PDBx ontology The OWL ontology for PDB/RDF, generated from the PDBML Schema. Category Abstract class for category holders. CategoryElement Abstract class for category elements. categoryItem Abstract datatype property for category items. Abstract property for cross-references within PDBML. Abstract property for cross-references between categories. Abstract property for cross-references between categories. Abstract property for external links. Abstract property for external RDF links. Abstract property for external HTML links. link to PDBML-all file. link to PDBML-noatom file. link to PDBML-extatom file. link to related PDB entry. link to associated wwPDB validation report. link to split PDB entry. link to associated BMRB entry. link to associated EMDB entry. link to associated SASBDB entry. external link to PubMed. external link to sequence databases. external link to UniProt. external link to GenBank. external link to EMBL. external link to NORINE. external link to PIR. external link to RefSeq. external link to glycoinfo.org. external link to KEGG Compound. external link to KEGG Drug. external link to Novel Antibiotics Data Base. external link to ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). external link to DOI (digital object identifier). external link to NCBI taxonomy. external link to NCBI taxonomy (source organism). external link to NCBI taxonomy (host organism). external link to EC (enzyme commission) number. external link to GO (gene ontology). external link to InterPro. external link to Pfam. external link to CATH. external link to SCOP, SCOP2, and SCOP2B. external link to Ensembl (Eukaryotic Genome). external link to chemical component in CCD. external link to parental chemical component in CCD. external link to peptide reference in PRD (a part of BIRD, Biologically Interesting molecules Reference Dictionary). external link to CCDC (Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre). external link to PubChem Substance. external link to ChemSpider. external link to CAS. external link to ChEBI. external link to MeSH. external link to ChemIDplus. external link to ChEMBL. external link to BindingDB. external link to DrugBank. external link to ChemDB. datablock The datablock class holds all categories of PDB data. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 PDBML Schema translated from the PDBx/mmCIF Dictionary v5.397: http://mmcif.wwpdb.org/dictionaries/ascii/mmcif_pdbx_v50.dic Abstract property pointing to category. Abstract property pointing to category element. link_to_datablock Link to the base datablock of category elements. 0 array_data Data items in the ARRAY_DATA category are the containers for the array data items described in the category ARRAY_STRUCTURE. It is recognized that the data in this category need to be used in two distinct ways. During a data collection the lack of ancillary data and timing constraints in processing data may dictate the need to make a 'miniCBF', nothing more than an essential minimum of information to record the results of the data collection. In that case it is proper to use the ARRAY_DATA category as a container for just a single image and a compacted, beamline-dependent list of data collection parameter values. In such a case, only the tags '_array_data.header_convention', '_array_data.header_contents' and '_array_data.data' need be populated. For full processing and archiving, most of the tags in this dictionary will need to be populated. Example 1. This example shows two binary data blocks. The first one was compressed by the CBF_CANONICAL compression algorithm and is presented as hexadecimal data. The first character 'H' on the data lines means hexadecimal. It could have been 'O' for octal or 'D' for decimal. The second character on the line shows the number of bytes in each word (in this case '4'), which then requires eight hexadecimal digits per word. The third character gives the order of octets within a word, in this case '<' for the ordering 4321 (i.e. 'big-endian'). Alternatively, the character '>' could have been used for the ordering 1234 (i.e. 'little-endian'). The block has a 'message digest' to check the integrity of the data. The second block is similar, but uses CBF_PACKED compression and BASE64 encoding. Note that the size and the digest are different. <PDBx:array_dataCategory> <PDBx:array_data array_id="image_1" binary_id="1"> <PDBx:data> --CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION-- Content-Type: application/octet-stream; conversions=&quot;X-CBF_CANONICAL&quot; Content-Transfer-Encoding: X-BASE16 X-Binary-Size: 3927126 X-Binary-ID: 1 Content-MD5: u2sTJEovAHkmkDjPi+gWsg== # Hexadecimal encoding, byte 0, byte order ...21 # H4&lt; 0050B810 00000000 00000000 00000000 000F423F 00000000 00000000 ... .... --CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION----</PDBx:data> </PDBx:array_data> <PDBx:array_data array_id="image_2" binary_id="2"> <PDBx:data> --CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION-- Content-Type: application/octet-stream; conversions=&quot;X-CBF-PACKED&quot; Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 X-Binary-Size: 3745758 X-Binary-ID: 2 Content-MD5: 1zsJjWPfol2GYl2V+QSXrw== ELhQAAAAAAAA... ... --CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION----</PDBx:data> </PDBx:array_data> </PDBx:array_dataCategory> 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 array_dataCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder array_dataCategory. array_dataCategory This property indicates that array_dataCategory. has a category array_data. array_dataItem Abstract datatype property for array_data items. reference_to_array_data cross-reference to array_data. referenced_by_array_data cross-reference from array_data. array_data.data The value of attribute data in category array_data contains the array data encapsulated in a STAR string. The value of this item is required unless a value is given for attribute external_data_id in category array_data instead, in which case, a null value of '.' should be given here. The representation used is a variant on the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) specified in RFC 2045-2049 by N. Freed et al. The boundary delimiter used in writing an imgCIF or CBF is \n--CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION-- (including the required initial \n--, where \n represents the system newline character(s)). The Content-Type may be any of the discrete types permitted in RFC 2045; 'application/octet-stream' is recommended for diffraction images in the ARRAY_DATA category. Note: When appropriate in other categories, e.g. for photographs of crystals, more precise types, such as 'image/jpeg', 'image/tiff', 'image/png', etc. should be used. If an octet stream was compressed, the compression should be specified by the parameter conversions="X-CBF_PACKED" or the parameter conversions="X-CBF_CANONICAL" or the parameter conversions="X-CBF_BYTE_OFFSET" or the parameter conversions="X-CBF_BACKGROUND_OFFSET_DELTA" If the parameter conversions="X-CBF_PACKED" is given it may be further modified with the parameters uncorrelated_sections or flat (e.g. conversions="X-CBF_PACKED flat"). In such cases the attribute compression_type_flag in category array_structure should also be present with the corresponding value. If the "uncorrelated_sections" parameter is given, each section will be compressed without using the prior section for averaging. If the "flat" parameter is given, each image will be treated as one long row. Note that X-CBF_CANONICAL and X-CBF_PACKED are slower but more efficient compressions than the others. The X-CBF_BYTE_OFFSET compression is a good compromise between speed and efficiency for ordinary diffraction images. The X-CBF_BACKGROUND_OFFSET_DELTA compression is oriented towards sparse data, such as masks and tables of replacement pixel values for images with overloaded spots. The Content-Transfer-Encoding may be 'BASE64', 'Quoted-Printable', 'X-BASE8', 'X-BASE10', 'X-BASE16' or 'X-BASE32K', for an imgCIF or 'BINARY' for a CBF. The octal, decimal and hexadecimal transfer encodings are provided for convenience in debugging and are not recommended for archiving and data interchange. In a CIF, one of the parameters 'charset=us-ascii', 'charset=utf-8' or 'charset=utf-16' may be used on the Content-Transfer-Encoding to specify the character set used for the external presentation of the encoded data. If no charset parameter is given, the character set of the enclosing CIF is assumed. In any case, if a BOM flag is detected (FE FF for big-endian UTF-16, FF FE for little-endian UTF-16 or EF BB BF for UTF-8) is detected, the indicated charset will be assumed until the end of the encoded data or the detection of a different BOM. The charset of the Content-Transfer-Encoding is not the character set of the encoded data, only the character set of the presentation of the encoded data and should be respecified for each distinct STAR string. In an imgCIF file, the encoded binary data begin after the empty line terminating the header. In an imgCIF file, the encoded binary data ends with the terminating boundary delimiter '\n--CIF-BINARY-FORMAT-SECTION----' in the currently effective charset or with the '\n;' that terminates the STAR string. In a CBF, the raw binary data begin after an empty line terminating the header and after the sequence: Octet Hex Decimal Purpose 0 0C 12 Ctrl-L: page break 1 1A 26 Ctrl-Z: stop listings, MS-DOS 2 04 04 Ctrl-D: stop listings, UNIX 3 D5 213 binary section begins None of these octets are included in the calculation of the message size or in the calculation of the message digest. The X-Binary-Size header specifies the size of the equivalent binary data in octets. If compression was used, this size is the size after compression, including any book-keeping fields. An adjustment is made for the deprecated binary formats in which eight bytes of binary header are used for the compression type. In this case, the eight bytes used for the compression type are subtracted from the size, so that the same size will be reported if the compression type is supplied in the MIME header. Use of the MIME header is the recommended way to supply the compression type. In general, no portion of the binary header is included in the calculation of the size. The X-Binary-Element-Type header specifies the type of binary data in the octets, using the same descriptive phrases as in attribute encoding_type in category array_structure. The default value is 'unsigned 32-bit integer'. An MD5 message digest may, optionally, be used. The 'RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm' should be used. No portion of the header is included in the calculation of the message digest. If the Transfer Encoding is 'X-BASE8', 'X-BASE10' or 'X-BASE16', the data are presented as octal, decimal or hexadecimal data organized into lines or words. Each word is created by composing octets of data in fixed groups of 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 octets, either in the order ...4321 ('big- endian') or 1234... ('little-endian'). If there are fewer than the specified number of octets to fill the last word, then the missing octets are presented as '==' for each missing octet. Exactly two equal signs are used for each missing octet even for octal and decimal encoding. The format of lines is: rnd xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx where r is 'H', 'O' or 'D' for hexadecimal, octal or decimal, n is the number of octets per word and d is '<' or '>' for the '...4321' and '1234...' octet orderings, respectively. The '==' padding for the last word should be on the appropriate side to correspond to the missing octets, e.g. H4< FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 07FFFFFF ====0000 or H3> FF0700 00==== For these hexadecimal, octal and decimal formats only, comments beginning with '#' are permitted to improve readability. BASE64 encoding follows MIME conventions. Octets are in groups of three: c1, c2, c3. The resulting 24 bits are broken into four six-bit quantities, starting with the high-order six bits (c1 >> 2) of the first octet, then the low-order two bits of the first octet followed by the high-order four bits of the second octet [(c1 & 3)<<4 | (c2>>4)], then the bottom four bits of the second octet followed by the high-order two bits of the last octet [(c2 & 15)<<2 | (c3>>6)], then the bottom six bits of the last octet (c3 & 63). Each of these four quantities is translated into an ASCII character using the mapping: 1 2 3 4 5 6 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 | | | | | | | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ with short groups of octets padded on the right with one '=' if c3 is missing, and with '==' if both c2 and c3 are missing. X-BASE32K encoding is similar to BASE64 encoding, except that sets of 15 octets are encoded as sets of 8 16-bit Unicode characters, by breaking the 120 bits into 8 15-bit quantities. 256 is added to each 15-bit quantity to bring it into a printable Unicode range. When encoding, zero padding is used to fill out the last 15-bit quantity. If 8 or more bits of padding are used, a single equals sign (hexadecimal 003D) is appended. Embedded whitespace and newlines are introduced to produce lines of no more than 80 characters each. On decoding, all printable ASCII characters and ASCII whitespace characters are ignored except for any trailing equals signs. The number of trailing equals signs indicated the number of trailing octets to be trimmed from the end of the decoded data (see Darakev et al., 2006). QUOTED-PRINTABLE encoding also follows MIME conventions, copying octets without translation if their ASCII values are 32...38, 42, 48...57, 59, 60, 62, 64...126 and the octet is not a ';' in column 1. All other characters are translated to =nn, where nn is the hexadecimal encoding of the octet. All lines are 'wrapped' with a terminating '=' (i.e. the MIME conventions for an implicit line terminator are never used). The 'X-Binary-Element-Byte-Order' can specify either 'BIG_ENDIAN' or 'LITTLE_ENDIAN' byte order of the image data. Only LITTLE_ENDIAN is recommended. Processors may treat BIG_ENDIAN as a warning of data that can only be processed by special software. The 'X-Binary-Number-of-Elements' specifies the number of elements (not the number of octets) in the decompressed, decoded image. The optional 'X-Binary-Size-Fastest-Dimension' specifies the number of elements (not the number of octets) in one row of the fastest changing dimension of the binary data array. This information must be in the MIME header for proper operation of some of the decompression algorithms. The optional 'X-Binary-Size-Second-Dimension' specifies the number of elements (not the number of octets) in one column of the second-fastest changing dimension of the binary data array. This information must be in the MIME header for proper operation of some of the decompression algorithms. The optional 'X-Binary-Size-Third-Dimension' specifies the number of sections for the third-fastest changing dimension of the binary data array. The optional 'X-Binary-Size-Padding' specifies the size in octets of an optional padding after the binary array data and before the closing flags for a binary section. Reference: Darakev, G., Litchev, V., Mitev, K. Z. & Bernstein, H. J. (2006). 'Efficient Support of Binary Data in the XML Implementation of the NeXus File Format', abstract W0165, ACA Summer Meeting, Honolulu, HI, USA, July 2006. array_data.external_data_id This item is a pointer to attribute id in category array_data_external_data in the ARRAY_DATA_EXTERNAL_DATA category. If not given, then the actual array data should be specified as the value of attribute data in category array_data. If both values are given, the value on attribute data in category array_data takes precedence, and a warning of a possible conflict should be issued. array_data.header_contents This item is a text field for use in minimal CBF files to carry essential header information to be kept with image data in attribute data in category array_data when the tags that normally carry the structured metadata for the image have not been populated. Normally this data item should not appear when the full set of tags has been populated and attribute details in category diffrn_data_frame appears. array_data.header_convention This item is an identifier for the convention followed in constructing the contents of attribute header_contents in category array_data The permitted values are of an image creator identifier followed by an underscore and a version string. To avoid confusion about conventions, all creator identifiers should be registered with the IUCr and the conventions for all identifiers and versions should be posted on the MEDSBIO.org web site. array_data.array_id This item is a pointer to attribute id in category array_structure in the ARRAY_STRUCTURE category. If not given, it defaults to 1. array_data.binary_id This item is an integer identifier which, along with attribute array_id in category array_data, should uniquely identify the particular block of array data. If attribute binary_id in category array_data is not explicitly given, it defaults to 1. The value of attribute binary_id in category array_data distinguishes among multiple sets of data with the same array structure. If the MIME header of the data array specifies a value for X-Binary-ID, the value of attribute binary_id in category array_data should be equal to the value given for X-Binary-ID. 0 array_intensities Data items in the ARRAY_INTENSITIES category record the information required to recover the intensity data from the set of data values stored in the ARRAY_DATA category. The detector may have a complex relationship between the raw intensity values and the number of incident photons. In most cases, the number stored in the final array will have a simple linear relationship to the actual number of incident photons, given by attribute gain in category array_intensities. If raw, uncorrected values are presented (e.g. for calibration experiments), the value of attribute linearity in category array_intensities will be 'raw' and attribute gain in category array_intensities will not be used. Example 1 <PDBx:array_intensitiesCategory> <PDBx:array_intensities array_id="image_1"> <PDBx:gain>1.2</PDBx:gain> <PDBx:linearity>linear</PDBx:linearity> <PDBx:overload>655535</PDBx:overload> <PDBx:pixel_binning_method>hardware</PDBx:pixel_binning_method> <PDBx:pixel_fast_bin_size>2</PDBx:pixel_fast_bin_size> <PDBx:pixel_slow_bin_size>2</PDBx:pixel_slow_bin_size> <PDBx:undefined_value>0</PDBx:undefined_value> </PDBx:array_intensities> </PDBx:array_intensitiesCategory> 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 array_intensitiesCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder array_intensitiesCategory. array_intensitiesCategory This property indicates that array_intensitiesCategory. has a category array_intensities. array_intensitiesItem Abstract datatype property for array_intensities items. reference_to_array_intensities cross-reference to array_intensities. referenced_by_array_intensities cross-reference from array_intensities. array_intensities.details A description of special aspects of the calculation of array intensities. Gain_setting: low gain (vrf = -0.300) array_intensities.gain Detector 'gain'. The factor by which linearized intensity count values should be divided to produce true photon counts. array_intensities.gain_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation, e.s.d.) of detector 'gain'. linear offset scaling scaling_offset sqrt_scaled logarithmic_scaled raw The intensity linearity scaling method used to convert from the raw intensity to the stored element value: 'linear' is linear. 'offset' means that the value defined by attribute offset in category array_intensities should be added to each element value. 'scaling' means that the value defined by attribute scaling in category array_intensities should be multiplied with each element value. 'scaling_offset' is the combination of the two previous cases, with the scale factor applied before the offset value. 'sqrt_scaled' means that the square root of raw intensities multiplied by attribute scaling in category array_intensities is calculated and stored, perhaps rounded to the nearest integer. Thus, linearization involves dividing the stored values by attribute scaling in category array_intensities and squaring the result. 'logarithmic_scaled' means that the logarithm base 10 of raw intensities multiplied by attribute scaling in category array_intensities is calculated and stored, perhaps rounded to the nearest integer. Thus, linearization involves dividing the stored values by attribute scaling in category array_intensities and calculating 10 to the power of this number. 'raw' means that the data are a set of raw values straight from the detector. array_intensities.offset Offset value to add to array element values in the manner described by the item attribute linearity in category array_intensities. array_intensities.overload The saturation intensity level for this data array, i.e. the value above which correct intensities may not be recorded. The valid pixel values are those less than attribute overload in category array_intensities and greater than or equal to attribute underload in category array_intensities hardware software combined none unspecified The value of attribute pixel_binning_method in category array_intensities specifies the method used to derive array elements from multiple pixels. array_intensities.pixel_fast_bin_size The value of attribute pixel_fast_bin_size in category array_intensities specifies the number of pixels that compose one element in the direction of the most rapidly varying array dimension. Typical values are 1, 2, 4 or 8. When there is 1 pixel per array element in both directions, the value given for attribute pixel_binning_method in category array_intensities normally should be 'none'. It is specified as a float to allow for binning algorithms that create array elements that are not integer multiples of the detector pixel size. array_intensities.pixel_slow_bin_size The value of attribute pixel_slow_bin_size in category array_intensities specifies the number of pixels that compose one element in the direction of the second most rapidly varying array dimension. Typical values are 1, 2, 4 or 8. When there is 1 pixel per array element in both directions, the value given for attribute pixel_binning_method in category array_intensities normally should be 'none'. It is specified as a float to allow for binning algorithms that create array elements that are not integer multiples of the detector pixel size. array_intensities.scaling Multiplicative scaling value to be applied to array data in the manner described by the item attribute linearity in category array_intensities. array_intensities.undefined_value A value to be substituted for undefined values in the data array. array_intensities.underload The lowest value at which pixels for this detector are measured. The valid pixel values are those less than attribute overload in category array_intensities and greater than or equal to attribute underload in category array_intensities array_intensities.array_id This item is a pointer to attribute id in category array_structure in the ARRAY_STRUCTURE category. array_intensities.binary_id This item is a pointer to attribute binary_id in category array_data in the ARRAY_DATA category. 