# Global vars for all tools # # custom_header: 'Cookie: Test' # FFUF, Nuclei, Dalfox, CRL Fuzz, HTTP Crawl, Fetch URL # user_agent: '' # Dalfox only # enable_http_crawl: true # All tools # timeout: 10 # Subdomain discovery, Screenshot, Port scan, FFUF, Nuclei # threads: 30 # All tools # rate_limit: 150 # Port scan, FFUF, Nuclei # intensity: 'normal' # Screenshot (grab only the root endpoints of each subdomain), Nuclei (reduce number of endpoints to scan), OSINT (not implemented yet) # retries: 1 # Nuclei subdomain_discovery: { 'uses_tools': ['subfinder', 'ctfr', 'sublist3r', 'tlsx', 'oneforall', 'netlas'], # amass-passive, amass-active, All 'enable_http_crawl': true, 'threads': 30, 'timeout': 5, # 'use_subfinder_config': false, # 'use_amass_config': false, # 'amass_wordlist': 'deepmagic.com-prefixes-top50000' } http_crawl: { # 'custom_header': 'Cookie: Test', # 'threads': 30, # 'follow_redirect': true } port_scan: { 'enable_http_crawl': true, 'timeout': 5, # 'exclude_ports': [], # 'exclude_subdomains': [], 'ports': ['top-100'], 'rate_limit': 150, 'threads': 30, 'passive': false, # 'use_naabu_config': false, # 'enable_nmap': true, # 'nmap_cmd': '', # 'nmap_script': '', # 'nmap_script_args': '' } osint: { 'discover': [ 'emails', 'metainfo', 'employees' ], 'dorks': [ 'login_pages', 'admin_panels', 'dashboard_pages', 'stackoverflow', 'social_media', 'project_management', 'code_sharing', 'config_files', 'jenkins', 'wordpress_files', 'php_error', 'exposed_documents', 'db_files', 'git_exposed' ], # 'custom_dorks': [], 'intensity': 'normal', 'documents_limit': 50 } dir_file_fuzz: { 'auto_calibration': true, 'enable_http_crawl': true, 'rate_limit': 150, 'extensions': ['html', 'php','git','yaml','conf','cnf','config','gz','env','log','db','mysql','bak','asp','aspx','txt','conf','sql','json','yml','pdf'], 'follow_redirect': false, 'max_time': 0, 'match_http_status': [200, 204], 'recursive_level': 2, 'stop_on_error': false, 'timeout': 5, 'threads': 30, 'wordlist_name': 'dicc' } fetch_url: { 'uses_tools': ['gospider', 'hakrawler', 'waybackurls', 'katana', 'gau'], 'remove_duplicate_endpoints': true, 'duplicate_fields': ['content_length', 'page_title'], 'enable_http_crawl': true, 'gf_patterns': ['debug_logic', 'idor', 'interestingEXT', 'interestingparams', 'interestingsubs', 'lfi', 'rce', 'redirect', 'sqli', 'ssrf', 'ssti', 'xss'], 'ignore_file_extensions': ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'mp4', 'mpeg', 'mp3'], 'threads': 30, # 'exclude_subdomains': false } vulnerability_scan: { 'run_nuclei': true, 'run_dalfox': false, 'run_crlfuzz': false, 'run_s3scanner': false, 'enable_http_crawl': true, 'concurrency': 50, 'intensity': 'normal', 'rate_limit': 150, 'retries': 1, 'timeout': 5, 'fetch_gpt_report': true, 'nuclei': { 'use_nuclei_config': false, 'severities': ['unknown', 'info', 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'critical'], # 'tags': [], # Nuclei tags (https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates) # 'templates': [], # Nuclei templates (https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates) # 'custom_templates': [] # Nuclei custom templates uploaded in reNgine } } waf_detection: { 'enable_http_crawl': true } screenshot: { 'enable_http_crawl': true, 'intensity': 'normal', 'timeout': 10, 'threads': 40 }