.") } return } catch(e) { log.error("Parsing error: ${e}") return } } def translateBinarySensors(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) { def mapping = [ door: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText: "${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'open':'closed'}"]]], garage_door: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'open':'closed'}"]]], lock: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'unlocked':'locked'}"]]], moisture: [type: "Generic Component Water Sensor", event: [[name: "water", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "wet":"dry", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'wet':'dry'}"]]], motion: [type: "Generic Component Motion Sensor", event: [[name: "motion", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? """active""":"""inactive""", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'active':'inactive'}"]]], occupancy: [type: "Generic Component Motion Sensor", event: [[name: "motion", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? """active""":"""inactive""", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'active':'inactive'}"]]], moving: [type: "Generic Component Acceleration Sensor", event: [[name: "acceleration", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? """active""":"""inactive""", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'active':'inactive'}"]]], opening: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'open':'closed'}"]]], presence: [type: "Generic Component Presence Sensor", event: [[name: "presence", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "present":"not present", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'present':'not present'}"]], namespace: "community"], smoke: [type: "Generic Component Smoke Detector", event: [[name: "smoke", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "detected":"clear", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'detected':'clear'}"]]], vibration: [type: "Generic Component Acceleration Sensor", event: [[name: "acceleration", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? """active""":"""inactive""", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'active':'inactive'}"]]], unknown: [type: "Generic Component Unknown Sensor", event: [[name: "unknown", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0]}"]], namespace: "community"], window: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText:"${friendly} is ${newVals[0] == 'on' ? 'open':'closed'}"]]], ] if (!mapping[device_class]) device_class = "unknown" return mapping[device_class] } def translateSensors(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) { def mapping = [ humidity: [type: "Generic Component Humidity Sensor", event: [[name: "humidity", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} humidity is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: '%'}"]]], moisture: [type: "Generic Component Humidity Sensor", event: [[name: "humidity", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} humidity is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: '%'}"]]], illuminance: [type: "Generic Component Illuminance Sensor", event: [[name: "illuminance", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "lx", descriptionText:"${friendly} illuminance is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'lx'}"]], namespace: "community"], battery: [type: "Generic Component Battery", event: [[name: "battery", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} battery is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: '%'}"]], namespace: "community"], power: [type: "Generic Component Power Meter", event: [[name: "power", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "W", descriptionText:"${friendly} power is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'W'}"]]], pressure: [type: "Generic Component Pressure Sensor", event: [[name: "pressure", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "", descriptionText:"${friendly} pressure is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: ''}"]], namespace: "community"], carbon_dioxide: [type: "Generic Component Carbon Dioxide Sensor", event: [[name: "carbonDioxide", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "ppm", descriptionText:"${friendly} carbon_dioxide is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'ppm'}"]], namespace: "community"], volatile_organic_compounds_parts: [type: "Generic Component Volatile Organic Compounds Sensor", event: [[name: "voc", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "ppb", descriptionText:"${friendly} volatile_organic_compounds_parts is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'ppb'}"]], namespace: "community"], volatile_organic_compounds: [type: "Generic Component Volatile Organic Compounds Sensor", event: [[name: "voc", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "µg/m³", descriptionText:"${friendly} volatile_organic_compounds is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'µg/m³'}"]], namespace: "community"], radon: [type: "Generic Component Radon Sensor", event: [[name: "radon", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1], descriptionText:"${friendly} radon is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1]}"]], namespace: "community"], temperature: [type: "Generic Component Temperature Sensor", event: [[name: "temperature", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "°", descriptionText:"${friendly} temperature is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: '°'}"]]], voltage: [type: "Generic Component Voltage Sensor", event: [[name: "voltage", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "V", descriptionText:"${friendly} voltage is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'V'}"]]], energy: [type: "Generic Component Energy Meter", event: [[name: "energy", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "kWh", descriptionText:"${friendly} energy is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'kWh'}"]]], unknown: [type: "Generic Component Unknown Sensor", event: [[name: "unknown", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "", descriptionText:"${friendly} value is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: ''}"]], namespace: "community"], timestamp: [type: "Generic Component TimeStamp Sensor", event: [[name: "timestamp", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} time is ${newVals[0]}"]], namespace: "community"], pm25: [type: "Generic Component pm25 Sensor", event: [[name: "pm25", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "µg/m³", descriptionText:"${friendly} pm2.5 is ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: 'µg/m³'}"]], namespace: "community"], ] if (!mapping[device_class]) device_class = "unknown" return mapping[device_class] } def translateCovers(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) { def mapping = [ shade: [type: "Generic Component Window Shade", event: [[name: "windowShade", value: newVals[0] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "position", value: (null != newVals?.getAt(1)) ? newVals[1] : "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[1]} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], garage: [type: "Generic Component Garage Door Control", event: [[name: "door", value: newVals[0] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], door: [type: "Generic Component Door Control", event: [[name: "door", value: newVals[0] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], blind: [type: "Generic Component Window Blind", event: [[name: "windowBlind", value: newVals[0] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "position", value: newVals[1] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} position was set to ${newVals[1] ?: "unknown"} [${origin}]"],[name: "tilt", value: newVals[2] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} tilt was set to ${newVals[2] ?: "unknown"} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], ] return mapping[device_class] } def translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly, origin) { def mapping = [ button: [type: "Generic Component Pushable Button", event: [[name: "push", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} button ${newVals[0]} was pushed [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], input_button: [type: "Generic Component Pushable Button", event: [[name: "push", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} button ${newVals[0]} was pushed [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], fan: [type: "Generic Component Fan Control", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "speed", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} speed was set to ${newVals[1]} [${origin}]"],[name: "level", value: newVals[2], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[2]} [${origin}]"]]], switch: [type: "Generic Component Switch", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]]], device_tracker: [type: "Generic Component Presence Sensor", event: [[name: "presence", value: newVals[0] == "home" ? "present":"not present", descriptionText:"${friendly} is updated"]], namespace: "community"], lock: [type: "Generic Component Lock", event: [[name: "lock", value: newVals[0] ?: "unknown", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]]], climate: [type: "HADB Generic Component Thermostat", event: [[name: "thermostatMode", value: newVals[0], descriptionText: "${friendly} is set to ${newVals[0]}"],[name: "temperature", value: newVals[1], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s current temperature is ${newVals[1]} degree"],[name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: newVals[2], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s mode is ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "thermostatFanMode", value: newVals[3], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s fan is set to ${newVals[3]}"],[name: "thermostatSetpoint", value: newVals[4], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s temperature is set to ${newVals[4]} degree"],[name: "coolingSetpoint", value: newVals[5] ?: newVals[4], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s cooling temperature is set to ${newVals[5] ?: newVals[4]} degrees"],[name: "heatingSetpoint", value: newVals[6] ?: newVals[4], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s heating temperature is set to ${newVals[6] ?: newVals[4]} degrees"],[name: "supportedThermostatModes", value: newVals[7], descriptionText: "${friendly} supportedThermostatModes were set to ${newVals[7]}"],[name: "supportedThermostatFanModes", value: newVals[8], descriptionText: "${friendly} supportedThermostatFanModes were set to ${newVals[8]}"],[name: "humidity", value: newVals[9], unit: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} humidity is ${newVals[9]}%"]], namespace: "community"], input_boolean: [type: "Generic Component Switch", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]]], humidifier: [type: "HADB Generic Component Humidifier", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "humidifierMode", value: newVals[1], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s humidifier is set to ${newVals[1]}"],[name: "supportedModes", value: newVals[2], descriptionText: "${friendly} supportedModes were set to ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "maxHumidity", value: newVals[3] ?: 100, descriptionText:"${friendly} max humidity is ${newVals[3] ?: 100}"],[name: "minHumidity", value: newVals[4] ?: 0, descriptionText:"${friendly} min humidity is ${newVals[4] ?: 0}"],[name: "humidity", value: newVals[5], unit: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} current humidity is ${newVals[5]}%"],[name: "targetHumidity", value: newVals[6], unit: "%", descriptionText:"${friendly} target humidity is set to ${newVals[6]}%"]], namespace: "community"], valve: [type: "HADB Generic Component Valve", event: [[name: "valve", value: newVals[0] == "closed" ? "closed":"open", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"]], namespace: "community"], input_number: [type: "Generic Component Number", event: [[name: "number", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was set to ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: ''} [${origin}]"],[name: "minimum", value: newVals[2], descriptionText:"${friendly} minimum value is ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "maximum", value: newVals[3], descriptionText:"${friendly} maximum value is ${newVals[3]}"],[name: "step", value: newVals[4], descriptionText:"${friendly} step is ${newVals[4]}"]], namespace: "community"], number: [type: "Generic Component Number", event: [[name: "number", value: newVals[0], unit: newVals[1] ?: "", type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was set to ${newVals[0]} ${newVals[1] ?: ''} [${origin}]"],[name: "minimum", value: newVals[2], descriptionText:"${friendly} minimum value is ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "maximum", value: newVals[3], descriptionText:"${friendly} maximum value is ${newVals[3]}"],[name: "step", value: newVals[4], descriptionText:"${friendly} step is ${newVals[4]}"]], namespace: "community"], ] return mapping[domain] } def translateLight(device_class, newVals, friendly, origin) { def mapping = [ rgbwe: [type: "Generic Component RGBW Light Effects", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "level", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[1]}"],[name: "colorMode", value: newVals[2], descriptionText:"${friendly} color mode was set to ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "hue", value: newVals[3], descriptionText:"${friendly} hue was set to ${newVals[3]}"],[name: "saturation", value: newVals[4], descriptionText:"${friendly} saturation was set to ${newVals[4]}"],[name: "colorTemperature", value: newVals[5] ?: 'emulated', descriptionText:"${friendly} color temperature was set to ${newVals[5] ?: 'emulated'}°K"],[name: "lightEffects", value: newVals[6]],[name: "effectName", value: newVals[7] ?: "none", descriptionText:"${friendly} effect was set to ${newVals[7] ?: 'none'}"]]], rgbw: [type: "Generic Component RGBW", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "level", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[1]}"],[name: "colorMode", value: newVals[2], descriptionText:"${friendly} color mode was set to ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "hue", value: newVals[3], descriptionText:"${friendly} hue was set to ${newVals[3]}"],[name: "saturation", value: newVals[4], descriptionText:"${friendly} saturation was set to ${newVals[4]}"],[name: "colorTemperature", value: newVals[5], descriptionText:"${friendly} color temperature was set to ${newVals[5]}°K"]]], rgb: [type: "Generic Component RGB", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "level", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[1]}"],[name: "colorMode", value: newVals[2], descriptionText:"${friendly} color mode was set to ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "hue", value: newVals[3], descriptionText:"${friendly} hue was set to ${newVals[3]}"],[name: "saturation", value: newVals[4], descriptionText:"${friendly} saturation was set to ${newVals[4]}"]]], ct: [type: "Generic Component CT", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "level", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[1]}"],[name: "colorName", value: newVals[2], descriptionText:"${friendly} color name was set to ${newVals[2]}"],[name: "colorTemperature", value: newVals[3], descriptionText:"${friendly} color temperature was set to ${newVals[3]}°K"]]], dimmer: [type: "Generic Component Dimmer", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} was turned ${newVals[0]} [${origin}]"],[name: "level", value: newVals[1], type: origin, descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[1]} [${origin}]"]]], ] return mapping[device_class] } def updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) { def ch = createChild(mapping.type, entity, friendly, mapping.namespace) if (!ch) { log.warn("Child type: ${mapping.type} not created for entity: ${entity}") return } else { if (mapping.event[0].value == "unavailable") mapping.event = [[name: "healthStatus", value: "offline", descriptionText:"${friendly} is offline"]] else mapping.event += [name: "healthStatus", value: "online", descriptionText:"${friendly} is online"] ch.parse(mapping.event) } } def createChild(deviceType, entity, friendly, namespace = null) { def ch = getChildDevice("${device.id}-${entity}") if (!ch) ch = addChildDevice(namespace ?: "hubitat", deviceType, "${device.id}-${entity}", [name: "${entity}", label: "${friendly}", isComponent: false]) return ch } def componentOn(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received on request from ${ch.label}") if (!ch.currentValue("level") || ch.hasCapability("LightEffects")) { data = [:] } else { data = [brightness_pct: "${ch.currentValue("level")}"] } executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } def componentOff(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received off request from ${ch.label}") if(ch.getSupportedAttributes().contains("thermostatMode")) { // since componentOff() is not unique across Hubitat device types, catch this special case componentOffTStat(ch) return } executeCommand(ch, "turn_off", [:]) } def componentSetLevel(ch, level, transition=1) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setLevel request from ${ch.label}") if (level > 100) level = 100 if (level < 0) level = 0 if (ch.currentValue("speed")) { // if a Fan device, special handling switch (level.toInteger()) { case 0: componentSetSpeed(ch, "off") break case 1..25: componentSetSpeed(ch, "low") break case 26..50: componentSetSpeed(ch, "medium") break case 51..75: componentSetSpeed(ch, "medium-high") break case 76..100: componentSetSpeed(ch, "high") break default: if (logEnable) log.info("No case defined for Fan setLevel(${level})") } } else { data = [brightness_pct: "${level}", transition: "${transition}"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } } def componentSetColor(ch, color, transition=1) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setColor request from ${ch.label}") convertedHue = Math.round(color.hue * 360/100) data = [brightness_pct: "${color.level}", hs_color: ["${convertedHue}", "${color.saturation}"], transition: "${transition}"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } def componentSetColorTemperature(ch, colortemperature, level, transition=1) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setColorTemperature request from ${ch.label}") if (!level) level = ch.currentValue("level") if (!transition) transition = 1 data = [brightness_pct: "${level}", color_temp_kelvin: "${colortemperature}", transition: "${transition}"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } def componentSetHue(ch, hue, transition=1) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setHue request from ${ch.label}") convertedHue = Math.round(hue * 360/100) data = [brightness_pct: "${ch.currentValue("level")}", hs_color: ["${convertedHue}", "${ch.currentValue("saturation")}"], transition: "${transition}"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } def componentSetSaturation(ch, saturation, transition=1) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setSaturation request from ${ch.label}") convertedHue = Math.round(ch.currentValue("hue") * 360/100) data = [brightness_pct: "${ch.currentValue("level")}", hs_color: ["${convertedHue}", "${saturation}"], transition: "${transition}"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } def componentSetEffect(ch, effectNumber) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setEffect request from ${ch.label}") def effectsList = ch.currentValue("lightEffects")?.tokenize(',=[]') def max = effectsList.size() / 2 max = max.toInteger() effectNumber = effectNumber.toInteger() effectNumber = (effectNumber < 1) ? 1 : ((effectNumber > max) ? max : effectNumber) data = [effect: effectsList[(effectNumber * 2) - 1].trim().replaceAll("}","")] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) } def componentSetNextEffect(ch) { log.warn("setNextEffect not implemented") } def componentSetPreviousEffect(ch) { log.warn("setPreviousEffect not implemented") } def componentSetSpeed(ch, speed) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setSpeed request from ${ch.label}, with speed = ${speed}") int percentage = 0 switch (speed) { case "on": data = [:] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) break case "off": data = [:] executeCommand(ch, "turn_off", data) break case "low": case "medium-low": data = [percentage: "25"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) break case "auto": case "medium": data = [percentage: "50"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) break case "medium-high": data = [percentage: "75"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) break case "high": data = [percentage: "100"] executeCommand(ch, "turn_on", data) break default: if (logEnable) log.info("No case defined for Fan setSpeed(${speed})") } } def componentCycleSpeed(ch) { def newSpeed = "" switch (ch.currentValue("speed")) { case "off": speed = "low" break case "low": case "medium-low": speed = "medium" break case "medium": speed = "medium-high" break case "medium-high": speed = "high" break case "high": speed = "off" break } componentSetSpeed(ch, speed) } void componentClose(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received close request from ${ch.label}") service = ch.hasCapability("Valve") ? "close_valve":"close_cover" executeCommand(ch, service, [:]) } void componentOpen(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received open request from ${ch.label}") service = ch.hasCapability("Valve") ? "open_valve":"open_cover" executeCommand(ch, service, [:]) } void componentSetPosition(ch, pos) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set position request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "set_cover_position", [position: pos]) } void componentSetTiltLevel(ch, tilt) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set tilt request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "set_cover_tilt_position", [position: tilt]) } void componentStartPositionChange(ch, dir) { if(["open", "close"].contains(dir)) { if (logEnable) log.info("received ${dir} request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, dir + "_cover", [:]) } } void componentStopPositionChange(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received stop request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "stop_cover", [:]) } void componentLock(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received lock request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "lock", [:]) } void componentUnlock(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received unlock request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "unlock", [:]) } def componentPush(ch, nb) { if (logEnable) log.info("received push button ${nb} request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "press", [:]) } def componentSetNumber(ch, newValue) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set number to ${newValue} request from ${ch.label}") newValue = Math.round(newValue / ch.currentValue("step")) * ch.currentValue("step") if (newValue < ch.currentValue("minimum")) newValue = ch.currentValue("minimum") if (newValue > ch.currentValue("maximum")) newValue = ch.currentValue("maximum") executeCommand(ch, "set_value", [value: newValue]) } def componentRefresh(ch) { if (logEnable) log.info("received refresh request from ${ch.label}") // special handling since domain is fixed entity = ch.name messUpd = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "homeassistant", service: "update_entity", service_data: [entity_id: entity]]) state.id = state.id + 1 if (logEnable) log.debug("messUpd = ${messUpd}") interfaces.webSocket.sendMessage("${messUpd}") } def componentSetThermostatMode(ch, thermostatmode) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setThermostatMode request from ${ch.label}") switch(thermostatmode) { case "auto": data = [hvac_mode: "heat_cool"] break case "emergencyHeat": thermostatmode = "heat" case "heat": case "cool": case "off": data = [hvac_mode: thermostatmode] break } executeCommand(ch, "set_hvac_mode", data) } def componentSetCoolingSetpoint(ch, temperature) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setCoolingSetpoint request from ${ch.label}") if (ch.currentValue("thermostatMode") == "auto") { data = [target_temp_high: temperature, target_temp_low: ch.currentValue("heatingSetpoint")] } else { data = [temperature: temperature] } executeCommand(ch, "set_temperature", data) } def componentSetHeatingSetpoint(ch, temperature) { if (logEnable) log.info("received setHeatingSetpoint request from ${ch.label}") if (ch.currentValue("thermostatMode") == "auto") { data = [target_temp_high: ch.currentValue("coolingSetpoint"), target_temp_low: temperature] } else { data = [temperature: temperature] } executeCommand(ch, "set_temperature", data) } def componentSetThermostatFanMode(ch, fanmode) { if (logEnable) log.info("received ${fanmode} request from ${ch.label}") if (fanmode == "circulate") { executeCommand(ch, "set_hvac_mode", [hvac_mode: "fan_only"]) } else { executeCommand(ch, "set_fan_mode", [fan_mode: fanmode]) } } def componentSetHumidifierMode(ch, modeNumber) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set mode request from ${ch.label}") def modesList = ch.currentValue("supportedModes")?.tokenize(',=[]') def max = modesList.size() / 2 max = max.toInteger() modeNumber = modeNumber.toInteger() modeNumber = (modeNumber < 1) ? 1 : ((modeNumber > max) ? max : modeNumber) data = [mode: modesList[(modeNumber * 2) - 1].trim().replaceAll("}","")] executeCommand(ch, "set_mode", data) } def componentSetHumidity(ch, target) { if (logEnable) log.info("received set humidity request from ${ch.label}") executeCommand(ch, "set_humidity", target_humidity: target) } def componentAuto(ch) { componentSetThermostatMode(ch, "auto") } def componentCool(ch) { componentSetThermostatMode(ch, "cool") } def componentEmergencyHeat(ch) { componentSetThermostatMode(ch, "emergencyHeat") } def componentFanAuto(ch) { componentSetThermostatMode(ch, "auto") } def componentFanCirculate(ch) { componentSetThermostatFanMode(ch, "circulate") } def componentFanOn(ch) { componentSetThermostatFanMode(ch, "on") } def componentHeat(ch) { componentSetThermostatMode(ch, "heat") } def componentOffTStat(ch) { componentSetThermostatMode(ch, "off") } def componentStartLevelChange(ch) { log.warn("Start level change not supported") } def componentStopLevelChange(ch) { log.warn("Stop level change not supported") } def closeConnection() { if (logEnable) log.debug("Closing connection...") state.wasExpectedClose = true interfaces.webSocket.close() } def callService(entity, service) { callService(entity, service, "") } def callService(entity, service, data) { def cvData = [:] cvData = data.tokenize(",").collectEntries{it.tokenize(":").with{[(it[0]):it[1]]}} domain = entity?.tokenize(".")[0] messUpd = [id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: domain, service: service, service_data : [entity_id: entity] + cvData] state.id = state.id + 1 messUpdStr = JsonOutput.toJson(messUpd) if (logEnable) log.debug("messUpdStr = ${messUpdStr}") interfaces.webSocket.sendMessage(messUpdStr) } def executeCommand(ch, service, data) { entity = ch?.name domain = entity?.tokenize(".")[0] messUpd = [id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: domain, service: service, service_data : [entity_id: entity] + data] state.id = state.id + 1 messUpdStr = JsonOutput.toJson(messUpd) if (logEnable) log.debug("messUpdStr = ${messUpdStr}") interfaces.webSocket.sendMessage(messUpdStr) } def deleteAllChildDevices() { log.info("Uninstalling all Child Devices") getChildDevices().each { deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) } }