0 array_structure Data items in the ARRAY_STRUCTURE category record the organization and encoding of array data that may be stored in the ARRAY_DATA category. Example 1. <PDBx:array_structureCategory> <PDBx:array_structure id="image_1"> <PDBx:byte_order>little_endian</PDBx:byte_order> <PDBx:compression_type>none</PDBx:compression_type> <PDBx:encoding_type>unsigned 16-bit integer</PDBx:encoding_type> </PDBx:array_structure> </PDBx:array_structureCategory> 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 array_structureCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder array_structureCategory. array_structureCategory This property indicates that array_structureCategory. has a category array_structure. array_structureItem Abstract datatype property for array_structure items. reference_to_array_structure cross-reference to array_structure. referenced_by_array_structure cross-reference from array_structure. big_endian little_endian The order of bytes for integer values which require more than 1 byte. (IBM-PCs and compatibles, and DEC VAXs use low-byte-first ordered integers, whereas Hewlett Packard 700 series, Sun-4 and Silicon Graphics use high-byte-first ordered integers. DEC Alphas can produce/use either depending on a compiler switch.) byte_offset canonical nibble_offset none packed packed_v2 Type of data-compression method used to compress the array data. uncorrelated_sections flat Flags modifying the type of data-compression method used to compress the arraydata. unsigned 1-bit integer unsigned 8-bit integer signed 8-bit integer unsigned 16-bit integer signed 16-bit integer unsigned 32-bit integer signed 32-bit integer signed 32-bit real IEEE signed 64-bit real IEEE signed 32-bit complex IEEE Data encoding of a single element of array data. The type 'unsigned 1-bit integer' is used for packed Boolean arrays for masks. Each element of the array corresponds to a single bit packed in unsigned 8-bit data. In several cases, the IEEE format is referenced. See IEEE Standard 754-1985 (IEEE, 1985). Reference: IEEE (1985). IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic. ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. array_structure.id The value of attribute id in category array_structure must uniquely identify each item of array data. This item has been made implicit and given a default value of 1 as a convenience in writing miniCBF files. Normally an explicit name with useful content should be used. 0 array_structure_list Data items in the ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST category record the size and organization of each array dimension. The relationship to physical axes may be given. Example 1. An image array of 1300 x 1200 elements. The raster order of the image is left to right (increasing) in the first dimension and bottom to top (decreasing) in the second dimension. <PDBx:array_structure_listCategory> <PDBx:array_structure_list array_id="image_1" index="1"> <PDBx:axis_set_id>ELEMENT_X</PDBx:axis_set_id> <PDBx:dimension>1300</PDBx:dimension> <PDBx:direction>increasing</PDBx:direction> <PDBx:precedence>1</PDBx:precedence> </PDBx:array_structure_list> <PDBx:array_structure_list array_id="image_1" index="2"> <PDBx:axis_set_id>ELEMENY_Y</PDBx:axis_set_id> <PDBx:dimension>1200</PDBx:dimension> <PDBx:direction>decreasing</PDBx:direction> <PDBx:precedence>2</PDBx:precedence> </PDBx:array_structure_list> </PDBx:array_structure_listCategory> 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 array_structure_listCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder array_structure_listCategory. array_structure_listCategory This property indicates that array_structure_listCategory. has a category array_structure_list. array_structure_listItem Abstract datatype property for array_structure_list items. reference_to_array_structure_list cross-reference to array_structure_list. referenced_by_array_structure_list cross-reference from array_structure_list. array_structure_list.array_section_id This item is a pointer to attribute id in category array_structure_list_section in the ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST_SECTION category. array_structure_list.axis_set_id This is a descriptor for the physical axis or set of axes corresponding to an array index. This data item is related to the axes of the detector itself given in DIFFRN_DETECTOR_AXIS, but usually differs in that the axes in this category are the axes of the coordinate system of reported data points, while the axes in DIFFRN_DETECTOR_AXIS are the physical axes of the detector describing the 'poise' of the detector as an overall physical object. If there is only one axis in the set, the identifier of that axis should be used as the identifier of the set. array_structure_list.dimension The number of elements stored in the array structure in this dimension. increasing decreasing Identifies the direction in which this array index changes. array_structure_list.precedence Identifies the rank order in which this array index changes with respect to other array indices. The precedence of 1 indicates the index which changes fastest. array_structure_list.array_id This item is a pointer to attribute id in category array_structure in the ARRAY_STRUCTURE category. array_structure_list.index Identifies the one-based index of the row or column in the array structure. 0 array_structure_list_axis Data items in the ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST_AXIS category describe the physical settings of sets of axes for the centres of pixels that correspond to data points described in the ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST category. In the simplest cases, the physical increments of a single axis correspond to the increments of a single array index. More complex organizations, e.g. spiral scans, may require coupled motions along multiple axes. Note that a spiral scan uses two coupled axes: one for the angular direction and one for the radial direction. This differs from a cylindrical scan for which the two axes are not coupled into one set. Axes may be specified either for an entire array or for just a section of an array. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 array_structure_list_axisCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder array_structure_list_axisCategory. array_structure_list_axisCategory This property indicates that array_structure_list_axisCategory. has a category array_structure_list_axis. array_structure_list_axisItem Abstract datatype property for array_structure_list_axis items. reference_to_array_structure_list_axis cross-reference to array_structure_list_axis. referenced_by_array_structure_list_axis cross-reference from array_structure_list_axis. array_structure_list_axis.angle The setting of the specified axis in degrees for the first data point of the array index with the corresponding value of attribute axis_set_id in category array_structure_list. If the index is specified as 'increasing', this will be the centre of the pixel with index value 1. If the index is specified as 'decreasing', this will be the centre of the pixel with maximum index value. array_structure_list_axis.angle_increment The pixel-centre-to-pixel-centre increment in the angular setting of the specified axis in degrees. This is not meaningful in the case of 'constant velocity' spiral scans and should not be specified for this case. See attribute angular_pitch in category array_structure_list_axis. array_structure_list_axis.angular_pitch The pixel-centre-to-pixel-centre distance for a one-step change in the setting of the specified axis in millimetres. This is meaningful only for 'constant velocity' spiral scans or for uncoupled angular scans at a constant radius (cylindrical scans) and should not be specified for cases in which the angle between pixels (rather than the distance between pixels) is uniform. See attribute angle_increment in category array_structure_list_axis. array_structure_list_axis.displacement The setting of the specified axis in millimetres for the first data point of the array index with the corresponding value of attribute axis_set_id in category array_structure_list. If the index is specified as 'increasing', this will be the centre of the pixel with index value 1. If the index is specified as 'decreasing', this will be the centre of the pixel with maximum index value. array_structure_list_axis.displacement_increment The pixel-centre-to-pixel-centre increment for the displacement setting of the specified axis in millimetres. array_structure_list_axis.fract_displacement The setting of the specified axis as a decimal fraction of the axis unit vector for the first data point of the array index with the corresponding value of attribute axis_set_id. in category array_structure_list If the index is specified as 'increasing', this will be the centre of the pixel with index value 1. If the index is specified as 'decreasing', this will be the centre of the pixel with maximum index value. array_structure_list_axis.fract_displacement_increment The pixel-centre-to-pixel-centre increment for the displacement setting of the specified axis as a decimal fraction of the axis unit vector. array_structure_list_axis.radial_pitch The radial distance from one 'cylinder' of pixels to the next in millimetres. If the scan is a 'constant velocity' scan with differing angular displacements between pixels, the value of this item may differ significantly from the value of attribute displacement_increment in category array_structure_list_axis. array_structure_list_axis.reference_angle The value of attribute reference_angle in category array_structure_list_axis specifies the setting of the angle of this axis used for determining a reference beam centre and a reference detector distance. It is normally expected to be identical to the value of attribute angle in category array_structure_list_axis. array_structure_list_axis.reference_displacement The value of attribute reference_displacement in category array_structure_list_axis specifies the setting of the displacement of this axis used for determining a reference beam centre and a reference detector distance. It is normally expected to be identical to the value of attribute displacement in category array_structure_list_axis. array_structure_list_axis.axis_id The value of this data item is the identifier of one of the axes in the set of axes for which settings are being specified. Multiple axes may be specified for the same value of attribute axis_set_id. in category array_structure_list_axis This item is a pointer to attribute id in category axis in the AXIS category. array_structure_list_axis.axis_set_id The value of this data item is the identifier of the set of axes for which axis settings are being specified. Multiple axes may be specified for the same value of attribute axis_set_id. in category array_structure_list_axis This item is a pointer to attribute axis_set_id in category array_structure_list in the ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST category. If this item is not specified, it defaults to the corresponding axis identifier. 0 array_structure_list_section Data items in the ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST_SECTION category identify the dimension-by-dimension start, end and stride of each section of an array that is to be referenced. For any array with identifier ARRAYID, array section ids of the form ARRAYID(start1:end1:stride1,start2:end2:stride2, ...) are defined by default. For the given index, the elements in the section are of indices: attribute start, in category array_structure_list_section _array_structure_list_section.start + _array_structure_list_section.stride, attribute start in category array_structure_list_section + 2*_array_structure_list_section.stride, ... stopping either when the indices leave the limits of the indices of that dimension or [min(_array_structure_list_section.start, attribute end), in category array_structure_list_section max(_array_structure_list_section.start, attribute end)]. in category array_structure_list_section The ordering of these elements is determined by the overall ordering of attribute array_id in category array_structure_list_section and not by the ordering implied by the stride. Example 1. An image array, myarray, of 1300 x 1200 elements, and 700 frames is defined in ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST, and the array section identifier "myarray(101:1200,101:1100,1:700:10)" is explicitly defined taking every 10th frame and removing a 100 pixel border. Note that even though the slow index high is 700, the last frame that will actually be included is only 691. <PDBx:array_structure_listCategory> <PDBx:array_structure_list array_id="myarray" index="1"> <PDBx:axis_set_id>ELEMENT_X</PDBx:axis_set_id> <PDBx:dimension>1300</PDBx:dimension> <PDBx:direction>increasing</PDBx:direction> <PDBx:precedence>1</PDBx:precedence> </PDBx:array_structure_list> <PDBx:array_structure_list array_id="myarray" index="2"> <PDBx:axis_set_id>ELEMENT_Y</PDBx:axis_set_id> <PDBx:dimension>1200</PDBx:dimension> <PDBx:direction>increasing</PDBx:direction> <PDBx:precedence>2</PDBx:precedence> </PDBx:array_structure_list> <PDBx:array_structure_list array_id="myarray" index="3"> <PDBx:axis_set_id>FRAME_NO</PDBx:axis_set_id> <PDBx:dimension>700</PDBx:dimension> <PDBx:direction>increasing</PDBx:direction> <PDBx:precedence>3</PDBx:precedence> </PDBx:array_structure_list> </PDBx:array_structure_listCategory> <PDBx:array_structure_list_sectionCategory> <PDBx:array_structure_list_section array_id="myarray" id="myarray(101:1200,101:1100,1:700:10)" index="1"> <PDBx:end>1200</PDBx:end> <PDBx:start>101</PDBx:start> <PDBx:stride xsi:nil="true" /> </PDBx:array_structure_list_section> <PDBx:array_structure_list_section array_id="myarray" id="myarray(101:1200,101:1100,1:700:10)" index="2"> <PDBx:end>1100</PDBx:end> <PDBx:start>101</PDBx:start> <PDBx:stride xsi:nil="true" /> </PDBx:array_structure_list_section> <PDBx:array_structure_list_section array_id="myarray" id="myarray(101:1200,101:1100,1:700:10)" index="3"> <PDBx:end>700</PDBx:end> <PDBx:start>1</PDBx:start> <PDBx:stride>10</PDBx:stride> </PDBx:array_structure_list_section> </PDBx:array_structure_list_sectionCategory> 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 array_structure_list_sectionCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder array_structure_list_sectionCategory. array_structure_list_sectionCategory This property indicates that array_structure_list_sectionCategory. has a category array_structure_list_section. array_structure_list_sectionItem Abstract datatype property for array_structure_list_section items. reference_to_array_structure_list_section cross-reference to array_structure_list_section. referenced_by_array_structure_list_section cross-reference from array_structure_list_section. array_structure_list_section.end Identifies the ending ordinal, numbered from 1, for an array element of index attribute index in category array_structure_list_section in the section. The value defaults to the dimension for index attribute index in category array_structure_list_section of the array. Note that this agrees with the Fortran convention, rather than the Python convention in that, if compatible with the stride, the end element is included in the section as in Fortran, rather than being one beyond the section as in Python. array_structure_list_section.start Identifies the starting ordinal, numbered from 1, for an array element of index attribute index in category array_structure_list_section in the section. The value defaults to 1. For the given index, the elements in the section are of indices: attribute start, in category array_structure_list_section attribute start in category array_structure_list_section + attribute stride, in category array_structure_list_section attribute start in category array_structure_list_section + 2*_array_structure_list_section.stride, ... stopping either when the indices leave the limits of the indices of that dimension or [min(_array_structure_list_section.start, attribute end in category array_structure_list_section ), max(_array_structure_list_section.start, attribute end in category array_structure_list_section )]. The ordering of these elements is determined by the overall ordering of attribute array_id in category array_structure_list_section and not by the ordering implied by the stride. array_structure_list_section.stride Identifies the incremental steps to be taken when moving element to element in the section in that particular dimension. The value of attribute stride in category array_structure_list_section may be positive or negative. If the stride is zero, the section is just defined by attribute start in category array_structure_list_section. array_structure_list_section.array_id This item is a pointer to attribute id in category array_structure in the ARRAY_STRUCTURE category. array_structure_list_section.id Uniquely identifies the array section chosen. To avoid confusion array section IDs that contain parentheses should conform to the default syntax ARRAYID(start1:end1:stride1,start2:end2:stride2, ...) array_structure_list_section.index This item is a pointer to attribute index in category array_structure_list in the ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST category. Identifies the one-based index of the row, column, sheet ... the ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST category. For a multidimensional array, a value must be explicitly given. If an index is omitted from a section then all elements for that index are assumed to be included in the section. 0 atom_site Data items in the ATOM_SITE category record details about the atom sites in a macromolecular crystal structure, such as the positional coordinates, atomic displacement parameters, magnetic moments and directions. The data items for describing anisotropic atomic displacement factors are only used if the corresponding items are not given in the ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category. wwPDB recommends wwPDB-assigned residue number, residue ID, and chain ID, _atom_site.auth_seq_id _atom_site.auth_comp_id, and attribute auth_asym_id in category atom_site, respectively, to be used for publication materials. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:atom_siteCategory> <PDBx:atom_site id="1"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>17.93</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>25.369</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>30.691</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>11.795</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>11</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>N</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>VAL</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>11</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>N</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="2"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>17.75</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>25.970</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>31.965</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>12.332</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>11</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>CA</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>VAL</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>11</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="3"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>17.83</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>25.569</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>32.010</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>13.808</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>11</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>C</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>VAL</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>11</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="4"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>17.53</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>24.735</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>31.190</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>14.167</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>11</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>O</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>VAL</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>11</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>O</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="5"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>17.66</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>25.379</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>33.146</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>11.540</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>11</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>CB</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>VAL</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>11</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="6"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>18.86</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>25.584</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>33.034</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>10.030</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>11</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>CG1</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>VAL</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>11</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="7"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>17.12</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>23.933</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>33.309</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>11.872</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>11</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>CG2</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>VAL</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>11</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="8"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>18.97</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>26.095</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>32.930</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>14.590</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>12</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id>4</PDBx:footnote_id> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>N</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>THR</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>12</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>N</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="9"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>19.80</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>25.734</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>32.995</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>16.032</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>12</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id>4</PDBx:footnote_id> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>CA</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>THR</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>12</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="10"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>20.92</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>24.695</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>34.106</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>16.113</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>12</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id>4</PDBx:footnote_id> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>C</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>THR</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>12</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="11"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>21.84</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>24.869</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>35.118</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>15.421</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>12</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id>4</PDBx:footnote_id> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>O</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>THR</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>12</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>O</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="12"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>20.51</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>26.911</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>33.346</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>17.018</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>12</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id>4</PDBx:footnote_id> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>CB</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>THR</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>12</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="13"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>20.29</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>27.946</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>33.921</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>16.183</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>12</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id>4</PDBx:footnote_id> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id>3</PDBx:label_alt_id> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>OG1</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>THR</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>12</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>0.50</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>O</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="14"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>20.59</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>27.769</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>32.142</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>17.103</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>12</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id>4</PDBx:footnote_id> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id>4</PDBx:label_alt_id> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>OG1</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>THR</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>12</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>0.50</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>O</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="15"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>20.47</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>27.418</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>32.181</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>17.878</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>12</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id>4</PDBx:footnote_id> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id>3</PDBx:label_alt_id> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>CG2</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>THR</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>12</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>0.50</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="16"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>20.00</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>26.489</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>33.778</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>18.426</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>12</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id>4</PDBx:footnote_id> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id>4</PDBx:label_alt_id> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>CG2</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>THR</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>12</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>0.50</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="17"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>22.08</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>23.664</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>33.855</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>16.884</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>13</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>N</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>ILE</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>13</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>N</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="18"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>23.44</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>22.623</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>34.850</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>17.093</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>13</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>CA</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>ILE</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>13</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="19"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>25.77</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>22.657</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>35.113</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>18.610</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>13</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>C</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>ILE</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>13</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="20"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>26.28</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>23.123</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>34.250</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>19.406</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>13</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>O</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>ILE</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>13</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>O</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="21"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>22.67</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>21.236</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>34.463</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>16.492</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>13</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>CB</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>ILE</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>13</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="22"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>22.14</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>20.478</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>33.469</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>17.371</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>13</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>CG1</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>ILE</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>13</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="23"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>21.75</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>21.357</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>33.986</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>15.016</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>13</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:group_PDB>ATOM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:label_asym_id>A</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>CG2</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>ILE</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id>13</PDBx:label_seq_id> <PDBx:occupancy>1.00</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="101"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>17.27</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>4.171</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>29.012</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>7.116</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>300</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id>1</PDBx:footnote_id> <PDBx:group_PDB>HETATM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id>1</PDBx:label_alt_id> <PDBx:label_asym_id>C</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>C1</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>APS</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:occupancy>0.58</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="102"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>16.95</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>4.949</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>27.758</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>6.793</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>300</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id>1</PDBx:footnote_id> <PDBx:group_PDB>HETATM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id>1</PDBx:label_alt_id> <PDBx:label_asym_id>C</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>C2</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>APS</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:occupancy>0.58</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="103"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>16.85</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>4.800</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>26.678</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>7.393</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>300</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id>1</PDBx:footnote_id> <PDBx:group_PDB>HETATM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id>1</PDBx:label_alt_id> <PDBx:label_asym_id>C</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>O3</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>APS</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:occupancy>0.58</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>O</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> <PDBx:atom_site id="104"> <PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv>16.43</PDBx:B_iso_or_equiv> <PDBx:Cartn_x>5.930</PDBx:Cartn_x> <PDBx:Cartn_y>27.841</PDBx:Cartn_y> <PDBx:Cartn_z>5.869</PDBx:Cartn_z> <PDBx:auth_seq_id>300</PDBx:auth_seq_id> <PDBx:footnote_id>1</PDBx:footnote_id> <PDBx:group_PDB>HETATM</PDBx:group_PDB> <PDBx:label_alt_id>1</PDBx:label_alt_id> <PDBx:label_asym_id>C</PDBx:label_asym_id> <PDBx:label_atom_id>N4</PDBx:label_atom_id> <PDBx:label_comp_id>APS</PDBx:label_comp_id> <PDBx:label_seq_id xsi:nil="true" /> <PDBx:occupancy>0.58</PDBx:occupancy> <PDBx:type_symbol>N</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site> </PDBx:atom_siteCategory> 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 atom_siteCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder atom_siteCategory. atom_siteCategory This property indicates that atom_siteCategory. has a category atom_site. atom_siteItem Abstract datatype property for atom_site items. reference_to_atom_site cross-reference to atom_site. referenced_by_atom_site cross-reference from atom_site. atom_site.B_equiv_geom_mean Equivalent isotropic atomic displacement parameter, B~eq~, in angstroms squared, calculated as the geometric mean of the anisotropic atomic displacement parameters. B~eq~ = (B~i~ B~j~ B~k~)^1/3^ B~n~ = the principal components of the orthogonalized B^ij^ The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. atom_site.B_equiv_geom_mean_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute B_equiv_geom_mean in category atom_site. atom_site.B_iso_or_equiv Isotropic atomic displacement parameter, or equivalent isotropic atomic displacement parameter, B~eq~, calculated from the anisotropic displacement parameters. B~eq~ = (1/3) sum~i~[sum~j~(B^ij^ A~i~ A~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)] A = the real space cell lengths a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths B^ij^ = 8 pi^2^ U^ij^ Ref: Fischer, R. X. & Tillmanns, E. (1988). Acta Cryst. C44, 775-776. The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. Note - The particular type of ADP stored in this item is qualified by item attribute pdbx_adp_type in category refine. atom_site.B_iso_or_equiv_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute B_iso_or_equiv in category atom_site. atom_site.Cartn_x The x atom-site coordinate in angstroms specified according to a set of orthogonal Cartesian axes related to the cell axes as specified by the description given in attribute Cartn_transform_axes in category atom_sites. atom_site.Cartn_x_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute Cartn_x in category atom_site. atom_site.Cartn_y The y atom-site coordinate in angstroms specified according to a set of orthogonal Cartesian axes related to the cell axes as specified by the description given in attribute Cartn_transform_axes in category atom_sites. atom_site.Cartn_y_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute Cartn_y in category atom_site. atom_site.Cartn_z The z atom-site coordinate in angstroms specified according to a set of orthogonal Cartesian axes related to the cell axes as specified by the description given in attribute Cartn_transform_axes in category atom_sites. atom_site.Cartn_z_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute Cartn_z in category atom_site. atom_site.U_equiv_geom_mean Equivalent isotropic atomic displacement parameter, U~eq~, in angstroms squared, calculated as the geometric mean of the anisotropic atomic displacement parameters. U~eq~ = (U~i~ U~j~ U~k~)^1/3^ U~n~ = the principal components of the orthogonalized U^ij^ atom_site.U_equiv_geom_mean_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute U_equiv_geom_mean in category atom_site. atom_site.U_iso_or_equiv Isotropic atomic displacement parameter, or equivalent isotropic atomic displacement parameter, U~eq~, calculated from anisotropic atomic displacement parameters. U~eq~ = (1/3) sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ A~i~ A~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)] A = the real space cell lengths a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths Ref: Fischer, R. X. & Tillmanns, E. (1988). Acta Cryst. C44, 775-776. atom_site.U_iso_or_equiv_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute U_iso_or_equiv in category atom_site. atom_site.Wyckoff_symbol The Wyckoff symbol (letter) as listed in the space-group tables of International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. A (2002). Uani Uiso Uovl Umpe Bani Biso Bovl A standard code used to describe the type of atomic displacement parameters used for the site. atom_site.aniso_B11 The [1][1] element of the anisotropic atomic displacement matrix B, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-1/4 sum~i~[sum~j~(B^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. atom_site.aniso_B11_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute aniso_B[1][1] in category atom_site. atom_site.aniso_B12 The [1][2] element of the anisotropic atomic displacement matrix B, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-1/4 sum~i~[sum~j~(B^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. atom_site.aniso_B12_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute aniso_B[1][2] in category atom_site. atom_site.aniso_B13 The [1][3] element of the anisotropic atomic displacement matrix B, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-1/4 sum~i~[sum~j~(B^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. atom_site.aniso_B13_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute aniso_B[1][3] in category atom_site. atom_site.aniso_B22 The [2][2] element of the anisotropic atomic displacement matrix B, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-1/4 sum~i~[sum~j~(B^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. atom_site.aniso_B22_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute aniso_B[2][2] in category atom_site. atom_site.aniso_B23 The [2][3] element of the anisotropic atomic displacement matrix B, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-1/4 sum~i~[sum~j~(B^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. atom_site.aniso_B23_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute aniso_B[2][3] in category atom_site. atom_site.aniso_B33 The [3][3] element of the anisotropic atomic displacement matrix B, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-1/4 sum~i~[sum~j~(B^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. atom_site.aniso_B33_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute aniso_B[3][3] in category atom_site. atom_site.aniso_U11 The [1][1] element of the standard anisotropic atomic displacement matrix U, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-2 pi^2^ sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. atom_site.aniso_U11_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute aniso_U[1][1] in category atom_site. atom_site.aniso_U12 The [1][2] element of the standard anisotropic atomic displacement matrix U, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-2 pi^2^ sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. atom_site.aniso_U12_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute aniso_U[1][2] in category atom_site. atom_site.aniso_U13 The [1][3] element of the standard anisotropic atomic displacement matrix U, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-2 pi^2^ sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. atom_site.aniso_U13_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute aniso_U[1][3] in category atom_site. atom_site.aniso_U22 The [2][2] element of the standard anisotropic atomic displacement matrix U, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-2 pi^2^ sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. atom_site.aniso_U22_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute aniso_U[2][2] in category atom_site. atom_site.aniso_U23 The [2][3] element of the standard anisotropic atomic displacement matrix U, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-2 pi^2^ sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. atom_site.aniso_U23_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute aniso_U[2][3] in category atom_site. atom_site.aniso_U33 The [3][3] element of the standard anisotropic atomic displacement matrix U, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-2 pi^2^ sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. atom_site.aniso_U33_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute aniso_U[3][3] in category atom_site. atom_site.aniso_ratio Ratio of the maximum to minimum principal axes of displacement (thermal) ellipsoids. atom_site.attached_hydrogens The number of hydrogen atoms attached to the atom at this site excluding any hydrogen atoms for which coordinates (measured or calculated) are given. water oxygen 2 hydroxyl oxygen 1 ammonium nitrogen 4 atom_site.auth_asym_id An alternative identifier for attribute label_asym_id in category atom_site that may be provided by an author in order to match the identification used in the publication that describes the structure. atom_site.auth_atom_id An alternative identifier for attribute label_atom_id in category atom_site that may be provided by an author in order to match the identification used in the