# Laravel 5 Docs Light Color Theme It's a Sublime Text Editor 3 color scheme based on [Laravel Framework Official Docs](http://laravel.com) color highlighting scheme. ![The laravel docs light](https://github.com/yos-virtus/laravel_docs_light_color_scheme/raw/master/screenshots/sh_laravel_5_docs_1.png) ![The laravel docs light](https://github.com/yos-virtus/laravel_docs_light_color_scheme/raw/master/screenshots/sh_laravel_5_docs_2.png) ![The laravel docs light](https://github.com/yos-virtus/laravel_docs_light_color_scheme/raw/master/screenshots/sh_laravel_5_docs_3.png) ## Installation ### Via Package Controll 1. As usual, open command pallete by pressing cmd/ctrl + shift + p. 2. Type install package and search for "Laravel 5 Docs Light Color Theme" ### Manual Instalation 1. Download the code and extract it. 2. Open Browse Packages and paste the file ## Supported languages At the moment the theme highlighting supports HTML, CSS, PHP. With other languages it might look messy. So pay attention to it. ##Miscellaneous It's recomended to use it alongside with Material Theme Lighter UI. They look great together.