issue: aks_nitr_twitter: From this discussion, it appears that appium supports QT based applications ( [<-ISSUE->] ) solution: issue: TusharRastogi: basically it will override exsiting session if any , some time appium session will not quit due to some reason in that cases will fail TusharRastogi: got it? solution: issue: Hi All! We have been looking at automating the testing of our iOS application with Appium 1.6.0 and XCUITest framework. While we have been able to interact with our app, we cannot set a specific value for the XCUIelementtypeslider element. Is this a limitation of Appium 1.6.0 or are we doing anything work? We tried with sendKeys("0.5") and sendKeys("50%") without much success solution: issue: guys i need on help manikandan can u help me solution: issue: hi sorrry for not replying why i am getting that error just a min i will check 4.1.2 i am using this ya i replaced it and imported java client also solution: issue: MadebyBala: When this appears:-e Fetching dependenciesand no dependencies are downloaded, restart your system. It solved mine!!! solution: So, webdriver agent starts on device (which is done by appium). issue: Looks like your webdriver agent is on different location. You are trying to refer it on localhost. Webdriver agent: [<-LINK->] ... Localhost: or Eitehr start webdriver agent on localhost or point to correct url solution: issue: I created an issue if anyone could help: [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: Hi @all,Appium 1.6.1 released, some of exitsting issue and concern are fixed, please go through it solution: but using calabash you can set and get color. issue: I'm being told that Appium doesnt allow me to test uploading a file. Is this true? I'm using a company called Browserstack and they use Appium for the mobile emulations solution: issue: for real device iOS 10.1 you need to install iOS-deploy there will couple of reasons, singing not happen properly or you need to reinstall appium solution: yes, you need an apple developer account to sign the app, in order to run it on real device. issue: hi all! When I try run test in real iOS device I'm getting error:selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: simctl error running 'create': Invalid device type: charliebut device connected and available for inspector mgmanikandan87: desired_caps_local_test = {"appium-version": '1.6.0-beta3','platformVersion': '10.1','platformName': 'iOS','deviceName': 'charlie','app': 'Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'} solution: issue: [<-LINK->] is the latest one on windowshow to upgrade?i am using client on windows solution: issue: mgmanikandan87: yes, adding UDID helped, but now new error([Xcode] 2016-11-29 17:26:39.300 xcodebuild[20537:761217] Error Domain=IDETestOperationsObserverErrorDomain Code=5 "Early unexpected exit, operation never finished bootstrapping - no restart will be attempted" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Early unexpected exit, operation never finished bootstrapping - no restart will be attempted} solution: issue: why does my iOS simulator change Scale every single run? Is there a capability to standardize it? solution: that sounds nearly as confusing as doing Salvia. issue: What languages are everyone using for writing tests? MochaJS? Ruby? Python? What do you think is best? What languages are everyone using for writing tests? MochaJS? Ruby? Python? What do you think is best? solution: issue: I've had luck scrolling with a swipe event - you might try that! (I'm using Mocha though) Sure solution: np! Beware though this is Mocha not python.. issue: reywinters03: are you facing still scrolling issue ? reywinters03: android & iOS ? @reywinters03AndroidElement listView = (AndroidElement) wd.findElementByClassName("android.widget.ScrollView");listView.swipe(SwipeElementDirection.UP, 20, 15, 5000);This should work joodies: appium version ? solution: issue: Does anyone know what version of Xcode I need to have to run automation on iOS 10? solution: issue: hi, same issue with 1.6.2 1.6.1 solution: tried to test with chrome on mobile. i see some fellows are handling this on github. issue: Hey, can I check My iOS device type at runtime, like whether it's ipad or iPhone solution: TusharRastogi: YES YOU CAN. issue: How to do it programatically using JAVA solution: like command line command. issue: I am writing multiple test , so while starting second test it gives me thisorg.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be created. Details: Problem getting session data for driver type AndroidDriver; does it implement 'get driverData'? (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)Do I need to instantiate again tekisrinivas20: Does not work , still closes the app after first testcase method Is ther anyone online?? solution: issue: I am getting the below error while I am trying to automate an hybrid app using appium. Please help to resolve this issue org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure. org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure.I got this error while trying to automate an hybrid app. Please help its for web driver. I am working on a hybrid app. public class FirstAppiumTrial { [<-CODE->] Actually I am new to appium. I dont know much. appium logs means? Divya-tfw: : after that do i have to run my code again in eclipse? mgmanikandan87: : yes, I started I am using eclipse IDE mgmanikandan87: : Do you have any properly running appium code ? solution: issue: Small question guys. To be able to run appium test on real iPhone, we need to sign app with developer account and it should be build in developer mode ? or we can use "production" build ipa for that ? solution: issue: is there any tool/way to record the screen of the simulator while my appium test is running? I’d prefer automated. I need it for recording and exporting test run videos in CI (Jenkins) something similar to [<-LINK->] This one’s problem is that it only works on real devices, not on simulators solution: issue: just installed a new 5.1.1 AVD device, and it’s the same, I don’t have the freakin' “screenrecord" ok, found the issue: [<-LINK->] it’s not supported on emualtors solution: issue: sauce just killed my working script :facepalm: ... any idea why they removed support for appium 1.6.1 and 1.6.0? solution: They've fallen behind I guess. lionel-pushios: use appium-doctor. issue: Hi, I am facing issue while launching appium server from program file UnreachableBrowser Could not start a new session solution: issue: Hi Guys, I am facing one weird issue when running scripts in batch .It is failing telling no such element found even though element exists.Its running properly when running individually but failing when scripts in batch i.e running scripts by adding them in xml and trigger run as suite run.Can Any one help me regarding this solution: issue: Thank u guys .I got solution for batch run using Override Existing session.Thank u solution: issue: hii all i have a problem wanna use real device for ios but its take a error "Error : Command 'ios-deploy --id 82e1c906c4d00c16b24198035f0c2035d3d78ddf --uninstall --bundle /Users/ahmetbaltaci/Developer/projects/foreks-mobile-iphone-test/binaries/' exited with code 253" help me :) yes first try real device shabinmohan: can you help me solution: issue: bilgiislem: can you try to install using iOS-deploy command ? are you able to install ? solution: Install and debug iPhone apps from the command-line [<-LINK->] Not installedFrom: [<-LINK->] ==> RequirementsBuild: xcodeRequired: macOS >= 10.10. issue: Guys, how clear web data on safari (real device) ? solution: issue: hello I got this error When i was trying to run my tests targetSdkVersionFromManifest failed. Original error: Cannot read property '1' of null is there any solution for that? hardik-d: @mgmanikandan87@RatkoD@RatkoD@jjimenezcapiThanks a lot, it's solved right now works like a charm! mgmanikandan87: Yes I upgraded it withnpm install -g appium@1.6.3 solution: issue: yeah, i think i solved it by adding this to my pom.xml [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Hi any of you know why I am getting this "echo/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home: No such file or directory" i was trying to do re setup of appium after upgrading mac os to Sierra no i dint update java mgmanikandan87: yes i appium doctor i was getting issue with java path solution: issue: Hi guys! How you install ipa on the real device? Do I need to specify something else appart of path to ipa while driver initialisation? I am facing an error: [XCUITest] Error: Local zip did not exist solution: issue: It helped, but I've got new one: [debug] [XCUITest] Error checking install status: Command 'ios-deploy --exists --id REAL_UDID --bundle_id REAL_BUNDLE_ID' exited with code 255 app is installed on the device solution: issue: Hi guys, does anyone know a nice solution for checking verification sms on android and ios using appium ? i assume that for iOS the only option is to have a notification with sms code in it what about android ? Does everyone switch from test app to messenger and back ? i'm on Appium 1.6.3 , but i don't use all it's api heavily, so can't say for sure wheather it got broken somewhere or not solution: issue: Free Lance Trainer for Appium (iOS and Android) [<-LINK->] If in your communities anyone who would like to learn Appium with appropriate guidance then do share the link with them and they can contact me from there solution: issue: [<-LINK->] Hi any one can help me to fix this issue Showing this error in Appium doctor Bin directory for $JAVA_HOME is not set I upgraded Mac OS to Sierra then re installed all appium solution: issue: you need to add some variables to your ~/.bashrc mine looks something like this:export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/bkis/android-sdkexport JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_111.jdk/Contents/Homeexport PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH this way I don’t have any issue with appium [<-LINK->] shabinmohan: then don’t. appium will still work with iOS, I think but JAVA_HOME you need, I think solution: issue: So@beniamin-kisThis command I have to run right ? export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH solution: no, you need to add it to your ~/.bashrc. also, you need to point JAVA_HOME to your java installation folder. issue: Hi everyone , Who update to Appium 1.6.3 ? Do you have problem ? This is strange error esting failed:/Users/Eugene/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-brdadhpuduowllgivnnvuygpwhzy/Build/Intermediates/ line 2: ./Scripts/ No such file or directoryTEST FAILED before this i do "sh ./Scripts/ -d" [Xcode]Testing failed:[Xcode] 'NSPredicate+FBFormat.h' file not foundTEST FAILED I fix problem with, but i have with [Xcode] 'NSPredicate+FBFormat.h' file not found solution: issue: I unable to test hybrid android app. not able to locate as webview. How to do it please explain for hybrid app. solution: issue: shapovalovei: i am on 1.6.3 but installed it using npm no solution: issue: Hi. Is it possible search element with Xpath (example element =driver.find_element(By.XPATH, value="//0/0/1")? I am used iOS 10.2 and Appium 1.6.3 solution: issue: To start the Appium server, the command is "appium" but what is the command to run a file against the server, "something filename.js"? I'm a newbie to Appium solution: issue: lionel-pushios: you'll want to make requests to the appium server. The easiest way to do this is with a webdriver client. Argadeis: is there an option in Intellij to point to the proper appium path? You may have it installed in two different places So I've been writing tests against a react-native ios app, and facing some problems with accessibilityID selectors being properly placed natively. Questions may be more react-native specific, but I'm wondering if there are others out there facing similar issues (particularly with XCUITest). Appium 1.6.3, iOS 10.2, React Native 0.38 solution: issue: HI all, Can I do Appium mobile automation testing from my Windows machine on an Iphone using ITunes? why not/ does Appium need mac device? So you mean to say ITunes wont help? solution: issue: does anyone knows what this means?Testing failed:Signing for "WebDriverAgentRunner" requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor.Code signing is required for product type 'UI Testing Bundle' in SDK 'iOS 10.2' do you have some tutorial on how to add my account in xcode thanks, I'll give it a try this should work with 1.6+ right, it's not limiting to 1.6.0 solution: issue: appium now builds a webdriverrunner app each test run so you need to add your apple dev account in xcode hella weird stuff building an app each test run adds to the runtime xcode->preferences->accounts [<-LINK->] [<-LINK->] use this ^^^^ solution: issue: Hi Any one tried automating native app on real device iOS 10 using XcUITest WebDriverAgent ? Hi@Divya-tfw I hope you tried automating native app on real device iOS 10 using XCUITest -WebDriverAgent solution: issue: is anyone else facing this issue: [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: Hello. Anyone know when Appium will support Xcode 8.2? solution: it supports. install appium 1.6.3. issue: ha ha@RatkoD The changes are pain ful Any idea ? can we use 1.6.0 Appium gui and 1.6.3 in command prompt in parallel? 1.6.0 for appium inspector solution: issue: premji9892_twitter: I cant use setLocation on my phone Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: ERROR running Appium command: port should be a number or string: false it give me this message,others tell my try to use emulatorbut my network have some wrong now, so i have not tried on emulator there is something wrong with my network , i have not used emulator.i cant download now premji9892_twitter: yes,if anyone got it ,share it solution: issue: I'm using appium and the ms WinAppDriver to ui test my universal windows apps. How can I register my apps on my build server (win10) so on the buildserver, things are getting registered in a way, so that appium can run it? solution: issue: how to disable wifi on Android (using appium with java). ? please close the server and launch again. This is a session error. Please resolve at your end. try to debug solution: issue: is the adb command working from terminal? solution: apparenly yes. issue: @RatkoD and @saikrishna321 the message you sent "@blueice349 You can try the AppiumTestDistribution framework from @saikrishna321 works fine with android devices and ios until 9.x version, but I have troubles making it work with iOS 10, Appium 1.6.x and xCode 8.2"Seems like that is cucumber and java? do you know if this will work with mocha and JavaScript? solution: issue: Hi Hi Unable to start WebDriver Agent using Appium 1.6.1-beta could some one address this issue solution: issue: can we enable disable SIM in android using ADB or Appium? solution: issue: How to perform scroll operation in appium? Could some one help me on this? Since scroll keyword is not present .. solution: issue: Hi, anyone using UIAutomator2 in here? solution: issue: String arr[]={"x","y","z"};String arr1[]={"321","324","123"}; [<-CODE->] Above is my code when the app is logged in successfully on the when the loop runs on third time im getting An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters. (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) Instead of showing logged in successfully Can some one help where did i missed something? app is successfully logged in but im getting this error message.." An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters. (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)" solution: issue: Don't work driver.findElement(By.XPATH,"//AppiumAUT/XCUIElementTypeApplication") for Appium 1.6.3? [iOS real device] not working with driver.findElement(By.xpath("//XCUIElementTypeApplication")) solution: issue: set WebDriverWait timeout as 5s,why not give an exception? [<-LINK->] solution: issue: does anyone working with latest appium 1.6.3? i'm not able to install ideviceinstaller to run appium test scripts via iOS 9 devices solution: issue: How to scroll down the page in hybrid app in to bottom is there any way to set the page in bottom in apium? tfcardoso: can you please tell me the code for swipe down solution: driver.swipe(startXPoint, startYPoint, endXPoint, endYPoint, 1200);. Dimension size = driver.manage().window().getSize();. issue: Iam facing an issue to locate an //XCUIElementTypeStaticText elementI tried with different atribute values in relative xpath still not able to identify this elementwhen i printed the pagesourceI am not able to see this element in the xml filesame time when inspecting through Appium-iOS-Inspector I am getting xpath for the same (which is not working)any of you faced any similer kind of issue ? yes basic level shaileshgohel: solution: issue: will Appium 1.6.3 work for windows ? solution: puneetbohra: yes it will work. issue: Does anyone worjed with Appium on AWS Device Farm ? I am facing issues working with permissions alert in Android Marshmellow with AWD Device Farm Can anyone please help ? Does that work on Device Farm too > Desired capabilities are not working with Device Farm solution: issue: shaileshgohel: hi I am not sure about android but when i worked on that for iOS i used autoAcceptAlerts,true capability shaileshgohel: can you try it ? I hope it will work oh ? solution: issue: hey everyone, will Appium 1.6.3 work with XCode 7.3.1? Or do I need to upgrade to XCode8? awesome. thank you is that only for Xcode 8? awesome. I will remember that. thank you solution: issue: hi all, how to validate the check box in iOS. the property checked is not available for ios solution: issue: hi :) I'm using appium 1.6 on real iOS 9 device and the app launch twice for the appium session is this the expected behaviour? I only call 'launch' once in my appium client solution: issue: Is it possible to execute two or more tests simultaneously on two or more different devices [iOS 10, Appium 1.6.3]? solution: issue: It can't be done solution: so that should still work with all previous versions right. issue: hiI'm using appium 1.6 on real iOS 9 deviceand the app launch twice for the appium sessionis this the expected behaviour? I only call 'launch' once in my appium client is someone here using appium with react native? Does you experience difficulties getting elements by accessibility strategy? It seems that testID etc. behaves differently between iOS and Android solution: issue: no need to guess, click on some logo or picture or something. Not everything is clickable solution: issue: i use appium_lib: { port: ENV["PORT"].present? ? ENV["PORT"] : "4723" } in driver opts opts = {caps: {platformName: 'Android',udid: ENV["UDID"],deviceName: "Android Emulator",dontStopAppOnReset: 'true',app: '~/android-debug.apk'}, appium_lib: { port: ENV["PORT"].present? ? ENV["PORT"] : "4723" }} figuring out appium_lib: {port: ...} portion was the pain so basically you have to tell your driver to talk to which port figure ^^ out in whatever appium client lib you are using you using java/python/js? solution: server has to know exact UDID to talk to and your driver has to know what UDID and appium port to talk to. issue: Sathees249: Whats your issue? solution: issue: in appium server, What should I mention in the app path for iOS automation testing? means IPA file or anything? [<-LINK->] solution: issue: sh ./Scripts/ -d not producing log file while installing WebDriverAgent iOS 10 solution: issue: is anyone using appium with node? i can't seem to getbrowser.execute('mobile:scroll', {'direction':'down'})to work ... i tried using touchAction but it says it's not yet implemented i tried [<-CODE->] i get an error saying not yet implemented and then when i tried using mobile: scroll i'm gettingUnexpected error in -[UIAScrollView_ solution: issue: Hi, I have an issue in launching the app in a simulator. I'm using xcode 8 and appium 1.6.1 . Following is the issue I get in appium Enqueue Failure: UI Testing Failure - App accessibility isn't loaded /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgentRunner/UITestingUITests.m Can someone help me with it solution: issue: Safari is getting launched on Simulator instead of Real device on iPhone7 Does Appium 1.6.3 support Safari launcher on Real device? bhargav2410: you can run following comand "ulimit -n 1024" to avoid socket exception this command will increase the limit for connected device solution: issue: Error: Android bootstrap socket crashed: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:4724at Socket. (lib/bootstrap.js:87:21)at emitOne (events.js:90:13)at Socket.emit (events.js:182:7)at emitErrorNT (net.js:1249:8)at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:74:11)at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9) Plz help me to slove above error facing error in macOS Sierra (10.12), Xcode 8.2 , Android device 5.1, Appium 1.6.3 Error: Android bootstrap socket crashed: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:5425at Socket. (../../lib/bootstrap.js:87:21)at emitOne (events.js:96:13)at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)at emitErrorNT (net.js:1272:8)at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:74:11)at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9) solution: issue: Apologies if this is a very basic question but, can Appium be used to automate an app I haven't developed myself, like Instagram? Or is it intended for one that you have the code for solution: issue: you cannot use it for app that is not yours up until appium 1.5.x you were unable to test toast messages. I'm not sure about 1.6+ solution: issue: Hello how do i get appium 1.6 beta for Mac OS? I went to [<-LINK->] I do not see it? solution: issue: hi im facing this issue with appium. when using simulator manually, app is working fine. but when using appium, app freezes and looks like appium enters a race condition anyone experience a tableview dynamically refreshing causes problem with appium? solution: issue: premji9892_twitter: you can’t get the toast message, but you can verify toast message using uiautomator2 in appium 1.6 solution: issue: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused: connect Getting this error when running program But sometimes this is not coming programs runs fine.. Is there any fix for this? solution: issue: I've recently started to use Appium with Python. I've installed on my Macbook 1.6.0 version and try to run App and App inspector because it looks like it's using 1.5.3 Appium. So, can somebody suggest what should i do. I also lets's say don't have a source code but only .app file. Actually, I'm evaluating Applitools samples any help will be greatly appreciated I also see this error when running Appium Doctor Last login: Wed Jan 11 02:14:59 on ttys000Jeffs-Air:~ jeffradom$ '/Applications/' '/Applications/'info AppiumDoctor ### Diagnostic starting ###info AppiumDoctor ✔ Xcode is installed at: /Applications/[Error: Could not detect Mac OS X Version from sw_vers output: '10.12.2'] solution: issue: i think 10.12 is sierra? not sure if appium supports sierra yet you might wanna log a support ticket on that solution: issue: are you executing your code on the same machine appium is on? is anyone able to interact with a iOS PickerWheel? Using 1.6.3 solution: issue: hey anyone knows how to start appium pro-grammatically I am able to start the server but getting error: Could not find ideviceinstaller or initialize it idevice.. is woking fine if I start the server manually RatkoD: it shows libsmobiledevices-1.2.0 is already installed I have also uninstalled and reinstalled it solution: issue: Is anyone can tell me when i try to run appium from terminal using run appium command it shows -bash : run : command not found solution: issue: not sure where undefined command is creeping in from seems to be failing on the first driver.get() ok, turns out part of the problem was lcokdown was inaccessible sudo chmod 777 /var/db/lockdown solution: issue: Hey guys, any ideas on why a test executes perfectly on a real android device but .waitForElementById and .elementById will fail every time when I run the same exact test on SauceLabs (Android Emulator)? I'm using node bindings and the latest versions of everything. "Error response status: 7, , NoSuchElement - An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters" solution: issue: Hi guys, i have appium 1.5.3 installed in my Mac, i had created an iOS simulator for iPhone 5 with version 9.3 using Xcode 7.3.1 and i was able to launch the web app i had put in my script. When i updated to Xcode 8.2.1 the simulator would not launch nor run script I also cannot execute any tests using real iOS device, is there certain steps i have to take using the developer id for real iOS device to work? solution: yeah, but it's going to take a bit of updating to get there. issue: What is the api method for getting an Android device's screen size (height & width) in node.js syntax? nevermind .getWindowSize returns [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] solution: issue: any hints how or why appium would kill itself over sqlite? Test was running last night which crawshed horribly now appium throws this error when run from the command line Error: Cannot find module '/Users/workray/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/node-v51-darwin-x64/node_sqlite3.node' the error is correct, for some reason I have node-v48-darwin-x64 instead but appium was running breifly before hand now this error is thrown immediately when runningappiumfrom the terminal I shall give that a go aniket-21: strangly, there were no node processes running - rebooted too and still no luckHave rolled back to appium 1.6.0 and appear to be up and running again solution: issue: driver.findelement( not supporting in the latest appium. Heve any alternative to this? aniket-21: locator strategy name is not supported for this session solutions is this work for iOS? solution: issue: use accessibility id instead of name driver.findElementByAccessibilityId("Login").click(); solution: issue: Our company is looking for Appium expert who has experience working on streaming/OTT devices on Android/IOS/TVOS. Advisory/consulting role - flexible for anyone who wants to work extra hours to consult. If interested, please contact me atkangfamily@gmail.comThanks! solution: issue: aniket-21: @sanojqaname strategy won't work on ios in 1.6.3 it will work in android but not recommended as not same across platforms driver.findelement("login")).click(); can be converted to xpath "//*[@text= 'login']" xpath strategy will be slow of course solution: issue: hardik-d: findElementByAccessibilityId is working for iOS if we perform an action based on "text" but findElementByAccessibilityId is not working in case of Android. Have any alternative to do in Android? solution: issue: can anyone tell me when i start work with appium 1.6.3 on mac my application crashing continuously solution: issue: Hi. i m newbe.. Appium is not supported python 3.x? solution: issue: Facing below error: The method setCapability(String, String) is undefined for the type DesiredCapabilities priyankshah217: : Pls help me solution: issue: Same thing I was am facing.. I added caps.setCapability("appWaitActivity", "your Main activity name"); but this is for java + appium not sure if you can do it in protractor.. [<-CODE->] It was stopping server at launch.. and it was random... sometime it used to launch app successfully and sometimes it was showing me above issue.. solution: issue: Hi guys, i hope someone can help me with this issue, i'm trying to download appium 1.6 through Mac terminal to test on iOS devices. The iOS devices are updated to 10.2 and it seems Appium 1.5.3 doesn't support that version. whenever i try to download 1.6 i get this error page on terminal npm ERR! Darwin 15.6.0npm ERR! argv "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" "-g" "appium"npm ERR! node v7.4.0npm ERR! npm v4.0.5npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE [<-CODE->] npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:npm ERR! /Users/ppaul/npm-debug.log i tried to put the command "npm install -g appium" and it asks for admin user, and im an admin. When i use sudo to download this is the message i get aniket-21: I'll try to uninstall node 7.4 and try it with 6.9.4 to see if that works solution: issue: did you uninstall? and why 1.6.1 just download 1.6.3 npm install -g appium solution: issue: RatkoD: did the parallel framework work with ios 10 ? solution: MobileElement makeTextLocartord = (MobileElement) driver.findElementsByIosUIAutomation("new UiSelector().Value(\"Full Name\")");. when i am trying to type in full name using this i m getting such exception. issue: i could not make it work with two ios 10 devices probably because of problems with signing of the webdriver solution: issue: i'm trying to install appium on windows, but [<-LINK->] aren't that clear. I'm struggling to find directories that is required to be set as variables on the path. tekisrinivas20: Was that a response to me? If it is, I'm not using node. I've downloaded the Windows appimum GUI. The issues I am having come under the section heading "Additional Setup for Android App Testing". Particularly, bullet number 2. It says "Install the Android SDK. Set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable to be your Android SDK path and add the tools and platform-tools folders to your PATH variable." I have downloaded Android studio, which apparently includes the SDK. (According to Google's page). But, on Windows, I am not sure what the Android SDK path should be set too. I can't find a directory called 'tools' or 'platform-tools' solution: issue: i don't think appium is for non technical folks you can definitely use cucumber with appium most pain is in setup if the non-technical folks are not writing actual tests fine but to write selectors and stuff you do need some knowledge i trained an intern at work and she got going in a month or 2 on her own, its always about ROI that should be doable just use cucumber and appium not sure what you mean, do you have experience in setting up cucumber yourself? solution: issue: Hi all.Which server address should I enter for new 1.6.3 appium server? I thought this one: driver = new IOSDriver(new URL(" [<-LINK->] "), capabilities) But got error on run( hazmeister: I did so, but still having error.This one: org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure.....Caused by: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused Yes, but not sure what exactly it is? Yes, if run appium command from terminal it's connecting, and appium works solution: issue: Bohdan1304: for iOS 9/10 you should sendautomationName:XCUITestas a capability what error are you getting? it sounds like the appium server is not running properly or inacessible can you share your connection string? are you connecting to solution: issue: I'm trying to get the appium software and the appium doctor is giving me the following error.nfo AppiumDoctor ### Diagnostic starting ###info AppiumDoctor Xcode is installed at: /Applications/[Error: Could not detect Mac OS X Version from sw_vers output: '10.12.2'] appium Version 1.5.3 (Ara) solution: yeah, there's no .dmg for Appium 1.6.3, this is something the guys are working on. issue: I hv automated swift apps ,not sure about swift 3 in specific solution: issue: I am trying to execute javascript Appium test using WebdriverJS, Appium is running but "driver.findElementById("").click()" is not working. Actually tap action is not performed, no idea what the issue is.?, please suggest me some solution. solution: issue: Hey guys, does anyone knows a solution for the Too many instances of this service are already running error it happens all the time, even after just a few tests, and I need to reboot the tested device and it's a pain in the ass to do this all the time or nobody here is using appium 1.6+ because it's actually unusable with all the bugs and things not working solution: issue: mmcintyre123: logs will help, I can try to assist you when you are ready. solution: issue: mmcintyre123: [<-LINK->] see if this helps mainlyappium-remote-debugger@3.2.1piece in my case sleep 5 also helped solution: issue: would this work for appium 1.6.3 and iOS version 10.2? WebDriver driver = new SafariDriver();driver.get(" [<-LINK->] "); would i still have to input this into my script? would it be same for real device? i just have to input udid # and change the iOS version? solution: issue: Info from@saikrishna321@alldriver.swipe is deprecated with the latest java-client version. You need to use TouchActions somu9: yes it will never show listed devices you should enter the UDID manualy plus, this will not work for iOS 10 there are a lot of preconditions that needs to be met before running inspector solution: issue: hey everyone, I don't know what happened but in the middle of running my tests. I started getting an error message. [debug] [Instruments] Instruments exited with code: 255[Instruments] Error launching instruments: Instruments crashed on startup I have no idea what this is as I have never seen it before. Anyone have any ideas on what I can do to fix it? solution: issue: What are you trying to do@argeas Which docker image r u using I didn't find any by name appium-base-project Got it So y r u starting 2 instances solution: issue: tryin to run appium on each device.. different scenarios..@aniket-21 I think I must ssign specific usb per container so the 1 container doesnt grab all solution: issue: Hi Guys, Unable to run my automation script on android7 org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be created. (Original error: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "C:\Users\Prem\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s shell "ps 'uiautomator'"" Above error am getting Anybody using andoid7 emulator for testing? ? solution: issue: Hi Guys, I am unable to run appium in mac system can we automate appium with ipa file? I have installed appium, when I try to launch inspector I am getting this error : Could Not Launch Appium Inspector can we automate ipa file with appium? RatkoD: I have installed appium, when I try to launch inspector I am getting this error : "Could Not Launch Appium Inspector" any idea about this? appium version 1.5.3 and in Device dropdown it's not showing any connected real device.. solution: issue: [<-LINK->] hello every one ! can some one help me with this issue ? android Application crash at the moment i run my testNG while using Appium hello, while i send login and password both are written in password field ! [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Do I need to have a developer provisioning profile installed in my machine in order to run Appium to test an iOS 10.2 App? solution: issue: hi All , Does anyone know what is the reason maven build failure if i am initializing /declaring as AppiumDriver< WebElement> driver1; solution: issue: anyone familiar with selenium grid? so i have selenium grid plugin installed in Jenkins which is on machine A (Unix), i have nodes on machine B (unix) and machine C (windows) . If i start the node for the Machine B (Unix) it's all ok. But if i start then and the node on Machine C (Windows), something is happening because i can't even acces the URL/grid/console solution: issue: Hi Guys Appium is not working in my mac could you please tell me that what are the preconditions that needs to be done? solution: issue: Hi guys, when I try to run a test in my iPad simulator i get this message>> FAILED CONFIGURATION:@BeforeTestbeforeTestorg.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Xcode version [object Object] is not yet supported i have both Xcode 7.3.1 and 8.2.1 installed in my Mac solution: issue: Hi there everyoneit is nice to be part of your group :slightly_smiling_face:Want to be close to where freelancers/nomads feel home.. since I am starting a new service for freelancers very soon.. I dont like making too much noise; but in case anyone interested , please contact me directly..and here is my short pitch :slightly_smiling_face:Get freelance projects delivered to your inbox every week - sign up at #freelance #leads #webdev #design #ux #ui solution: issue: i'm trying to scroll up the page of a android application, i'm using below method, but its not working, is there any other way ? public void scrollPageUp() {JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;HashMap swipeObject = new HashMap();swipeObject.put("startX", 0.50);swipeObject.put("startY", 0.95);swipeObject.put("endX", 0.50);swipeObject.put("endY", 0.01);swipeObject.put("duration", 3.0);js.executeScript("mobile: swipe", swipeObject);} error log: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Not yet implemented. Please help us: [<-LINK->] (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) solution: issue: hey guys, does anyone knows what this error means? [<-CODE->] I get this error only when using iOS devices, same tests run perfectly on Android. solution: issue: [<-LINK->] How can I add marshmallow in platform version? u can type right? I tried typing but it didn;t work I don't know from where GUI picks up these versions, but it seems Marshmallow API is not available in your SDK I I installed SDK for API 23 and 34 but still does not show.. Do I need to re-intsall it..? solution: issue: Hello,I am using appium server with one machine and deploy the code from client machine.My device is attached with server machine. But I am not able to run test script in server machine using this architecture.And getting below error. We also deploy apk on server machine. A new session could not be created. (Original error: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "E:\Ramesh\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s YT910XF7ZZ shell "mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/""error: unknown host service) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) solution: issue: hey guys, I am trying to push file to android device.. ``` [<-CODE->] but.. Eclipse it giving error on driver.pushFile line.. says pushFile is undefined in AppiumDriver Oops thanks@priyankshah217:) solution: issue: Cast it to android driver solution: issue: Hi am using ((InteractsWithApps) driver).resetApp(); to reset the application, it is working fine for iOS and not for Android. Is there any alternative code for Android to reset the application? solution: issue: Guys how to automate app with ionic framework? jeevanbhushetty: Even am using the same thing, but unfortunately only app launches, am not able to tap on any elements. Element not found, i switched to Webview. solution: issue: I have a stupid xpath related question. Is there a reason strings containing 's-' dont get found? to be exact, //*[contains(@text, 's-')] other texts were found ok. solution: issue: Xpaths on web work completely in a different way than native apps, I mean underlying implementation solution: issue: [<-CODE->] Above code gets executed but it does not click on elements also it does not show any errors.. solution: issue: problem: my ios app runs from within xcode, but fails to run with appium. app opens then immediately closesquestion: what can be the cause of it? the android version is fine tho.xcode version: 8.2.1ios version: 10.2appium version: 1.6.3node version: 7.5.0java version: 1.8.0_111 hardik-d: , any workaround, tho? solution: somu9: , you’ve started it and it’s listening on port 4723. That’s it. It’s not supposed to show any other thing, unless you start an appium test from an IDE or your terminal.. but there are plenty of other ways around it. you can use ruby, you can use JS, and each language has their own executors. issue: [<-ISSUE->] beniamin-kis: ^^ solution: issue: hey everyone, is there a way to set my WEBVIEW context to a specific instance every time? for instance the webview will always WEBVIEW_1 is there a way to get the webview context? incase i leave the autowebview capability set to true? will this same code work for iOS devices as well? so doing that I am getting the current webview context available ? I am using webdriverio js solution: issue: devs: , any news on the new appium GUI ? use xpath for the second element as well [<-CODE->] something like that ^ let us know if you succeed or not no problem, bro solution: issue: hi guys..iam in Selenium planning to move to appium ..problem is y i cant start a noob solution: issue: cbiermannIMVU: if you want to record and playback the script there are other tools like android studio comes with espresso recorder and xcode comes with xctest recorder as of now appium GUI under development it will take some more time i think, since its whole arch changed calabash also good for non tech ppl, since is cucumber based and most of commands are predefined there are other tools help qa for immediate onboard and play around choice is yours cbiermannIMVU: totally i agree with you appium have more flexible but now your qa has to put effort to write test cases, any how if you want to make single framework you need to build some structure if i am correct are you using appium 1.6.1 ? try to upgrade the appium appium 1.6.3 i think this issue with that verison i think upgrade the appium and try to run npm install -g appium just run it it will upgrade to latest version solution: issue: hey i'm getting a memory error, memory out of space, returned by Java, whenever I am using UI Automator for Android (through appium). The memory is causing a bug in my test suite. I'm trying to find a way to monitor the memory appium and UI automator uses, because I suspect this will show me the problem. I wanted to use VisualVM, but I haven't worked out how to use it with Appium. And hints? Any hints?