metadata { definition ( name: "Anthem MRX x40 Receiver Driver", namespace: "mitmit", author: "Yonatan Striem Amit", description : "Multi Zone Driver for Anthem MRX x40 receivers") { capability "Actuator" capability "Initialize" capability "Refresh" // Add any additional capabilities or custom commands specific to your receiver } preferences { // Add user-input preferences for the driver, such as IP address, port, authentication, etc. input name: "ip", type: "text", title: "IP Address", description: "The IP address of the receiver", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true input name: "port", type: "number", title: "Port", description: "The port of the receiver", required: true, defaultValue: "14999", displayDuringSetup: true, range: "1..65535" input name: "enabledReceiverZones", type: "enum", title: "Enabled Receiver Zones", description: "The zones that are enabled on the receiver", required: true, multiple: true, options: [[1:"Main"], [2:"Zone 2"]], displayDuringSetup: true, defaultValue: [1] input name: "logLevel", type: "enum", title: "Log Level", description: "The level of logging to use", required: true, defaultValue: "INFO", options: ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR"], displayDuringSetup: false attribute "Model", "string" attribute "Inputs", "integer" attribute "Network Status", "string" } } import groovy.transform.Field import groovy.json.JsonOutput import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import java.util.regex.Pattern @Field static private int connectDelay = 1 @Field static private int reconnectDelay = 5 @Field static private int numberZones = 2 @Field static private String childZoneDriver = "Anthem MRX x40 Receiver Zone Driver" @Field static private Map zoneNames = [ 1 : "Main", 2 : "Zone 2" ] Map anComm(Pattern pattern, Closure query, Closure parse, String description = "") { [ "pattern" : pattern, "query" : query, "parse" : parse, "description" : description ] } @Field Map handlers = [ "IDM" : anComm(~/^IDM/, { sendMsg("IDM?")}, {msg -> handleIDM(msg)}, "Query the model number of the receiver"), "ICN" : anComm(~/^ICN/, { sendMsg("ICN?")}, {msg -> handleICN(msg)}, "Query number of input channels"), "ISdIN" : anComm(~/^IS\d+IN/, null, {msg -> handleISdIN(msg)}, "Query the name of an input channel"), "WMAC" : anComm(~/^WMAC/, {sendMsg("WMAC?")}, {msg -> handleWMAC(msg)}, "Query the Wifi MAC address of the receiver"), "EMAC" : anComm(~/^EMAC/, {sendMsg("EMAC?")}, {msg -> handleEMAC(msg)}, "Query the Ethernet MAC address of the receiver"), "NMSVR" : anComm(~/^NMSVR/, {sendMsg("NMSVR?")}, {msg -> handleNMSVR(msg)}, "Query the software version of the receiver"), "NMHVER" : anComm(~/^NMHVER/, {sendMsg("NMHVER?")}, {msg -> handleNMHVER(msg)}, "Query the hardware version of the receiver"), ] def installed() { logInfo "${device.getName()} - Installed with settings: ${settings}" initialize() updateChildren() } def updated() { logInfo "${device.getName()} - Updated with settings: ${settings} v1.0" telnetClose() sendEvent(name: "Network Status", value: "Disconnected") unschedule() updateChildren() //runIn(5, initialize) initialize() } def initialize() { // Initialize the driver and set up any necessary connections or configurations telnetClose() removeDataValue("Inputs") removeDataValue("InputNames") // The connect method must be run in a delay, otherwise the disconnect handler will get into a loop. We must give it a chance to run first. runIn(connectDelay, connect) } def connect() { String _ip = settings?.ip int _port = settings?.port try { telnetConnect([termChars:[(int)';']],_ip, _port, null, null) sendEvent(name: "Network Status", value: "Connected") onConnectInitialize() //runIn(2, connect) } catch (Exception e) { logWarning("Error connecting to receiver: ${e.getMessage()}") sendEvent(name: "Network Status", value: e.getMessage) } } def onConnectInitialize() { refresh() getChildDevices()?.each { child -> child.initialize() } } def refresh() { logInfo("${device.getName()} - Refreshing receiver information") // Refresh the state of the receiver handlers["IDM"].query() handlers["WMAC"].query() handlers["EMAC"].query() handlers["NMSVR"].query() handlers["NMHVER"].query() // The ICN handlers will also update the input names map. It's a bit yucky but we need it for async operation handlers["ICN"].query() } def parse(String msg) { // Parse incoming events to generate events for the device logDebug("Parsing receiver command: ${description}") if (msg.size() >= 2) { def firstTwo = msg.take(2) if (firstTwo.matches(/Z\d/)) { handleChildResponse(firstTwo[1], msg[2..-1]) return } } handlers.each { key, value -> if (msg =~ value.pattern) { logDebug("Calling command for ${key} (${value.description})") value.parse(msg) return } } } def telnetStatus(String status) { logInfo("${device.getName()} - Telnet status: ${status}.") sendEvent(name: "Network Status", value: "Disconnected") if(status.contains("receive error: Stream is closed")){ logDebug("Reconnecting in: ${reconnectDelay}.") unschedule() runIn(reconnectDelay, connect) } } def handleIDM(String description) { // Handle the IDM command logDebug("Handling IDM command: ${description}") //sendEvent(name: "Model", value: description) updateDataValue("Model", description[3..-1]) } def handleICN(String msg) { // Handle the IDM command logDebug("Handling ICN command ${msg}") msg = msg[3..-1] updateDataValue("Inputs", msg) sendEvent(name: "Inputs", value: msg.toInteger()) // When the number of channels changes, we need to update the names of channels (1..msg.toInteger()).each { inp -> sendMsg("IS${inp}IN?") } } def handleISdIN(String msg) { oldInputNames = getDataValue("InputNames") ?: "{}" channelNames = new JsonSlurper().parseText(oldInputNames) as Map pattern = ~/^IS(\d+)IN(.*)/ matches = msg =~ pattern def number = matches[0][1] def name = matches[0][2] logDebug("Handling ISdIN command ${msg} - ${number} - ${name}") channelNames[number] = name updateDataValue("InputNames" , JsonOutput.toJson(channelNames)) // Notify all children that the map of names changed // If we have all the input names, we'll update the children if (channelNames.size() == getDataValue("Inputs")?.toInteger()) { logInfo("${device.getName()} - Input map changed, updating children with new input names: ${channelNames.values()}") getChildDevices()?.each { child -> child.inputNamesUpdated(channelNames) } } } def handleWMAC(String msg) { logDebug("Handling WMAC command ${msg}") updateDataValue("Wifi MAC", addColonsToMacString(msg[4..-1])) } def handleEMAC(String msg) { logDebug("Handling EMAC command ${msg}") updateDataValue("Ethernet MAC", addColonsToMacString(msg[4..-1])) } def handleNMSVR(String msg) { logDebug("Handling NMSVR command ${msg}") updateDataValue("Software Version", msg[5..-1]) } def handleNMHVER(String msg) { logDebug("Handling NMHVER command ${msg}") updateDataValue("Hardware Version", msg[6..-1]) } def addColonsToMacString(String macString) { return macString.replaceAll(/.{2}(?=.)/, /$0:/) } def handleChildResponse(String zone, String s) { // Your logic for handling child response child = getChildDevice(getChildName(zone)) if (!child) { logDebug("Received command for disabled zone ${zone} : ${s}") return } child.parse(s) } def getChildName(child) { "${device.deviceNetworkId}-zone${zone}" } def updateChildren() { logInfo("Creating component devices for enabled zones") zoneEnabledMap = [:] (0..numberZones).each { zoneEnabledMap[it] = false } enabledReceiverZones.each { zoneEnabledMap[it] = true } logDebug("Zone enabled map: ${zoneEnabledMap}") zoneEnabledMap.each { zone, enabled -> def childDevice = getChildDevice(getChildName(zone)) if (enabled) { if (!childDevice) { logDebug("Creating child device for zone ${zone}") childDevice = addChildDevice(childZoneDriver, getChildName(zone), [label: "Anthem ${device.getName()} - Zone ${zone}", isComponent: true, name : "${device.getName()} - Zone ${zone}" ]) } childDevice.setZone(zone) childDevice.setLogLevel(settings.logLevel) } else { if (childDevice) { logDebug("Removing child device for zone ${zone}") deleteChildDevice(childDevice.deviceNetworkId) } } } } def sendMsg(message) { // Send a message to the receiver logDebug("Sending message to receiver: ${message}") sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(message, hubitat.device.Protocol.TELNET)) } def getVersion() { "1.0.0" } // Logger def logDebug(message) { if (settings.logLevel == "DEBUG") { log.debug message } } def logInfo(message) { if (settings.logLevel == "DEBUG" || settings.logLevel == "INFO") { message } } def logWarning(message) { if (settings.logLevel == "DEBUG" || settings.logLevel == "INFO" || settings.logLevel == "WARN") { log.warn message } } def logError(message) { if (settings.logLevel == "DEBUG" || settings.logLevel == "INFO" || settings.logLevel == "WARN" || settings.logLevel == "ERROR") { log.error message } }