publication that describes the structure. atom_site.auth_comp_id An alternative identifier for attribute label_comp_id in category atom_site that may be provided by an author in order to match the identification used in the publication that describes the structure. atom_site.auth_seq_id An alternative identifier for attribute label_seq_id in category atom_site that may be provided by an author in order to match the identification used in the publication that describes the structure. Note that this is not necessarily a number, that the values do not have to be positive, and that the value does not have to correspond to the value of attribute label_seq_id in category atom_site. The value of attribute label_seq_id in category atom_site is required to be a sequential list of positive integers. The author may assign values to attribute auth_seq_id in category atom_site in any desired way. For instance, the values may be used to relate this structure to a numbering scheme in a homologous structure, including sequence gaps or insertion codes. Alternatively, a scheme may be used for a truncated polymer that maintains the numbering scheme of the full length polymer. In all cases, the scheme used here must match the scheme used in the publication that describes the structure. atom_site.calc_attached_atom The attribute id in category atom_site of the atom site to which the 'geometry-calculated' atom site is attached. d calc c dum A standard code to signal whether the site coordinates have been determined from the intensities or calculated from the geometry of surrounding sites, or have been assigned dummy values. The abbreviation 'c' may be used in place of 'calc'. atom_site.chemical_conn_number This data item is a pointer to attribute number in category chemical_conn_atom in the CHEMICAL_CONN_ATOM category. atom_site.constraints A description of the constraints applied to parameters at this site during refinement. See also attribute refinement_flags in category atom_site and attribute ls_number_constraints in category refine. pop=1.0-pop(Zn3) atom_site.details A description of special aspects of this site. See also attribute refinement_flags in category atom_site. Ag/Si disordered atom_site.disorder_assembly A code which identifies a cluster of atoms that show long-range positional disorder but are locally ordered. Within each such cluster of atoms, attribute disorder_group in category atom_site is used to identify the sites that are simultaneously occupied. This field is only needed if there is more than one cluster of disordered atoms showing independent local order. *** This data item would not in general be used in a macromolecular data block. *** atom_site.disorder_group A code which identifies a group of positionally disordered atom sites that are locally simultaneously occupied. Atoms that are positionally disordered over two or more sites (e.g. the hydrogen atoms of a methyl group that exists in two orientations) can be assigned to two or more groups. Sites belonging to the same group are simultaneously occupied, but those belonging to different groups are not. A minus prefix (e.g. '-1') is used to indicate sites disordered about a special position. *** This data item would not in general be used in a macromolecular data block. *** atom_site.footnote_id The value of attribute footnote_id in category atom_site must match an ID specified by attribute id in category atom_sites_footnote in the ATOM_SITES_FOOTNOTE list. atom_site.fract_x The x coordinate of the atom-site position specified as a fraction of attribute length_a in category cell. atom_site.fract_x_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute fract_x in category atom_site. atom_site.fract_y The y coordinate of the atom-site position specified as a fraction of attribute length_b in category cell. atom_site.fract_y_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute fract_y in category atom_site. atom_site.fract_z The z coordinate of the atom-site position specified as a fraction of attribute length_c in category cell. atom_site.fract_z_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute fract_z in category atom_site. ATOM HETATM The group of atoms to which the atom site belongs. This data item is provided for compatibility with the original Protein Data Bank format, and only for that purpose. atom_site.label_alt_id A place holder to indicate alternate conformation. The alternate conformation can be an entire polymer chain, or several residues or partial residue (several atoms within one residue). If an atom is provided in more than one position, then a non-blank alternate location indicator must be used for each of the atomic positions. atom_site.label_asym_id A component of the identifier for this atom site. For further details, see the definition of the STRUCT_ASYM category. This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category struct_asym in the STRUCT_ASYM category. atom_site.label_atom_id A component of the identifier for this atom site. This data item is a pointer to attribute atom_id in category chem_comp_atom in the CHEM_COMP_ATOM category. atom_site.label_comp_id A component of the identifier for this atom site. This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category chem_comp in the CHEM_COMP category. atom_site.label_entity_id This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category entity in the ENTITY category. atom_site.label_seq_id This data item is a pointer to attribute num in category entity_poly_seq in the ENTITY_POLY_SEQ category. atom_site.occupancy The fraction of the atom type present at this site. The sum of the occupancies of all the atom types at this site may not exceed 1.0 unless it is a dummy site. atom_site.occupancy_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute occupancy in category atom_site. atom_site.pdbx_PDB_atom_name PDB atom name. atom_site.pdbx_PDB_ins_code PDB insertion code. atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num PDB model number. atom_site.pdbx_PDB_residue_name PDB residue name. atom_site.pdbx_PDB_residue_no PDB residue number. atom_site.pdbx_PDB_strand_id PDB strand id. atom_site.pdbx_atom_ambiguity The optional value of attribute pdbx_atom_ambiguity in category atom_site atoms that differ only by stereochemistry but are not stereospecifically assigned by the experiment. HDx% HDy% H5x H5y atom_site.pdbx_atom_group The ATOM group code used by the NDB. atom_site.pdbx_auth_alt_id Author's alternate location identifier. atom_site.pdbx_auth_asym_id Author's strand id. atom_site.pdbx_auth_atom_name Author's atom name. atom_site.pdbx_auth_comp_id Author's residue name. atom_site.pdbx_auth_seq_id Author's sequence identifier. atom_site.pdbx_formal_charge The net integer charge assigned to this atom. This is the formal charge assignment normally found in chemical diagrams. for an ammonium nitrogen 1 for a chloride ion -1 atom_site.pdbx_group_NDB The ATOM group code used by the NDB. atom_site.pdbx_label_index This data item is an ordinal which identifies distinct chemical components in the atom_site category, both polymeric and non-polymeric. atom_site.pdbx_label_seq_num Sequential residue number used by NDB. atom_site.pdbx_ncs_dom_id The NCS domain to which the atom position is assigned. The NCS group is defined in category struct_ncs_dom. This item is a reference to attribute id in category struct_ncs_dom. atom_site.pdbx_not_in_asym Will identify with a 'Y' that this strand got generated. atom_site.pdbx_sifts_xref_db_acc The accession code related to the additional external database entry. atom_site.pdbx_sifts_xref_db_name The name of additional external databases with residue level mapping. atom_site.pdbx_sifts_xref_db_num The sequence position of the external database entry that corresponds to the residue mapping defined by the SIFTS process. atom_site.pdbx_sifts_xref_db_res Describes the residue type of the given UniProt match alanine A arginine R asparagine N aspartic acid D cysteine C glutamine Q glutamic acid E glycine G histidine H isoleucine I leucine L lysine K methionine M phenylalanine F proline P selenocysteine U serine S threonine T tryptophan W tyrosine Y valine V pyrrolysine O other X atom_site.pdbx_struct_group_id The value of attribute pdbx_struct_group_id in category atom_site identifies the group or groups assigned to this atom. This is a reference to the identifier for group definition in category PDBX_STRUCT_GROUP_LIST. Multiple groups identifiers are encoded as a comma separated list. atom assigned to individual group C1 C1 atom assigned to multiple groups C1, C2 and C3 C1,C2,C3 atom_site.pdbx_tls_group_id The TLS group to which the atom position is assigned. The TLS group is defined in category pdbx_refine_tls. This item is a reference to attribute id in category pdbx_refine_tls. S G R D T U P A concatenated series of single-letter codes which indicate the refinement restraints or constraints applied to this site. This item should not be used. It has been replaced by attribute refinement_flags_posn in category atom_site, *_adp and *_occupancy. It is retained in this dictionary only to provide compatibility with old CIFs. T U TU A code which indicates the refinement restraints or constraints applied to the atomic displacement parameters of this site. P A code which indicates that refinement restraints or constraints were applied to the occupancy of this site. D G R S DG DR DS GR GS RS DGR DGS DRS GRS DGRS A code which indicates the refinement restraints or constraints applied to the positional coordinates of this site. atom_site.restraints A description of restraints applied to specific parameters at this site during refinement. See also attribute refinement_flags in category atom_site and attribute ls_number_restraints in category refine. restrained to planar ring atom_site.symmetry_multiplicity The multiplicity of a site due to the space-group symmetry as is given in International Tables for Crystallography Vol. A (2002). Uani Uiso Uovl Umpe Bani Biso Bovl A standard code used to describe the type of atomic displacement parameters used for the site. atom_site.type_symbol This data item is a pointer to attribute symbol in category atom_type in the ATOM_TYPE category. atom_site.id The value of attribute id in category atom_site must uniquely identify a record in the ATOM_SITE list. Note that this item need not be a number; it can be any unique identifier. This data item was introduced to provide compatibility between small-molecule and macromolecular CIFs. In a small-molecule CIF, _atom_site_label is the identifier for the atom. In a macromolecular CIF, the atom identifier is the aggregate of _atom_site.label_alt_id, _atom_site.label_asym_id, _atom_site.label_atom_id, _atom_site.label_comp_id and attribute label_seq_id in category atom_site. For the two types of files to be compatible, a formal identifier for the category had to be introduced that was independent of the different modes of identifying the atoms. For compatibility with older CIFs, _atom_site_label is aliased to attribute id. in category atom_site In general, this aggregate identifier does not uniquely identify an atom site as for non-polymers attribute label_seq_id in category atom_site is '.'. 5 C12 Ca3g28 Fe3+17 H*251 boron2a C_a_phe_83_a_0 Zn_Zn_301_A_0 0 atom_site_anisotrop Data items in the ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category record details about anisotropic displacement parameters. If the ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category is used for storing these data, the corresponding ATOM_SITE data items are not used. Example 1 - based on NDB structure BDL005 of Holbrook, Dickerson & Kim [Acta Cryst. (1985), B41, 255-262]. <PDBx:atom_site_anisotropCategory> <PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop id="1"> <PDBx:U11>8642</PDBx:U11> <PDBx:U12>4866</PDBx:U12> <PDBx:U13>7299</PDBx:U13> <PDBx:U22>-342</PDBx:U22> <PDBx:U23>-258</PDBx:U23> <PDBx:U33>-1427</PDBx:U33> <PDBx:type_symbol>O</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop> <PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop id="2"> <PDBx:U11>5174</PDBx:U11> <PDBx:U12>4871</PDBx:U12> <PDBx:U13>6243</PDBx:U13> <PDBx:U22>-1885</PDBx:U22> <PDBx:U23>-2051</PDBx:U23> <PDBx:U33>-1377</PDBx:U33> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop> <PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop id="3"> <PDBx:U11>6202</PDBx:U11> <PDBx:U12>5020</PDBx:U12> <PDBx:U13>4395</PDBx:U13> <PDBx:U22>-1130</PDBx:U22> <PDBx:U23>-556</PDBx:U23> <PDBx:U33>-632</PDBx:U33> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop> <PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop id="4"> <PDBx:U11>4224</PDBx:U11> <PDBx:U12>4700</PDBx:U12> <PDBx:U13>5046</PDBx:U13> <PDBx:U22>1105</PDBx:U22> <PDBx:U23>-161</PDBx:U23> <PDBx:U33>345</PDBx:U33> <PDBx:type_symbol>O</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop> <PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop id="5"> <PDBx:U11>8684</PDBx:U11> <PDBx:U12>4688</PDBx:U12> <PDBx:U13>4171</PDBx:U13> <PDBx:U22>-1850</PDBx:U22> <PDBx:U23>-433</PDBx:U23> <PDBx:U33>-292</PDBx:U33> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop> <PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop id="6"> <PDBx:U11>11226</PDBx:U11> <PDBx:U12>5255</PDBx:U12> <PDBx:U13>3532</PDBx:U13> <PDBx:U22>-341</PDBx:U22> <PDBx:U23>2685</PDBx:U23> <PDBx:U33>1328</PDBx:U33> <PDBx:type_symbol>O</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop> <PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop id="7"> <PDBx:U11>10214</PDBx:U11> <PDBx:U12>2428</PDBx:U12> <PDBx:U13>5614</PDBx:U13> <PDBx:U22>-2610</PDBx:U22> <PDBx:U23>-1940</PDBx:U23> <PDBx:U33>902</PDBx:U33> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop> <PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop id="8"> <PDBx:U11>4590</PDBx:U11> <PDBx:U12>3488</PDBx:U12> <PDBx:U13>5827</PDBx:U13> <PDBx:U22>751</PDBx:U22> <PDBx:U23>-770</PDBx:U23> <PDBx:U33>986</PDBx:U33> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop> <PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop id="9"> <PDBx:U11>5014</PDBx:U11> <PDBx:U12>4434</PDBx:U12> <PDBx:U13>3447</PDBx:U13> <PDBx:U22>-17</PDBx:U22> <PDBx:U23>-1593</PDBx:U23> <PDBx:U33>539</PDBx:U33> <PDBx:type_symbol>N</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:atom_site_anisotrop> </PDBx:atom_site_anisotropCategory> 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 atom_site_anisotropCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder atom_site_anisotropCategory. atom_site_anisotropCategory This property indicates that atom_site_anisotropCategory. has a category atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotropItem Abstract datatype property for atom_site_anisotrop items. reference_to_atom_site_anisotrop cross-reference to atom_site_anisotrop. referenced_by_atom_site_anisotrop cross-reference from atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotrop.B11 The [1][1] element of the anisotropic atomic displacement matrix B, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-1/4 sum~i~[sum~j~(B^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. atom_site_anisotrop.B11_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute B[1][1] in category atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotrop.B12 The [1][2] element of the anisotropic atomic displacement matrix B, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-1/4 sum~i~[sum~j~(B^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. atom_site_anisotrop.B12_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute B[1][2] in category atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotrop.B13 The [1][3] element of the anisotropic atomic displacement matrix B, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-1/4 sum~i~[sum~j~(B^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. atom_site_anisotrop.B13_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute B[1][3] in category atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotrop.B22 The [2][2] element of the anisotropic atomic displacement matrix B, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-1/4 sum~i~[sum~j~(B^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. atom_site_anisotrop.B22_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute B[2][2] in category atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotrop.B23 The [2][3] element of the anisotropic atomic displacement matrix B, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-1/4 sum~i~[sum~j~(B^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. atom_site_anisotrop.B23_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute B[2][3] in category atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotrop.B33 The [3][3] element of the anisotropic atomic displacement matrix B, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-1/4 sum~i~[sum~j~(B^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. The IUCr Commission on Nomenclature recommends against the use of B for reporting atomic displacement parameters. U, being directly proportional to B, is preferred. atom_site_anisotrop.B33_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute B[3][3] in category atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotrop.U11 The [1][1] element of the standard anisotropic atomic displacement matrix U, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-2 pi^2^ sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. atom_site_anisotrop.U11_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute U[1][1] in category atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotrop.U12 The [1][2] element of the standard anisotropic atomic displacement matrix U, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-2 pi^2^ sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. atom_site_anisotrop.U12_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute U[1][2] in category atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotrop.U13 The [1][3] element of the standard anisotropic atomic displacement matrix U, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-2 pi^2^ sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. atom_site_anisotrop.U13_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute U[1][3] in category atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotrop.U22 The [2][2] element of the standard anisotropic atomic displacement matrix U, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-2 pi^2^ sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. atom_site_anisotrop.U22_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute U[2][2] in category atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotrop.U23 The [2][3] element of the standard anisotropic atomic displacement matrix U, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-2 pi^2^ sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. atom_site_anisotrop.U23_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute U[2][3] in category atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotrop.U33 The [3][3] element of the standard anisotropic atomic displacement matrix U, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-2 pi^2^ sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row. atom_site_anisotrop.U33_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute U[3][3] in category atom_site_anisotrop. atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_PDB_atom_name PDB atom name. atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_PDB_ins_code Pointer to attribute pdbx_PDB_ins_code in category atom_site atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_PDB_model_num Pointer to attribute pdbx_PDB_model_num in category atom_site atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_PDB_residue_name PDB residue name. atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_PDB_residue_no PDB residue number. atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_PDB_strand_id PDB strand id. atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_auth_alt_id Pointer to attribute pdbx_auth_alt_id in category atom_site. atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_auth_asym_id Pointer to attribute auth_asym_id in category atom_site atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_auth_atom_id Pointer to attribute auth_atom_id in category atom_site atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_auth_atom_name Author's atom name. atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_auth_comp_id Pointer to attribute auth_comp_id in category atom_site atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_auth_seq_id Pointer to attribute auth_seq_id in category atom_site atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_label_alt_id Pointer to attribute label_alt_id in category atom_site. atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_label_asym_id Pointer to attribute label_asym_id in category atom_site atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_label_atom_id Pointer to attribute label_atom_id in category atom_site atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_label_comp_id Pointer to attribute label_comp_id in category atom_site atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_label_ins_code NDB INSERTION CODE atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_label_seq_id Pointer to attribute label_seq_id in category atom_site atom_site_anisotrop.pdbx_not_in_asym Will identify with a 'Y' that this strand got generated. atom_site_anisotrop.ratio Ratio of the maximum to minimum principal axes of displacement (thermal) ellipsoids. atom_site_anisotrop.type_symbol This data item is a pointer to attribute symbol in category atom_type in the ATOM_TYPE category. atom_site_anisotrop.id This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category atom_site in the ATOM_SITE category. 0 atom_sites Data items in the ATOM_SITES category record details about the crystallographic cell and cell transformations, which are common to all atom sites. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:atom_sitesCategory> <PDBx:atom_sites entry_id="5HVP"> <PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix11>58.39</PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix11> <PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix12>0.00</PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix12> <PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix13>0.00</PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix13> <PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix21>0.00</PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix21> <PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix22>86.70</PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix22> <PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix23>0.00</PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix23> <PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix31>0.00</PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix31> <PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix32>0.00</PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix32> <PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix33>46.27</PDBx:Cartn_transf_matrix33> <PDBx:Cartn_transf_vector1>0.00</PDBx:Cartn_transf_vector1> <PDBx:Cartn_transf_vector2>0.00</PDBx:Cartn_transf_vector2> <PDBx:Cartn_transf_vector3>0.00</PDBx:Cartn_transf_vector3> <PDBx:Cartn_transform_axes>c along z, astar along x, b along y</PDBx:Cartn_transform_axes> </PDBx:atom_sites> </PDBx:atom_sitesCategory> 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 atom_sitesCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder atom_sitesCategory. atom_sitesCategory This property indicates that atom_sitesCategory. has a category atom_sites. atom_sitesItem Abstract datatype property for atom_sites items. reference_to_atom_sites cross-reference to atom_sites. referenced_by_atom_sites cross-reference from atom_sites. atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix11 The [1][1] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform fractional coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to Cartesian coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute Cartn_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~Cartesian~ = |21 22 23| |y|~fractional~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix12 The [1][2] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform fractional coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to Cartesian coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute Cartn_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~Cartesian~ = |21 22 23| |y|~fractional~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix13 The [1][3] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform fractional coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to Cartesian coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute Cartn_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~Cartesian~ = |21 22 23| |y|~fractional~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix21 The [2][1] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform fractional coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to Cartesian coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute Cartn_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~Cartesian~ = |21 22 23| |y|~fractional~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix22 The [2][2] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform fractional coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to Cartesian coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute Cartn_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~Cartesian~ = |21 22 23| |y|~fractional~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix23 The [2][3] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform fractional coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to Cartesian coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute Cartn_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~Cartesian~ = |21 22 23| |y|~fractional~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix31 The [3][1] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform fractional coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to Cartesian coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute Cartn_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~Cartesian~ = |21 22 23| |y|~fractional~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix32 The [3][2] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform fractional coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to Cartesian coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute Cartn_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~Cartesian~ = |21 22 23| |y|~fractional~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix33 The [3][3] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform fractional coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to Cartesian coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute Cartn_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~Cartesian~ = |21 22 23| |y|~fractional~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.Cartn_transf_vector1 The [1] element of the three-element vector used to transform fractional coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to Cartesian coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The rotation matrix is defined in attribute Cartn_transf_matrix[][]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~Cartesian~ = |21 22 23| |y|~fractional~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.Cartn_transf_vector2 The [2] element of the three-element vector used to transform fractional coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to Cartesian coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The rotation matrix is defined in attribute Cartn_transf_matrix[][]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~Cartesian~ = |21 22 23| |y|~fractional~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.Cartn_transf_vector3 The [3] element of the three-element vector used to transform fractional coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to Cartesian coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The rotation matrix is defined in attribute Cartn_transf_matrix[][]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~Cartesian~ = |21 22 23| |y|~fractional~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.Cartn_transform_axes A description of the relative alignment of the crystal cell axes to the Cartesian orthogonal axes as applied in the transformation matrix attribute Cartn_transf_matrix[][] in category atom_sites. a parallel to x; b in the plane of y and z atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix11 The [1][1] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform Cartesian coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to fractional coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute fract_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~fractional~ = |21 22 23| |y|~Cartesian~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix12 The [1][2] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform Cartesian coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to fractional coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute fract_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~fractional~ = |21 22 23| |y|~Cartesian~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix13 The [1][3] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform Cartesian coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to fractional coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute fract_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~fractional~ = |21 22 23| |y|~Cartesian~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix21 The [2][1] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform Cartesian coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to fractional coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute fract_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~fractional~ = |21 22 23| |y|~Cartesian~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix22 The [2][2] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform Cartesian coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to fractional coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute fract_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~fractional~ = |21 22 23| |y|~Cartesian~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix23 The [2][3] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform Cartesian coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to fractional coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute fract_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~fractional~ = |21 22 23| |y|~Cartesian~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix31 The [3][1] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform Cartesian coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to fractional coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute fract_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~fractional~ = |21 22 23| |y|~Cartesian~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix32 The [3][2] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform Cartesian coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to fractional coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute fract_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~fractional~ = |21 22 23| |y|~Cartesian~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix33 The [3][3] element of the 3x3 matrix used to transform Cartesian coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to fractional coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x1 translation is defined in attribute fract_transf_vector[]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~fractional~ = |21 22 23| |y|~Cartesian~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.fract_transf_vector1 The [1] element of the three-element vector used to transform Cartesian coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to fractional coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x3 rotation is defined in attribute fract_transf_matrix[][]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~fractional~ = |21 22 23| |y|~Cartesian~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.fract_transf_vector2 The [2] element of the three-element vector used to transform Cartesian coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to fractional coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x3 rotation is defined in attribute fract_transf_matrix[][]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~fractional~ = |21 22 23| |y|~Cartesian~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| atom_sites.fract_transf_vector3 The [3] element of the three-element vector used to transform Cartesian coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category to fractional coordinates in the same category. The axial alignments of this transformation are described in attribute Cartn_transform_axes. in category atom_sites The 3x3 rotation is defined in attribute fract_transf_matrix[][]. in category atom_sites |x'| |11 12 13| |x| |1| |y'|~fractional~ = |21 22 23| |y|~Cartesian~ + |2| |z'| |31 32 33| |z| |3| difmap vecmap heavy direct geom disper isomor This code identifies the method used to locate the hydrogen atoms. *** This data item would not in general be used in a macromolecular data block. *** difmap vecmap heavy direct geom disper isomor This code identifies the method used to locate the initial atom sites. *** This data item would not in general be used in a macromolecular data block. *** difmap vecmap heavy direct geom disper isomor This code identifies the method used to locate the non-hydrogen-atom sites not found by attribute solution_primary. in category atom_sites *** This data item would not in general be used in a macromolecular data block. *** atom_sites.special_details Additional information about the atomic coordinates not coded elsewhere in the CIF. atom_sites.entry_id This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category entry in the ENTRY category. 0 atom_sites_alt Data items in the ATOM_SITES_ALT category record details about the structural ensembles that should be generated from atom sites or groups of atom sites that are modelled in alternative conformations in this data block. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:atom_sites_altCategory> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt id="1"> <PDBx:details> Atom sites with the alternative ID set to 1 have been modeled in alternative conformations with respect to atom sites marked with alternative ID 2. The conformations of amino-acid side chains and solvent atoms with alternative ID set to 1 correlate with the conformation of the inhibitor marked with alternative ID 1. They have been given an occupancy of 0.58 to match the occupancy assigned to the inhibitor.</PDBx:details> </PDBx:atom_sites_alt> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt id="2"> <PDBx:details> Atom sites with the alternative ID set to 2 have been modeled in alternative conformations with respect to atom sites marked with alternative ID 1. The conformations of amino-acid side chains and solvent atoms with alternative ID set to 2 correlate with the conformation of the inhibitor marked with alternative ID 2. They have been given an occupancy of 0.42 to match the occupancy assigned to the inhibitor.</PDBx:details> </PDBx:atom_sites_alt> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt id="3"> <PDBx:details> Atom sites with the alternative ID set to 3 have been modeled in alternative conformations with respect to atoms marked with alternative ID 4. The conformations of amino-acid side chains and solvent atoms with alternative ID set to 3 do not correlate with the conformation of the inhibitor. These atom sites have arbitrarily been given an occupancy of 0.50.</PDBx:details> </PDBx:atom_sites_alt> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt id="4"> <PDBx:details> Atom sites with the alternative ID set to 4 have been modeled in alternative conformations with respect to atoms marked with alternative ID 3. The conformations of amino-acid side chains and solvent atoms with alternative ID set to 4 do not correlate with the conformation of the inhibitor. These atom sites have arbitrarily been given an occupancy of 0.50.</PDBx:details> </PDBx:atom_sites_alt> </PDBx:atom_sites_altCategory> 0 1 1 atom_sites_altCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder atom_sites_altCategory. atom_sites_altCategory This property indicates that atom_sites_altCategory. has a category atom_sites_alt. atom_sites_altItem Abstract datatype property for atom_sites_alt items. reference_to_atom_sites_alt cross-reference to atom_sites_alt. referenced_by_atom_sites_alt cross-reference from atom_sites_alt. atom_sites_alt.details A description of special aspects of the modelling of atoms in alternative conformations. atom_sites_alt.id The value of attribute id in category atom_sites_alt must uniquely identify a record in the ATOM_SITES_ALT list. Note that this item need not be a number; it can be any unique identifier. orientation 1 molecule abc 0 atom_sites_alt_ens Data items in the ATOM_SITES_ALT_ENS category record details about the ensemble structure generated from atoms with various alternative conformation IDs. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_ensCategory> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_ens id="Ensemble 1-A"> <PDBx:details> The inhibitor binds to the enzyme in two, roughly twofold symmetric alternative conformations. This conformational ensemble includes the more populated conformation of the inhibitor (ID=1) and the amino-acid side chains and solvent structure that correlate with this inhibitor conformation. Also included are one set (ID=3) of side chains with alternative conformations when the conformations are not correlated with the inhibitor conformation.</PDBx:details> </PDBx:atom_sites_alt_ens> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_ens id="Ensemble 1-B"> <PDBx:details> The inhibitor binds to the enzyme in two, roughly twofold symmetric alternative conformations. This conformational ensemble includes the more populated conformation of the inhibitor (ID=1) and the amino-acid side chains and solvent structure that correlate with this inhibitor conformation. Also included are one set (ID=4) of side chains with alternative conformations when the conformations are not correlated with the inhibitor conformation.</PDBx:details> </PDBx:atom_sites_alt_ens> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_ens id="Ensemble 2-A"> <PDBx:details> The inhibitor binds to the enzyme in two, roughly twofold symmetric alternative conformations. This conformational ensemble includes the less populated conformation of the inhibitor (ID=2) and the amino-acid side chains and solvent structure that correlate with this inhibitor conformation. Also included are one set (ID=3) of side chains with alternative conformations when the conformations are not correlated with the inhibitor conformation.</PDBx:details> </PDBx:atom_sites_alt_ens> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_ens id="Ensemble 2-B"> <PDBx:details> The inhibitor binds to the enzyme in two, roughly twofold symmetric alternative conformations. This conformational ensemble includes the less populated conformation of the inhibitor (ID=2) and the amino-acid side chains and solvent structure that correlate with this inhibitor conformation. Also included are one set (ID=4) of side chains with alternative conformations when the conformations are not correlated with the inhibitor conformation.</PDBx:details> </PDBx:atom_sites_alt_ens> </PDBx:atom_sites_alt_ensCategory> 0 1 1 atom_sites_alt_ensCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder atom_sites_alt_ensCategory. atom_sites_alt_ensCategory This property indicates that atom_sites_alt_ensCategory. has a category atom_sites_alt_ens. atom_sites_alt_ensItem Abstract datatype property for atom_sites_alt_ens items. reference_to_atom_sites_alt_ens cross-reference to atom_sites_alt_ens. referenced_by_atom_sites_alt_ens cross-reference from atom_sites_alt_ens. atom_sites_alt_ens.details A description of special aspects of the ensemble structure generated from atoms with various alternative IDs. atom_sites_alt_ens.id The value of attribute id in category atom_sites_alt_ens must uniquely identify a record in the ATOM_SITES_ALT_ENS list. Note that this item need not be a number; it can be any unique identifier. 0 atom_sites_alt_gen Data items in the ATOM_SITES_ALT_GEN category record details about the interpretation of multiple conformations in the structure. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_genCategory> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen alt_id="1" ens_id="Ensemble 1-A"></PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen alt_id="2" ens_id="Ensemble 1-A"></PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen alt_id="1" ens_id="Ensemble 1-B"></PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen alt_id="4" ens_id="Ensemble 1-B"></PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen alt_id="2" ens_id="Ensemble 2-A"></PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen alt_id="3" ens_id="Ensemble 2-A"></PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen alt_id="2" ens_id="Ensemble 2-B"></PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen> <PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen alt_id="4" ens_id="Ensemble 2-B"></PDBx:atom_sites_alt_gen> </PDBx:atom_sites_alt_genCategory> 1 1 atom_sites_alt_genCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder atom_sites_alt_genCategory. atom_sites_alt_genCategory This property indicates that atom_sites_alt_genCategory. has a category atom_sites_alt_gen. atom_sites_alt_genItem Abstract datatype property for atom_sites_alt_gen items. reference_to_atom_sites_alt_gen cross-reference to atom_sites_alt_gen. referenced_by_atom_sites_alt_gen cross-reference from atom_sites_alt_gen. atom_sites_alt_gen.alt_id This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category atom_sites_alt in the ATOM_SITES_ALT category. atom_sites_alt_gen.ens_id This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category atom_sites_alt_ens in the ATOM_SITES_ALT_ENS category. 0 atom_sites_footnote Data items in the ATOM_SITES_FOOTNOTE category record detailed comments about an atom site or a group of atom sites. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:atom_sites_footnoteCategory> <PDBx:atom_sites_footnote id="1"> <PDBx:text> The inhibitor binds to the enzyme in two alternative orientations. The two orientations have been assigned alternative IDs *1* and *2*.</PDBx:text> </PDBx:atom_sites_footnote> <PDBx:atom_sites_footnote id="2"> <PDBx:text> Side chains of these residues adopt alternative orientations that correlate with the alternative orientations of the inhibitor. Side chains with alternative ID *1* and occupancy 0.58 correlate with inhibitor orientation *1*. Side chains with alternative ID *2* and occupancy 0.42 correlate with inhibitor orientation *2*.</PDBx:text> </PDBx:atom_sites_footnote> <PDBx:atom_sites_footnote id="3"> <PDBx:text> The positions of these water molecules correlate with the alternative orientations of the inhibitor. Water molecules with alternative ID *1* and occupancy 0.58 correlate with inhibitor orientation *1*. Water molecules with alternative ID *2* and occupancy 0.42 correlate with inhibitor orientation *2*.</PDBx:text> </PDBx:atom_sites_footnote> <PDBx:atom_sites_footnote id="4"> <PDBx:text> Side chains of these residues adopt alternative orientations that do not correlate with the alternative orientation of the inhibitor.</PDBx:text> </PDBx:atom_sites_footnote> <PDBx:atom_sites_footnote id="5"> <PDBx:text> The positions of these water molecules correlate with alternative orientations of amino-acid side chains that do not correlate with alternative orientations of the inhibitor.</PDBx:text> </PDBx:atom_sites_footnote> </PDBx:atom_sites_footnoteCategory> 0 1 1 atom_sites_footnoteCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder atom_sites_footnoteCategory. atom_sites_footnoteCategory This property indicates that atom_sites_footnoteCategory. has a category atom_sites_footnote. atom_sites_footnoteItem Abstract datatype property for atom_sites_footnote items. reference_to_atom_sites_footnote cross-reference to atom_sites_footnote. referenced_by_atom_sites_footnote cross-reference from atom_sites_footnote. atom_sites_footnote.text The text of the footnote. Footnotes are used to describe an atom site or a group of atom sites in the ATOM_SITE list. For example, footnotes may be used to indicate atoms for which the electron density is very weak, or atoms for which static disorder has been modelled. atom_sites_footnote.id A code that identifies the footnote. a b 1 2 0 atom_type Data items in the ATOM_TYPE category record details about the properties of the atoms that occupy the atom sites, such as the atomic scattering factors. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:atom_typeCategory> <PDBx:atom_type symbol="C"> <PDBx:oxidation_number>0</PDBx:oxidation_number> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a1>2.31000</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a1> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a2>1.58860</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a2> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a3>1.02000</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a3> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a4>0.865000</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a4> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b1>20.8439</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b1> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b2>0.568700</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b2> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b3>10.2075</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b3> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b4>51.6512</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b4> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_c>0.21560</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_c> </PDBx:atom_type> <PDBx:atom_type symbol="N"> <PDBx:oxidation_number>0</PDBx:oxidation_number> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a1>12.2126</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a1> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a2>3.13220</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a2> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a3>2.01250</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a3> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a4>1.166300</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a4> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b1>0.005700</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b1> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b2>9.893300</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b2> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b3>28.9975</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b3> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b4>0.582600</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b4> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_c>-11.529</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_c> </PDBx:atom_type> <PDBx:atom_type symbol="O"> <PDBx:oxidation_number>0</PDBx:oxidation_number> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a1>3.04850</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a1> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a2>2.28680</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a2> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a3>1.54630</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a3> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a4>0.867000</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a4> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b1>13.2771</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b1> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b2>5.70110</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b2> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b3>0.323900</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b3> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b4>32.9089</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b4> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_c>0.250800</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_c> </PDBx:atom_type> <PDBx:atom_type symbol="S"> <PDBx:oxidation_number>0</PDBx:oxidation_number> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a1>6.90530</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a1> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a2>5.20340</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a2> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a3>1.58630</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a3> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a4>1.43790</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a4> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b1>1.46790</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b1> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b2>22.2151</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b2> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b3>56.1720</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b3> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b4>0.253600</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b4> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_c>0.866900</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_c> </PDBx:atom_type> <PDBx:atom_type symbol="CL"> <PDBx:oxidation_number>-1</PDBx:oxidation_number> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a1>18.2915</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a1> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a2>7.20840</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a2> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a3>6.53370</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a3> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a4>2.33860</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_a4> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b1>0.006600</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b1> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b2>1.17170</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b2> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b3>19.5424</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b3> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b4>60.4486</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_b4> <PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_c>-16.378</PDBx:scat_Cromer_Mann_c> </PDBx:atom_type> </PDBx:atom_typeCategory> Example 2 - based on data set TOZ of Willis, Beckwith & Tozer [Acta Cryst. (1991), C47, 2276-2277]. <PDBx:atom_typeCategory> <PDBx:atom_type symbol="C"> <PDBx:number_in_cell>72</PDBx:number_in_cell> <PDBx:oxidation_number>0</PDBx:oxidation_number> <PDBx:scat_dispersion_imag>.009</PDBx:scat_dispersion_imag> <PDBx:scat_dispersion_real>.017</PDBx:scat_dispersion_real> <PDBx:scat_source>International_Tables_Vol_IV_Table_2.2B</PDBx:scat_source> </PDBx:atom_type> <PDBx:atom_type symbol="H"> <PDBx:number_in_cell>100</PDBx:number_in_cell> <PDBx:oxidation_number>0</PDBx:oxidation_number> <PDBx:scat_dispersion_imag>0</PDBx:scat_dispersion_imag> <PDBx:scat_dispersion_real>0</PDBx:scat_dispersion_real> <PDBx:scat_source>International_Tables_Vol_IV_Table_2.2B</PDBx:scat_source> </PDBx:atom_type> <PDBx:atom_type symbol="O"> <PDBx:number_in_cell>12</PDBx:number_in_cell> <PDBx:oxidation_number>0</PDBx:oxidation_number> <PDBx:scat_dispersion_imag>.032</PDBx:scat_dispersion_imag> <PDBx:scat_dispersion_real>.047</PDBx:scat_dispersion_real> <PDBx:scat_source>International_Tables_Vol_IV_Table_2.2B</PDBx:scat_source> </PDBx:atom_type> <PDBx:atom_type symbol="N"> <PDBx:number_in_cell>4</PDBx:number_in_cell> <PDBx:oxidation_number>0</PDBx:oxidation_number> <PDBx:scat_dispersion_imag>.018</PDBx:scat_dispersion_imag> <PDBx:scat_dispersion_real>.029</PDBx:scat_dispersion_real> <PDBx:scat_source>International_Tables_Vol_IV_Table_2.2B</PDBx:scat_source> </PDBx:atom_type> </PDBx:atom_typeCategory> 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 atom_typeCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder atom_typeCategory. atom_typeCategory This property indicates that atom_typeCategory. has a category atom_type. atom_typeItem Abstract datatype property for atom_type items. reference_to_atom_type cross-reference to atom_type. referenced_by_atom_type cross-reference from atom_type. atom_type.analytical_mass_percent Mass percentage of this atom type derived from chemical analysis. atom_type.description A description of the atom(s) designated by this atom type. In most cases, this is the element name and oxidation state of a single atom species. For disordered or nonstoichiometric structures it will describe a combination of atom species. deuterium 0.34Fe+0.66Ni atom_type.number_in_cell Total number of atoms of this atom type in the unit cell. atom_type.oxidation_number Formal oxidation state of this atom type in the structure. atom_type.pdbx_N_electrons Number of electrons in atom used in scattering factor atom_type.pdbx_scat_Cromer_Mann_a5 Scattering-factor coefficient a5, used to calculate electron elastic atomic scattering factors for the defined atom type. Electron Elastic Scattering Factors Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (2006). Vol. C, Table, pp. 282-283. Cromer_Mann equation Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV, Table 2.2B or: International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C, Tables and atom_type.pdbx_scat_Cromer_Mann_a6 Scattering-factor coefficient a6, used to calculate electron elastic atomic scattering factors for the defined atom type. Electron Elastic Scattering Factors Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (2006). Vol. C, Table, pp. 282-283. Cromer_Mann equation Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV, Table 2.2B or: International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C, Tables and atom_type.pdbx_scat_Cromer_Mann_b5 Scattering-factor coefficient b5, used to calculate electron elastic atomic scattering factors for the defined atom type. Electron Elastic Scattering Factors Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (2006). Vol. C, Table, pp. 282-283. Cromer_Mann equation Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV, Table 2.2B or: International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C, Tables and atom_type.pdbx_scat_Cromer_Mann_b6 Scattering-factor coefficient b6, used to calculate electron elastic atomic scattering factors for the defined atom type. Electron Elastic Scattering Factors Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (2006). Vol. C, Table, pp. 282-283. Cromer_Mann equation Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV, Table 2.2B or: International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C, Tables and atom_type.pdbx_scat_Z Atomic number of atom in scattering amplitude. atom_type.radius_bond The effective intramolecular bonding radius in angstroms of this atom type. atom_type.radius_contact The effective intermolecular bonding radius in angstroms of this atom type. atom_type.scat_Cromer_Mann_a1 The Cromer-Mann scattering-factor coefficient a1 used to calculate the scattering factors for this atom type. Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV, Table 2.2B or: International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C, Tables and atom_type.scat_Cromer_Mann_a2 The Cromer-Mann scattering-factor coefficient a2 used to calculate the scattering factors for this atom type. Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV, Table 2.2B or: International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C, Tables and atom_type.scat_Cromer_Mann_a3 The Cromer-Mann scattering-factor coefficient a3 used to calculate the scattering factors for this atom type. Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV, Table 2.2B or: International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C, Tables and atom_type.scat_Cromer_Mann_a4 The Cromer-Mann scattering-factor coefficient a4 used to calculate the scattering factors for this atom type. Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV, Table 2.2B or: International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C, Tables and atom_type.scat_Cromer_Mann_b1 The Cromer-Mann scattering-factor coefficient b1 used to calculate the scattering factors for this atom type. Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV, Table 2.2B or: International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C, Tables and atom_type.scat_Cromer_Mann_b2 The Cromer-Mann scattering-factor coefficient b2 used to calculate the scattering factors for this atom type. Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV, Table 2.2B or: International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C, Tables and atom_type.scat_Cromer_Mann_b3 The Cromer-Mann scattering-factor coefficient b3 used to calculate the scattering factors for this atom type. Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV, Table 2.2B or: International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C, Tables and atom_type.scat_Cromer_Mann_b4 The Cromer-Mann scattering-factor coefficient b4 used to calculate the scattering factors for this atom type. Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV, Table 2.2B or: International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C, Tables and atom_type.scat_Cromer_Mann_c The Cromer-Mann scattering-factor coefficient c used to calculate the scattering factors for this atom type. Ref: International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV, Table 2.2B or: International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C, Tables and atom_type.scat_dispersion_imag The imaginary component of the anomalous-dispersion scattering factor, f'', in electrons for this atom type and the radiation identified by attribute id in category diffrn_radiation_wavelength. atom_type.scat_dispersion_real The real component of the anomalous-dispersion scattering factor, f', in electrons for this atom type and the radiation identified by attribute id in category diffrn_radiation_wavelength. atom_type.scat_dispersion_source Reference to the source of the real and imaginary dispersion corrections for scattering factors used for this atom type. International Tables Vol. IV Table 2.3.1 atom_type.scat_length_neutron The bound coherent scattering length in femtometres for the atom type at the isotopic composition used for the diffraction experiment. atom_type.scat_source Reference to the source of the scattering factors or scattering lengths used for this atom type. International Tables Vol. IV Table 2.4.6B atom_type.scat_versus_stol_list A table of scattering factors as a function of sin theta over lambda. This table should be well commented to indicate the items present. Regularly formatted lists are strongly recommended. atom_type.symbol The code used to identify the atom species (singular or plural) representing this atom type. Normally this code is the element symbol. The code may be composed of any character except an underscore with the additional proviso that digits designate an oxidation state and must be followed by a + or - character. C Cu2+ H(SDS) dummy FeNi 0 audit Data items in the AUDIT category record details about the creation and subsequent updating of the data block. Note that these items apply only to the creation and updating of the data block, and should not be confused with the data items in the JOURNAL category that record different stages in the publication of the material in the data block. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:auditCategory> <PDBx:audit revision_id="1"> <PDBx:creation_date>1992-12-08</PDBx:creation_date> <PDBx:creation_method> Created by hand from PDB entry 5HVP, from the J. Biol. Chem. paper describing this structure and from laboratory records</PDBx:creation_method> <PDBx:update_record> 1992-12-09 adjusted to reflect comments from B. McKeever 1992-12-10 adjusted to reflect comments from H. Berman 1992-12-12 adjusted to reflect comments from K. Watenpaugh</PDBx:update_record> </PDBx:audit> </PDBx:auditCategory> Example 2 - based on data set TOZ of Willis, Beckwith & Tozer [Acta Cryst. (1991), C47, 2276-2277]. <PDBx:auditCategory> <PDBx:audit revision_id="2"> <PDBx:creation_date>1991-03-20</PDBx:creation_date> <PDBx:creation_method>from_xtal_archive_file_using_CIFIO</PDBx:creation_method> <PDBx:update_record> 1991-04-09 text and data added by Tony Willis. 1991-04-15 rec&apos;d by co-editor as manuscript HL0007. 1991-04-17 adjustments based on first referee report. 1991-04-18 adjustments based on second referee report.</PDBx:update_record> </PDBx:audit> </PDBx:auditCategory> 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 auditCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder auditCategory. auditCategory This property indicates that auditCategory. has a category audit. auditItem Abstract datatype property for audit items. reference_to_audit cross-reference to audit. referenced_by_audit cross-reference from audit. audit.creation_date A date that the data block was created. The date format is yyyy-mm-dd. 1990-07-12 audit.creation_method A description of how data were entered into the data block. spawned by the program QBEE audit.update_record A record of any changes to the data block. The update format is a date (yyyy-mm-dd) followed by a description of the changes. The latest update entry is added to the bottom of this record. 1990-07-15 Updated by the Co-editor audit.revision_id The value of attribute revision_id in category audit must uniquely identify a record in the AUDIT list. rev1 0 audit_author Data items in the AUDIT_AUTHOR category record details about the author(s) of the data block. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:audit_authorCategory> <PDBx:audit_author pdbx_ordinal="1"> <PDBx:address> Department of Biophysical Chemistry Merck Research Laboratories P. O. Box 2000, Ry80M203 Rahway, New Jersey 07065 USA</PDBx:address> <PDBx:name>Fitzgerald, Paula M.D.</PDBx:name> </PDBx:audit_author> <PDBx:audit_author pdbx_ordinal="2"> <PDBx:address> Department of Biophysical Chemistry Merck Research Laboratories P. O. Box 2000, Ry80M203 Rahway, New Jersey 07065 USA</PDBx:address> <PDBx:name>McKeever, Brian M.</PDBx:name> </PDBx:audit_author> <PDBx:audit_author pdbx_ordinal="3"> <PDBx:address> Department of Biophysical Chemistry Merck Research Laboratories P. O. Box 2000, Ry80M203 Rahway, New Jersey 07065 USA</PDBx:address> <PDBx:name>Van Middlesworth, J.F.</PDBx:name> </PDBx:audit_author> <PDBx:audit_author pdbx_ordinal="4"> <PDBx:address> Department of Biophysical Chemistry Merck Research Laboratories P. O. Box 2000, Ry80M203 Rahway, New Jersey 07065 USA</PDBx:address> <PDBx:name>Springer, James P.</PDBx:name> </PDBx:audit_author> </PDBx:audit_authorCategory> 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 audit_authorCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder audit_authorCategory. audit_authorCategory This property indicates that audit_authorCategory. has a category audit_author. audit_authorItem Abstract datatype property for audit_author items. reference_to_audit_author cross-reference to audit_author. referenced_by_audit_author cross-reference from audit_author. audit_author.address The address of an author of this data block. If there are multiple authors, attribute address in category audit_author is looped with attribute name in category audit_author. Department Institute Street City and postcode COUNTRY audit_author.identifier_ORCID The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). 0000-0002-6681-547X audit_author.name The name of an author of this data block. If there are multiple authors, _audit_author.name is looped with _audit_author.address. The family name(s), followed by a comma and including any dynastic components, precedes the first name(s) or initial(s). Bleary, Percival R. O'Neil, F.K. Van den Bossche, G. Yang, D.-L. Simonov, Yu.A audit_author.pdbx_ordinal This data item defines the order of the author's name in the list of audit authors. 1 2 3 0 audit_conform Data items in the AUDIT_CONFORM category describe the dictionary versions against which the data names appearing in the current data block are conformant. Example 1 - any file conforming to the current CIF core dictionary. <PDBx:audit_conformCategory> <PDBx:audit_conform dict_name="cif_core.dic" dict_version="2.3.1"> <PDBx:dict_location>ftp://ftp.iucr.org/pub/cif_core.2.3.1.dic</PDBx:dict_location> </PDBx:audit_conform> </PDBx:audit_conformCategory> 0 1 1 1 audit_conformCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder audit_conformCategory. audit_conformCategory This property indicates that audit_conformCategory. has a category audit_conform. audit_conformItem Abstract datatype property for audit_conform items. reference_to_audit_conform cross-reference to audit_conform. referenced_by_audit_conform cross-reference from audit_conform. audit_conform.dict_location A file name or uniform resource locator (URL) for the dictionary to which the current data block conforms. audit_conform.dict_name The string identifying the highest-level dictionary defining data names used in this file. audit_conform.dict_version The version number of the dictionary to which the current data block conforms. 0 audit_contact_author Data items in the AUDIT_CONTACT_AUTHOR category record details about the name and address of the author to be contacted concerning the content of this data block. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:audit_contact_authorCategory> <PDBx:audit_contact_author name="Fitzgerald, Paula M.D."> <PDBx:address> Department of Biophysical Chemistry Merck Research Laboratories PO Box 2000, Ry80M203 Rahway, New Jersey 07065 USA</PDBx:address> <PDBx:email>paula_fitzgerald@merck.com</PDBx:email> <PDBx:fax>1(908)5946645</PDBx:fax> <PDBx:phone>1(908)5945510</PDBx:phone> </PDBx:audit_contact_author> </PDBx:audit_contact_authorCategory> 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 audit_contact_authorCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder audit_contact_authorCategory. audit_contact_authorCategory This property indicates that audit_contact_authorCategory. has a category audit_contact_author. audit_contact_authorItem Abstract datatype property for audit_contact_author items. reference_to_audit_contact_author cross-reference to audit_contact_author. referenced_by_audit_contact_author cross-reference from audit_contact_author. audit_contact_author.address The mailing address of the author of the data block to whom correspondence should be addressed. Department Institute Street City and postcode COUNTRY audit_contact_author.email The electronic mail address of the author of the data block to whom correspondence should be addressed, in a form recognizable to international networks. The format of e-mail addresses is given in Section 3.4, Address Specification, of Internet Message Format, RFC 2822, P. Resnick (Editor), Network Standards Group, April 2001. name@host.domain.country bm@iucr.org audit_contact_author.fax The facsimile telephone number of the author of the data block to whom correspondence should be addressed. The recommended style starts with the international dialing prefix, followed by the area code in parentheses, followed by the local number with no spaces. 