* solution: issue: How to launch IOS 10 native apps using appium 1.6.3 any specific capabilities? solution: issue: hello team Test target WebDriverAgentRunner encountered an error (Early unexpected exit, operation never finished bootstrapping - no restart will be attempted) i m getting such exception solution: issue: Guys how to randomly scroll upwards using AndroidDriver ? Pascutron: , i believe you are trying to find WebView elements and not the native app elements. solution: issue: mgmanikandan87: i am facing this issue when run app in real device using appium 1.6 [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: how do I solve the problem? download an older version appium? update android on the phone can not be ... solution: issue: but selenium its not my device ??? its virtual device ? solution: issue: Hi While launching the native apps on iOS 10.0.2 with Appium 1.6.3, facing the following issue : - Waiting for WebDriverAgent server to finish loading... Hi@mgmanikandan87, how to inspect elements for iOS10 as well as Android using latest Appium 1.6.3 solution: [<-LINK->]. issue: Does current newest Appium support for getting iOS notification ? solution: issue: hey Guys, I am executing Script on iOS using sauce labs. App gets installed but it does not get opened.. Following is the video for same [<-LINK->] And following is the appium log.. [<-LINK->] and following is my code to [<-CODE->] mgmanikandan87: @aniket-21- any ideas suggestions on above ^^ solution: issue: I'm having a hard time finding a python function to wait for an element to be gone before moving on.Any suggestions? or links solution: issue: Anyone have a solid method for scrolling a specific element in python on a native android app? I can't seem to get this working. driver.execute_script("mobile: scroll", {"direction": "down", element:}) solution: issue: Hi Guys what is difference; and driver.tap(1, webelement, 1); solution: issue: Hello guys i m from CN solution: issue: Rajeshsg: You need to pass browserName for iOS Rajeshsg: something like this.. cap.setCapability("browserName", ""); Yes I tried same to remove browserName capability as it was not required... but stopped executing my testCase I had to put it back.. solution: i added browsername and compiled, it is compiling..... issue: just confirming, i want to run on emulator, so browser name will be required? solution: issue: Hi! I'm new here, mby somebody knows how to help me :)I am using appium 1.4.13 (1.5 ver. doesn't work well) with rspec and selenium-webdriver.I want to check if element is displayed on the page, but my script doesn't work correctly and fails if element can't be found :login_button = @driver.find_element(:id, "loginButton") [<-CODE->] solution: issue: when using the scrolling code for pythonself.driver.execute_script("mobile: scroll", {"direction": "down", element:})I get the error that "element" is not defined. What am I missing? how can I make swipe more reliable for swiping a menu up on different size screens? I am using the Swipe function but it's coordinate based and that might not work for all device screen sizes. solution: issue: dmkone: : Instead of checking for displayed, check for the number of elements returned like@driver.find_elements cos finding an element and checking for being displayed are 2 diff things solution: issue: mgmanikandan87: I have 4 project and the bundle id is different for all project still when i m excuting only one project working in appium 1.6 solution: issue: hi is there any possible ways to connect cloud devices with appium?? solution: like. a device available in location a, the tester use that device from location b.. issue: has anyone installed the new Appium beta release? It's missing a lot of options that the old one had [<-LINK->] aniket-21: the app Path field for iOS ? hardik-d: only the host and the port Yes, but the Appium Inspector will be very convenient to grab ids of specific elements. The command line can't do that. aniket-21: @mgmanikandan87 solution: issue: Hi@aniket-21,do you have any sample code to run scripts in mac looks like some problem with my inputs somewhere I am missing as you suggested I had tried but somewhere I am missing something solution: issue: Hi Guys , I have installed Jdk but I am not able to set env variable , its showing .Permission denied when tried to open bash profile.ANy help on same would be grate? solution: issue: Hi everyone. I configured Appium with--device-nameparameter, but it does not respect it. It connects to whatever device I have connected, be it real device or emulator. It just picks the first one. Appium 1.6.3 on Windows 8.1, Android platform. solution: mgmanikandan87: well, both. I started it with command line arguments, but also when I start without them and use caps when call from, the result is the same. issue: mgmanikandan87: Thank you Mani, development app was working, it has started giving me webview but i found strange behavior, app and appium works fine on iPhone 6 but not on iPad pro and not even iPod... thats weird... I am trying to figure out, any guess? iPhone and iPad both has same 10.2 version I guess it may be certificate signing issue solution: issue: [<-CODE->] did you run above command for ipad separately ? if new device you want automate you need to run above command to install webdriveragent solution: I did that for iphone, i think you right i forgot this.. thanks i will try. issue: hi friends, I have one issue. I am using appium 1.5.3 version and ipad os version 10.2.1 but when i choose selecting platform version in appium ios settings. i cannot see version 10. how do i resolve this issue or do i need to upgrade appium version?? solution: issue: "Please make sure that you have Carthage installed" logs are for reading my friend :) solution: issue: if u r trying to run for iOS 10, you should read the setup doc cos it requires lot for things to be installed/setup and appium doesn't auto-install it :) solution: issue: [<-ISSUE->] Chk this XCTRunner[29431]: Enqueue Failure: UI Testing Failure - App accessibility isn't loaded Same issue as yours solution: issue: Hi guys! I'm having the following issue [<-CODE->] solution: issue: I've downloaded xcuitest-driver and opened the xcodeproj on the WebdriverAgent folder and selected a team This [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hey When I try to download appium it gives me error solution: issue: How can i start testing app using appium via ruby. i've installed appium ,eclipse,selenium webdriver.Can u provide me a link that i can look upto. ? i'm using windows solution: issue: is it possible to check if element is gone from the page ? for example I have 2 buttons "A" and "B" and when I click on "A" page shows text related to this button, but this text should disappear when I click on "B" and I need to check if this text is gone or not. I'm using Ruby. solution: issue: anyone worked with AWS device farm/ solution: issue: Has anyone had success with automating crosswalk hybrid applications for Android? I'm testing this approach but can't get it to work [<-LINK->] solution: issue: kipljyotsa: , any parent element having any unique property? rakeshrenukut: , you will have to use Selendroid which you can use via Appium as well solution: issue: Unable to create new remote session. desired capabilities = Capabilities [] i got this error, can you please on this solution: prem_be_twitter: yes. issue: undefined method `promote_appium_method' for Appium:Module (NoMethodError) Appium.promoto_appium_method Objectmy script worked successfully but after that error popup what i'm doing wrong in this require "rubygems"require "appium_lib"def caps { caps: { appiumVersion: "1.4.16", platformName: "Android", platformVersion: "5.1.1", deviceName: "D2302", browserName: "Chrome", } } end [<-CODE->] in this code promoto is promote . Thought error exist bcz of wrong spelling but still same error is present. solution: issue: hi guys, for every execution appium closing simulator and starting once again, what is the actual reason to behave this, solution: issue: Does anyone know how to get the latest GUI for appium? I'm on 1.5.3. But need 1.6.4 to run on Xcode 8+ I was told. solution: issue: What can be a workaround for not working scroll_to method (@driver.scroll_to("elementName")?element exists on the page, but scroll_to can't find it and scrolls just up-down and then fails. but with some elements this method works fine... solution: issue: hello guys this could be off topic of this forum i am facing an issue, with samsung devices hooked up with Jenkins it got disconnected after few hours, and adb was not able to connect those devices anyone has solution for this? solution: but i surprised everyday after few hours adb devices only shows moto devices. issue: How I can expiry to past date if Driver.manage().getCookies() don't show JSESSION ? aniket-21: I do Driver.manage().getCookies() and print all cookies what I find. See log output [<-LINK->] And its cookies tab from device [<-LINK->] solution: issue: mroien: Yes the appium 1.6.3 + is the npm only. No gui for the new appium yet. mroien: You can still use the Appium gui as well I think I could be wrong let me see if there's a separate article on that. But I would avoid all the Appium GUI stuff, till the new one is out. I guess it's my preference. mroien: here's a good article, try this first if you prefer : [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Look at my blog here.@mroien [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hi, I am trying to launch appium on real device using Webdiver.IO Getting this error xcodebuild failed with code 65 I created Config.xcconfig file in webdriveragent but now sure where to pass it in any suggestions? solution: issue: shapovalovei: , can u move to cart page and get cookies? shapovalovei: , sorry I am not sure why that is the case solution: issue: how can you run on iPad having 10.2 when you installed SDK 9.2 you need to use your iphone solution: issue: ruby 2.4.0 installer link anyone? solution: issue: hi, [Xcode]Testing failed:'RoutingHTTPServer/RoutingHTTPServer.h' file not found i am getting this error when i am try to run script from eclipse through appium for Iphone 4s solution: issue: Is there any file generated when run any project through appium? solution: issue: aniket-21: , do u have any idea to programaticaly control devices at USB on OSX. in my case lsusb/system_profiler SPUSBDataType detect all devices.. but adb devices not showing samsung devices solution: issue: Has anyone seen the error :'Error: Cannot find module 'appium-gulp-plugins'' when running 'npm install -g appium-xcuitest-driver' ? solution: issue: can anyone tell me if it is possible to use Appium to automate emails within mobile email clients? Our startup makes interactive emails that require extensive manual testing, looking for solutions to automate the email interactions locally (toggling dropdowns, swiping carousels, etc) Edge-Man: thanks for the link but isn't opening an email client and clicking inside an email completely different from clicking around the app store? solution: I believe with iOS 10 since all of the Apps are now treated as it's own individual application you should be able to apply the same method. I havent tried it but the code used there I imagine should be the same. issue: hi everyone, does anybody have idea how to set Android Permission to my app after driver.resetApp()? Id like to reset my application after each test, but for Android 6.0+ Im not able to do that because autoGrantPermissions works only for the first launch. Solutions with running adb commands not acceptable because I run my tests on the remote driver instance. solution: issue: Hello! I just wondering if there is someway to test cordova UWP app where is Webview. I saw this thread:: [<-ISSUE->] it says it's currently not possible, but I just want to be sure that is not possbile at the moment. So, is here someone who has done cordova UWP app tests succesfully? solution: issue: Hi everyone to validate downloaded file in Android/iOS solution: issue: How to type uppercase and special characters in text field box for android ? no send keys just typing normally does not recognize uppercase and special characters send keys worked for username ,but password this is not working solution: Is this for iOS or Android. issue: hey can anyone help me.. how to configure ios app for appium testing? currently I get ipa file from developer.. When I execute it it gets installed in simulator but does not open.. same here@sjenasearsI am facing same issue aniket-21: do we need to add developer cred and build app again? solution: issue: Hi Friends Can someone help in solving one issue in ios Appium My ios app is not launching through appium its just opening and closing with in a fraction of time solution: issue: When I tried to automate ios app on Xcode Simulator through appium (didnt use app source code) appis launching and closing continiously any one have any solution ?please suggest hi @aniket-21 Logs :- [Instruments] Error launching instruments: Instruments crashed on startup[debug] [Instruments] [INST STDERR] Instruments Trace Error : Target failed to run: Failed looking up pid of launched process[debug] [Instruments] Instruments exited with code 253[debug] [iOSSim] Killing all iOS Simulators solution: issue: sjenasears: do you got the solution? aniket-21: - just a question do we need to set the profile in debug mode while creating ipa file? solution: Which profile. in Xcode Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme, then select 'Profile' from the left menu and set the Build Configuration to Debug.. issue: No i did not found a solution.Tryying to use by downgrading appium 1.6.3 but getting this error org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Unable to create new remote session. desired capabilities solution: issue: hi Manikandan I need one help solution: issue: how can I run my appium code in adb now I have set my capabilities in my eclipse solution: issue: sjenasears: did you add a sleep right after start driver method? i have a 5s sleep for ios app solution: issue: appium not supports crosswalk? solution: issue: what version of xcode are you using? solution: issue: Guys can any tel me how to identify elements on mac .I tried Accessibilty Inspector .But it has some limitations I am also getting error while running : WDA session not created. Can anyone help me regarding the same? solution: issue: Divya-tfw: --> " identify elements on mac" ? Gamaiva: , Mention the issue in detail, post the logs supporting the issue, tell us what you tried and what did not work asking for generic help is not going to get you anywhere remove browserName what is the version? -->platformVersion=10.2, automationName=XCUITest, browserName=iPhone, platformName=iOS, version=, deviceName=iPhone Simulator, platform=MAC version is blank here solution: issue: jeevanbhushetty: @aniket-21now i have produced the app file by the command mentioned. But still i am getting the error in appium [<-LINK->] solution: issue: hi guys how to use scroll fuction in android driver.scrollTo("Views"); if I use this I get error at scrollTo can use send me the syntax I now working in picker wheel will this work on it solution: issue: Hi! Can someone please give me the recommendation about what framework is better to use for testing using Java, framework Junit or testNG? As I have noticed both frameworks are similar. solution: issue: Even after changing to maven, i got the same error my dependencies below [<-LINK->] Friends, I have successfully launched the simlator Thanks a lot for your help Move to Maven solution: issue: can any one help me in using scroll fuction and swipe function please.... I want to work on picker wheel solution: issue: NaveenThiyagarajan: , its pretty evident from your stack trace thatcom.adp.labsqa.automation.mobileTest.App.main( the source of issue what is the code on that line? swipe is deprecated are you using testNG? solution: run as->Run configuratin. issue: Sorry for the delayed response ....@mgmanikandan87Thanks for the link ... i will check it out ....@aniket-21thanks for responding.. here is the line 39wd.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(100, TimeUnit.SECONDS); aniket-21: If i remove this line .. then this error is sifting to the next driver line of the code that iswd.closeApp(); mgmanikandan87: and@aniket-21the issue is FIXED .. now i can laucnh the app ... Fixed as [<-ISSUE->] issue was related to Guava Jar .. thanks for your assitance solution: issue: Post server logs Client side stack trace doesn't help much solution: issue: have you marked the test folder as "Test Source" ? your program is not able to discover tests solution: issue: Anyone have a good idea how to do (/what tools should i use) to get report for multicapabilities And I run tests with protractor solution: issue: [<-CODE->] sjenasears: ^^ I have just added another layer on top of appium driver.. for easy understandings solution: issue: sjenasears: i had a similar issue .. what is the guava jar version that you have? ok.. try upgrading to 20 or higher.. here is the dependency i used.. and that fixed my problem [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Hv u started Appium server What is server side error solution: issue: r u doing driver.quit() in@After solution: issue: Can I test on a real iPad from the Appium GUI? Can't find how to set it up... solution: aniket-21: you're right... I just need to start the server connected to a real device instead of the simulator, if I've understood correctly from the doc it can be done, but I can't find options related to this feature in the GUI. issue: @mgmanikandan87 '/Applications/' '/Applications/'info AppiumDoctor ### Diagnostic starting ###info AppiumDoctor ✔ Xcode is installed at: /Applications/[Error: Could not detect Mac OS X Version from sw_vers output: '10.12.3'] solution: issue: sjenasears: what is the page you are taken to when you open the newly installed app(after uninstalling/deleting the existing)? is it the same when you manually logging in? Sorry.. ignore my question if i am talking out of context :( because i have not read anything above... solution: issue: Can someone tells me is appium work with latest Xcode and iOS Also the inspector solution: issue: hello to all, I'm trying to connect a physical device but the app is already installed on device and I have no ipda... is the ipa mandatory to do that? solution: ipa can gen two one for simulator and real device. issue: I'm getting this error in my mac while I'm lunching the appium server...Don't know how to fix it. Appium version is 1.5.3. android version I'm trying to test is 5.0.1 and 5.1. No, there are only one appium installed in my mac. solution: issue: hello why swipe dont work with appium 1.35 swipe keyword solution: issue: [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Does anyone know how to get later Platform versions for Android in the GUI? I've downloaded the newer ones from theAndroid SDK ManagerI only have 5.1 Lollipop (API Level 22) as the highest. I am running appium 1.6.4-beta and get the error [<-CODE->] however the address for appium is now [Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on why is it looking for appium server at the address Or how do I change either of them. The GUI 1.5.3. But I'm not using the GUI to run the test after that. I use the GUI to get the elements. My appium configs is [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] It was the localhost. solution: issue: how are you starting the driver? go to android studio sdk manager and get all that you want what appium GUI version you using? no need to specify all that unless you are using multiple appium instances solution: issue: @aniket-21 thanks for the reply. So the thinking is something like below should work? [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Hi, anyone using XCUITest driver in here? solution: I am struggling with it. issue: most of us here are@tfcardoso mroien: you might be having multiple instance running so one get's killed JoelWhitney: what version of appium? 100, y: 100).wait(500).move_to(x: 100, y: 300).release.perform works fine for me on 1.6.4 yeah sorry to have jump the gun, seems like a feature request on appium github JoelWhitney: have you tried MultiTouch action [<-LINK->] look at the "MultiTouch" section not ideal but the way things are performed is similar to what you want with single finger end result could be same, if at all MultiAction().add(action0).add(action1).perform() works implemented above sudo code and got same Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError:Support for this multi-action is not yet implemented. Please contact an Appium dev. solution: issue: JoelWhitney: , i don't see a reason why chained moveTo statements should not work If it isn't working it's a bug solution: issue: Suddenly my app is launching two times, So my script is not running.Any idea PASSED: setupPASSED: setupPASSED: swipeTestFAILED: swipeTest two times my setup is getting called solution: issue: Hey there - just a question. Does Appium with XCode8 on iOS10 require Carthage to run? Thank you very much solution: issue: i think it comes bundled with WDA so not sure if its possible you can fork appium and look into it solution: issue: Hi folks, I am in need of help with appium UI running on latest xcode and ios? any idea if appium came up with solutions solution: issue: pattraynor: , It would be great if you can post complete server logs copy paste? :) rajivd15: , might be a sync issue, make sure you wait till element is visible solution: issue: hey guys!I want to install android-x86-6.0-r1.iso with qemu, but I have not been successful.who can help me or give me some suggest? thanks solution: issue: Getting error like:org.openqa.selenium.InvalidSelectorException: Locator Strategy 'name' is not supported for this session (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)when I use"test"); in iOS execution solution: issue: not helping me because the AWS device farm will overwrite the desired caps i send nobody? solution: issue: Depends on whether u wish to set for all users meaning system level or just your user /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc U can put it in all these places If u put under etc it is system wide If u put under ~ It's only for that user If u put in any of the profile files, it's only for interactive shells If u put in any of the bashrc files it also works for non-interactive shells solution: issue: Their is a beta version on their Github page, but they are hoping it is released by Selenium Conf. Does anyone know how to getapp activity? It does not show up in the Appium GUI by default anymore. [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] but all 3 give me the same error. I have the app installed on the device. solution: mroien: , remove the activity, appium can detect the activity to be launched. issue: react native no need any extention , you can use uiautomator itself getting the ids, texts and other propertie solution: issue: Hi I am facing issue for location permission alert when I test in sauce lab can you please help me on it? solution: issue: David, AFAIK windows app can do everything a Mac based app can for Android Having said that, app is good for beginners who might not be comfortable using command line or UiAutomatorViewer You actually do not need the app solution: issue: hola buenas si quireo acceder: [<-LINK->] the element has the following path: [<-LINK->] define like By carruselButton = By.xpath("//android.view.view[@content-desc='Mis Libros Heading']"); someone knows, why the element is not acceded? solution: issue: hello guys, any idea to solve this httpclinet$factory cannot be resolved org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.httpclient$factory , getting this error in line "IOSDriver driver = new IOSDriver(new URL(" [<-LINK->] "), capabilities);" NaveenThiyagarajan: , thanks for help, tried with not solved solution: issue: It looks URL is wring wrong try something like this IOSDriver(new URL(" [<-LINK->] "), capabilities); see .. the 4723 is port and enpoint is (4 zero's) Rajeshsg: Rajeshsg: What is the error you are getting what are all the JAR you have imported? solution: issue: Hi, i tried running the sample code (node, android-complex.js) and change the target to Saucelabs server, but it's got timeout when doing the swipe function.It is fine when running in appium server local,I have tried ask the saucelabs, but their solution is just maximize the timeout, I tried and still get timeout.Is anyone get same? solution: issue: Hi Guys, I have question related to dockerizing the appium installation for v1.6.x The latest installation of appium involves some number of steps to be done before appium starts to work like installation of ios-deploy, ideviceinstaller, etc. Can we have a docker image with all these installations in it. Has anyone done it before or can provide me a link to di it? solution: issue: Jekiwijaya: , can you get the appium server logs from sauce labs server? rishi-khanna: , I don't think it's possible as of now cos there are lot of Mac related dependencies when it comes to iOS automation and containers are all Linux based Jekiwijaya: , I went thru the logs you shared I don't see any touch actions sent to appium server yes its seen in this log [<-CODE->] so last commands I see which are actually sent to server are the getLocation commands solution: issue: you can try aws device farm but I am not sure if it works with nodejs bindings I have tried with Java solution: issue: Hi guys. I'm new to mobile automation, trying to use appium+nodejs. In appium sample code wd library is being used. Why don't they use appium-android-driver/appium-ios-driver? solution: issue: mgmanikandan87: thanks for advice, i'll take a look at it Hey guys, who knows how to setup appium-android-driver/appium-ios-driver (nodejs) to work with sauce labs? Jekiwijaya: suggested sample uses wd library to connect to remote sauce lab server, but I want to connect with AndroidDriver, or somehow connect to remote server and then use AndroidDriver's API not wd's. solution: issue: Hi all, I've been scouring the internet for an answer and I can't believe there's nothing about it. I have never used appium and before I spend the time learning the setup etc - can appium automate email clients? Can it open up gmail, or apple mail, and click on the email inside? solution: issue: hi, need some help with input_text for android in customlibrary can someone help me, my issue is if i use driver.input_text(locator, text) i get error [debug] [MJSONWP] Bad parameters: BadParametersError: Parameters were incorrect. We wanted {"required":["value"]} and you sent ["text","sessionId","id","value"] and if i use input_value(locator, text) in that place it works fine. but from the documentation input_value should only work for ios . Can someone help me with this issue. Input_text used to work before but not now solution: issue: hi Guys someone aware about swipe method in iOS panac1947: 7.0.1 is fine with Appium 1.5.3 solution: issue: Do anyone know how to perform scroll in protractor + appium ? I can't click element because it's not visible so I was thinking if I can scroll down but somehow I can't perform scroll down or anything solution: issue: Hey,, Facing issue while installing app in RedMI Note 3 device.. even though disabling verify app option, device still ask me to install or deny ? anyone uses RedMi note 3 or Oppo for automation ? solution: issue: there is a relative layout ,upon that i have click option driver.findElement(By.xpath("*[@class='android.widget.RelativeLayout'[@index='0']")).click();driver.findElement(By.className("android.widget.ImageView[@index='2']")).click(); this code was not working solution: issue: Hi guys ,Any idea about this there is a relative layout ,upon that i have click option driver.findElement(By.xpath("*[@class='android.widget.RelativeLayout'[@index='0']")).click();driver.findElement(By.className("android.widget.ImageView[@index='2']")).click();this code was not working solution: issue: does appium support android 7.1.1 can any one help i am getting error solution: issue: panikera: hi i am not able such type library solution: issue: Thanks now its working actually i used http client library two times only version are different solution: john74590009_twitter: cool. Actually i was tried but that code is not working. issue: panikera: , when r u fetching the page source It should be after the required values are populated solution: after populating the object/element I am trying to get page source... And also screenshot of what object is that. medicationAllergies.gotoReorderfromMedicationName(medicationName);System.out.println("-- Reorder from medication --");SleepLib.Sleep3Seconds();System.out.println(driver.getPageSource());. issue: Hi i need help in xpath when i am trying to fetch the xpath using text contains its not working driver.findElement(By.xpath("//android.widget.RelativeLayout/android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,'Today's Deals')]")).click(); is this wrong? solution: Generally when we use xpaths in JavaScript for web there is no escape character. issue: i used two times swipe code in same class that is not working can you help me why it is not working? solution: public static void Add_To_Cart() throws InterruptedException{size1 = driver.manage().window().getSize();System.out.println(size1);boolean match;int starty= (int) (size1.height0.80); int endy= (int) (size1.height0.20);int startx= size1.width / 2;//Swipe bottom to updriver.swipe(startx, starty, startx, endy, 2000);match=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//[@content-desc='Sony Microvault 16GB Pen Drive (White)']")).size()!=0; System.out.println(match); Thread.sleep(5000); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//[@content-desc='Sony Microvault 16GB Pen Drive (White)']")).click();}. issue: hi please help me to start android testing using appium someone help me solution: issue: bijoshmohan: Please be more specific, where are you stuck? then you can try to use xpath, it should not be the same for both elements AndroidFindBy: (xpath = "//android.widget.Spinner[2]/android.widget.TextView[1]") - for example. Copy your element xpath from inspector and try to search element using it. you can also use driver.findElement(By.xpath()) solution: issue: aniket-21: i uninstalled the app still getting the same error aniket-21: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Error executing adbExec. Original error: 'Command 'E\:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools\adb.exe -P 5037 -s HT5BCJT00793 install C\:\Users\gskumar\AppData\Local\Programs\appium-desktop\resources\app\node_modules\io.appium.settings\bin\settings_apk-debug.apk' exited with code 1'; Stderr: 'Failed to install C:\Users\gskumar\AppData\Local\Programs\appium-desktop\resources\app\node_modules\io.appium.settings\bin\settings_apk-debug.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE]'; Code: '1' (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)Command duration or timeout: 2.73 seconds aniket-21: please help me solution: issue: I haven't posted the issue :) solution: issue: Hello Everyone,Is the .ipa file still needs to be development signed for iOS automation on real device with latest Appium version?Any changes in appium latest version about app signing...Can somebody please confirm this… solution: issue: Hi all, I hope some one can help me I'm having some problems testing one app. Because it seems my script finds the element (button), but I can't click it have any of you faced something like this? solution: issue: Hi All, im using Appium 1.6.4 and Chromedriver 2.20. After switching from Native app to Webview, im not able to locate element in webview. Does anyone have any idea about this issue thanks can you please guide on it im new to Appium solution: issue: You need to post code, errors, logs to support your question. Cant interact doesnt tell much about the issue what does the log say? show me the code setUp method do you see any error in Appium logs? you can removecapabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.PLATFORM, "mac"); Also from this function what is the code on line 76 ?? --> solution: issue: hi! Maybe someone had such a problem that sendKey doesn't workfor some Android text fields, I can't enter text even usingadb shell input text "hello". No error log. I can enter text only using keyboard(tapping using x and y). I have this problem only on some fields. Any ideas? aniket-21: What do you think about my issue? solution: issue: I guess there are lots of people that faced issue with: appium 'Could not start REST http interface listener. The requested port may already be in use. Please make sure there is no other instance of this server running already. Error: listen EADDRINUSE'. Can, please somebody explain what is the rootcause of this issue? I've checked appium ports, but still can't figure out what is wrong... solution: issue: aniket-21: Any idea on the issue of iOSDriver initialisation fails? aniket-21: Please find the files in following gist [<-LINK->] I'm using Appium 1.6.1 solution: issue: hi frnds, i am able to swipe left using below code but it always swipe 2nd row of cell, is there any way to make it dynamic?code for swipe isJavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;HashMap scrollObject = new HashMap<>();scrollObject.put("direction", "left");js.executeScript("mobile: scroll", scrollObject); i can edit record by swipe solution: issue: guys suggest me any emulator for testing in android @aniket-21android sdk u mean I need android studio for that else I can run them without android studio can say me how to get that please ya I have sdk and I am using uiautmtor from that only aniket-21: are u there can u say how shall I use that from sdk solution: issue: you need to download some images what machine are you using? you can download any Intel Based image and also the Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator solution: issue: type cast to android driver solution: aniket-21: Even after casting Android driver ,the presskeycode was not apearing. issue: hi can anyone me help me out if I run the app could not launch Appium Inspector popup is coming up in IOS iam facing the issue plz iam new to the Appium it is configured but iam facing problem [<-LINK->] [<-LINK->] if I run Appium server above is stopping me to start Emulator sorry simulator solution: issue: Hey quick question. Does Appium's push_file call work for iOS? solution: issue: able to run in simulator, any more details about solution? do it need to set .xcconfig ? solution: issue: Hey guys! Does anyone know why Appium 1.6 gives me this issue:A new session could not be created. Details: Problem getting session data for driver type AndroidDriver; does it implement 'get driverData' It's not related to server restarting solution: issue: I am getting following error, plz help: Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: Command 'Scripts/ -d' exited with code 1. Hi, any one please help me. solution: issue: Anybody knows why RunAppInBackground works but then it doesn't recognize elements? solution: issue: Hi Guys,new to Appium automation. Cant find the older relases of Appium. I mean other than Appium Desktop Appium Desktop is not working with Xcode8 :( Just scrolled up... Seems nobody answers here :D Off to stackoverflow solution: issue: aniket-21: driver.findElement("search_edit1")).sendKeys("Snapphoto"); driver.pressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode.KEYCODE_NUMPAD_ENTER); this is my code but it was not working driver.pressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode.KEYCODE_SEARCH); this was also not working for the search icon solution: issue: to tell that i wanna know if ur using wdio runner or using it as a standalone ? solution: Shahunks:. ?. yup. issue: siddu09: ,. i don't think anyone is going to write code for you, you need to tell us what you tried, what didn't work, what issue did you face...May be then someone can help you out solution: issue: can u please share appium logs.. and BTW why r u laucing appium.js. .. it should be main.js under lib i guess solution: issue: sorry.. :) i havent work on hybrid app so i really have no idea what r the challenges in IOS hybrid environment.. but i doubt IOS may allow you to gallery or any other app for ios u can only play with ur app only.. solution: issue: Hello everyone, dose anyone know when appium will release GUI version 1.6? My ios app must be run above Xcode8, but the current GUI 1.5.3 can't support Xcode8... solution: issue: Username send keys is not entering but password sendkeys is entering in username field in appium but the same script is working fine on emulator WebElement username = driver.findElement(By.xpath = "//android.widget.EditText[contains(@resource-id,'inputUsername')]");WebElement password= driver.findElement(By.xpath = "//android.widget.EditText[contains(@resource-id,'inputUserPassword')]");try {username.sendKeys("username");Thread.sleep(1000);password.sendKeys("password");*/} catch (InterruptedException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();} solution: reddypramodh_49_twitter: try to do it with id like driver.findElement(by.Id("inputUsername")).sendkeys("hello"). issue: ach_meekanda_twitter: means ? u can provide it as a part of capability.. donot know much about appium-gui i prefer to launch appium from command line message it self selfexplanatory solution: issue: i found an exception i.e. : A new session could not be created. (Original error: Requested a new session but one was in progress) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) How can i resolve it solution: issue: Is it problem with All react native app on iOS or just your app solution: issue: XCUITest/ReactNavive: The label has the same value as the name. They contain the accessibility id. Here I have a button, I can't the text of the button anywhere in the source. lybimiy86: well done :) sanjay1984: Sorry can't help you for this one solution: issue: what command do you run? and also what's in your spec_helper? how are you initializing the driver? what is your command that you run from commandline? where is the start driver call? solution: you need a call to start appium driver using the desiredcapabilities you specified above. issue: sanjay1984: , there is a version mismatch between appium java client lib and selenium lib, if you are using maven , remove the selenium dependency SpeidelNathan_twitter: , could you plz post the complete server side log It depends Did you follow the exact steps mentioned [<-LINK->] to be exact , [<-LINK->] SubaRajaram09: , is that the error message? solution: issue: Hi..Encountered internal error running command: Error: Sdk '9.3.5' was not in list of simctl sdksat getDevices$... what does this error mean.. ?do I have to install sdk ? solution: issue: I have xcode 8.3 already.. how or where do I downloads sdks ? well.. only with the case of simulators I had there was no version list.. I copied the one from the physical devices folder .. and it worked solution: issue: XCode 8.3 only includes iOS 10.3 sdk solution: issue: where is the value stored in APK? I am not sure if you can have shared pref as part of apk solution: issue: Hi Team .. anyone can help me how i can upgrade my appium 1.6.3 to 1.6.4? in Mac npm uninstall appiumand thennpm -g install appiumis this fine ? solution: issue: driver.findElements(By.className("android.widget.EditText")).get(1).sendKeys("password"); is different then el.findElements(By.className("android.view.View")); so its not same approach change your username element to driver.findElements(By.className("android.widget.EditText")).get(0) then username.sendKeys("testuser") should work solution: issue: sanjay1984: while running the test the from command line did you get any appium logs ? if you not getting any thing then your are runnign wrong command or some issue with your start up script solution: issue: Hi Team ... i am trying to find an element using the-ios predicate stringstrategy in my tests ... i am trying it for first time... i got from google that it can be used as like thisdriver.findElement(MobileBy.ByIosNsPredicate("value = 'Message'")).sendKeys(value);... but theMobileByobject does not have any method calledByIosNsPredicate... could some one please help me how i can use this... The appium java client jar version that i have is4.1.2 I am not sure whether i am doing it right ... :( please help and the driver that i defined is IOSDriver ... driver = new IOSDriver(new URL(""), capabilities); Please ignore by above request ... i got it how to make it work ... let me check more ... thanks Hi Team .. i was exploring-ios predicate stringstrategy ... i was able to use click or sendkeys using predicate ... my aim is to convert my existing xpath strings to predicate ... it is easy if xpath is straight forward(like://XCUIElementTypeTextView[@value='Message']) but when it comes to xpath like//XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeButton[@label='ABC']/../XCUIElementTypeOther[@label='XXXXXXXXXX']i am not sure how i can convert this xpath... could some one help me? solution: issue: if its an EditView, why are you sending key strokes to android.view.View does that work? solution: Username Textfield is clicked not sending the values, password field is clicked and value is typing in UI. SreenivasanMurugappan: driver.findElement("username")).click();driver.findElement("username")).sendKeys("");. issue: is treeset.first() function work for selenium but it gives syntax error i already include util library same example is showing that i write in my code solution: issue: Hi Team ,, Checking back again just in case if anyone missed my question previously ... Hi Team .. i was exploring-ios predicate stringstrategy ... i was able to use click or sendkeys using predicate ... my aim is to convert my existing xpath strings to predicate ... it is easy if xpath is straight forward(like://XCUIElementTypeTextView[@value='Message']) but when it comes to xpath like//XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeButton[@label='ABC']/../XCUIElementTypeOther[@label='XXXXXXXXXX']i am not sure how i can convert this xpath... could some one help me? solution: issue: aniket-21: In iOS automation , I'm getting following error. Can you help me with this?;)V solution: issue: iOS does not allow you to touch any app.. its possible in android but not in iOS solution: issue: So.. I had to sign WebDriverAgent with my certificate and thats ok for me. But now I would like for other QA testers to use this on their projects/their OSX machines. And they do not have certificates. Is it possible to generate a WebDriverAgent.ipa /app with my certificate and distribute it internally? or any similar solution that avoids ppl having profiles in their machines shabinmohan: using XCUITest driver you can access native elements using old ios driver it was possible also, but kind of blindly touching coordinates aniket-21: If I have to.. but I would prefer to make that the last alternative :) dimitri-wunder: if thats not ok for you, you can always use: [<-LINK->] or [<-LINK->] solution: issue: In the latest version of Appium is there an inspector tool? I'm not seeing it on Mac solution: issue: on what ports are you starting appium servers? please post full log solution: issue: Hi, Can someone help me with this error? It is coming in iOS Error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;)V NaveenThiyagarajan: Cannot share the complete error in the chat. Is there anyway to share that? begining solution: issue: ach_meekanda_twitter: could please paste complete error message with stack trac Ok... Where you see this error ? Inbetween test execution or during the beginning? because i had a similar issue and it was at beginning ... fixed it by updating the Guava jar to latest version... please try that if it helps solution: issue: on jenkins i get spawn appium ENOENT error trying to start appium server. i did install npm install wdio-appium-service --save-dev and also set 'appium' as service. Still having same issue solution: ach_meekanda_twitter: ( guess that is your code line? may be you can debug which object is throwing null pointer exception... if it isdriverthen make sure you have started the appium server. issue: anyone can please help me why i am getting this error while trying to start a session from appium desktop: "ErrorAn unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Platform version must be 9.3 or above. '9.2' is not supported." please help ? I tried version 10 but still the same issue anybody?? I treid without xCuitest but doesn’t work can you please give me the set of capabilities that might work tfcardoso: solution: issue: try with 9.3 solution: issue: jchowdry_twitter: , just updating capabilities wont work, you need to have a compatible simulator or device as well it you are updating iOS version in capabilities but are still using 9.2 simulator/device, its not gonna work Please post the complete appium logs I don't think its showing complete log, can you put it in a gist androidPackage should be appPackage solution: issue: u can keep monitoring log cat.. and check the logs u can capture log cat and sent it separatly in case of failure.. but i think appium will not help in this case solution: issue: Hello,Can we invoke chrome browser instead of safari browser in iphone real devices? skhanam: Chrome app was downloaded from appstore. Is it possible like how we can launch Safari in IOS? solution: issue: aniket-21: appium desktop opens when i set the capabilities to 10.3 but it doesn’t work with 9.2 or 10.0 can you please advise what should I do? I am getting this error "An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Sdk '10.0' was not in list of simctl sdks" what shoudl I do for above error?