#User agreement and privacy statement This agreement is a contract between you and the copyright owner of "General Calculator - Basic", and has the legal effect of a contract. Please read it carefully. one. Scope and content of "Privacy Policy" Thank you for choosing to use our products, please read our "Privacy Policy" carefully before using our products. Your use of our products will be deemed as your full acceptance of this "Privacy Policy" and commitment to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree to our "Privacy Policy", please do not use our products. If you have already started using our products, please stop using them immediately. Your use is deemed to be your agreement that this "Privacy Policy" applies to you. two. renew According to changes in laws and regulatory policies, our "Privacy Policy" is constantly improving. We may update the Privacy Policy from time to time as our products and services expand. Please check the most current Privacy Policy frequently. If relevant updates result in a significant reduction in your rights under this Privacy Policy, we will notify you in a prominent position on the product interface or in the new content announcement of the new version of the App Store. Your continued use of our products in the future will be deemed your full acceptance of such updates. If you do not agree to the changed Privacy Policy, please stop using our products immediately. three. Collection and use of personal information We do not collect your personal information. During normal operation of our products, you will be asked to obtain the following authorizations: 1. Storage: Enter the storage space of your device for reading and managing data The above authorizations are all necessary, otherwise the relevant functions of the product may not work as designed.