#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copyright 2020 YugaByte, Inc. and Contributors # # Licensed under the Polyform Free Trial License 1.0.0 (the "License"); you # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You # may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://github.com/YugaByte/yugabyte-db/blob/master/licenses/POLYFORM-FREE-TRIAL-LICENSE-1.0.0.txt set -euo pipefail find_python_executable() { PYTHON_EXECUTABLES=('python3' 'python3.6' \ 'python3.7' 'python3.8' 'python3.9' 'python' 'python2' 'python2.7') for py_executable in "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLES[@]}"; do if which "$py_executable" > /dev/null 2>&1; then PYTHON_EXECUTABLE="$py_executable" return fi done echo "Failed to find python executable." exit 1 } SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename "$0") USER=$(whoami) PLATFORM_DUMP_FNAME="platform_dump.sql" PLATFORM_DB_NAME="yugaware" PROMETHEUS_SNAPSHOT_DIR="prometheus_snapshot" MIGRATION_BACKUP_DIR="migration_backup" VERSION_METADATA="version_metadata.json" VERSION_METADATA_BACKUP="version_metadata_backup.json" PYTHON_EXECUTABLE="" find_python_executable # This is the UID for nobody user which is used by the prometheus container as the default user. NOBODY_UID=65534 # When false, we won't stop/start platform and prometheus services when executing the script RESTART_PROCESSES=true # When true, we will ignore the pgrestore_path and use pg_restore found on the system USE_SYSTEM_PG=false K8S_BACKUP_DIR="/opt/yugabyte" set +e # Check whether the script is being run from a VM running replicated-based Yugabyte Platform. docker ps -a 2> /dev/null | grep yugabyte-yugaware > /dev/null 2>&1 DOCKER_CHECK="$?" if [[ $DOCKER_CHECK -eq 0 ]]; then DOCKER_BASED=true else DOCKER_BASED=false fi # Check whether the script is being run from within a Yugabyte Platform docker container. grep -E 'kubepods|docker' /proc/1/cgroup > /dev/null 2>&1 CONTAINER_CHECK="$?" if [[ $CONTAINER_CHECK -eq 0 ]] && [[ "$DOCKER_BASED" = false ]]; then INSIDE_CONTAINER=true else INSIDE_CONTAINER=false fi set -e # Assume the script is being run from a systemctl-based Yugabyte Platform installation otherwise. set +u # Allow checking undefined variables, mostly for the global env kubernetes_service_host if [[ "$DOCKER_BASED" = false ]] && [[ "$INSIDE_CONTAINER" = false ]] && [[ "$KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST" = "" ]]; then SERVICE_BASED=true else SERVICE_BASED=false fi set -u # Disallow undefined variables # Takes docker container and command as arguments. Executes docker cmd if docker-based or not. docker_aware_cmd() { if [[ "$DOCKER_BASED" = false ]]; then sh -c "$2" else docker exec -i "${1}" sh -c "$2" fi } run_sudo_cmd() { if sudo -n true 2>/dev/null; then sudo $1 else $1 fi } # Query prometheus for it's data directory and set as env var set_prometheus_data_dir() { prometheus_host="$1" prometheus_port="$2" data_dir="$3" prometheus_protocol="$4" if [[ "$DOCKER_BASED" = true ]]; then PROMETHEUS_DATA_DIR="${data_dir}/prometheusv2" else curl_cmd="curl -k \ ${prometheus_protocol}://${prometheus_host}:${prometheus_port}/api/v1/status/flags" if [[ -n "${PROMETHEUS_USERNAME:-}" ]] && [[ -n "${PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD:-}" ]]; then curl_cmd="${curl_cmd} -u ${PROMETHEUS_USERNAME}:${PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD}" fi PROMETHEUS_DATA_DIR=$($curl_cmd | ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c \ "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['data']['storage.tsdb.path'])") fi if [[ -z "$PROMETHEUS_DATA_DIR" ]]; then echo "Failed to find prometheus data directory" exit 1 fi } # Modify service status if the script is being run against a service-based Yugabyte Platform modify_service() { if [[ "$SERVICE_BASED" = true ]] && [[ "$RESTART_PROCESSES" = true ]]; then set +e service="$1" operation="$2" echo "Performing operation $operation on service $service" run_sudo_cmd "systemctl ${operation} ${service}" set -e fi } # Creates a Yugabyte Platform DB backup. create_postgres_backup() { backup_path="$1" db_username="$2" db_host="$3" db_port="$4" verbose="$5" yba_installer="$6" pgdump_path="$7" pg_dump="pg_dump" plain_sql="$8" format="c" if [[ "${plain_sql}" = true ]]; then # pg_dump creates