{ "data_format": 1, "data_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opening-hours/opening_hours_map/master/taginfo.json", "project": { "name": "opening_hours map", "description": "opening_hours map", "project_url": "http://openingh.openstreetmap.de/", "doc_url": "https://github.com/opening-hours/opening_hours_map", "icon_url": "http://openingh.openstreetmap.de/favicon.png", "contact_name": "Robin Schneider", "contact_email": "ypid@riseup.net" }, "tags": [ { "key": "opening_hours", "description": "Map which evaluates this tag with support for all features in the opening_hours syntax." }, { "key": "opening_hours:kitchen", "description": "Map which evaluates this tag with support for all features in the opening_hours syntax." }, { "key": "opening_hours:warm_kitchen", "description": "Map which evaluates this tag with support for all features in the opening_hours syntax." }, { "key": "happy_hours", "description": "Map which evaluates this tag with support for all features in the opening_hours syntax." }, { "key": "delivery_hours", "description": "Map which evaluates this tag with support for all features in the opening_hours syntax." }, { "key": "opening_hours:delivery", "description": "Map which evaluates this tag with support for all features in the opening_hours syntax." }, { "key": "lit", "description": "Map which evaluates this tag with support for all features in the opening_hours syntax." }, { "key": "smoking_hours", "description": "Map which evaluates this tag with support for all features in the opening_hours syntax." }, { "key": "collection_times", "description": "Map which evaluates this tag with support for all features in the opening_hours syntax." }, { "key": "service_times", "description": "Map which evaluates this tag with support for all features in the opening_hours syntax." }, { "key": "fee", "description": "Map which evaluates this tag with support for all features in the opening_hours syntax." } ] }