@aniket-21can you please help me out to sort it out Can anyone please advise what should I do? when I run this command from terminal :"appium --default-capabilities "{\"platformName\":\"iOS\",\"platformVersion\":\"10.0\",\"deviceName\":\"iPhone 5s\"}" -a --session-override -p 472" I am getting this error "A new session could not be created. Details: Appium's IosDriver does not support xcode version 8.3.2. Apple has deprecated UIAutomation. Use the "XCUITest" automationName capability instead." do you know what needs to be changed anyone please help solution: issue: hi, I am using webDriverIO with appium service, but I just cant run it... when I run appium manually it works, but service wont work... It says appium PEER DEPENDANCY is not met, but i do have appium installed solution: issue: how can run test code using bat file i follow bellow but not able to execute create a TEXT FILE where xml code paste it save text file .bat file click on that file but not working solution: issue: Am trying to install Appium on ubuntu 16.04 am getting an error after running this command ./ —android --verbose THE ERROR IS Loading "Gruntfile.js" tasks...ERRORError: Cannot find module 'internal/fs'Warning: Task "configAndroidBootstrap" not found. Use --force to continue.Aborted due to warnings.---- FAILURE: exited with status 1 ---- what am i missing?? solution: issue: is anyone know why i am getting this when trying to open an app using real device "ErrorAn unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Sdk '10.2.1' was not in list of simctl sdks" please advise if someone can help will be appreciated aniket-21: is that question for me/ solution: issue: im getting this error when attempting to run one of the test org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused) solution: issue: Hi guys.. how do i define the full reset capability ?? appCapabilities.SetCapability("fullReset", "false"); is this correct ? Capability 'fullReset' changed from string to boolean. This may cause unexpected behavior im getting this .. solution: issue: Android Chrome is asking for certifcate installation while logging into applicaion using appium, tried with ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS. But no use [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Is ant report is work for appium? solution: issue: jchowdry_twitter: Can you you try to revoke all USB access from developer setting and they reconnect your device? can you do couple of changes.... remove xcodeSigninId and preferably use .ipa or use .app .... avoid .zip and try also confirm if u r using latest appium version solution: issue: actually when I build that integration app its opening in my phone aniket-21: ya sure I willl run newly and show that log solution: issue: Gamaiva: Hope when you build by using proper certificates, issues got resolved.. right.. .please confirm solution: issue: so with single xcode u can run on multiple devices? solution: issue: Does anyone know why i am having error "An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: xcodebuild failed with code 65” while trying to start a session from appium desktop please help me out. Hey bro, i did everything you asked me yesterday but still no luck i have the webdriveragent running on my phone as per the instructions given from teh link you provided@aniket-21 solution: issue: hey guys do you know about some known issue in v1.6.4 , about identifying elements from a pop up? on iOS solution: issue: Hi, we are working on docker-appium for android [<-LINK->] and if you want to use emulator inside docker, you can check docker-android project [<-LINK->] . solution: butomo1989: looks good and promising. issue: Hi I'm having issues creating a iOS simulator on Xcode using WebDriverAgent folder, i'm getting an error saying "Unable to lookup service" PLEASE HELP WITH THIS ISSUE!! solution: issue: how do you explicity shutdown UIAutomator Server? I'm having this issue in the AWS Device farm context. what seems to be the pb? solution: issue: Hi guys, I'm new to Appium, Someone help me to Find the Error Set and Error set content. [<-LINK->] Did anyone know the solution for my Question. Please help me . solution: issue: jchowdry_twitter: what the error u r getting now? solution: issue: I have a scenario, Where the user try to Submit data without entering in mandatory field, this error set message will appear(like required field validation message). I need to assert whether the error message is appear or not. Is no other solution for my Question. solution: issue: Hello there. I have some questions about tests on iOS. Am i in the right place ? Here is my setup :OS X El CapitanEclipse neon with testNG & Appium java 1.5.3iOS SimulatorIn the app i want to test, i need to open a login form which pops up above the current view.As soon as i want to locate an element, the form closes so i can't interact with it.I have the same issue when using the inspector. As soon as I hit refresh, the form closes.Do i miss something? solution: issue: I know its not valid for this chat box but still is there any option to check whether the Android device is enabled with Fingerprint option or not ? solution: issue: is there no way to automate SetError using Appium ? solution: issue: can any one help in handling month picker date and year picker are working demo.driver.findElementsByClassName("XCUIElementTypePickerWheel").get(0).sendKeys("1993"); solution: issue: Gamaiva: did u try nested search? find elements by xpath or class names. driver.findElement(By.xpath("//android.widget.NumberPicker[@index='0']")).sendKeys("May"); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//android.widget.NumberPicker[@index='1']")).sendKeys("17"); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//android.widget.NumberPicker[@index='2']")).sendKeys("2017"); solution: issue: siggerzz: hi I would like to know how to use POM hi guys can any one help me to close and reopen the app while running solution: so wanted to know, what exact meaning of closing for ur usecase ?. issue: what seems to be the issue? solution: issue: yes u can use click().... use Tap if u want to tap at a specific xy co-ordinate for a specific duration or multiple fingers etc by the way tap() is deprecated.... solution: issue: hey@aniket-21any ideas how to stop the network conenction on iPhone? i know you can't but maybe someone find a hackish method:) solution: issue: Hi All , I need help on my Hybrid App automation - I'm struggling at my initial stage itself. Can any one please help me on this. Shall I give my details here ? please solution: issue: Hi, I'm trying to find element by his content-description but only partial from his text value.example: content-description = "abc bla bla bla" I need to find by the 'abc' (using C#)Anyone? This is what I tried -driver.FindElements(By.XPath(//*[@content-desc='abc'])) -> This is the content-description = "abc bla bla bla"But, can't find it, exception element not found solution: issue: lybimiy86: try this driver.findElementByAndroidUIAutomator("new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true).instance(0)).scrollIntoView(new UiSelector().textContains(\"\").instance(0))").click(); In text contains add the text you are searching for solution: issue: Hey all, just installed Xcode and Appium and trying to automate a simple application using WebDriverJS, just wondering if some of you veterans are able to assist me a bit Firstly when trying to find information online, it seems that the only resource on the Appium site for JS is linked to wd.js, instead of selenium-webdriver.js (aka. webdriver-js), there seems to also be another webdriverIO For a web-app, say I have a username box with the ID ("Username"), i am able to use that webdriverJS like sodriver.findElement({id: 'Username'}) Say I have a native iOS app where the element has an Accessibility ID which is also "Username" I can't apply the same technique as the findElement by id is wrapped into a CssSelector, not sure how I can do the same for a native IOS app solution: issue: hey does anyone find the new appium desktop doesn't always take screenshots when you refresh? not sure if appium server or desktop itself issue. *for ios 10 solution: issue: Hey! When I test real device ,I got a error for WDA : error domain IDEtestoperationsobservererrordomain code 13, failed to background test runner. Any suggestions? Thanks! solution: issue: 3Kdubdub_twitter: , when u open your project in xcode, it will show bundle id in build settings opatry: , chrome's translator should work solution: issue: ok so do i have to change any setting while updating Xcode8.1 to 8.3 or just need to update and rest of remaning setting Should be same? solution: issue: udid is specific to iOS refer this for parallel execution on Android --> [<-LINK->] my bad, actually you can provide udid for android as well did you try using it? solution: issue: hi how do install appium when i click on Appium-Desktop for OSX, Windows and Linux it showing lot of files so do i need to install all or just .dmg solution: sele-girl: :- If you use WIndows OS - you can specifically install that alone. issue: yes, plz provide more details I am not sure about that, seems to be more of an application issue solution: issue: No, how does eclipse come into picture here does your application work when you operate manually solution: issue: Can anyone please confirm these desired capabilities for IOS are correct or not ? DesiredCapabilities cap = new DesiredCapabilities();cap.setCapability("AutomationName","XCUITest" ); cap.setCapability("PlatformVersion", "10.3.1"); cap.setCapability("UDID", "10f342c8e010fae33493117d2409ae412ea2b"); cap.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone"); cap.setCapability("bundleID", "com.test...");driver= new IOSDriver(new URL(""),cap); solution: issue: I could not able to find the elements in tableview header in appium inspector.. Anyone knows what is the reason could be? solution: I could not able to find the elements in tableview header in appium inspector.. Anyone knows what is the reason could be?@coding-yogi. coding-yogi: I am actually using accessibiltiy id.. Even in the inspecter, i could not able to find element in the header.. but I could able to locate elements in the table view rows.. Seems strange. issue: How to remove a SIGABART error. Please help. solution: issue: as long as it’s detactable by adb, u can use not sure about ios solution: issue: Hi Aniket, thank you I'm trying to move right to leftt but I have managed to use driver. swipe method for it. ((Mobiledriver)driver).swipe(int,int,int,int,int) this one worked for me so basically I'm starting at 1100pixel and want to swipe to 56 pixel rigt to left and another test is other way round solution: issue: I am getting error as Error occurred while starting App. Original error:Permission to start activity denied. While starting appium server on my Mac. Please help me solution: issue: coding-yogi: can we make work with Eclipse ?? am trying to use javascripts for automating mobile apps Should i use TDD or BDD frameworks to automate apps using javascripts or can it be done with eclipse using javascripts solution: is a set of apis for actual automation. issue: check xcuit driver github page this issue and its solution is menti9ned here Your question is not so clear solution: issue: Hi Asim... What you are trying to do exactly here ?@sanjay1984 [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: Hello World.... I learn code because to take some creative work..... hello world ..... solution: issue: Anyone know how to access an elements x location. Like element.location.x (this doesnt work) that gives a value. In ruby And is there any place to find what these functions do like .rel_location [<-LINK->] Anyone know how to access an elements x location in ruby. Like element.location.x (this doesnt work) that gives a value. solution: issue: element.get_x actually element.location_rel.x solution: issue: Did you build it properly? I think you can't build and use same file on real device and simulator. yes, thats correct. What is the error msg? solution: issue: for simulator u file while for device it requires.ipa *.ipa will not work with simulator can u try to rebuild app ? solution: issue: hey. does anyone know the keycode for Close all apps from the Applicaiton Switcher dialog? can't find it solution: issue: hi I am not new on Appium but using long time so that I am not able to configure the appium with eclipse please help ?? solution: issue: I havelocalhostor with proxyPort = 27753 but am getting a ECONNREFUSED error. did the host and port change for Appium? Trying to run on iOS device. Haven't touched this in awhile. Thanks for the help I'm getting this error when trying to connect to the appium server. [<-CODE->] Did the port change. I haven't used Appium for a bit now. I am unable to install carthage via brew. I'm getting the error message [<-CODE->] Do you not need to useios_proxyanymore? What app or bundleid do you use for using the safari browser on iOS?? This is the bundleId I have for safari (bundleId: '') but it's not working or recognizing I have it listed. solution: issue: Hi guys am new to appium and i did all configuration setting and all.... after that the new appium contain server first started...1. Appium server started. 2. then Start New session. 3. mention some desired capabilities & start session then it launch the simulator as i mention in capabilities but after that it doesn't open the application but it install the app but not yet open it .... kindly help me out solution: issue: can u gues take it on one to one? solution: issue: I am getting this error only on iOS 10.3+ devices (works perfect on iOS 10.0). This error occurs 5 out of 10 times: Error: Could not install app: ‘Command ‘ios-deploy --id b65cd5e524cf556451e23f0820ab28e9947d4bc6 --uninstall --bundle /var/folders/rw/h6mqjtk512z996r3wjwmj6mh0000gp/T/2017512-47277-14794f4.mhklrw9udi/Payload/’ exited with code 253 solution: issue: can u create a gist of appium log? its very difficult to read from rtf file also picker won't work the way you are trying it you will have to swipe of picker to get the desired values in UI picker doesn't populate all the values in UI [<-CODE->] I don't see any error during swipe, so its happening but not the way you expected solution: issue: Can't able to install carthage in mac..if i run the following command "sodu npm brew install carthage"Error: Running Homebrew as root is extremely dangerous and no longer supported.As Homebrew does not drop privileges on installation you would be giving allbuild scripts full access to your system. solution: issue: my phone is on 10.3.2 does it need the .2 solution: Can you clone this and try building in the same way. i have the issue where the and is needed. should I go do these?. issue: Hi All, Im from Java , i have impleted QA automation with Java and testng . now i want to impltement the same with python cam you please tell me what is the alternate for testng in python ? solution: anand853: PyTest. issue: hi..can anyone help me to resolve dis error;)V i getting dis error when ever i run my script for android application solution: issue: vjkumran: try out my youtube channel : [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hi, i tried Spinner For My app But it couldn't select the item Which was written in script By using Xpath. solution: for Spinner - private void Selectspinner() {driver.findElement("android:id/text1")).click();driver.findElement("Baby Name Suggestion")).click();. issue: [<-CODE->] Check your capabilities and correct. There are lot of examples available when you google for it. solution: issue: hay what about my query solution: issue: mgmanikandan87: actually i want to perform swipe for that i need cell solution: you can do simple swipe right. swipe to extact element or simple swipe. issue: 3Kdubdub_twitter: You might not haveMyPrivateKey.p12in current directory. BTW this is Appium forum. Is your question related to appium? solution: 3Kdubdub_twitter: I haven't seen this error. What is the issue?. issue: Hi guys, I am getting this error when I try to launch app An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Unable to start WebDriverAgent session: Could not proxy command to remote server. Original error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED Could anyone help me on this? solution: issue: Unable to start WebDriverAgent sessionthis is the error. Did you build webdriver agent? 3Kdubdub_twitter: Ah ok. Then do you have p12 cert? solution: issue: 3Kdubdub_twitter: As stated in documentation [<-LINK->] this is a special case. Are there any accessibility restrictions on your device? [<-CODE->] This should return a list. What exact error you are getting? Are you getting this error in browser? You need to add/wd/hub/status at end of url [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hello what is this error please on appium Desktop when i run he server : "The URL '/' did not map to a valid resource" yes [<-LINK->] How to connect your smrtphone on appium tesktop solution: issue: apologies if I am rehashing an old question but here goes, I am using Appium via ruby and want to be able to access device logs from android or iOS during the tests. I have managed to get logs via the selenium web driver using driver.manage().logs().get('logcat') but the come in one massive lump and don't update during the test. I know its not usually good practice to use the logs in a test because they are hard to control but our app controls complex IOT devices and log messages are the best way to verify these processes in place. Has anyone implemented live log reading for either platform ? I can do it locally but Appium seems to truncate logcat and that wouldn't work with the grid setup solution: issue: Hi all, what are the basic and default jar files should keep in eclipse even-though i keptselenium standalonejar &selenium driverjar and alsoappium clientjar .. it shows error [<-CODE->] this is the code i used solution: issue: Asimk21: I am getting the error code 65. Thats why I am trying to export the key (which is not working for me) solution: issue: 3Kdubdub_twitter: That is xcode error. Nothing to do with p12 certificates. I guess you are trying on ios and WDA is not building. solution: issue: JoannaCode: i think for ios TouchAction is not working all the time solution: issue: jacob1982_twitter: what error are you getting ? post your code solution: issue: can u provide more info.. like how u initialize driver and so on appium logs , etc.. Try with this new AndroidDriver<>(new URL(" [<-LINK->] "), DC); solution: issue: jacob1982_twitter: try updating your maven project might be this would fix your issue solution: issue: does anyone encoutnered issue with code 253 for ios-deploy? when installing app? solution: issue: are you able to get the element using hierarchy viewer ? can you take screenshot using uiatomatorviewer post here even espresso will need id's solution: could I not just curl repsonses to the webdriver?. issue: hey there any way to get a logcat , but for ios..without using xcode? i'm trying to see why the login for my app is not successfull in AWS Device Farm for the iOS app, when the Android app doesn't have this issue solution: issue: Anyone had an issue testing hybrid apps where Appium can't find a web element after switching to Webview context from native?I can provide logs if need be Yep works fine Registration Flow (Webview - Works Fine)Switch to Native Context (Works Fine)Upgrade Screen (Native - Works Fine)Switch to Webview Context (Works Fine)Upgrade Complete Screen (Webview - Can't find element) That's the basic flow of the test mgmanikandan87: did notice that even when I'm on the upgrade complete screen (seen in the picture above) _driver.url still thinks it's on the upgrade page Even when debugging and stepping through Just tried downgrading to 1.6.4 and same issue Here's my code if it helps: solution: issue: are you using c# ? solution: If you look at the image with dev tools, you'll see If I search for that element, it finds it correctly :(. issue: Any help ? please Hi all, I 'm a new user of appium. I would like to know if is it possible to user, Selenium in java script, with Appium on Android?In the appium-tutorial/ i see only java language.i didn't find any examples with Java Script solution: yodahh: if you want to use appium with java script , try user web issue: Hi All, I am using the new Appium GUI. For the most part it is very nice, but I have the same problem I had in earlier versions: even after trying the following capabilities: [<-CODE->] my app in the iOS simulator still always times out after inactivity! Does anyone have a solution to this?? Since it takes so long to restart the inspector, (looks like mostly due to waiting for the WebDriverAgent to build and open) this can really hurt productivity when developing tests. solution: issue: any error in logs or you don't get desired behavior? i don't use java bindings but in ruby touch actions don't work in webview context i have to set context to "NATIVE_APP" set_context "NATIVE_APP" #this is ruby way of setting context driver.availableContexts() will show you NATIVE_APP context solution: issue: all: , is there any test framework for python, similirly kind of testng from JAva im new to python solution: issue: where are the android settings on the desktop app? like so I can give the path to my virtual device solution: issue: Hello, is there anyone can do me a favor? what appium will do before installing an app to a Real device? I hava an app which I can use command "adb install" to install it and run it without any exception, but when I useappium@1.6.4to run it, the app can be install correctly, but raise "failed to launch, sign failed" error. My device is kind of car-media. Anyone can give an advice? Much appreciated in advance. solution: To appium, it's installed successfully, and appium it can NOT found launch error message, am i right?. issue: Hi to all... need a help from anyone guys please help me out will post the query below [<-CODE->] this is my appium server log... and my sample demo app is installed in simulator successfully but it doesn't launch it anymore :( [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Hi Guys !! I'm trying to automate a test App using appium (v 1.6.5 - local / desktop version) in which I observed the following error : [<-CODE->] Can someone help kindly Asimk21: : Yes ! i'm passing the correct element id Asimk21: : Let me share the code with you [<-CODE->] `public void login_with_credentials(String username, String password) throws InterruptedException { //System.out.println(loginPageEditTextViews.size()); boolean usernameStatus = sendKeysToElement(username, emailLoginEditTextElement, false); [<-CODE->] @Asimk21 : I've done the same -- I think I missed mentioning it. [<-CODE->] I just now changed it to xpath too as above - still getting the sameelement can't be located Asimk21: Will give a try and revert back solution: issue: ssskkprd: all your configs and settings are correct. I guess there is issue in appium desktop. You might need to set JAVA_HOME in the ide you are trying to run on. As@mgmanikandan87is suggesting it will work if you run it from command line. kill old appium process running on 4723 solution: issue: getting ios deploy error solution: issue: Hey was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions on how to fix the roadblock I'm in. Here's the error on pastebin. essentially I'm trying to run my cucumber through appium server and I keep getting that error. I've looked into the appium/cucumber examples but nothing in there seems to point me in the right direction for a solution. solution: issue: Hello guys,Today I see upgrade alert from Appium and after upgrade 1.6.5 beta.4Appium is no longer work for me it stop at stepRunning WebDriverAgent bootstrap script to install dependencies solution: issue: did u try with uiautomator2 and using id it should work solution: issue: hi any of you know how to locate an element by accessibity id with web driver waint until expected ? WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeoutInSeconds);wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(; like this ? wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.AccessibilityId)); This will work? solution: issue: [<-LINK->] i have install the Appium what which i do next after starting the server mgmanikandan87: which plate form is more suitable between windows and Virtaulbox solution: musasesay: i couldn’t get you, please little more. then use that automate your flow. issue: Hi Everyone, When i try running a test through appium 1.6.5 IOS automation real device, app is launched but webdriveragent is not installed in device but could see socket hang up error in appium logs. What do i need to do in order webdriveragent to install using appium?..Can anyone please help me out with this issue. solution: issue: the socket hung up error is a known issue. for now the only solution is to restart the phone occurency is lower on 64 bit phones solution: sunilpatro1985:. issue: it will work either way@sunilpatro1985 solution: skhanam: yes it will work both way, but what he is trying we need to know. from command line. issue: wow.. didn't think this inspector was that nice but wow. This will make transitioning from Calabash a lot easier So if a button I know exists in my app and it doesn't appear in the inspector is that because it's not considered native? solution: issue: Asimk21: adb unrootwasn't used by me directly, I saw it was used from the error logs. I thought it was used by Appium. solution: issue: i have install Appium server but still have problem how to link with android studio i need help please i wanna run a test with android studio but no success on doing that mgmanikandan87: this video u send u dont have similar for window desktop [<-LINK->] [<-LINK->] [<-LINK->] you most include plate formName capability Appium server solution: issue: what error are you getting ? solution: issue: Hi guys,I get 1 error when try to dismiss alert in android, I use javascript appiumNeed all your help.Thanksmy code: [<-CODE->] I got error message:Error: [dismissAlert()] Error response status: 13, UnknownError - An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Selenium error: Method has not yet been implemented iOS is work wellbut android is not solution: issue: hi Any one tried Appium 1.5.3 with MAC Sierra ? it will work in this OS version 10.12 ??? solution: As far as I know, NO. issue: hello guys, anyone having a more complex example project for Appium on Ruby with RSpec or Cucumber? what aboutbrew install --force? i'd suggest to take a look atbrew install --helporman brewas your issues are not relating to appium directly solution: issue: Hii any of you help to install node reinstall* $ brew install nodeWarning: node 8.1.3 is already installed, it's just not linked.You can usebrew link nodeto link this version. actually previously installed node is deleted manually all node related directories but still not able to reinstall solution: shyukri: after ran this command getting this ninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/node/8.1.3... (3,782 files, 45.9MB). issue: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled I think when you do git clone or similar it asks for password, right? Sorry, its not about carthage. Its about git setup on your machine Thats why the issue. Appium tries to clone peertalk and other few git repos and then build from it solution: issue: hi guys I am getting this error message when. run through desktop version appium [BaseDriver] SessionNotCreatedError: A new session could not be created. Details: The desiredCapabilities object was not valid for the following reason(s): deviceName can't be blank,at IosDriver.validateDesiredCaps I am struck with this can any one help me guys solution: issue: Yo been trying to get this testserver built.. I'm running into this error for whatever reason [XCUITest] No platformVersion specified. Using latest version Xcode supports: '10.3' This may cause problems if a simulator does not exist for this platform version.[simctl] Error: simctl error running 'create': Invalid runtime: 10.3 solution: issue: Hi, guys. I met a problem in appium. when I used appium 1.4.3 and Xcode 7 worked well in touch for ipad air safari . But when I used appium 1.6.4. The touch does not worked in safari when the simulator is ipad air. but worked when simulator is iphone. I found the calculation is correct in iphone but is higer in ipad. compare the difference in ipad and iphone. I found the nav bar in ipad is at top of safari. But it is at bottom when it comes to iphone. solution: issue: hey all who can help me with this error? [<-LINK->] found it, seems that is a WDA error [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: Hi all quick question. I have successfully setup appium / webdriverio. however I'm having problems locating an element and sending keys nice! working now! thanks again... though I'm still getting A service failed in the 'onPrepare' hook Error: Appium exited before timeout (Exit code: 1) solution: issue: yozzz06_twitter: What is the error ? I couldn't spot any. solution: issue: Is this correct now?driverUrl = new URL("");or does it have to be I've tried both and neither are working :( solution: issue: hi, i am write a case for mobile web app to upload files. in chromedriver, i usally upload file usedriver.findElement(input).sendKey('/home/1.png'), however when i using appium to test my realy device it doesnt work, anyone can help me? thanks. solution: issue: mgmanikandan87: hi i followed your video but i got below respective error as follow. [<-CODE->] kindly help me out solution: issue: Hi all, has anyone else ever experienced the behaviour in the appium inspector where, for an Android app, the elements that are "off screen" are just not present in the page source at all? I'm wondering if this is a common thing, or if there's a setting I can relay to developers. Specifically for Android at least in the case of my app, iOS version doesn't have this issue. Thanks! solution: issue: can any one help me in using Appium grid solution: issue: SubaRajaram09: I haven't played with tabs in chrome but I feel chrome tabs are not webviews. Can't you select tabs in chrome? [<-CODE->] solution: issue: @Gamaiva : Please refer below URL to work with Appium Grid. I have gone through the documentation part and its really good. I am successfully able to run parallel execution in multiple device. solution: mroien: I believe the command is Thread.sleep(miliseconds) that's a base java command and not an appium.. issue: I’m using Java, Xamarin, Appium, Android. How do I use an implicit wait? I tried [<-CODE->] but then I get the error [<-CODE->] Thanks for the help Im very new to mobile. Thanks. got it now :D solution: issue: I am facing .. the same solution: this is because. after the UI get changed. then your are trying to click that element. issue: dont use@FindByto locate elements.. instead of that u can query for element at run time solution: issue: argeas: , do verbose logging , see where the time is spent more how are you starting appium server solution: issue: Hi Guys !! Is there any possibility that tests in appium are dependent on nodejs i.e is there any dependency on nodejs ? I see issue in aws device farm that dependency of nodejs is required - ref link -- [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hi Need help on swiping mechanism using XCUITest based automation infrastructure Not able to swipe on XCUIElementTypeTable solution: issue: Actually i am gonna test through facebook messenger yes i have solution: issue: hi@mgmanikandan87I am getting following permission issue while installing messanger app on android device through java script Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PERMISSION perm=com.facebook.receiver.permission.ACCESS pkg=com.facebook.katana] [<-CODE->] this is my script File appDir = new File("D:\ChatBot App");File app = new File(appDir, "Messenger.apk"); [<-CODE->] could you help me@mgmanikandan87 solution: issue: [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: does element xpath changes depending on appium installed version, any idea? solution: issue: seenuchiranjeevi: , can u please pull the apk from device and try to find launcable activity using aapt dumpsys command also one thing u can do is try to launch launchable activity using adb if that works then ur appium should work solution: issue: Hi everyone . Android 7.1.1 not identifying elements... I'm using the latest Appium .. have set uiautomator2 in capabilities... still does not identify the elements Has anyone had succes using uiautomator2 for Android 7 onwards ?? solution: issue: npm install appium-doctor -g can any one tell me what is cmd does npm install appium-doctor -g solution: It install appium-doctor globally. yes i have install. try run this command. issue: suvankar1993: for me it was YouTube, just watching tuts gave me a lot, also the live examples here [<-LINK->] do you have any particular questions? btw. do you have any particular language you would you like to write your tests in? solution: issue: Hi guys, I've got a problem with testing a Phonegap app. I wrote a few tests and they work in the debug mode. However, I cannot switch to webview in the release version. any thoughts how to test the release app ? in the release build the driver returns [ 'NATIVE_APP' ] only, in debug version it returns [ 'NATIVE_APP', '' ] and I can switch to the second context solution: issue: Hi all one newbie question i try to run this simple code on one APK of Android Simulator [<-CODE->] but i get this error [<-CODE->] any idea? please? you need my code? solution: issue: hello folks. have a question. i'm learning Appium for a mobile Poc. i was able to execute a small test case of pushing my .apk file to an android device and running few screens of my app from the Java code. How can i collect the performance of the device during the time that test case was run? Does Appium provides or are there any add-ins that we can use to collect device metrics (like cpu, memory, battery usage etc) when the Appium tests eas running? solution: issue: hapuuma: what do you mean by "it won't work" ? what do you see on the device? what error do you get in the logs ? solution: issue: I'm using python_client for iOS and I'm trying to get scroll to element working. This self.driver.execute_script("mobile: scroll", {"direction": "down"}) works to scroll. However, I am not finding examples of it working using this driver.execute_script("mobile: scroll", {"direction": "down", element:})I get NameError: global name 'element' is not defined and I've tried a few ways to fix it but can't seem to get it right. Help please solution: issue: hi guys [<-CODE->] can anyone help me out from this pls Asimk21: /Users/shakirulhassan/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgentLib/Commands/FBElementCommands.m:387:14: Implicit conversion loses floating-point precision: 'double _Nullable' to 'CGFloat' (aka 'float') now got this one bro [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Hi all, urgent question, has anyone recently upgraded from mac OSX El Capitan to mac Sierra 10.12 and XCode 8.3.3, and if so was the transition smooth, or did it cause problems for your Appium Automation or other projects? solution: issue: Sorry to say.. but i have not yet explored XCUITest , so i had worked only UIAutomation based ios automation only solution: issue: BenzCruise: Hello.plz help me.I have a issue for Swift socket.Please let me know method to send message in SwiftSocket.Server is written java language.i connected to server and sent msg using "send" method but I can not receive any data.kindly help me. solution: issue: I am trying to launch Appium session using version with lower mobile OS versions before 7 it works perfectly fine. When i tried with Android Nougat 7 version it fails.. I get the below exception. Kindly help how to fix it as i need to run the tests on Android 7 A new session could not be created. (Original error: Could not extract PIDs from ps output. PIDS: [], Procs: ["bad pid 'uiautomator'"]) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)Command duration or timeout: 14.25 seconds Can anyone helps on this [<-LINK->] please see the link shared having the screenshot of capabilities I am using the latest one now i dint get Does it work on Android Nougat version ? solution: Also it throws error - [<-LINK->]. issue: Rahuln_04_twitter: is very old version. Lot of implementation has changed. Latest is 1.6.5. solution: issue: Hi, I would like to some information about CI integration. Is it possible to integrate appium iOS tests to Xcode Server? solution: Try that. Yup. issue: Hi All, [debug] [XCUITest] Connection to WDA timed out[debug] [iProxy] recv failed: Operation not permitted do anyone face this issue ?? its not installation problem. its an connection timeout issue while execution of test scripts but this issue is appearing in between execution solution: issue: Hey all . Did anyone run appium on a raspberry pie ? solution: issue: Hi, Can someone help with appium and jacoco integration? Yes I want to check the code coverage of the appium code i have written my android app is written in java, my tests are run using appium solution: issue: Hi Friends...In Appium is any specific command for wait for a mobile element.? or We need to use webdriver implicit and explicit commands ? solution: issue: I am trying to run some calculator application in emulator but getting below error: \sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -P 5037 -s emulator-5554 shell getprop' timed out after 20000ms'; Stderr: ''; Code: 'null' is it cause as i am using old sdk and new appium ? solution: issue: Hello Everyone, I am kind of new to appium. I am automating a mobile web app. I am currently stuck with changing date from a date picker. The appium does not seem to recognise this date picker element . List lis = appiumDriver.findElements(By.xpath("/android.widget.Button")); how do i get my driver recognize the date picker element.? any help with be great btw this is for android solution: @binojohn79 try thisList list = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//android.widget.Button"));. issue: hi.. can someone give me steps to setup MacBook for iOS automation unable to launch web driver agent Xcode build failure EROFS read only file system I'm getting this error solution: issue: any ideas why the pop-ups / alerts are not visible in the inspector on ios native app? even though that is an app alert not a system alert solution: issue: Hi i have a problem with "No profiles for 'com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner' were found" when i try to assign my developer account in Xcode to WebDriverAgentRunner target. Did anyone solved this before? Maybe i should add this bundleID in my developer identifiers? solution: issue: Hi. whats the capability to add for safari browser to get a clean session everytime I open the driver? solution: issue: raj284: When i am launching app via appium and clicking on submit button on form then it is not workingwhat could be the issue???even if i manually click it when launched through appium it does not workbut when i launch the app manually it worksany idea anyone? solution: issue: I keep getting an error that I cannot connect to the server when I try to access the site. Is it down? solution: issue: Is anyone here can help Me guide removing flagged to my GitHub account solution: issue: Hi guys.. Do you know of any guide or tutorial on iOS UIAutomation? I can't seem to find anything with more details about it. THanks! solution: issue: Appium 1.6.6 beta now supports Parallel Simulator with Xcode-9 beta [<-LINK->] solution: issue: i have a problem :When the system dialog box pops up on the mobile page, I can't select the confirmation button,and show the error, can you help me ?UnexpectedAlertPresentException: Alert Text: NoneMessage: unexpected alert open: {Alert text : 确认删除评论?