musicMode = () => { songsPlayed = 0; // Initialise custom music $("#music_player")[0].children[0].style.display = "none" $("#music_player")[0].children[1].style.display = "none" document.getElementById("modLoadReveal").style.display = "none" document.getElementById("modloaddiv").style.display = "none" musicBox = document.getElementById("music_player") = "" var trackSel; e = campaignTrail_temp e.selectedSoundtrack = 0 toTime = (seconds) => { var date = new Date(null); date.setSeconds(seconds); return date.toISOString().substr(11, 8); } generateTime = () => { // Get the audio element var audio = document.getElementById("campaigntrailmusic"); timeTracker = document.createElement("div"); = ` text-align:left; border-style:solid; border-width:3px; height:150px; width:200px; background-color:#999999; float:right; padding: 10px; ` $("#trackSelParent")[0].prepend(timeTracker); $("#trackSelParent")[0].prepend(document.createElement("br")); // Create a new element to display the current position of the audio var positionDisplay = document.createElement("gg"); = "position-display"; // Create a new slider element to change the time var timeSlider = document.createElement("input"); timeSlider.type = "range"; timeSlider.min = 0; timeSlider.max = 1; timeSlider.step = 0.001; timeSlider.value = 0; = "200px"; = "time-slider"; var pausePlay = document.createElement("button"); = "position-display"; pausePlay.innerHTML = "Pause" = "100%"; pausePlay.addEventListener("click", event => { event.preventDefault(); updatePositionDisplay(); let audio = document.getElementById("campaigntrailmusic"); if (audio.paused) {; = "Pause"; return; } audio.pause(); = "Play"; return; }) var volumeLabel = document.createElement("gg"); = "volume-label"; volumeLabel.innerHTML = "
Volume: " var volumeSlider = document.createElement("input"); volumeSlider.type = "range"; volumeSlider.min = 0; volumeSlider.max = 1; volumeSlider.step = 0.001; volumeSlider.value = 0; = "200px"; = "volume-slider"; volumeSlider.value = audio.volume; timeTracker.appendChild(pausePlay); timeTracker.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); timeTracker.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); timeTracker.appendChild(positionDisplay); timeTracker.appendChild(timeSlider); timeTracker.appendChild(volumeLabel); timeTracker.appendChild(volumeSlider); updatePositionDisplay(); //for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) //timeTracker.append(document.createElement("br")); // Function to update the position display function updatePositionDisplay() { positionDisplay.innerHTML = "Time: " + toTime(audio.currentTime) + "
"; timeSlider.value = audio.duration ? audio.currentTime / audio.duration : 0; } // Function to change the time of the audio function changeTime() { positionDisplay.innerHTML = "Time: " + toTime(audio.currentTime) + "
"; audio.currentTime = timeSlider.value * audio.duration; } updateVolume = event => { audio.volume =; } // Update the position display and slider every second setInterval(updatePositionDisplay, 1000); // Listen for changes to the time slider and change the time of the audio timeSlider.addEventListener("input", changeTime); volumeSlider.addEventListener("input", updateVolume) } function newMusicPlayer() { trackSel = document.createElement("div"); = "trackSelParent" let z = `

` z += `

` //
for (i in soundtracks[e.selectedSoundtrack].tracklist) { let a = soundtracks[e.selectedSoundtrack].tracklist[i] let b = `
` z += b } z += "

" trackSel.innerHTML = z // select correct song musicBox.appendChild(trackSel); Array.from(document.getElementById("trackSel").children).filter(f => { return f.tagName == "LABEL" }).map(f => f.children[0])[0].checked = true // set soundtrack changer soundtrackSelector = document.getElementById("selectSoundtrack") soundtrackSelector.onchange = function() { for (i in soundtracks) { if (soundtracks[i].name == soundtrackSelector.value) { e.selectedSoundtrack = i break } } document.getElementById("trackSelParent").remove() newMusicPlayer() } var matches = document.querySelectorAll('.trackSelector'); for (match in matches) { matches[match].onchange = function() { audio = $("#campaigntrailmusic")[0]; audio.src = soundtracks[e.selectedSoundtrack].tracklist[this.value].url audio.currentTime = 0 } } musicBox.children[2].loop = false musicBox.children[2].src = soundtracks[e.selectedSoundtrack].tracklist[0].url musicBox.children[2].onended = function() { console.log("next track") let selected = Number(document.querySelector('input[name="trackSelector"]:checked').value); let newSel = clamp(selected + 1, soundtracks[e.selectedSoundtrack].tracklist.length - 1, 0) let buttons = Array.from(document.getElementById("trackSel").children).filter(f => { return f.tagName == "LABEL" }).map(f => f.children[0]) //let selectedIndex =>f.children[0]).map(f=>f.checked) buttons[newSel].click() songsPlayed++; // Increment the songs played counter } for (w = 0; w < 7; w++) { document.getElementById("trackSelParent").appendChild(document.createElement("br")) } generateTime(); } clamp = function(a, max, min, overflow = true) { if (overflow) { return a > max ? min : a < min ? max : a; } return a > max ? max : a < min ? min : a; } // Track list var soundtracks = { 0: { name: "RADIO 101.5 FM", tracklist: [ { "name": "I Like Ike - Dwight Eisenhower Presidential Campaign", "url": "" }, { "name": "I Love the Gov – Adlai Stevenson Presidential Campaign, ft. Jeanne Bach", "url": "" }, { "name": "Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! – Frank Sinatra", "url": "" }, { "name": "When the Saints Go Marching In – Louis Armstrong", "url": "" }, { "name": "On Top of Old Smokey – Weavers & Terry Gilkyson", "url": "" }, { "name": "How High the Moon – Les Paul and Mary Ford", "url": "" }, { "name": "Tennessee Waltz – Patti Page", "url": "" }, { "name": "Glow Worm – The Mills Brothers", "url": "" } ] }, } // Set up new music player newMusicPlayer() } $("#game_start").click((event) => { event.preventDefault(); $("#election_id_button").click((event) => { musicMode() setInterval(changeFontColour, 200) }) }) e = campaignTrail_temp; if (!e.done) { e.done = true; nct_stuff.themes[nct_stuff.selectedTheme].coloring_title = "#b73838"; nct_stuff.themes[nct_stuff.selectedTheme].coloring_window = "#61707d"; document.getElementsByClassName("game_header")[0].style.backgroundColor = nct_stuff.themes[nct_stuff.selectedTheme].coloring_title; $("#game_window")[0].style.backgroundColor = nct_stuff.themes[nct_stuff.selectedTheme].coloring_window; $(".container")[0].style.backgroundColor = "#f5fbef"; document.getElementById("header").src = ""; document.body.background = ""; quotes = ["“Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.” ~ Adlai Stevenson", "“Nixon is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump for a speech on conservation.” ~ Adlai Stevenson", "“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history.” ~ Dwight Eisenhower", "“I should say this—that Pat doesn't have a mink coat. But she does have a respectable Republican cloth coat. And I always tell her that she'd look good in anything!” ~ Richard Nixon", "“No foreign policy can be justified except a policy devoted without reservation or diversion to the protection of liberty of the American people” ~ Robert A. Taft", "You want a friend in Washington? Get a dog.” ~ Harry Truman", "“A general is just as good or just as bad as the troops under his command make him.” ~ Douglas MacArthur", "“Don't take us down the path to defeat again!” ~ Everett Dirksen", "“The time has arrived for the Democratic party to get out of the shadow of state's rights and walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights.” ~ Hubert Humphrey"] customquote = quotes[Math.floor((Math.random() * quotes.length))] corrr=`\n

I like Ike! (He’s good enough for me!)

`+customquote+`` const customStyling = document.createElement("style"); customStyling.innerHTML = ` #election_description_window { background-color: #F8F8F8; height: 50%; margin: 2em; border-style: double; border-color: #C9C9C9; }` campaignTrail_temp.election_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 20, \"fields\": {\"year\": 1952, \"summary\": \"The presidential election of 1952 looks to be one of the most dramatic yet. Incumbent President Harry Truman stunned the nation four years ago with an upset victory. But with compounding crises at home and abroad, his own party has all but abandoned him. Meanwhile, Republicans have turned to an American hero to lead them out of the wilderness.

•   World War II General and former Army Chief of Staff Dwight Eisenhower must summon up the forces of liberal Republicanism to beat back Bob Taft and the old right at the RNC. As an all-American hero and one of the most popular men in the nation, this race is his to lose.

•   Illinois’s squeaky-clean Governor Adlai Stevenson is a dark horse candidate nominated as the consensus choice at the DNC following Truman’s political collapse. With 20 years of party fatigue and an opponent as beloved as General Eisenhower, it’s going to take a whole lot of luck for him to win.

\", \"image_url\": \"\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 266, \"advisor_url\": \"\", \"recommended_reading\": \"


I Like Ike: The Presidential Election of 1952 by John Robert Greene
When America Liked Ike: How Moderates Won the 1952 Presidential Election and Reshaped American Politics by Gary A. Donaldson
The Presidency of Harry S. Truman by Donald R. McCoy
Adlai Stevenson: His Life and Legacy by Porter McKeever
The Miller Center at UVA
1952 Republican Party Platform
1952 Democratic Party Platform
\", \"has_visits\": 1, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 16, \"fields\": {\"year\": 2016, \"summary\": \"

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump face off in the 2016 election. Clinton has served as First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State. Trump has never served in elected office. Clinton was the presumptive nominee from start to finish, while Trump has shocked the political world.

How will their campaign play out? Can Clinton continue the legacy of Obama? Can Trump pull off an upset?

(NOTE: scenario created in March 2016, may not reflect subsequent events.)

\", \"image_url\": \"/static/images/2016-election-photo.jpg\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 270, \"advisor_url\": \"/static/images/mook-lewandowski-2016.jpg\", \"recommended_reading\": \"


FiveThirtyEight - What Would It Take To Turn Blue States Red?
Anti-Trump forces seize on grim polls for Clinton match-up
Think Hillary Clinton Will Crush Donald Trump in the General Election? Don\\u2019t Be So Sure.
How Team Clinton Is Planning to Defeat Trump
Here's Donald Trump's Best Strategy for Winning the White House


\\rHillary Clinton - Hard Choices
\\rHillary Clinton - Living History
\\rDonald Trump - Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again
\\rDonald Trump - The Art of the Deal
\\rGary Johnson - Seven Principles of Good Government\", \"has_visits\": 1, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"/static/images/2012-no-majority.jpg\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 3, \"fields\": {\"year\": 2012, \"summary\": \"

Barack Obama attempts to win reelection while Mitt Romney hopes to bring a more conservative vision to the White House. The poor economy and Obama's signature health care initiatives loom large in the 2012 election.

\", \"image_url\": \"/static/images/2012-election-photo.jpg\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 270, \"advisor_url\": \"/static/images/carville-rove.jpg\", \"recommended_reading\": \"

Political News and Analysis

Real Clear Politics -- The Atlantic -- Politico -- Huffington Post -- Fox News Politics

Books by the Candidates

Barack Obama - Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
Barack Obama - The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (Vintage)
Mitt Romney - No Apology: Believe in America
Gary Johnson - Seven Principles of Good Government

Politics in 2012

Edward Klein - The Amateur
Michael Kranish & Scott Helman - The Real Romney
Lawrence Lessig - Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress--and a Plan to Stop It
Ron Suskind - Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President

The Financial Crisis

Johan Norberg - Financial Fiasco: How America's Infatuation with Home Ownership and Easy Money Created the Economic Crisis
John Bellamy Foster & Fred Magdoff - The Great Financial Crisis: Causes and Consequences\", \"has_visits\": 1, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"/static/images/2012-no-majority.jpg\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 9, \"fields\": {\"year\": 2000, \"summary\": \"

George W. Bush attempts to chart a new direction for the U.S., while Al Gore tries to win election as the sitting Vice President. Ralph Nader is a leftist third-party candidate. The economy has been booming, until quite recently, but President Clinton has been through an embarrassing scandal.

Candidates will debate what to do with a $200 billion budget surplus, among other things. In the real world, Florida was decided by 537 votes after 36 days and a Supreme Court decision.

\", \"image_url\": \"/static/images/2000-election-photo.jpg\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 270, \"advisor_url\": \"/static/images/rove-brazile.jpg\", \"recommended_reading\": \"

The Florida Recount / 2000 Election

Jeffrey Toobin - Too Close to Call: The Thirty-Six-Day Battle to Decide the 2000 Election
Andrew E. Busch & James W. Ceaser - The Perfect Tie: The True Story of the 2000 Presidential Election
Larry Sabato - Overtime! The Election 2000 Thriller

Books by the Candidates

George W. Bush - A Charge to Keep: My Journey to the White House
Al Gore - Earth in the Balance
The Ralph Nader Reader


Digital History - The Disputed Election of 2000
Bush v. Gore
The Path to Florida
Al Gore Concedes the 2000 Election\", \"has_visits\": 1, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"/static/images/2012-no-majority.jpg\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 15, \"fields\": {\"year\": 1988, \"summary\": \"

After eight years of Ronald Reagan, the nation seems headed for a new direction in government.

Bush must find some way to shake up the race. He could emphasize the strong economy, or attack Dukakis on a number of fronts.

\", \"image_url\": \"/static/images/1988-election-photo.jpg\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 270, \"advisor_url\": \"/static/images/atwater-estrich-1988.jpg\", \"recommended_reading\": \"

Books and Links

Peter Goldman - The Quest for the Presidency, 1988
L.A. Times, November 10, 1988 - How Presidential Race Was Won-and Lost : Michael S. Dukakis
L.A. Times, November 10, 1988 - How Presidential Race Was Won--and Lost : George Bush
Michael Dukakis: The Photo Op That Tanked\", \"has_visits\": 1, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"/static/images/2012-no-majority.jpg\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 10, \"fields\": {\"year\": 1976, \"summary\": \"

President Gerald Ford attempts to win election to office after replacing Richard Nixon in 1974, and narrowly defeating Ronald Reagan for the Republican nomination. Jimmy Carter is a new face on the national scene, having served as Governor of Georgia. He will make the case that the nation needs new blood after the scandals of the Nixon era. Both candidates are seen as moderate by the standards of their party. The battleground states are in the West, the Midwest, and the Northeast.

\", \"image_url\": \"/static/images/1976-election-photo.jpg\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 270, \"advisor_url\": \"/static/images/jordan-cheney-1976.jpg\", \"recommended_reading\": \"

1976 Election Books and Biographies

Jules Witcover - Marathon: The Pursuit of the Presidency, 1972-1976
The Election of 1976 and the Administration of Jimmy Carter
Craig Shirley - Reagan's Revolution: The Untold Story of the Campaign That Started It All
Douglas Brinkley - Gerald R. Ford
Julian E. Zelizer - Jimmy Carter\", \"has_visits\": 1, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"/static/images/2012-no-majority.jpg\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 4, \"fields\": {\"year\": 1968, \"summary\": \"

The 1968 election enters its final stretch in chaos. Riots are a frequent occurrence as the Vietnam War divides the nation, and Johnson's \\\"Great Society\\\" is under full attack.

\", \"image_url\": \"/static/images/1968-election-photo.jpg\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 270, \"advisor_url\": \"/static/images/haldeman-mondale.jpg\", \"recommended_reading\": \"

General Resources

Final 1968 Results
Theodore White - The Making of the President 1968 (Landmark Political)
Rick Perlstein - Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America

By the Candidates

Richard Nixon - The Memoirs of Richard Nixon
Hubert Humphrey - 1948 Civil Rights speech
George Wallace - 1967 speech on dissent and intellectualism

The Vietnam War

Stanley Karnow - Vietnam: A History


Secret of '68
Living Apart: How the Government Betrayed a Landmark Civil Rights Law
The G.O.P.'s Journey From the Liberal Days of Nixon
George Wallace and the 1968 Election\", \"has_visits\": 1, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"/static/images/1968-no-majority.jpg\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 11, \"fields\": {\"year\": 1960, \"summary\": \"

After eight years of Dwight Eisenhower, two youthful candidates compete to be his successor. Kennedy is a Senator with a moderate record, a telegenic face, and high-minded rhetoric. Nixon is the sitting Vice President with a strong Cold War record, moderate economic views, and potential likeability problems. Nixon begins the campaign as the slight favorite, but every region of the country could be competitive. Key issues are the Cold War, civil rights, and health care.

