require 'nokogiri' module Jekyll module TOCGenerator TOGGLE_HTML = '


' HIDE_HTML = '[%1]' def toc_generate(html) # No Toc can be specified on every single page # For example the index page has no table of contents return html if (!!@context.environments.first["page"]["toc"] == false || @context.environments.first["page"]["toc"] == false || false) config = @context.registers[:site].config # Minimum number of items needed to show TOC, default 0 (0 means no minimum) min_items_to_show_toc = config["minItemsToShowToc"] || 0 anchor_prefix = config["anchorPrefix"] || 'tocAnchor-' # better for traditional page seo, commonlly use h1 as title toc_top_tag = config["tocTopTag"] || 'h1' toc_top_tag = toc_top_tag.gsub(/h/, '').to_i toc_top_tag = 5 if toc_top_tag > 5 toc_sec_tag = toc_top_tag + 1 toc_top_tag = "h#{toc_top_tag}" toc_sec_tag = "h#{toc_sec_tag}" # Text labels contents_label = config["contentsLabel"] || 'Contents' hide_label = config["hideLabel"] || 'hide' # show_label = config["showLabel"] || 'show' # unused show_toggle_button = config["showToggleButton"] toc_html = '' toc_level = 1 toc_section = 1 item_number = 1 level_html = '' doc = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(html) return html unless doc.css('article').length > 0 # Find H1 tag and all its H2 siblings until next H1 doc.css(toc_top_tag).each do |tag| # TODO This XPATH expression can greatly improved ct = tag.xpath("count(following-sibling::#{toc_top_tag})") # ct = tag.xpath("count(./#{toc_top_tag})") sects = tag.xpath("following-sibling::#{toc_sec_tag}[count(following-sibling::#{toc_top_tag})=#{ct}]") # sects = tag.xpath("following-sibling::#{toc_sec_tag}") level_html = '' inner_section = 0 sects.each do |sect| inner_section += 1 anchor_id = [ anchor_prefix, toc_level, '-', toc_section, '-', inner_section ].map(&:to_s).join '' sect['id'] = "#{anchor_id}" level_html += create_level_html(anchor_id, toc_level + 1, toc_section + inner_section, item_number.to_s + '.' + inner_section.to_s, sect.text, '') end level_html = '' if level_html.length > 0 anchor_id = anchor_prefix + toc_level.to_s + '-' + toc_section.to_s tag['id'] = "#{anchor_id}" toc_html += create_level_html(anchor_id, toc_level, toc_section, item_number, tag.text, level_html) toc_section += 1 + inner_section item_number += 1 end # for convenience item_number starts from 1 # so we decrement it to obtain the index count toc_index_count = item_number - 1 return html unless toc_html.length > 0 hide_html = '' hide_html = HIDE_HTML.gsub('%1', hide_label) if (show_toggle_button) if min_items_to_show_toc <= toc_index_count replaced_toggle_html = TOGGLE_HTML .gsub('%1', contents_label) .gsub('%2', hide_html) toc_table = TOC_CONTAINER_HTML .gsub('%1', replaced_toggle_html) .gsub('%2', toc_html) insert_element = config["tocInsertElement"] || 'article' # default 'body' insert_position = config["tocInsertPosition"] || 'before' # before , after insert_children = config["tocInsertChildren"] || 'false' # before , after if insert_element != '' target = doc.css(insert_element) else target = doc end if insert_position == 'before' if insert_children == true target.children.before(toc_table) else target.before(toc_table) end elsif insert_position == 'after' if insert_children == true target.children.after(toc_table) else target.after(toc_table) end end end doc.to_html end private def create_level_html(anchor_id, toc_level, toc_section, tocNumber, tocText, tocInner) link = '%2 %3%4' .gsub('%1', anchor_id.to_s) .gsub('%2', tocNumber.to_s) .gsub('%3', tocText) .gsub('%4', tocInner ? tocInner : '') '
  • %3
  • ' .gsub('%1', toc_level.to_s) .gsub('%2', toc_section.to_s) .gsub('%3', link) end end end Liquid::Template.register_filter(Jekyll::TOCGenerator)