program ChaosUpdater; const SCRIPTS: array[0..1] of string = ['OGLDraynorChopper', 'OGLBonfire']; var i: integer; script: string; function proxyRequest(funcUrl: string): string; begin result := getPage('' + funcUrl); end; procedure update(funcUrl, funcScriptName: string; funcUseProxy: boolean = true; funcPath: string = '') var funcFile: integer; funcScript, funcFileName: string; begin if (funcUseProxy) and (pos('https://', funcUrl) <> 0) then funcScript := proxyRequest(funcUrl) else funcScript := getPage(funcUrl); if (funcPath = '') then funcPath := scriptPath; if (pos('.simba', funcScriptName) <> 0) then funcFileName := funcPath + funcScriptName else funcFileName := funcPath + funcScriptName + '.simba'; funcFile := rewriteFile(funcFileName, true); try writeFileString(funcFile, funcScript); writeln('[', funcScriptName, '] Updated script'); except writeln('[', funcScriptName, '] Failed to write. Script was not updated!'); end; closeFile(funcFile); end; begin update('', 'cLib', true, includePath); for i := 0 to length(SCRIPTS) do begin script := '' + SCRIPTS[i] + '.simba'; update(script, SCRIPTS[i]); end; end.