\", \"image_url\": \"/static/images/1960-election-photo.jpg\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 269, \"advisor_url\": \"/static/images/kennedy-haldeman-1960.jpg\", \"recommended_reading\": \"

1960 Election Books and Links

David Pietrusza - 1960--LBJ vs. JFK vs. Nixon: The Epic Campaign That Forged Three Presidencies
Theodore White - The Making of the President 1960
W. J. Rorabaugh - The Real Making of the President: Kennedy, Nixon, and the 1960 Election
1960 Cast of Characters
First Kennedy-Nixon Debate (video)
The Making of the President 1960 (video documentary, 1963)\", \"has_visits\": 1, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"/static/images/1960-no-majority-photo.jpg\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 12, \"fields\": {\"year\": 1948, \"summary\": \"

The 1948 election begins with President Truman trailing badly in the polls. Thomas Dewey, loser in 1944, is widely expected to redeem himself this time around. Truman not only has to deal with Dewey, a moderate Republican, but also with two splinter candidates. Henry Wallace is a far-left candidate with the Progressive Party, while Strom Thurmond runs as a Dixiecrat. Some hot issues are the Soviet Union, civil rights, the \\\"Do-Nothing\\\" Congress, and the Taft-Hartley Act.

\", \"image_url\": \"/static/images/1948-election-photo.jpg\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 266, \"advisor_url\": \"/static/images/clifford-bridges-1948.jpg\", \"recommended_reading\": \"

1948 Election Books and Links

David McCullough - Truman
Andrew E. Busch - Truman's Triumphs: The 1948 Election and the Making of Postwar America
David Pietruza - 1948: Harry Truman's Improbable Victory and the Year that Transformed America
Richard Norton Smith - Thomas E. Dewey and His Times
The 1948 Democratic Convention (newsreel footage)
The 1948 Republican Convention (newsreel footage)
The 1948 Election Explained (video)\", \"has_visits\": 1, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"/static/images/1960-no-majority-photo.jpg\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 14, \"fields\": {\"year\": 1916, \"summary\": \"

War rages in Europe, while Woodrow Wilson has used his first term to push a number of progressive laws, such as the income tax and Federal Reserve. Charles Evans Hughes has resigned from the Supreme Court to unite his party and deny a second term.

\", \"image_url\": \"/static/images/1916-election-photo.jpg\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 266, \"advisor_url\": \"/static/images/house-willcox-1916.jpg\", \"recommended_reading\": \"

Books and Links

A. Scott Berg - Wilson
Arthur Link - Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era, 1910-1917
Presidential Campaigns and Elections - 1916
Woodrow Wilson's Campaigns
The Great GOP Spat -- of 1916
German-Americans as Voters and Office-Seekers
Woodrow Wilson, Irish-Americans, and the Election of 1916
July 8, 1916: Alice Paul Pushes Presidential Nominee to Support Suffrage\", \"has_visits\": 1, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"/static/images/1896-no-majority.jpg\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 5, \"fields\": {\"year\": 1896, \"summary\": \"

William McKinley runs as the establishment Republican while William Jennings Bryan brings a radically different agenda to the race. The bad economy and the coinage of silver dominate discussion.

\", \"image_url\": \"/static/images/1896-election-photo.jpg\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 224, \"advisor_url\": \"/static/images/hanna-jones.jpg\", \"recommended_reading\": \"

General Resources

Final 1896 Results
1896 Election -- Overview and Political Cartoons

By the Candidates

William Jennings Bryan - The First Battle: A story of the campaign of 1896
William Jennings Bryan - \\\"Cross of Gold\\\" speech
William McKinley - \\\"Front Porch\\\" speech

The Panic of 1893

The Panic of 1893 with Lawrence Reed (video)
The Depression of 1893


Plessy v. Ferguson
Pullman Strike of 1894
Wilson-Gorman Tariff
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - A Monetary Reform Parable\", \"has_visits\": 0, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"/static/images/1896-no-majority.jpg\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 8, \"fields\": {\"year\": 1860, \"summary\": \"

Abraham Lincoln runs as the Republican against his rival Stephen A. Douglas. Slavery is the dominant issue and has caused two splinter candidates to step forward -- Breckinridge and Bell -- both with Southern roots.

\", \"image_url\": \"/static/images/1860-election-photo.jpg\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 152, \"advisor_url\": \"/static/images/davis-belmont.jpg\", \"recommended_reading\": \"

General Resources

\\rDavid Herbert Donald - Lincoln
\\rRobert W. Johannsen - Stephen A. Douglas
\\rHarriet Jacobs - Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
\\rSolomon Northup - Twelve Years a Slave
\\rAbraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, and the Election of 1860
\\rHow Lincoln Won the 1860 Republican Nomination
\\rJohn Bell for President, 1860
\\rRunning to Lose? The Candidacy of John C. Breckinridge\", \"has_visits\": 0, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"/static/images/1896-no-majority.jpg\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 13, \"fields\": {\"year\": 1844, \"summary\": \"

President Tyler has defined the key issue of this election with his proposed annexation of Texas. James K. Polk, the Democrat, gained his nomination by favoring the measure. Henry Clay, the Whig, has more latitude.

The Liberty Party lurks as an abolitionist third party, and will pressure the Whigs. Conversely, John Tyler hopes to use the Texas issue to energize an independent campaign, if Polk wavers. Other campaign issues are tariffs, internal improvements, and the banking system.

\", \"image_url\": \"/static/images/1844-election-photo.jpg\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 138, \"advisor_url\": \"/static/images/kendall-weed-1844.jpg\", \"recommended_reading\": \"

General Resources

\\nWalter Borneman - Polk: The Man Who Transformed the Presidency and America
\\nRobert Merry - A Country of Vast Designs: James K. Polk, the Mexican War and the Conquest of the American Continent
\\nDavid Heidler and Joanne Heidler - Henry Clay: The Essential American\", \"has_visits\": 0, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"/static/images/1896-no-majority.jpg\"}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 200, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Dwight\", \"last_name\": \"Eisenhower\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Kansas\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

There are few men in the United States with such universal name recognition or popularity as General Dwight D. Eisenhower. “Ike” had served in the military for decades before leading the invasion of Nazi Europe along the beaches of Normandy. Since then, he has served as the Army Chief of Staff for Harry Truman, the President of Columbia University, and most recently, the Supreme Commander of NATO. With moderately conservative domestic views and a steely-eyed internationalism informed by his experiences in the war, General Eisenhower was recruited by Thomas Dewey and other liberal Republicans to block arch-conservative Robert A. Taft at the RNC and guarantee the party a surefire victory this fall. Ike may be no politician, but so long as he keeps the right flank of his party in line, this race is all but his to lose.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#DF9496\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#DF9496\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

EISENHOWER LANDSLIDE LEAVES DEMS REELING, IVES CHALKS UP FIRST VICTORY OF KIND IN 32 YEARS; McFarland, Lodge tumble to insurgent challengers, but GOP wins House, holds edge in Senate

A lot could’ve gone wrong, but as expected, you have successfully won the White House for the Republican Party and ended twenty years of Democratic rule. On your coattails, Republicans have narrowly flipped both houses of Congress. For the first time since the days of Hoover, Republicans will have a trifecta.

The hard part starts now. You have a precarious situation to handle in Korea, and a surge of interest in Joe McCarthy’s sensational attacks will no doubt put domestic communism on the forefront of the American political landscape. Hopefully, you can negotiate a quick end to the war in Korea, strengthen American alliances abroad, and slow the roll of communism in America. Good luck, Mr. President!

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

STEVENSON UPSETS IKE, DEM SURGE HOLDS OFF GOP WAVE; McFarland, Mahoney hold off insurgent challengers, Kennedy beats Lodge, Dems hold edge in House

Considering your enormous popularity and moderate political views, many observers are quite surprised. Perhaps Governor Stevenson ran a better campaign than anyone thought. Or perhaps the country just isn’t ready to give the Republicans another chance. As of now, there’s no doubt that your party has gotten tired of nominating moderate internationalists. The 1956 primaries are sure to be interesting.

Your electoral career is all but over for now. Hopefully Governor Stevenson will stay true to his word and negotiate a quick peace in Korea. If he falters, then your party might make gains in the midterms. Perhaps you can stump for Republican candidates down the road. Of course, your military expertise will be of great use for President Stevenson, who invites you into his Cabinet to serve as Secretary of Defense. For now, however, it looks like the American people are clamoring to finish what FDR started. Regardless, you can relax knowing that you helped save the post-war international order from the likes of Bob Taft. Good luck, General!

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

IKE, STEVENSON TIED FOR EC, ELECTION WILL GO TO HOUSE; McFarland, Mahoney hold off insurgent challengers, Kennedy beats Lodge; Dems hold edge in House

Neither yourself nor Governor Stevenson have won a majority in the electoral college. It’s unclear what will happen now. Democrats hold a narrow majority of congressional delegations, but even a handful of defections can put you in the White House. Luckily for you, your enormous popularity nationwide, combined with immense party fatigue weighing down the Democrats, will help you make the case to reticent Democratic congressmen.

Your political trajectory is uncertain right now. If you win the White House, you’ll have no shortage of challenges. You’ll have a precarious situation to handle in Korea, and a surge of interest in Joe McCarthy’s sensational attacks will no doubt put domestic communism on the forefront of the American political landscape. With such a close election, you’ll also have to work extra hard to build up consensus in Washington. Good luck, General!

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 201, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Adlai\", \"last_name\": \"Stevenson\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Illinois\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

The popular, squeaky clean Governor of Illinois, Adlai Stevenson is the DNC’s consensus choice this year. Despite having little initial interest in running for president, party bosses have favored him over other candidates. He has seemingly few political weaknesses, but he’s also new to the national stage. As twenty years of party fatigue is setting in, the Democrats struggle to bring together a fraying and mammoth coalition that Franklin Roosevelt created. Stevenson hopes to keep the left and right flanks of his party in line, all while facing down an all-American hero. Communism, corruption, Civil Rights, and the Cold War dominate the national scene. Whatever happens, this is going to be one dramatic election.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#A2ADBC\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A2ADBC\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

STEVENSON UPSETS IKE, DEM SURGE HOLDS OFF GOP WAVE; McFarland, Mahoney hold off insurgent challengers, Kennedy beats Lodge, Dems hold edge in House

Wow, what an upset! Who would’ve thought that a liberal intellectual like yourself could beat an all-American war hero?!? Whatever strategy you used, it worked. For the sixth time in a row, the Democrats have won the White House, and with your coattails has come gains for your party down ballot. Hopefully, you can succeed where Truman failed by passing the Fair Deal and ending the war in Korea.

Not all is good right now though, Mr. President. Senator Joe McCarthy remains popular, and you’ll no doubt have to exercise caution on how you address his sensational work. You’re also going to need to keep the south in line; something Truman just couldn’t do. Good luck Mr. President, and may God be with you.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

EISENHOWER LANDSLIDE LEAVES DEMS REELING, IVES CHALKS UP FIRST VICTORY OF KIND IN 32 YEARS; McFarland, Lodge tumble to insurgent challengers, but GOP wins House, holds edge in Senate

It’s hard to say that anyone is surprised here, considering how Ike was the frontrunner from the very beginning. Besides, with a Cold War brewing between the US and the Soviets, would America really vote for a liberal intellectual such as yourself over a war hero like Eisenhower?

For now, American politics will be dominated by the emerging Civil Rights Movement and the Cold War. Thankfully, Eisenhower is a staunch internationalist who has spoken heavily of the need to strengthen American alliances abroad. Hopefully, he can negotiate a quick and peaceful end to the war in Korea. As for you, your political career may not be over. You can always run again in 1956. Or if you want, you can run for another term as Governor. Good luck, Mr. Stevenson!

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

IKE, STEVENSON, TIED FOR EC, ELECTION WILL GO TO HOUSE; McFarland, Mahoney hold off insurgent challengers, Kennedy beats Lodge; Dems hold edge in House

Well this is unexpected. Neither yourself nor General Eisnhower have won a majority in the electoral college.

It’s unclear what will happen now. Democrats hold a narrow majority of congressional delegations, but even a handful of defections for Ike could toss him the election. And as of now, Ike is enormously popular with many Democratic representatives

If you manage to win, you’ll have no shortage of challenges. You’ll need to handle the situation in Korea, thread the needle on McCarthy’s attacks, and continue the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt, all while keeping your party united. Good luck, Governor. You’re gonna need it.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 202, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Unpledged\", \"last_name\": \"Electors\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"States’ Rights\", \"state\": \"\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#F6F4DA\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#F6F4DA\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1001, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Richard\", \"last_name\": \"Nixon\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"California\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Former Congressman and freshman Senator Richard M. Nixon has emerged as the RNC’s favored choice for Vice President this year. He is mostly aligned with the moderates on the issues of the day, but his staunch anti-communism both at home and abroad has made him a favorite of conservatives. His biggest claim to fame comes from his successful work on the Alger Hiss trial, which would make him a good foil for Adlai Stevenson, who had served as a character witness for Hiss. He is also from the west coast, which will help with keeping the ticket balanced. On the other hand, he is a bit polarizing due to his “dirty tricks” campaign for senate two years ago against Hollywood darling Helen Douglas. He has also remained silent on Joe McCarthy’s sensationalist accusations. In general, however, Nixon would be a strong choice of running mate, and an eager one at that.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1002, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Henry Cabot\", \"last_name\": \"Lodge\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Massachusetts\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. is a moderate senator from Massachusetts and your co-chair for your campaign. Lodge hails from a political family - his grandfather was a prominent and long-serving senator during the Progressive Era - and holds hefty political experience. Lodge, like yourself, is a moderate internationalist, owing to his Boston Brahmin background. Thus, the two of you have a good working relationship. On the other hand, picking Lodge could possibly lead to a conservative walkout. In addition, Lodge is currently in a close fight for his senate seat against a popular Democratic Congressman, and thus may not want to risk giving up the seat to the Democrats so easily. Regardless, Lodge would be a capable Vice President.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1003, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Alfred\", \"last_name\": \"Driscoll\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"New Jersey\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Alfred Driscoll is the current Governor of New Jersey and a veteran New Jersey politico. Long associated with the Clean Government movement, he spent most of his early career battling the so-called Hague Machine, an appealing trait to Republicans of all stripes. Upon his election, he led the charge on Republican progressivism by successfully rewriting his state’s constitution. As Governor, he raised teachers’ salaries, implemented a disability insurance program, pushed for the construction of veterans’ housing, and most prominently, jump-started the recent construction of the New Jersey Turnpike and the Garden State Parkway. He’s also worked closely with Governor Dewey to combat organized crime in the Tristate area. Driscoll would be a highly capable and effective Vice President, but he wouldn’t do much to help you with reticent conservatives.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1004, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Everett\", \"last_name\": \"Dirksen\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Illinois\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Everett Dirksen is a former Congressman turned Senator from Illinois who surged into the national spotlight after defeating Majority Leader Scott Lucas in a closely watched race. Dirksen occupies the middle ground of Republican thought - he is a fiscally conservative internationalist who generally avoids red-baiting. Although Dirksen was a strong Taft supporter at the 1952 RNC, he is a loyal party man who has worked to keep appeal with both factions of his party. Dirksen would help you unite your party and would assure victory over favorite son Stevenson in his home state of Illinois. Overall, he’d be a strong choice of running mate.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1005, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Robert\", \"last_name\": \"Taft\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Ohio\", \"priority\": 5, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Robert A. Taft is an archconservative Ohio senator and the scion of the Taft political dynasty. Taft was your chief competitor in the primaries this year, and blocking his conservative isolationism is the main reason you ran for president to begin with. There’s no pretending that you two have a good relationship, but Taft has indicated that, should he be your running mate, he will support your foreign policy so long as you give him wide latitude on domestic policy. Selecting Taft would do wonders to unite your party, and with his gravitas in the senate, you’d be making inroads with the Republican leadership. On the other hand, you risk alienating some moderates who could think of you as a Trojan Horse for a return to Hooverism. Regardless, he would be a strong choice if you want to unite your party.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1006, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"William\", \"last_name\": \"Knowland\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"California\", \"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Bill Knowland is a Senator and former Congressman from California. As a fiscally conservative internationalist, he occupies the middle ground of Republican thought. He was a Taft supporter at the RNC, but he is also a strong Cold Warrior, and thus is one of the few potential running mates who could appeal to everyone. On the other hand, he is known for being widely ambitious, and considering your chances this year, you’d have to give him some reassurances about his role in your administration. He’s a major hawk on Communist China, which could impact your Administration’s image on how you handle the war in nearby Korea. Overall, he’d be a strong running mate.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1007, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Walter\", \"last_name\": \"Judd\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Minnesota\", \"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Walter Judd is a congressman from Minnesota and a rising star in the Republican Congressional caucus. Much like Bill Knowland, Judd is a major hawk on China, having long supported the nationalist cause under Chiang Kai-Shek. He is also a major internationalist and Cold Warrior, and he has adamantly supported the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO. His knowledge and expertise on foreign affairs is well-noted throughout the nation, so picking Judd as your running mate could help you double down as the strongest choice on foreign policy without alienating fiscal conservatives. He will also help in his native Minnesota. On the other hand, what’s left of the isolationists will surely recoil at the choice of such a strongly internationalist running mate.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1008, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Charles\", \"last_name\": \"Halleck\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Indiana\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

