#!/usr/bin/env bash # # A kubectl plugin to ssh into Kubernetes nodes using a SSH jump host Pod # [[ -n $DEBUG ]] && set -x -e PLUGIN_DIR="${HOME}/.kube/kubectlssh" PLUGIN_SSH_OPTIONS_FILE="${PLUGIN_DIR}/options" MAX_POD_CREATION_TIME=10 # unit: second SSH_AGENT_ENV_FILE="${PLUGIN_DIR}/sshagent-env" SSH_AGENT_PID_FILE="${PLUGIN_DIR}/sshagent-pid" help(){ echo "Usage: " echo " kubectl ssh-jump [options]" echo "" options } options(){ cat <<"EOF" Options: Destination node name or IP address dest_node must start from the following letters: ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' or 'A' through 'Z', the digits '0' through '9', or hyphen ('-'). NOTE: Setting dest_node as 'jumphost' allows to ssh into SSH jump Pod as 'root' user -u, --user SSH User name -i, --identity Identity key file, or PEM(Privacy Enhanced Mail) -p, --pubkey Public key file -P, --port SSH port for target node SSH server Defaults to 22 -a, --args Args to exec in ssh session --pod-template Path to custom sshjump pod definition --skip-agent Skip automatically starting SSH agent and adding SSH Identity key into the agent before SSH login (=> You need to manage SSH agent by yourself) --cleanup-agent Clearning up SSH agent at the end The agent is NOT cleaned up in case that --skip-agent option is given --cleanup-jump Clearning up sshjump pod at the end Defaults to skip cleaning up sshjump pod -v, --verbose Run ssh in verbose mode (=ssh -vvv) -h, --help Show this message Example: Scenario1 - You have private & public SSH key on your side $ kubectl ssh-jump -u myuser -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -p ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub hostname Scenario2 - You have .pem file but you don't have public key on your side $ kubectl ssh-jump -u ec2-user -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem hostname EOF } read_options(){ if [[ -f "${PLUGIN_SSH_OPTIONS_FILE}" ]]; then source ${PLUGIN_SSH_OPTIONS_FILE} fi } write_options(){ local sshuser="$1" local identity="$2" local pubkey="$3" local port="$4" cat << EOF > ${PLUGIN_SSH_OPTIONS_FILE} sshuser=${sshuser} identity=${identity} pubkey=${pubkey} port=${port} EOF } get_node_list(){ echo "List of destination node..." kubectl get no -o custom-columns=Hostname:.metadata.name,Internal-IP:'{.status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}' echo "" } get_openssh_verion_number() { ssh -V 2>&1 | awk -F'[_,]' '{print $2+0}' } cleanup_sshjump_pod(){ echo "Clearning up SSH Jump host (Pod)..." kubectl delete pod sshjump } check_and_start_agent(){ local identity="$1" is_alive="no" if [ -f ${SSH_AGENT_PID_FILE} ]; then SSH_AGENT_PID=$(cat ${SSH_AGENT_PID_FILE}) source ${SSH_AGENT_ENV_FILE} if [ ${SSH_AGENT_PID} -gt 0 ] && ps -p ${SSH_AGENT_PID} > /dev/null then echo "ssh-agent is already running" is_alive="yes" fi fi if [ "${is_alive}" = "no" ]; then ssh-agent > ${SSH_AGENT_ENV_FILE} agent_pid=$(cat ${SSH_AGENT_ENV_FILE} | grep 'echo Agent pid' |sed 's/echo Agent pid //; s/;//') echo "Started ssh-agent: pid=${agent_pid}" echo ${agent_pid} > ${SSH_AGENT_PID_FILE} source ${SSH_AGENT_ENV_FILE} ssh-add ${identity} fi } cleanup_agent(){ echo "Killing ssh-agent..." ssh-agent -k if [ -f ${SSH_AGENT_PID_FILE} ]; then rm ${SSH_AGENT_PID_FILE} fi if [ -f ${SSH_AGENT_ENV_FILE} ]; then rm ${SSH_AGENT_ENV_FILE} fi } create_jump_pod(){ local pod_template if [[ -n "${jump_pod_template:-}" && -e "${jump_pod_template}" ]]; then pod_template=$(<"${jump_pod_template}") fi if [[ -z "${pod_template}" ]]; then pod_template=$(cat </dev/null | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}') # if [ "${r}" != "sshjump" ];then create_jump_pod # Wait until sshjump gets ready c=1 while [[ ${c} -le ${MAX_POD_CREATION_TIME} ]]; do pod_status=$(kubectl get pod sshjump 2>/dev/null | tail -1 | awk '{print $3}') if [ "${pod_status}" = "Running" ]; then break fi (( c++ )) sleep 1 done fi local identity_sshjump=${identity} local pubkey_sshjump=${pubkey} if [ ! -f "${pubkey_sshjump}" ]; then # Generate temp private/public key to ssh to the sshjump if the pubkey isn't given identity_sshjump=${PLUGIN_DIR}/id_rsa_sshjump pubkey_sshjump=${PLUGIN_DIR}/id_rsa_sshjump.pub if [ ! -f "${pubkey_sshjump}" ]; then echo "Generating nopass SSH pri/pub key to ssh to the sshjump ..." ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ${identity_sshjump} -N '' > /dev/null fi fi # Setup portforward kubectl port-forward sshjump 2222:22 2>/dev/null & pid_port_forward=$! # Wait a bit for the port forwarding to get ready for connection handling for 2222 sleep 2 # Inject public SSH key to sshjump cat ${pubkey_sshjump} | \ kubectl exec -i sshjump -- /bin/bash -c "cat > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys" # Add default ssh option sshargs="${sshargs} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" # Add RSA workaround options if the local OpenSSH version >= 8.5 sshversion=$(get_openssh_verion_number) if [ $(echo "${sshversion} >= 8.5" | bc) -eq 1 ]; then sshargs="${sshargs} -o HostkeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa" fi if [ "${destnode}" = "sshjump" ]; then ssh ${sshuser}@ -p 2222 -i ${identity_sshjump} ${sshargs} else # Using the SSH Server as a jumphost (via port-forward proxy), ssh into the desired Node ssh -i ${identity} -p ${port} ${sshuser}@${destnode} \ -o "ProxyCommand ssh root@ -p 2222 -i ${identity_sshjump} ${sshargs} \"nc %h %p\"" ${sshargs} fi # Stop port-forward kill -3 ${pid_port_forward} 2>/dev/null } plugin_main() { skip_agent=no cleanup_jump=no cleanup_agent=no sshargs="" while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do nSkip=1 case $1 in "-h" | "--help") help exit 0 ;; "-v" | "--verbose" ) sshargs="${sshargs} -vvv" ;; "--cleanup-jump") cleanup_jump=yes ;; "--cleanup-agent") cleanup_agent=yes ;; "--skip-agent") skip_agent=yes ;; "-u" | "--user" ) c_sshuser=$2 nSkip=2 ;; "-i" | "--identity" ) c_identity=$2 nSkip=2 ;; "-p" | "--pubkey" ) c_pubkey=$2 nSkip=2 ;; "-P" | "--port") c_port=$2 nSkip=2 ;; "-a" | "--args" ) sshargs="${sshargs} $2" nSkip=2 ;; "--pod-template") jump_pod_template="$2" nSkip=2 ;; [0-9a-zA-Z-]*) destnode=$1 ;; *) help >&2 exit 1 ;; esac shift $nSkip done if [[ "$(type kubectl &>/dev/null; echo $?)" -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Error: missing kubectl command" >&2 echo "Please install kubectl (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/)" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! -n "${destnode}" ]; then help >&2 echo "" get_node_list exit 1 fi if [ "${destnode}" = "sshjump" ]; then echo "Setting destination name as 'jumphost' allows to ssh into SSH jump Pod as 'root' user" c_sshuser=root fi if [ ! -d ${PLUGIN_DIR} ]; then mkdir -p ${PLUGIN_DIR} fi read_options if [ ! -n "${c_sshuser}" ]; then if [ ! -n "${sshuser}" ]; then c_sshuser="${USER}" # default: Current executing user fi echo "using: sshuser=${sshuser}" c_sshuser="${sshuser}" fi if [ ! -f "${c_identity}" ]; then if [ ! -f "${identity}" ]; then echo "Error: identity file is required" >&2 help >&2 exit 1 fi echo "using: identity=${identity}" c_identity="${identity}" fi if [ ! -f "${c_pubkey}" ]; then # From v0.4.0 pubkey file is optional to support PEM scenario # where you don't have public key on your side #if [ ! -n "${pubkey}" ]; then # help >&2 # exit 1 #fi if [ -f "${pubkey}" ]; then echo "using: pubkey=${pubkey}" c_pubkey="${pubkey}" fi fi if [ ! -n "${c_port}" ]; then if [ ! -n "${port}" ]; then port="22" # default: 22 fi echo "using: port=${port}" c_port="${port}" fi if [ "${sshargs}" != "" ]; then echo "using: args=${sshargs}" fi if [ "${jump_pod_template}" != "" ]; then echo "using: pod-template=${jump_pod_template}" fi # Caching current ssh options write_options "${c_sshuser}" "${c_identity}" "${c_pubkey}" "${c_port}" if [ "${skip_agent}" = "no" ]; then check_and_start_agent ${c_identity} fi # SSH Logging into desitnation node via Jump host run_ssh_node "${destnode}" "${c_sshuser}" "${c_identity}" "${c_pubkey}" "${c_port}" "${sshargs}" # Cleaning up resources if needed if [ "${cleanup_jump}" = "yes" ]; then cleanup_sshjump_pod fi if [ "${skip_agent}" = "no" ] && [ "${cleanup_agent}" = "yes" ]; then cleanup_agent fi } plugin_main "$@"