--- title: "Website" --- # This Website This website is written with **Hugo** using the terminal theme with some custom html/css added. I chose Hugo to write this because this site is static so no need to overcomplicate it with something like Angular or React. I originally had a totally custom website hosted at [https://yodigi7.github.io/portfolio](https://yodigi7.github.io/portfolio) but I found out about Hugo recently and decided to use this as a learning opportunity. It will allow me to easily add additional projects as I make them by just creating a new `.md` file and it will automatically take care of the rest for me. This page was written very easily with simple markdown as shown [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yodigi7/yodigi7.github.io/main/content/projects/website.md). It also is setup to auto-deploy on any change to the main branch using Github Actions. This allows me to set it up once and never think about it again. The configuration file is available [here](https://github.com/yodigi7/yodigi7.github.io/blob/main/.github/workflows/pages.yml). In the making of this website I found a defect in the theme I was using and opened up an [issue](https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-terminal/issues/360) and [PR](https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-terminal/pull/361) for it.