A longtime Congressman from Indiana and high-level member of Republican leadership, Charlie Halleck is a loyal party man and solid conservative. Much like other former isolationists, he turned to internationalism after the Pearl Harbor Attacks, but he has remained a vigorous opponent of the New Deal and the Fair Deal. Halleck would do wonders to help you unite your party and would assuage concerns from the conservatives without alienating moderates. Not only that, but his vigorous enthusiasm would be a major asset on the campaign trail. Overall, he’d be a strong choice of running mate.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1101, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Sparkman\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Alabama\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

John Sparkman is a former Congressman and now Senator from Alabama and a trusted member of Democratic leadership. Like most other Southern Democrats, he is an ardent Anglophile internationalist and New Dealer who has championed much of his party’s agricultural programs and pushed for a strong national defense in the Cold War. He is also a segregationist who opposes Civil Rights. As such, he has been suggested by Southern leaders as a strong consensus choice for a running mate, even if he is somewhat alienating to northern liberals. With the aftermath of the nasty split four years ago, selecting someone like Sparkman might be for the best.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1102, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Estes\", \"last_name\": \"Kefauver\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Tennessee\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Estes Kefauver is a liberal senator from Tennessee who has rocketed to national prominence in recent years. Kefauver was your strongest opponent at the convention and is well liked nationally. His biggest claim to fame comes from his leadership on a special Congressional Committee investigating organized crime and corruption. As such, he is a bit alienating to many big city bosses and labor leaders in the northern cities. Kefauver could also lose some votes in the South due to his more liberal views on racial issues, but it’s unlikely that this could become a real issue unless you make it one. Kefauver, despite his risks, would be a strong running mate, and would help lock up your party’s liberal wing.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1103, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"A.S.\", \"last_name\": \"Monroney\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Oklahoma\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Almer Stillwell “Mike” Monroney is a former congressman and recently elected senator from Oklahoma. Monroney has held a consistently liberal voting record in both the House and Senate, and has been more than willing to stand up to Senator Joe McCarthy’s sensationalist attacks. Despite this, he’s largely avoided the topic of Civil Rights, and thus is palatable to both the northern and southern wings of your party. On the other hand, he isn’t very well known nationally, so while he won’t hurt you too much, he might not help you much either. Regardless, Monroney would be a capable choice for balancing your ticket.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1104, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Alben\", \"last_name\": \"Barkley\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Alben Barkley is the current Vice President, and a popular veteran Democratic politician. Barkley has served in elected office since the Wilson years - he was Congressman and then Senator, eventually becoming Majority Leader in the 1930s. Barkley has loyally supported the Democratic program going back decades - he is a staunch Wilsonian internationalist and New Deal Liberal. He even backed Roosevelt’s court-packing plan in 1937, and only broke with him in 1944 following the latter’s veto of a revenue bill. Barkley is a legislative workhorse by nature - even as Vice President, he remained active in party affairs. Hailing from Kentucky, he has supported Civil Rights but still maintains good relations with your party’s southern wing. On the other hand, his age and ailing health would present a clear problem. Regardless, he would be a very popular consensus choice of running mate.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1105, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Richard\", \"last_name\": \"Russell\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Georgia\", \"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

A leading segregationist, internationalist, and Cold Warrior, Richard Russell has served as senator from Georgia since Roosevelt was first inaugurated. Although a supporter of the New Deal, he has also led the Conservative Coalition in Congress. His biggest legislative accomplishment is the National School Lunch Act of 1946. Russell would lock up the south and help immensely in the border states, but he would cause liberals and northerners to walk out and abandon your campaign. As such, he’d be a very polarizing running mate. Regardless, if you want to ensure southern support, Richard Russell is your guy.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 1106, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Hubert\", \"last_name\": \"Humphrey\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Minnesota\", \"priority\": 5, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Hubert Horatio Humphrey is a recently elected senator from Minnesota who rose to national prominence four years ago when he spoke in favor of Civil Rights at the DNC. He is broadly popular with your party’s liberal wing, but he is basically blacklisted by your party’s southern wing. Selecting him would no doubt cost you most of the south. Some in your party’s establishment are also skeptical of his ability to bring in votes outside of the liberal cities. Regardless, many rank and file Democrats support him due to his support for farm aid, labor unions, healthcare, and other liberal initiatives. Overall, he would be a very polarizing choice, but one that could make or break the election.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 16, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Barack\", \"last_name\": \"Obama\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Illinois\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

Barack Obama enters the 2012 campaign as the incumbent, having defeated John McCain in the 2008 election. He has governed as a moderate liberal, passing a health care reform program and taking a hawkish stance on some foreign policy issues.

Obama's administration has been dogged by a severe recession and an unconvincing recovery, which he has consistently blamed on the policies of his Republican predecessor and on the obstructionism of his political opponents in Congress.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/barack-obama-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 2012 election.

In spite of a hard-fought challenge from Mitt Romney, you have held on to the Presidency.

On the political front, it appears that your health care legislation that was passed in early 2010 will survive and go into effect. While the economy has not yet recovered as strongly as you hoped and promised, you will now have four more years to leave a strong legacy to your Democratic successor.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 2012 election.

In spite of your spirited defense, Mitt Romney has won the Presidency. Nearly two centuries after the ill-fated campaign of Joseph Smith, Romney will become America's first Mormon president.

On the political front, it appears that Romney will make a push for more tax cuts to revive the economy. He will also try to repeal your health care law. If your defeat was narrow enough, you may be able to attempt a comeback in 2016.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost in a squeaker.

No candidate achieved a majority of the electoral votes, marking the first time this has happened since 1824. Unfortunately for you, the majority of U.S. states have Republican controlled congressional delegations, and they will cast their votes for Mitt Romney.

Given the incredibly close nature of the election, you can probably set your sights on a political comeback in 2016, if that is what you desire.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 17, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Mitt\", \"last_name\": \"Romney\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Massachusetts\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

Mitt Romney enters the 2012 campaign as the Republican challenger. He has a record of public service as the former Governor of Massachusetts and he also headed Bain Capital for many years. He is generally perceived as a pro-business moderate and a competent manager.

Due to Romney's evolving positions on health care and social issues over the years, some conservatives question his sincerity. His challenge is to win that faction without alienating mainstream voters.\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/mitt-romney-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 2012 election.

In spite of a hard-fought campaign from Barack Obama, you have won the Presidency. Nearly two centuries after the ill-fated campaign of Joseph Smith, you will become America's first Mormon president. Your next steps are to select a cabinet and prepare a rousing inauguration speech. On the political front, you may have the support needed to overturn Obamacare. Or you could focus on tax cuts, or other policies entirely.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 2012 election.

In spite of your best efforts, Barack Obama has been reelected to a second term as President.

On the political front, it appears that Obamacare will survive and go into effect. While the economy has not recovered as strongly as Obama hoped and promised, he will now have four more years to leave a strong legacy to his Democratic successor. No doubt the Republicans will learn from your failure and come back stronger in 2016.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Wow! You have won a true nail-biter.

No candidate achieved a majority of the electoral votes, marking the first time this has happened since 1824. Fortunately for you, the majority of U.S. states have Republican controlled congressional delegations, and they will cast their votes for you accordingly.

The important thing is that you won. Go about implementing your agenda accordingly, and pay no attention to Democrats and pundits who call for 'compromise' and 'conciliation'.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 0.8}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 36, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Ron\", \"last_name\": \"Paul\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Independent\", \"state\": \"Texas\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"


After failing to secure the Republican nomination, Ron Paul strikes out as an independent candidate. While it will be a tall order for him to win this election, he hopes to expand his political network and prove the viability of a similar candidate in 2016. His supporters, for their part, now have their biggest stage from which to educate the American public on the fiscal and constitutional issues that Ron Paul holds most dear.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/ron-paul-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 0.1}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 18, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Gary\", \"last_name\": \"Johnson\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Libertarian\", \"state\": \"New Mexico\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"

While his Libertarian views make him non-competitive in 2012, Gary Johnson hopes to use the election as a springboard for his party and ideology. The success of Ron Paul in the Republican primaries suggests a potential market for Johnson's views, but he realistically will be fortunate to win more than 2% of the popular vote.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/gary-johnson-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

It's a miracle! You have won the 2012 election.

Gary Johnson? Even the people who voted for you can't believe you won.

You are the first third-party candidate to ever win the Presidency. Now go enact that Libertarian agenda!

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 2012 election.

But what did you expect? Your main goal was to get the Libertarian agenda out there and hope for a miracle. The miracle never came.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 2012 election.

No candidate achieved a majority of the electoral votes, marking the first time this has happened since 1824. However, this was entirely irrelevant to your chances as a third-party candidate.

Better luck next time.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

After his own failed run for the Republican nomination, Gary Johnson has the inside track on the Libertarian nomination. He also has proven experience as New Mexico's Governor.

By selecting Johnson, Ron Paul could avoid the splintering of his support to the Libertarian Party. He could also make an appeal to the socially liberal segment of the small government movement, insofar as Johnson is known to be pro-choice and independent of the religious right.

\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 19, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Jill\", \"last_name\": \"Stein\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Green\", \"state\": \"Massachusetts\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"

Stein will most likely feature as a footnote in the 2012 election, though she could draw support from Obama if he veers too close to the political center.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": null, \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Wow! You have won the election.

This has to rank as one of the biggest upsets in political history. Prepare to implement your radically progressive agenda in the United States of America!

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry, you have lost.

This was about what everyone expected. Good job. Good effort.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Sorry, you have lost.

This was about what everyone expected. Good job. Good effort.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 27, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Newt\", \"last_name\": \"Gingrich\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Georgia\", \"priority\": 5, \"description\": \"


After an upset in the Republican nomination battle, Newt Gingrich heads into the general election with strong support from fiscal and social conservatives. Better known for his House leadership in the 1990s, he must find a way to regain popularity and relevance, and to convince American voters that he can address their economic concerns more effectively than Obama.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/newt-gingrich-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"


\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Better luck next time

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"


\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

After competing as rivals for the Republican nomination, a Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich ticket would effectively act as a compromise between those camps and consolidate their support and campaign resources.

After both candidates spent months making the case that Romney was too moderate, their joining of forces in the general election leaves little doubt as to the tone they intend to strike.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.12}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 29, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Rick\", \"last_name\": \"Santorum\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Pennsylvania\", \"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"


After an upset in the Republican nomination battle, Rick Santorum heads into the general election with staunch support from social conservatives. He also has several years of experience as a U.S. Senator.

Santorum's challenge will be the unite the business wing of the Republicans after defeating their preferred candidate, and to offer something to swing voters in the electorate at large.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/rick-santorum-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"


\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"


\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"


\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

After competing as rivals for the Republican nomination, a Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich ticket would effectively act as a compromise between those camps and consolidate their support and campaign resources.

After both candidates spent months making the case that Romney was too moderate, their joining of forces in the general election leaves little doubt as to the tone they intend to strike.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.08}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 30, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Joe\", \"last_name\": \"Biden\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Delaware\", \"priority\": 7, \"description\": \"


\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/joe-biden-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Joe Biden is the current Vice President and Obama's presumptive pick for 2012. He served as a Senator from Delaware for many years.

Well connected to the mainstream Democratic establishment, there are few complaints about Biden's performance thus far, though he does have a reputation as being gaffe-prone.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 31, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Paul\", \"last_name\": \"Ryan\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Wisconsin\", \"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"


\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/paul-ryan-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Paul Ryan has gained national attention with his work on the federal budget as a Congressman from Wisconsin. His advocacy for deficit reduction appeals to a wide range of moderate conservatives, and his home state of Wisconsin promises to be a close call on election night.

On the other hand, Ryan has only served as a Congressman and has little experience running in a national or even a statewide election.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 32, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Rob\", \"last_name\": \"Portman\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Ohio\", \"priority\": 9, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/rob-portman-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

As a Senator from Ohio and former cabinet member for Geroge W. Bush, Rob Portman would bring insider experience to a Republican Administration. He has worked with a particular focus on fiscal and economic issues, where he has advocated for much conservative legislation.

Ohio is a must-win state for both candidates, and Portman's presence could be crucial to a Republican victory there.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 33, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Marco\", \"last_name\": \"Rubio\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Florida\", \"priority\": 10, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/marco-rubio-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

A recently elected Senator from Florida, Marco Rubio brings strong political connections from that state. As a member of the Cuban-American community, he could help blunt the charge that Romney is indifferent to the rapidly-growing Hispanic community.

Rubio is also considered more conservative than some of Romney's other options, and is on good terms with the Tea Party movement. Florida is another must-win state for the Republicans in 2012.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 34, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Hillary\", \"last_name\": \"Clinton\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 11, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/hillary-clinton-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Hillary Clinton would be a change for Obama if he chose her as his running mate. Her current home state is New York, though she lived in Arkansas for many years. Her husband is former President Bill Clinton.

Clinton has served as Secretary of State since 2009 and won high praise for her performance, and she would bring added star power to Obama's reelection bid. The risks include offending Joe Biden as well as making Obama appear indecisive to some voters.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 37, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Tim\", \"last_name\": \"Pawlenty\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Minnesota\", \"priority\": 12, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/tim-pawlenty-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Tim Pawlenty served as the Governor of Minnesota for eight years and briefly sought the Republican nomination in 2011. He brings a reputation as a moderate and a strong manager, and could help burnish Romney's credentials in the upper Midwest.

However, if Romney wants to unite the conservative base of his party, Pawlenty may not be the best choice.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 38, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"James P.\", \"last_name\": \"Gray\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Libertarian\", \"state\": \"California\", \"priority\": 13, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": null, \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 39, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Cheri\", \"last_name\": \"Honkala\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Green\", \"state\": \"Pennsylvania\", \"priority\": 14, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": null, \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 40, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Mike\", \"last_name\": \"Huckabee\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Arkansas\", \"priority\": 15, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/mike-huckabee-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

As the former Governor of Arkansas and a 2008 Presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee is well known nationally, and contains impeccable credentials as a social and religious conservative. He has also spent several years in the media spotlight and is a comfortable public speaker and debater.

The risk with Huckabee is his potential to turn off moderate voters in swing states with religious pronouncements.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 41, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Andrew\", \"last_name\": \"Napolitano\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Independent\", \"state\": \"New Jersey\", \"priority\": 16, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/andrew-napolitano-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Andrew Napolitano is a former New Jersey judge, a writer, and political commentator from the libertarian end of the political spectrum.

As a running mate, Napolitano would bring proven eloquence and media-savvy, and would raise the profile of the Ron Paul campaign, particularly on cable news.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 42, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Dennis\", \"last_name\": \"Kucinich\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Ohio\", \"priority\": 17, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/dennis-kucinich-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Dennis Kucinich is a former Congressman from Ohio, and also served as the mayor of Cleveland for two years in the 1970s.

Since Kucinich is a proponent of many left-wing views on economics, he could be a bridge candidate for Paul to draw protest votes from both the far left and right of the political spectrum. Paul could certainly use Kucinich to emphasize his anti-war, anti-DEA, and anti-Federal Reserve views as a common cause amongst both of these groups.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 43, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Rand\", \"last_name\": \"Paul\", \"election\": 3, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Kentucky\", \"priority\": 18, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/rand-paul-2012.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

As a sitting U.S. Senator and son of Ron Paul, Rand Paul would make a natural running mate in many ways. He would immediately bring name recognition and political experience to an independent run by the elder Paul.

In reality though, it's unclear if Rand Paul would want to take on this role, as it would alienate him from the Republican Party and make a successful run for him in 2016 almost impossible.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 23, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Richard\", \"last_name\": \"Nixon\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"California\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

Once left for dead politically, the 1960 runner-up returns to the national stage marketing himself as the \\\"New Nixon\\\".

Politically, Nixon will hammer on the issues of \\\"law and order\\\", and on ending the war in Vietnam. He hopes to pick up enough mainstream support to split the difference between Humphrey's liberalism and Wallace's extremeism.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/richard-nixon-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1968 election!

In one of the great turnarounds of American politics, you have salvaged your once-wrecked political career and shed your label as a 'loser' once and for all. As it turns out, the press will have Nixon to kick around.

If you can end the War in Vietnam and roll back the excesses of the Great Society, you may just go down as a truly great President. Good luck working with a Democratic Congress, however...

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry, you have lost the 1968 election.

Never has a candidate been so far ahead in a Presidential election, only to come up short. After your heartbreaking loss in 1960, it's going to take a long while for you to recover from this new defeat.

The American public will never know what might have transpired with you in the Oval Office. As it is, you are sure to enjoy a long retirement after this one...

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Wow! No candidate holds a majority in the electoral college.

Wallace's machinations have succeeded. The election will go to the House of Representatives where the Democrats hold a clear majority.

You do hold some cards however -- Humphrey would certainly rather make concessions to you, rather than deal with George Wallace. Perhaps you could obtain a place in his Administration, or some assurances on a policy issue of your choice.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 0.666}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 24, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Hubert H.\", \"last_name\": \"Humphrey\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Minnesota\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

For years, Humphrey has been seen as Johnson's natural successor. This both helped and hurt him in the bitter nomination struggle.

Humphrey is fighting a war on many fronts. He must present a clear case for liberal ideals, bring back the activist wing of the party, head off Wallace's efforts, and still succeed in his primary task of defeating the odious Nixon.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/hubert-humphrey-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1968 election!

It looked like a hopeless case as you accepted the nomination, but you have run an outstanding campaign in the interval.

Now you must press forward with your efforts to defend the Great Society and to end the war in Vietnam. Failure in the latter case could be devastating when you seek reelection in 1972. After all, just look at what happened to the once-lustrous reputation of Lyndon Johnson over the past four years...

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry, you have lost the 1968 election.

You may have performed admirably under trying circumstances, but it was always a tough sell for you after the chaos at the Democratic Convention in Chicago.

Your only consolation is that Nixon himself is a former loser. Even so, this is a horrednous turn of events for Democrats after the landslide of 1964. The best you can do now is to plot a comeback to the Senate, or as a candidate for President in 1972.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Wow! No candidate achieved a majority in the electoral college.

Fortunately for you the Democrats have won a majority of the nation's Congressional delegations. Unfortunately, you also have to deal with George Wallace. He will not allow the Southern states to support any candidate who advocates desegregation.

Your best chance, sadly, is to try to broker a deal with Nixon or with other moderate Republicans.

You are the likely winner, but who knows where this all ends?

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 0.7}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 25, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"George\", \"last_name\": \"Wallace\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"American Independent\", \"state\": \"Alabama\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"

George Wallace runs with a singular goal in mind -- preventing an electoral college majority, and then using his role as kingmaker to broker an end to desegregation.

If Wallace comes even close to achieving this, he will have cemented his reputation as one of the great villains of American political history -- or as a true hero in certain, narrow quarters.

Wallace will simply try to carry as many Southern states as he can to increase the odds of a deadlock.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/george-wallace-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Wow! You have won the 1968 election in a shocker!

Dixie forever! Even with the Long Hot Summer of 1967, nobody guessed that you could do well enough in the Northern states to win the election outright. You have instantly become most polarizing President-elect since Abraham Lincoln.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry, you did not prevent an electoral college majority.

You put in a good effort, but your dream of brokering an end to desegregation will not come to fruition in 1968. No winning candidate will negotiate that point with you unless they absolutely have no choice.

The best you can do for now is continue to sound the call for a return to sanity in American politics. Perhaps if the riots and discord continue, you will have a better chance of making your voice heard in 1972.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have deadlocked the electoral college with your votes in the South.

In a close election, your electoral votes in the South have prevented either candidate from winning a majority. Get ready to put the squeeze on Humphrey and Nixon.

Of course, you still have to deal with the possibility that Humphrey and Nixon dislike you so much that they will simply strike a deal with each other. Whatever happens, it's sure to be interesting.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 55, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Spiro\", \"last_name\": \"Agnew\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Maryland\", \"priority\": 29, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/spiro-agnew-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Spiro Agnew has served as the Governor of Maryland since 1967, and he brings a reputation as a moderate on many issues including civil rights and the environment.

Agnew's Maryland background and his Greek heritage can help Nixon appeal both to Southern moderates and to blue collar workers who might otherwise be drawn to Wallace.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 56, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Nelson\", \"last_name\": \"Rockefeller\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 30, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/nelson-rockefeller-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Rockefeller and Nixon competed vigorously for the 1968 nomination. Rockefeller's moderate reputation and New York location could both be assets in the campaign.

By selecting Rockefeller, Nixon would dampen his chances against Wallace in the South and would need to run well against Humphrey in the big northern cities to win the election.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 44, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Ronald\", \"last_name\": \"Reagan\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"California\", \"priority\": 31, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/ronald-reagan-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

The standard-bearer of the conservative Republicans, Reagan can virtually assure a victory in California, where he presides as Governor. He has taken a firm stand against protests and disorder in that state and will reinforce Nixon's credibility as a champion of good order.

However, Reagan will not help Nixon very much in the competitive Northeast and Midwest states where he must challenge Humphrey.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 57, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"George\", \"last_name\": \"Romney\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Michigan\", \"priority\": 32, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/george-romney-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

A moderate Republican from Michigan and another failed challenger to Nixon for the nomination, Romney can help immensely in the Midwest.

Romney is an avowed peace candidate however, which could hurt Nixon in the South. He will mainly help Nixon compete against Humphrey -- not against Wallace.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 58, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Edmund\", \"last_name\": \"Muskie\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Maine\", \"priority\": 33, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/edmund-muskie-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Muskie is a Senator from Maine, and although he has a low national profile he could help Humphrey solidify his base and carry the Northeastern states.

By going with Muskie, Humphrey would probably be writing off most of the South and also would be giving Nixon an opening among moderate voters.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 59, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Fred\", \"last_name\": \"Harris\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Oklahoma\", \"priority\": 34, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/fred-harris-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

A Democrat from Oklahoma, Harris could help his party make a play for some of the Southern states without alienating its liberal wing.

Harris will add very little to the campaign if he fails to deliver some states in the South, and his young age (37 years) could be alarming to some voters.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 60, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Connally\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Texas\", \"priority\": 35, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/john-connally-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Connally was and is the Governor of Texas who was infamously wounded in the Kennedy Assassination. He would reinforce a moderate image, help deliver Texas to the ticket, and dampen the appeal of Wallace elsewhere to all but the most hard-line segregationists.

However the anti-war, liberal wing of the party will surely recoil at this selection.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 61, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Ted\", \"last_name\": \"Kennedy\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Massachusetts\", \"priority\": 36, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/ted-kennedy-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Younger brother to John and Robert Kennedy and a staunch liberal, Ted Kennedy would be a choice if Humphrey wished to reconcile with the liberal and anti-war wing of the party.

Kennedy will not accept the nomination, however, unless Humphrey repudiates the hawkish policies of President Johnson. This could cause problems with moderates and more importantly with the Democratic establishment.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 62, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Curtis\", \"last_name\": \"LeMay\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Ohio\", \"priority\": 37, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/curtis-lemay-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

A famous (some say infamous) General in the Army for many years, LeMay is dismayed by the prospect of Richard Nixon accepting nuclear parity with the Soviet Union. He also is drawn to Wallace's message of social order.

LeMay is prone to make off the cuff remarks about the use of nuclear weapons, however, which could lead to concerns about Wallace's foreign policy vision.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 63, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Happy\", \"last_name\": \"Chandler\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Kentucky\", \"priority\": 38, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/happy-chandler-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

A Democratic Senator from Kentucky and former Commissioner of Major League Baseball, Chandler would give Wallace's outsider campaign some credibility.

As a conservative Democrat, Chandler supports the calls for law and order and fiscal conservatism. However, he will not stand as Wallace's running mate unless he softens his rhetoric on segregation, which in turn could alienate other Southern states.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 64, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Strom\", \"last_name\": \"Thurmond\", \"election\": 4, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"South Carolina\", \"priority\": 39, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/strom-thurmond-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

The most mainline Southerner among Wallace's options, Thurmond did well in his own right when running in 1948.

Thurmond's presence could help tilt the Carolinas in Wallace's direction, but it will take every ounce of Wallace's persuasive acumen to get Thurmond to agree to run.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 20, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"William\", \"last_name\": \"McKinley\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Ohio\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

William McKinley stands for the ideals of stability and the established order. He runs as a Republican, a Civil War veteran, a tariff man, and a supporter of American industry and the gold standard.

McKinley enjoys near universal support from the financial elite, a massive advantage in campaign funding, and a devoted following in the Northeast and Upper Midwest, including his home state of Ohio.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/william-mckinley-1896.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1896 election.

In spite of a real scare from Mr. Bryan, you have done your part to preserve good order in the United States.

None of that changes the fact that the country is facing a depression with millions out of work. Are you the man to lead the nation back into greatness?

Your first order of business will be tariff increases to stimulate industry, as well as a new commitment to the gold standard.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 1896 election.

The titans of American industry were counting on you to put down this nonsense idea of free silver, and to protect them from the other whims of the populist Democrats. Your defeat will go down as one of the most ignominous in the history of American politics.

Bryan's victory stings all the more because after the inept Cleveland Administration, this election shouldn't have been close. Needless to say, your political career is over.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Wow! You have won a true nail-biter.

No candidate achieved a majority of the electoral votes, marking the first time this has happened since 1824. Fortunately for you, the majority of U.S. states have Republican controlled congressional delegations, and they will cast their votes for you accordingly.

The important thing is that you won. Go about implementing your agenda accordingly, and pay no attention to Democrats and agitators who call for 'compromise' and 'conciliation'.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 21, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"William Jennings\", \"last_name\": \"Bryan\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Nebraska\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

William Jennings Bryan electrified the convention in Chicago with his famous \\\"Cross of Gold\\\" speech.

Running as a liberal and an evangelical, his primary issue is the inflation of the currency through the free coinage of silver. This gives him fanatical support amongst the farmers of the South and the West. Lacking the funds to run a large campaign, Bryan will bring his speaking talents to bear by touring the United States.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/william-jennings-bryan-1896.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1896 election.

\\\"The Great Commoner\\\" will soon be President of the United States! Nobody with your political views has ever sniffed the Presidency, let alone won it, and with that in mind your supporters are rioting frenziedly in the streets. The sweetest speech of all will be your victory speech tomorrow in Lincoln, Nebraska. Prepare to enact your reform agenda and most importantly the free coinage of silver.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 1896 election.

With all of the maneuvering, chicanery, and propoganda that the Republicans threw at you, it's amazing that you even had a chance.

Regardless of the outcome this time, you have built a legion of devoted followers who will support anything you do. If you play your cards right, you just might get another shot against McKinley in four years...

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost in a squeaker.

No candidate achieved a majority of the electoral votes, marking the first time this has happened since 1824. Unfortunately for you, the majority of U.S. states have Republican controlled congressional delegations, and they will cast their votes for William McKinley.

Given the incredibly close nature of the election, you can certainly set your sights on a political comeback in 1900, if that is what you desire.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 22, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Palmer\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Gold Democrat\", \"state\": \"Illinois\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"

John Palmer is a splinter candidate put forward by Democrats who favor the gold standard. He has little chance of winning the general election, but a very good chance of pulling enough votes from Bryan to cause his defeat in certain states. This is the goal of conservative Democrats who simply wish to hold out until 1900 and nominate a better candidate than the radical Bryan.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": null, \"electoral_victory_message\": \"Congratulations!\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"Better luck next time!\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"Congratulations!\", \"description_as_running_mate\": null, \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 45, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Garret\", \"last_name\": \"Hobart\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"New Jersey\", \"priority\": 20, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/garret-hobart-1896.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Garret Hobart is currently President of the New Jersey Senate and a popular political figure in the Mid-Atlantic region. Before entering politics, he was a successful corporate lawyer.

Hobart is a strong party man, and the Republicans will certainly be drawing the battle lines clearly if they go with this choice.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 46, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Lyman\", \"last_name\": \"Gage\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Illinois\", \"priority\": 21, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/lyman-gage-1896.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Lyman Gage has jumped around quite a bit in his political career, changing parties already on a couple of occasions. While he is moderate on the tariff issue, he is fiercely pro-gold, for which he currently stands as a Republican.

Having Gage as a running mate may increase the appeal to disaffected Democrats who are put off by the radicalism of Bryan.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 47, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Thomas B.\", \"last_name\": \"Reed\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Maine\", \"priority\": 22, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/thomas-brackett-reed-1896.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Thomas B. Reed is a savvy career politician with numerous connections in Congress, where he is currently Speaker of the House.

Reed made his own attempt at the 1896 nomination and selecting him as running mate may help to mend the fences. However, Maine and New England are non-competitive regions in this election.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 48, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Matthew\", \"last_name\": \"Quay\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Pennsylvania\", \"priority\": 23, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/matthew-quay-1896.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Matthew Quay is a Senator from Pennsylvania, who has entertained his own aspirations on the Presidency. In 1896, Pennsylvania is still the second-largest state in the Union, and Quay could virtually ensure a victory there.

Quay is not the cleanest politician however, and his long history makes him unpalatable to potential crossover Democrats.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 49, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Arthur\", \"last_name\": \"Sewall\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Maine\", \"priority\": 24, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/arthur-sewall-1896.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Arthur Sewall is a banker and shipbuilder from Maine. As one of few prominent Democrats in that region, he could help balance the ticket with a non-Western presence. His considerable wealth can also help finance a campaign.

Sewall is an uninspiring choice to most Democrats however, as he considered to be on the conservative wing of the party, and has few political connections.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 50, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Claude\", \"last_name\": \"Matthews\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Indiana\", \"priority\": 25, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/claude-matthews-1896.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Claude Matthews is the current Governor of Indiana. Highly popular in that state, he has combined populist policies with a firm stance on labor actions. He also matches Bryan's conservatism on public morality issues.

Mathews has broken a couple of strikes in the past, however, and this could dampen his appeal to the industrial elements of the party.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 51, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Adlai\", \"last_name\": \"Stevenson\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Illinois\", \"priority\": 26, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/adlai-stevenson-1896.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Adlai Stevenson has served as Vice President in the second term of the Cleveland Administration. Unlike most of Cleveland's associates, he is not a Bourbon Democrat and has come out in favor of Bryan. Selecting him could help soften Bryan's rupture with that wing of the party.

However, Grover Cleveland is immensely unpopular due to the depression, and the Democrats may wish to avoid further association with his Administration.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 52, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Henry\", \"last_name\": \"Teller\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Colorado\", \"priority\": 27, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/henry-teller-1896.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Henry Teller is a western Republican who was forced to leave his party's convention after their resolution on the silver issue. He could be an unorthodox option if the Democrats are looking to establish a moderate image on the issues outside of free-silver.

However, Teller adds little in terms of competing for electoral votes. The Western states are fanatically pro-silver and sparsely populated.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 53, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Horace\", \"last_name\": \"Boies\", \"election\": 5, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Iowa\", \"priority\": 28, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/horace-boies-1896.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Horace Boies was swept into the Governor's chair in Iowa during the 1890 Democratic rout. He is strongly supportive of low tariffs and free silver, and has a lot of influence in some potentially important states. He is also more moderate on the Prohibition issue.

Boies will reinforce the Democrats' pivot to liberalism, which could be a plus or a minus depending on the area.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 67, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Abraham\", \"last_name\": \"Lincoln\", \"election\": 8, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Illinois\", \"priority\": 40, \"description\": \"

Abraham Lincoln begins the campaign in a strong position. The new Republican Party is largely united, and his advantage in several Northern states is overwhelming. The challenge will be to win the closer states, like Illinois, New York, and Ohio. To do so he must finesse several hot issues of the day, not the least of which is slavery.

Other Republican issues such as tariffs, homesteads, and a trans-continental railroad also dominate the discussion.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/abraham-lincoln-1860.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1860 Presidential Election.

Don't celebrate just yet, however. Word has already arrived that South Carolina is planning a secession convention, with other states soon to follow. Your Presidency will surely be defined by how you deal with this challenge. Will you take a hard line against this action, seek a compromise Amendment to protect slavery, or simply allow the states to secede? There are few good choices for you.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry. You have lost the 1860 Presidential Election.

You began this campaign as the heavy favorite, but somehow things just didn't come together for you. Hopefully the nation will survive the next four years, at which point the Republicans can field a candidate who promises to win. The only positive you can take out of this is that the Southern threats of secession seem to have quieted down with your defeat.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

No candidate captured an Electoral College majority.

This leaves everyone in a bad situation. Congress will now choose from the top three candidates in the electoral vote count. You are highly unlikely to be the compromise candidate in this situation, however. It is unclear whether Congress will select Douglas or Bell, or if they will deadlock and precipitate a Constitutional crisis. If Douglas is selected, how would the South react? There are even whispers about a civil war.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"n/a\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 68, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Stephen A.\", \"last_name\": \"Douglas\", \"election\": 8, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Illinois\", \"priority\": 41, \"description\": \"

Stephen Douglas, thanks to a Democratic schism, has little hope of winning the election outright. His path to victory involves throwing the election the House, and finishing in the top three in the electoral vote count. In this case, he could win or at least deny the Republicans a victory.

Douglas has been a proponent of 'popular sovereignty', but this compromise has lost its luster in North and South alike. If he is to deny Lincoln a majority, he must carry some Northern states.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/stephen-a-douglas-1860.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1860 Presidential Election.

How on earth did you pull this off? Hopefully you can soothe the frayed nerves from this turbulent campaign, and move the country past its slavery issues of the 1850s. Your supporters are already preparing a compromise amendment, offering permanent protection for slavery in the South in return for the admission of more free states. An invasion of Cuba may also be in order.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry. You have lost the 1860 Presidential Election.

You began this campaign as the heavy underdog, and sure enough you were shut out of the North and South alike. Depending on what happens next, you may be called upon to keep the Democratic Party loyal to the Union. There are already rumblings of secession from several Southern states.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

No candidate captured an Electoral College majority.

Congress will now choose from the top three candidates in the electoral vote count. If you are in the top three, you have a great chance. Otherwise, Bell will be the favorite. Your supporters are already preparing a compromise amendment, offering permanent protection for slavery in the South in return for the admission of more free states. You will likely have to make such promises to prevent a deadlock in the House vote.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"n/a\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 69, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John C.\", \"last_name\": \"Breckinridge\", \"election\": 8, \"party\": \"Southern Democrat\", \"state\": \"Kentucky\", \"priority\": 42, \"description\": \"

John C. Breckinridge is the Southern answer to Stephen Douglas as Democrat nominee. Like Douglas, Breckinridge has little chance of winning the election outright. He does have a good chance of winning all or most of the Southern states, though.

As an ardent pro-slavery candidate (a \\\"Fire-Eater\\\"), it is Breckenridge's job to defend the Dred Scott decision and represent the slaveholding interests in any House negotiations that would ensue after a deadlocked Electoral College.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/john-c-breckenridge-1860.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"n/a\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 70, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Bell\", \"election\": 8, \"party\": \"Constitutional Union\", \"state\": \"Tennessee\", \"priority\": 43, \"description\": \"

John Bell is a former Whig who has no stated position on the slavery issue, in spite of himself being a slaveholder. Bell's only position is to fight for the preservation of the Union under any circumstance. The vagueness of this stance is both an asset and a liability.

Bell's stronghold is the border states. His goal is to be another voice at the table, should Lincoln fail to win the Electoral College, and broker a compromise that would prevent the secession of any Southern states.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/john-bell-1860.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"n/a\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 71, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Hannibal\", \"last_name\": \"Hamlin\", \"election\": 8, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Maine\", \"priority\": 44, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/hannibal-hamlin-1860.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Hannibal Hamlin is a Senator and former Governor from Maine and a long-time opponent of slavery. It was this issue that caused him to change his allegiance from the Democratic Party in 1856, in the aftermath of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Hamlin will help to balance the ticket regionally and give it name recognition.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 72, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Herschel\", \"last_name\": \"Johnson\", \"election\": 8, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Georgia\", \"priority\": 45, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/herschel-johnson-1860.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Herschel Johnson is a former Governor of Georgia with a stated opposition to the Fire-Eaters and talk of secession. He is one of the last leading Democrats of the South to have not bolted to the Southern Democrat splinter party. Unfortunately, it is not very likely that Johnson's presence will help Douglas compete with Breckenridge or Bell in the South.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 73, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Joseph\", \"last_name\": \"Lane\", \"election\": 8, \"party\": \"Southern Democrat\", \"state\": \"Oregon\", \"priority\": 46, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/joseph-lane-1860.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Joseph Lane is the first Governor of Oregon and a supporter of slavery, in spite of that state's free-soil status. His original home state is North Carolina. He agrees with Breckinridge on all major issues, and gives him a chance to pick up a few electoral votes in a place very distant from the Deep South.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 76, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Edward\", \"last_name\": \"Everett\", \"election\": 8, \"party\": \"Constitutional Union\", \"state\": \"Massachusetts\", \"priority\": 47, \"description\": \"n/a\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/edward-everett-1860.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"n/a\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"n/a\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"n/a\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Edward Everett is nearing the end of an illustrious political career that includes time served in the House, Senate, as Governor of Massachusetts, Secretary of State, and as President of Harvard. Long known as a conservative, Everett hopes to provide regional balance to the Constitutional Union ticket, and to have the same moderating effect on northern abolitionists that Bell hopes to have on southern fire-eaters.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 127, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Cassius\", \"last_name\": \"Clay\", \"election\": 8, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Kentucky\", \"priority\": 50, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/cassius-clay-1860.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Cassius Clay is an anti-slavery publisher from Kentucky who has faced numerous threats to his life for the views he has taken. He served in the Kentucky House until his views hindered further political advancement in his home state. He has a wide reputation as an abolitionist publisher, and would help burnish the anti-slavery platform of the Republicans. Detractors claim that Clay is too extreme, and has a limited record in public office.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 128, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Salmon\", \"last_name\": \"Chase\", \"election\": 8, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Ohio\", \"priority\": 51, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/salmon-chase-1860.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Salmon Chase has served as Governor of Ohio and was influential in the founding of the Republican Party. He has worked on the behalf of fugitive slaves as an attorney and has strong anti-slavery credentials, while stopping just short of a call for outright abolitionism. He is also known to be ambitious, and might be an uneasy number two man to campaign with.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 129, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"James\", \"last_name\": \"Guthrie\", \"election\": 8, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Kentucky\", \"priority\": 52, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/james-guthrie-1860.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

James Guthrie served as Secretary of the Treasury under Franklin Pierce, and paid off most of the federal debt during that term. He is a slaveholder and states' rights advocate, but a bitter opponent of secession. His selection would allow Douglas to run with a Southerner who is still somewhat connected to the national political scene. Guthrie has also long advocated internal improvements and owns a railroad, which could attract some limited crossover support from former Whigs.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 130, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Horatio\", \"last_name\": \"Seymour\", \"election\": 8, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 53, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/horatio-seymour-1860.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Horatio Seymour has served as Governor of New York and is influential in that state's politics. By selecting him, Douglas would be running with an all-northern ticket, but he could gain valuable votes in the nation's largest state. Seymour has been associated with the \\\"Hunker\\\" faction of New York Democrats, who favor internal improvements and oppose agitation on the slavery issue. It would take some cajoling and possibly more for Seymour to accept the nomination.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 77, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"George W.\", \"last_name\": \"Bush\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Texas\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

George W. Bush enters 2000 with the support of the Republican establishment and the name recognition of his father. He has governed Texas for five years and won bipartisan support in that state. He seeks to duplicate that formula on the national stage.

Bush has broad appeal and a united base, but lacks experience and gravitas in the eyes of some. Can he make the case that he will move beyond the partisanship of the Clinton years and bring \\\"compassionate conservatism\\\" to the nation?

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/george-w-bush-2000.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 2000 election.

Confounding the predictions of many experts, you were able to turn the tables on Al Gore, in spite of the economy and Clinton's popularity.

On the political front, you can push for tax cuts to spur the economy and return the budget surplus to the American people. You might also pursue education and immigration reform, individual Social Security accounts, and new laws to defend the family and the sanctity of life.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 2000 election.

Perhaps it was always a long-shot, with the Democrats in such a commanding position after eight years of Bill Clinton. In any case, at least you are still the Governor of Texas.

Expect Al Gore to unleash a new round of government programs and environmental regulations. You are still youngish, however. If the election was close this time, perhaps you can run again in 2004, or work on behalf your brother Jeb.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Wow! You have won in a squeaker.

No candidate achieved a majority of the electoral votes, marking the first time this has happened since 1824. Fortunately for you, the majority of U.S. states have Republican controlled congressional delegations, and they will cast their votes accordingly.

Given the incredibly close nature of the election, you will surely be expected to govern as a moderate, conciliatory President. Right??

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 78, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Al\", \"last_name\": \"Gore\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Tennessee\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

Al Gore enters the 2000 election as the Democratic candidate after eight years as Vice President under Bill Clinton.

Gore has a lot of options in his campaign. He can embrace the legacy of Clinton, for better or worse. Politically, he can run as a centrist, or move to the left and run as a more traditional liberal Democrat than Clinton did. The presence of the well-known Ralph Nader as a Green Party candidate complicates this decision. Gore is essentially campaigning on two fronts.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/al-gore-2000.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 2000 election.

Though it was perhaps expected, you could have easily faltered at a number of points. Credit to you for pulling through.

On the political front, you can continue the Clinton legacy and strengthen Social Security for generations to come. Perhaps you can succeed on health care where Clinton came up short? Or maybe you can create a future of renewable energy for America. Just be wary of a (George or Jeb?) Bush challenge in 2004.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 2000 election.

Surely the second-guessing will be intense, but if things were close you could probably run again in 2004.

It seems that with George W. Bush and a Republican majority, the United States can expect some conservative policy-making over the next four years. Hopefully Bush comes through on his promise to govern in a bipartisan, conciliatory manner. A lot should depend on the margin of his victory, and whether it was large or small.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost in a squeaker.

No candidate achieved a majority of the electoral votes, for the first time since 1824. Unfortunately for you, a majority of states have Republican controlled congressional delegations.

It seems that with George W. Bush and a Republican majority, the United States can expect some conservative policy-making over the next four years. Hopefully Bush comes through on his promise to govern in a bipartisan, conciliatory manner.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 79, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Ralph\", \"last_name\": \"Nader\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Green\", \"state\": \"Connecticut\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"

Ralph Nader enters the 2000 election as the Green candidate after years as an activist and consumer advocate.

After eight years of Bill Clinton, it is clear that the United States needs a true liberal alternative -- one that will fight for fair trade, universal health care, free college, and campaign finance reform. Nader's primary goal in this election is to win 5% of the popular vote, which will qualify the Green Party for federal matching funds in 2004.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/ralph-nader-2000.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 2000 election.

This was definitely not supposed to happen. Good luck!

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

As expected, you have lost the 2000 election.

The legacy of this campaign depends on a couple of factors. First of all, did you receive 5% of the popular vote? If so, congratulations! You will enable the Green Party to run a vigorous campaign in 2004 and present a true choice to the American people. Also, the Democrats were a little peeved that you \\\"stole\\\" votes from them in this election. Hopefully that doesn't lead to a backlash.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Wow! No candidate received 270 electoral votes, but the House will elect George W. Bush as President.

Did you receive 5% of the popular vote? If so, congratulations! You will enable the Green Party to run a vigorous campaign in 2004 and present a true choice to the American people. Also, the Democrats were a little peeved that you \\\"stole\\\" votes from them in this election. Hopefully that doesn't lead to a backlash, especially since they will lose the vote in the House.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 80, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Pat\", \"last_name\": \"Buchanan\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Reform\", \"state\": \"Virginia\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"''\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 81, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Dick\", \"last_name\": \"Cheney\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Wyoming\", \"priority\": 5, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/dick-cheney-2000.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Dick Cheney is a seasoned operative of the Republican Party who has served as White House Chief of Staff, Minority Whip in Congress, Secretary of Defense, and as CEO of Halliburton. He would be a respected choice across the Republican spectrum, and would add experience and gravitas to the Republican ticket.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 82, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Danforth\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Missouri\", \"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/john-danforth-2000.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

John Danforth served four terms as Senator from Missouri. He has broad experience in government, and as a moderate Republican would reinforce Bush's claim to be a uniter. Danforth also has close relationships with conservative stalwarts such as Kit Bond, Clarence Thomas, and John Ashcroft, and would not arouse undue suspicion from the conservative wing of the party. Winning Missouri back would be a key piece of any Republican victory in 2000.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 83, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Tom\", \"last_name\": \"Ridge\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Pennsylvania\", \"priority\": 7, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/tom-ridge-2000.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Tom Ridge is the popular Governor of a large swing state. Pennsylvania's 23 electoral votes would almost ensure a Bush victory if Ridge could deliver them. He has a reputation as an able administrator and has been very tough on crime. However, he has also been pro-choice for his entire career, and his selection as running mate could cause issues with the Republican base in other regions.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 84, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Colin\", \"last_name\": \"Powell\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Virginia\", \"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/colin-powell-2000.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Colin Powell is a moderate Republican and a key general from the Desert Storm campaign. He enjoys high personal popularity among the American electorate. He would be the first African-American to be a running mate for a major party. It will take some strong inducements to get Powell to run, however. He has repeatedly stated that he is not seeking the role, but perhaps you could persuade him by taking a moderate position on the social issues of the day.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 85, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Joe\", \"last_name\": \"Lieberman\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Connecticut\", \"priority\": 9, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/joe-lieberman-2000.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Joe Lieberman is a moderate Democrat and Orthodox Jew who has served as a Senator from Connecticut. He would be the first Jewish candidate or running mate from a major party. He was also a prominent critic of Bill Clinton's missteps during his time in the White House. Geographically, Lieberman could help with Gore's vote total in the critical state of Florida.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 86, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Bob\", \"last_name\": \"Graham\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Florida\", \"priority\": 10, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/bob-graham-2000.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Bob Graham is a Senator and former Governor from Florida. His popularity in that state could be crucial to a Democratic victory in 2000. He is fairly moderate and was one of Bill Clinton's top choices for running mate before Clinton went with Gore. His focus has been on the environment, education, and intelligence issues.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 87, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Kerry\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Massachusetts\", \"priority\": 11, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/john-kerry-2000.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

John Kerry is a Senator from Massachusetts. He gained prominence in his youth as a Vietnam Veteran Against the War. He also won a Silver Star in that war. He is a solid liberal on the political spectrum. His home state is strongly Democratic, but his views may help the Democrats reduce the loss of support to Ralph Nader. He can also be helpful in New Hampshire.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 88, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Evan\", \"last_name\": \"Bayh\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Indiana\", \"priority\": 12, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/evan-bayh-2000.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Evan Bayh is a Senator from Indiana and a former Governor. He is broadly popular in that state and is a leader of the moderate wing of the Democrats. This could help the Democrats compete in the Midwest and South, but it could also alienate the left-wing of the party and drive additional support to Ralph Nader's bid.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 89, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Winona\", \"last_name\": \"LaDuke\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Green\", \"state\": \"Minnesota\", \"priority\": 13, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/winona-laduke-2000.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Winona LaDuke is a Native American activist of Ojibwe ancestry. She lives in Minnesota and has been active in attempts to regain land that once belonged to various American Indian tribes. She has written a book and started organizations in support of this issue.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 90, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Ezola\", \"last_name\": \"Foster\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Reform\", \"state\": \"California\", \"priority\": 14, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"''\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 91, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Jimmy\", \"last_name\": \"Carter\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Georgia\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

Jimmy Carter has served as Governor of Georgia for one term, and has never held an elected office in Washington. In an era of public disgust with Watergate, Vietnam, and the economy, Carter has used his outsider status to win the Democratic nomination. He is an outspoken Southern Baptist, and a moderate within the party on social and economic issues. He begins with an early lead in the polls against Gerald Ford.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/jimmy-carter-1976.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1976 Presidential Election.

