/** # Conflicting objectives: producing versus importing; model (O2) See Chapter 14 of Sierksma and Zwols, *Linear and Integer Optimization: Theory and Practice*. */ param K; # number of tubes param d{k in 1..K}; # demand param p{k in 1..K}; # selling price param cx{k in 1..K}; # production cost param ct{t in 1..K}; # purchasing cost param rm{t in 1..K}; # machine time param rf{t in 1..K}; # finishing material param RM; # total available machine time param RF; # total available finishing material var x{k in 1..K} >= 0; # amount of production of tube T[k] var t{k in 1..K} >= 0; # amount of tube T[k] to be purchased var z; # total profit variable var w; # total import costs # objective minimize obj: w; # demand constraints subject to demand{k in 1..K}: x[k] + t[k] = d[k]; # resource constraints subject to mtime: sum{k in 1..K} rm[k] * x[k] <= RM; subject to fmat: sum{k in 1..K} rf[k] * x[k] <= RF; # definitions of z and w subject to zdef: z = sum{k in 1..K} ((p[k] - cx[k]) * x[k] + (p[k] - ct[k]) * t[k]); subject to wdef: w = sum{k in 1..K} ct[k] * t[k]; data; param K := 3; param: d := 1 3000 2 5000 3 7000; param: p := 1 20 2 24 3 18; param: cx := 1 4 2 6 3 7; param: ct := 1 7 2 7 3 9; param: rm := 1 0.55 2 0.40 3 0.60; param: rf := 1 1 2 1 3 1; param RM := 2400; param RF := 6000; end;