@startuml title Sequence Diagram with the Components and Actors actor Alice as A participant ACU as "Alice's CryptoUtility" participant BCU as "Bob's CryptoUtility" actor Bob as B ' Add the separators for the 4 stages in the process == Key Generation == activate ACU activate BCU A -> ACU : Generate Keys ACU -> ACU : Public Key (PuK)\nPrivate Key (PrK)\ngenerated == Key Distribution == A -> ACU : Distribute Public Key ACU -> BCU : PuK == Encryption == B -> BCU : Send Encrypted\nMessage M\nto Alice BCU -> ACU : PuK[M] == Decryption == ACU -> ACU : PrK(PuK(M)) = M ACU -> A : M deactivate ACU deactivate BCU @enduml