}(Session info: chrome=55.0.2883.91)(Driver info: chromedriver=2.28.455520 (cc17746adff54984afff480136733114c6b3704b),platform=Windows NT 6.1.7601 SP1 x86_64) solution: issue: anyone there i need a help /Users/shakirulhassan/Downloads/WebDriverAgent-master 2/WebDriverAgentLib/Routing/FBWebServer.m:12:9: 'RoutingHTTPServer/RoutingConnection.h' file not found solution: issue: Hi, Would like to test IOS with cucumber and appium. But I get an error: cannot load such file -- appium_lib (LoadError). Any idea? solution: issue: I want to start with mobile testing using appium on real android device using ubuntu os.I have installed following softwares on my ubuntu machine.Installed JDK and setup environment veriables solution: issue: hey short question:for swiping / scrolling I use self.driver.execute_script('mobile: scroll', {'name': element, 'direction': direction})in some screens this functions works perfect, even with the elements that are not in viewbut on other screens i receive a WebDriverException: Can't scroll to element that does not existAppium1.6.5, ios 10.3 any ideas why ? solution: issue: I always forget does.ipaor.apprun on a real iOS device? And why can is that? When Android uses the.apkfor both? Thanks thanks solution: issue: ipa -- real device app -- simulator apk --- same apk -- emulator and device both KarumuriVinay_twitter: Switch to appium version >1.6. Lot of implementation has changed since version 1.5.3 solution: issue: .app will work on real device also, if you build the xcode project locally solution: issue: I am working on automating a hybrid app. In webview, I have text in "content-desc" attribute of a web element. I am using Appium Server 1.5.3 and trying to get text from the element. But I see the session closes as soon as I switch to Web view. Any help on this is appreciated. Interested to know if any body having the same issue. Gnaneshwar-ggk: no I am not taking any screenshot on webview Asimk21: Having some weird issues like session not able to create when I am using Appium 1.6.4 solution: issue: I am executing my scripts parallel in two devices. But in one device scripts are getting executed perfectly, while in another only app launched. For each element NoSuchElementExecption error message is coming. Can any one please help me on this. solution: issue: hi. does anyone have any experience with swiping/touch actions in javascript ? using example from appium sample code results in the following error: "UnknownError - An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Selenium error: Method has not yet been implemented". Any workarounds ? solution: issue: rajputamit: Hi can we get android element's color in native appthe case is I have a bar that decreases with time e.g. there are 10 minutes then the bar is full yellow after 5 minutes 50% yellow bar remains rest converts to white [<-LINK->] this is image [<-LINK->] and these are the only properties of this elementis there any idea solution: issue: u can use imagemagick or applitools eyes library for visual comparision native app is not css so u can not check colours of component solution: issue: what settings should be done with Appium Desktop so that it can execute different projects, one for iOS and one for Android? using Appium Desktop Version 1.2.0-beta.1 (1.2.0-beta.1) solution: issue: so for that u can set inside ur code right? solution: issue: Are you want to start two session in desktop ? am i correct ? one for ios and one for andorid i think current setup you can start only one session and other start new session for inpsector i am not sure you can start two session in desktop appium using command line you can start am i correct is that you expceted doing in appium desktop ? are you using Appium distrubution tool ? to run on two physical devices are you sure will able to run two physical device on same port ? solution: issue: how do I verify that developer has enabled setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled? I can inspect element from chrome but not from appium desktop solution: issue: I'm getting this error, [<-CODE->] and my configs are [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] those are the required host and port for sauce labs, works fine on Android. I just don't understand why theOScomes back as undefined when I don't say anything for Android and it comes back withOS: Linux solution: issue: Hello , Is there any option to test the mobile contacts and my app contacts are same. Because I have an app that fetch all phone book contacts and then show the contacts in phonebook. Means I want to verify all phonebook contacts that is fetched in our app is correct or not? solution: issue: i would recomeneded to test this on Espresso or roboelectric where you can have all access to data providers.. and validate it.. Do it this using Appium is error prone because u need to keep scrolling to fetch data.. solution: issue: hi, A new session could not be created. (Original error: com.facebook.orca/.auth.StartScreenActivity never started. Current: com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messaging.auth.StartScreenActivity) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)Command duration or timeout: 0 milliseconds can anyone help me for this issue?? solution: issue: hello I am facing problem while launching the appium Error message "Appium has stopped working." I am using Appium version System specification: Windows 7, 32 bit, 4 GB Ram I have updated Java version, node.js installed in my system. If is there anyone then please reply?? solution: issue: mroien: I'm running into the same issue. What library are you using? solution: issue: I am very new to appium and not getting success in running my very first script. Any help is appriciated solution: issue: hey guys. can you give some hints about how to reduce tests running time? main issue that i have is the app has reusable elements, so different sections in my app have the same locators, so my solution was to get all the cells that i need and search for my element to interact with or to check it inside those cells. this is very time consuming. How do you manage this situation? native app i'm not using xpath at all, only name , id's...but my app has multiple reusable elements. so i'll have 10 elements with the same id...and usually i just get all the relevant cells and going through those cells to interact with my desired element...and this takes a lot of time. like 3 minutes for a test (not very complex) solution: gczudowski: yes An_Element_name is common name in the screen. and will find multiple entries. also the number of those kind of elements is variable....@Asimk21my_element_name is an unique element under a cell, so this will tell me that i'm in the right cell. An_element_name is the element that i want to click or to populate , interact with him in general.. issue: so for now...this issue is a specific to appium testing framework? sigh....i hope 2.0 will be stunning solution: issue: what exactly takes a lot of time? are the elements on the same position every time (3rd from top, etc.) ? solution: issue: Anyone here using WDIO with appium? solution: issue: I upgraded appium 1.6.5 and now I ran automation I can't get appium launch. Does anyone has the same issue? before Appium 1.6 we used to install using .dmg file and the will be put in Application folder. But 1.6.5 installed using command line and I don't see where is solution: issue: Hi All, I'm trying to run appium on an iPad real device. I grabbed the UDID in iTunes, also entered the Team ID however i'm getting the error below [<-CODE->] solution: issue: hello everyone , I used appium 1.5.3 for ios automation test in macOS , these days I update appium from 1.5.3 to 1.6.5 . I can't find an offical document tell us how to update appium from 1.5.3 to appium-desktop-1.2.0(1.6.5) . And I can't find an offical document tell us how to use appium-desktop-1.2.0. if you have , please send it to me . My email user , hope you help me. we can become friendes ) , at last thank you all. solution: issue: Anyone have an idea as to why I'm unable to find elements inside an IFrame on iOS? It works fine on Android though :( Yeah, hence why it works on Android Not sure if it's something that's broken with the iOSDriver Yeah, Cannot findelements I think let me re-run and double check solution: I tried to put it in an then run it but once I close the terminal, same thing happen. issue: siggerzz: Are you getting any error? solution: issue: Is it web app? IOS and Android will have different element names if they are native apps solution: Trying it now, apps being slow though. Will update you in a second. issue: Hi All, I am getting error " Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Unknown device or simulator UDID: '3B1844A1A2DF76C41BFDF3197036240E64C89CC6' (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) " when I run it on Mac for a real iOS device Ya but what is fix for this...Unknown device or simulator UDID: '3B1844A1A2DF76C41BFDF3197036240E64C89CC6' .. solution: issue: error message itself self explanatory solution: issue: Does anyone know how to use driver.ExecuteJavaScript() to change to an IFrame? There's a bug with Appium in that driver.SwitchTo().Frame(iFrameElement) doesn't work on iOS solution: issue: Anyone have an idea why Appium automatically the first time I spin it up and get the error code [<-CODE->] but then if I run the test again it will connect and work. This only happens the first time at the beginning of the day. This will have issues with Jenkins when I run the daily tests. [<-CODE->] solution: But after I get appium to start and run off the same port it doesn't have any issues, it starts after that for the tests of the day. Its seems to only have this issue after not being used for a long time.. issue: nilesh31582715_twitter: try this [<-LINK->] all: check this out [<-LINK->] Appium 1.7.0 beta solution: Would like to take a look.. issue: can you post the log? Hi guys. Is there any performance stats logger for appium both iOS/Appiium? Let's say, looking t how much memory the app is using on the phone. etc? Thanks! ok yeah. I don't want it to affect my tests. solution: If you want to start a saperated one, you can get the idea from here: [<-LINK->]. issue: I agree with@priyankshah217, polling that via adb command should effect our test. I think you should try another way... solution: issue: Hi, I was wondering for the recommended IDE RubyMine, how do I make it recognize custom added functions to the driver? Ie ones added via wd.addPromiseChainMethod ? Currently, when I try to go to the declared method, it does not work and I am looking for an IDE / solution that does that for custom functions. solution: issue: I asked this earlier but someone told me it was the last instance of appium still running and could not be killed, but it even does this after a computer reboot. [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] Does anyone know what this error is running my test on Android through Jenkins. [<-CODE->] It comes up periodically. solution: issue: Getting errors when execute following code:((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);Configurations:MAC OS: macOS 10.12.6 solution: issue: Hey,I update the appium version to 5.0.3 and saw that they remove the function "swipe"... someone have the solution? I need to swipe my app .. thanks solution: issue: HiI am running set of test cases and getting http.conn.HttpHostConnectException and connection refused error am using 1.4.16 appium in windows for running Android 6.0 device Anyone have idea ? solution: issue: NiluHerath_twitter: : [<-LINK->] - Try this if the answer section helps you NiluHerath_twitter: : [<-LINK->] -- Check this link also sanojqa: : Ensure you've the updated sdk libraries priyankshah217: : Doing it right now :) Let's hope it resolves my issues :( solution: issue: ssskkprd: thanks for the help. I have one more issue. I'm trying to automate [<-LINK->] mobile version. I'm using Appium desktop inspector to locate elements. For example to find "Browser categories" element, the code is driver.findElement(By.xpath("//android.view.View[@content-desc='Browse categories']")); does not work and gives a no such element exception. When I use Appium desktop inspector for native apps, everything works perfectly and all elements are located. What is the best method to find locators in web based mobile applications. solution: issue: how to inspect elements in Android 7.0? getting error for uiautomatorviewer.bat solution: issue: Guys I think for appium V:1.6.5 , we no need Java eclipse to execute our Desire capabilities , right ? I mean appium window itself is enough for now Correct me if I am wrong ? I am newly start appium and direct with IOS 10 above and OSX : Sierra with appium-v1.6.5 I am using appium Desktop : v1.2.1 solution: issue: I installed appium 1.7.0 but when start appium desktop still see "Start Server v1.6.5" am I actually running 1.7? solution: issue: just updated to ios 11 and lol can't install WebDriverAgentRunner and I'm using Xcode 8.. need xcode 9 solution: issue: Don't upgrade to Appium 1.7.0 if you're using Android/Hybrid app. There's currently a bug. It's been fixed, but Appium devs need to merge it BetaStrike: Theres a bug open for that issue on the Appium github arun-silicon: Is that when executing with CLI/NPM? solution: issue: How can we remove hyphens ? Yes Device UDID dont have hyphens But simulator hace solution: ahh. have*. issue: arun-silicon: : Manually are u able to start the simulator ? If yes - needs further investigation. If no - try another simulator ( iphone 6 | iphone 7 simulator and check ) arun-silicon: : From Xcode, once you build it, are you able to launch the same simulator ? arun-silicon: : Then issue quite weird actually ! what appium version are you using ? solution: issue: [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] Not sure if it'll work, but worth a try Also make sure your capabilitydeviceNamematches with the UDID solution: Yeah it is :). issue: atsiarenia: ask issues your facing unless you are conducting a poll :) solution: issue: arun-silicon: and@siggerzz, appium desktop at following location: /Applications/ [<-LINK->] _modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent solution: issue: Thanks@rahulkulkarniyahooThat one I did already but I still stuck after WebDriverAgent app test completed, Error Code : 65 is still there What Log you want ?@mgmanikandan87 Yes Let me build again and will pest log I have did it manually@skhanam [XCUITest] Error: Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: xcodebuild failed with code 65 This is the error solution: issue: arun-silicon: : Did you try building the xcode for WebDriverAgent for real device ?xcodebuild -project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination 'id=' test solution: arun-silicon: : Also check if WebDriverAgentRunner and WebDriverAgentLib is signed with your developer account properly. issue: arun-silicon: post your full logs ? WebDriverAgent app test completed, Error Code : 65 is still there solution: while building your are facing this issue. right /. issue: You mean Delete app and run eclipse project again ? solution: start the appium. and try run your script. issue: Getting httphostconnectionexception while running Android on Windows.Appium version: 1.4.16Android version: 6.0Windows 7After some test case it automatically coming in the logs.Anyone have the idea on this error?Actual Error:org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException:org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to127.0.0.1:49341 [/] failed: Connection refused: priyankshah217: I tried on four systems, only on one system am getting this error. Others it working. Anything specific to it. On that system, installed Anti-virus. Anything related to adb or SDK version? solution: issue: Does anyone know how to press the 'Go' key on the iOS keyboard in hybrid app? There's an element I need to access, but it only appears when I select 'Go' on the keyboard.SendKeys(Keys.Enter) / SendKeys(Keys.Return) doesn't seem to work :( solution: driver.getkeyboard().presskey(). issue: before update to appium 1.7 I am using the following to set processArguments var processArgs = $"-e {ZOOSK_DEVID_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME} {devId} -e {ZOOSK_AUTOMATION_ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME} 1"; capabilities.SetCapability("processArguments", processArgs); but now 1.7 having error said process arguments be in json format. Can someone help me how to convert it. Appreciate for your help solution: issue: quintuschen: : Can the navigation to different tabs be swiped ? If yes, use touch Actions relevantly. If not, findElements relative to parentElement solution: issue: sleiendecker: : Hey ! Just check if$HOME/Library/Android/sdk/tools/bin/uiautomatorvieweris added to your path. If not please addLibrary/Android/sdk/tools/binto path and give it a try - It should work solution: issue: I'm testing a hybrid app and unable to get the webview context in iOS. here are my caps: [<-CODE->] solution: issue: sleiendecker: you can achieve using selenium grid also solution: issue: sleiendecker: hope you've got your answers solution: issue: thanks everyone. looks like webdriverio supports parallel out of the box. couldn't tell at the time since I was only running one test case with iOS and android, and iOS is a lot slower for some reason solution: issue: any one facedConnect to [/] failed: Connection refusedin between script execution?I am using appium 1.6.5 in Windows. I am getting Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused after some test cases.Anyone faced this kind of error? siggerzz: no Appium server turn off automatically after some test cases @Asimk21My system Configurations:Windows 7 ADM, 64bit and 12GB RAM.Appium 1.6.5Node: 6.11.3 solution: issue: jchowdry: Not sure if this will help you? - [<-LINK->] Oh wait sorry ignore that 2 seconds solution: issue: Hello all. I am creating a mobile device lab for retail specific devices at my company. The goal is to dynamically start appium each time a user runs a test on a device. I don't want to keep appium up and running at all times, and I also want a separate appium session per device to keep things neat and clean. Currently I am starting appium using ProcessBuilder in java because I don't want to deal with threads and processes in my java application. So I will have loads of appium processes running at any given time. I am trying to figure out the best way to kill a specific appium server process. Since these are external processes to the java application I'm writing, I could get the PID of the process and kill it. But I was wondering if there is an API call I could make directly to appium to tell it to shut down the server. I know selenium grid has such a command, but I can't seem to make this work for appium. I thought this would be a cleaner approach if possible. Is anyone aware of an API call I could make to the appium server to tell it to shut down? solution: issue: but@mgmanikandan87, in that case you need to do subseqent flow in same driver session solution: so if next implementation lies in next@testthen you need to reinitialze driver... issue: mgmanikandan87: trying it. After driver.launchApp() will it launch the user in logged in state ? I meant without any data loss? checking.. just a moment solution: issue: Any faced issue related to node.exe crash after reaching 1.5GB. In my system, the node.exe crashed automatically after 1.5GB, it not releasing any memory while executions. using node 6.11.3 Asimk21: Working Set (memory) my RAM is 12GB solution: issue: mgmanikandan87: Until now i dint had MobileCapabilityType.NO_RESET, true in my framework so it was installing the new apk in device. but now after the capability it not not installing new apk before suite start if app is already present any solution for this?? yes and on my local also while writing sript solution: issue: Hi.. how do u enter numbers in a textview in a native app .. I need to enter dynamic numbers and the element seems to be a textview and not a edittext.. send keys is not working This is for android app by the way solution: issue: Does Appium on iOS support Testflight apps? I tried to get it working when I first started, but don't think it worked, just wondering if anyone else has managed to get it working solution: issue: do one thing.. open any app.. and run "adb shell dumpsys window windows" it will give u anyactivity whiever in focus solution: issue: will check and make run on latest version solution: issue: @sumit_bhuddi_twitter: Were you able to launch the App via RecentyApp ??? You can refer use this codedriver.pressKeyCode('keycode-value')to switchApp ie. recentyApps @rahulkulkarniyahoo : AccessibilityId is separate ID which can't used in xpath. If you want to access the attributes based on xpath try like this :: [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Hi@mgmanikandan87, in iOS Physical Device, I can get attributes using the following : List rows = driver.findElements(MobileBy.xpath("//XCUIElementTypeLink")) solution: However when i try the same: rows = driver.findElements(MobileBy.xpath("//Accessibility Id")), it does not work.. In short, I want to get all the names present with Accessibilty ID. ssskkprd: i understand that .... but surely there is may be some implementation on how to get all elements with tag "accessibility-id", you know ?. issue: Anyone facing issue with pageSource in iOS 11 with Appium 1.7.0,? Appium taking a lot of time to getPageSource in IOS 11 [debug] [XCUITest] Executing command 'getPageSource'[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /source] to [GET [<-LINK->] ] with no body Stuck on this command I dont need to inspect element.. In my test case I am trying to wait for some element by taking pagesource using driver.getPageSource in Appium It was working fine with Appium 1.6.5, problem is something with 1.7.0 solution: issue: whats the issue@swachhab? solution: issue: rahulkulkarniyahoo: : Does multiple items have the same accessibilityID ? rahulkulkarniyahoo: :driver.findElements(By.AccessibiltyId("accessibilityId"))-- Give a try this way sanjay1984: : Can you check ifdeveloperOptionis enabled ? solution: issue: I am facing problem in using react native what should I do? solution: issue: Hello. Please tell me. Is Appium a driver or wrapper over Selenium? Does it contain own WebDriver? Thanks solution: astaninama: You are correct. Appium is not a wrapper over Selenium. It uses JSONWire protocol used in Selenium. Appium has its own implementation to communicate with target. The main intention of using JSONWire protocol is to have similarity between desktop web and mobile.. issue: does anyone know how to handle an assertion/expect error to ensure that the subsequent test case continue to run? im using APPIUM-WEBDRIVERIO-MOCHA-CHAI solution: issue: Hi all, i've seen that on may appium added crosswalk support but i've been having issues getting my tests to read the webview context while working with crosswalk is there some specific config i need for it? appium docs dont seem to mention it at all thanks@skhanam, i'll give it a try solution: issue: Hi channel, someone know how to hidden ios keyboard on appium? i need find another field but first i should hidden keyboard to see the other field mmakannaI: I already tried this and it did not work skhanam: this command not work for ios skhanam: but i dont know the command to click anywhere, i need this command [<-LINK->] skhanam: solution: issue: hi All, anyone experiencing this issue? [<-LINK->] Tap on Coordinates is not working as well this is on Appium 1.2.3 desktop, with xcode 9 solution: issue: skhanam: from maven .. for more details [<-ISSUE->] or [<-LINK->] solution: issue: [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] solution: issue: tcarpentier_twitter: Do you really meant cucumber as test automation tool? Ah ok. No problem Thomas. It is not a tool btw. Its just framework. Your stats would go wrong. solution: issue: hey@mgmanikandan87, I updated them, but no luck... still unstable... yes.. found the issue.. assumption mistake, i was not giving the appPackage and appActivity, thought that because I have the apk file, i may not need to define them as desired capabilities? So Appium, in error, uses some other activity other than the main activity at times. so 70% times it works, 30 doesnt work. Now it work all the time. you can include this in your next video i suppose solution: issue: how to get xpath in ios using appium ? solution: issue: Hi, is there a signing difference between uiautomator1 and 2? I can't access to google map service with uiautomator2, with adequate keystore, though it works with uiautomator1 solution: issue: the error A new session could not be created. Details: Problem getting session data for driver type AndroidDriver; does it implement 'get driverData'?... did anybody face the same issue pl help solution: issue: Hi guys. I'm setting Appium up for the first time and am running into an issue. Setting up ANDROID_HOME doesn't seem to be working correctly. When I run echo $ANDROID_HOME I get android sdk root. Please see my Bash below and inform me if you see anything incorrect [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hi guys, Anyone help with this, i'm using appium 1.7.0 while i'm using UIAutomator2 I'm getting an error An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not sign with default ceritficate. Original error Command ''C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9\bin\java.exe' -jar C\:\Users\Knila5\AppData\Local\Programs\appium-desktop\resources\app\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\jars\sign.jar C\:\Users\Knila5\AppData\Local\Programs\appium-desktop\resources\app\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-uiautomator2-driver\uiautomator2\appium-uiautomator2-server-v0.1.5.apk --override' exited with code 1 (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) can anyone help me with this . solution: issue: Hey, does anyone else have issues with the current stable version regarding to iFrames when testing on iOS emulators, my tests are not able to find any iFrames, nor the elements inside it. Everything works fine for desktop. solution: issue: Hello guys,I’m facing problem after updating to Appium 1.7.1 from 1.6.5 and xCode 9.0.I am writing automated test for an app that has dynamically loaded elements (on scroll down). So when I load certain screen in Appium inspector in DOM/XPATH structure I see only elements that are visible on screen, but those at the bottom aren’t shown. I have to scroll down to them to be able see them in Inspector. This greatly changes my tests.In previous version (Appium 1.6.5) it doesn’t work that way. All elements were shown in Inspector even though they weren’t visible on the screen. solution: issue: hi i need some one to share my game ? ios platform our app where rejected by apple i can pay for this i need a developer with an enterprise account to share my ios app solution: issue: Have any one tried using appium with wiremock to stub the api instead of using the actual webservice? solution: Asimk21: I am looking for a solution similar to sinatra and calabash, as we were using sinatra to mock the responses from webservice. And sinatra was running inside the device through the test server. I am unable to find a alternative to sinatra for appium. issue: I keep getting this error running my test through Jenkins. I'm on Appium 1.7.1, but have been having this issue from time to time for a while. If I run the test again a few times sometime it will start the server and others I get the same error. Even does this after a reboot so no Appium instances are up and running. [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Anyone about who's involved in the dotnet-driver project? :) solution: issue: how to confirm which uiautomator2 version is installed ? when i run my automation without AutomationName, uiautomator.. the test run fine, when i use, uiautomator2, the tests fail, errror message: element not found using appiumm 1.7.0 mgmanikandan87: ... any guidance / direction for statement above? solution: issue: Has anyone upgraded to iOS 11 and appium gui works on it? 1.7.1? That's what I'm asking. Is it safe to upgrade to iOS 11 and appium still work? Someone has to have done it already? Oh that's what would block Appium from working? I just know that Appium sometimes is a little behind on the upgrades and have to wait in the past. solution: that is true... lot of changes /upgrade from appium guys, but there was been a lag in support on dependencies... rahulkulkarniyahoo: when you mention automationName then the appium script started looking the uiautomator2 locator formate i think. issue: mroien: has there been iosDeploy for ios 11 yet? i checked the github repository, they have not yet mentioned that they have tested it yet.. [<-LINK->] nor its on npm : [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Please support my attempt to change the world of the project, spread it, baptize it [<-LINK->] [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hi there,Currently I'm integrating Appium on Jenkins. All Junit testes run smoothly in local. But when I use Jenkin, This error occurred:org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure.Can someone help me? Driver info:driver.version: RemoteWebDriver solution: issue: Hi guys, I'm New to Appium, Can anyone guide me how to prepare regression suite, When you have a free time. I was not able to prepare negative test suits. solution: issue: I am getting the following error repeatedli "org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)" This error repeats every 3 to 4 weeks, and corrects itself automatically. Otherwise I am running test scripts successfully. Can anyone provide some insight into this issue? solution: issue: Does anyone know of any npm packages or frameworks that can track network traffic from an native mobile app? and that works with a native app and not just a browser? Thanks. I use these desired caps for ios [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Hello Guys, I'm running appium with python binding, but I'm gettingURLError: error. Any idea? My desired caps isself.driver = webdriver.Remote("http://localhost:4723/wd/hub", desired_caps) solution: issue: I am facing following issue when working on apk but not getting why its throwing that error:Failed to start an Appium session, err was: Error: Command failed: C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "F:\Divya\softwares\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s 52033933496d54cd shell "ps 'uiautomator'"" [<-CODE->] Can anyone help me regarding the same. solution: issue: Hey guys. Trying to open the Native Chrome app in a Pixel emulator. I have added the App Activity and name. However, when running, Chrome is refusing to open do to a security exception error. Has anyone experienced anything like this and knows a work around? solution: you can add it, but you check. issue: Hi guys. Did anyone else run into this issue? [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: Divya-tfw: looks like u have not configured ip address in appium Appium select general setting and enter your system ip address under server address yodahh: try driver.swipe solution: issue: you need use image recognition....apparently uiautomaro2 is supposed to be able to see toast messages, but in my experience it's flaky. solution: issue: Ip address configuration is required? Have added my system ip there solution: issue: hi all, what is the command to make a scroll down please? i check thanks vishnu4v5: i get this error [<-CODE->] this is what i wrote [<-CODE->] solution: issue: flashv67: I use Element IDs solution: issue: any idea how to solve this error 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Implementing class' solution: issue: So one Mac machine can run only 4 sessions in parallel?@siggerzz I meant with iDevices siggerzz: Thank you for the info solution: issue: anyone else having issues with appium since upgrading to node 8.9.0? siggerzz: 8.9.0?? I'm also having an issue with{ autoAcceptAlerts: true }not working for iOS solution: btw@TuHuynhVan, speaking of simulators, I finally got around to testing webdriverio multiplatform on two devices (both iOS simulator). was not able to get them to run. I'm assuming that's also a WDA issue/limitation. issue: heloooo i get error while updating appium desktop gui solution: issue: hello, Can someone please help me out for verifying Toast message, any workaround? solution: issue: ajinkya26: we faced this clickable='false' when we recently switched to uiautomator2. In our case, using complete id like id='android:id/YOURID' worked even when clickable was false. Using only id='YOURID' doesn't work for SOME locators solution: HasaanAli: actually i don't have any property like Resource id or content-desc .We only have class name..Should i try uiautomator2?. issue: Hey Guyz,I am using uiautomator2 api on Nougat 7.0 ,scroll function is not working using Java_client ,it shows the following exception (org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException ) but the same logic works on Appium Inspector. Any Ideas how to fix this issue ?i am locating the the element using androidDriver.findElementByAndroidUIAutomator(new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true).instance(0)).scrollIntoView(new UiSelector().descriptionContains("MOBILE").instance(0));new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true).instance(0)).scrollIntoView(new UiSelector().textContains("MOBILE").instance(0));); solution: ajinkya26: have you inspected the elements in the appium inspector? Sorry I forgot that you mentioned your app is built with react native. But still, try if react native builds native apps, i believe it must have generated some ids for maximum of the ui views. issue: hey guys, I am using Appium1.7.1 and Xcode9. I got a error like: "xcodebuild failed with code 1" Unable to launch WebDriverAgent [<-LINK->] thanks! it has worked fine in Appium1.6.4 and Xcode 8... solution: issue: anyone else experiencing an issue where android xpath selectors withcontent-descattribute are nowtext? solution: issue: hello, i am triying tap in permits "Permit drawing over app", i don't know how to do it [<-ISSUE->] An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Error occured while starting App. Original error:$AppDrawOverlaySettingsActivity or$AppDrawOverlaySettingsActivity never started solution: issue: Hi guys did any one managed to resolve this error [debug] [XCUITest] Connection to WDA timed out [Appium] Creating new XCUITestDriver (v2.30.0) session solution: issue: the problem is my App is compiled on Xcode version 8.3.3 will that be a problem solution: so I'd personally upgrade and see if it fixes the issue :). issue: Hi, I am facing following issue while running scripts on Android 7 .I am not getting whats issue .It would be grate if anyone helps me [<-LINK->] [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Divya-tfw: in logs clearly says api level 23 is not avaliable api level 23 is Android 6.0 but you connected Android 7.0 please change your caps in your code platformVersion to 7.0 platformVersion should be android version number not android api level solution: issue: Me, I got same. I'm sure that the element is visible to interact. solution: issue: mgmanikandan87: : I updated Platform version to 7.0 , its installing app but getting following error even though have added proper app pacakage and activity .Find below error [<-LINK->] Please help me on this 1.7.1 solution: issue: Guys can I open settings app in IOS using appium ?? solution: issue: Rahul-Chulliparambil: yes. But you using XCUITestDriver ? Whats your Xcode / iOS? solution: issue: channel: custom_web_driver: .find_element(:id, ' Download').click what is the best way to identify the element with ascii characters solution: issue: can any one help me out in this please how to run appium after setting the desire capablities in appium gui i getting issue in intialising the driver on trying with my new framework i got struck with this guys please help me out in this solution: issue: If anyone has any experience with dependency injection using PageFactory/C#, and wouldn't mind helping me out, i'd appreciate it! sure, 2 seconds solution: issue: getting this error "Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: "Command 'Scripts/ -d' exited with code 1". Appium Desktop 1.2.6 Xcode 9.1.0. Please provide suggestion. solution: issue: Hi is any way to get appium install app with digital signature ?? can some one from appium developers contact with me ? siggerzz: thx i did new issue issues/9711 solution: issue: Are you actually trying to select a context, or are you just trying to see the available ones? Ah is webview debugging enabled on your app? hmm solution: issue: that's how we've received it from our native guys and i'm pretty sure it's fine since the tests run without the automationName cap removingautomationNameis causing it to default to uiautomator (1) i might try using some other framework to test, as i'm using protractor right now, and without autowebview it's acting funky with android devices so without autowebview i'm gettingEncountered internal error running command: Error: Invalid timeout 'script' which afaik is because protractor doesn't "officially" support android hybrid apps what command are you using to do the click? i mean what are you trying to use that's not working :D we've run into many issues with using the right command as, for example, would never work on webviews for some reason solution: for example for clicks, what seems to work is/session/:sessionId/touch/click. issue: @deadhead1960_twitter Use this If cap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.NO_RESET, "True");It will not reset and app will be same as it ended on first run solution: issue: anyone having issues with this line wd = new AppiumDriver(new URL(" [<-LINK->] "), capabilities); I get the constructor URL is undefined, AppiumDriver is a raw type solution: issue: there anyway to launch firefox on android...i tried giving capability as browser does not work solution: akhi246: You'll have to set theappPackagecapability toorg.mozilla.firefoxI think. siggerzz: I have tried using org.mozilla.firefox as app package and org.mozilla.gecko.BrowserApp as activity. issue: Hello there! I am new to appium(Ruby Cucumber for Android) using Appium v1.7.1 on a Nexus 5(OS 5.1) and I can't get my code to swipe from the Left to the right to work using [<-CODE->] but [<-CODE->] works. Which is problematic because if I try to test on a device with a smaller screen it goes off screen and the step fails. Any help would be greatly appreciated! solution: issue: active my id can help me help me I want to my code solution: issue: while we can't really know for sure from such little information we ran into a similar problem that stemmed from the device running out of memory solution: issue: XCUITest is mainly required for ios 10 and above i think apple changed the automation library from UIAutomation to XCUITest solution: issue: on the iOS Simulator, how do I clear a textfield Element.cleaer(); does not work :( solution: issue: Hi I facing problem on performing any action on elements in both android and ios I'm getting "java.lang.NullPointerException" mac - 10.13.2 appium - 1.7.1 Xcode - 9.1 is anyone came across this issue? solution: cap.setCapability("appPackage", "");cap.setCapability("appActivity", "");. issue: hi everybody I’m facing with issue cannot start WDA Sending createSession command to WDA simulator shut the app by itself solution: siva4862: you can use action function. issue: I have a problem: I run my (hybrid) test cases once, and after few minutes I run same test again, but the second test fails. Any idea why? If I reinstall appium, it will start successfully go through solution: issue: I am trying to find TextView element (using appium on nodejs). IT doesnt find element when i run the code via nodejs. However, i am able to find the element using appium inspector.:( So it works using inspector but don't works in my nodejs script. Tried finding with ID and also using UISelector().text() ... Both ways dont work while both ways work perfectly in appium inspector. any hint of what can be wrong?I am trying to find TextView element (using appium on nodejs). IT doesnt find element when i run the code via nodejs. However, i am able to find the element using appium inspector. So it works using inspector but don't works in my nodejs script. Tried finding with ID and also using UISelector().text() ... Both ways dont work in the nodejs script while they work perfectly in appium inspector. solution: issue: Gamaiva: what is "reg" here? Gamaiva: not working solution: issue: Hi I am getting an error here....can any one please help out me pls public void Scrolling() { [<-CODE->] } in last line at ".swipe" showing redmark... error reason is here The method swipe(int, int, int, int, int) is undefined for the type AppiumDriver 1 Fix is available : Add cast to driver Can any one give fix to me solution: issue: How can I get the iOS real device log? not the appium logs Gamaiva: in case of Android we will get the logs using aLogcat utility, like that any sample code for iOS physical device? solution: issue: i have to automate the Mobile View of a Web App@Gamaiva not android or iOS solution: naeemsiddiq: It will work. issue: qq: How do I install an old version of chromedriver with appium? Using the instructions at [<-LINK->] all I get is an error that the chromedriver version I want to use doesn't exist Ultimately, it boils down to "npm ERR! 404 Not Found:2.28@latest" smccarthy: The environment variable appeared to work. Thank you! solution: issue: @nickpatel123it sounds similar to my case:i am writing a test through python appium driver:i build a script as a preloader of the test script, it run before running the actual test:simple steps:install the dependent apps1, apps2, app3 ... <-- by python, preload script solution: issue: Can someone confirm they are using Appium with Mac OS High Sierra without any issues?? solution: issue: K, let me try asking this a different way ;): Does the UIAutomator2 driver incorrectly implement TouchAction moveTo as non-relative? solution: issue: I'm running into issues clicking elements in the webview with Selendroid it's throwing error:Original error: Could not proxy. Proxy error: Could not proxy command to remote server. Original error: Error: socket hang up solution: issue: @mgmanikandan87 How can I give correct activity to appium? Should I add activity and package in the desire capabilities?Question:In my framework, I didn't mention anywhere activities name. Then how appium searches my app activities? solution: issue: Hi There, I am trying to install appium on macOS. But it continously showing below error dbug AndroidDriver Getting Java versioninfo AndroidDriver Java version is: 1.8.0_131info Selendroid Ensuring /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-selendroid-driver/selendroid/download existsinfo Selendroid Downloading Selendroid standalone server version 0.17.0 from [<-LINK->] --> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-selendroid-driver/selendroid/download/selendroid-server-7cf7163ac47f1c46eff95b62f78b58c1dabdec534acc6632da3784739f6e9d82.jarSelendroid setup files did not yet exist, waiting... solution: I am following this URL to appium on MacOS. issue: hi WebdriverAgent is blocking the app from launching each time I tried to run my code. thanks I will send it now solution: issue: Any error message? mgmanikandan87: Thanks! solution: issue: [<-CODE->] added 56 packages in 49.81sRESETTING GENERALNothing to do, not a git repoRESETTING ANDROID solution: Can it be possible to execute android test without using appActivitites and appPackage in the caps. issue: Hello Everyone, I want to write python test script for iOS app testing in xcode. In xcode, currently it shows only two options objective C and Swift. But Anyone can guide how to write python test scripts in xcode? Should I need to install Appium python client in my xcode? Hi there, I am getting this error after running python script for iOS app testing "NameError: name 'driver' is not defined" solution: issue: In the latest appium 5.0.4 and selenium 3.7.1 there is no driver output in console while execution of test automation. Have any solution to show the console values? like finding Elements like that.... solution: issue: Hi All, I am planning to learn mobile automation using appium and i am familiar with python. Can someone guide me with some Tutorials or reference?Thank You solution: issue: Nikhilrao23: did you command complete the inital setup for appium only ? if not please see the video only setup for appium android & iOS on mac [<-LINK->] will post the python - appium basic setup soon solution: issue: Is it possible to use the shift key code for iOS simulator? I need to highlight some text, so on desktop I click in the field and use the SHIFT and arrow keys. On iOS it enters emojis when I do that. oh, I am thinking there is no way after some googling.. well with the shift and arrow keys anyway I take that back. I see some backspace keys being pressed in the xcuitest driver tests, so I am not sure why it doesn't work for me. solution: issue: hello OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException: 'Unexpected error. The URL '/session' did not map to a valid resource' If I changedprivate const string WindowsApplicationDriverUrl = " [<-LINK->] "; to private const string WindowsApplicationDriverUrl = " [<-LINK->] "; System.InvalidOperationException: 'A new session could not be created. Details: The desiredCapabilities object was not valid for the following reason(s): deviceName can't be blank, (33)' [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hello Everyone I getting this error when installing selenium webdriver keys $ pip install keysCollecting keysCould not find a version that satisfies the requirement keys (from versions: )No matching distribution found for keys solution: issue: Hi everyone. Has somebody faced the issue: "An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: session not created exception: Chrome version must be >= 58.0.3029.0" I updated the chromedriver version and I'm getting the same error but now: "... must be >= 60.0..." then, I assume that's not the solution can somebody help me pls? this is in android 7.1.1 and appium 1.7 and only happens in Simulator, real devices works as expected solution: issue: hardik-plume: Thanks... Trying it now you mention it, my real device has chrome 63.0... simulator has 55.0.... but I can't install a new one for the simulator solution: issue: Has anyone tried uploading files on iOS simulator ? I'm getting an invalid state error... Works fine in android. I'm using saucelabs , setting appium version to 1.7.1 solution: And you should be able to install whatever you want. issue: Hi guys,I need to run my jar file with testNG XML fiel file solution: issue: Hi@hardik-plumesorry, had to leave yesterday. Using simulator from "android avd" hardik-plume: just to let you know. Genymotion is awesome, thanks a lot. BTW, I installed chrome 63 there, then may be that was the solution. solution: issue: hi guys, I noticed my device opens up three times each time I run my automation on Appium. I will be grateful if you can help please yes please solution: appium afaik unlocks only once. can you check appium logs? Is it unlocking apps multiple times?. issue: its the same, I've tried many times I think so, so whats happening is that once I start running my code, it opens up then closes about 3 times before it actually start working solution: issue: HI Guys, I have a button on android mobile, called "READ MORE" if we click on that it will go to a page where the whole new will load. But how to verify whether its loaded or not ? *new = news solution: issue: Hello. I just ported my testing servers from linux/window to OSX (mac), and I'm having issues withautoGrantPermissions(more details: [<-LINK->] ). Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :) Afaik appium runs through xcode for iOS devices, so you have to run the tests on a mac. solution: issue: Would I be able to automate iOS testcases with windows? Or do I have to use a mac for that?I don't want to have 1 windows laptop for only running android testcases and one mac laptop for running ios testcases. Anyone know? Can I run both android and ios tests on mac? Thanks@Neph0and@mgmanikandan87, I appreciate those quick replies.So, I'll use my mac for appium stuff and selenium webdriver stuff for my windows solution: issue: Are on iOS or Android? Also, have a try with these below:driver.sendKeyEvent(AndroidKeyCode.ENTER); Getting session time out while switching context native to web on iPadAppium Logs:[XCUITest] Executing command 'getContexts'[iOS] Getting list of available contexts[iOS] Retrieving contexts and views[iOS] Selecting by url: false[RemoteDebugger] useNewSafari --> false[MJSONWP] Encountered internal error running command: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:27753 at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1026:11) at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1049:20) at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1081:14)Any help on this????? Asimk21: nothing, solution: issue: sitansu_kar007_twitter: how are you starting appium? kadir8446_twitter: Are you just trying to run these tests? Can you try on appium 1.6.0? Is there any option to change webkit port in appium UI? see inwdwhat is available for sending keyCode kadir8446_twitter: solution: issue: kadir8446_twitter: here is the issue:ONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.keys() with args: [[""] I have logged an issue for this in appium portal Yeah@Asimk21 Before restarting, I installed the webkit proxy in my machine solution: driver.keys(). .keys('Enter'). issue: Asimk21: Fixed the issue after restarting the machine :) solution: issue: You can't make it testable, unless you are able to sign it with your apple dev cert. solution: issue: Not really, we are using ruby api's and it seems ok. solution: issue: sitansu_kar007_twitter: yes, also it depends on device, network conditions We are using 6s, 6s+, 7, iPad, iPad air on variants of OS 9, 10 & 11 sitansu_kar007_twitter: We are using real devices. rahulkulkarniyahoo: Suggestion: Just try a single test without explicit wait. and yes we are not using appium desktop, I don't know if it makes any difference solution: issue: There might still be conflict in the way you are using it. solution: issue: I'm new to Appium & currently I'm stuck in running some of the scripts due to loading issues in Appium inspector..For an example Edit Page is not loading fully where it's stuck saying 'Loading Media' in Appium Inspector..But in emulator page is loaded.Due to this Script gets fail with the error 'unable to locate the element' .Can anyone suggest me a solution for this? solution: issue: I get an error "Building workspace’ has encountered a problem" in Eclipse Oxygen. Any clue why it happens ? solution: issue: Hello all, has anyone used Spock framework + Groovy + Gradle build? I have the project setup, but not able to split driver config from test cases. Any suggestion would be highly appreciated! solution: issue: Hi team I have an issue can any one free to resolve I have an issue regarding auto select text in the text box please any one help i was doing in the android simulator for android apk I have enter an text "abcd" in the text box, then below text suggestions are displaying I have taken a screen shot by uisng UI automator but in that elements are not showing from that drop down so i need to select the element in that drop down how can I select yes its right but it acts like drop down but it was not drop down solution: issue: Hello. I'm currently getting a "deviceName can't be blank" error when I try to run a test, even though the Appium log is showing that the device name is not blank. Any ideas as to why this is happening? I've posted the details of my problem here: [<-LINK->] solution: issue: I need some help solution: issue: [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: hardik-plume: Can you try with:driver.findElement(By.xpath("//android.widget.TextView[@text,"Guest"]")).click rahulkulkarniyahoo: Actually I'm doing test on simulator. And for i dont think WDA is needed. I have juts enabled safari dev on the simulator solution: issue: sitansu_kar007_twitter: , quite interesting. Can you put a sample project on git, so that others like me can benefit ? driver.findElementByAccessibilityId(""), xpath is slower in my view solution: issue: for image comparison, you could tryIMAGEMAGICK [<-LINK->] maksn: .batdoesn't work on mac solution: issue: sitansu_kar007_twitter: my second command is what you suggested? solution: issue: Where can i find uiautomatorviewer.bat file in Mac? I am not able to open uiautomatorviewer for android, i read a post to change the .bat file by adding tools directory to it solution: That should be shell file, it could have .sh extension.. issue: makhare854: Yes I have interest solution: issue: hi [<-LINK->] can any one can explain while error is showing at context any one there solution: make type of Set as Strings. and put "contextNames". issue: @yozzz06_twitterhey i need some help. so in my native android app, this PopupWindow specific to the Android framework is not visible? can't see it in the inspector nor interact with that window?...any ideas, workarounds?@mgmanikandan87 any ideas. i saw that you opened an issue for this.@yozzz06_twitterselendroid/selendroid#140 solution: issue: Hi. I'm still having the same problem from before (deviceName can't be blank, even though it's not). Any idea as to why browserName and platformName are being read, but no other desiredCapabilities are, even though they are all present? solution: issue: [<-LINK->] Hello, can anyone help find out why is appium freezing up right after booting and starting chrome? Latest chrome driver, latest chrome on emulator Chrome just sits there. solution: issue: Hello, I've a problem with appium python client, on the doc [<-LINK->] , but TouchAction class implementation has not that method (double tap) why? solution: issue: Hi friends,I'm new to Appium version 1.3.1 and am not clear with the way to install ipa through appium. Earlier i was using the version 1.5.3 and i can provide the path to the ipa, but i don't see the options in the latest version. Can someone pls help me in this? solution: issue: hey guys whenever I am trying to switch context to a webview I am getting this chromedriver error which says it cannot create session An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Failed to start Chromedriver session: A new session could not be created. (Original error: session not created exception: Chrome version must be >= 60.0.3112.0 1.7.2 Chromedriver is 2.33 while latest is 2.35 Ok, I see the issue in my emulator I can see chrome version is can this be the issue? siggerzz: ? solution: issue: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: '10.3.1' does not exist in the list of simctl SDKs. Only the following Simulator SDK versions are available on your system: 10.2, 10.3 (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)Command duration or timeout: 5.38 secondsBuild info: version: '3.4.0', revision: 'unknown', time: 'unknown'System info: host: '', ip: '', 'Mac OS X', os.arch: 'x86_64', os.version: '10.12.6', java.version: '1.8.0_131'Driver info: driver.version: IOSDriver Can anyone help me on this ..... solution: issue: Yeah, we have been planning this work for months, finally get the time do so, and then come across this problem. our main source of investigation was iOS. Which is why we didn't pick it up.adb can't be used by most test cloud services such as Xamarin solution: issue: For second step, The Resources folder is created when Appium is run.If you really want to do things manually, it is just an empty directory. If you run mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/Resources/WebDriverAgent.bundle it ought to be fixed. solution: issue: mgmanikandan87: , Through 1 Jenkins job, my company builds multiple apk and ipas. Current task is to ensure that each of the file, should be launched on the physical device once. Can you suggest ways to check this? I thought of 1 way, is to make a slave machine for Jenkins job and execute selenium script for each app. As the company creates about 200 apks and ipas respectively, using selenium will take lot of time to execute. no, just confirmation that once the app has been built, it can launched. canbelaunched. yes, through jenkins... they will be connected to mac, which will be slave machine to the jenkins solution: issue: vishal0070: this is not full appium logs solution: issue: hi i want to locate angular elements under hybrid app please help me to identify solution: sireeesha: check out if this be of any help [<-LINK->]. as per the ref, it seems like same method works irrespective of the type hybrid in appium. issue: Hi I am using Uiautoamtor viewer and i am getting error as "Error Obtaining UI Hireachyview",Error taking Device screnshot : EOF solution: issue: chethanshetty09: i had stopped the appium and then also tried it is not taking the ui screen of that particular screen ,it is actually disabled by the parent company solution: issue: couldn't figure out where is this timeout coming from in appium?An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Error while executing atom: Timed out waiting for asyncrhonous script result after 15 ms solution: issue: mgmanikandan87: Sorry for the Late Reply... Yes this is the Complete Log......Browser opened...Url executed...Then after I was not able to click on any Element....If U want i will Send u again solution: issue: I am using C# Specflow with MStest and automating Native iOS and Android appI have switch case statement for different platforms(ios, android and windows drivers with different capabilities) how do i specify the tests to pickup different profiles and make them run in loop?@yunj i am just running them locally on my machine no build setup solution: issue: Hi! Im trying testing on physical android devices but I can't connect with the device. Someone could help me please! solution: issue: andreab912: what error you are getting solution: issue: Hi Can any one tell me, 1.How to check whether the button is Enabled or not ? 2.How to check whether the text box/field is Editable or not ? This is for ANDROID solution: issue: Any good frameworks available for appium? Or do I need to whip something up myself? I like webdriverio for dekstop, but seems that the appium-service extension is not so well maintained. solution: issue: anyone familiar with below error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: packageAndLaunchActivityFromManifest failed. Original error: Cannot parse launchActivity from manifest: Jan 24, 2018 6:35:12 PM brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder readConfigFlags WARNING: Config flags size > 38. Exceeding bytes: 0x746E00000000000000000000000000000000. Jan 24, 2018 6:35:12 PM brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder readConfig WARNING: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-sr-ERR0 solution: issue: Hi .. has anyone did BDD or cucumber tests for mobile automation.. I want parallel execution also along with BDD how feasible it is ?? Currently I’m using TestNG parallel execution.. I want the same to be extended to BDD or cucumber solution: issue: The method findElementsByAndroidUIAtomator() is undefined for the type AppiumDriver what is the reason? I am using the jar :selenium-server-standalone-3.1.0.jar thank you ,i'm to try solution: issue: Hi, everyone. Who has the experience work with Safari browser Appium iPhone, share please ?I have the problem to click on the mobile Safari browser Pop-out. I need to click in the Safari browser on the Pop-out.I tried to switch the Webiew but it is not successful. Also, tried to inspect the Pop-out through the Safari INSPECTOR on Mac machine, but it is not successful.I use Robot Framework Appium Client.Please, suggest me any idea solution: issue: Hi guys, I am new to automation and especially to Appium. I made few steps to start the server but I get stocked and dont know how to install “Java_client”, I read the wiki but I didnt figured out where and how to install it. I would apreciate your help. solution: issue: Hi guys Fies Does anyone share appium framework in Java with web driver for both Android & iOS solution: Prabhakaranvallambar: for Android or iOS?. issue: In how much time your appium desktop is starting the Inspector? solution: issue: where does the appium node need to be installed for my C# code to not return an invalid server instance exception? solution: issue: Any solution to automate Tooltips/Toast messages in android by using appium ? sherbhachu: But, we can't find webelements for Tooltips/Toast messages right ? solution: I thinkg Windows doesn't support Appium Inspector right ?. issue: Hey guys, Is there a way to click on Search Magnifier icon on Android Keyboard? I tried with AndroidKeycode.ENTER but it doesn't work.I am not able to get co-ordinates to tap them? Is there a workaround? [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hey, I just updated this issue [<-ISSUE->] and I'd like it to be re-opened / investigated if possible. I've done everything I can with my knowledge of of JSONWP but can't figure out why the error code isn't being forwarded back properly. I don't think this is a driver issue though it could be still. On iOS literally all requests to /alert/text are returning 500 instead of the expected 200 with status 27 solution: issue: first result in google... [<-ISSUE->] please, try that before asking the group. It just helps reduce the noise jameseg3: do you think it might possibly be a Windows permission issue, where the process is not allowed to start? or are you trying to start it directly via npm at the command line? friendlyspeak_twitter: , so you have tried the solution in the issue? solution: just in case some of your ENV's or PATHs are not set correctly?. issue: sherbhachu: it doesnt works for me thats y am asking in group sherbhachu: OK its my fault sorry for not yet mentionedyup am with [Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.7.2 solution: issue: yah, lemme try that is appium.js the correct file to set for AppiumBinaryPath? like this? Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(AppiumServiceConstants.AppiumBinaryPath, @"C:\Users\jgooding\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\appium\lib\appium.js"); or should it be main.js? I think i've seen both ok, so when appium isn't running, task manager shows this process: [<-LINK->] after running manually from gitbash, i see this guy pop up: [<-LINK->] when i run in the code, the second process doesn't start, just like you mentioned solution: issue: Hi guys can any one tell me to learn appium best websit hi guys is there any one there i have an issue [<-LINK->] i have entered the data through appium but i need to enter keywoard is not appearing while entering how to click enter is there any way solution: issue: Question - Has anyone used Kobiton device farm to run Android and iOS automation agianst? solution: issue: Hi all, i am having a doubt. How can i scroll in ios ? I am using scroll_to("Text") in android and it is working, but i can't use that method in ios. Other doubt, is it possible to use the method switchTo on Appium as on Selenium ? solution: issue: Good morning everyone, Is anyone having problems using touch actions with the iPhoneX? rahulkulkarniyahoo: no unfortunately. I have a feeling my problems has to do with the difference in pixels between iphoneX and iphone 7 plus solution: issue: Kyle-Gray: i am having problems using drag and drop with iOS. Do you have any solution? Kyle-Gray: i am working with Java and when i use, i get message that waitAction has been deprecated .. i will try something else.. thanks for the help solution: issue: sitansu_kar007_twitter: i am using v1.7.2 solution: issue: anyone suggest me to learn appium in mac... I cant get good tutorils for appium in mac solution: omsatapathy09: check the id or xpath of that locator using uiautomatorviewr or appium inspector. issue: Hi Anyone suggest me, how to fetch the the location from google auto-populate location in Android ? sitansu_kar007_twitter: plz suggest me, how to locate one location from google auto-populate location in Android ? [<-LINK->] here enter key not working, using Keys.ENTER Kyle-Gray: please do needful ! solution: issue: Thanks@Nikhilrao23i will give it a whirl Nikhilrao23: doesnt work for iOS :( solution: issue: Hi all my parity wallet isn't recognising a token that I have purchased in an ICO. What can I do to make it work? solution: issue: Hi All [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] What do i need to set to global.driver = ?I hope my question makes sense. solution: issue: VIGNESH08097223_twitter: [<-LINK->] VIGNESH08097223_twitter: bro you can see videos in this channel sure it will helpfull to u bro so u can go with this channel and see VIGNESH08097223_twitter: Say your thanks to Mr.Manikandan M G Good Morning to all,,,I have faced some issue like shown in screen shot kindly have a look and help me out to overcome from this issuebelow are the screen shot [<-LINK->] [<-LINK->] Face this issue coz of jar file missing i think but dunno exactly wat jar is missing and all.. kindly help me out solution: issue: Can any one help me , I am getting this error on running selenium in jenkins local host 8080INFO: Detected dialect: OSS_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL. that bundle is missing@friendlyspeak_twitter if u find any folder delete it and run it again Delete resources folder and run this commandsmkdir -p Resources/WebDriverAgent.bundlesh ./scripts/ -d solution: and i try to run this command and it shows like below. issue: Hi everyone i need a help from u all [<-CODE->] getting this error while try to run the WDA in xcode solution: issue: Hi All,I am trying to test React Native app - not a web app - native app. I am trying to useCucumber Hi All. I am trying to run my automated test on native app (not web app on mobile) and instead of running the test : app launches and shuts it down without running any test - this happens multiple times. Here is my config : [<-CODE->] Any help would be appreciated. solution: issue: siva4862: , either use xpath relative to OLA or UBER button , or just the indexes both are fragile but it seems thats the only options you have @mgmanikandan87 Can you help me on how to Run Appium Tests over WiFi on ios Real Devices? I don't think its possible Although , you might want to check this --> [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: coding-yogi: Hey...Hi...I have saved in list by using id and using get.index() for calling them.Its working fine now...Thank you solution: issue: tcarpentier_twitter: you may need to run adb devices command get device id and pass it in your setup solution: issue: how are you starting the appium server solution: issue: Ok sorry. i found the Ans : [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hi All, When i run test in parallel with two emulators, i am getting this error [<-CODE->] I have googled and found there was a fix in Appium version 1.6.64 appium/appium#6332and i have latest Appium version 1.7.2 but still no luck. This is happening quite often. Please advise me work around or is there any issue related this logged? and this is my capability [<-CODE->] imurchie: could you please help me on above case? solution: issue: Locator Strategy '-ios uiautomation' is not supported for this session solution: issue: Does anyone have a good method for the "flick" gesture? Cannot get it to work using admc/wd. solution: issue: Kyle-Gray: , yeapI did described simple samples and they work fine.But me more complicated gesture doesn't work solution: issue: Good Morning to all vjkumran: did u set WDA things correct? in xcode and ur xcode version? anyone using appium with python Hi all good afternoonSetup appium with python - and try to run the appium inspector as well but it throws the below error & kindly anyone help me out from this.. [<-CODE->] vjkumran: Hi good afternoon i need ur help Jeevanvamsi: wat problem solution: issue: hi , is there any tutorial for robotframework using appiumlibrary? solution: issue: Hello, Today evening I have updated Appium desktop version 1.2.7 to 1.3.2 . It throws error when I starting session "Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: "Trying to use WebDriverAgent project at '/Applications/ [<-LINK->] _modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj' but the file does not exist"." But i have checked, the file is there solution: issue: Yes.....WDA is set proper in my xcode version 9.1 trying uninstall and re-installing appium. Now I am getting this error "Downloading Selendroid standalone server version 0.17.0 from [<-LINK->] --> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-selendroid-driver/selendroid/download/selendroid-server-7cf7163ac47f1c46eff95b62f78b58c1dabdec534acc6632da3784739f6e9d82.jarSelendroid setup files did not yet exist, waiting..." Appium inspector is working now. I just updated npm to latest version solution: issue: siva4862: I dont know the exact syntax but i feel what u have mentioned is wrong solution: issue: I need help. how to set id using ionic1 for after i find using a appium client? i switch context for 'webview', but i can't find using id. what a attribute in ionic1 for map a resource-id? solution: issue: Hi all, i just get a new PC, i installed the latest version of appium I get this error message Appium has stopped working i didnt manage to use it I tried the version 1.3.1, 1.3.0 and 1.2.7 thanks for the help solution: issue: hi all...good evening and i need a help from u guys i got a error in eclipse as below mentioned [<-CODE->] kindly helpo me out off this solution: issue: Hi team Parameter 'deviceName1' is required by@Configurationon method beforeMethod but has not been marked@Optionalor defined i am facing this issue what i need to fo do is any one there solution: issue: Yeah even fullReset worked, Thank you solution: issue: Hi good Morning to all...anyone there to help me out for the below error i got in eclipse 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Implementing classat java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( java.base/ java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.defineClass( java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.findClassOnClassPathOrNull( java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClassOrNull( java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass( java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass( java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( App.main(' anyone there pls help me Gamaiva: while try to run in eclipse [<-LINK->] Vishnu1067: Yes appium run [Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.7.2[Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on Vishnu1067: java solution: issue: Hi, did someone already tested the start_recording feature ( [<-LINK->] ) ? After i do a stop_recording_screen, the file is removed on the device and even if there is a an adb pull on my computer, the video don't exist. solution: issue: I launch Chrome application into android 7 using appium. But its not consistently opening chrome app by my script. every time is giving Error : Error ocurred while staring app solution: issue: Asimk21: now i got the error saying ........."Touch action "press" doesn't have proper options. Make sure certain actions like press, longPress, tap, moveTo have position options like "selector", "x" or "y" solution: issue: elizabethqny_twitter: From command line you first need to download dependencies and then run the command. Android Studio brings in dependencies automatically. What is the error you are getting? solution: issue: Above snippet looks like a code and not error message Did you start appium? Kignuf: When do you take screenshot i.e. after appium fail to find element or before finding element? Try to take screenshot and page source at both places and see if these have any difference.. what do you get in appium logs? Yeah, try it once more and share appium logs. Lets see if there is any deviation. solution: issue: Hi Can anyone post swipe code in java client 6.0 beta android driver shivam3112_twitter: Enter Your Direction means "Right to left" Thank Q Shivam let me Try shivam3112_twitter: @Testpublic void Swiperight(){JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;HashMap swipe = new HashMap();swipe.put("direction", "right to left");js.executeScript("mobile: swipe", swipe);} it is correct or not? shivam3112_twitter: it is not working shivam3112_twitter: org.openqa.selenium.UnsupportedCommandException shivam3112_twitter: i am given coordinates just write like thispublic void Swiperight(){JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;HashMap swipe = new HashMap();swipe.put("direction", "right to left");js.executeScript("mobile: swipe", swipe);} shivam3112_twitter: still getting same issue can i change java version or something else ? shivam3112_twitter: BasePage throwing Error like this "BasePage cannot be resolved to a type" shivam3112_twitter: bro i think this is code In IOS But i am using Android Windows 8 solution: issue: what is the issue ? please paste ur code here. There is a mistake.. that you have done. public void Swiperight(){JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;HashMap swipe = new HashMap();swipe.put("direction", "left");js.executeScript("mobile: swipe", swipe);} This will work. public BasePage swipeLeft() {JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;HashMap scrollObject = new HashMap();scrollObject.put("direction", "left");js.executeScript("mobile: swipe", scrollObject);return this;} once try this as well. Man... It's my code. You can use void. Hey, I am facing issue with WebDriverAgent, It's not launching properly. xcodebuild exited with code '65' and signal 'null' Tried all possible ways but it's not working. solution: issue: Hi , i a Hi i am using appium 1.7.2 , i am able to launch app but unable to locate element in natjve ios..can someone plz help Finding element using xpath solution: issue: Hi, does anyone know what is wrong with new appium device unlocking? I had 4.1.2 coonnected thru dependency and everything was ok and now I've updated to latests selenium\java and appium 5.0.4 and unlocking works very bad also driver value is NULL? solution: issue: friendlyspeak_twitter: you should have build WebDriverAgent properly in xcode solution: i did already and even yesterday it works perfect for me but right now it throws error. issue: Hi! I'm triying to run a simple test on a hybrid app on android. When inspect the app with google chrome everything works!... But when I try to execute my test get this error from Chromedriver:DevTools request: http://localhost:12900/json/version Someone have any clue? I'm tried with 2.30, 2.33 and 2.35 Ok, I will try thanks! Wait... Error: Failed to start Chromedriver session: An error occurred (Original error: chrome not reachable(Driver info: chromedriver=2.30.477691 (6ee44a7247c639c0703f291d320bdf05c1531b57),platform=Linux 4.14.21-1-MANJARO x86_64)) That's the error ...And now with chromedriver 2.35:Error: Failed to start Chromedriver session: An error occurred (Original error: chrome not reachable(Driver info: chromedriver=2.35.528139 (47ead77cb35ad2a9a83248b292151462a66cd881),platform=Linux 4.14.21-1-MANJARO x86_64)) On a samsumg device with android 6 Samsung J5 a Real device solution: issue: Hi all i am facing some issues while installing app on real device in appium..Can anyone help me solution: issue: logeshbalu: what is ur issue ur facing solution: issue: Hi selenium 3.2 , testng 6.8 ,java client 4.1.2 are compatible? i am getting the following error:java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder.buildByFromFindBy(Lorg/openqa/selenium/support/FindBy;)Lorg/openqa/selenium/By; solution: issue: Hi all i would like to know if its possible to run appium on simultaneous devices ? solution: tcarpentier_twitter: and i need to changes the uuid url in the capabilities self.dc['udid'] = '' or self.driver = webdriver.Remote(' [<-LINK->]. issue: Hi Team, I am having an issue and i feel like that is a bug in appium .. could you please help me to understandI am using wdio with appium... and i am trying to automat hydrid app on iosI have cases where i need to switch between webviews ... it works fine in Java .. but with wdio ... when i tried performing the same windowHandle ... I am getting the below error [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] am i doing any thing wrong .. or it is a known issue .... could you please help meHere is my code in wdio: [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Has anyone here heard of a wait until isNotDisplayed function or something i can use to wait until some element disappears? I mean i want to wait till an element is no longer visible before continuing Thanks ill give it a try! Got it to work@GamaivaThanks for all your help!!!!!!! solution: issue: Asimk21: The app installs but never launches. I set up with my dev account as well. solution: issue: I am following the steps here: [<-LINK->] I can get to this far: xcodebuild -project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination 'id=' test but I have problem here: [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] anyone knows what the problem would be? solution: issue: it's not working solution: issue: has anyone tried to automate actions on the SKStoreReviewController dialog in ios 11+? I can't find the elements in the appium desktop inspector tree solution: issue: [<-CODE->] Any help would be appreciated @JacopoFerrazza : [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] This is the code I've written. [<-CODE->] JacopoFerrazza: : Will that work on android ? Haven't tried using the JS for performing the scroll solution: issue: ssskkprd: what's the selector you're using? ssskkprd: by any change, does your app refresh the element ? Also, can you try this? [<-CODE->] ssskkprd: It's a work around for the scroll. More info is available [<-LINK->] . sayom88: if you are still having the issue, try printing out the driverpath variable and see what exactly is capturing. It might be an issue that is unable to locate the browser. solution: issue: hi, is this chat for reporting bugs or also for asking questions? I wanted to ask how to get already set desired capabilities with Python client, I've tried with 'self.driver.desired_capabilities['platformName']' and 'self.driver.desired_capabilities()' but it's not working, tnx solution: issue: Hi .. Can anyone help me with starting appium server through wdio.conf file solution: issue: hi all via Selenium using Win7, has anyone successfully tried automation with IE11 Browser? when I am trying, i am getting this error: org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchWindowException: Unable to get browser [<-CODE->] this is my codebase can anyone suggest please what error I am making? solution: issue: hi guys, I just joined this chat and not sure yet if there are any rules about asking questions etc, so please let me know if I should follow some rules.And I have a question (I googled already a lot about this): is it possible to get current locale (region+language) of the device with appium ? (I'm interested in both iOS and Android real devices) I'm aware of 'language' capability which is used for sim/emu to set up the language, but Im looking how to get current language and not how to set it up. Would appreciate any hints ! thanks,@ssskkprd, this is what I stuck with, I could get it via adb ('mobile: shell') command for Android, but not for iOS :( I found though an open issue requesting this feature: [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: can anyone tell me if the C# driver is compatible with .net core or .net standard ? i would like to port my code from framework 4.7.1 to one of these so I can compile and run on a mac machine for debugging solution: issue: anthonyfennell: : This too would work for you [<-CODE->] solution: issue: NadavDuda: is your device name right? Also, try change it the automationName to appium and see if it works. solution: issue: majdukovic: Do you instantiate driver in each test? solution: issue: UPDATE:so I had to change my mac and I installed everything from scratch.It is working now..THANKS for that you all!and now Im trying to start the appium service from the java code without major succes..appium is working well only when Im starting it before from the terminalTHX! solution: issue: Hi All i am new here solution: issue: zcmgyu: : Is it an alert or element which is on top of the page blocking other elements ? As@Asimk21said, you'd require to get sourcePage to debug further if that element is visible or else ask the dev to have accessibility id set for the same schwarcu: : Hey ! That's would be weird indeed. Are you checking on 'simulator' || 'real-device' ? If simulator, '.App' should be sufficient. Else, .ipa is required for real-device. Also it might be that some settings in real-device needs to be enabled to install the desired application. schwarcu: : Please share your code and error logs for further debugging. schwarcu: : If you run into App architecture issues, better check with dev-team if they can give access to code, sync in locally, generate the .App for simulator and use the same .App for further testing. solution: issue: Hey guys I've lost 2 days of work trying to solve problem with "This app could not be installed at this time. ", can anyone help? I have .app provided by team that is developing iOS app. I have correct path to the file given in capabilities, when I run tests I'm getting "This app could not be installed at this time. " error in Appium server I also have .ipa version. It is installed during tests but when the app launches it crashes immediately And here is the point of the problem: All of these apps work with no problem on SIMULATOR But when I try to run them in appium test they won't install or won't open Any idea? ssk: ssskkprd: I am using simulator. I have found that in the Simulator log there was an error saying that app architecture is not supported. After some time by accident I found workaround. I left Simulator opened with app installed, then I run test on Appium. Appium has connected to the already running simulator device and tests worked This is truly weird since I was running the same config on Simulator and Appium capabilities but at least I can work on my tests solution: issue: @DewaldSchoonderwoerdthanks a lot for your kindly reply solution: schwarcu: : Can you try in code i.e driver.getPageSource() for these pages i.e login -> post_login. issue: Anyone know of a good android emulator solution? At the moment I am using Android Studio SDK emulators but they are known for flakyness solution: issue: Hi am Vijay from Bangalore Am facing difficulties at Safari browser,unable to locate elements at [<-LINK->] Using xcode9,ioS 11.1V solution: issue: hi guys short question. If I have XCUIElementTypeWebView, if i don't swtich the context, the interactions with the element should not work, right? my "problem" is that i can interact with the elements without switcing the this some new feature from appium? solution: issue: armlet: If you are using any IDE like eclipse or Intellij there are options to put breakpoint in code. solution: issue: The type org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.HttpClient$Factory cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files am getting the above error can anyone help me [<-CODE->] getting above error again :( solution: issue: Hello everyone, I am having a lot of trouble trying to scroll to an element. I got the touch actions working but sometimes the element i want to scroll to is above what i can see on my phone and sometimes it is below. Does anyone any ideas on a good way to approach this problem? I really appreciate any ideas!! This is on a iOS device and i'm using node to write my tests Hello everyone, I am having a lot of trouble trying to scroll to an element. I got the touch actions working but sometimes the element i want to scroll to is above what i can see on my phone and sometimes it is below. Does anyone any ideas on a good way to approach this problem?I really appreciate any ideas!!This is on a iOS device and i'm using node to write my tests solution: issue: Hey guys,I'm trying to do a basic safari test in java, where one navigates to a website on a real iPad, but I keep getting an 'xcodebuild failure code 65', despite the test not requiring xcodebuild.Here is my setup() function: [<-CODE->] solution: issue: JacopoFerrazza: lets say you have 2 fields username and password. When you enter username you can't see password field because keyboard is displayed, in Python I would do something like this: [<-CODE->] solution: issue: pattraynor: You need to build Safari. It requires Xcode. solution: Asimk21: So I need to set my team xcodeOrgId, xcodeSigningId to iPhone Developer only? Or do I need another compatibility "app" and set it to 'Safari' as well?. There is a SafariLauncher.xcodeproj in appium. Open project in xcode and set appropriate signing identities. issue: [<-CODE->] I dont know if appium supports pararell testing, you should look for it on the docs to see if there's something about it [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hi ./Scripts/bootstrap.shFetching dependenciesBuilding InspectorCreating bundle directory...Fetching Inspector dependencies...npm WARN react-dom@15.6.2 requires a peer of react@^15.6.2 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.npm WARN web-driver-inspector@1.0.0 No repository field.up to date in 20.23sValidating InspectorCould not find a .flowconfig in . or any of its parent directories.See "flow init --help" for more info While hitting we are getting above error. can someone help me ? solution: issue: driver solution: issue: Hi, I am facing one issue while taking screenshots in Uiautomatorviewer in android Error taking device screenshot: EOF Is anyone is aware of this type of error ? solution: issue: kipljyotsa: : Are you getting this error in Emulator || real device ? kipljyotsa: : Can you kill all adb session and restart adb + uiautomatorviewer and take screenshot Kyle-Gray: Please post the code which you've used for performing it. I would suggest to adjust the scroll parameters to achieve your elemental goal. Also please look in this link - [<-LINK->] solution: issue: srinivasan-balan: you can try jenkins integration with jira and appium zcmgyu: try using java executor solution: You mean JavascriptExecutor?. issue: It doesn't work at all :( [<-CODE->] solution: issue: ssskkprd: can we retrieve by using API, generally we dont perform API testing in our organization...Can you explain bit ask me what info you need i will give solution: issue: I tried to setup Appium using a native application on a physical iOS device, but even when following the setup guide, it throws a Xcodebuild Error 65, then asking to fix the compatibility.I am using Appium v1.7.2, Selenium Grid v.3.4.0, and iOS version 11.2.2.Here is my compatibility settings in Java test: [<-CODE->] And my setup capabilities in my Java test: [<-CODE->] I've been trying to get this working for days. I am able to launch simulators without any issue, but I still can't connect it to an actual iOS device. Is there something I'm missing here? Or some updated guide I can follow? solution: issue: pattraynor: this has bitten on me for days as well look at appium log, you will find the path of the WebDriverAgentRunner it was trying to run fix provisioning for that add this capability:updatedWDABundleIdfor the WebDriverAgentRunner that you have fixed provisioning problem solution: armlet: Where would I find the value for updatedWDABundleID at? Is that just the regular bundle ID?. so you need to change it, then the provisioning will succeed, then you put the new bundle id toupdatedWDABundleId. issue: It doesn't work at all :( [<-CODE->] @zcmgyu : Can you explain what are you accomplishing here ? i.e is it a pageable swipe || element swipe ( like slide2Unlock) etc@ssskkprd I scroll down to find element. solution: issue: setCapability is removed from new Java-client(6.0.0-BETA4) anyone has idea ?? solution: issue: Any idea how do I set appium configuration through code line @majdukovic Thanks for this info, i'll do a tryOne more question: Are seeing appium settings pops up everytime on simulator while executing a test ? I'm getting this error:Error occured while starting App. Original error: '' never started"},"sessionId":null}" above activity is my launch-able activity, I can see the splash screen is pops up but why appium is throughs this error? solution: issue: Hi I am new to appium and getting this error frequently while running the code..can anyone help me in this ? Failed to process C:\Users\nikita\AndroidStudioProjects\FtcashTest\app\libs\ Error while dexing org/openqa/selenium/support/events/ invalid opcode ba (invokedynamic requires --min-sdk-version >= 26)Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexBuilderForDebug' Failed to process C:\Users\nikita\AndroidStudioProjects\FtcashTest\app\libs\client-combined-3.11.0.jar solution: issue: Hello, I had someone make me an Android app, and I'm trying to get it loaded into my emulator with the latest Appium Desktop. I'm getting anIncorrect package and activityexception. I'm not understanding any of the issue discussions I'm finding online that have similar errors. Do I need to change the app code, or is there an Appium capability I need to add? solution: issue: Hi everyone good mrng to all and one doubt is there any way to run the appium test