a plain-text SQL script file. format="p" fi # Determine pg_dump path in yba-installer cases where postgres is installed in data_dir. if [[ "${yba_installer}" = true ]] && \ [[ "${pgdump_path}" != "" ]] && \ [[ -f "${pgdump_path}" ]]; then pg_dump="${pgdump_path}" fi if [[ "${verbose}" = true ]]; then backup_cmd="${pg_dump} -h ${db_host} -p ${db_port} -U ${db_username} -F${format} -v --clean \ ${PLATFORM_DB_NAME}" else backup_cmd="${pg_dump} -h ${db_host} -p ${db_port} -U ${db_username} -F${format} --clean \ ${PLATFORM_DB_NAME}" fi # Run pg_dump. echo "Creating Yugabyte Platform DB backup ${backup_path}..." if [[ "${yba_installer}" = true ]]; then # -f flag does not work for docker based installs. Tries to dump inside postgres container but # we need output on the host itself. ybai_backup_cmd="${backup_cmd} -f ${backup_path}" docker_aware_cmd "postgres" "${ybai_backup_cmd}" else docker_aware_cmd "postgres" "${backup_cmd}" > "${backup_path}" fi echo "Done" } # Restores a Yugabyte Platform DB backup. restore_postgres_backup() { backup_path="$1" db_username="$2" db_host="$3" db_port="$4" verbose="$5" yba_installer="$6" pgrestore_path="$7" skip_dump_check="$8" pg_restore="pg_restore" psql="psql" # Determine pg_restore path in yba-installer cases where postgres is installed in data_dir. if [[ "${yba_installer}" = true ]] && \ [[ "${pgrestore_path}" != "" ]] && \ [[ "${USE_SYSTEM_PG}" != true ]] && \ [[ -f "${pgrestore_path}" ]]; then pg_restore=${pgrestore_path} fi if [[ "${pg_restore}" == "${pgrestore_path}" ]]; then psql=$(dirname "${pgrestore_path}")/psql fi if grep -iq "COPY.*customer" "${backup_path}" || [[ "${skip_dump_check}" = true ]]; then # Drop public schema so it is guaranteed to be a clean restore drop_cmd="${psql} -h ${db_host} -p ${db_port} -U ${db_username} -d ${PLATFORM_DB_NAME} \ -c \"DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS public CASCADE;CREATE SCHEMA public;\"" docker_aware_cmd "postgres" "${drop_cmd}" if [[ "${verbose}" = true ]]; then restore_cmd="${pg_restore} -h ${db_host} -p ${db_port} -U ${db_username} -c --if-exists -v \ -d ${PLATFORM_DB_NAME}" else restore_cmd="${pg_restore} -h ${db_host} -p ${db_port} -U ${db_username} -c --if-exists \ -d ${PLATFORM_DB_NAME}" fi # Run pg_restore. echo "Restoring Yugabyte Platform DB backup ${backup_path}..." docker_aware_cmd "postgres" "${restore_cmd}" < "${backup_path}" echo "Done" else echo "${backup_path} potentially might be empty, skipping restore. Use --skip_dump_check to \ proceed" fi } # Creates a DB backup of YB Platform running on YBDB. create_ybdb_backup() { backup_path="$1" db_username="$2" db_host="$3" db_port="$4" verbose="$5" yba_installer="$6" ysql_dump_path="$7" ysql_dump="ysql_dump" # ybdb backup is only supported in yba-installer. if [[ "$yba_installer" != true ]]; then echo "YBA YBDB backup is only supported for yba-installer" return fi # If a ysql_dump path is given, use it explicitly if [[ "${yba_installer}" = true ]] && \ [[ "${ysql_dump_path}" != "" ]] && \ [[ -f "${ysql_dump_path}" ]]; then ysql_dump="${ysql_dump_path}" fi if [[ "${verbose}" = true ]]; then backup_cmd="${ysql_dump} -h ${db_host} -p ${db_port} -U ${db_username} -f ${backup_path} -v \ --clean ${PLATFORM_DB_NAME}" else backup_cmd="${ysql_dump} -h ${db_host} -p ${db_port} -U ${db_username} -f ${backup_path} \ --clean ${PLATFORM_DB_NAME}" fi # Run ysql_dump. echo "Creating YBDB Platform DB backup ${backup_path}..." ${backup_cmd} echo "Done" } # Restores a DB backup of YB Platform running on YBDB. restore_ybdb_backup() { backup_path="$1" db_username="$2" db_host="$3" db_port="$4" verbose="$5" yba_installer="$6" ysqlsh_path="$7" ysqlsh="ysqlsh" # ybdb restore is only supported in yba-installer workflow. if [[ "$yba_installer" != true ]]; then echo "YBA YBDB restore is only supported for yba-installer" return fi if [[ "${yba_installer}" = true ]] && \ [[ "${ysqlsh_path}" != "" ]] && \ [[ -f "${ysqlsh_path}" ]]; then ysqlsh="${ysqlsh_path}" fi # Note that we use ysqlsh and not pg_restore to perform the restore, # as ysql reads plain-text SQL file to support restore from both ybdb and postgres, # which is necessary for postgres->ybdb migration in the future. if [[ "${verbose}" = true ]]; then restore_cmd="${ysqlsh} -h ${db_host} -p ${db_port} -U ${db_username} -d \ ${PLATFORM_DB_NAME} -f ${backup_path}" else restore_cmd="${ysqlsh} -h ${db_host} -p ${db_port} -U ${db_username} -q -d \ ${PLATFORM_DB_NAME} -f ${backup_path}" fi # Run restore. echo "Restoring Yugabyte Platform YBDB backup ${backup_path}..." ${restore_cmd} echo "Done" } # Deletes a Yugabyte Platform DB backup. delete_db_backup() { backup_path="$1" echo "Deleting Yugabyte Platform DB backup ${backup_path}..." if [[ -f "${backup_path}" ]]; then cleanup "${backup_path}" echo "Done" else echo "${backup_path} does not exist. Cannot delete" fi } create_backup() { now=$(date -u +"%y-%m-%d-%H-%M") output_path="${1}" data_dir="${2}" exclude_prometheus="${3}" exclude_releases="${4}" db_username="${5}" db_host="${6}" db_port="${7}" verbose="${8}" prometheus_host="${9}" prometheus_port="${10}" k8s_namespace="${11}" k8s_pod="${12}" pgdump_path="${13}" plain_sql="${14}" ybdb="${15}" ysql_dump_path="${16}" prometheus_protocol="${17}" include_releases_flag="**/releases/**" include_uploaded_releases_flag="**/upload/release_artifacts/**" mkdir -p "${output_path}" # Perform K8s backup. if [[ -n "${k8s_namespace}" ]] || [[ -n "${k8s_pod}" ]]; then # Run backup script in container. verbose_flag="" if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then verbose_flag="-v" fi backup_script="/opt/yugabyte/devops/bin/yb_platform_backup.sh" # Currently, this script does not support backup/restore of Prometheus data for K8s deployments. # On K8s deployments (unlike Replicated deployments) the prometheus data volume for snapshots is # not shared between the yugaware and prometheus containers. exclude_flags="--exclude_prometheus" if [[ "$exclude_releases" = true ]]; then exclude_flags="${exclude_flags} --exclude_releases" fi kubectl -n "${k8s_namespace}" exec -it "${k8s_pod}" -c yugaware -- /bin/bash -c \ "${backup_script} create ${verbose_flag} ${exclude_flags} --output ${K8S_BACKUP_DIR}" # Determine backup archive filename. # Note: There is a slight race condition here. It will always use the most recent backup file. backup_file=$(kubectl -n "${k8s_namespace}" -c yugaware exec -it "${k8s_pod}" -c yugaware -- \ /bin/bash -c "cd ${K8S_BACKUP_DIR} && ls -1 backup*.tgz | tail -n 1") backup_file=${backup_file%$'\r'} # Ensure backup succeeded. if [[ -z "${backup_file}" ]]; then echo "Failed" return fi echo "Copying backup from container" # Copy backup archive from container to local machine. kubectl -n "${k8s_namespace}" -c yugaware cp --request-timeout="${k8s_timeout}" \ "${k8s_pod}:${K8S_BACKUP_DIR}/${backup_file}" "${output_path}/${backup_file}" # Delete backup archive from container. kubectl -n "${k8s_namespace}" exec -it "${k8s_pod}" -c yugaware -- \ /bin/bash -c "rm ${K8S_BACKUP_DIR}/backup*.tgz" echo "Done" return fi if [ "$disable_version_check" != true ]; then metadata_regex="**/yugaware/conf/${VERSION_METADATA}" metadata_dir="${data_dir}" target_dir="${data_dir}" # Hardcode container values for replicated if [[ "$DOCKER_BASED" = true ]]; then metadata_dir="/opt/yugabyte" target_dir="/opt/yugabyte/yugaware/data" fi if [[ "${yba_installer}" = true ]]; then version=$(basename $(realpath ${data_dir}/software/active)) metadata_regex="**/${version}/**/yugaware/conf/${VERSION_METADATA}" fi version_path=$(docker_aware_cmd "yugaware" "find ${metadata_dir} -wholename ${metadata_regex}") command="cp ${version_path} ${target_dir}/${VERSION_METADATA_BACKUP}" docker_aware_cmd "yugaware" "${command}" fi if [[ "$exclude_releases" = true ]]; then include_releases_flag="" include_uploaded_releases_flag="" fi modify_service yb-platform stop tar_name="${output_path}/backup_${now}.tar" tgz_name="${output_path}/backup_${now}.tgz" db_backup_path="${data_dir}/${PLATFORM_DUMP_FNAME}" trap 'delete_db_backup ${db_backup_path}' RETURN if [[ "$ybdb" = true ]]; then create_ybdb_backup "${db_backup_path}" "${db_username}" "${db_host}" "${db_port}" \ "${verbose}" "${yba_installer}" "${ysql_dump_path}" else create_postgres_backup "${db_backup_path}" "${db_username}" "${db_host}" "${db_port}" \ "${verbose}" "${yba_installer}" "${pgdump_path}" "${plain_sql}" fi TAR_OPTIONS="-r" if [[ "${verbose}" = true ]]; then TAR_OPTIONS+="v" fi TAR_OPTIONS+="f ${tar_name}" FIND_OPTIONS=( . \\\( -path \'**/data/certs/**\' ) FIND_OPTIONS+=( $(printf " -o -path '%s'" "**/data/keys/**" "**/data/provision/**" \ "**/data/licenses/**" "**/data/yb-platform/keys/**" "**/data/yb-platform/certs/**" \ "**/swamper_rules/**" "**/swamper_targets/**" "**/prometheus/rules/**" \ "**/prometheus/targets/**" "**/data/yb-platform/node-agent/certs/**" \ "**/data/node-agent/certs/**" "**/provision/**/provision_instance.py" \ "**/${PLATFORM_DUMP_FNAME}" "**/${VERSION_METADATA_BACKUP}" \ "${include_releases_flag}" "${include_uploaded_releases_flag}") ) # Backup prometheus data. if [[ "$exclude_prometheus" = false ]]; then trap 'run_sudo_cmd "rm -rf ${data_dir}/${PROMETHEUS_SNAPSHOT_DIR}"' RETURN echo "Creating prometheus snapshot..." set_prometheus_data_dir "${prometheus_host}" "${prometheus_port}" "${data_dir}" \ "${prometheus_protocol}" snapshot_cmd="curl -k -X POST \ ${prometheus_protocol}://${prometheus_host}:${prometheus_port}/api/v1/admin/tsdb/snapshot" if [[ -n "${PROMETHEUS_USERNAME:-}" ]] && [[ -n "${PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD:-}" ]]; then snapshot_cmd="${snapshot_cmd} -u ${PROMETHEUS_USERNAME}:${PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD}" fi snapshot_dir=$( $snapshot_cmd | ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c \ "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['data']['name'])") mkdir -p "$data_dir/$PROMETHEUS_SNAPSHOT_DIR" run_sudo_cmd "cp -aR ${PROMETHEUS_DATA_DIR}/snapshots/${snapshot_dir} \ ${data_dir}/${PROMETHEUS_SNAPSHOT_DIR}" run_sudo_cmd "rm -rf ${PROMETHEUS_DATA_DIR}/snapshots/${snapshot_dir}" FIND_OPTIONS+=( -o -path "**/${PROMETHEUS_SNAPSHOT_DIR}/**" ) fi # Close out paths in FIND_OPTIONS with a close-paren, and add -exec FIND_OPTIONS+=( \\\) -exec tar $TAR_OPTIONS \{} + ) echo "Creating platform backup package..." cd ${data_dir} eval find -L ${FIND_OPTIONS[@]} gzip -9 < ${tar_name} > ${tgz_name} cleanup "${tar_name}" delete_db_backup "${db_backup_path}" # Delete the version metadata backup if we had created it earlier docker_aware_cmd "yugaware" "rm -f ${data_dir}/${VERSION_METADATA_BACKUP}" echo "Finished creating backup ${tgz_name}" modify_service yb-platform restart } restore_backup() { input_path="${1}" destination="${2}" db_host="${3}" db_port="${4}" db_username="${5}" verbose="${6}" prometheus_host="${7}" prometheus_port="${8}" data_dir="${9}" k8s_namespace="${10}" k8s_pod="${11}" disable_version_check="${12}" pgrestore_path="${13}" ybdb="${14}" ysqlsh_path="${15}" ybai_data_dir="${16}" skip_old_files="${17}" skip_dump_check="${18}" prometheus_protocol="${19}" prometheus_dir_regex="\.\/${PROMETHEUS_SNAPSHOT_DIR}\/[[:digit:]]{8}T[[:digit:]]{6}Z-[[:alnum:]]{16}\/$" # Perform K8s restore. if [[ -n "${k8s_namespace}" ]] || [[ -n "${k8s_pod}" ]]; then # Copy backup archive to container. echo "Copying backup to container" kubectl -n "${k8s_namespace}" -c yugaware cp --request-timeout="${k8s_timeout}" \ "${input_path}" "${k8s_pod}:${K8S_BACKUP_DIR}" echo "Done" # Determine backup archive filename. # Note: There is a slight race condition here. It will always use the most recent backup file. backup_file=$(kubectl -n "${k8s_namespace}" -c yugaware exec -it "${k8s_pod}" -c yugaware -- \ /bin/bash -c "cd ${K8S_BACKUP_DIR} && ls -1 backup*.tgz | tail -n 1") backup_file=${backup_file%$'\r'} # Run restore script in container. verbose_flag="" if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then verbose_flag="-v" fi backup_script="/opt/yugabyte/devops/bin/yb_platform_backup.sh" # Skip old files as script was called outside of container so may lack permissions to overwrite if [ "$disable_version_check" != true ]; then kubectl -n "${k8s_namespace}" exec -it "${k8s_pod}" -c yugaware -- /bin/bash -c \ "${backup_script} restore ${verbose_flag} --input ${K8S_BACKUP_DIR}/${backup_file} \ --skip_old_files" else kubectl -n "${k8s_namespace}" exec -it "${k8s_pod}" -c yugaware -- /bin/bash -c \ "${backup_script} restore ${verbose_flag} --input ${K8S_BACKUP_DIR}/${backup_file} \ --disable_version_check --skip_old_files" fi # Delete backup archive from container. kubectl -n "${k8s_namespace}" exec -it "${k8s_pod}" -c yugaware -- \ /bin/bash -c "rm ${K8S_BACKUP_DIR}/backup*.tgz" return fi if [ "$disable_version_check" != true ]; then current_metadata_path="" if [ -f "../../src/main/resources/${VERSION_METADATA}" ]; then current_metadata_path="../../src/main/resources/${VERSION_METADATA}" else metadata_regex="**/yugaware/conf/${VERSION_METADATA}" if [[ "${yba_installer}" = true ]]; then version=$(basename $(realpath ${data_dir}/software/active)) metadata_regex="**/${version}/**/yugaware/conf/${VERSION_METADATA}" fi # Ignore errors in case of directories where we don't have permissions set +e current_metadata_path=$(find ${destination} -wholename ${metadata_regex}) set -e # At least keep some default as a worst case. if [ ! -f ${current_metadata_path} ] || [ -z ${current_metadata_path} ]; then current_metadata_path="${data_dir}/yugaware/conf/${VERSION_METADATA}" fi fi command="cat ${current_metadata_path}" version_cmd='import json, sys; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["version_number"])' build_cmd='import json, sys; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["build_number"])' version=$(docker_aware_cmd "yugaware" "${command}" | ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "${version_cmd}") build=$(docker_aware_cmd "yugaware" "${command}" | ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "${build_cmd}") curr_platform_version=${version}-${build} backup_metadata_path=$(tar -tzf ${input_path} | grep ${VERSION_METADATA_BACKUP} | head -1) if [[ "${backup_metadata_path}" == "" ]]; then echo "cannot perform version check on backup ${input_path}, no ${VERSION_METADATA_BACKUP} found. Please run restore with --disable_version_check or take a new backup with \ ${VERSION_METADATA_BACKUP}" exit 1 fi tar -xzf ${input_path} -C ${destination} ${backup_metadata_path} set +e backup_metadata_path=$(find ${destination} -name ${VERSION_METADATA_BACKUP} | head -1) set -e if [ ! -f ${backup_metadata_path} ] || [ -z ${backup_metadata_path} ]; then echo "could not find untarred ${VERSION_METADATA_BACKUP}" exit 1 fi # The version_metadata.json file is always present in a release package, and it would have # been stored during create_backup(), so we don't need to check if the file exists before # restoring it from the restore path. backup_yba_version=$(cat "${backup_metadata_path}" | ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "${version_cmd}") backup_yba_build=$(cat "${backup_metadata_path}" | ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "${build_cmd}") back_plat_version=${backup_yba_version}-${backup_yba_build} # Delete the backup metadata path after using it rm ${backup_metadata_path} if [ ${curr_platform_version} != ${back_plat_version} ] then echo "Your backups were created on a platform of version ${back_plat_version}, and you are attempting to restore these backups on a platform of version ${curr_platform_version}, which is a mismatch. Please restore your platform instance exactly back to ${back_plat_version} to proceed, or override this check by running the script with the command line argument --disable_version_check true" exit 1 fi fi modify_service yb-platform stop untar_dir="${destination}" tar_cmd="tar -xzf" if [[ "${verbose}" = true ]]; then tar_cmd="tar -xzvf" fi if [[ "${migration}" = true ]]; then untar_dir="${destination}"/"${MIGRATION_BACKUP_DIR}" rm -rf "${untar_dir}" mkdir -p "${untar_dir}" $tar_cmd "${input_path}" --directory "${untar_dir}" # Copy over releases. Need to ignore node-agent/ybc releases set +e releasesdir=$(find "${untar_dir}" -name "releases" -type d | \ grep -v "ybc" | grep -v "node-agent") set -e if [[ "$releasesdir" != "" ]] && [[ -d "$releasesdir" ]]; then cp -R "$releasesdir" "$ybai_data_dir" fi # Node-agent/ybc foldes can be copied entirely into # Copy releases, ybc, certs, keys, over # xcerts/keys/licenses can all go directly into data directory BACKUP_DIRS=('*ybc' '*data/certs' '*data/keys' '*data/licenses' '*node-agent' \ '*upload/release_artifacts') for d in "${BACKUP_DIRS[@]}" do set +e found_dir=$(find "${untar_dir}" -path "$d" -type d) set -e if [[ "$found_dir" != "" ]] && [[ -d "$found_dir" ]]; then cp -R "$found_dir" "$ybai_data_dir" fi done else $tar_cmd "${input_path}" --directory "${destination}" "${skip_old_files}" fi db_backup_path="${untar_dir}"/"${PLATFORM_DUMP_FNAME}" trap 'delete_db_backup ${db_backup_path}' RETURN if [[ "${ybdb}" = true ]]; then restore_ybdb_backup "${db_backup_path}" "${db_username}" "${db_host}" "${db_port}" \ "${verbose}" "${yba_installer}" "${ysqlsh_path}" else # do we need set +e? restore_postgres_backup "${db_backup_path}" "${db_username}" "${db_host}" "${db_port}" \ "${verbose}" "${yba_installer}" "${pgrestore_path}" "${skip_dump_check}" fi # Restore prometheus swamper targets on migration always if [[ "${yba_installer}" = true ]] && [[ "${migration}" = true ]]; then set +e backup_targets=$(find "${untar_dir}" -name swamper_targets -type d) set -e if [[ "$backup_targets" != "" ]] && [[ -d "$backup_targets" ]]; then run_sudo_cmd "cp -Tr ${backup_targets} ${destination}/data/prometheus/swamper_targets" fi set +e backup_rules=$(find "${untar_dir}" -name swamper_rules -type d) set -e if [[ "$backup_rules" != "" ]] && [[ -d "$backup_rules" ]]; then run_sudo_cmd "cp -Tr ${backup_rules} ${destination}/data/prometheus/swamper_rules" fi run_sudo_cmd "chown -R ${yba_user}:${yba_user} ${destination}/data/prometheus" fi set +e prom_snapshot=$(tar -tf "${input_path}" | grep -E $prometheus_dir_regex) set -e if [[ -n "$prom_snapshot" ]]; then echo "Restoring prometheus snapshot..." set_prometheus_data_dir "${prometheus_host}" "${prometheus_port}" "${data_dir}" \ "${prometheus_protocol}" modify_service prometheus stop # Find snapshot directory in backup run_sudo_cmd "rm -rf ${PROMETHEUS_DATA_DIR}/*" run_sudo_cmd "mv ${untar_dir}/${prom_snapshot:2}* ${PROMETHEUS_DATA_DIR}" if [[ "${yba_installer}" = true ]]; then run_sudo_cmd "chown -R ${yba_user}:${yba_user} ${destination}/data/prometheus" elif [[ "$SERVICE_BASED" = true ]]; then run_sudo_cmd "chown -R ${prometheus_user}:${prometheus_user} ${PROMETHEUS_DATA_DIR}" else run_sudo_cmd "chown -R ${NOBODY_UID}:${NOBODY_UID} ${PROMETHEUS_DATA_DIR}" fi # Clean up snapshot after restore run_sudo_cmd "rm -rf ${untar_dir}/${PROMETHEUS_SNAPSHOT_DIR}" # Manually execute so postgres TRAP executes. modify_service prometheus restart if [[ "$DOCKER_BASED" = true ]]; then run_sudo_cmd "docker restart prometheus" fi fi # Create following directory if it wasn't created yet so restore will succeed. if [[ "${yba_installer}" = false ]]; then mkdir -p "${destination}/release" fi if [[ "$migration" = true ]]; then rm -rf "${destination}/${MIGRATION_BACKUP_DIR}" fi # Delete any extra version metadata files. These may not exist, so this is best effort rm -f ${data_dir}/${VERSION_METADATA_BACKUP} rm -f ${data_dir}/yugaware/${VERSION_METADATA} modify_service yb-platform restart echo "Finished restoring backup" } validate_k8s_args() { k8s_namespace="${1}" k8s_pod="${2}" if [[ -n "${k8s_namespace}" ]] || [[ -n "${k8s_pod}" ]]; then if [[ -z "${k8s_namespace}" ]] || [[ -z "${k8s_pod}" ]]; then echo "Error: Must specify both --k8s_namespace and --k8s_pod" exit 1 fi fi } validate_prometheus_args() { if [[ $prometheus_protocol != "http" ]] && [[ $prometheus_protocol != "https" ]]; then echo "Error: prometheus_protocol must be either http or https" exit 1 fi if [[ -n "${PROMETHEUS_USERNAME:-}" ]] && [[ -z "${PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD:-}" ]]; then echo "Error: PROMETHEUS_USERNAME is set but PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD is not. Either both must be set or unset." exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${PROMETHEUS_USERNAME:-}" ]] && [[ -n "${PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD:-}" ]]; then echo "Error: PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD is set but PROMETHEUS_USERNAME is not. Either both must be set or unset." exit 1 fi } print_backup_usage() { echo "Create: ${SCRIPT_NAME} create [options]" echo "options:" echo " -o, --output the directory that the platform backup is written to (default: ${HOME})" echo " -m, --exclude_prometheus exclude prometheus metric data from backup (default: false)" echo " -r, --exclude_releases exclude Yugabyte releases from backup (default: false)" echo " -d, --data_dir=DIRECTORY data directory (default: /opt/yugabyte)" echo " -v, --verbose verbose output of script (default: false)" echo " -s --skip_restart [WARNING: DEPRECATED] don't restart processes during execution (default: false)" echo " --restart restart processes during execution (default: false)" echo " -u, --db_username=USERNAME postgres username (default: postgres)" echo " -h, --db_host=HOST postgres host (default: localhost)" echo " -P, --db_port=PORT postgres port (default: 5432)" echo " -n, --prometheus_host=HOST prometheus host (default: localhost)" echo " -t, --prometheus_port=PORT prometheus port (default: 9090)" echo " --prometheus_protocol prometheus protocol (default: http)." echo " --k8s_namespace kubernetes namespace" echo " --k8s_pod kubernetes pod" echo " --k8s_timeout kubernetes cp timeout duration (default: 30m)" echo " --yba_installer yba_installer installation (default: false)" echo " --plain_sql output a plain-text SQL script from pg_dump" echo " --ybdb ybdb backup (default: false)" echo " --ysql_dump_path path to ysql_sump to dump ybdb" echo " --disable_version_check disable the backup version check (default: false)" echo " -?, --help show create help, then exit" echo echo "NOTE: If prometheus authentication is enabled, PROMETHEUS_USERNAME and PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD environment variables must be set" echo } print_restore_usage() { echo "Restore: ${SCRIPT_NAME} restore --input [options]" echo " the path to the platform backup tar.gz" echo "options:" echo " -o, --destination=DIRECTORY where to un-tar the backup (default: /opt/yugabyte)" echo " -d, --data_dir=DIRECTORY data directory (default: /opt/yugabyte)" echo " -v, --verbose verbose output of script (default: false)" echo " -s --skip_restart don't restart processes during execution (default: false)" echo " -u, --db_username=USERNAME postgres username (default: postgres)" echo " -h, --db_host=HOST postgres host (default: localhost)" echo " -P, --db_port=PORT postgres port (default: 5432)" echo " -n, --prometheus_host=HOST prometheus host (default: localhost)" echo " -t, --prometheus_port=PORT prometheus port (default: 9090)" echo " -e, --prometheus_user=USERNAME prometheus user (default: prometheus)" echo " --prometheus_protocol prometheus protocol (default: http)." echo " -U, --yba_user=USERNAME yugabyte anywhere user (default: yugabyte)" echo " --k8s_namespace kubernetes namespace" echo " --k8s_pod kubernetes pod" echo " --k8s_timeout kubernetes cp timeout duration (default: 30m)" echo " --disable_version_check disable the backup version check (default: false)" echo " --yba_installer yba_installer backup (default: false)" echo " --ybdb ybdb restore (default: false)" echo " --ysqlsh_path path to ysqlsh to restore ybdb (default: false)" echo " --migration migration from Replicated or Yugabundle (default: false)" echo " --ybai_data_dir YBA data dir (default: /opt/yugabyte/data/yb-platform)" echo " --skip_old_files skip old files when untarring backup" echo " --skip_dump_check skip pg dump empty check before restore (default: false)" echo " -?, --help show restore help, then exit" echo echo "NOTE: If prometheus authentication is enabled, PROMETHEUS_USERNAME and PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD environment variables must be set" echo } print_help() { echo "Create or restore a Yugabyte Platform backup" echo echo "Usage: ${SCRIPT_NAME} " echo "command:" echo " create create a Yugabyte Platform backup" echo " restore restore a Yugabyte Platform backup" echo " -?, --help show this help, then exit" echo print_backup_usage print_restore_usage } cleanup () { rm -f "$1" } if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then print_help exit 1 fi command=$1 shift # Default global options. db_username=postgres db_host=localhost db_port=5432 prometheus_host=localhost prometheus_port=9090 prometheus_protocol=http prometheus_user=prometheus k8s_namespace="" k8s_pod="" k8s_timeout="30m" data_dir=/opt/yugabyte verbose=false disable_version_check=false yba_installer=false pgdump_path="" pgpass_path="" pgrestore_path="" plain_sql=false ybdb=false ysql_dump_path="" ysqlsh_path="" migration=false ybai_data_dir=/opt/yugabyte/data/yb-platform yba_user=yugabyte skip_old_files="" skip_dump_check=false case $command in -?|--help) print_help exit 0 ;; create) # Default create options. exclude_prometheus=false exclude_releases=false output_path="${HOME}" RESTART_PROCESSES=false if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then print_backup_usage exit 1 fi while (( "$#" )); do case "$1" in -o|--output) output_path=$(realpath $2) shift 2 ;; -m|--exclude_prometheus) exclude_prometheus=true shift ;; -r|--exclude_releases) exclude_releases=true shift ;; -d|--data_dir) data_dir=$(realpath $2) shift 2 ;; -v|--verbose) verbose=true set -x shift ;; -s|--skip_restart) echo "--skip_restart flag is deprecated and default behavior skips restart. use --restart" shift ;; --restart) RESTART_PROCESSES=true shift ;; -u|--db_username) db_username=$2 shift 2 ;; -h|--db_host) db_host=$(echo "$2" | sed 's/^\[\(.*\)\]$/\1/') shift 2 ;; -P|--db_port) db_port=$2 shift 2 ;; --plain_sql) plain_sql=true shift ;; -n|--prometheus_host) prometheus_host=$(echo "$2" | sed 's/^\[\(.*\)\]$/\1/') shift 2 ;; -t|--prometheus_port) prometheus_port=$2 shift 2 ;; --prometheus_protocol) prometheus_protocol=$2 shift 2 ;; --k8s_namespace) k8s_namespace=$2 shift 2 ;; --k8s_pod) k8s_pod=$2 shift 2 ;; --k8s_timeout) k8s_timeout=$2 shift 2 ;; --yba_installer) yba_installer=true shift ;; --pg_dump_path) pgdump_path=$(realpath $2) shift 2 ;; --pgpass_path) pgpass_path=$(realpath $2) shift 2 ;; --ybdb) ybdb=true shift ;; --ysql_dump_path) ysql_dump_path=$(realpath $2) shift 2 ;; --disable_version_check) disable_version_check=true set -x shift ;; -?|--help) print_backup_usage exit 0 ;; *) echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}: Unrecognized argument ${1}" echo print_backup_usage exit 1 esac done validate_k8s_args "${k8s_namespace}" "${k8s_pod}" validate_prometheus_args if [[ "${pgpass_path}" != "" ]]; then export PGPASSFILE=${pgpass_path} fi create_backup "$output_path" "$data_dir" "$exclude_prometheus" "$exclude_releases" \ "$db_username" "$db_host" "$db_port" "$verbose" "$prometheus_host" "$prometheus_port" \ "$k8s_namespace" "$k8s_pod" "$pgdump_path" "$plain_sql" "$ybdb" "$ysql_dump_path" \ "$prometheus_protocol" exit 0 ;; restore) # Default restore options. destination=/opt/yugabyte input_path="" if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then print_restore_usage exit 1 fi while (( "$#" )); do case "$1" in -i|--input) input_path=$(realpath $2) shift 2 ;; -o|--destination) destination=$(realpath $2) shift 2 ;; -d|--data_dir) data_dir=$(realpath $2) shift 2 ;; -v|--verbose) verbose=true set -x shift ;; -s|--skip_restart) RESTART_PROCESSES=false set -x shift ;; -u|--db_username) db_username=$2 shift 2 ;; -h|--db_host) db_host=$(echo "$2" | sed 's/^\[\(.*\)\]$/\1/') shift 2 ;; -P|--db_port) db_port=$2 shift 2 ;; -n|--prometheus_host) prometheus_host=$(echo "$2" | sed 's/^\[\(.*\)\]$/\1/') shift 2 ;; -t|--prometheus_port) prometheus_port=$2 shift 2 ;; -e|--prometheus_user) prometheus_user=$2 shift 2 ;; --prometheus_protocol) prometheus_protocol=$2 shift 2 ;; --k8s_namespace) k8s_namespace=$2 shift 2 ;; --k8s_pod) k8s_pod=$2 shift 2 ;; --k8s_timeout) k8s_timeout=$2 shift 2 ;; --disable_version_check) disable_version_check=true set -x shift ;; --yba_installer) yba_installer=true DOCKER_BASED=false shift ;; --pg_restore_path) pgrestore_path=$(realpath $2) shift 2 ;; --pgpass_path) pgpass_path=$(realpath $2) shift 2 ;; --ybdb) ybdb=true shift ;; --ysqlsh_path) ysqlsh_path=$(realpath $2) shift 2 ;; --yugabundle) echo "--yugabundle is deprecated. Please use --migration instead." migration=true shift ;; --migration) migration=true shift ;; --ybai_data_dir) ybai_data_dir=$(realpath $2) shift 2 ;; -U|--yba_user) yba_user=$2 shift 2 ;; --use_system_pg) USE_SYSTEM_PG=true shift ;; --skip_old_files) skip_old_files="--skip-old-files" shift ;; --skip_dump_check) skip_dump_check=true shift ;; -?|--help) print_restore_usage exit 0 ;; *) echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}: Unrecognized option ${1}" echo print_restore_usage exit 1 esac done if [[ -z "$input_path" ]]; then echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}: input_path is required" echo print_restore_usage exit 1 fi validate_k8s_args "${k8s_namespace}" "${k8s_pod}" validate_prometheus_args if [[ "${pgpass_path}" != "" ]]; then export PGPASSFILE=${pgpass_path} fi restore_backup "$input_path" "$destination" "$db_host" "$db_port" "$db_username" "$verbose" \ "$prometheus_host" "$prometheus_port" "$data_dir" "$k8s_namespace" "$k8s_pod" \ "$disable_version_check" "$pgrestore_path" "$ybdb" "$ysqlsh_path" "$ybai_data_dir" \ "$skip_old_files" "$skip_dump_check" "$prometheus_protocol" exit 0 ;; *) echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}: Unrecognized command ${command}" echo print_help exit 1 esac