print("* Taichi Installer") import os import sys import platform #import argparse import subprocess from os import environ import platform print(platform.architecture()) build_type = 'default' # Utils import struct assert struct.calcsize('P') * 8 == 64, "Only 64-bit platforms are supported. Current platform: {}".format(struct.calcsize('P') * 8) if sys.version_info[0] < 3 or sys.version_info[1] < 5: print("\nPlease restart with python3. \n(Taichi supports Python 3.5+)\n") print("Current version:", sys.version_info) exit(-1) def get_python_executable(): return sys.executable.replace('\\','/') def get_shell_name(): return environ['SHELL'].split('/')[-1] def get_shell_rc_name(): shell = get_shell_name() if shell == 'bash': return '~/.bashrc' elif shell == 'zsh': return '~/.zshrc' else: assert False, 'No shell rc file specified for shell "{}"'.format(shell) def get_username(): if build_type == 'ci': os.environ['TC_CI'] = '1' username = 'travis' else: assert get_os_name() != 'win' import pwd username = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] return username def check_command_existence(cmd): return os.system('type {}'.format(cmd)) == 0 def execute_command(line): print('Executing command:', line) return os.system(line) def get_os_name(): name = platform.platform() if name.lower().startswith('darwin'): return 'osx' elif name.lower().startswith('windows'): return 'win' elif name.lower().startswith('linux'): return 'linux' assert False, "Unknown platform name %s" % name def get_default_directory_name(): ''' osname = get_os_name() if osname == 'linux': username = get_username() return '/home/{}/repos'.format(username) elif osname == 'osx': username = get_username() return '/Users/{}/repos'.format(username) else: #Windows return os.getcwd() ''' return os.getcwd() def append_to_shell_rc(line): if get_os_name() != 'win': execute_command('echo "{}" >> {}'.format(line, get_shell_rc_name())) else: print("Warning: Windows environment variable persistent edits are not supported") def set_env(key, val, val_now=None): if val_now is None: val_now = val val = str(val) val_now = str(val_now) append_to_shell_rc("export {}={}".format(key, val)) os.environ[key] = val_now def get_path_separator(): if get_os_name() == 'win': return ';' else: return ':' def test_installation(): return[get_python_executable(), "-c", "import taichi as tc"]).returncode == 0 # (Stateful) Installer class class Installer: def __init__(self): #parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() #parser.parse_args() self.build_type = None def detect_or_setup_repo(self): cwd = os.getcwd() print("Current directory:", cwd) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(cwd, 'include', 'taichi')): print("Taichi source detected.") self.repo_dir = cwd else: print("Cloning taichi from github...") self.repo_dir = os.path.join(get_default_directory_name(), 'taichi') os.chdir(get_default_directory_name()) if os.path.exists('taichi'): print('Existing taichi installation detected.') print('Please remove existing taichi installation in {}'.format(self.repo_dir)) exit(-1) execute_command('git clone --branch legacy') os.chdir('taichi') if os.path.exists('external/lib'): print('Existing taichi runtimes detected.') else: print('Fetching taichi runtimes...') if get_os_name() == 'win': # On Windows, both MSVC and MinGW are supported. Assuming MSVC here # TODO: MinGW execute_command('git clone external/lib -b msvc --depth 1'.format(get_os_name())) else: execute_command('git clone external/lib -b {} --depth 1'.format(get_os_name())) execute_command("git submodule update --init --recursive") def run(self): assert get_os_name() in ['linux', 'osx', 'win'], \ 'Platform {} is not currently supported by this script. Please install manually.'.format(get_os_name()) if len(sys.argv) > 1: self.build_type = sys.argv[1] print('Build type: ', self.build_type) else: self.build_type = 'default' global build_type build_type = self.build_type print('Build type = {}'.format(self.build_type)) assert self.build_type in ['default', 'ci'] check_command_existence('wget') try: import pip print('pip3 installation detected') except Exception as e: print(e) print('Installing pip3') execute_command('wget')[get_python_executable(), "", "--user"]) execute_command('rm')[get_python_executable(), "-m", "pip", "install", "--user", "colorama", "numpy", "Pillow", "flask", "scipy", "pybind11", "flask_cors", "GitPython", "yapf", "distro", "requests", "PyQt5"]) print("importing numpy test:") ret =[get_python_executable(), "-c", "import numpy as np"]) print("ret:", ret) execute_command('cmake --version') if get_os_name() == 'osx': # Check command existence check_command_existence('git') check_command_existence('cmake') elif get_os_name() == 'linux': check_command_existence('sudo') # TODO: this works for Ubuntu only if self.build_type != 'ci': import distro dist = else: dist = 'ubuntu' print("Linux distribution '{}' detected".format(dist)) if dist == 'ubuntu': execute_command('sudo apt-get update') if self.build_type == 'ci': execute_command('sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev libx11-dev') else: execute_command('sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev git build-essential cmake make g++ libx11-dev') elif dist == 'arch': execute_command('sudo pacman --needed -S git cmake make gcc') elif dist == 'fedora': execute_command('sudo dnf install python3-devel git cmake libX11-devel') else: print("Unsupported Linux distribution.")[get_python_executable(), "-m", "pip", "install", "--user", "psutil"]) self.detect_or_setup_repo() #TODO: Make sure there is no existing Taichi ENV set_env('TAICHI_NUM_THREADS', 8) set_env('TAICHI_REPO_DIR', self.repo_dir) set_env('PYTHONPATH', '\$TAICHI_REPO_DIR/python/' + get_path_separator() + '\$PYTHONPATH', '{}/python/'.format(self.repo_dir) + get_path_separator() + os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')) set_env('PATH', '\$TAICHI_REPO_DIR/bin/' + get_path_separator() + '\$PATH', os.path.join(self.repo_dir, 'bin') + get_path_separator() + os.environ.get('PATH', '')) os.environ['PYTHONIOENCODING'] = 'utf-8' print('PYTHONPATH={}'.format(os.environ['PYTHONPATH'])) execute_command('echo $PYTHONPATH') if test_installation(): print(' Successfully Installed Taichi at {}.'.format(self.repo_dir)) if get_os_name() != 'win': if execute_command('ti') != 0: print(' Warning: shortcut "ti" does not work.') if execute_command('taichi') != 0: print(' Warning: shortcut "taichi" does not work.') print(' Please execute') print(' source ', get_shell_rc_name()) print(' or restart your terminal.') else: print(' Error: installation failed.') exit(-1) if __name__ == '__main__': installer = Installer()