Please read the entire README (including FAQ at the end) before starting your assignment, or asking for help. // ~ Overview ~ // This assignment asks you to solve problems using recursion, which is one of the most important and powerful concepts in computer programming. Recursion is a little tricky to get used to at first; however, with a little experience, it is very straightforward. Pay very close attention to this assignment, since recursion is heavily used throughout the rest of the course, including assignments and exams. // ~ Learning Goals ~ // (1) Recur (1.a) Recur (1.a.i) Recur (1.a.i.i) base case. (1.a.i) sion. (1.a) sion. (1) sion. // ~ Submitting Your Assignment ~ // You must submit one zip file to blackboard. This zip file must contain: (1) answer05.c (2) git.log You create the zip file using the following command. > zip answer05.c git.log If your zip file does not meet the above specification, then you may get zero for this assignment. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Following the instructions is *part* of getting the assignment correct. So please follow the instructions. // ~ The Partition Problem ~ // This assignment asks you to solve a set of related problems: * partition a positive integer with different restrictions Partitioning an integer means breaking the integer into the sum of some positive integers (including the integer itself). For example, 3 can be partitioned into 1 + 1 + 1 1 + 2 2 + 1 3 You must write partition functions that have particular properties as specified in "answer05.h". The class notes contain a lot of information that will be helpful in doing this assignment. Your solution must be general. You will receive zero if you hard code the answers for some cases, something like the following: if (n == 3) { printf("1 + 1 + 1\n"); printf("1 + 2\n"); printf("2 + 1\n"); printf("3\n"); } // Marker: does this person really think they'll pass the exam? if (n == 4) { printf("1 + 1 + 1 + 1\n"); printf("1 + 1 + 2\n"); printf("1 + 2 + 1\n"); printf("1 + 3\n"); ... } This solution is not general and you will receive zero. // ~ Determining Your Mark ~ // The tester program is there to ensure that you have followed the instructions correctly. Run the tester program as follows: > ./tester Please refer to the PA01 README for more information on the tester program. // ~ Hint ~ // a) You will need some sort of int buffer to contain the partition results as they are created. If you partition the number N, then you will need a buffer (array of ints) that can store N values. (i.e., the largest partition of N is 1+1+...+1). b) As mentioned above, you will be asked to print partitions that satisfy certain restrictions. If an input has no partitions that satisfy the restriction of the function you're in, do NOT print an error message! Instead, since there are 0 partitions that abide by that restriction, simply do nothing and return. Eg. See 'partitionPrime(1)', located in the expected output file 'partitionPrime.output'. // ~ Partial Credit ~ // Partial credit will be given for this assignment, as follows: 2 points : partitionAll 1 point : partitionOdd, partitionEven, and partitionOddAndEven 1 point : partitionIncreasing and partitionDecreasing 1 point : partitionPrime --------------------------------- 5 points : TOTAL Within each line above, you must pass all tests. As usual, no credit will be given for the assignment if the assignment is turned in after the deadline, if it is not zipped as directed above, or if your git.log is missing, empty, or contains erronneous information. Also, an assignment will receive zero if any function has been hard-coded with answers to specific inputs. We may add additional test cases similar to the existing ones to check for that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS ASSIGNMENT IS HARD Try and get into the lab on Monday, and speak to the TAs if you are unsure how to get started. You will find it difficult to get much help from the TAs in the later part of the week. The help session on Tuesday will cover the theory of this assignment in a straight-forward way.