Hopefully you can make good on your promises to clean up Washington and change the political and moral culture of the country. If you are successful, there is no reason you cannot run for reelection in 1980. Just be wary of any economic problems, or of some foreign policy crisis that could dent your popularity.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry, you have lost the 1976 Presidential Election.

As an outsider candidate, this was really your moment to make an impact on American politics and to win a national election. The beltway gossip already has it that Ted Kennedy is the frontrunner for the 1980 nomination. Perhaps you can run again for Governor of Georgia, or make an impact in some other way.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Wow! You have won in a squeaker.

While the Electoral College ended in a tie, the Democrats have a huge advantage in the House of Representatives and are sure to elect you in that manner. Hopefully the closeness of this election doesn't undermine your promises to clean up Washington and unite the people of this country.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 92, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Gerald\", \"last_name\": \"Ford\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Michigan\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

Gerald Ford assumed the Presidency on August 9, 1974, after the resignation of Richard Nixon. His pardon of Nixon is deeply unpopular and is feeding the sentiment for an outsider to assume office. Inflation and unemployment have both weighed on Ford's popularity. On the other hand, Ford enjoys the stature of a President and has negotiated with many foreign leaders. He starts the campaign in second place, and must make up ground quickly while keeping his party united.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/gerald-ford-1976.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1976 Presidential Election.

Hopefully you can continue to help the United States recover from the Watergate Scandal, the recent recession, and the debacle of Vietnam. In either case, this will be your final term as President. Speculation is sure to be intense on who will replace you. Will it be Ronald Reagan? Ted Kennedy? Or someone else entirely?

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry, you have lost the 1976 Presidential Election.

Hopefully your opponent can make good on his promises to clean up Washington and change the political and moral culture of the country. Perhaps you can still play a role in 1980, or seek your old Congressional leadership positions. In any case, you can still take solace in the fact that you did the right thing by pardoning Nixon and moving the country beyond the Watergate episode.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Sorry, you have lost the 1976 Presidential Election.

While the Electoral College ended in a tie, the Democrats have a huge advantage in the House of Representatives and are sure to elect your opponent in that manner. Perhaps you can still play a role in 1980, or seek your old Congressional leadership positions. In any case, you can still take solace in the fact that you did the right thing by pardoning Nixon and moving the country beyond the Watergate episode.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 93, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Eugene\", \"last_name\": \"McCarthy\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Independent\", \"state\": \"Minnesota\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"''\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 94, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Other\", \"last_name\": \"Candidates\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Independent\", \"state\": \"Alaska\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"''\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 95, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Walter\", \"last_name\": \"Mondale\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Minnesota\", \"priority\": 5, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/walter-mondale-1976.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Walter Mondale is a Senator from Minnesota, a protege of Hubert H. Humphrey, and a key figure for mainstream Democrats. He would help unite the party after a competitive primary, and could help greatly in his home state. Mondale is also a good team player and very eager to help on the campaign.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 96, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Frank\", \"last_name\": \"Church\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Idaho\", \"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/frank-church-1976.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Frank Church is a Senator from Idaho, and one of Carter's rivals in the 1976 primaries. He is known for his opposition to the Vietnam War, and his investigations of America's intelligence bureaus. Both of these factors make him appealing to the anti-war bloc of the Democratic Party, and have made him a well-known, national figure in politics. He is also outgoing and charismatic, and could overshadow a more soft-spoken Carter.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 97, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Glenn\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Ohio\", \"priority\": 7, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/john-glenn-1976.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth during the Space Race of the 1960s. Now serving as a Senator from Ohio, he could be crucial to winning that state in November. Unfortunately, his keynote speech at the national convention has just landed with a thud. He is relatively new to the Senate and still has some outsider appeal, and does not have a long history with any particular wing of the party.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 98, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Scoop\", \"last_name\": \"Jackson\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Washington\", \"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/scoop-jackson-1976.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Henry \\\"Scoop\\\" Jackson is a Senator from Washington who also attempted to secure the 1976 Democratic nomination. He is a more traditional Democrat, favoring both high levels of social spending and a strong national defense policy. He is not popular with the left wing of the party, but would certainly help with moderates, and could swing his home state in the fall elections.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 99, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Bob\", \"last_name\": \"Dole\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Kansas\", \"priority\": 9, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/bob-dole-1976.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Bob Dole is a well-respected, conservative Senator from Kansas. He could unite the party after a divisive primary fight -- Ronald Reagan has singled Dole out as a good choice for running mate. He is popular in the farm states and could help consolidate support in the Plains and Midwest. He is also known to have loose lips on the campaign trail, and does not hold back in his attacks.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 100, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Howard\", \"last_name\": \"Baker\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Tennessee\", \"priority\": 10, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/howard-baker-1976.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Howard Baker is a Senator from Tennessee who has served since 1967, and who was nearly appointed to the Supreme Court by Richard Nixon. The first Republican since Reconstruction to be elected to the Senate from his state, he is heavily involved in the passage of most legislation, and is a leading voice among Congressional Republicans. He has a moderate reputation, and is not a first choice of the Reaganites.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 101, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Anderson\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Illinois\", \"priority\": 11, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/john-anderson-1976.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

John Anderson is a long-time Congressman from Illinois who has conservative fiscal views, moderate social views, and was a strong critic of Richard Nixon during the Watergate hearings. His presence could help win moderates and could swing the state of Illinois. He could also help mitigate, at least somewhat, against Carter's outsider reputation. He would not do much to win back the conservative, Reaganite wing of the party.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 102, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Connally\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Texas\", \"priority\": 12, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/john-connally-1968.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

John Connally bolted from the Democrats to the Republicans in 1973. He was Governor of Texas for six years, and could help greatly in winning that state. He is strong on defense issues and conservative on social issues, and could even be seen as an olive branch to the Reaganites. He has good name-recognition, having been wounded in Kennedy's assassination.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 103, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"...\", \"last_name\": \"Other\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Independent\", \"state\": \"Alaska\", \"priority\": 13, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"''\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 104, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"...\", \"last_name\": \"Other\", \"election\": 10, \"party\": \"Independent\", \"state\": \"Alaska\", \"priority\": 14, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"''\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 105, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John F.\", \"last_name\": \"Kennedy\", \"election\": 11, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Massachusetts\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

John F. Kennedy has served as a Senator since 1953. He comes from a wealthy political family, and possesses a youthful, telegenic appearance. He has been a moderate Senator in the past, and faces the challenge of winning over liberals who preferred other candidates. Furthermore, almost any stance that Kennedy takes on civil rights will alienate a key bloc of his party. One strategy to finesse these points and focus on the Cold War. Kennedy would be the first Catholic President.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/john-f-kennedy-1960.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1960 Presidential Election.

Hopefully you can move the United States in a more modern direction after eight quiet years of Eisenhower, while holding the line against the Soviet Union. At your young age, you have the potential to define the entire decade as President, and perhaps to hand the torch to one of your brothers in the future.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry, you have lost the 1960 Presidential Election.

It was always going to be tough to defeat the Vice President to someone as popular as Eisenhower. However, you still have your seat in the Senate. At your young age, there is no reason you couldn't be a strong contender for President in 1964 or 1968, especially if this election was close. Let's just hope the Democrats don't blame your defeat on your religion.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

No candidate has won a majority in the Electoral College.

The Democrats have an advantage in the House of Representatives, so you are probably in good shape. However, a lot depends on how you deal with Harry Byrd. It's possible that some kind of deal will need to be struck with Byrd or Nixon to get a clean majority in the House.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 106, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Richard\", \"last_name\": \"Nixon\", \"election\": 11, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"California\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

Richard Nixon has served as Vice President for eight years, and begins the campaign as the better known of the two candidates. He has long been known as a staunch anti-communist and a Cold Warrior. Nixon faces similar problems as Kennedy, to a lesser extent -- different wings of the party have different demands on civil rights. On the other hand, Nixon might be in a better position than Kennedy to paint himself as strong on defense. Some voters also feel Nixon is cold and unrelatable.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/richard-nixon-1960.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1960 Presidential Election.

With luck, you will be able to duplicate the eight years of peace and prosperity under Eisenhower. Unfortunately, the Democrats maintain their majority in both houses of Congress. With luck, they will be good partners in a bipartisan governing coalition. Your first order of business is to mend fences with Lyndon Johnson, who is returning to his role as Senate Majority Leader.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry, you have lost the 1960 Presidential Election.

A lot of people think this election was yours to lose, and party operatives are already whispering that Nelson Rockefeller will be the frontrunner in 1964. As such, it appears that your chances of becoming President are over. Perhaps you can return to California and run for Governor, or for the Senate again.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

No candidate has won a majority in the Electoral College.

The Democrats have an advantage in the House of Representatives, so you are probably in bad shape. However, a lot depends on how Kennedy deals with Harry Byrd. It's possible that some kind of deal will need to be struck for any candidate to get a clean majority in the House.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 107, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"\", \"last_name\": \"Undecided\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Independent\", \"state\": \"n/a\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#a8a8a8\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#d4d4d4\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 108, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Lyndon\", \"last_name\": \"Johnson\", \"election\": 11, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Texas\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/lyndon-johnson-1960.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Lyndon Johnson is a powerful member of the Democratic Party, having served as Senate Majority Leader for the past five years. Many Southern states are threatening to bolt to a segregationist ticket -- Johnson is the only person with the clout to save most of those states. Texas will also certainly be lost with any other running mate. At the same time, his vote for the Taft-Hartley labor act in 1947 is still a sore spot for unions, and could dampen their enthusiasm for the ticket.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 109, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Stuart\", \"last_name\": \"Symington\", \"election\": 11, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Missouri\", \"priority\": 5, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/stuart-symington-1960.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Stuart Symington was a minor contender for the nomination, but he is a respected Senator on foreign policy issues and has good rapport with Kennedy. He has served as Secretary of the Air Force and was a more outspoken opponent of McCarthyism than Kennedy was, which makes him appealing to liberals. His home state of Missouri should be very close in the fall, but he is somewhat unpopular in the Deep South.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 110, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Hubert H.\", \"last_name\": \"Humphrey\", \"election\": 11, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Minnesota\", \"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/hubert-h-humphrey-1960.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Hubert H. Humphrey was another rival for the nomination with clout among the agricultural and labor wings of the party. He is basically blacklisted by the Southern wing of the party for the stances he has taken on civil rights. Selecting him would sacrifice the South, but should increase the chances of winning states like Illinois, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 111, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Henry Cabot\", \"last_name\": \"Lodge\", \"election\": 11, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Massachusetts\", \"priority\": 7, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/henry-cabot-lodge-jr-1960.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. has an impeccable pedigree, a great war record, and a career that has seen him serve as a Senator and an Ambassador to the United Nations. He is a committed internationalist and a moderate in the party. He appeals to a similar wing of the party as Nelson Rockefeller, but is much more willing to be the running mate on a Nixon ticket.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 112, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Nelson\", \"last_name\": \"Rockefeller\", \"election\": 11, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/nelson-rockefeller-1960.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Nelson Rockefeller is the well-known and popular Governor of New York. Currently he refuses to serve as Vice President. However, if he was given assurances that he is the Republican heir apparent, and additional promises that Nixon will run as a liberal Republican with a strong stance on civil rights, he might be persuaded. With Rockefeller on the ticket, victory in New York will be nearly assured, as will defeat in the South.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 113, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Everett\", \"last_name\": \"Dirksen\", \"election\": 11, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Illinois\", \"priority\": 9, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/everett-dirksen-1960.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Everett Dirksen is the Senate Minority Leader, an economic conservative and an internationalist in world affairs. He occupies the middle ground of Republican thought, and hails from the key state of Illinois. He would reinforce Nixon's experience argument, having served in Congress for nearly 30 years. There is no large bloc of the party that would be opposed to Dirksen.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 114, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"\", \"last_name\": \"Third Party\", \"election\": 20, \"party\": \"Independent\", \"state\": \"n/a\", \"priority\": 10, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#a8a8a8\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#d4d4d4\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 115, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Barry\", \"last_name\": \"Goldwater\", \"election\": 11, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Arizona\", \"priority\": 11, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/barry-goldwater-1960.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Barry Goldwater is a Senator from Arizona and the uncontested standard-bearer of conservative Republicans. Goldwater is to the right of the party on taxes, spending, and civil rights. Nelson Rockefeller has threatened to walk out of the convention if Goldwater is selected, which would certainly end any chance of winning New York or the Northeast. However, a Nixon-Goldwater ticket might sweep the South, and his advocates say Goldwater will drive conservative turnout nationwide.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 116, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Harry\", \"last_name\": \"Truman\", \"election\": 12, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Missouri\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

Harry Truman assumed the Presidency upon the death of FDR, and led the country through the final days of World War I. His popularity has since collapsed. His aggressive stance against the Soviet Union has led to a challenge from the left. His actions during the 1946 strikes have alienated labor unions. His support of civil rights measures has led to a second Democratic splinter party. Truman needs to really shake up the race if he is to have any chance to win.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/harry-truman-1948.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1948 Presidential Election.

In a comeback for the ages, you defeated Thomas Dewey and shocked the nation. Prepare for another four years in the White House. There is much work to be done. You have an ambitious domestic agenda, and face a dangerous foreign situation with the Soviet Union. With a new Democratic majority in Congress, you can hopefully push for universal health care and a repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry. You have lost the 1948 Presidential Election.

It was always going to be a longshot after your first, tumultuous years in office. With luck, Dewey will defend the New Deal reforms and continue your foreign policy. As for you, who knows what history will say of your Presidency? You made some momentous decisions, but will ultimately leave office under a cloud of unpopularity. Perhaps you could serve another term in the Senate?

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

No candidate captured an Electoral College majority.

This leaves everyone in a bad situation. Segregationists from the South are demanding concessions before they will support a candidate, leaving the House deadlocked. Perhaps you can work out a deal with Dewey to circumvent this, based on who has the plurality of popular and electoral votes. It's always possible that one of you could serve as the other's Vice President.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 117, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Thomas\", \"last_name\": \"Dewey\", \"election\": 12, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

Thomas Dewey, Governor of New York, makes his second attempt at the Presidency. He became famous for his prosecutions of Mafia figures in New York, and is an exemplar of the Republican Party's eastern business establishment. Dewey waged a hard-hitting campaign against Roosevelt in 1944 that alienated some voters. Advisors this time are recommending that he take a more cautious, conciliatory approach, especially in light of the huge lead he enjoys.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/thomas-dewey-1948.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1948 Presidential Election.

You have become the first Republican to win the White House in 20 years. You face a dangerous foreign situation, and your domestic agenda is likely to be opposed by Democrats and conservatives alike. Conversely, the support and confidence of the Republican establishment is almost guaranteed. With luck, you might become the first two-term Republican since Ulysses Grant.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry. You have lost the 1948 Presidential Election.

Pundits and political pros are shocked at your collapse. The second-guessing will likely come fast and furious from your party. The Republicans have now lost five Presidential elections in a row, and have no obvious standard-bearer to break the trend in 1952. As for your own career, you are still the Governor of New York, but it is pretty unlikely that you'll be given another chance to prove yourself on the national stage.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

No candidate captured an Electoral College majority.

This leaves everyone in a bad situation. Segregationists from the South are demanding concessions before they will support a candidate, leaving the House deadlocked. Perhaps you can work out a deal with Truman to circumvent this, based on who has the plurality of popular and electoral votes. It's always possible that one of you could serve as the other's Vice President.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 118, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Strom\", \"last_name\": \"Thurmond\", \"election\": 12, \"party\": \"Dixiecrat\", \"state\": \"South Carolina\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 119, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"\", \"last_name\": \"Other\", \"election\": 12, \"party\": \"\", \"state\": \"\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#c7d1c0\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#c7d1c0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 120, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Alben\", \"last_name\": \"Barkley\", \"election\": 12, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Kentucky\", \"priority\": 5, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/alben-barkley-1948.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Alben Barkley is a longtime Senate Leader for the Democrats, and an elder statesman of sorts within the Democratic Party. He has served his home state of Kentucky loyally for many years, and was a strong advocate of Roosevelt's New Deal. While other candidates have rejected Truman's overtures to serve as his running mate, for what they see as a lost cause, Barkley has graciously agreed to do his part for the 1948 ticket.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 121, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Earl\", \"last_name\": \"Warren\", \"election\": 12, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"California\", \"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/earl-warren-1948.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Earl Warren is the current Governor of California, and enjoys massive popularity in that state. He has pursued a modernizing agenda in California, building a huge, well-funded highway and university system, and other public works projects. He would add a number of crucial votes in his home state, and would distinguish the ticket nationally as a sensible, moderate alternative to Truman.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 122, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Harold\", \"last_name\": \"Stassen\", \"election\": 12, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Minnesota\", \"priority\": 7, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/harold-stassen-1948.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Harold Stassen is a former Governor of Minnesota who resigned to serve in World World II. He was an opponent of isolationism and is a youthful, rising star within the party. He made his own bid for the Republican nomination this year, providing a serious challenge to Dewey. He is from the liberal wing of the Party and might help slightly in the Plains states. He has also opposed Dewey throughout the nomination process.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 123, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Bricker\", \"election\": 12, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Ohio\", \"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/john-bricker-1948.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

John Bricker is a former Governor and current Senator from Ohio who served as Dewey's running mate in 1944, on a ticket that lost to FDR. He is closely aligned with Robert Taft and the conservative wing of the party. Both Bricker and Taft are popular in Ohio, and they helped Dewey win that state in 1944. If the election tightens up this time, Bricker's influence in Ohio could prove critical. However, the country does seem to be moving away from Bricker's brand of isolationism.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 124, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Arthur\", \"last_name\": \"Vandenberg\", \"election\": 12, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Michigan\", \"priority\": 9, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/arthur-vandenberg-1948.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Arthur Vandenberg was influential in the founding of the United Nations, and has built his reputation as an expert on international affairs. His selection would send a clear message that the days of Republican isolationism are over. He has supported many of Truman's policies, such as the Marshall Plan and the proposed NATO organization. On the other hand, he was also a leading opponent of Roosevelt's later domestic policies.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 125, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Fielding\", \"last_name\": \"Wright\", \"election\": 12, \"party\": \"Dixiecrat\", \"state\": \"Mississippi\", \"priority\": 10, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 126, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Glen\", \"last_name\": \"Taylor\", \"election\": 12, \"party\": \"Progressive\", \"state\": \"Idaho\", \"priority\": 11, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 131, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"James K.\", \"last_name\": \"Polk\", \"election\": 13, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Tennessee\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

James K. Polk won the Democratic nomination as a dark horse candidate, after Martin Van Buren was rejected for being soft on the Texas issue. He is a former Speaker of the House, and also served as Governor of Tennessee. Polk's support is strongest in the South, but he must hold some Northern states to win. To do this, he could exploit the Oregon issue, fond memories of Andrew Jackson, and the emerging Catholic vote. Note that John Tyler has yet to formally renounce his independent bid.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/james-k-polk-1844.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1844 Election

Your first order of business will be to confirm the annexation of Texas. More generally you can fight for the expansion of the United States in line with the ideals of \\\"Manifest Destiny\\\". With a Democratic majority in Congress, you will have wide latitude to implement your program, after four years of Tyler's paralysis. Best wishes for your term in office.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry. You have lost the 1844 Election

President Clay is sure to obstruct the annexation of Texas. Hopefully a new President can bring this to a better conclusion in four years. In the meantime, your voice may hold some influence, in an advisory capacity, with the Democratic majority in Congress. It is unlikely, however, that you will be nominated for President over the likes of Lewis Cass, James Buchanan, or others in 1848.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Wow. No candidate has achieved a majority in the Electoral College

This is surely an unusual situation, given that no candidate besides yourself and Clay seemed poised to win an electoral vote. Fortunately, the Democrats have won a majority in the House and seem likely to confirm you as the ultimate winner. Best wishes for your term in office.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 132, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Henry\", \"last_name\": \"Clay\", \"election\": 13, \"party\": \"Whig\", \"state\": \"Kentucky\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

Henry Clay runs in a Presidential election for the third time, and begins as the favorite against Polk. He must quickly define a position on Texas. It will be difficult to do so without alienating some bloc of the Whigs.

Clay would prefer to keep slavery and expansion on the back-burner, and advance his own issues like tariffs, internal improvements, and a national currency. Can he find redemption from his political defeats to Andrew Jackson, and finally break into the White House?

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/henry-clay-1844.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1844 Election

Your first order of business will be to block the annexation of Texas, and hopefully to end the further discussion of this issue. Then you can concentrate on undoing the damage that Andrew Jackson and his followers have inflicted on the American System. Unfortunately, it appears that you will have to deal with a Democratic majority in Congress. Best wishes for these next four years.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry. You have lost the 1844 Election

President Polk is sure to go through with the annexation of Texas. You can only hope it doesn't lead to war. Even if the U.S. is successful in the short-term, the acquisition of such territory is sure to reopen the slavery question in a way which may hurt the Whigs. As for your own fortunes, you have likely missed your last chance to become President. How will your legacy be remembered?

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Wow. No candidate has achieved a majority in the Electoral College

This is sure an unusual situation, given that no candidate besides yourself and Polk seemed poised to win an electoral vote. Unfortunately, the Democrats have won a majority in the House and seem likely to confirm James K. Polk as the ultimate winner. How will your legacy be remembered?

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 133, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"James\", \"last_name\": \"Birney\", \"election\": 13, \"party\": \"Liberty\", \"state\": \"Michigan\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 134, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Tyler\", \"election\": 13, \"party\": \"Independent\", \"state\": \"Virginia\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 135, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"George\", \"last_name\": \"Dallas\", \"election\": 13, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Pennsylvania\", \"priority\": 5, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/george-dallas-1844.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

George Dallas has served as a Pennsylvania Senator, and as Mayor of Philadelphia. Pennsylvania is a crucial state to win if the Democrats are to return to the White House. Dallas would balance the ticket in two ways. First, he is a Northerner. Secondly, he is a moderate on the issues of tariffs and banking, compared to Polk, Jackson, and most other Southerners. He is not a moderate on the issue of expansion, and would help define that as the central Democratic issue in this election.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 136, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Levi\", \"last_name\": \"Woodbury\", \"election\": 13, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"New Hampshire\", \"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/levi-woodbury-1844.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Dallas is the preferred choice of the Convention, but Polk could intervene on behalf of Levi Woodbury. Woodbury's reputation is more national than Dallas's, but he also comes from a smaller state. Woodbury has served as Secretary of the Treasury and is much more orthodox on economic issues, favoring a limited view of the federal government's powers. This could galvanize Democrats in the closer states in the South and West, but could also be a hindrance in Pennsylvania and New York.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 137, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Theodore\", \"last_name\": \"Frelinghuysen\", \"election\": 13, \"party\": \"Whig\", \"state\": \"New Jersey\", \"priority\": 7, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/theodore-frelinghuysen-1844.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Theodore Frelinghuysen has served as a Senator from New Jersey, and as Mayor of Newark. He is known as something of an evangelist, being involved in numerous bible societies and advocating for moral uplift. Associates of Frelinghuysen have voiced anti-Catholic sympathies, however. His selection would help with nativists, but exacerbate the Whigs' problems with the Catholic vote. Southerners with a long memory also recall his loud opposition to the Indian Removal Act.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 138, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Sergeant\", \"election\": 13, \"party\": \"Whig\", \"state\": \"Pennsylvania\", \"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/john-sergeant-1844.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

John Sergeant ran with Henry Clay in 1832, and has served in Congress on three occasions. He worked for the Second Bank of the United States, and strongly favors a revival of the national banking system. He is also known as an opponent of slavery, even voting against the Missouri Compromise in 1820. Obviously, this background could help Clay in certain regions, and hurt him in others. Sergeant has also been out of political office for over three years.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 139, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Millard\", \"last_name\": \"Fillmore\", \"election\": 13, \"party\": \"Whig\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 9, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/millard-fillmore-1844.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Millard Fillmore was an influential Congressman before leaving that body in 1843. He has strongly supported Whig economic policies such as a tariff and national bank. He has taken stances against the expansion of slavery, without veering into the dangerous territory of abolitionism. He is well-connected to New York politics, and his selection would undoubtedly motivate the party in that crucial state.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 140, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Thomas\", \"last_name\": \"Morris\", \"election\": 13, \"party\": \"Liberty\", \"state\": \"Ohio\", \"priority\": 10, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 141, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John C.\", \"last_name\": \"Calhoun\", \"election\": 13, \"party\": \"Independent\", \"state\": \"South Carolina\", \"priority\": 11, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 142, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Woodrow\", \"last_name\": \"Wilson\", \"election\": 14, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"New Jersey\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

Woodrow Wilson won in a 1912 landslide, and has passed an array of legislation in his first term. In 1916, however, foreign affairs are beginning to dominate. A loud minority of Democrats are aggressively anti-war and expect the same from Wilson. Can Wilson make the case that his passage of an antitrust act, a child labor law, an income tax Amendment, and the Federal Reserve Act, all warrant reelection? His recent remarriage has also fed some gossip.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/woodrow-wilson-1916.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1916 election.

In spite of a hard-fought challenge from Charles Evans Hughes, you have held on to the Presidency.

On the domestic front, it appears that your support of labor and progressivism has been rewarded. Internationally, let's all hope that fears of war with Germany prove to be unfounded.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry, you have lost the 1916 election.

Maybe 1912 was just an anomaly, brought about by Roosevelt's grandstanding. It has been over 20 years since the Democrats defeated a united Republican Party, and that advantage shows no sign of abating.

On the domestic front, let's hope that your achievements survive. Internationally, no one can say what might happen next. In a novel move, you have offered to do your part by resigning immediately, rather than waiting until March 4th.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

No candidate has captured an Electoral College majority.

Elections for Congress have also resulted in an even split among members, and it is extremely unclear who might ultimately win this election. Best of luck in what is sure to be a contentious process.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 143, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Charles Evans\", \"last_name\": \"Hughes\", \"election\": 14, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

Charles Evans Hughes is the former Governor of New York. He served on the Supreme Court from 1910, until resigning to accept the Republican Nomination. Hughes is a compromise candidate -- he was serving on the Court during the messy 1912 schism. It will be difficult for Hughes to condemn Wilson's legislation without losing support from progressives such as Roosevelt. Many Republicans also favor an aggressive stance against Germany, while others believe Hughes should finesse the issue.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/charles-evans-hughes-1916.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1916 election.

After the tumultuous 1912, the natural supremacy of the Republican Party has reasserted itself. The next steps are up to you -- perhaps you can lead the repeal of the Adamson Act, or replace it with something more measured and comprehensive. In regards to Europe, best of luck in whatever may occur over the next four years. Finally, Wilson plans to resign before your March 4th inauguration, so that you might assume the office now.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry, you have lost the 1916 election.

Ultimately, the popularity of Woodrow Wilson was just a little much to overcome.

It appears that Wilson's agenda will remain in effect domestically. In world affairs, it remains to be seen how the situation in Europe will finally resolve itself. As to your own prospects, it is unclear what your next steps will be. The Supreme Court seat you once enjoyed has now been lost for the foreseeable future.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

No candidate has captured an Electoral College majority.

Elections for Congress have also resulted in an even split among members, and it is extremely unclear who might ultimately win this election. Best of luck in what is sure to be a contentious process.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 144, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Allan\", \"last_name\": \"Benson/Other\", \"election\": 14, \"party\": \"Socialist\", \"state\": \"Michigan\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 145, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"James\", \"last_name\": \"Hanly\", \"election\": 14, \"party\": \"Prohibition\", \"state\": \"Indiana\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 146, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Thomas R.\", \"last_name\": \"Marshall\", \"election\": 14, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Indiana\", \"priority\": 5, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/thomas-r-marshall-1916.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Thomas R. Marshall has served as Wilson's Vice President since 1913, but the two have had icy relations. However, keeping Marshall on the ticket would preserve party unity and avoid a distracting storyline during the campaign. Marshall was previously the Governor of Indiana and is popular in that state. Politically, he is more moderate than Wilson has been.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 147, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Newton\", \"last_name\": \"Baker\", \"election\": 14, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Ohio\", \"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/newton-baker-1916.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Newton Baker has served as Secretary of War since the early part of 1916. Some advisors are encouraging Wilson to replace Marshall with Baker. The two have a much better working relationship, and Baker was formerly the mayor of Cleveland, Ohio. His nomination may help in Ohio, but it would also create headlines and arouse some Marshall supporters.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 148, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Charles W.\", \"last_name\": \"Fairbanks\", \"election\": 14, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Indiana\", \"priority\": 7, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/charles-w-fairbanks-1916.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Charles W. Fairbanks has served as a Senator from Indiana, and as Vice President under Teddy Roosevelt. He was seeking the top of the ticket this year, but has agreed to serve as Vice President a second time. Fairbanks supported William Howard Taft during the split in 1912, and would balance the ticket in a more conservative direction.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 149, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Elmer\", \"last_name\": \"Burkett\", \"election\": 14, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Nebraska\", \"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/elmer-burkett-1916.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Besides Fairbanks, Elmer Burkett is the only candidate for Vice President with significant support, and Hughes could attempt to elevate him. Burkett has served as Representative and Senator from Nebraska, striking a moderate course on many of the labor and economic issues of the day. His region is more in favor of peace, vis a vis Europe, as well. Nationally, he is less well-known than Fairbanks.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 150, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"George\", \"last_name\": \"Kirkpatrick\", \"election\": 14, \"party\": \"Socialist\", \"state\": \"Ohio\", \"priority\": 9, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 151, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Ira\", \"last_name\": \"Lendrith\", \"election\": 14, \"party\": \"Prohibition\", \"state\": \"Indiana\", \"priority\": 10, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 152, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"George\", \"last_name\": \"Bush\", \"election\": 15, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Texas\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

George Bush has served as Vice President for eight years, and also as a UN Ambassador, Director of the RNC, and Director of the CIA. He is hoping to succeed the popular Reagan, but fights the impression that he is too dependent on his former boss. He must prove he has the independence, ideological rigor, and strength to serve as President, all while finding some way to reduce the popularity of his opponent. Bush appears to be trailing badly as the campaign begins.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/george-bush-1988.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1988 election.

In spite of a hard-fought challenge from Michael Dukakis, you have held on to succeed Ronald Reagan.

Whatever you did, it must have worked. Observers were leaving your campaign for dead just a few months ago. On the political front, you can continue the policies of Reagan or turn in a more moderate direction. Internationally, you can hopefully oversee a period of relaxed tension with the Soviet Union.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry. You have lost the 1988 election.

Perhaps it was always a long-shot -- the American people just seemed ready to move on from Reagan.

Time will tell if Dukakis governs as a moderate, a liberal, or a technocrat. A lot can happen in four years, but the early gossip is that Bob Dole has the inside track for the 1992 nomination. Your next steps are unclear.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Sorry. You have lost the 1988 election.

Although the Electoral College was tied, the Democrats have won a solid majority in the House, and will elevate Michael Dukakis to the Presidency.

Time will tell if Dukakis governs as a moderate, a liberal, or a technocrat. A lot can happen in four years, but the early gossip is that Bob Dole has the inside track for the 1992 nomination. Your next steps are unclear.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 153, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Michael\", \"last_name\": \"Dukakis\", \"election\": 15, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Massachusetts\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

Michael Dukakis has been elected three times as Governor of Massachusetts. His chances this year seem to be good, if he can press the case for his own ability and challenge the readiness of Bush. Dukakis has won the nomination without aligning himself firmly with a specific wing of the party. His national reputation is positive, but inchoate. He will be expected to define himself more clearly, and may need to explain some older votes and decisions as they become known.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/michael-dukakis-1988.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1988 election.

In spite of a hard-fought challenge from George Bush, you have held on to succeed Ronald Reagan.

You were always the favorite to win, but a lot could have gone wrong. On the political front, you can work a Democratic House to overturn the worst excesses of Reagan. Internationally, you can hopefully oversee a period of relaxed tension with the Soviet Union.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry. You have lost the 1988 election.

In spite of you being the favorite, things just never seemed to click once the real campaigning began.

Time will tell if Bush governs as a moderate, or a staunch conservative. Many Democrats feel that this election was yours to lose, and it seems unlikely that you will be welcome to run again in four years. Your term as Governor, however, runs through 1991.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 1988 election.

Although the Electoral College was tied, the Democrats have won a solid majority in the House, and will elevate Michael Dukakis to the Presidency.

On the political front, you can work a Democratic House to overturn the worst excesses of Reagan. Internationally, you can hopefully oversee a period of relaxed tension with the Soviet Union.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 154, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Ron\", \"last_name\": \"Paul\", \"election\": 15, \"party\": \"Libertarian\", \"state\": \"Texas\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 155, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Lenora\", \"last_name\": \"Fulani/Other\", \"election\": 15, \"party\": \"Independent\", \"state\": \"Pennsylvania\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 156, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Dan\", \"last_name\": \"Quayle\", \"election\": 15, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Indiana\", \"priority\": 5, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/dan-quayle-1988.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Dan Quayle has served as a Senator from Indiana for the past seven years. He would be an unexpected choice, and the first baby boomer to run on a national ticket. He does not have a long record of achievement at the highest stage, but he could have some appeal to social conservatives, Midwesterners, and younger voters. There is some skepticism about his intellect, and his campaigning and debating ability.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 157, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Bob\", \"last_name\": \"Dole\", \"election\": 15, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Kansas\", \"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/bob-dole-1988.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Bob Dole was Bush's primary rival for the Republican nomination. He has served as a Senator from Kansas since 1969. He is the preferred choice of many in the party, and has a loyal following on Capitol Hill. Many believe he would help immensely in the farm states. On the other hand, Dole served as Gerald Ford's running mate in 1976, and made some over-the-top attacks on Jimmy Carter which served as a distraction. He and Bush also have lukewarm feelings for each other.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 158, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Jack\", \"last_name\": \"Kemp\", \"election\": 15, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 7, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/jack-kemp-1988.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Jack Kemp is a Congressman from New York who has served since the early 1970s. Before that, he was a well-known professional football quarterback. He was one of the main architects and proponents of Reagan's supply-side tax cuts, and is known to be a staunch fiscal conservative. This could cut both ways in a general election. He would be a good choice for most Republicans, and is consistently mentioned as a possible running-mate.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 159, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Lloyd\", \"last_name\": \"Bentsen\", \"election\": 15, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Texas\", \"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/lloyd-bentsen-1988.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Lloyd Bentsen has served as a Senator from Texas since 1971. In his first Senatorial election, he defeated George Bush. He is viewed as a moderate Democrat, particularly on economic issues. Texas could be a competitive state in the fall, and Bentsen's presence would help there. He is also very experienced on the national political stage. No Democrat has ever lost Texas and gone on to win a Presidential election.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 160, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"John\", \"last_name\": \"Glenn\", \"election\": 15, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Ohio\", \"priority\": 9, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/john-glenn-1988.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

John Glenn is a Senator from Ohio, whose name has been in the mix for President or Vice President for several years. He originally gained fame as an astronaut in the 1960s, and has fostered a reputation as a moderate Democrat, with a particular interest in science and education. Needless to say, he comes from a crucial state in any national election.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 161, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Al\", \"last_name\": \"Gore\", \"election\": 15, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Tennessee\", \"priority\": 10, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/al-gore-1988.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Al Gore has served as a Senator from Tennessee for three years, and like Bush, is the son of a Senator. He has combined a concern for science and technology with a somewhat conservative record on social issues such as gun control, abortion, and gay rights. He did fairly well in the 1988 nomination battle, finishing third to Dukakis and Jesse Jackson. He is also a baby boomer and could help appeal to younger voters.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 162, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Jesse\", \"last_name\": \"Jackson\", \"election\": 15, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Illinois\", \"priority\": 11, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/jesse-jackson-1988.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Jesse Jackson was Dukakis's most successful challenger for the Democratic nomination. He has consistently pushed liberal positions, and would be the first African-American to appear on a major party ticket. In the environment of 1988, his race could be an asset and a liability. Many of supporters feel that his success in the primaries should warrant his selection as the running mate, and passing him up could dampen enthusiasm among black and liberal voters.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 163, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Andre\", \"last_name\": \"Marrou\", \"election\": 15, \"party\": \"Libertarian\", \"state\": \"Alaska\", \"priority\": 12, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 164, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Other\", \"last_name\": \"Other\", \"election\": 15, \"party\": \"Independent\", \"state\": \"Pennsylvania\", \"priority\": 13, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 165, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Hillary\", \"last_name\": \"Clinton\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

As expected, Hillary Clinton has carried her party's nomination, and now faces an unexpected opponent in Donald Trump. She was traditionally known as a mainstream Democrat, but tacked significantly to the left during the primary campaign. Clinton enters the general election in a strong position, but she'll be under relentless attack on a number of fronts. Can she make the case that she is truly in touch with the American people -- or that Trump would be an even worse option?

\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/hillary-clinton-2016.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 2016 election.

In spite of a hard-fought challenge from Donald Trump, you have become the first woman elected to serve as President.

On the political front, it is unclear how much of your agenda you will be able to push forward with the current Congress. Hopefully your victory has helped Democrats further down the ballot. Start packing and prepare to move back into the White House!

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 2016 election.

Many of your supporters are despondent that you have faltered to the likes of Donald Trump. Many in the left wing of the party are furious that you pushed their candidate aside, only to lose. Time will tell how Trump operates as President. As for you, a long and sometimes ambiguous political career seems to be coming to its end.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 2016 election.

No candidate secured a majority in the Electoral College. However, the Republicans won a majority in Congress and will elevate Trump to the Presidency. Time will tell how things go in that regard. As for you, a long and sometimes ambiguous political career seems to be coming to its end.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 166, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Donald\", \"last_name\": \"Trump\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

Donald Trump has shocked the political establishment by winning the Republican nomination in a divisive contest. He has taken a hard line on immigration and tax cuts, along with unorthodox positions on many other issues. He must unite his own party while finding some way to peel off potential Clinton voters -- or to blunt their enthusiasm for Clinton enough that they stay home. Will he continue the strategy of relentless attack that served him so well in the primary season?

\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/donald-trump-2016.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 2016 election.

In spite of a hard-fought challenge from Hillary Clinton, you have shocked the world with your election victory.

On the political front, you have the bully pulpit in your favor, but both parties in Congress are likely to oppose your next moves, albeit for different reasons. Can you build a working coalition?

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 2016 election.

Many of your supporters are despondent that you have faltered to the likes of Hillary Clinton. Republicans in general believe this was a very winnable election, and are enraged that you came in to blow it. As for your next moves, will you recede quietly from the public spotlight? Or will you do anything you can to case doubt on the legitimacy of the results?

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Wow! You have pulled out 2016 election.

No candidate secured a majority in the Electoral College. However, the Republicans won a majority in Congress and will elevate you to the Presidency. Time will tell how things go in that regard. Any mutual affection between you and Congress is predicted to be short-lived, but you've pulled off a number of surprises to get this far.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 167, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Gary\", \"last_name\": \"Johnson\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Libertarian\", \"state\": \"New Mexico\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 168, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Jill\", \"last_name\": \"Stein\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Green\", \"state\": \"Massachusetts\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 169, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Cory\", \"last_name\": \"Booker\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"New Jersey\", \"priority\": 5, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/cory-booker-2016.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Cory Booker is a Senator from New Jersey and was also the Mayor of Newark for several years. Politically, he is a mainstream Democrat, relatively similar to Barack Obama. He is also relatively youthful, with somewhat of a national profile. Turning out the black vote, and preventing even a handful of defectors to Trump, will be essential to a Clinton victory. However, Booker inspires limited enthusiasm amongst Sanders supporters.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 170, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Julian\", \"last_name\": \"Castro\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Texas\", \"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/julian-castro-2016.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Julian Castro is the current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, under the Obama Administration. He is one of the Democratic Party's highest profile Hispanic politicians, and is a fresh face on the national scene. On the other hand, he is somewhat light on experience, and many argue that Trump's presence will ensure Democratic dominance of the Hispanic vote, regardless of Castro's selection.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 171, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Elizabeth\", \"last_name\": \"Warren\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Massachusetts\", \"priority\": 7, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/elizabeth-warren-2016.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Elizabeth Warren is a Senator from Massachusetts and an icon to progressive Democrats. Selecting her could be a good way to appeal to supporters of Bernie Sanders, but she will expect Clinton to adhere to progressive stances throughout the campaign, as a condition of joining the ticket. Some observers think that having two women on the ticket may be a bit much, and also point out that Warren's home state is safely Democratic.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 172, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Sherrod\", \"last_name\": \"Brown\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Ohio\", \"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/sherrod-brown-2016.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Sherrod Brown is a Senator from Ohio with a long history in that crucial state. He has generally been on the liberal end of the Democratic spectrum, but could help Clinton compete in the Midwest. Brown is reluctant to serve as a running mate this year. Clinton will need to give assurances that her change of position on trade issues, like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, is a permanent change, and was not one of political expediency.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 173, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Scott\", \"last_name\": \"Brown\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"New Hampshire\", \"priority\": 9, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/scott-brown-2016.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Scott Brown gained national attention for his upset of Martha Coakley in the 2010 Massachusetts Senate race. He was voted out in 2012, and has had trouble gaining political traction in his (admittedly liberal) region, in spite of taking relatively moderate views. Brown has blue-collar bona fides and could help Trump reinforce his anti-establishment image. Geographically, he may provide some measure of help in winning New Hampshire.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 174, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Ben\", \"last_name\": \"Carson\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Michigan\", \"priority\": 10, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/ben-carson-2016.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Ben Carson was a candidate for President in 2016, with a long history within the evangelical community. He has never served in political office, a fact which may be an asset in this election. Carson was one of the Trump's first opponents to publicly endorse him, and he consistently polled relatively high in the black community during the primary season. However, he has also made a number of bizarre statements and may be vulnerable to a sustained attack campaign.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 175, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Chris\", \"last_name\": \"Christie\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"New Jersey\", \"priority\": 11, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/chris-christie-2016.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Chris Christie is the current Governor of New Jersey, and was Trump's first opponent to endorse him, after making his own bid for the Republican nomination. Christie once enjoyed significant bipartisan support in New Jersey, but that has plummeted. His selection would double-down on Trump's image as an unorthodox, East Coast-influenced Republican. This may or may not be helpful.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 176, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Ted\", \"last_name\": \"Cruz\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Texas\", \"priority\": 12, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"/static/images/ted-cruz-2016.jpg\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Ted Cruz was Trump's main rival for the Republican nomination. He is a Senator from Texas who has consistently taken conservative and evangelical positions during his political career. He will only serve as a running mate if Trump makes assurances about his position on the health care issue, federal spending, abortion, and other social issues. He has made it clear that he will withdraw from the ticket if Trump appears to deviate from his promises.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 177, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"James\", \"last_name\": \"Gray\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Libertarian\", \"state\": \"New Mexico\", \"priority\": 13, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 178, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Cheri\", \"last_name\": \"Honkala\", \"election\": 16, \"party\": \"Green\", \"state\": \"Massachusetts\", \"priority\": 14, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.running_mate\", \"pk\": 106, \"fields\": {\"candidate\": 155, \"running_mate\": 164}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.running_mate\", \"pk\": 76, \"fields\": {\"candidate\": 116, \"running_mate\": 120}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.running_mate\", \"pk\": 67, \"fields\": {\"candidate\": 94, \"running_mate\": 104}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.running_mate\", \"pk\": 74, \"fields\": {\"candidate\": 107, \"running_mate\": 114}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.running_mate\", \"pk\": 66, \"fields\": {\"candidate\": 93, \"running_mate\": 103}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.running_mate\", \"pk\": 81, \"fields\": {\"candidate\": 118, \"running_mate\": 125}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.running_mate\", \"pk\": 7, \"fields\": {\"candidate\": 18, \"running_mate\": 38}}, {\"model\": 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"is_premium": 0, "display_year": "1952"}]; campaignTrail_temp.difficulty_level_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.difficulty_level\", \"pk\": 1, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Cakewalk\", \"multiplier\": 1.3}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.difficulty_level\", \"pk\": 2, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Very Easy\", \"multiplier\": 1.2}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.difficulty_level\", \"pk\": 3, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Easy\", \"multiplier\": 1.1}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.difficulty_level\", \"pk\": 4, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Normal\", \"multiplier\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.difficulty_level\", \"pk\": 5, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Hard\", \"multiplier\": 0.9}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.difficulty_level\", \"pk\": 6, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Impossible\", \"multiplier\": 0.8}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.difficulty_level\", \"pk\": 7, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Unthinkable\", \"multiplier\": 0.7}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.difficulty_level\", \"pk\": 8, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Blowout\", \"multiplier\": 0.6}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.difficulty_level\", \"pk\": 9, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Disaster\", \"multiplier\": 0.5}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.credits = 'u/yupperdoo97. Baseline code (1944) made by u/FromAshComesFire, u/ChooseanUniqueName, and u/campaigntrailaccount. Playtesting by u/itsastronomics, edmundblackadder, u/whatnamedidiuseagain. Music Code by u/whatnamedidiuseagain and seaworthinessrare. Original code for banner and theme created by GelidLagopus.'; HistHexcolour=["#4D4C99","#C9566A","#CC7A98"]; HistName=["Dwight Eisenhower","Adlai Stevenson","Other Candidates"]; HistEV=[442,89,0]; HistPV=["34,075,529","27,375,090","301,323"]; HistPVP=["55.2%","44.3%","0.5%"]; styling = document.createElement("style"); document.head.appendChild(styling); styling.innerHTML = ` #opponent_selection_id_back { display: none; } ` let z = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => { let runningMateSummary = document.querySelector("#running_mate_summary"); if (runningMateSummary) { $("#running_mate_id_button").click(); observer.disconnect() } }); z.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true }); }