script using terminal from mac ? ssskkprd: thanks for the reply ssskkprdi: got issue [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Quick question, I set my capabilities to open an iOS application on a physical iPad, but when I run the test, it just opens up a browser instance at's homepage. Here is my Java Capabilties: [<-CODE->] majdukovic: But the device I am trying to launch is on a physical device. Will a .app file work on a physical device? solution: issue: Any ideas for the issue:{"status":13,"value":{"message":"An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: unknown error: Device emulator-5556 is not online\n (Driver info: chromedriver=2.16.333243 (0bfa1d3575fc1044244f21ddb82bf870944ef961),platform=Mac OS X 10.13.1 x86_64)"} I'm getting this issue while executing my test classes sequentially And it shows for some random classes not for allPlatform: Android solution: issue: Does anyone know why my Appium that is running through the terminal(Ubuntu) is not catching my clicks solution: issue: hi No, I am using it I am using same but didn’t face the same challenge [<-LINK->] It work fast enough for me . And indeed i am using 1.5.0 with java 9 Gamaiva: : I am using Mac OS high Sierra 10.13.4 . Gamaiva: Are you facing the same issue ? Yes, then it working fine with updated version 1.5.0 it released yesterday no solution: issue: appium/appium#10457anyone have any idea for this issue solution: issue: Bamieh: As I understand, appium server should be on the same machine as devices. Unfortunately it doesn't exactly work like selenium grid. solution: then start two appium node with different ip and port. issue: Cool Guys scroll on UICollectionView isn't working, any suggestion to make it work? solution: issue: Hi All,I'm not getting context menu after long press over a element on iOSAny ideas or method to use to get context menu? I'm using below:WebElement dashletTitleElement = mBotDriver.findElement(; [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Gamaiva: I need to do this for elements present on the screen and the location of elements are not static. solution: issue: So I'm trying to launch an application on a real iPad using Selenium Grid, but no matter how I fix code signing issues, I still run into this issue when running test written in Java: [<-CODE->] Here are my capability settings:Java: [<-CODE->] .Json file: [<-CODE->] Am I possibly missing something? solution: issue: priyankshah217: &@mgmanikandan87: I have to validate that the maps are rendered. It has happened couple of times that incorrect google map api key was used during build process and the maps were not being rendered. It was found by manual testers. Hence there is need to automate to check if the maps are being rendered or not. mgmanikandan87: whenever i try to access the map within the app, i cannot access any elements on the map, though, i can access the XCUIElement texts and also the location markers etc. but cannot confirm that the map is rendered or not solution: also not working. issue: At rare case try to compare the image solution: issue: hello, Im having some issues with numeric keyboard in ios I can not make senKeys work solution: issue: hello guys I am getting this error trying to connect to a remove hub Grid registration error: Cannot find proxy with ID= i am providing an id to the nodeconfig file, with a ngrok domain anyone has a clue where i can get started with this? solution: issue: appium inspector too slow am with 1.7 version but too slow and i can't inspect the screens anyone can help me? @rahulkulkarniyahoo"platformName": "iOS", "platformVersion": "11.0", "deviceName": "iPhone Simulator", "automationName": "XCUITest", "bundleId": "com.commusoft.commusoftv2"this i used solution: issue: I am not able to use setValue function in uiautomator2 but only if I use setValue for setting the PIN in the app, it works if I use sendkeys it is not proceeding to next page can somebody help on using uiautomator2 solution: issue: Anyone seen this before? import not found In WDA project? Disregard I had to run for the Carthage items. solution: issue: Gamaiva: Thanks for your response. We tried that and the call works. However the expectation from the client is that they want to make the scripts run by selecting them from Adaptavist Test Management tool like how they do from HP ALM and UFT. We are trying for a solution to implement the same. Please let me know if you have an idea on that. solution: Guys which is the best reporting tool ? Currently i have used ATUReport and Allure. Any other suggestions?. issue: Hi,In Appium my code runs any open successfully like opening app, swipe.But doesn't work whem I need to perform any ".click" operationAny suggestion on that? solution: Actually I was trying selenium driver.findelement(by.xpath("")) way, after this I tried the appium way of addressing driver.findelementByText() it worked fine. issue: Hi, how to run appium desktop 1.5 into 64 bit Windows its not starting installing could anyone guide me thanks Sandeep. Could you share the link for 1.6 Setup link for Windows(64Bit) solution: issue: Hey i have a question i wrote this code [<-CODE->] username already available on my both test devices but sendKeys only work on Tablet not on my Phine Phone ^^ anyone have a solution ? maybe it more a protactor method ? username.tap() ? android solution: Maybe you can use the android native keyboard if sendkeys method does not work as a back up?. issue: Try tap in textbox and then sendKeys. solution: issue: Greetings,I am running automated scripts using Appium with WD (Promise).I am running this code [<-CODE->] But it keeps showing the following error [<-CODE->] Is there anyway to resolve this?This code is generated by Appium Desktop Client Recorder. But when I try to run manually, it keeps showing this error. As per Appium Documentation, I also use els1[0].type() but it also shows this error message.Can anyone tell me what is wrong with it? solution: issue: zamanarif004_twitter: whyels1[0]and not justels1? aah I see now it'selementsinstead ofelement solution: issue: Hi Guys, I have tried on mac about installing the appium and xcode , there is some unknown network issue like connection refused during 'xcode' server up and the port number is not creating specifically and XCIT driver is not listening Device's USB. Can someone help me with this? solution: issue: Hi Guys, after updating WDA with latest code [<-LINK->] , we are facing issue for finding Xpath specific to Webview in Native app. How to solve? Earlier its works and click for existing xpath but after updating existing code is not working and do not click on the same element. Can anyone please suggest the solution... solution: issue: DewaldSchoonderwoerd: yes it worked now. Greetings,Can anyone help me with Scrolling with WD (Promise) in Appium? When I tried this code [<-CODE->] I get the following error: [<-CODE->] I also tried the following code generated by Appium's desktop client: [<-CODE->] When I execute this code, the scrolling doesn't happen at all @GamaivaYou mean with this? [<-CODE->] Gamaiva: I got this error: [<-CODE->] I am using this for Mobile App testing. solution: issue: try scrolling with up down direction mobile scroll action nope zamanarif004_twitter: [<-LINK->] try this link solution: issue: running Appium 1.7.2 and XCUITestDriver (v2.64.0) solution: issue: Hi, Getting a problem with Appium on respberry Pi Can somebody pls help ? Issue is with Webdriver solution: issue: Hi All,Can it be possible to click below element without context switching to web view on Android platform:WebElement beverageElement = mBotDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//android.view.View[@text,'QuantityCountry Quantity']")); I'm able to click on this element on iOS using idWebElement dashletTitleElement = driver.findElement( Quantity'));But the same element I'm not able to click on Android platform I'm getting below error logs in appium:io.appium.uiautomator2.common.exceptions.UiAutomator2 Exception I'm on Appium 7.1 solution: issue: diemol: try adding this capabilities.setCapability("newCommandTimeout", "500"); i did this for iOS it worked solution: Gamaiva: I am using it, but I think it has a different purposeThe error I get is something like this [<-CODE->]. since the emulator has not yet booted up completely. issue: Hey can anyone help me with what to put for client ID and client secret when implementing fingerprint authentication? solution: issue: hi i am not able to launch appium after upgrade node version 10.0.0 …{code} internal/util.js:360 const filename = frame.getFileName(); ^TypeError: frame.getFileName is not a function at isInsideNodeModules (internal/util.js:360:28) at showFlaggedDeprecation (buffer.js:149:8) at new Buffer (buffer.js:174:3) at retrieveSourceMap (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/asyncbox/node_modules/source-map-support/source-map-support.js:118:21) at mapSourcePosition (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/asyncbox/node_modules/source-map-support/source-map-support.js:140:21) at wrapCallSite (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/asyncbox/node_modules/source-map-support/source-map-support.js:303:20) at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/asyncbox/node_modules/source-map-support/source-map-support.js:338:26 at () at Function.prepareStackTrace (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/asyncbox/node_modules/source-map-support/source-map-support.js:337:24) at process.emit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/asyncbox/node_modules/source-map-support/source-map-support.js:387:52) at process._fatalException (internal/bootstrap/node.js:435:27) {code} solution: issue: Hi all, In older android versions I am facing issue while typing @ it types 2 ?? any solution how I can type @? solution: issue: recipe for target'/tmp/node@8-20180427-17083-388al5/node-v8.11.1/out/Release/' failedmake[1]:[/tmp/node@8-20180427-17083-388al5/node-v8.11.1/out/Release/] Error 1make[1]:Waiting for unfinished jobs....rm c8f9bd3034d8db04c796b88b08dfc0aed1fa4032.intermediateMakefile:88: recipe for target 'node' failedmake:*[node] Error 2 solution: issue: [<-LINK->] Hi Guys, I have installed sdk on windows 10 with 64 bit but I can see that UIAutomator Viewer is not working.I am getting error message when run from cmd .Can anyone help on this ? I have installed only Android 5.0.1 & 5.1.1 Android versions .Is it dependent on this ? solution: issue: thanks@Asimk21 Hi good noon to allam facing this issue while try to inspect element in iOS using appium desktop inspector [<-CODE->] this above error occur in appium desktop inspector..then how can we use that sendkey option and all ??? solution: issue: Hello Guys, can anyone help me in selenium webdriver? I am getting an error while launching firefox browser in mac machine. solution: issue: Hi All,I am facing issues with my method "clearTextInputnewValue" . When this method is executing its selecting the value from input box to clrear the text but not able to paste new value. I am using selenium 3.10.0, Firefox vs 58.0.1 and gecko driver-v0.19.1Below is the pseudocode for this methodpublic void clearTextInputnewValue(String TestDesc,String objectref, String inputparam,String objectType,boolean bResult,TreeMap m) throws Throwable { try{ [<-CODE->] Can anyone help me out to solve this issue? solution: issue: Have anyone tried to automate an app that uses chrome custom tabs. I'm trying to switch context from native to web view and chrome driver is not able to access the instance of chrome that's opened in the app. solution: issue: bhaspro: latest one is 1.5.0 [<-LINK->] solution: issue: ok in 1.5.0, we should check sesion override for the application to start from the first page right? I am doing this but it is not working solution: issue: I have a apple script to enable touchid on simulator and I need to run this apple script as part of jenkins setup, Has anybody tried this? When I try to run the applescript from command line i get "0:13: syntax error: A unknown token can’t go after this identifier. (-2740)" but when I run the script using apple script editor it works fine solution: issue: not working hi solution: click is not happen. issue: sitansu_kar007_twitter: look at examples:driver.findElementByIosNsPredicate('type == "XCUIElementTypeTable" AND name == "table"');driver.findElementByIosNsPredicate('type == "XCUIElementTypeTable" AND (name == "table" OR label == "tableLabel")');driver.findElementByIosNsPredicate('type == "XCUIElementTypeTable" AND name IN {"table2","table1"}'); solution: issue: ahh of course thanks. I was just overthinking it! solution: issue: Longpress on appium iOS is not working ..anyone please help me out solution: issue: i am not very sure if the file should already be there on the given location or should i copy it from some where ? solution: issue: Hey guys, is there any way that we can show the touch actions during the test? I would like to how appium tells the driver to touch the place I expect it to touch solution: issue: PaulysGitHub: there might be something on udemy for c# [<-LINK->] although i haven't tried it (and i'm not affiliated with it in any way) solution: issue: is there no plan to support typing keys without having a reference to an element? solution: issue: Guys,perform() is not working for me on iOS platformappium: 1.7.1XCUITest I'm getting error: method not yet implimeted click()using actionBuilder solution: issue: Does anyone here got WDIO/Appium hidekeyboard to work with iOS real devices? solution: issue: Hello Everyone! Hope all are well? I need some help could anyone aid me in my understanding of Appium please? The situation is I'm currently coding a very simple program one which will open Safari on my "real" iPhone s4, and navigates to Google. By the way Tally, thanks for interest in me! solution: issue: Returned value cannot be converted to WebElement: {stacktrace=NoSuchElementError: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters. solution: issue: perform() is not woking for me on iOS Any1 facing the same? I'm not able to use any action due to this solution: issue: Hii Team I need small help In Windows - I am using appium version 1.4.13 solution: issue: Hello All,when I run Appium inspector / appium desktop then I got below error.An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not initialize ios-deploy make sure it is installed (npm install -g ios-deploy) and works on your system.Can you please share your view for same. solution: issue: Hello, any one in here that usingappium-uiautomator2-driver? If I am using appium-uiautomator2-driver so ContentDescription and AccessibilityID are the same? I am using Java with appium_^ solution: issue: hi... i have problem with appium driver FindElement, suddenly it runs so slow. tried different version of selenium driver and it doest fixed my issues any one can help me? thanks alot solution: issue: Does anyone know how to get theconsole logequivalent from a native app? I use.logs('browser')with a browser, but all the JSON log types and the examples it prints out do not work.syslogis the only thing that prints something out but it doesn't have the correct data. I'm looking to get metrics from the app. solution: issue: SamyQAZ: Won't this work? [<-LINK->] @SamyQAZ , which version of Appium are you on? [<-CODE->] SamyQAZ: , ok, then that should not be a problem, have you checked the Appium log to see what commands are send? solution: issue: Yes we will coungcer just not now. solution: issue: Hi All, I am getting following error when I run appium server. Please suggest me the solution."Simulator architecture appears to be unsupported by the '/Users/sreekanth/Desktop/iOS App/' application. Make sure the correct deployment target has been selected for its compilation in Xcode."Xcode version: 9.1(beta)Mac OS: 10.13.4 (17E199)Appium version: 1.6.1Thanks Hi All, I am getting following error when I run appium server. Please suggest me the solution."Simulator architecture appears to be unsupported by the '/Users/sreekanth/Desktop/iOS App/' application. Make sure the correct deployment target has been selected for its compilation in Xcode."Xcode version: 9.1(beta)Mac OS: 10.13.4 (17E199)Appium version: 1.6.1Thanks solution: issue: hi, Does anyone got luck with scroll for ios? It doesn't work. Clicks element instead of scroll Gamaiva: Yes I did. I am using robot framework with Appium. Cant find any keyword that works for scroll scroll down works for some pages but can't really stop it. Keep scrolling until end of the page of course I did. Checking in case someone used it can help.@wswebcreation solution: issue: Please help!! wswebcreation: I am using v10.3.0, when I am execute Appium. solution: issue: (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/teen_process/lib/exec.js:94:19) solution: issue: Hi 0xA26d7C859D883E39E1A7c836ebc75112E3428F84 send 5 eth solution: issue: Hi guys, in Java Client we could take a screenshot of specified element.How could I do this same with WD (javascript)?await driver.takeScreenshot() throws a exception. or await element.getElementScreenshot(); also doesn't work This API work for me. But cannot find any method WD'/wd/hub/session/:sessionId/element/:elementId/screenshot': {GET: {command: 'getElementScreenshot'}}, solution: issue: zcmgyu: i am using driver.saveScreenshot() and its working for me i guess its not a screenshot of a specific element but the screen. Hopefully that helps! solution: issue: SamyQAZ: I tried many java code its not starting the server ,but seems to be code was correct solution: issue: Hello, Is there any way to handle package/activity change within the android application ?App package and activity changes when a certain screen opens and appium can't get neither page source nor identify elements. solution: issue: Please help me code wallet solution: issue: SamyQAZ: , no it can't you need to use an external library to do the comparison. Appium can only provide the screenshots for that solution: issue: Failed to find element in Android 8.0.0. I have given Id as locator strategy appium failed to find element in Android Oreo. Did anyone faced the issue?Am using appium 1.7.2, Android Version: 8.0.0 solution: issue: Hey all, trying to test a react native app with appium but struggling to getText() correctly.Here is my element:Hello worldAnd here is my test:List nelement = driver.findElementsByAccessibilityId( "welcome_text" ); [<-CODE->] For some reason the output displays:welcome_textwelcome_textwelcome_textwelcome_textAnd not hello world. Any ideas? solution: issue: hi is it possible to set up a local appium server with a selenium grid in a cloud? my appium node is behind NAT so i tried setting up a tunnel to a public domain and connect it from there to the hub the node seems to register but i can't run tests on it, the session never starts i'm kinda lost now so telling the grid that the node is at [<-LINK->] should be no issue? since it shows up as registered but can't start the sessions, i thought maybe the POST don't get rerouted the same for some reason in the grid console, the node shows up with "POST- /session executed" and just hangs there i'm not sure how to debug this and the appium server seems to never receive the session start request solution: Appium driver not able to finout an element:{"using":"xpath","value":"//XCUIElementTypeImage[@name='Add Slide']"}". issue: Is the element definitely an image type while you are in this page ?? When print out the page source do you see this element type ?? solution: issue: This channel is only for Appium related questions, not for spam solution: issue: How do we get past the biometric authentication when testing on physical devices? It works fine when running on simulators for iOS but on physical devices it fails with error - Touch ID simulation not supported on real devices. Any help is really appreciated. solution: issue: Thank YOu@sitansu_kar007_twitterit gives error saying 'wait' property does not exists on touch sequece. solution: issue: Hi did anyone faced this issue "The requested resource could not be found, or a request was received using an HTTP method that is not supported by the mapped resource." when trying to find element using class solution: issue: Has anyone faced the issue "appium uiautomator2 server apks reinstall every time when starting APP"appium:1.8.1android:7.1.1 solution: WindInMay524: Have you looked into [<-LINK->]. issue: wswebcreation: They are uiautomator2 server's APK on itsself "node_global\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-uiautomator2-server\apks" ,How can i set it do not uninstall and reinstall apk after test Appium settings and unlock APK needed to be install only once now,My problem is 'When uiautomator2 server's APK reinstall after test,it needed to be click "continue menu" to ensure installation' solution: issue: ah cool! I dont know all the adb shell commands but I will have ot try that solution: issue: I am in trouble because Appium can not be used.Start up Appium. solution: issue: ArchWalmart: browser.execute('mobile: scroll', {direction: 'down'});This doesnt work because i am working with a native iOS app solution: issue: Can anyone help me in resolving this error?Simulator architecture appears to be unsupported by the '/var/folders/n1/wqvcndz54652c1g3bq921hgc0000gn/T/201861-72171-1236yyl.x1bw/Payload/' application. Make sure the correct deployment target has been selected for its compilation in Xcode. solution: issue: PhaniKashyap: it’s because the package for iOS is not supported in simulator deployment. It’s a build time issue and you can not install the same package in real iOS device and simulator , pls talk to you developer to do a ARM or local . IPA file for simulator solution: issue: pareshpopli: use nvm and try to install the appium solution: issue: Hi all, my Appium Inspector isn’t launched, anyone knows what happened here? The new session window is in a status of loading page. [<-LINK->] Trying to test on iOS . The log keeps printing something and no error shows. And the app cannot be launched in the simulator as well. solution: issue: Can you check logs? You might see some errors. Weird .. There should be some error ... solution: It worked when I connected with real device.. issue: Hey,@doniyor2109I am getting the same error, how did you solve it? How do you scroll now? solution: issue: VIGNESH08097223_twitter: I'm trying to do a move and hold the element at the end of the move, like this: touchAction.longPress (FirstElement, Duration.ofSeconds (3)). moveTo (TwoElement.getCenter () .x, TwoElement.getCenter (). y) .waitAction (Duration.ofSeconds (5) ). release (). perform (); but action is not performed solution: issue: I'm updated to appium desktop 1.6.2 (it must be appium 1.8.1). I'm use python Appium-Python-Client==0.26.Have anyone an idea why I haven't relative coordinates in move_to (TouchAction)? solution: issue: VIGNESH08097223_twitter: I want to hold the firstElement, do not execute moveto solution: issue: Does anyone here use appium for android automation? I want to deploy it for production, preferably on a VPS or something that automatically invokes the jobs, etc. What is the recommended way? Or how are you carrying it out... solution: issue: Hello Can we run automation scripts with signed APK because I have tried on signed apk my all test scripts got failed but on debug its running fine solution: issue: mahnuh: Possibly yes. You could write a testng test (or similar) which run in parallel and invoke different simulator every time. You might need to start different appium server for every test. Note that this would increase execution time a lot. Yes, you can try and reset simulator/device using capabilityreset=true actually itsnoReset=false [<-LINK->] saikrishna321: Is it using different capabilities in each test? and possibly--session-override?? Cool. Thanks!! solution: issue: No u dont need to start different appium server start single server and multiple client requests can be handled no dont override the sessions [<-LINK->] check this solution: issue: What Report are you looking for@friendlyspeak_twitter gmdellarte: : Interesting... you might be able to use selenium to get the value.. Can you list the imports you have in the file that is running the code? solution: issue: gmdellarte: : I'm not having that issue, The apps I work with are Native with some web views here and there. So it is likely would wouldn't be able to use selenium with React app. Anyone here used Appium to simulate driving? Curious as to how people have implemented ways to simulate driving with automation. solution: issue: Hi,i am trying to start appium server programaticallybut i get an error saying... connection is refusedcould some one please help me out with this this is the error i getorg.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Connection refused: connect solution: There might be something else running on 4723. issue: Is there something blocked in firewall settings? [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: how to click an element in mobile using appium code? solution: issue: Hi there, I have some troubles using appium as remote selenium server and downloading the apk over a ssl connection with a self signed certificate. It claims, that it can't download the app over http with a self signed certificate. Is there a property I can set or an environment variable to get rid of this error. solution: issue: iPad (iOS 11.4, Appium 1.8.2-beta): getPageSource() does not return all elements. Same happens with Appium Desktop as well. Now this is just with iPad, iPhone has worked well so far. Anyone any Idea? solution: issue: Hi guys. I am working with appium and a set of Real device:Android and iOS. I would works with Many devices...and I nerd Nerd Story.. Sorry I nerd Need (t9 issue) A professional USB hub. Have some suggestion for me? solution: issue: sumitbera: I have installed in the simulator using an .app file as you suggested and the error is like this.[XCUITest] Error: Unable to start WebDriverAgent session because of xcodebuild failure: "An error occurred" solution: issue: hi all! Does anyone know how we can increase this timeout "Waiting up to 20000ms for activity matching pkg" for Android tests? I've tried appWaitDuration with appWaitActivity but without luck :( Thank you! also this is an error "Encountered internal error running command: Error: Cannot start the 'myAPP' application. Original error: Error executing adbExec. Original error: 'Command '/Users/user/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb -P 5037 -s emulator-5554 shell am start -W -n myapp/md59f575434f825bd763d723432324ca1a771623.MainActivity -S -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -f 0x10200000' timed out after 20000ms'; Stderr: ''; Code: 'null'" solution: issue: haseebzagir: can you share the capabilties you are using ? And are you running appium through desktop app or CLI ? Hi all I'm trying to run appium for iOS with Java client as 6.0.0 BETA5 with selenium 3.9.1, After application is launched it's throwing an error of org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Returned value cannot be converted to WebElement: {stacktrace=NoSuchDriverError: A session is either terminated or not startedIf anyone knows, please help solution: issue: sumitbera: Thanks for your help sumit.Issue got resolved.I updated the Webdriveragent app using Xcode's "update project to recommended settings".In this they remove the provision for code signing since it is a framework and the issue gets solved. solution: issue: siddartha-rao: How are you getting the UDID's? are they physical devices or simulators? The UDID you gave in the settings does not match to the one that is present is what the error is saying solution: issue: siddartha-rao: what Vemu points may be the root cause . Please check your capability and verify the name of iPhone and UUID ( can be get from iTune after trusting the device ) or you can get from Xcode command line also. Kavetipreetamkumar: let’s talk one platform at a time and start with Android. For Android if sign a package won’t be a problem and if you like you can use capability to appium self sign certificate. Can you share the log with me it’s my login at that pls check your Android app package details and verify in UAT and in Test environment both same . Will work on iOS after we fix iOS Typo : will work on iOS after Android solution: issue: Hi Command 'idevice_id -l' exited with code null getting this error when i try to run ios real device + appium while starting session Yes it listed my phone now? solution: issue: Hi I am running appium desktop i have an android device it has some .apk. i want to automate the package how to connect appium server to that android device i have android device where .apk are already installed on it. how to set the desired capabilities Original error: Could not find a driver for platformName 'Andriod'. Please check your desired capabilities. solution: issue: Is anyone having an idea, why same workaround worked for few guys but not worked for others, even though the same environment and configuration? Any single or multiple reason if you guys know please share.. I am facing this issue right now in multiple OSX machine while configure Appium setup solution: issue: Hi all, have anyone encounter this issue before where when I send single command of setValue via it send multiple times of value where was not correct at all solution: issue: I would run my desktop web browser tests with the Servicive Plugin for appium on real android devices. But I get the follow error: [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Anyone in here use/familiar with Apache POI? I have a question regarding using it with Appium. solution: issue: Anyone here know if it's possible by using@AndroidFindBy, to define child classes? Kind of like this: driver.findElementByClass("android.widget.ExpandableListView").findElementsByClass("android.widget.LinearLayout").get(1) solution: issue: Hi all,I have a problem with scroll in appium using javascript. Element's location is not updated after I scroll if the element is displayed on screen before.I use wd library in client. And my code to scroll as below.Please help me. Thanks very much. [<-CODE->] solution: issue: tophercf: I had the same problem and replaced it with deviceKeyEvent(93). Works fine now for the scrolling I mean Anyone have experience calling the test functions from another file/module? I'm having trouble getting mine to work. Here's what the code looks like: [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] it's giving me this error ---> "Uncaught Error: Promise was rejected with the following reason: A session id is required for this command but wasn't found in the response payload" solution: issue: Hey guys, i am getting issue with Android sdk is not seen Nothing to do!Android SDK is up to date.SDK tools directory is missing I have downloaded new version of android studio 3.1.3 and installed and i couldnot find sdk director *directory Hello , can anyone help me solution: issue: anyone know how to use "ios predicate" and "ios class chain" locators in appium in webdriverIO tried exactly as mentioned here [<-LINK->] but no luck This is the Error from appium Locator Strategy '-ios uiautomation' is not supported for this session[iPhone 8 iOS 11.2 [<-ISSUE->] -0] Error: Locator Strategy '-ios uiautomation' is not supported for this session[iPhone 8 iOS 11.2 [<-ISSUE->] -0] at click("ios=chain=/XCUIElementTypeTextField") - at element("ios=chain=/XCUIElementTypeTextField") - click.js:12:17 any help would be much appreciated solution: issue: jswaroop: : This might help or give an idea. : [<-LINK->] suryain4u_twitter: : Sounds like your bash_profile is not setup for the Android SDK I would check that. If you cant type or run adb device or logcat in terminal then you have a installation issue. solution: issue: sumitbera: i am missing something in dependencies or when i declare my driver, thats why I am getting cast error. I can be able to share my code to you. so that you can have a look solution: issue: For selenium framework refer this: Gmail Automation using Selenium: [<-LINK->] solution: issue: sridharrajendran1: Did you tried isEnabled property or if it has a dynamic state then you can use ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(iOSElement) that's the webdriver wait sitansu_kar007_twitter: I'm currently using Xcode 9.4.1 with Appium 1.8.1 and it's working fine. You can try to upgrade appium as well and check if it's an appium issue or not solution: issue: I have tried calling it the following way:browser.execute('mobile: selectPickerWheelValue', {'order': 'next', 'offset': 0.15, 'element': $('XCUIElementTypePickerWheel')});and get this error:Failed: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. solution: issue: please help me on windows hybrid app automation using appium solution: issue: getting error when installing appium by npm install -g appium on my mac book high sierra os [<-CODE->] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:npm ERR! /Users/mudassariqbal/.npm/_logs/2018-08-10T15_39_30_811Z-debug.log solution: issue: lokesh2009: Hi All, I m having one situation in my project, where i need to create a framework from scratch, In framework i have to cover mobile hybrid app/Browser in desktop (chrome/mozilla)/off course Interaction with apiAny suggestion ...would be appreciable ..Kindly help me simongilmurray: Can u plz eloborate what error u encountered in console It looks like either ur css not identified or u can apply wait in script so that it can pass solution: issue: I can't see screenshots and body steps, i can see only: [<-LINK->] With maven it works fine, but with Gradle it not wrking well solution: issue: Would anyone be able to suggest how to automate an XCUIElementTypeWheelPicker for iOS 11.4 on an iPad Air? I'm using JS for my scripts solution: issue: Anyone have the issue, after downloading /installing, opening Appium shows "appium is damaged and cant be opened, you should move it to Trash"? solution: issue: simongilmurray: I am having the same problem... iOS tests run great but i am not able to click or find elements with android If anyone could lend a hand i would greatly appreciate it! solution: issue: I'm getting a reference error everytime I try to use "By", do I need to install a package or list anything as being required?e.g. .findElement("")).click() solution: issue: Anyone here using swipe or has interacted with sliders in Appium 1.8.1, This is for Android. Hello, is there some command or trick in Appium for Android to get appium to re-focus with what's in view? I came across a situation where when permission dialogs pop up I am able to accept to deny them. After they pop-ups are gone, Appium does not recognize the elements in the background. I did a System.out.println(driver.getPageSource()); and it is showing me in the results the permission elements and not the elements in view to proceed. solution: issue: HelloCan you help me?[ADB] Incorrect package and activityThis error occurs when the session starts.If someone ran into a problem, how to fix it?Thank you! sumitbera: thx ) I find solution on the appium forum, but did not try solution: issue: sumitbera: So I basically need to use a normal chrome driver and open an emulator (developer tools)? then use the Appium methods normally? solution: issue: Hi Guys, Anyone tried any automation for OCR related tests?(Scan a credit card and see the values on the form in the app) heard that it can be automated using an image from gallery... not really sure solution: issue: [<-LINK->] how can i solve this problem when i want to get window handleselenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not proxy. Proxy error: Could not proxy command to remote server. Original error: 404 - "unknown command: session/3fd9b884785f1cbec78ea5da25dbcdf9/window/handles" solution: issue: [<-LINK->] Hi guys, I am new to this tool facing this error plz hep me out how and where to add this explicit timeout ? [<-LINK->] solution: WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf("mention locator value")));The wait should look like this where driver will wait for 10 seconds till your element is not visible. You can also increase the time as per your need. Place this statement before you statement of clicking on "search box ideal text". issue: @sunilpatro1985See next to select the value next to the current one from the target picker wheel or previous to select the previous one. This is for iOS solution: issue: Is there any workaround for controlling network for iOS? I'm trying to switch off all internet connections(both wifi and data) at some point of the script execution On android is quite easy since there are methods in the driver itself But when I checked the documentation for iOS it says that those methods are not supported for iOS solution: gotcha, then the next best step would be manually doing it... etc. switching app and navigating to settings.. issue: give me 2 min. LyubomirStoimchev: : So if I think I understand you want to use Appium to confirm the calendar is in french? What is it currently doing now? The only way I see to test for a locale is by setting is via desired capabilities with "Locale" There's also Language as well that can be set using : language (Sim/Emu-only) Language to set for the simulator / emulator. On Android, available only on API levels 22 and below LyubomirStoimchev: : Got it. Sounds like you need to get the current date locally from the device in english and then based on that search for language that should show. you have to know the locale first, if you can't get the locale then that's a problem it sounds with the app solution: issue: Asimk21: Thank you! I am using webdriverio with appium desktop, browser.isExisting('an xpath') returns true, but browser.setValue('an xpath', 'value') get the following error: [<-CODE->] solution: wokbot: Better to ask this in the channel. issue: Edge-Man: I am having a hard time connecting to a real device. and I have followed your link. solution: issue: Does anyone has a problem with updating to the latest appium version 1.9.0? Tied it both on pc and mac and I get the same error - problem with installing chromedriver4.4.0. When running android tests yes, but I do that on the pc But when I try to update it through npm I get the same error regardless of the OS I have absolutely no idea currently I'm with 1.8.1 and everything is fine installing 1.8.1 with npm is also fine solution: issue: Edge-Man: I built the project and ran the test, which succeeded. But when I start appium desktop and try to run the app in a simulator, it fails with the same error. solution: issue: bnazaruk: : Welcome! hehe. I feel your pain which is why I try to help out when I can. I haven't tried looking for the app logs yet, let me do some research and I will post back here. solution: issue: Have you tired to actually inspect the app in appium? solution: So that, I’m looking a option on Appium Desktop, not a automation project.. issue: Hi @OlcayEkin [<-CODE->] I’m looking a option on Appium Desktop, not a automation project.They use the same arguments [<-LINK->] solution: Looks like will add this argument to json side. you can also do that, but it will be then added to the left side also. issue: Edge-Man: Thank you! solution: issue: Edge-Man: Hi I am having an issue with locators, I have upgraded my Appium version and emulator version all the locators are getting changed, please let me the reason why it gets changed solution: issue: hi anyone knows how to solve that error: [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Anyone come across this issue? I'm trying to find a workaround but nothing seems to be working...debug] [MJSONWP] Matched JSONWP error code 10 to StaleElementReferenceError alexhidalgo: : This might help? - [<-LINK->] solution: issue: sunilpatro1985: : Thanks Sunil, I was able to find a workaround. I'm using POM so I have to call PageObject.Initialize everytime the view changes. alexhidalgo: : I see this as well... Usually I only see this if I try to kill the test runner before it completes. It leaves Appium in a bad state. Jerome908_gitlab: : Are you using XPath to find the element? solution: issue: Hi all I am new to Appium stuff i need some help in Appium installation in mac for IOS please assist me solution: issue: Hi all am working in android real device and I need to switch to webview but it says only native context is available but in simulator same is working fine, is anyone has any solution for this issue? solution: issue: Hello Floks anyone knows a beginner chat I could join solution: issue: Edge-Man: I'm using 1.8.1 and it works fine you are trying it on android emulator right? Try sending directly the adb commands if they also don't work then I don't think that it is from appium solution: issue: Hey, Anyone help meAny one has idea about iOS parallel executionI'm able to launch and execute native part of the application, But while it comes to webviewMy cases are failing Any one facing this issue? solution: issue: Has anyone had issues with Dev on Android where they lay screens over screens and elements are stillvisible, so you can see them in Appium desktop and a waitForVisible(..,..,true) dose not work. How do you work around this? solution: issue: Edge-Man: I am getting this error ould not parse UiSelector argument: Was expecting ")" but instead saw " " solution: issue: Has anyone found a solution to having appium penetrate a Shadow DOM on safari iOS? Has anyone found a work around to this issue? [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: LyubomirStoimchev: : Yes I have, What's up? Are they native iOS alerts? solution: Yep native iOS alerts. When I try to accept an alert via javascript it doesn't always work - it just executes the js code and nothing happens. When I try to accept the alert using xpath locators (and casting it to AppiumElement) it works every time.. issue: I will give it a shot thanks! is there a big performance difference between using xpath and NSPredicate ? Mainak0290: When you load the screen, check if there is a webview context. If there is that means that there is a webview in the screen that is opened. if (driver.Contexts.Contains("WEBVIEW")){// do something} solution: issue: Hi ! I 'm looking to send a value to the clipboard of my android device. I found there is a new functionnality : "set_clipboard" ( ) . I'm using Python, so I tried to do that : [<-CODE->] But I got the following error : [<-CODE->] Did someone managed to send value in clipboard ?Thanks. solution: issue: I've tried with appium 1.8.0 and appium 1.9.0 and same errors :/ solution: issue: Does anyone know what desired caps you need for Apple TV? I have [<-CODE->] but getting [<-CODE->] Oh I dont know yet either :( solution: Looks like it's not supported just some quick research.. :@SteveKSB, appium-xcuitest-driver depends on Facebook's WebDriverAgent, which does not support tvOS (see [<-ISSUE->] ).. Think you're still right. I looked into this awhile ago and forgot :D. issue: Good Morning Guys!I've a question! I've updated my Xcode, and I'm running the same tests that were working in my iOS Grid with Simulators using iOS 11.4, Now I run them against iOS12 simulators. And I'm seeing weird stuff. Did someone experienced somethin similar??Basically some times, I have an element found by id, like "~Delete User" but instead of clicking tha button, it clicks on the first one of the option list I managed to find this [<-CODE->] But the thing is... with 11.4 everything was working fine solution: issue: @ritxartSorry for the late response, only got today to update my machine: [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] 1.9.1is a official support for iOS 12,1.9.0was a prerelease [<-LINK->] this will help you al lot how it works otherwise just use Google in combinatoon with the language you want to use (java / JS/ ruby ...) @ritxartCan you share your:wdio code that handles this solution: issue: Edge-Man: HI I am facing an issue, if I run regression suite its failing with change in version and change of emulator version.