12(34)9477334 12()349477334 audit_contact_author.phone The telephone number of the author of the data block to whom correspondence should be addressed. The recommended style starts with the international dialing prefix, followed by the area code in parentheses, followed by the local number and any extension number prefixed by 'x', with no spaces. 12(34)9477330 12()349477330 12(34)9477330x5543 audit_contact_author.name The name of the author of the data block to whom correspondence should be addressed. The family name(s), followed by a comma and including any dynastic components, precedes the first name(s) or initial(s). Bleary, Percival R. O'Neil, F.K. Van den Bossche, G. Yang, D.-L. Simonov, Yu.A 0 audit_link Data items in the AUDIT_LINK category record details about the relationships between data blocks in the current CIF. Example 1 - multiple structure paper, as illustrated in A Guide to CIF for Authors (1995). IUCr: Chester. <PDBx:audit_linkCategory> <PDBx:audit_link block_code="morA_pub" block_description="discursive text of paper with two structures"></PDBx:audit_link> <PDBx:audit_link block_code="morA_(1)" block_description="structure 1 of 2"></PDBx:audit_link> <PDBx:audit_link block_code="morA_(2)" block_description="structure 2 of 2"></PDBx:audit_link> </PDBx:audit_linkCategory> Example 2 - example file for the one-dimensional incommensurately modulated structure of K~2~SeO~4~. <PDBx:audit_linkCategory> <PDBx:audit_link block_code="KSE_PUB" block_description="publication details"></PDBx:audit_link> <PDBx:audit_link block_code="KSE_COM" block_description="experimental data common to ref./mod. structures"></PDBx:audit_link> <PDBx:audit_link block_code="KSE_REF" block_description="reference structure"></PDBx:audit_link> <PDBx:audit_link block_code="KSE_MOD" block_description="modulated structure"></PDBx:audit_link> </PDBx:audit_linkCategory> 1 1 audit_linkCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder audit_linkCategory. audit_linkCategory This property indicates that audit_linkCategory. has a category audit_link. audit_linkItem Abstract datatype property for audit_link items. reference_to_audit_link cross-reference to audit_link. referenced_by_audit_link cross-reference from audit_link. audit_link.block_code The value of attribute code in category audit_block associated with a data block in the current file related to the current data block. The special value '.' may be used to refer to the current data block for completeness. audit_link.block_description A textual description of the relationship of the referenced data block to the current one. 0 cell Data items in the CELL category record details about the crystallographic cell parameters. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:cellCategory> <PDBx:cell entry_id="5HVP"> <PDBx:angle_alpha>90.00</PDBx:angle_alpha> <PDBx:angle_beta>90.00</PDBx:angle_beta> <PDBx:angle_gamma>90.00</PDBx:angle_gamma> <PDBx:details> The cell parameters were refined every twenty frames during data integration. The cell lengths given are the mean of 55 such refinements; the esds given are the root mean square deviations of these 55 observations from that mean.</PDBx:details> <PDBx:length_a>58.39</PDBx:length_a> <PDBx:length_a_esd>0.05</PDBx:length_a_esd> <PDBx:length_b>86.70</PDBx:length_b> <PDBx:length_b_esd>0.12</PDBx:length_b_esd> <PDBx:length_c>46.27</PDBx:length_c> <PDBx:length_c_esd>0.06</PDBx:length_c_esd> <PDBx:volume>234237</PDBx:volume> </PDBx:cell> </PDBx:cellCategory> Example 2 - based on data set TOZ of Willis, Beckwith & Tozer [Acta Cryst. (1991), C47, 2276-2277]. <PDBx:cellCategory> <PDBx:cell entry_id="1TOZ"> <PDBx:angle_alpha>90.0</PDBx:angle_alpha> <PDBx:angle_beta>90.0</PDBx:angle_beta> <PDBx:angle_gamma>90.0</PDBx:angle_gamma> <PDBx:length_a>5.959</PDBx:length_a> <PDBx:length_a_esd>0.001</PDBx:length_a_esd> <PDBx:length_b>14.956</PDBx:length_b> <PDBx:length_b_esd>0.001</PDBx:length_b_esd> <PDBx:length_c>19.737</PDBx:length_c> <PDBx:length_c_esd>0.003</PDBx:length_c_esd> <PDBx:volume>1759.0</PDBx:volume> <PDBx:volume_esd>0.3</PDBx:volume_esd> </PDBx:cell> </PDBx:cellCategory> 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 cellCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder cellCategory. cellCategory This property indicates that cellCategory. has a category cell. cellItem Abstract datatype property for cell items. reference_to_cell cross-reference to cell. referenced_by_cell cross-reference from cell. cell.Z_PDB The number of the polymeric chains in a unit cell. In the case of heteropolymers, Z is the number of occurrences of the most populous chain. This data item is provided for compatibility with the original Protein Data Bank format, and only for that purpose. cell.angle_alpha Unit-cell angle alpha of the reported structure in degrees. cell.angle_alpha_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute angle_alpha in category cell. cell.angle_beta Unit-cell angle beta of the reported structure in degrees. cell.angle_beta_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute angle_beta in category cell. cell.angle_gamma Unit-cell angle gamma of the reported structure in degrees. cell.angle_gamma_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute angle_gamma in category cell. cell.details A description of special aspects of the cell choice, noting possible alternative settings. pseudo-orthorhombic standard setting from 45 deg rotation around c cell.formula_units_Z The number of the formula units in the unit cell as specified by _chemical_formula.structural, _chemical_formula.moiety or attribute sum in category chemical_formula. cell.length_a Unit-cell length a corresponding to the structure reported in angstroms. cell.length_a_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute length_a in category cell. cell.length_b Unit-cell length b corresponding to the structure reported in angstroms. cell.length_b_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute length_b in category cell. cell.length_c Unit-cell length c corresponding to the structure reported in angstroms. cell.length_c_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute length_c in category cell. single crystal window scan varying propagated population refined How the estimated standard deviation was determined. cell.pdbx_unique_axis To further identify unique axis if necessary. E.g., P 21 with an unique C axis will have 'C' in this field. cell.reciprocal_angle_alpha The angle (recip-alpha) defining the reciprocal cell in degrees. (recip-alpha), (recip-alpha) and (recip-alpha) related to the angles in the real cell by: cos(recip-alpha) = [cos(beta)*cos(gamma) - cos(alpha)]/[sin(beta)*sin(gamma)] cos(recip-beta) = [cos(gamma)*cos(alpha) - cos(beta)]/[sin(gamma)*sin(alpha)] cos(recip-gamma) = [cos(alpha)*cos(beta) - cos(gamma)]/[sin(alpha)*sin(beta)] Ref: Buerger, M. J. (1942). X-ray Crystallography, p. 360. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. cell.reciprocal_angle_alpha_esd The estimated standard deviation of attribute reciprocal_angle_alpha in category cell. cell.reciprocal_angle_beta The angle (recip-beta) defining the reciprocal cell in degrees. (recip-alpha), (recip-alpha) and (recip-alpha) related to the angles in the real cell by: cos(recip-alpha) = [cos(beta)*cos(gamma) - cos(alpha)]/[sin(beta)*sin(gamma)] cos(recip-beta) = [cos(gamma)*cos(alpha) - cos(beta)]/[sin(gamma)*sin(alpha)] cos(recip-gamma) = [cos(alpha)*cos(beta) - cos(gamma)]/[sin(alpha)*sin(beta)] Ref: Buerger, M. J. (1942). X-ray Crystallography, p. 360. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. cell.reciprocal_angle_beta_esd The estimated standard deviation of attribute reciprocal_angle_beta in category cell. cell.reciprocal_angle_gamma The angle (recip-gamma) defining the reciprocal cell in degrees. (recip-alpha), (recip-alpha) and (recip-alpha) related to the angles in the real cell by: cos(recip-alpha) = [cos(beta)*cos(gamma) - cos(alpha)]/[sin(beta)*sin(gamma)] cos(recip-beta) = [cos(gamma)*cos(alpha) - cos(beta)]/[sin(gamma)*sin(alpha)] cos(recip-gamma) = [cos(alpha)*cos(beta) - cos(gamma)]/[sin(alpha)*sin(beta)] Ref: Buerger, M. J. (1942). X-ray Crystallography, p. 360. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. cell.reciprocal_angle_gamma_esd The estimated standard deviation of attribute reciprocal_angle_gamma in category cell. cell.reciprocal_length_a The reciprocal cell length (recip-a) in inverse angstroms. (recip-a), (recip-b) and (recip-c) are related to the real cell by the following equation: recip-a = b*c*sin(alpha)/V recip-b = c*a*sin(beta)/V recip-c = a*b*sin(gamma)/V where V is the cell volume. Ref: Buerger, M. J. (1942). X-ray Crystallography, p. 360. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. cell.reciprocal_length_a_esd The estimated standard deviation of attribute reciprocal_length_a in category cell. cell.reciprocal_length_b The reciprocal cell length (recip-b) in inverse angstroms. (recip-a), (recip-b) and (recip-c) are related to the real cell by the following equation: recip-a = b*c*sin(alpha)/V recip-b = c*a*sin(beta)/V recip-c = a*b*sin(gamma)/V where V is the cell volume. Ref: Buerger, M. J. (1942). X-ray Crystallography, p. 360. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. cell.reciprocal_length_b_esd The estimated standard deviation of attribute reciprocal_length_b in category cell. cell.reciprocal_length_c The reciprocal cell length (recip-c) in inverse angstroms. (recip-a), (recip-b) and (recip-c) are related to the real cell by the following equation: recip-a = b*c*sin(alpha)/V recip-b = c*a*sin(beta)/V recip-c = a*b*sin(gamma)/V where V is the cell volume. Ref: Buerger, M. J. (1942). X-ray Crystallography, p. 360. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. cell.reciprocal_length_c_esd The estimated standard deviation of attribute reciprocal_length_c in category cell. cell.volume Cell volume V in angstroms cubed. V = a b c (1 - cos^2^~alpha~ - cos^2^~beta~ - cos^2^~gamma~ + 2 cos~alpha~ cos~beta~ cos~gamma~)^1/2^ a = attribute length_a in category cell b = attribute length_b in category cell c = attribute length_c in category cell alpha = attribute angle_alpha in category cell beta = attribute angle_beta in category cell gamma = attribute angle_gamma in category cell cell.volume_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute volume in category cell. cell.entry_id This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category entry in the ENTRY category. 0 cell_measurement Data items in the CELL_MEASUREMENT category record details about the measurement of the crystallographic cell parameters. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:cell_measurementCategory> <PDBx:cell_measurement entry_id="5HVP"> <PDBx:temp>293</PDBx:temp> <PDBx:temp_esd>3</PDBx:temp_esd> <PDBx:theta_max>31</PDBx:theta_max> <PDBx:theta_min>11</PDBx:theta_min> <PDBx:wavelength>1.54</PDBx:wavelength> </PDBx:cell_measurement> </PDBx:cell_measurementCategory> Example 2 - based on data set TOZ of Willis, Beckwith & Tozer [Acta Cryst. (1991), C47, 2276-2277]. <PDBx:cell_measurementCategory> <PDBx:cell_measurement entry_id="1TOZ"> <PDBx:reflns_used>25</PDBx:reflns_used> <PDBx:temp>293</PDBx:temp> <PDBx:theta_max>31</PDBx:theta_max> <PDBx:theta_min>25</PDBx:theta_min> </PDBx:cell_measurement> </PDBx:cell_measurementCategory> 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 cell_measurementCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder cell_measurementCategory. cell_measurementCategory This property indicates that cell_measurementCategory. has a category cell_measurement. cell_measurementItem Abstract datatype property for cell_measurement items. reference_to_cell_measurement cross-reference to cell_measurement. referenced_by_cell_measurement cross-reference from cell_measurement. cell_measurement.pressure The pressure in kilopascals at which the unit-cell parameters were measured (not the pressure at which the sample was synthesized). cell_measurement.pressure_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute pressure in category cell_measurement. cell_measurement.radiation Description of the radiation used to measure the unit-cell data. See also attribute wavelength in category cell_measurement. neutron Cu K\a synchrotron cell_measurement.reflns_used The total number of reflections used to determine the unit cell. These reflections may be specified as CELL_MEASUREMENT_REFLN data items. cell_measurement.temp The temperature in kelvins at which the unit-cell parameters were measured (not the temperature of synthesis). cell_measurement.temp_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute temp in category cell_measurement. cell_measurement.theta_max The maximum theta angle of reflections used to measure the unit cell in degrees. cell_measurement.theta_min The minimum theta angle of reflections used to measure the unit cell in degrees. cell_measurement.wavelength The wavelength in angstroms of the radiation used to measure the unit cell. If this is not specified, the wavelength is assumed to be that specified in the category DIFFRN_RADIATION_WAVELENGTH. cell_measurement.entry_id This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category entry in the ENTRY category. 0 cell_measurement_refln Data items in the CELL_MEASUREMENT_REFLN category record details about the reflections used to determine the crystallographic cell parameters. The CELL_MEASUREMENT_REFLN data items would in general be used only for diffractometer data. Example 1 - extracted from the CAD-4 listing of Rb~2~S~2~O~6~ at room temperature (unpublished). <PDBx:cell_measurement_reflnCategory> <PDBx:cell_measurement_refln index_h="-2" index_k="4" index_l="1"> <PDBx:theta>8.67</PDBx:theta> </PDBx:cell_measurement_refln> <PDBx:cell_measurement_refln index_h="0" index_k="3" index_l="2"> <PDBx:theta>9.45</PDBx:theta> </PDBx:cell_measurement_refln> <PDBx:cell_measurement_refln index_h="3" index_k="0" index_l="2"> <PDBx:theta>9.46</PDBx:theta> </PDBx:cell_measurement_refln> <PDBx:cell_measurement_refln index_h="-3" index_k="4" index_l="1"> <PDBx:theta>8.93</PDBx:theta> </PDBx:cell_measurement_refln> <PDBx:cell_measurement_refln index_h="-2" index_k="1" index_l="-2"> <PDBx:theta>7.53</PDBx:theta> </PDBx:cell_measurement_refln> <PDBx:cell_measurement_refln index_h="10" index_k="0" index_l="0"> <PDBx:theta>23.77</PDBx:theta> </PDBx:cell_measurement_refln> <PDBx:cell_measurement_refln index_h="0" index_k="10" index_l="0"> <PDBx:theta>23.78</PDBx:theta> </PDBx:cell_measurement_refln> <PDBx:cell_measurement_refln index_h="-5" index_k="4" index_l="1"> <PDBx:theta>11.14</PDBx:theta> </PDBx:cell_measurement_refln> </PDBx:cell_measurement_reflnCategory> 0 1 1 1 1 cell_measurement_reflnCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder cell_measurement_reflnCategory. cell_measurement_reflnCategory This property indicates that cell_measurement_reflnCategory. has a category cell_measurement_refln. cell_measurement_reflnItem Abstract datatype property for cell_measurement_refln items. reference_to_cell_measurement_refln cross-reference to cell_measurement_refln. referenced_by_cell_measurement_refln cross-reference from cell_measurement_refln. cell_measurement_refln.theta Theta angle for a reflection used for measurement of the unit cell in degrees. cell_measurement_refln.index_h Miller index h of a reflection used for measurement of the unit cell. cell_measurement_refln.index_k Miller index k of a reflection used for measurement of the unit cell. cell_measurement_refln.index_l Miller index l of a reflection used for measurement of the unit cell. 0 chem_comp Data items in the CHEM_COMP category give details about each of the chemical components from which the relevant chemical structures can be constructed, such as name, mass or charge. The related categories CHEM_COMP_ATOM, CHEM_COMP_BOND, CHEM_COMP_ANGLE etc. describe the detailed geometry of these chemical components. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:chem_compCategory> <PDBx:chem_comp id="phe"> <PDBx:model_source>1987 Protin/Prolsq Ideals file</PDBx:model_source> <PDBx:name>phenylalanine</PDBx:name> </PDBx:chem_comp> <PDBx:chem_comp id="val"> <PDBx:model_source>1987 Protin/Prolsq Ideals file</PDBx:model_source> <PDBx:name>alanine</PDBx:name> </PDBx:chem_comp> </PDBx:chem_compCategory> 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 chem_compCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder chem_compCategory. chem_compCategory This property indicates that chem_compCategory. has a category chem_comp. chem_compItem Abstract datatype property for chem_comp items. reference_to_chem_comp cross-reference to chem_comp. referenced_by_chem_comp cross-reference from chem_comp. chem_comp.formula The formula for the chemical component. Formulae are written according to the following rules: (1) Only recognized element symbols may be used. (2) Each element symbol is followed by a 'count' number. A count of '1' may be omitted. (3) A space or parenthesis must separate each cluster of (element symbol + count), but in general parentheses are not used. (4) The order of elements depends on whether carbon is present or not. If carbon is present, the order should be: C, then H, then the other elements in alphabetical order of their symbol. If carbon is not present, the elements are listed purely in alphabetic order of their symbol. This is the 'Hill' system used by Chemical Abstracts. C18 H19 N7 O8 S chem_comp.formula_weight Formula mass in daltons of the chemical component. chem_comp.model_details A description of special aspects of the generation of the coordinates for the model of the component. geometry idealized but not minimized chem_comp.model_erf A pointer to an external reference file from which the atomic description of the component is taken. chem_comp.model_source The source of the coordinates for the model of the component. CSD entry ABCDEF built using Quanta/Charmm chem_comp.mon_nstd_class A description of the class of a nonstandard monomer if the nonstandard monomer represents a modification of a standard monomer. iodinated base phosphorylated amino acid brominated base modified amino acid glycosylated amino acid chem_comp.mon_nstd_details A description of special details of a nonstandard monomer. no n yes y 'yes' indicates that this is a 'standard' monomer, 'no' indicates that it is 'nonstandard'. Nonstandard monomers should be described in more detail using the _chem_comp.mon_nstd_parent, _chem_comp.mon_nstd_class and attribute mon_nstd_details in category chem_comp data items. chem_comp.mon_nstd_parent The name of the parent monomer of the nonstandard monomer, if the nonstandard monomer represents a modification of a standard monomer. tyrosine cytosine chem_comp.mon_nstd_parent_comp_id The identifier for the parent component of the nonstandard component. May be be a comma separated list if this component is derived from multiple components. Items in this indirectly point to attribute id in category chem_comp in the CHEM_COMP category. chem_comp.name The full name of the component. alanine valine adenine cytosine chem_comp.number_atoms_all The total number of atoms in the component. chem_comp.number_atoms_nh The number of non-hydrogen atoms in the component. chem_comp.one_letter_code For standard polymer components, the one-letter code for the component. For non-standard polymer components, the one-letter code for parent component if this exists; otherwise, the one-letter code should be given as 'X'. Components that derived from multiple parents components are described by a sequence of one-letter-codes. alanine or adenine A ambiguous asparagine/aspartic acid B arginine R asparagine N aspartic acid D cysteine or cystine or cytosine C glutamine Q glutamic acid E ambiguous glutamine/glutamic acid Z glycine or guanine G histidine H isoleucine I leucine L lysine K methionine M phenylalanine F proline P serine S threonine or thymine T tryptophan W tyrosine Y valine V uracil U water O other X chem_comp.pdbx_ambiguous_flag A preliminary classification used by PDB to indicate that the chemistry of this component while described as clearly as possible is still ambiguous. Software tools may not be able to process this component definition. chem_comp.pdbx_casnum Chemical Abstract Service identifier. chem_comp.pdbx_class_1 Internal classifier used to organize ligand dictionary (broad chemical class). HETEROCYCLIC AROMATIC COMPOUNDS chem_comp.pdbx_class_2 Internal classifier used to organize ligand dictionary (notable chemical features). COMPOUNDS WITH THIAZOLIDINE solvent organic ligand inorganic ligand organometalic ligand metal cation A type classification of this chemical component. chem_comp.pdbx_component_no A serial number used by PDB in the FORMUL record. 3 chem_comp.pdbx_formal_charge The net integer charge assigned to this component. This is the formal charge assignment normally found in chemical diagrams. chem_comp.pdbx_ideal_coordinates_details This data item identifies the source of the ideal coordinates in the component definition. Y N This data item identifies if ideal coordinates are missing in this definition. chem_comp.pdbx_initial_date Date component was added to database. chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_db_code This data item identifies the PDB database code from which the heavy atom model coordinates were obtained. chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_details This data item provides additional details about the model coordinates in the component definition. Y N This data item identifies if model coordinates are missing in this definition. chem_comp.pdbx_modification_details For nonstandard components a text description of modification of the parent component. ATP chem_comp.pdbx_modified_date Date component was last modified. chem_comp.pdbx_nscnum NSC identifier for component. chem_comp.pdbx_number_subcomponents The number of subcomponents represented in this component. Y N A flag to indicate if the CCD can be used to represent a protein modification. Y PDBE EBI PDBJ PDBC RCSB This data item identifies the deposition site that processed this chemical component defintion. REL HOLD HPUB OBS DEL REF_ONLY This data item holds the current release status for the component. chem_comp.pdbx_replaced_by Identifies the attribute id in category chem_comp of the component that has replaced this component. q11 tvx chem_comp.pdbx_replaces Identifies the attribute id's in category chem_comp of the components which have been replaced by this component. Multiple id codes should be separated by commas. q11 tvx,atv chem_comp.pdbx_reserved_name Previous chemical name used for this component if a name correction has been made. chem_comp.pdbx_smiles SMILES code for component. chem_comp.pdbx_status Release status of component chem_comp.pdbx_subcomponent_list The list of subcomponents contained in this component. TSM DPH HIS CHF EMR chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms Synonym list for the component. ATP chem_comp.pdbx_type A preliminary classification used by PDB. chem_comp.pdbx_type_modified Modification flag. chem_comp.three_letter_code For standard polymer components, the common three-letter code for the component. Non-standard polymer components and non-polymer components are also assigned three-letter-codes. For ambiguous polymer components three-letter code should be given as 'UNK'. Ambiguous ions are assigned the code 'UNX'. Ambiguous non-polymer components are assigned the code 'UNL'. alanine ALA arginine ARG asparagine ASN aspartic acid ASP ambiguous asparagine/aspartic acid ASX cysteine CYS glutamine GLN glutamic acid GLU glycine GLY ambiguous glutamine/glutamic acid GLX histidine HIS isoleucine ILE leucine LEU lysine LYS methionine MET phenylalanine PHE proline PRO serine SER threonine THR tryptophan TRP tyrosine TYR valine VAL 1-methyladenosine 1MA 5-methylcytosine 5MC 2(prime)-O-methylcytodine OMC 1-methylguanosine 1MG N(2)-methylguanosine 2MG N(2)-dimethylguanosine M2G 7-methylguanosine 7MG 2(prime)-O-methylguanosine 0MG dihydrouridine H2U ribosylthymidine 5MU pseudouridine PSU acetic acid ACE formic acid FOR water HOH other UNK D-peptide linking L-peptide linking D-peptide NH3 amino terminus L-peptide NH3 amino terminus D-peptide COOH carboxy terminus L-peptide COOH carboxy terminus DNA linking RNA linking L-RNA linking L-DNA linking DNA OH 5 prime terminus RNA OH 5 prime terminus DNA OH 3 prime terminus RNA OH 3 prime terminus D-saccharide, beta linking D-saccharide, alpha linking L-saccharide, beta linking L-saccharide, alpha linking L-saccharide D-saccharide saccharide non-polymer peptide linking peptide-like L-gamma-peptide, C-delta linking D-gamma-peptide, C-delta linking L-beta-peptide, C-gamma linking D-beta-peptide, C-gamma linking other For standard polymer components, the type of the monomer. Note that monomers that will form polymers are of three types: linking monomers, monomers with some type of N-terminal (or 5') cap and monomers with some type of C-terminal (or 3') cap. chem_comp.id The value of attribute id in category chem_comp must uniquely identify each item in the CHEM_COMP list. For protein polymer entities, this is the three-letter code for the amino acid. For nucleic acid polymer entities, this is the one-letter code for the base. ALA VAL DG C 0 chem_comp_angle Data items in the CHEM_COMP_ANGLE category record details about angles in a chemical component. Angles are designated by three atoms, with the second atom forming the vertex of the angle. Target values may be specified as angles in degrees, as a distance between the first and third atoms, or both. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:chem_comp_angleCategory> <PDBx:chem_comp_angle atom_id_1="N" atom_id_2="CA" atom_id_3="C" comp_id="PHE"> <PDBx:value_angle>110.8</PDBx:value_angle> </PDBx:chem_comp_angle> <PDBx:chem_comp_angle atom_id_1="N" atom_id_2="CA" atom_id_3="CB" comp_id="PHE"> <PDBx:value_angle>110.1</PDBx:value_angle> </PDBx:chem_comp_angle> <PDBx:chem_comp_angle atom_id_1="C" atom_id_2="CA" atom_id_3="CB" comp_id="PHE"> <PDBx:value_angle>110.3</PDBx:value_angle> </PDBx:chem_comp_angle> <PDBx:chem_comp_angle atom_id_1="C" atom_id_2="CA" atom_id_3="HA" comp_id="PHE"> <PDBx:value_angle>108.3</PDBx:value_angle> </PDBx:chem_comp_angle> <PDBx:chem_comp_angle atom_id_1="CA" atom_id_2="C" atom_id_3="O" comp_id="PHE"> <PDBx:value_angle>118.4</PDBx:value_angle> </PDBx:chem_comp_angle> <PDBx:chem_comp_angle atom_id_1="CA" atom_id_2="C" atom_id_3="OXT" comp_id="PHE"> <PDBx:value_angle>117.8</PDBx:value_angle> </PDBx:chem_comp_angle> <PDBx:chem_comp_angle atom_id_1="CA" atom_id_2="CB" atom_id_3="CG" comp_id="PHE"> <PDBx:value_angle>114.0</PDBx:value_angle> </PDBx:chem_comp_angle> <PDBx:chem_comp_angle atom_id_1="O" atom_id_2="C" atom_id_3="OXT" comp_id="PHE"> <PDBx:value_angle>123.8</PDBx:value_angle> </PDBx:chem_comp_angle> <PDBx:chem_comp_angle atom_id_1="CB" atom_id_2="CG" atom_id_3="CD1" comp_id="PHE"> <PDBx:value_angle>120.8</PDBx:value_angle> </PDBx:chem_comp_angle> <PDBx:chem_comp_angle atom_id_1="CB" atom_id_2="CG" atom_id_3="CD2" comp_id="PHE"> <PDBx:value_angle>120.5</PDBx:value_angle> </PDBx:chem_comp_angle> </PDBx:chem_comp_angleCategory> 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 chem_comp_angleCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder chem_comp_angleCategory. chem_comp_angleCategory This property indicates that chem_comp_angleCategory. has a category chem_comp_angle. chem_comp_angleItem Abstract datatype property for chem_comp_angle items. reference_to_chem_comp_angle cross-reference to chem_comp_angle. referenced_by_chem_comp_angle cross-reference from chem_comp_angle. chem_comp_angle.value_angle The value that should be taken as the target value for the angle associated with the specified atoms, expressed in degrees. chem_comp_angle.value_angle_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute value_angle in category chem_comp_angle. chem_comp_angle.value_dist The value that should be taken as the target value for the angle associated with the specified atoms, expressed as the distance between the atoms specified by attribute atom_id_1 in category chem_comp_angle and attribute atom_id_3 in category chem_comp_angle. chem_comp_angle.value_dist_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute value_dist in category chem_comp_angle. chem_comp_angle.atom_id_1 The ID of the first of the three atoms that define the angle. This data item is a pointer to attribute atom_id in category chem_comp_atom in the CHEM_COMP_ATOM category. chem_comp_angle.atom_id_2 The ID of the second of the three atoms that define the angle. The second atom is taken to be the apex of the angle. This data item is a pointer to attribute atom_id in category chem_comp_atom in the CHEM_COMP_ATOM category. chem_comp_angle.atom_id_3 The ID of the third of the three atoms that define the angle. This data item is a pointer to attribute atom_id in category chem_comp_atom in the CHEM_COMP_ATOM category. chem_comp_angle.comp_id This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category chem_comp in the CHEM_COMP category. 0 chem_comp_atom Data items in the CHEM_COMP_ATOM category record details about the atoms in a chemical component. Specifying the atomic coordinates for the components in this category is an alternative to specifying the structure of the component via bonds, angles, planes etc. in the appropriate CHEM_COMP subcategories. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:chem_comp_atomCategory> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="N" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>1.20134</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>0.84658</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>0.00000</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>main</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>N</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="CA" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>0.00000</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>0.00000</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>0.00000</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>main</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="C" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>-1.25029</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>0.88107</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>0.00000</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>main</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="O" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>-2.18525</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>0.66029</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>-0.78409</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>main</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>O</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="CB" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>0.00662</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>-1.03603</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>1.11081</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>side</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="CG" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>0.03254</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>-0.49711</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>2.50951</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>side</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="CD1" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>-1.15813</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>-0.12084</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>3.13467</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>side</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="CE1" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>-1.15720</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>0.38038</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>4.42732</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>side</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="CZ" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>0.05385</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>0.51332</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>5.11032</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>side</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="CE2" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>1.26137</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>0.11613</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>4.50975</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>side</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="CD2" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>1.23668</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>-0.38351</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>3.20288</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>side</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="N" comp_id="val"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>1.20134</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>0.84658</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>0.00000</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>main</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>N</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="CA" comp_id="val"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>0.00000</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>0.00000</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>0.00000</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>main</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="C" comp_id="val"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>-1.25029</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>0.88107</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>0.00000</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>main</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="O" comp_id="val"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>-2.18525</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>0.66029</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>-0.78409</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>main</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>O</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="CB" comp_id="val"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>0.05260</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>-0.99339</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>1.17429</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>side</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="CG1" comp_id="val"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>-0.13288</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>-0.31545</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>2.52668</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>side</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> <PDBx:chem_comp_atom atom_id="CG2" comp_id="val"> <PDBx:model_Cartn_x>-0.94265</PDBx:model_Cartn_x> <PDBx:model_Cartn_y>-2.12930</PDBx:model_Cartn_y> <PDBx:model_Cartn_z>0.99811</PDBx:model_Cartn_z> <PDBx:substruct_code>side</PDBx:substruct_code> <PDBx:type_symbol>C</PDBx:type_symbol> </PDBx:chem_comp_atom> </PDBx:chem_comp_atomCategory> 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 chem_comp_atomCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder chem_comp_atomCategory. chem_comp_atomCategory This property indicates that chem_comp_atomCategory. has a category chem_comp_atom. chem_comp_atomItem Abstract datatype property for chem_comp_atom items. reference_to_chem_comp_atom cross-reference to chem_comp_atom. referenced_by_chem_comp_atom cross-reference from chem_comp_atom. chem_comp_atom.alt_atom_id An alternative identifier for the atom. This data item would be used in cases where alternative nomenclatures exist for labelling atoms in a group. chem_comp_atom.charge The net integer charge assigned to this atom. This is the formal charge assignment normally found in chemical diagrams. for an ammonium nitrogen 1 for a chloride ion -1 chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_x The x component of the coordinates for this atom in this component specified as orthogonal angstroms. The choice of reference axis frame for the coordinates is arbitrary. The set of coordinates input for the entity here is intended to correspond to the atomic model used to generate restraints for structure refinement, not to atom sites in the ATOM_SITE list. chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_x_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute model_Cartn_x in category chem_comp_atom. chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_y The y component of the coordinates for this atom in this component specified as orthogonal angstroms. The choice of reference axis frame for the coordinates is arbitrary. The set of coordinates input for the entity here is intended to correspond to the atomic model used to generate restraints for structure refinement, not to atom sites in the ATOM_SITE list. chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_y_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute model_Cartn_y in category chem_comp_atom. chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_z The z component of the coordinates for this atom in this component specified as orthogonal angstroms. The choice of reference axis frame for the coordinates is arbitrary. The set of coordinates input for the entity here is intended to correspond to the atomic model used to generate restraints for structure refinement, not to atom sites in the ATOM_SITE list. chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_z_esd The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute model_Cartn_z in category chem_comp_atom. chem_comp_atom.partial_charge The partial charge assigned to this atom. chem_comp_atom.pdbx_align Atom name alignment offset in PDB atom field. chem_comp_atom.pdbx_alt_atom_id An alternative identifier for the atom. This data item would be used in cases where alternative nomenclatures exist for labelling atoms in a group. chem_comp_atom.pdbx_alt_comp_id An alternative identifier for the atom. This data item would be used in cases where alternative nomenclatures exist for labelling atoms in a group. Y N A flag indicating an aromatic atom. Y N A flag indicating the backbone atoms in polypeptide units. Y N A flag indicating the C-terminal group atoms in polypeptide units. chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_atom_id The atom identifier in the subcomponent where a larger component has been divided subcomponents. CB CA CG chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_comp_id The component identifier for the subcomponent where a larger component has been divided subcomponents. HIS PRO chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_entity_id A reference to entity identifier in data category pdbx_chem_comp_subcomponent_entity_list. chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_id A reference to attribute component_id in category pdbx_reference_entity_list Y N A flag indicating a leaving atom. chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_x_ideal An alternative x component of the coordinates for this atom in this component specified as orthogonal angstroms. chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_y_ideal An alternative y component of the coordinates for this atom in this component specified as orthogonal angstroms. chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_z_ideal An alternative z component of the coordinates for this atom in this component specified as orthogonal angstroms. Y N A flag indicating the N-terminal group atoms in polypeptide units. chem_comp_atom.pdbx_ordinal Ordinal index for the component atom list. polymer non-polymer Is the atom in a polymer or non-polymer subcomponent in the BIRD definition. chem_comp_atom.pdbx_ref_id A reference to attribute ref_entity_id in category pdbx_reference_entity_list chem_comp_atom.pdbx_residue_numbering Preferred residue numbering in the BIRD definition. R S N The chiral configuration of the atom that is a chiral center. chem_comp_atom.pdbx_stnd_atom_id A standard identifier for the atom. This data item is used when IUPAC/IUBMB nomenclature exists for labeling atoms. main side base phos sugar none This data item assigns the atom to a substructure of the component, if appropriate. chem_comp_atom.type_symbol The code used to identify the atom species representing this atom type. Normally this code is the element symbol. C N O chem_comp_atom.atom_id The value of attribute atom_id in category chem_comp_atom must uniquely identify each atom in each monomer in the CHEM_COMP_ATOM list. The atom identifiers need not be unique over all atoms in the data block; they need only be unique for each atom in a component. Note that this item need not be a number; it can be any unique identifier. chem_comp_atom.comp_id This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category chem_comp in the CHEM_COMP category. 0 chem_comp_bond Data items in the CHEM_COMP_BOND category record details about the bonds between atoms in a chemical component. Target values may be specified as bond orders, as a distance between the two atoms, or both. Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP. <PDBx:chem_comp_bondCategory> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="N" atom_id_2="CA" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:value_order>sing</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="CA" atom_id_2="C" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:value_order>sing</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="C" atom_id_2="O" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:value_order>doub</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="CB" atom_id_2="CA" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:value_order>sing</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="CB" atom_id_2="CG" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:value_order>sing</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="CG" atom_id_2="CD1" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:value_order>arom</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="CD1" atom_id_2="CE1" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:value_order>arom</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="CE1" atom_id_2="CZ" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:value_order>arom</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="CZ" atom_id_2="CE2" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:value_order>arom</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="CE2" atom_id_2="CD2" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:value_order>arom</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="CD2" atom_id_2="CG" comp_id="phe"> <PDBx:value_order>arom</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="N" atom_id_2="CA" comp_id="val"> <PDBx:value_order>sing</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="CA" atom_id_2="C" comp_id="val"> <PDBx:value_order>sing</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="C" atom_id_2="O" comp_id="val"> <PDBx:value_order>doub</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="CB" atom_id_2="CA" comp_id="val"> <PDBx:value_order>sing</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="CB" atom_id_2="CG1" comp_id="val"> <PDBx:value_order>sing</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> <PDBx:chem_comp_bond atom_id_1="CB" atom_id_2="CG2" comp_id="val"> <PDBx:value_order>sing</PDBx:value_order> </PDBx:chem_comp_bond> </PDBx:chem_comp_bondCategory> 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 chem_comp_bondCategory This property indicates that datablock has a category holder chem_comp_bondCategory. chem_comp_bondCategory This property indicates that chem_comp_bondCategory. has a category chem_comp_bond. chem_comp_bondItem Abstract datatype property for chem_comp_bond items. reference_to_chem_comp_bond cross-reference to chem_comp_bond. referenced_by_chem_comp_bond cross-reference from chem_comp_bond. Y N A flag indicating an aromatic bond. chem_comp_bond.pdbx_ordinal Ordinal index for the component bond list. E