\ solution: issue: hey folks, is there anything new on ios/android app logs being accessible in appium? maybe an issue needs to be submitted? solution: issue: Hi Win, thanks for your attention. Yes, I followed and completed it. I will try to google search with java etc. as you mentioned. Thanks again :) solution: The thing is, when I click for example on filters there's a list like "A","B","C," and sometimes it clicks on A. issue: Could anyone post the code for scrolling using java? Thanks! solution: issue: Hi, I am Automating XCUI test IOS hybrid app with Appium using Mac. Its not able change to Webview from Native app and Scroll also not working? Could anyone help me out from this issue. solution: issue: I am using xFramium tool for Automation solution: issue: Only I have such error in logs with IOS12?[Xcode] 2018-10-02 17:21:38.883888+0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[10474:249943] Enqueue Failure: Failure to determine system application: (null) /Applications/ [<-LINK->] _modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgentRunner/UITestingUITests.m 37 1 solution: issue: sorry, my miscommunication solution: issue: Hey folks. Looking for a little help. I am running test using appium python on the AWS device farm and I am getting popups on samsung devices every time the keyboard pops up. So far I've not been able to find a solution on how to dismiss them I've tried three find_by_id variations looking for "android:id/ok_button", "android:id/button0" and "android:id/button1" but those don't seem hit the button. A similar popup generated in my app gets dismissed by searching for button1 self.driver.switch_to_alert().accept() gets a not implemented message I've been trying but I cant get a similar popup to appear in an emulator so I can't use appium desktop to see what the id/xpath looks like solution: issue: SentientRobot_twitter: can you try usingunicodeKeyboard: truecapabilities for that specific device and see whether you are getting that pop up ? solution: issue: hi all i do not have idea to find webelenemt on IOScould anyone help me out? solution: issue: Hi guys, im planning to use appium to automate chrome in android. I was wondering is there any possibility of appium detected as bot by websites? I know selenium leaves traces, is that same case for appium? Thanks solution: Is Hacking is possible with appium?. issue: amitsgvu: Keep appium launching code in@BeforeSuite method solution: issue: I googled the error and all I could find are some swift problems. Could you try scrolling to some element that is not in s tableview? solution: I googled the error and all I could find are some swift problems. Could you try scrolling to some element that is not in s tableview? @LyubomirStoimchev : It doesn't appear to be a TableView.. perhaps that is the issue?. LyubomirStoimchev: : try using set with the pickerwheel that should work I think. if you are trying to see what is the default should be able to just call a getAttribute on 'name' or 'label'. issue: Hi folks! Has anyone used Appium with the VMware/AirWatch Browser yet? Do you need to write your own driver to talk to it? solution: issue: There is not, because it's Apple and they made a fortune with legal stuff solution: issue: [<-ISSUE->] Raised this issue regarding iOS12 and webview elements being visible: false since the update. Would appreciate if anyone could help move this along or comment on it if you are also facing the same issue. solution: issue: how did you solve the long pause issue@bnazaruk? Edge-Man: [<-LINK->] Edge-Man: have you tried this [<-LINK->] I did it a while back but deleted that code as it is now part of of my shell script solution: issue: I try with the bundle and I have the same issue solution: issue: likely a WDA issue the iOS 12 stuff is still new so i'm sure it's bugs with that i'd check the WDA site since it appears you are using the new WDA agent What xcode version are you using? I'd look here before doing anything. but here's a similar issue it seems: [<-ISSUE->] list of all issues: [<-LINK->] dineshchakravarthy5: : Upgrade to Appium 1.9.1 beta 2? and update the Appium Java client to latest 6.1.0 Anyone here ever experienced Appium for iOS not being able to see the elements in view? I have ran appium-doctor and everything and I have it working on my local environment. But for some reason when I run it on another environment that has Android for Appium running, iOS just launches the app and it cant find any of the elements in the view. Same code works locally... any Ideas? I dont think there's a set amount.... the question is what kind of machine is running more power = more sessions. I've seen 1 device for every 4 GB solution: issue: Hi , I am using Java-client6.0.0 beta 4 with server: 1.9.0 to run scripts on android 7 with uiautomator2 . everytime I am facing scripts failure with "Original error: Could not proxy command to remote server. Original error: Error: read ECONNRESET" after 2 or 3 scripts has executed, Any solution ? I am using this in macOS High sierra Edge-Man: Thanks for info, Tried with java-client6.1.0 and appium 1.9.2 beta2 (Since faced issue to start session in Appium 1.9.1 beta 2 ) , But no use still can see same exception. Infact once "Original error: Error: read ECONNRESET" exception has come remaining all test cases are failing by same error. solution: issue: iphone X 12.0Xcode version 10.0 solution: Edge-Man: is it possible to scroll like real person? i mean with like real scrolling with acceleration and deceleration. issue: hi all,check this question pls: someone here know the solution. LyubomirStoimchev: sure. But I'm not sure that it's an Appium issue. Rather I do something in wrong way =\ solution: issue: simongilmurray: : Thanks, this does indeed look similar but I have rolled everything back and I'm still seeing the issue. The only difference I can tell at the moment is that it is indeed different machines but the libraries and version s are all the same. It's really causing an issue. I'll do a pagesource dump and see what the XCUITest driver is seeing for the elements that will help pinpoint it. Any of you guys using driver.appReset between tests? Mine is working however when I bring the app back up it can't see any of the elements... andd I figured it out... needed to reset the DOM when using POM model... ugh.. solution: issue: [<-LINK->] Hello,Have anyone used Extent Reports for Test Reporting. I am able to perform a screenshot on failed testcases; but in my Extent Reports HTML , I am not view my view my screenshot .I am using Extent Report-Avenstack 3.1.5 Version; Can anyone help me in this solution: issue: Does anyone know the correct way to use the accessbilityLabel strategy on android react native? My implementation is accessibilityLabel="sign_in_button" which works fine on iOS but android I get the error 'cannot find element' I'm able to find the element using appium desktop using accessibilityLabel but when i run my tests it is unable to find solution: issue: Hi guys.Do you have any information on how many companies are using Appium?If there is, I think it will be very helpful to persuade my manager to use Appium. solution: I m not sure how many companies are using.. I remember, one of the site (Dont remember the name) in the past described Appium in number 1 tool for mobile testing in the market. issue: hi guys,today i update appium version from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1but now, i meet encounter problem "Locator Strategy 'css selector' is not supported for this session"who knows why hi guys,today i update appium version from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1but now, i meet encounter problem "Locator Strategy 'css selector' is not supported for this session"who knows why solution: issue: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not proxy command to remote server. Original error: Error: socket hang up I get the following at random points whenever i run my tests, any idea why this is happening? Thank you@yozzz06_twitter, that thread is quite informative. I'll try that out solution: issue: Cepin_Cepin_gitlab: : Android and iOS are completely different. I'm going to be looking at this soon as I am seeing the same issue. if anyone has some good info about it will help speed things up! solution: issue: Hi i am getting command java- version exited with code 20 error ,can anyone help solution: issue: ajmalmajeed: that error happens on 32 bit devices, at least that was the resolution a year ago:). Check [<-ISSUE->] and [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: trying to run my test cases on safari 12 version but seems its not possible anymore as I get into an error when i try to setup safari extension. any help ? got this error though im using high sierra and safari 12 version .." SafariDriver requires Safari 10 running on OSX El Capitan or greater." solution: issue: VinothkumarVelusamy: To run Test Scripts on Safari Browser (version-12) in mac, Just enable "Allow Test Automation" option from your Developer tab. solution: issue: [<-LINK->] Hi All,When i execute my scripts facing below error. I tried many ways to fix the issue, but no use. Can any one help me on this ? TIA. solution: ajmalmajeed: check this [<-LINK->]. issue: Appium java client version is5.0.4 solution: issue: Hi....I am new to mobile automation in IOS platform and i am in process of automation safari browser on real ios device can you please help me out on how to launch the safari browser on real ios device I am using Appium version -1.8.1IOS verision 11.4Java client 6.1.0 please help me out on automating safari browser Xcode version 9.4 solution: issue: Any idea, why my test gets hanged up while taking failure screenshot?? solution: issue: [W3C] Driver proxy active, passing request on via HTTP proxy[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Matched '/wd/hub/session/3476bd54-afca-406b-8fee-5f13487481d6/screenshot' to command name 'getScreenshot'[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /wd/hub/session/3476bd54-afca-406b-8fee-5f13487481d6/screenshot] to [GET [<-LINK->] ] with body: {} Any ideas why my test hangs up while taking screenshot? solution: issue: Is that the error you get or is the chromdriver version to high for the chrome version that is running on your emulator? It could also be that you need to wait for the webview to be loaded You did the right thing, or downgrade the chromdriver version and also start Appium with that version, or upgrade Chrome on the emulator. You can do that by downloading a newer APK of Chrome on the internet, remove the old version on the emulator and drag the new one on it I've documented here [<-LINK->] solution: issue: all: Hi Good Morning to allcan anyone answer this if u got face this issue while try to fetch the element of the particular field"Interactions are not available for this element" - this is the what i'm getting solution: issue: why is everyone using magic numbers when scrolling solution: issue: Hi guys, not sure if this is the right channel, but I'm having a problem with a swipe action being quite slow and resulting in this errorFailed to construct 'Touch': member target is not of type EventTarget. Here is my codeawait browser.swipeLeft('.section-theme-background-indicator',-200,4); solution: Also try the WebdriverIO gutter channel, that would help better. issue: Can't create appium session in eclipse any one help me please ! solution: issue: Hello team. I'm having the issue when I'm adding the AWS dependecny to run multiple devices.When adding below dependency this error on XML...cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'groupId'. One of '{"":dependency}' is expected. Please someone help me out solution: issue: i get the following error even though the app is in this location and i have installed it on the emulator too. Any idea why this is happening? ERROR: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: The application at '/Users/ajmalabdulmajeed/Documents/Populo/Kliq/appium tests/appium-test-kliq-mobile-app-android/apks/gradchat-v0.11.15-20181023173234-debug.apk' does not exist or is not accessible im using UIAutomator2 Hi, is there a clear documentation on how i can verify toast messages on android using UIAutomator2? i've been trying to verify toast messages on my tests, but dont seem to find a clear approach to it solution: issue: That link has very little to do with appium VPazzini: : I'd check out the link I sent you its from Jonathan Lipps here's another thing you can look at as well: [<-LINK->] [<-LINK->] and last but not least : [<-LINK->] solution: issue: I have appium installed and I'm trying to inspect an apk using an Android Studio emulator. When I click the screenshot tool from UI Automator Viewer it gives me the error message "Unable to connect to adb. Check if adb is installed correctly." From the terminal if I type adb devices it displays the emulator device so I assume adb is working correctly. Any ideas? solution: issue: The change will the latest beta, there is an issue with RN 0.57 with Android and locators the beta fixes that solution: issue: Sweet! EzimetYusup: : If you are using TestNG you can do it there via .xml file as well *Wikipedia solution: issue: i have issue with python element present check if find_element ().get_attribute('text') - fail solution: issue: Hey Guyzz i keep getting ECONRESET error while executing my test cases. Because of that i am not able to execute all my testcases completely. Any help?? my appium version: 1.9.1,trying to run on android version 8.0 solution: issue: Hi i am facing an issue with This element does not have the 'bounds' attribute (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)Command duration or timeout: 14 milliseconds did any one faced this issue can you tell me what is the solution for this solution: issue: kamaleshrnp: Try this : new TouchAction((PerformsTouchActions) driver).press(PointOption.point(fromX, fromY)).waitAction(WaitOptions.waitOptions(Duration.ofMillis(durationInSeconds*1000))).moveTo(PointOption.point(toX,toY)).release().perform(); , I am using Java-client 6.00 Beta4 solution: issue: Anyone got experience withAddAdditionalCapability()? I've got experience with Appium, but haven't used it since this was introduced Whenever that method gets called, I get a 'Method not found' exception in .NET :( solution: issue: kill - 9 process_id solution: issue: The one of your app Hello all, I would like to know if there’s a way to mock the camera to test barcodes, but without using the real camera ? solution: I want to automate it but without manual intervention. issue: Hi everyone, I'm trying to run iOS with the latest appium server beta1.10.0-beta.6and getting the errorXCUITest requires Appium version >= 1.6.0 (Appium::Core::Error::NotSupportedAppiumServer)Has someone faced with the same error? AB09: Thanks for asking, actually it was a minor bug in the appium_lib. It was already fixed. Now it works fine. solution: issue: Hi everyone.. I am trying to launch my app on ios simulator but it opens safari with url [<-LINK->] .. Doesn't launch my app Any help please AB09: @vitalyk@TesterTnt_twitterplease help solution: issue: Edge-Man: pls dont use Xcode 10 .. Stick to Xcode 9 solution: issue: I am getting thisinteractions are not available for this elementappium-desktop while inspectinf ios-app solution: issue: Hi I got <-- POST /wd/hub/session 200 12637 ms - 903 this error on appium,any soluton? solution: issue: I Select the Xcode libraries you want to use from the capabilities settings solution: issue: I tried to invoke the native app ios with appium desktop ;The app shows the app in the Inspector; but no webdriver agent is getting installed in my simulator.Wierd issue again with the versions I guess?Appium Version: .1.8.1XCode : 9.4.1ios SDK Version : 10.13Pls adviseI cant able to click on any calendar apps in simulator ! nothing is responding solution: issue: Its's someone here? Hi every one!! I have a problem with appium who can't click in elements from an activity of my android app, the issue maybe it's because that activity has a lot of information, it's heavy, so, my question its somebody having the same problem? because in others activities of my app appium works perfectly. (I'm desperate jajaja if nobody can't help I'll move to Katalon and I don't want to :C ) solution: issue: smokedvw_twitter: Am facing below error if i try to install libimobiledevice - install using brew install libimobiledevice --HEADEACCES, Permission denied error smokedvw_twitter: some times am getting timeout error solution: issue: BOLLINIKIRAN_twitter: : you need root permissions did it work? solution: Edge-Man: it's asking for my system password. issue: Edge-Man: can i run with sudo command solution: issue: Hi, This may have been asked before but does Appium support TouchId/Passcode authentication from the cordova-plugin-device-authentication (LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication). Even when the simulator has TouchID enrolled invoking the Appium Perform Touch ID it does not proceed ( [<-LINK->] ) Or are there any other ways I can interact with the Springboard to type in a password (Simulator doesn't actually check what was entered) Doesn't matter I have worked out what the issue was ... Apple does not seem to have implemented TouchID on most of the iPad simulators. It does work on the iPad Air 2 simulator. solution: issue: [<-LINK->] I'm trying to start a new session using appium desktop, I'm getting this error message: Does anyone know what the solution is or have any idea? solution: issue: wswebcreation: I've noticed that when I type java -v into the cmd line I get. [<-LINK->] Which is the problem I believe, but I have set JAVA_HOME I'm having trouble starting a new session, is anyone around to help if I post raw server logs? solution: issue: Hi All, are there any plans to continue developing Appium for Mac? Last release is dated April 2017 and last commit is Feb 2018. Is the project abandoned or can I expect some work there? solution: issue: kimjunte: Yes I was able to run it and use as well. Stability and lack of plans to improve it is something that worries me. solution: issue: Hi I am trying to use Uiautomator but I am getting server-side error or ENOTFOUND error would you be able to help me with that solution: issue: Hello I am working on IOS & Android deep Linking can some body help me to work on this solution: issue: I'm not able to find out editText error message xpath on Android?Anyone facing this issue? [<-LINK->] Tried to get xpath on Appium inspector and uiautomatorviewer no xpath present for this error message solution: issue: I'm a little confused about how these helper files work, how do you manage the storing of desired capabilities for iOS and Android using js? Is there a project in github I can reference? solution: issue: rafaelcs: [<-LINK->] myElementList = driver.findElements(By.Id("fancybox-close")) solution: issue: hello anyone got this error while using appium inspector: Could not obtain source: solution: issue: hello there i m getting error while using RxJava, Retrofit and MoshiConvertor, when i call GET api at that time doen't convert the response object to my DataObject?what should i do? solution: issue: hi i have a question. Is it possible to inspect element with latest appium version for IOS ? I am using IOS simulator. But not able to take the screen shot to identify elements from Simulator can someone help me? solution: issue: hi everyone, why when i run test ( node blabla.js ) always appear ‘os.tmpDir() is deprecated. user os.tmpdir() instead’ . need help . thank you solution: issue: i solve it. out of date version wd heey there, i new in appium, any sample repository github appium with node js? hi, i have problem when execute appium with node js use emulator android in linux, sendKeys(wd.SPECIAL_KEYS.Return) is not work properly instead erase the text any ideas? need help. thank you! solution: issue: Hi can I use isEnabled API to check if the button is being longPress? example from :// examplelet isEnabled = driver.isEnabled("~SomeAccessibilityId"); is there any appium command to disable the auto-correction? solution: issue: Can anyone get me idea, how can I minimising this below absolute xpath?//XCUIElementTypeApplication[@name="XYZ"]/XCUIElementTypeWindow[1]/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther[1]/XCUIElementTypeTable/XCUIElementTypeCell[1]/XCUIElementTypeButton[2] Can anyone say://XCUIElementTypeStaticText[@name='testStoryForAutomation']/preceding-sibling::XCUIElementTypeButton[2]"The above xpath should work or not on iOS? solution: issue: no, they arent@bassemdakkan, there are some similarities though. solution: issue: Any one worked on getting network calls for iOS app ? TIA solution: issue: Hi everyone, I stated learning appium recently but i am not finding proper course material for it can anyone suggest me any tutorials where they will teach appium with nodejs ?? solution: issue: has anyone seen "Encountered internal error running command: NoSuchDriverError: A session is either terminated or not started" this happens when i run multiple tests first test passes and the second one fails with above error nami-varthakavi: this usually means, there is an issue with your start_driver method i also had a similar issue recently solution: issue: nami-varthakavi: you need to start you appium server and then the session will be created solution: issue: halo everyone, i use WD framework node js, and when i execute 'await driver.scroll(10, 100)', is not work and appear message '[scroll(10,100)] Error response status: 13' anyone knows? what caused it? thank you solution: issue: Hi All,I am writing my tests in C# with Appium and specflow. I am using Visual studio as my IDE.If I want to upgrade my appium to the latest version how do I do it?All new Appium methods for FaceID authentication are available in Appium version V1.10.1Want to know how do I upgrade to that version of Appium.Usually we update all the softwares through Nuget packages but for Appium only thinhg I see is Appium.Webdriver with latest version being and this doe not contain latest appium code.Any help in guiding me is much appreciated. solution: issue: [<-CODE->] getting this error any idea? I am using webdriver - 4.13.1 solution: issue: Hi all. On windows starting appium desktop and protractor test run gives me an "" error. I have used the same stack with same versions (appium, protractor, cucumber) on MacOS and did not get this error. [<-CODE->] I am using appium desktop v1.10.0. Protractor v5.4.2 and Cucumber v2.3.1. jswaroop: I have a different error msg but it is also about setting timeouts... See my post. Downgrading appium to 1.9.x did not help. Same error with 1.9.x.Are you using Windows? The error when setting timeouts occurs with these capabilities: [<-CODE->] When testing a cordova hybrid app (webview) the error does not happen using these capabilities: [<-CODE->] Log: [<-CODE->] solution: issue: murat3: i get this issue only when i try to run with grid using selenium 3.141.59.jarI am using appium 1.10.1 and running in MACwhen running separately from grid (targetted to only one device) i dont see this error solution: issue: Hi there im using protractor with appium to automate my angular web app And i get the following error when i try to run my tests on an android device browser No Chromedriver found that can automate Chrome '58.0.3029' Any idea why this occurs? Would really appreciate some support i have installed chromedriver too \ solution: issue: Hi All, I am writing my tests for iOS automation in C# with Appium and specflow. I am using Visual studio as my IDE. If I want to upgrade my appium to the latest version how do I do it? All new Appium methods for FaceID authentication are available in Appium version V1.10.1 Want to know how do I upgrade to that version of Appium. Usually we update all the softwares through Nuget packages but for Appium only thinhg I see is Appium.Webdriver with latest version being and this doe not contain latest appium code. Any help in guiding me is much appreciated. solution: issue: ajmalmajeed: First; your chromedriver version must match your Chrome browser version. See releasenotes chromedriver for supported versions. Secondly; you must supply the path to the chromedriver via capabilities or cmd line. See: [<-LINK->] solution: issue: The application at '*/Downloads/DrowsyHypno 2/Apps/1.7.1-e5ed0db.apk' does not exist or is not accessible Can some help with this issue solution: issue: can anyone help with this error: application does not exist or is not accessible at APPLICATIONS_CACHE_GUARD.acquire? I've verified the apk file name exists, tried moving the apk to my desktop and updating my path. not exactly sure what to do next solution: issue: rajeshchy: Thanks! I realize the problem was the xpath. solution: issue: Hi, I am getting the following error when tried to open already installed native apps from android phone.. java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting Intent. Tried opening multiple apps but getting the same error message for all the apps. In may forums it was mentioned to update android:exported="true" in AndroidManifest.xml but I am not sure how to do this. The issue is observed in both real device and emulator. Could someone help me pls? solution: issue: hey guys, In our iOS application we are opening web modal on top of native page. When I switchToWeb and try to locate an web element, appium is not able to find that element. Any idea ? or workaround for this ? solution: issue: Can anyone tell me whether there are any desired capabilities that could disable the app getting launched as soon as the IOS driver is initialised ?? solution: issue: murat3: I'm getting the same error "BadParameters: We wanted "MJSONWP protocol requires type and ms" and you sent {"script":11000}". I am also using Protractor v5.4.1, Appium v1.10.0, Cucumber v 5.0.2 and trying to automate an Ionic app on an iOS device. solution: issue: Could someone help me with my problem? I have an element I can inspect with appium inspector, sometimes it shows "visible = true" and sometimes it's false, while it's on the screen and I see the element with my eyes. it's a react native app, and always available on Android but not for iOS. solution: issue: Hai gaes Help search my issue solution: issue: Can someone point me to a project in github that utilizes a page object model for testing iOS pages using node.js? solution: issue: anyone familiar with this error `Original error: App with bundle identifier '' unknown when utilizing appium in a gitlab pipeline? this doesn't happen when we run the automation tests locally solution: issue: [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] solution: issue: npatelautomation: Hi, I have upgraded my appium version to 1.10 and scrolling command is not working for me (browser.execute('mobile: scroll', {direction: dir});)Does anyone facing this issue? Kindly please help thanks solution: issue: Anyone use Android Emulator Snapshot? I can not make appium resume the snapshot without restart the app. solution: issue: hi friends, happy valentine's day! Could anyone direct me to any documentation for winappdriver? I'm specifically interested in understanding how the element locators work differently in windows apps compared to web strategies with selenium or even mobile strategies with appium. i've found [<-LINK->] , is that the best resource? solution: issue: describe('Se realizara un scroll', async function () { [<-CODE->] This code is how I understand that a scroll is done, but it does not work for me this is in MOBILE someone can help me. solution: issue: Hello AllCan automate hybride app using appium anyone Did? solution: arun68154859_twitter: - Yes I did the automation for hybrid using appium. issue: mgmanikandan87: I am using ironic, nativ script and corodova When I tried, all element is not displayed hence unable to locate using the locators solution: issue: Hi, after upgrading to Appium 1.11.0 I am getting a error on driver creation "[UiAutomator2] Activity manager service is not available" did you face this issue? solution: issue: I do i get android device height using wdio/js? solution: issue: My solution: issue: walternolak: if you're on iOS it might be that fetching the page source takes awhile. I remember reading some git issues about that at some point Has anyone here had a good experience running parallel simulator tests? I'm noticing that sometimes on appium shutdown the webdriveragent app crashes in my other tests We're using thewdaLocalPortcapability solution: issue: Show your code for locating Not all Send me only line which u unable to find the element solution: issue: Does anyone get this error when running their iOS test through Jenkins?invalid argument: Unsupported locator strategy: accessibility idI'm using the selector ('~Allow') for accessibility id like it says in the WDIO docs. solution: issue: Yes, I created this one [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hello, I am currently having issues running parallel tests with Appium (tried versions 1.10 & 1.11.1) on iOS after upgrading to XCode 10.1. Inside the logs found the following error: [<-CODE->] From what I understand after looking at appium issues in github, this is a WebDriver issue. After a little search a stumbled upon this issue facebook/WebDriverAgent#1052 and one of the core commiters informed me that WebDriverAgent project will not be continued. So my questions are:a) Has anyone solved this issue ?b) Since WDA is no longer supported, is there any alternative that is actively maintained? solution: issue: bassemdakkan: I am using webdriverio (JS) solution: issue: Try to increase adbExecTimeout to 50secs or more. And check if your emulator DaniilMoiseevPenza: check if your emulator supports haxm (virtualization on windows) or KVM on Linux. DaniilMoiseevPenza: and I would try real phone and start tests on it. try manulaly delete uiautomator2-server from emulator and rerun tests then solution: try manulaly delete uiautomator2-server from emulator and rerun tests thenI did it a lot of time). issue: [<-LINK->] above image EDIT button,image banner id's or class names is same which is the correct id i am these id taken and appium not locating the same element error is an element could not finding as given as search parameter solution: issue: Guys can anyone help me out i cant able to open my ipa file in real device and app file open and crashes in simulator please help me with this i am using xcode 10 12.1 ios solution: issue: In Appium Desktop, Can i change the Secure connection like https ? i need to establish https connection in appium desktop solution: issue: Hi... i have installed ios application in simulater for testing using appium desktop that application installed fine but Launched at a time force stopped .. any one help me even i installed using terminal , but its not working application launched & closed Physical connected device working fine but the simulater only error occurred.. Hi Friends, Pl. Help . how to run appium server in https protocol . solution: issue: Arav1995_twitter: [XCUITest] Simulator architecture appears to be unsupported by the '/Users/tenmiles/Desktop/HappyFox Chat - iPad' application. Make sure the correct deployment target has been selected for its compilation in Xcode.[XCUITest] Don't be surprised if the application fails to launch.[XCUITest]* are u getting this error while running in Simulator ? solution: issue: Just a heads up. [<-LINK->] seems to be down. Arav1995_twitter: you will need to refresh your environment if your doing it within the same console. The path is not updated on windows until after your restart your console. It might be same on other systems. solution: issue: rwilliams-imvu: If you're connected to internet through corp ethernet, run it with wifi instead solution: issue: Why is my touchPerform not working? solution: issue: Has anyone come across this issue before: Selenium error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: The application under test with bundle id 'org.reactjs.native.example.sdkapp' is not running, possibly crashed","status":13} but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the app, as others are able to run the same app through appium solution: issue: @flexin777 I'm on the app and it's not moving anything [<-CODE->] I have tried both 300 and -300 in the y cord in the moveTo Basically the same code from the docs. [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hello all can anyone help me with following exception?io.appium.java_client.service.local.InvalidServerInstanceException: Invalid server instance exception has occured: There is no installed nodes! Please install node via NPM ( or download and install Appium app ( have node (10.15.3) and npm (6.4.1) installed, using java-client 7.0.0.I also have AppiumDriverLocalService in use, but it still does not work (tried it with anyport as well).AppiumServiceBuilder serviceBuilder = new AppiumServiceBuilder() .usingDriverExecutable(new File("/usr/local/bin/node")) .withAppiumJS(new File("/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/build/lib/main.js")) .withIPAddress("").usingPort(4723); [<-CODE->] I have googled, searched in appium discussion group, but none of it worked.Also appium-doctor gave no error.Help would be wonderful :) solution: issue: hello All, could you please help to resolve the issue while connecting ios device to appium studio "while connecting ios device with appium studio , getting error " nalready have a development certificate or pending request" solution: issue: Hi All, I am trying to automate upload pdf documents functionality in webview on my android app . Can I use sendKeys just like we do for web browsers? Or have to click and go thru the normal process? I tried sendKeys but it looks like it is not working. solution: issue: Hi guys...I actually need to automate both mobile application and desktop website inside the same scenario.Maybe there is a way to "switch" drivers from appium to webdriver? or dynamically load config? i am not able to switch from appium to webdriverIO selenium driver on the same scenario solution: issue: upgraded appium desktop to 1.11.0, saved capabilities sets are gone. where are those files located, please? solution: issue: Hi, orientation command has been removed from WDIO V5, can anybody suggest an alternate? i was trying to use browser.setOrientation('LANDSCAPE') but getting this error "An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Unable To Rotate Device" on ios devices. toien44: i use this method to scroll on iOS devicesbrowser.execute( 'mobile: swipe', {direction: direction} ); toien44: with element use this methodbrowser.execute('mobile: scroll', {direction: direction, element: element} ); solution: issue: Hello All I have one doubt I have given time as 10sec and within 10 sec our test case is failed then how can we add multiple time on same test case is there any way to add multiple time like if our test is not executing in 10 sec then again its wait 10sec solution: issue: Yes, that's possible [<-LINK->] Check the reset strategies, the chance that 'noReset:true' helps is very high Have you already checked [<-LINK->] Need to look at that when I'm at home. This should work By the way, why are you on 1.9.1? 1.12.0 is already out And it happens between scenarios in your cucumber feature file? solution: Between features files not between scenarios in the same feature file. issue: No problem. When you have some time. Thank you again! I will try also with 1.12.0 No luck... You are right! :( solution: Need to check my WDIO4 setup with Cucumber, it just kept the instance alive.As said, will check it when I'm at home. issue: Hi All, any idea how to get the device locale in iOS? wswebcreation: language and region wswebcreation: I thought we can set this on android only...does it work on iOS too? wswebcreation: Yup...did this way...but it doesnt change the locale solution: issue: u don't have to it can run parallel here: im getting error on appium Android on Linux. appium-doctor says java_home is set, but when i run it it says server error, java_home is not set any one has any insight? all: solution: issue: await; maybe my usage for async / await is wrong? solution: no it is not closed and opened between these it blocks. the login test has 3 dependent stages 1. email / pwd, 2. choose property, 3. enter pin number (not given you the code sample for this one yet). after these 3 it will start with clean state but later I will use the api alternative of these login steps to save time on other tests. this is actually testing login ui, so.... issue: yes i even tried with different element same result. Also I used the appium inspector to find it in the hierarchy and I can see it visible too. the only difference is that this is the next activity after splash on Android manifest. I initiate first without giving specific activity,but not sure if I have to specify the next one in following tests. sounds like the same issue above solution: issue: Hi guys, I updated Appium desktop to 1.12 and Android is not working for me any moreError code is : An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not find a driver for automationName 'Appium' and platformName 'Android'. Please check your desired capabilities. Did anyone face this issue? All the settings are unchanged and it worked on all previous appium server editions. solution: issue: Appium ios test execution is very slow. Can you please let me know how to fix this issue? stanislaw.borkowski_gitlab: : I am using real iPad device for test execution and I didn't use thread sleep also. I am unable to fix issue It is taking 6 min for simple flow execution Appium 1.10.0 version Appium Java Client 6.1.0 version Mac 10.14.3 version (Mojave) iPad Pro: 12.1.4 IOS version solution: issue: Hi guys! does the following error has a solution?: /usr/local/include/string.h:25:10: fatal error: 'plist/Node.h' file not foundinclude This happened when updating appium from 1.10 to 1.12.1 node: 10.14.1 Hi guys! does the following error has a solution?: /usr/local/include/string.h:25:10: fatal error: 'plist/Node.h' file not foundinclude This happened when updating appium from 1.10 to 1.12.1node: 10.14.1 solution: issue: When trying to install the nugget package I am getting "The remote name could not be resolved: ''" any idea as to why? solution: srisudhi: public void verticalScroll(AppiumDriver driver, double startPer, double finalPer, double anchorPer,int i) {Dimension size = driver.manage().window().getSize();int anchor = (int) (size.widthanchorPer); int startPoint = (int) (size.heightstartPer);int endPoint = (int) (size.height * finalPer);new TouchAction(driver).press(anchor, startPoint).waitAction().moveTo(anchor, endPoint).release().perform();}. issue: arun68154859_twitter: yes [GENERIC] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: [][GENERIC] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.10.0"}}[HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 50 ms - 68 anyone help me to get out form this error solution: issue: hi all, who's using sauceLabs, can you show actualDesiredCapabilitiesproperty's setup ? [<-CODE->] and gotorg.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Unable to create a new remote session. Please check the server log for more details. Original error: Unexpected server error. (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) with RemoteWebDriver everything is fine solution: issue: @Manikantan1991hi allerror TS2304: Cannot find name 'by'.why this error comeshow to solve this in Appium/Webdriver-iousing typescritscript* ArturoMago: sure let me check this thanks solution: issue: Hi @surendraimsPlease provide some more information. We are here to help you, but not with finding a needle in a haystack, so please provide you config, the steps you already did and the error you are facing.Also if you provide code, please use proper markdown.Last but not least, have you checked the Appium-boilerplate that WebdriverIO provides that might already help you with those issues? @surendraimsThis is I think the error you get [<-CODE->] solution: issue: surendraims: Then please check how you can solve that because it looks like the error is explaining what's happening solution: issue: Connection to WDA timeout error message is displayed while executing appium IOS script. Please help me how to fix this issue Script is working but it is taking more time solution: issue: Is iOS 12.2 supported? I want to run web tests on mobile Safari 12.1. I had a working setup with iOS 12.1 but after the upgrade to 12.2 I cannot get appium to work. solution: issue: using webdriver-Io Java Script i am trying to automate Native mobile app As soon as app is launched , app is closed immediate can any pls help on this ,, log attached below [<-LINK->] App launch and closed immediately in webdriver-Io appium just closes the app after launching am not sure why..... can u just check the logs and help me ... solution: issue: PageFactory.initElements is giving java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError for appium iosdriver can some1 help with above error? solution: issue: My MAC has installed 1.10 appium desktop. After uninstalling, I install 1.9.1 appium desktop Why does the server still display 1.10? Who can help me ? Thank you solution: issue: Hello everyone!! I have a some problem. Appium don't set geoLocation on genymotion emulator. I try run command driver.setLocation(...), but it doesn't work. Help please. solution: I am executing scripts on iPhone 6 with iOS version of 12.1, I am getting the "Enqueue Failure:" while executing my Appium script and it took much time to launch. Please let us know if anyone have solution for it and I am executing scripts on react native app. issue: Hello.I am using macos 10.12.6 with xcode 9.2,when i run sh ./Scripts/ -d I got "fatal: unable to access ' [<-LINK->] ': Failed to connect to port 3128: Operation timed out" .however i do have access. solution: issue: please help Hi guys, had any body tried automating scanning a QR code in ios ? solution: issue: HelloIs it possible to use multiple environment variable with the same key?npm run test --url=vk.comIt does not work if I use unique keysurl solution: issue: parsie_gitlab: I think you can just make some random drawing using TouchActions on the signature element solution: issue: Hello! I have a strange problem: I copy app.apk to folder for Appium, start tests (Pytest, Uiautomator2) and when Appium try install apk to the device (opens window for allow to install app) file app.apk in folder for Appium has changes. Version remains the same, but app has less size and works incorrect. If I install original file app with adb or with commented out 'automationName' desired cap - its OK and works correct. What can it be cause of incorrect work? What to do for resolve it? Thank you! solution: issue: Hi guys, any idea how to run thisnew UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true)).scrollForward()in webdriverio. I Want to scroll but not sure how to execute this command. As it returns boolean i can not usebrowser.element(new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true)).scrollForward()) solution: issue: Its not possibly to start automated testing Android Firefox with Appium, I know. But may be anybody have experience use other browser(not Chrome and Safari), may be "SRWare Iron"? Its Chrome-engine browser and my client ask me about that possibility for mobile-web testing. Sorry for my poor language. solution: issue: Hello,I'm currently moving from protractor to I encounter an 404 error on android using appium 1.12.1 when I use browser.keys() (it seems to generate a POST /session/xxx/actions request then a "releaseActions" with a DELETE /session/xxx/actions request, and this DELETE seems to fail)Here is the appium output: [<-CODE->] It seems that is not implemented, am I right? solution: issue: iSravyaS: We are also facing the same issue, if you get to know please post to us also iSravyaS: If this debugging enabled : WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled as true, then no need to use driver.context instead of that directly access the elements. We have successfully completed automating. solution: issue: Hi guys, anybody faced issue while starting an activity with espresso driver ?Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve activity for: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x14000000 } at ( added after package name which is not required. I tried with adbadb shell am start -n is launched successfully solution: issue: Suddenly my real ios devices starts to run all tests multiple times. Using appium 1.13-beta3 and Selenium 3.141.59. After like three or four runs they report correctly. But its lots of time wasted. Any ideas what might be causing this? solution: issue: I got xpath from appium inspecter in ios automation hybrid application , that xpath is not work , os it any better inspecter tool for mac ios automation?? solution: issue: Hi, has anyone encountered the following issue with mobile web views and Appium?:Original error: unknown error: Failed to get sockets matching:@webview_devtools_remote_.*23448 solution: issue: Hi has anyone encountered sign in issue for xcode I am always getting xcode build failure 65 issue while running test cases in real iOS devices But it works fine when i run in Simulator solution: issue: I'mmm backkkk anyone seeing issues with xcode 10.2 and ios 12.2 with simulators? seems like safari ios tests are acting weird. not sure if it might be something up with WDA solution: issue: hi all could anyone let me know code for landslide for iphone in appium(java)? poovaraj: .....wordpress app will work in simulator solution: issue: hey there, i am facing issue while running appium tests as parallel on physical devices using TestNG. I have initiated two appium servers for the same, app is getting launched on both devices but after 1-2 steps it's weird I would really appreciate any kind of help for the same solution: issue: Has anyone had issues with appium starting on the wrong physical device? I have 2 appium servers running that launch on different iphones I have each server with the iphone name and udid capability set up on the config json, and I send the udid and name capability on the test as well but sometimes they just launch on different devices, has anyone encountered this before? seems to happen randomly tho palashjain: if you are using it to launch android test make sure that each server uses a different systemPort capability solution: issue: Hi, could someone help me with appium in docker container, I have an issue and don`t know how to solve it. [<-ISSUE->] solution: issue: Facing issue: "WebDriverAgentRunner" requires a provisioning profile. Select a provisioning profile for the "Debug" build configuration in the project editor. (in target 'WebDriverAgentRunner')Although xcode-log-shows Running successfullyAppium 1.13 solution: issue: hi, I've just setup my pretty rigid Appium framework using Python, wrote a few tests and I have a problem, Appium resets my app and installs a new one (I'm using iPhone 8 for my tests) after each individual tests, is there a way to change that? solution: issue: Hello everyone :)I'm trying to use appium in visual studio for MacWhen I use this capability:cap.SetCapability("app", "/Users/Oscar_Aguiar/Downloads/app-debug.apk");But server gives me this error:[MJSONWP] Encountered internal error running command: Error: The application at '/Users/Oscar_Aguiar/Downloads/app-debug.apk' does not exist or is not accessibleIf I use the same capabilities with inspector session, the app is launched correctly. Anyone knows what could cause this error when I try this on visual studio? solution: issue: Nope, it's just trail and error solution: issue: presidenten: thanks a lot@wswebcreationgot it, thanks Julioevm: How about using VM to link those nodes? solution: issue: [<-LINK->] flexin777: Hardcoded udid.A appium developer confirmed this is necessary when I asked on github almost a month ago So, yes: real devices in grid, hardcoded udid's.I have assigned one iphone, one ipad, one android phone and one android pad each to the two current teams that needs e2e-tests on devices, and keep one of each for development solution: issue: hi all, have you ever seen error: Original error: Error: WebSocket is not open: readyState 3 (CLOSED), while running Appium with real iOS device? Thanks solution: issue: Hii GuysI am new to javascript automation.can someone help me solving this error which is coming only on emulator not real device. Please suggest.An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: No Chromedriver found that can automate Chrome '69.0.3497' solution: issue: bogatoiucatalin: I think if you want to do a drag action, you should do the tap then follow with a moveTo method with the new coordinates subbulomada_twitter: Have you opened webdriverRunnerAgent with xcode and signed there the developer profile? I usually have to do this every new version to make the signing work properly solution: issue: hello all i am getting this error when starting my application via appium espresso driver java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method a(IIII)V in class Landroidx/appcompat/widget/ContentFrameLayout solution: issue: Julioevm: Yes this is the new appium i installed and trying solution: issue: any one facing switch tab issue in latest version of IOS and Appium latest on safari real device my test getting failed due to that new tab web-view switching. solution: issue: Anyone running Appium for android Mobile Web Tests? irbekrm: : sounds like you have multiple Xcodes installed possibly? irbekrm: : Sometimes things gets left over which causes errors like that. It's hard to tell in the post here try removing that iPhone X simulator or use a different one to ensure it's a simulator issue and not a Xocde issue. irbekrm: : Whats your Appium version? irbekrm: : Also run a appium-doctor test solution: issue: Hi there! Sorry I am new here... I have an unrelated subject... suppose I have an OCR app that only supports english language. What does it take to include other languages? Do I have to pay my developer the full fees of the app for every language I incorporate in my app? solution: issue: vjkumran: make sure its not a webview, if it is, check this: [<-LINK->] solution: issue: I'm getting this error in the middle of my test run on Android [<-CODE->] I just started getting this error in Appium 1.13 Desktop [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Hi All, can anyone give any idea regarding collecting api logs too during a UI test run? ritesh2689: thanks, i will go through it solution: issue: hello@hereI'm trying to automate UI testing for a react-native app, using the xcuitest driver for appium and webdriverio. I've been able to validate that the driver can interact with my simulator, but the instantiated driver appears to be missing some functions "err":{"matcherName":"","message":"Failed: driver.contexts is not a function","stack":" at \n at contexts (/tests/authentication.wdio.functional.js:32:62)\n at \n at \n at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)","passed":false,"expected":"","actual":""} missing methods includedriver.element(), driver.elementByAccessibilityId(), driver.getContexts()and methods that work aredriver.queryAppState(), driver.execute(), driver.getOrientation() these are my capabilities: solution: issue: [<-CODE->] thephilwells: It's still failing for me too. Also,setContextapparently is not the correct method, and it'sswitchContext. lol, docs for theappium-xcuitest-driver, what is the correct method to set my context to webview from NATIVE_APP? I've triedsetContext()andswitchContext()andcontext()and none of them actually set the context. getContexts()returns the contexts as expected solution: issue: ritesh2689: You're kidding about appium docs right? The sample code doesn't even work. solution: issue: It looks a fix has been released for switching into webview contexts on iOS 12.2 for devices and simulators: [<-LINK->] But it's still failing for me. I'm using appium 1.13.0 as a service in wdio v4. When it tries to switch into the webview context it throws withAn unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Remote debugger error with code '-32000': Target not found. solution: issue: Hi, I am getting error when I click on appium inspector. Any idea what is the cause [XCUITest] Error: Could not determine Xcode version: Could not get Xcode version. /Library/Developer/Info.plist does not exist on disk. solution: issue: Hi,Why appium inspector doesn't catch/recognize custom html properties?Details:In my tests I need to know when the app is loaded. So one of our app developers added attribute called "initializationstatus" to the app container div.In my test I'm trying to do this:WebElement mainContainer = driver.findElement(By.xpath("main container xpath")); // this line works as expected. I'm succeeded to catch the element.String appLoadingStatus = mainContainer.getAttribute("initializationstatus"); // this line throws exception: Method threw 'org.openqa.selenium.UnsupportedCommandException' exception.Note that other attribute works as expected for example: mainContainer.getAttribute("selected") return the right valueWhat is the problem here ? solution: issue: Is this the correct room to ask questions about webdriver Io? solution: issue: agarcia123: Nope. ask your questions here for wdio [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hi I am having an issue with appium test not stopping the session after the test have finished. I am using different config files same as the ones in Appium Boilerplate project Could you please help? this happens when I add the['allure', solution: As long as youre using appium to achieve this, I dont see why not. issue: Hi all. I'm getting the error 'undefined method rotate for Appium::Driver' when I try to change screen orientation. Could anyone help with this? solution: issue: wswebcreation: sorry, issue resolved in the meantime. cheers! solution: issue: not so active here solution: issue: I am testing Hybrid iOS app on real device, i’m getting both the context NATIVE_APP and WEBVIEW but when i try to switch to webview using driver.context method it is throwing Exception “io.appium.java_client.NoSuchContextException: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: operation timed out”Environmentappium version: 1.13.0Node Js version: v10.15.3Mobile platform: iOS 12.3.1 Can any one plz help? solution: issue: Hi, guys! Got this error, is there any solutions? Maybe some capability to increase timeout? [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Hi All,I'm having some issues while finding button element.Issue:I'm able to find and clink on a toggle button cell id when the button is offBut when it gets on, driver is unable to find the id, xpathtried lot of things to make it work, but still this is not working.Using: Appium version 1.12.1Platform: iOSIOS: 12.0Simulator - iPad 9.7 inchMy method and xpath:WebElement filterNameId = mBotDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//XCUIElementTypeStaticText[contains(@name,'"+filterName+"')]"));; solution: issue: failed case and in else case ..Then the app will do reset before the next scenario solution: issue: Hi My appium not able to load next activity in android application It's keep loading not able to reach to next activity Or next page in android application solution: issue: [<-LINK->] getting ERROR: A session is either terminated or not started when trying to execute all the scenarios of feature file in one go solution: issue: Hello, has somebody encountered the following error?: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Unhandled endpointBy executing the following command: driver.execute(mobile: tap, {x: 214.0, y: 303.0, element: selectorID}) solution: issue: WARN AppiumDoctor ANDROID_HOME is NOT set!i am getting this error can anyone help solution: issue: Hey guys, is it normal for appium response returning value: null?2019-07-16 12:12:44:784 [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: {"sessionId":"6e7feef2fc9c687ade388c0b707e7acb","status":0,"value":null} solution: issue: WARN AppiumDoctor ANDROID_HOME is NOT set!i am getting this error can anyone helpHave you set ANDROID_HOME path in bashrc? solution: issue: Are there any current works or talks about implementing backdoors for Appium using XCUITest and/or UIAutomator2? solution: issue: How do we automate biometric authentication for an app on physical android device? I am able to do it on emulator but not sure abt physical device. Using Appium and C# solution: issue: I am bit new to Appium and I am able to setup appium on my machine and write few tests for my android apkhowever is there any good reporting framework for appium + junit tests? solution: issue: try to runwebdriver-manager update may smth with capabilities Send me, please, your capabilities Which framework are you using? I am using webdriverio solution: and the appium boilerplate from github. issue: Hi, I'm trying to automate multi-factor authentication for the login feature but can't find the proper solution. What can I do to make this work? solution: issue: Anyone tried to set mobile data toggle (enable and disable) using Appium? I am using "adb shell am broadcast -a io.appium.settings.data_connection --es setstatus enable" to enable the mobile data in Android version 8.1.0 but not working for me. But I can able to toggle the Wifi in Android version 8.1.0. Anyone faced this kind of observation while using java-client 7.0.0. with Appium server 1.14.0? solution: issue: Anyone faced the error "Could not connect to lockdownd, error code -3. Exiting.Starting ios_webkit_debug_proxy at port 27753 on device " while launching the mobile web safari in iOS? solution: issue: Hello All I am getting Acessdenid message is getting for activity any one can help me What I do for acess denied issues in my real device solution: issue: Any one tried for iOS 13 beta 2 please let me know TouchAction(driver).press Try with these lots of methods are present like with co-ordinate and with Element solution: issue: is macbook air is enough for ios development as i am having an iphone 7 too for testing ?? please help solution: but i heard that for large projects macbook air is not enough with 8 gb of ram. issue: Hi, please help me in resolving this issue. I am using appium version 1.14.0 beta, Xpath is correct but getting "selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters" solution: issue: Are normal WebdriverIO logs enough, or should I run with verbose or debug or so? solution: issue: You can run 3 emulators with 8 gb of ram but I dont think you can have much more. 4 tops and the performance will be bad. solution: issue: Hi, I'm using appium for windows desktop automation and my windows driver keep saying it's "null". I'm using Junit. Does anyone know how I can resolve this error? Hey Guys,I can't seem to use "sendKeys"for my desktop application. I'm using the winapp driver with appium. The error I get is: Unable to locate search parameters. Any thoughts on this anyone? solution: issue: Hi Guys i am unable to connect to the appium studio in office metwork any idea what could resolve this ? solution: issue: Hi Guys, I have a problem with run appium/android emulator - this is error I am getting "[UiAutomator2]^[[39m Did not get confirmation UiAutomator2 deleteSession worked; Error was: UnknownError: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Trying to proxy a session command without session id" - is there any community I can write thread? solution: issue: ayosuva: if you say support ticket, do you mean issue in github? solution: issue: I managed to run iOS tests after installing appium beta 'npm install -gappium@beta' iOS13 some tests are failing though, I'm still investigating the cause I have similar issues also switching to from native view to webview doesn't seem to be working selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: No targets found, unable to communicate with device this is the error I get seems like is switching to webview but I cannot inspect anything [<-CODE->] this used to work for months, I'll try to debug it solution: issue: razvanu_twitter: I did same But 90% of my test cases fail traying to click on a button so they never log in solution: issue: Finally I've launch Appium, but unfortunately, always get error "unable to locate element..." using any selectors, when activate Python script. Tap by coordinates works, then trouble not in configuration. Please help me. solution: issue: marcio-cordeiro: : Maybe the element is not clickable solution: issue: Hello, i have appium 1.13 and when it's trying to install an Android apk its returning an error: can't read apk or can't parse apk, this is bcz its running command: adb shell pm install; am facing the same error when executing this command from command line, but "adb install" without "shell" is working.... any ideas? Cz appium insists on installing with the shell command I've beem struggling all day with that solution: issue: anyone knows if it's possible to send a key down event for on the main window. My current app i'm testing if I press the "F" letter will pop another window. But currently I'm not able to reproduce this. solution: issue: Anyone facing this issue while executing parallelly tests for Android:Original error: Could not proxy command to remote server. Original error: Error: socket hang up solution: issue: Hi,I'm using python. Is there a way to copy and paste text and Unicode from appium?send_keys only allows numbers. solution: I recently discovered that the WDA project was archived and now Facebook is using IDB. Which project is best to use to starting with Appium?. issue: sitansu_kar007_twitter: I believe you can use any 10.0 and up solution: issue: Hi guys, was hoping I could get some help here. Have been trying to get appium to scroll to an element I have in our iOS app. It needs to work for Android though too [<-CODE->] This works great for me. But it will only work on iOS AFAIK. I tried using TouchAction and ActionChaining, but every-time I execute with .perform(), everything dies and I get exceptions An example: [<-CODE->] The code that went with it [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Hello guys,I am facing issue in automating iOS using appium studio@iOSXCUITFindByAnnotations is not working but the same code is working when I am using driver.findElement(By.xpath).Can any one please help me. I am not able to locate the element. Get title is not working using appium,I am getting below error.getTitle' on the IOS platform is not implementedHow can I resolve this issue? solution: issue: Hi there, has anyone run into any issues with the iOS simulator timing out on a fresh test run?We're running on mojave and about 10% of the time we see a tcp timeout error. It typically resolves when we retry the test run this is the error we see Failure/Error: (io =@io.to_io).wait_readable(@read_timeout) or raise [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Hello! I was facing an issue yesterday only when I run the tests in android locally. The tests are running in pipeline with the same setup. The issue is: [<-CODE->] I don't use appium desktop. My wdio.shared.conf.js is [<-CODE->] and the setup for android local is [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Hi all, when i run the command uiautomator i get the following errorException in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load SWT library solution: issue: Hello everyone. I used googlefirebase for android.But I can't fetch data from google firebase. Help me. [<-LINK->] [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hello, is there any way to start docker appium on ec2 ubuntu? I've been trying for couple days but virtual device doesn't start solution: issue: Hey Guys,I am facing an issue with Appium 1.14 & 1.13 , I am using Mac catilana and xcode version 11 . the problem i have is, the appium desktop is getting stuck while starting the session, though it does launch the app but in inspector, it just shows "Gathering initial app source…" any idea ? wswebcreation: Thank you . Will try solution: issue: Hello, guys! I'm experiencing some problem with setting value into the picker wheel after updating to Xcode11. I'm trying to sendKeys in XCUIElementTypePickerWheel element. Before Xcode 11 it worked, but for now it doesn't. Could someone help? solution: issue: Hi there, any issues with xcode 11 and appium 1.13 solution: issue: You need to be on Appium 1.15 if you want to use XCODE 11 No, it's currently not supported @trololzenYes, check google on Appium over wifi and you will find multiple articles, like this one don't have experience with it solution: issue: I know, but maybe someone found a simple solution. Backdoor really does not want to use ( solution: issue: Hello, guys! I'm experiencing some problem with setting value into the picker wheel after updating to Xcode11. I'm trying to sendKeys in XCUIElementTypePickerWheel element. Before Xcode 11 it worked, but for now it doesn't. Could someone help?Also have problems with sendKeys and XCUIElementTypeTextView element.Trying to find why sendKeys works for some elements and doesn't work for otherI use Appium 1.15.0 and Xcode 11.0 solution: issue: Can somebody tell me please: can I run my Appium tests on Android device without connected it to PC? solution: issue: nrakshe: Can you make sure that the keyboard is visible? Also check this [<-ISSUE->] . solution: issue: hi@all touch action is not yet working in appium ios am using the java client 7.0 jar channel: anyone can help pls @/all @/all solution: issue: how to run Appium real iOS device/ emulator tests on Linux? I know the XCUItest driver has to be build in XCODE. is there any workaround to do this ? I need this for my CI jobs using Jenkins solution: sdet_brazil_twitter: you have to build it in order to run tests on real device. There is no need for simulator. issue: How to get device size in Appium Java-client 7.1.0 . driver.manage.window.getsize is not available ???? solution: issue: Guys, Is required to build webdriveragent only to run the tests on ios simulator? solution: issue: wswebcreation: the scroll function too doesnt work on appium 15 . solution: issue: sdet_brazil_twitter: just fyi , 1.15.0 V has some issues, better to go with 1.13 or 1.14V solution: issue: Hi Looks like right time to ask this question. I install appium and all required things, but I am not seeing WebDriverAgent folder under /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver but it's not creating WebDriverAgent can someone help me in this pls any pointer? solution: issue: Had Had the same issues as@drawat71. sendkeys() was not working for Android on Appium 1.15. Rolled back the version to 1.13. solution: issue: XCODE 11.1 and Appium 1.15.0 stable Nope solution: issue: hi i have xcode 11.1 and running appium but getting error appium simulator device not starting solution: issue: Hi AllsendKeys on iOS element of type XCUIElementTypeTextView is not working properly for me.It starts with typing characters 1 by 1(Previously used to be grouped & fast) and then stop with NoSuchSessionExcpetion.Note : XCUIElementTypeTextField : it works fine ?Is it working for you guys on Xcode11.0 and Appium 1.15.0Any Guide ? solution: issue: Does anyone know any tricks to select picker wheel values on ios 13?set_valuedoes not work,send_keysdoes not work... solution: issue: [<-LINK->] I can't open appium desktop on macOS Catalina 10.15 [<-LINK->] I can't run WebDriveragent on xcode solution: issue: Anyone come across read timeout issues with appium?Failure/Error: solution: issue: Hi has anyone had success with running deeplinks for ios devices? I hear people saying it should work but I cant seem to manage you can using selenium grid solution: issue: Hey guys is possible to run Appium remotely without me connecting android device to the server that has appium installed ? solution: issue: anyone using ruby with appium? solution: issue: Nikhilc11576877_twitter: send me the error message solution: issue: Hi all is there anyone here who managed to run appium on ios 13 ? solution: issue: I have the same Problem with Android 9 and could not find any solution on web :( solution: issue: pradeep89346635_twitter: Send me the error message solution: issue: Hello ;)I have a following problem:Android programmers created GridView in some point in application, this grid is automatically filled with items downloaded from backend via endpoint, depends on language. So it almost never be the same if I change language, but I am trying to make my tests generic (not working now).Is there any way to identify exact items in GridView? that is dynamic and can change?I will appreciate any help! solution: issue: ErrorCould not connect to server; are you sure it's running? when i m running ios simulated device anytime i start the session i get an error ErrorCould not connect to server; are you sure it's running? "platformName": "iOS","platformVersion": "12.4","deviceName": "iPhone Xs","noReset": "true","connectHardwareKeyboard": "true","autoAcceptAlerts": "true"} solution: issue: anyone been facing issues with appium version 1.15 using ios solution: issue: HelloAny ideas ?:)I see that methodbrowser.setWindowSizefor mobile devices is not implemented. What can I use instead?webdriver: Request failed due to Error: Method is not implemented What can be used instead? solution: issue: Hi, we are automating a hybrid App with Appium. Currently, we are working on Android. According to Appium's doc, we need set the context to WebView's context before accessing WebView elements. But we found, even we don't changing to WebView context, we can still get the WebView elements and operate the elements in the native way (Appium Inspector also works fine in native way). So wants to know, why it works? Does Appium already support hybrid app without switching contexts? We haven't started on iOS so don't know if this way still works on iOS. We are afraid, someday this way doesn't work and we have to update our codes. Want to get some confirmation about this. solution: issue: Hi allI am keep seeing below shown issue when I am trying to run my test : [<-CODE->] Here is my shared config: [<-CODE->] this is my app specific config : [<-CODE->] I have defined the capabilities, even though it is complaining about it:Missing capabilities, exiting with failure solution: issue: This problem is already solved solution: issue: Try to reduce the range of your swipe up function , I observed the same behaviour and believed the problem is with the screen range. Due to camera block. This workaround worked for me solution: issue: Appium WinAppDriver - how to add App Arguments? AppiumOptions AddAdditionalCapabity("appArguments",""); does not work. For the love of God, how do you pass in Application Arguments in Appium WinAppDriver - using AppiumOptions and passing in "appArguments" as additional capability doesn't work. I am at wits end since Microsoft's WinAppDriver is dead in the water as Appium took over. solution: issue: [<-LINK->] Hi ! I'm running into TouchAction deprecation issues , can someone please help suggest a workaround? point (int , int) in pointAction cannot be applied to org.openqa.selenium.point --- I'm getting this error solution: issue: Hello, This is first message to you. I wanted to about the below issue. I can not run the device because this error message is showing [<-LINK->] [<-LINK->] solution: issue: hi everyon! i am facing the below error while executing testcases on browserstack with webdriverio : i guess its related to appium - Appium error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not proxy. Proxy error: Could not proxy command to remote server. Original error: 404 - "unknown command: session/86db166ee6f82e4d7be7df3d96adf904/screenshot/0.8894502733201757-2" this is occuring when i take screenshot () by webdriverio solution: issue: Hi All,i am facing one issue. Our developers using recycled items in our project.Appium shows xpath only for this fields. If i have 10 fields, The first screen dispalys xpath as \hieracy......linearlayout[1],, linearlayout[2],, linearlayout[3]. If i scroll up, It displays again same xpath for new fields. Can anyone help me for this solution solution: issue: [<-LINK->] Guys, Can someone help me in resolving this error solution: issue: Hi all,Have you tried to write a server to connect Appium server?Because I try to write a server to listen other program's command -> parsing it -> transfer my code to Appium server solution: issue: Abuthah74042755_twitter: Am facing the similar issue, tried upgrading node js, upgrading android studio and sdk. Nothing seems to work. solution: issue: Hey guys, I was working on automation and I updated to xcode 11 and using iphone 11 - iOS13. For some reason automation can't even sendkeys to a textbox anymore. But it can bypass the first pop-up that I need to click on. Anyone have any advice? nvm figured it out its because iphone 11 has different access ids. solution: issue: Hi, I am getting chrome Not reachable when I am doing context switch and resetapp sven14_gitlab: pass 'recreateChromeDriverSessions' capability as true solution: issue: Hi, can someone explain me, is there way to use PageFactory when I write tests on C#?On Java there is: PageFactory.initElements(new AppiumFieldDecorator(driver), this);but on C# AppiumFieldDecorator is not recognized solution: issue: Hi, we are trying to use Appium with Espresso driver, but the session could not be started successfully. There is an error in Appium server log: [<-CODE->] And there are some other messages seem to be realted before this error message: [<-CODE->] Could any one give some help on how to resolve this? Is there any requirement for the app to be tested with Espresso driver? solution: issue: [<-LINK->] import org.openqa.selenium.KeysI am trying to import the above for pycharm but it doesn't recognize it solution: issue: Hello,I need help,I test case open webview in app android.but show error has used appium webdriverIO. help me solution: issue: sven14_gitlab: : run this when starting appium... "appium --allow-insecure chromedriver_autodownload" bobbyislam: [<-LINK->] solution: issue: Hello! Does anyone have encountered this error while running tests: "Unable to remove port forward 'Error executing adbExec. Original error: ‘Command Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb -P 5037 -s 83e54f3051575844 forward --remove tcp\:8200' exited with code 1'; Stderr: 'error: listener 'tcp:8200' not found'; Code: '1’'I’m using appium 1.15.1, node v10.15.3, npm 6.13.2This always happens to me when tests are finished executing. Thanks for the help! solution: issue: Ios simulator is taking long time to load URL first time in saucelabs . Any idea how to solve this issue or make sure page is loaded and then execute rest steps solution: issue: Hi Every one , am unable to clear the text field value in iOS realdevices.Not getting any issues while use the clear() command but the value also no cleared. Appium Vesrion -1.15 Xcode version 11.2 Appium java client -7.3.0 Could any one please help solution: issue: has anyone ever run into an issue with calling browser.getWindowHandles() throwing 'command not supported' error?Im testing using android 9 device via browserstack with appium version 1.15.0 solution: issue: Hi , any one can help me, i am facing below issueAn unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: App with bundle identifier '' unknownUsing below software versionAppium Version 1.15.1XCode Version 11.1OS Version Mojave 10.14.6iPHOne simulator 13.1 HemanathanGama: i have cross checked , i have used the correct bundle id, because old version app is working , could you please provide another clueThanks for responding my request issue solution: issue: HelloAnyone have any idea about Katalon Mobile automationBecause I am facing some issues with this solution: issue: I'm callingdriver.getContexts()but sometime it throws onlyNATIVE_APPcontextThat's why I can't switch toWEBVIEWon my hybrid app.Have any one can give me some ideas why there is onlyNATIVE_APPcontext thrown? solution: issue: daipn1859: we had a similar problem, in the end, we can see webview context only if the app is installed through the android studio on a real device, not with the playstore... solution: issue: sven14_gitlab: my issue cause I'm using getContexts() before WEBVIEW is displayedI resolve this problem my waitUntil command of wdio v5 solution: issue: Hi, guys. Tell me how to use appium on ios to find the shadow element. This issue says that in version 1.16 this was fixed by [<-ISSUE->] , but it doesn’t work for me. Can you confirm that this problem is really resolved? I use java solution: issue: Hello, guys Does anyone faced any issues running Appium with iOS 13.3 I am getting this error Error Domain=XCTDaemonErrorDomain Code=11 "No AXElement found at {160 284}: I checked with Appium and they are saying it is an Apple issue I did not see this error in 13.2.3 solution: issue: Hello All , i can't run Appium desktop app "The application “” can’t be opened." on MAc OS Catalina 10.15.1 solution: issue: I'm getting 'Original error: invalid argument: cannot parse capability: goog:chromeOptions' when trying to switch context to hybrid app, why is this happening? after that I can't do anything... solution: issue: Hi guys. Please help to suggest any solution to find svg element that embedded in webview ? I tried xpath like //*[name()='svg'], but it does not work. [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] solution: issue: does appium work for Ubuntu OS solution: issue: Hey has anyone encountered an issue in real-device testing on iOS - Appium spins up safari and navs to the correct url for testing, but then does nothing. No errors in test logs or Appium log, just seems like its failing to actually run my webdriverio tests without logging any errors. iOS 13.3 solution: issue: Hello, i have a little problem.When i am trying to run tests via console apium, i have this error. [<-CODE->] When i am starting via Apium Desktop, everything is fine.My apium-doctor: [<-CODE->] solution: issue: hi , how to do mobile app testing for ionic 4 app i am facing some issue to launch app , plz suggest me any solution solution: issue: Any ideas on my issue? solution: issue: Hello, i have updated my appium to 1.16.0 . while running test suite, I am getting this error "[debug] [W3C] Encountered internal error running command: Error: The instrumentation process cannot be initialized. Make sure the application under test does not crash and investigate the logcat output. " does any body knows abt it? Thanks! toien44: hey were you able to fix this issue ? i am getting similar kind of issue solution: issue: Hi. I am getting this issue on appium ...An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: '13.1' does not exist in the list of simctl SDKs. No Simulator SDK versions are available on your system. Please install some via Xcode preferences.An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: '13.1' does not exist in the list of simctl SDKs. No Simulator SDK versions are available on your system. Please install some via Xcode preferences. give me solution if anyone have idea solution: issue: Can someone help me to run automation testsAppium 1.16.0appium java client 7.3.0Selenide 5.6.0Android 10 (Pixel)Chromedriver 79.0.39 [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] solution: issue: Hello, i need some help, regardingperformancelog type. This log type is only available in a web context ? I get the errorAn unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: No logs of type 'performance' found.Thank you! solution: issue: [<-CODE->] [<-CODE->] Any ideas what I am missing? [<-CODE->] solution: issue: presidenten: I am facing same issue solution: issue: I have been trying to run Appium programatically and its always showing connection refused error (Snapshot attached)Details:-- MACOS:Catalina and Appium version:1.16.0I have checked that no other session for Appium is running on my machine also appium can run fine when i start session from terminal via command belowappium --address --port 4723Appium desktop is also working fine, But need to start Appium service programatically as my framework needs it.To Debug I have tried to run on different ports and different Ips also but its still not working Please help if you have faced such issue. Connection Refused Error is coming everytime [<-LINK->] solution: issue: AbhijitPaithane: I solved it :-)Now we need to set organization and signing in the project located herenode_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragentinstead ofnode_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent solution: issue: Hi! Anyone else having issues withacceptAlert? It seems like it's not working properly solution: issue: Hi, when i tried to run my script in iOS13.3 simulator - app crashes on launch. It works fine in iOS 12.2. I have the latest appium version. Any help on this? solution: issue: ErrorAn unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not find 'adb.exe' in ["C:\android-sdk\tools\bin\platform-tools\adb.exe","C:\android-sdk\tools\bin\emulator\adb.exe","C:\android-sdk\tools\bin\tools\adb.exe","C:\android-sdk\tools\bin\tools\bin\adb.exe"]. Do you have Android Build Tools installed at 'C:\android-sdk\tools\bin'? why am i getting this error? instead of showing emulator no i installed it in appdata\local\android\sdk\ but its checking in this path no i set it as C:\Users\tst3\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk solution: issue: Error response status: 13, UnknownError - An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Selenium error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command.....plese help me out solution: issue: hello, i am using webdriverio with appium. I am switching between two apps i tried using two different simulators on different ports and tried using the same simulator(with same port) for different. but somehow after starting the environment it is not able to focus on the app. Do i need to use some launchApp function or somethingmy test cases seem to work with a browser and a app and i am able to switch between two. However does not work with two apps solution: issue: Can appium run in Linux with headless mode? How to achieve it ? Anyone can help me? Thank you solution: issue: hello, i am trying to use - driver.launchApp(); however i get an error launchApp is not a functionaccording to this tutorial [<-LINK->] i am trying to switch between two apps. but not finding a solution solution: issue: hi! I have an error Message: Class Initialization method AidaTest.ScenarioStart.ClassInitialize threw exception. System.InvalidOperationException: System.InvalidOperationException: Couldn't connect to remote machine. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Couldn't get process information from performance counter. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Access is denied.I have to run one .exe file private const string testAppId = @"D:\sw-platform\BuildResults\Deployment\OR1Desktop.exe"; Work with WinAppDriver solution: issue: How are starting the server? Also share your code snippet solution: issue: Hello everyone, can someone help me, can't accept Chrome permission on remote Android device [<-LINK->] I set in desired capabilities : autoGrantPermissions: true, noReset: false but still can't remove this pop up I'm using + appium, and run my tests on ChrossBrowserTesting platform solution: issue: Hey@Amrkamel1, I did that but for some reason it won't work . [<-CODE->] These ^^^^ are my capabilities :/ solution: issue: @Minja90can you try this"chromedriverArgs", "--allow-file-access-from-files" Minja90: anyway i have just noticed that you are running the test against chrome not native app, in this case autoGrantPermissions wont work as its working with the installed app (apk) on global level not with chrome driver.the one i have mentioned above should work with you solution: issue: hi, how can I resolve "Duplicate class org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver found in modules java-client-7.3.0.jar" in android studio solution: issue: I have a in app webview, when I inspect it in real device i just get one element for entire page, but inspecting same page in simulator allows me to inspect all the elements on that webview. What to do, because finally the tests have to run on real devices. and it does not identify the elements there. solution: issue: anyone know for Appium best selector method by speed? AccessbilityIds are ultrafast, as are ID's I haven't tried the others are they just as fast or does everything become like xpath brutally slow? solution: issue: Swift playgrounds with Xcode linked api solution: issue: Hi Can anyone help me in setting SauceLab with my local scripts Can anyone help me in setting SauceLab with my local scripts is there anyone online Can anyone help me in setting SauceLab with my local scripts solution: issue: mansiKulkarni39: try using press_keycode(27) common for capturing image solution: issue: Anyone facing Appium inspector "not finding element" issue on iOS 13.3 with Appium 1.15.1? For me It was working with iOS 12.X Xcode10.X Bt after updaing to Xcode13.3.1 and iOS 13.3, My appium inspector is failing to find out elements on a window!Can someone please help me with this! solution: issue: Hi@channel Is there any one here using appium + applitools scripting with python? solution: issue: Hi, How to write tests using Appium with nightwatch? solution: issue: Hi All. Can anyone help me with 1 thing. I am using appium with java. When I click on any drop down box, the drop down options are shown but when I try to locate the drop down element I can't click on it. Instead it is clicking on the element just behind the drop box menu. How to click on the element from the drop down ? solution: Paldren_twitter: I tried it with the coordinates also. But then also the same thing happens. It clicks on the button which is just behind the "new document" option.. issue: are you able to locate the dropdown? not the options solution: issue: Are you using XPath? solution: issue: Hey guys, I'm new in Appium, I'm facing issue when starting a session. When I try to run the native clock using the capabilities, I'm getting this:"Activity name '' used to start the app doesn't exist or cannot be launched! Make sure it exists and is a launchable activity"Can anyone help me? solution: